Attempted Suicide.?We have heard, hut - i .1! li. .1. e ii 1L..1 cannot say now rename uie imunnaiKui, mm ail elderly gentleman, living a few miles be'ow Greenville, well known to our citizens by the name of Cain Wells, attempted his own life bv shooting himself on Sunday last. It seems that he did not quite succeed, but it is 6up posed that it will be impossible f?r him to live, as much of his brain was shot away. The causes of this unfortunate suicide we have not sufficiently learned to positively state, but this much we would repeat of what we have heard : Hn Wosii nr ThnrvHuv nf Ijisf wppU hfi V" " VMHVVWJ X'. "V?j promised himself that unless it should rain upon his crops by Saturday he would kill himself, and it not having rained, it appears that he endeavored to put his awful threat into.execution. We sincerely trust that this report is untrue, but if it be, it should prove a dreadful warning never to tempt the Almighty in the dispensations of his Providence. ; ? Greenville Enterprise. The editor of the New YorkJEvening Posthas seen the very beautiful gold..chronometer given by the working men'of New England to Captain Ixgraham, in appreciation of his noble conduct in the Ivo>zta a Hair. The chronometer has bedn brought over in the,Atlantic by (iichard H. Win-low* e-q., of New York, who ba-? been entrusted with it ftuuts delivery to our government, which is to't^tlie medium of eoiiimunication with Capt. Ingrahum. The clnouoineter is accompanied l?v the ^piress engraved on vellum, and handsomely framed. - A Dangkkous Fkat.?Some tinfc since the point of the lightning rod on the steeple of the First Congregational Church in New London, o c* ' got unscrewed and fell to the ground. It was such a dangerous piece of work to, replace.-it that the committee were unwilling to employ any one to perform tlie task. A Mr. De Wolf, however, volunteered to make the attempt, which-^hw committee permitted aftew some hesitation, having promised him a handsome sum if he succeeded lie tf/cf succeed, accomplishing the task without any apparent coo sciousness of having done any thing extraordinary. s The New London Chronicle says the point to which he ascended is very near two hundred feet, and for the last fifty feet he had to climb up a stone surface, with nothing to hold on to but a small iron rod; and when he reached the ball he was still some dozen feet from the end.of his journey. This distance he had to shin up a single rod, a labor which hi found so fatiiruiiur that he hei-ame exhausted. _ -- o- , ? mid was obliged to return and seat himself on the ball and recover breath. This he soon did, mid fearlessly resumed his travels towards the ? h?tid<. where lie accomplished his object, and aim- down as we have already slated. Scakcity of Food in the..Interior of .Mississippi.?The Aberdeen Conservative says that fh-ur is selling in that town at -SG.00 per 'hundred pounds?groceries of every description ore very scarce and7 very ?high, causing many of tlhe poorer families in the community . t'< sutler for the want of them. This state of things, we presume is owing to the early closing of iiiivig?ti"u on the Bigbee.* The Conserva-. iiiLtl. 11 lt'1 i ii> all, but it is stlppOsed that he must have had .t concealed about his pet son when lodged, and it escaped the scauh which was then made. It is pro liable he could have-freed -himself of-hi> prison at any time after his coiitihenicht aiid was only waiting for a good opportunity, which offered on Monday night. Stonier Banner 19th. Hon. Jott\ .McQueen.? We clip the fob owing from the Marion: Star: " The greater part* of our readers will, we have no d-.ubt, be plrasffd to see in to-day's jtaper the formal announcement of Geii. .McQueen as a candid ite lor re election to Congress. To'his*own con^liiiienis his services have been so ablv, faitlifu ly and successfully rendered, as to merit and secure their confidence. f? fact none of his predecessors have done as much. We way instance the passage of the hill "ranting time to the Wilmington -and Manchester Railroad to pay the duties on the iron imported for laying the road, tbe^con tract- for tlio nai ment of it in mail service: thus securing the transmission < ?f I he ureal northern mail on this mute, which measure owed its success mainly to the exeitions of Gen. McQueen, the number of new post routes, and post offices he has been successful in establishing throughout the Congressional district, thus accommodating a laige number of his constituents .with/greater mail facilities.? To add to these the estimable qualities of Gen. McQueen, as a high toned gentleman, ami his business capacity, have earned for him a high reputation, both at Washington and throughout the State. A reputation founded on so sojid a bisis, which is capable of making General McQueen generally useful to the State, will not, wo are sure, be slightly estimated by his own immediate constituents." ^ ? Tiif. Gift Swindles.?We have been looking to see what would be the effect of the judicial decision against the Gift Humbugs on the authors and abettors of these lottery pro jects, and we are not,surprised to find that the brazen effrontery which first projected these ?. _ _ It -I ? L;1 J!... A swuiuies, is nor an noasneu, or uiscowageu, ui alarmed. They flaunt their flaming promises in the face of a credulous puldie as confidently a< ever, and th^sale of tickets goes on as actively as before. *These fellows understand the pumic, ana give them the credit they deserve for unbounded gullibility .; and while they pocket the dollars pirnred^jnto their treasury, are "getting ready/towitbcfftw- from the operation under the plea that they dare not violate the law against lotteries, or some other equally transparent get off. The people do love to be swindled ! There is no use in trying to open their eyes; they mean to go through with it. Hundreds of these Gift Schemes are receiving patronage in various parts of the country to an extent lha? ' ;* ; ? i ' few have any conception of. No matter if the courts have declared the Gilt enterprises to i?e lotteries; no matter if they are demoralizing *' - i -i* _ ; . 1. .. I j to the community; me nope 01 getting u,?, " house and lot," or even one of those " gold watches," outweighs all the teachings of mo rality and conscience. The greedy desire to get, by a lucky chance, some prize, is ifresistb hie; and cunning gamblers, who play with these silly minnows, as the* feel the nibble at their bait, laugh in their sleeves at the follv.-of their victims. People's Ort/anjm ... Mrs. Peter's Death.?Mrs. Thomas Peter, the only survivor, except one, of the lamiiy^of .Mrs. General Washington, died at her r'e>h dence in Georgetown, on Thursday. thejlSth. inst. Her funeral takes place this morning. Her remains, will be carried to. the family j burying-ground,'hear Seneca Mills, in M"bt > ginnery county,* Maryland. Wimhiuyton Un T ? WilAt f?uan'O" is Doing*for Us AAn mm-.; "sua I quant ity, of guano.' Iihs bt^en iii:i?Je u-t- .if ' ibis year hy.our farmers, ami ', the j>r?iftiise.,:it , present is that they-"vviH allr h^abniite(f during the present season, looks decidedly rich and cheering. We' have observed some fields where the guano gave out when half way doge, and the contrast between the guanoed and unguanoed pioductions of the 4is singularly ludieroiis. A> tlie loniie?/T^-t-o the latter sods a giant to a pigmy. \Vi; li-'.t# that the application has been siicees I'ul ivlc t er with-corn,' eottuti, wheat, oats,', gai.dye vegetables. Some entertain doii'ds.iii regaHl to its adaptedness to a dry. hot season. WV think theie is'good ground for sue : douiits. A .?.! 4t.i.?. ,i ,V nut, whii uie present piospt-iis every side, resulting directly f in t'i- -at stimulant, we lia've no fault to fiiul. lbly trust to see "the powers thru he'" some arrangement to aff-ud ihi* giro to the American people mi easier ami terms. This will do us more gobrl-.tluHi tbe iNebraska legislation ik Pacific Uail'o.rds. E'lgrfirld Advertiser. Who is tub Pathiot ??Not the nun *liiiinc thev would have said th t In men v ho h?v* d truth ti_di! on!" , il|.|u? * aim honesty, were the v-t koui "| j ?r.o we say. ? Projjfc 0>'{l(in A seiisilif" writer *Ui . thd to oe u w n.te's mind with a mm'- i t .: tool i|t io . mi lagouisni to roin . : s ii.f and I o i i pies that guide u? in tin .:d ??< of :i' , i. la trifle with i.he faenll e? v hieh ti e (heritor he given lis for a wiser aid In-njm Grunt I'lut Ijiini. uii'is L .mi i o-.i.i. in** n seed aii'l snufl'sliop, :iinl w n i g ck nm mentions lor the VI >11*11 ain t'oi:il\ 11 l-i. a; Wiii.-Aed, (Joiiiii-. ticnt. '* '= It is est minted n;i? .r. nKoi>;t>. CAMDEN PRICES CURREST! , BAGGING, per yard, 12L 10 13 BALE llOl'ii, pur poimd, 9 to .. BUTTER " is to 25 BEEF " 0 to s BACON, 9} to 12 COFFEE 12 10 14 CH KKSE ' to 2 ' COTTON, 7 t 9 CORN perbushel,....: 100 to 112 FLOUR,., .per barrel 01 to 8 FODDER per cwt. to 1 25 LARD per pound,.. 12$ to 14 MOLASSES,, per gallon 30 to 42 OATS,.. . .. .per bushel, 37 to 50 rrj.-vo io i uu SUGAII per pound, . G to 12 SAtT per sack to 11 fVieiufscf (,'??!. J. H. Kr.itstt \w bey leave to announce liiui as a audidaleYn'r Hop resent alive to the Legi>lature at tin- c:i niuj: election. We are authorized to annum.-.. oaj A. H. lioYKt> as a candidate for l'i?;e t ve to the L- yislature at the ete?uie?; |.r i >; Orangeburg Fciiiide Scmi,ia>: . Principal?Rev. L S K LKGARK 4 - a cqi .tnnt<_\f p v T ii a iip r?. Mr. L. B. GAYv ' / " Miss H. A. HAHR, . * / , " Miss A. B. FKXK. : ? J Vr. and Miss llahr will instruct in Music. FrJficli, Dancing, Painting,.rsli:t/\v District, j BY JOHN' It. JOY, KSyi'IKE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, Jesse Truesdel iip]|Iit-(l to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and ciedli's of Mrs. Nancy Truesdel. lato of tiio District aforeslud, deceased: Thcso arc therefore, to cite and {admonish all and singular, the kindred and reditors 0/ the said deceused. to be and appear before mo at /ur next Ordinary's Court for the said District to be lioldcn at Camden Court House on tiie 28th day of .July inst. to show cause, if any, why the said adniin/stratiou should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, t his fourteenth day of July, in the year of our Lore , one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four and ii 1 tlio seventy ninth year of American Inaepcndc nice. JOHN K. JOY, 0. K. D. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Mrs. Sarah "1 A. Miller, dee'd, are requested to settle up^ to i enable me to effect a settlement of the Estate, by tho first of January next. G. R. MILLER, /tdm'r. Flat Rock, July 21st, 1854. 30?tf. PROSPECTUS--' : 7 OP THE ? SOUTH-CAROLINA TEMPERANCE STANDARD. . rpHE undersigned would respectfully ^jounce to * X the friends of Temperance generally, tnat they in- tend to commence the publication of a Temperance' Paper about the 15th of June, provided a sufficient number of subscribers caD be obtained to warrant the ' undertaking. It will be priuted upon substantial paper ol Imperial 'size,-and contain twenty four columns of- matter. It will be denominated t e "South Carolina Temperance Standard," and will be published every-two weeks, at ? the price of One Dollar perannupi. Assoon as fifteen bundled subscribers are'obtaiued, we will publish ttr " weekly at-.the same price. - Our sole object is to advocate the cause of Temper- " ance. and particularly the Legislative Prohibition of the Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks and to prepare the l! masses of tlie people of our State for the enactment of such71 law by convincing them of its expediency and 1 necessity; - - - We will endeavor to make it a welcome visitor in .? every family; Nothing will be admitted into its columns of a worthless and iriimoral tendency. V A stiicl neutrality will be maintained on all sui jects of a political and religions sectarian character. No subscription will bo received lor less than one year, and in overv case the order must be accompanied by the money. * ' " v ? A limiieil number of advertisements w'.llbe inserted at the-usual rates. We would respectfully appeal to all friends of Tem- n peranee and .Morality to sustain us in our efforts to amel orate the condition of suffering humanity. "We iiope all persons, feeling an interest iu the success of this enterprise, will exert themselves in get- * ting subscriptions, and as soon thereafter as convenient send us their lists. Postmasters aic requested to 13 actus Agents. All communications intended for the paper must be postpaid, and addressed to the "South u Carolina Tempeiance Standard"." Lexington C: 11. S.0. . S. E. CAUlilixAN, L , j J. R. DUE A RE, . S. CO RLE Y, 11 -May I. 1854. Editors & Proprietors. Committed " ~i () the .Tail of Kershaw District, on 22d inst, a Ne- 0 v gro.bhy who says his name is General Hawkins, . and ti at e belongs to Jacob Kelly of Darlington, and at iI.::in. lie runaway was hired to Silus flollym n, o in:: a Dist. The owner i< requested to come ...i-wa.ii j.rove property, pay charges, and remove said (ioiiiai. * '11103. BASKIN, S. K. D. July 25 . 30 S't riff's Sile. ~~~ & ILL bo sold at public outeiy before the Court s House door iu Camden, on the 7th day of Autrltst next. I.viuir lirst Mondav in said month. oO.oOo a yds o* I In: ln-.-i ipialily of canvassing, levied on $5 the |i open> ot William Farrow, and to be sold to satisfy S a il la iii .'a vor of VV\ M. Watson, proprietor Camden 11 Hotel. . TflOS. BASK1N. S. K. D. July 2a 30 o ISBkD QUARTERS^ q MILFORD, 1 tl. J FLY, 1854. ? On ok it No. ?. .\ rJ^iiH (lei.oral Orders for Reviews dated 20th June I 1 are iicebv counternianded, so far as relates to a Reviews of the 5th ami Gtli Regiments of Cavalry. s The 5th Regiment of Cavalrv will parade for review and d:ill at Suntteiville. on I Imrsday. 7ih September, instead of at Camden 011 Tuesday. 5th September. 4 TIiA i'.tli 1? irSnunif nlTtiL'tilrt' will tviPnfli> nt UltlfW- 1 stocks "" the Charlotte railroad, on the same day heretofore ordered. Tuesday 29th August, instead of / at Yoiigucs, as designated in tho Ceneral Orders, 91 By order of the Commander-in-Chief, K. G. If. DUXOVANT,July A? 4t. Adjutant ,fc Insp'r.General. I.\ EQUITY?Kershaw. ' James B. Cureton and Mary, his wife, vs. B. Boykin Mcl'aa and Elizabeth, his wife, el al?Petition to con- , firm rule uf negroes and to make substitution. !T appearing to my satisfaction that B. Boykin Mc- Can and Elizabeth Mc 'an, two of the defendants to the above i'etitiou arc absent from and reside without the limbs of tins State, it is ordered on motion of Shan- | not;. Sol'r for Petitioners that they do plead, answer or demur to the above Petition within three months from the publication ot this order, in default whereof an or (lei- inn oiiofwuo will la* entered :i'r,iin?t. them. w. u. R. WOBK.VAN. C. H. K. D. Ci.ium'rs office July 3, 1854. (87.50) 23 S S:Xj YI TY~ Kershaw. Willia ,i 0 Nixon vs. Jesse Wessinger?Bill to foredo-s iiiort'j'wje of real estate. IX obedience 'o an order of the Court of Equity for tlie Slate ai.(I District aforesaid, in above stated case inade ! c tring dale June 12. 1354. I will offer fof i sale lielorc the Court House door in Camden, on the '-t Monday in ugust next. all those lots situated in the town ot Catndeu and known arid distinguished in the p an ol's. id town by tho Xos. 43. 4D, 50. 51 and 52, lying on Market and Ivftig streets, and lot No. 5, fronting on Broad street, lot No. 1C fronting on Church street, in said town. >/uig the premises lately occupi ed by the Dell, in above s'ated case.?Terms ('ash. W'.JS. 11. WORKMAN, C. IS. K. D. "t'oninrrs olliyp', July 8, 1854. 28 ] Ktirdtitw, in Equity. KlizabcHfi Stratford ) /* vs. > Bill for sale of land. Riclnnra Stratford, et. al. ) | 'lyippearing to tny satisfaction that Richard A. StratJjWbrd. George J. Stratford and John Stratford, three A tin- defeudauts to the above bill are absent from and A'-side beyond the limits of this Stale, it is ordered on iniif.tiii of Sltannoii, Sol'r for complainant, that tlieydo pl.-rni. answer or demur, tf It. L. Tweed, deceased, are hcrc1 by notified to render on oath and establish their . dcman-ls against said deceased belbre the undersigned on or the first dav of October next. W. Ii. It. WORKMAN, 0. E. K. D. 1 Comm'ts Office.-luue 22, 1854. [$5 5o] RANK AGENCY!!! * rpHE subscriber continues to act as agent in both of I the Banks of Camden. E. W. B0NN1SY. July II, 28 tf. ? MA&KED DOWN!! READY made Clothing and Hats also, Talmas, and Ladies" dress goods, will be sold at greatly re- f auceu prices ior tue ouiuucu 01 me m-umki hi. uiw - Old Corner." E. \V. BONNEY July 1), 28 tf WANTED to hire by the month a Cook and a woman or'girl to wait in the house and wash and i -on for a small family. Enquire at this office. June 18 tf 24 Notice. 1 ALL pers >ns having demands against the late Mrs. A. K. Lovet are requested to present them to the subscriber duly attested. W. J. McKAIN, Ex'r. June 13 24 1 SUPERIOR Bacon Sides just received at tho "Old ' Corner." E. W. BONNEY. July 11, 28 tt " - v - -atari* . Marked Down !!! ^ |r ADIES' Dre?s Goods \?J1 bo sold at. greatly toLJ ducod prices after tbis date at the;' Old Conidr. * * June 20,?tf. ; E. \V. BONNER HEADQUARTERS, ' MILFORD; JUNE 20," 1854. Order No. ?. ' - . 1"MIE following Regiments .will parade for review % and drill at sucli times and places as are herein idicatcil: , j The 39th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Don nick's, on Tuesd'ay.'the 25 th of July. i The 38th Regiment of Infant^* will parade at Jaipa, on Thursday, the 27th of July. The 10th Regiment of Cavalry will parade at ifar-. in'son Saturday tjie 29th of .July.. The 4?>th Regimentof Infantry will parade at Boyd's n Tuesday, tlic 1st of August.* ? The 41 sr. Regiment of Infantry will parade at Park's ? n Thursday, the 3d of-August.' | *_ "J lie 45t i Region nt of Inlantry will parade at the , Inmt Factory, on Saturday the 5th of August. < n The 35th Regiment ol Inlantry will parade at h Jiiionville, on Tuesday, tin* Stli of August. ^ j; The 9ih Regiment of Cavalry will parade at Glenn g firings, oil Thursday, the 1? tli ol' August. The36lh Regiment of Infantry will paiadosat?Timions', on Saturday, the 12th ot August . " The 37tli Regiment of Infantry will parade at Wil- 1 ins", on Tuesday, the 15th of August. The 34th Regiment of lpf.-iiitiy will parade ot Yorkille, on Thursday, the 17ih of August. ? The 4Ctli Regiment of Infantry will parade at libe- * ezcrville, on Saturday, the 19th of August. v The 2 st Regiment of Iufutilry will parade at Lan aster, on Tuesday, the 22d of August. The 27tli Regiment of Inf.intiy will parade at Rich lill, on Thursday, the 24lh of August. The 26tli egimeiit of Iufautrj* will parade at Ches?rville, on Saturday, the 26th'of August. Thotith Regiment of Cavalry will parade at Tongue's n Tuesday, the 20ilr of August. S The 24th Regiment of nlantry will parade at Bell's n Thursday, the 31st of August. The 25th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Winusoro', on Saturday,2d ofSeptemher. The 22th Regiment of infantry and the 5th Regi- / lent of Cavalry will parade at or near Camden, on 'uesday, the 5th ofSeptemher. f The 20th and 44th Regiments of Infantry will pa- j adeat Suinterville, on Thursday, the 7th of Septeuier. ?j Tho officers and non-cominissioried officers will as- ? emble on the day previous to the reviews of their everal reeriments for drill and instruction. * , Volunteer Companies will be thoroughly inspected, ? nd the books of Beat Companies will bo examined. t Generals of Division and Brigade will, with their ( tad's, attend the reviews of their respective com* lands. ' Generals of Brigade are tharged with the extension f this order Atds-de-Cump to the Commander-in-Chief are re lired to attend the reviews in their several Brigades; nd those not residing in the Brigades to be reviewed re invited to attend. t By order of the Commander-in-Chief: It. G. M. DL'XOVANT, s Adjuiant and Inspector General. i June 27. 26 tr s -4 LARGE supply of Strychnine. Just received by t\. May 9. " T. J. WO It KM AX & CO. Conic :i( ' [\/"K would inform the Ladies that the invoice of t t Ladies' Goods which lias been so long delayed, I rrived a lew days since, consisting of Ladies' Goat. Io. and Kid Boots, and Goat Ties?Misses light Mo. ' louts. Hips and Ti?-s?blk Kid and Mo. Slips and Ties, nd Chil s. Ancle Ties, to which their attention is re pectlullv invited WORKMAN &, CO. July 13 29 r*'tOR?N' SlIKLMJllS, u?-if-i-har|K'liiiii; Feed Cutters, o' (:? new nuiele.) also, Patent Cylinder and 'literlonicter Churns Meat Cutters and Sausage Stuffers. ilso, Hand Plows and Harrows I'm garden use. For tie at the "Old Corner" by E. \Yf. BONNEY. S|)(!i in Hti> fc'k Hxrtlware. r No. 273, King Street, (near the. Merchant's Hotel,) CHARLESTON, S. C. RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Planters anil oilieis t>i llieirontire netv and complete stock in Uracil if: every article in their line. Ail orders ironiiitlv attended to. A. Id'CK. I J. J. LUCAS, J March 7, 10 tf. -i JOHN W. STOY, 1 DBA I.Kit IN Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, NO..266 KING-STREET, (UXDKll TUB MASONIC HALL) CHARLESTON, S. C. WORMS! WORMS!! WORMS! !! DR. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE is Warranted to be tiic best, ihost safe and radical cure for WormsIt is npprowu and recommended by the Medical acuity in ever section where it has been introduced, u fact, where it. is known none other is used. Onoof our mos respected physicians in speaking of )r. McLane's Vermifuge says; ' Jts great superiority arises from the fact that vhilc it is more efficacious tliau any other Vermifuge t is perfectly safe. PK"Price 25 cents per bottle. Dr. iQcJLaiK!'!) Liver Pills BKINti compose) entirely of vegetable sub>tances is not only safe, but have been found by all who wive used them, as the best remedy for all all'ections if the Liver and Digestive organs. In fact, where hey are used Liver Complaint cannot exist. ?3^"*Price 25 cents per box. Tho above valuable preparations are for sale by nost of the Druggists, and are to be had wholesale ol u *\r nnui/\t 1. no r. in* vvinui u/ vvM Importers and Dealers in Drugs, Mediciues, Chemi:als, Perfumery &e. No 2D Hayne-street. Charleston,^. C. SOflsToF TEMPERAIVCETWATEREE DIVISION NO. 9. rllK regular meeting of tliis Division will be held on Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. By ordorof the W. P. J. T. BALLARD, R. S. TO ROT. 1"M1H House and Lot belonging to Capt. Peter Warren, situated near the Camden Hotel, ar it win be sold a barga n if applied for soon.? j ?or particulars apply at this office. Juno 20. HAMS. ON Consignment, a lot of fine country cured Hams for family use?also North Carolina Hams and Sides, for sale low at tho "Old Corner." by. E. W. BONNET. May 30 22 Pills nentirely Vr^rliilile, itr&. ? ^ ' - :?" ? i.--y n faint'. C.'rllr <;. ? tr. t)? :tireue/s. L or J lluijfliec, Sis'- ll'tnhtrhr. ,Vi -S./.' /?'? '"? 'Vffrjf 4h?lbVh-ft ois oj'-.tflpetiU) ObstiZKtfil UltVt}' i-i/<'! t-r ri niHir* f 'ii*'- z'. .-\?f ' ' * mThey purify I lie liliiticl. rniiiOtzo^ f j Ion, rcfclore-the Xiiyer, l?irtiieyv/:wirt ol'si-r &V* , rctory Or^uhs, to n hcnlriiy utiioWj ^ nil us iin Aiiti-Uili -ns Family ijc.iu'iui" ihytviini oi no eifdar <. rice 'J5 ceuw per hox, ; '.-VrjiiiV" ' ' <- *. * 3 I remedy for Cmnjhsi OJilt, Ciil'lrit. UroKeSitis, <'h.-rpiny Cntyh, jlffhiaa. Consi'.ntjttiim. X'.rr.-iu l)i":!es. D' < * ? tin-nets, Krysij^los; Disease n1\>lir J fear'. fi/ntm mntioir'inil-1' -it 'S in the.Ch'st. liaci: ami Sate, rani nU.di.-i-.iser | rvuijfd stHie}of the S'L-rnrh, \-.iit] / < relieve the*Tiif> est'tj^i'ivtTqj, S ifceliny/rnm fatino ton In n-ty fend. iti/t--aJ.- tnnl v t.^znlic'Chiw. j WATC3ANTED TO BE PURELY VEGETABLE-. fl Tlio-e.Tills hoi>< an KxpprtiirtintyMijiJc.-nii.l Aj'eii/jit.-*0?;cM v.rat ton,. T< o n v iy??? M,l( y hlc^m, iinrf'Ctciiv-l,!ir li .int nitii'aibei Scf re" ' ary O.r&uos, of till m'oi bid mitt to. ravioli' nvf'tf'-)^ "i nt niiotiier ruiifisly iy'thi; ? :. !? Materia ,'h lira- nY-VMr^ft t iiiiiiftiiij: cu'-li he:rii:r i rnprrtiew 'o H.o l.sst- : j.tnl V*t:-T <].,' ' nn.?as tlinsB I'IIIh. Tlicy Ciirc CiotiyeneifiTttiiilrie? ' i ^ooll-'|iio I'il!-' atl>l '.'e! th" /nt, ' Um-ninr n:'.\7l*^'ivhi^ :?nfVaMtt''* r?l Hst!,*t1rMVe?v?t:n*?l I'll!* ii vior *.?*v it': * _ Swry T description'of goods for ladies' dresses, all of 'the--' ,^-E newest styles.,. ' ; ' . Bonnets, of ujl.aesciiptions . Ribbons, plain or?d tigured,'suitable for the season, and of the most fashionable style " V"' Veils, Needle-worked Chemisettes, Collars, Under^.-.-*M sleeves, Mantilla.^ Gloves, &Q. kc. *' '' t Hosiery in every variety, for ladies and gentlemen, uenuemen s wearing^tj'parci,. aucu ua ^uuie, v caia, , .-t&Jt Pauls, Shirts, Cravats,'Ac ' " . ; ' Ilats, Cups, Shoes, Boots, &c. AI.Su. - 'A great variety of articles in the S^cldlsry line.^ ' *; Umbrellas, Parasols. Buggy UroWlias," 4c. * _- ' f** An .assortment of Crockery 'and. Glassware, Hard,: ? * ware and Cutlery * Our stock of GROCERIES and PROVJSIONSia large and complete.' .f - . ... ^SELLING AT CHARLESTON PRICES. "* Thanking the public for past favors, they promise "J to use every endeavor to merit continued confidence " and favor. M. DRUCKER J: CO. > May 11. 19 ' tf J9L. ' .A THE undersigned would hereby- inform the ciHzcns , of Camden and the surrounding.,country, that he * -; has opened an establishment as a * * GLOCK AND WATCH-MAKER, ' in this place, in the house" formerly .occupied by Mr. James Wilson, Merchant, and opposite Mr. S^cDoyr-. ' ^ all's store, where ho proposes to give satisfuction.'to * " all. those who niay.thiijk proper?t& favor ..him willi" tlicir patronage in .his profession.- ' C3?"*A11 work iu his line will bc-ilono with" neatness and dispatch, aud at liio "shortest notice! CHARLES J-OFEXSCHEX. ' ? May 11. . - -19 /- if . RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! ! THE HIGHEST- PItieirGIVEW. r|",HE subscribers are paying the highest price for ' JL good COTTON and ClNEN^RAGS. Persons . ; having them for sale, will find it to their advantage to address, ^VALICEU. M'ILLIMAN,& CO.'i "r Paper'Ci'nimission Merclinnts.'Charleston. S. C.^, Agents of the South Carolina Paper Manu ' * fuctuiing Company. {f * May 9, 19 v. 3n>y' I\o> tii-Carolitiii Flour. AL a ROE lot of SuperfineNorlli Carolina Flour, m '' 100 lbs. "bags by - Af OORE & KUYKENDAL. . Alarcli-IG v - 'v.. 12 . , Dofaiestic Goods. * 1")LEACIIED and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, -jgu ) l'laids and Stripe?,.' for servants, Cotton Cusai-. meres,* Deuiuis and Check's, Bed'Tick liaw District. IX THE COMMON PLEAS rjPHK Defendants Win. M. \futson. and Wiley AlI bert, who arc iu the custom oftlie Sheriff of Kershaw District, bj* vinue of a Writ ol Capias Ad SatisCicicnduru, at the suit dT Henry Pate; having filed in my office, together w ith a schedule on oath, of their whole estaie und edict , their petition to the Cflnrt of Common PfSas. praying that tliey may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of thTCeneral Assembly, made for the relief bf insolvent debtors. It is therelorc ordered, that the said Henry Pate, and all other the creditors to whom the said Wrn. M. Watson and Wiley Albeit arein anywise indebted, be,and they me hereby smpmotiod, and have notice, to appear bciore the said Court at Camden on Monday the 29th day of October MAvf to show cmnso if nnv thee can. win' the nraror of tlio petition aforesaid should noi ho granted MORHAU XAUDIN. C. C P. Clerks Office. Kershaw District, ) July 11, 1854. ) 29?m3m. IVolico. DC. TRYQN will act as my agont during my ab sonee from the State. K. TRYOX. I . '.r v A - *