? II ! I Win ft I I I Will??? delivering one of the most humorous speeches I ever listened tt?. He kept the audience in e, the property of Mr. F. M.Spurrier, that had been placed under the training of Mr. Rav enel's ostler, by some accident, resulting as we ate informed, from Ids having been very tightly reined up, was precipitated in the well to the depth of about 60 leet. The noble aniinal lingered about four hours after the fall be tore it expired. In the attempt to pull him out it was necessary tbat some one should go down into the well and fasten the rope to him. To this task the ostler himself volunteeiedB He had scarcely reached .he bottom, however, be fore he was deprived of the power of respira tiou, and was pulled up in an insensible state. Fortunate)} Ibr him his legs became securel} entangled in the ropes, or he would have fallen down to the bottom, and must necessarily have died, either from the fall, or from the pois onous atmosphere. We have not the least doubt but that the atoiospneric impurity was caused by the ox\gen in it having been consumed by the horse?an animal ofsuthcicui f'o *a nAiiciitiio in u thrift tirnti tha nrnhitftv IV vvncuMir ? u ouua ? MIHV ?IIV J/I i.|.v- ?j (oxygen) in tin- atmosphere of that space capa Me of suppoiting life, and generating in it., siead that most deadly poi,?.n.carbonic acid g-o. "This fact will >uggesl the great danger of going down into a pit or weil of that depth, in- ( to which any animal may have fallen, tor the confined air atter being hreatlied by it would : Ihj converted into destructive gas. Whether < the impurity existed in the well hefure the horse I ell in, or was produced us we have suggested it is singular, and worthy of notice, and although a much larger animal, and requiring a greater amount of air to support animal life the horse survived in it three or four hours, when but a minute's presence interrupted re>piration, and came very near producing death to a man." Death op Thomas Ritchie, Esq.-The. announcement, in our telegraphic column, of itufiib nf rbi? vfti?r>in of the. nress. although . ? not unexpected, will excite general and profound regret. Few of the snen now in active duty on the stage of public life can recur to a period when he was not influetitially connected with the political press of the country. As to the merits and value of the services he rendered and the influence lie exerted throughout hi* long and active career, opinions will differ of course according t?? the bias of party. None however, can withhold the tribute due to such * career illustrated as it was with the exhibition of many virtues, and the Journalism of oureouutry will lay a mournful offering on the toinb of one who had long stood forth confessedly among its ablest champions. Charleston Courier 4th inst. ? DIED?On the 28lli June, at his residence atflobJurk Hill, near Camden, JOHN CANTEY, e.-q.Ju the 6t?tli year of his age. * Jr Few men have occupied a more useful oljice in the circle of their acquaintances?or a warme^one iu the affection of their friends. * g The descendant of a heroic ancestry, $s character partook much of the ehivalric tone which the incidents of the Revolution, and the almost coteroporaueoushistgry of that eventful struggle, were calculated to impart to it Brave almost to a fault, his resentments were nevertheless as placable as they were impetuous. Ardent in his temperament, sincere in his friendships, inflexible in his principles, and enthusiastic in his patriotism?he united to the virtues of the Roman char acter, ail those gentle affections which so sweetly cluster around the domestic circle. His early aspirations were for the Military Profession?and few, perhaps, possessed higher qualifications to adorn or to elevate it. In the war of 1812. he was appointed by the Legislature to a Majority in the State Brigade, which was directed to be organized for her defence against a then threatened invasion. In the civic walks of life he exercised the influence of a useful citizen, an active mind, and an energetic character.? Asa member of the late State Convention?as the presiding officer, and active participant ol many of the pub lie meetings ot tiie LMstnci?ana as a mrecior or tne Brancli Brink of the State, at Camden, he enjoyed and merited the confidence which his fellow-citizens liberally conferred on him. In dome-tic life, the gentle traits of his nature were < no less conspicuous. The tender husband?the kind father-rthe benevolent master?and the sympathising j friend?were all happily blended with the sterner elements of his brave, upright, and heroic character. i The religious convictions of his later years were embraced with guilelessness, earnestness, and sincerity i Under its influence, passion was subdued into fortitude ?enthusiasm into devotion?and the characteristics of the militant into those of the martyr. Nothing but a < Christian's faith c uld have regulated a life so changed in its tenor and aspirations?and nothing but a Chris- i tian's hope oould Rustain a mortal spirit, so meeklv and yet so t iumphantly. in its struggles with the pangs and terrors of death. Ilis faults (whatever tbey may have been,) were but | the inevitable frailties of humanity; and none can turn from the contemplation of his far more numerous virtues to exaggerate, or remember them ia unkindnesa A strong man has once more fallen in death's incessant confliotjrttn humanity. A brave, a noble and generous R^art has ceased to beat among us. Peace be to his ashes?honor to his memory?and all the ' ((lories of the Realm to which be has gone* rest upon bis gallant spirit Blue Ridge R. R. Companjt in So. ('a.? At the an nul meeting of the S'ockholders of J the Blue Ridge Railroad Company in Sou h Carolina, he'd on Tuesday, July II. 1854, the . following gentlemen were elected Directorsli.r J the ensuing year: t H. Gourdin, Hon. T. L. Hutchinson, H t VV. Conner, C. T. Lowndes, Geo. A. Tren- n holm, W. C. Dukes, Robert Adger, T. L. ^ Wragg, C. M. Furnian. Charleston* and Savannah Railroad.? At a meeting of the stockholders of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad Company ^ on Wednesday last, the following officers were elected: President.?Thomas F. Drayton. Directors. ?T. L. Hutchinson, Mayor, Win, c Kiikwood, W. B. Hodgson, L. T. Poller, * Otis Mills, J. B. Campbell, Ed. Frost, J. Brad- t ley, N. Hey ward, W. F. Colcock, C. G. Mem- t minger, Daniel Hey ward. Payments < Of Subscription to the Camden Journal. W. Keitt, Sr., to 13 July, 1855. John T. Dunkin, 1 Jan. " J. H. Carlisle, 1 July, 1854. Dr. J. 11. Dogan, 11 " , S. S. McCully, 1 " Taylor Division, 1 " ' G. W. M. Yarborough, 1 May 1855. 1 issstr It. R. It. ( 1,r? "D O.!..*.- fn#. 13 \f nf ripnfrlAn DaaW nntin. I H iii. JJ uilvci, UOV^., L aiM V? UUIJ ia/u, i/wy vv.M. ty, Ga, cured a girl. who liad been for a number of " years afflicted with Scrofula. She was covered iiom head to foot with sores; there was not sound flesh enouglt on her whole body to lay a 25 cent piece on. SUE FELT HER CONDITION IMPROVE 0 / THE SECOND DAY. The fourth day she was much better. On the 29th of April, 1853, she commenced the Resolvent; on the ' 20th of May, twenty-one days after she commenced its " use, SUE WAS SOUND. { Not a Sore or blemish wa3 upon her skin?nor was there any diseaso lingering in her system. * Mr. Olive: has cured many people in Drayton, of .' Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fever and Ague. Swellings '. Stiffness, and Pains ot various kinds, with Railway's Ready Relief; and many of his friends have been cured ofDyspeps.a, Costiveness, Indigestion, Ac, by Radwav's Ready Remedies. The R. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists generally ^ DR. ROGERS' SYRUP OF Liverwort, Tar, and Canchalagiie. ( This popular and truly valuable medicine continue." to effect the most astonishing cures; and if the statements of good citizens are entitled to credit, it is worthy the attention of every CONSUMPTIVE, and a fair trial by all who are troubled with any disease of the Throat or Lungs. , For sale in Camden by Z. J. Dellay and T. J. Workman, and by Druggists everywhere. Pkice?In large bottles $1. CAMDEN PRICES CURRENT. \ BAGGING, per yard, 12J to 13 ' BALE ROPE, per pound, 9 to .. ' BUTTER ' 18 to 25 1 BEE " 6 to 8 BACON " yj to 12 COFFEE " 1 i to 14 CHEESE, " 14 to 18 j COTTON, u 7 t- 9 CORN per bushel, 100 toll 2 FLOUR,., .per barrel, GJ to 7 FODDER,... .per cwt tulOO LAUD per pound, 12 J to 14 MOLASSES,. per gallon 30 to 42 OATS, per bushel, 37 to 50 PEAS " tolOO SUGAR... .per pound, 6 to 12 SALT per sack to .; Orangeburg Female Semiaary. Principal?Rev. I. S K LRGARIS. Assistants?Mr. P. J. H.AI1R, " Mr. L. B. GAY, " Miss H. A. IIAIIR, " Miss A. B. FFNN. Mr. and Miss ITalir will instruct iu Mumc, French Dancing, Painting, Ac. r|"Ml K Scholastic year consists of two sessions of five jL months tacit. The longest vacation includes the month ol July and part of August; the sho. tone, tinlatter part of December. All charges against pupils will bo made from the time of commencing. The first session for 1854 will commence 011 Wedncs- ' day, UthJanuarv next, and will close on the l>tn June; upon which the second session will innnediateh 1 begin. Terms.?Board, "Washing, Fuel, Lights, Ac., and 1 Tuition in all its branches, except, in Music, French. Drawing and Painting, $1U0 for each session of live' months, in advance. :l Music and French when studied, each SI 5 per q'tar- ' ter. Drawing and Painting $8 per quarter. v or The exercises will commence on the 17th day of August. For further information, apply to the Principal at Orangeburg. 29?if. Come at I.a*t. WE would inform the Ladies that the invoice ol j Ladies' Goods which has been so long delayed, arrived a lew days since, consisting of Ladies' Goat. Mo. and Kid Boots, and Goat Ties?Misses light Mo. Boots, blips and Ties?b!k Kid and Mo. Slips Hnd Ties, f and Chilols. Aucle Ties, to which their attention is respectfully invited. WORKMAN & 00. ? July 18 29 t South Carolina?Kershaw District. BY JOHN It. JOY, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, Jesse Truesdel applied to me for Let- , ters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Mrs. Nancy Truesdel, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: . These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and reditora of the said deceased. fA ho fin/) annonr hr?l/?ro mo at mm nnvi rirHiiiaci^a Court for the said District to be lioldt-n at Camden \ Court House on the 28th day of July inst. to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be planted. Given under ray hand and seal, this fourteen:li day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiplu hundred and fifty-four and in the seventy ninin ' year of American Independence. JOHN R. JuY, 0. K. D. South Carolina.-Ker*lia*v District. IN THK COMMON PLBAS Defendants Wni. M. Watson, and Wiley Al- . beri, who are in the custody of the Sheriff of KerB'aaw District, by virtue of a Writ ol Capias Ad Satis- 1 faciendum, at the suit of Henry Pate; having filed in I my office, together with a schedule on oath, of their whole estate and effect , their petition to the Court of f Common Pleas, praying that they may bo admitted to o the f>enefitof the Acts of theGeueral Assembly, made v for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is therefore or- i dered, that the said Henry Pate, and oil other the creditors to whom the said VVtn. M. Watson and \\ iley Albeit are in anywise indebted, bo. and they ate hereby summoned, and have notice, to appear bemro the said Court at Camden on Monday the 29th dnj'of October next, to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer f .i -r i i i oi me peuuou uiurraiiu "iinum inn uc j^rantcu q MORKAU NAUU1X, C. C P. t Clerks Office, Kershaw District, ) July 11, 1854. ) 29?na3m. BANK AGENCY!!! THE subscriber continues to act as agent in both of the Banks of Camden. E. W. BONNEY. c July II, 28 tf. MARKED DOWN!! READY made Clothing and Huts, nlso. Talmas, and Ladies' dress goods, will be sold at greatly re* T iuced prices for the balanco of the season at the " Old Corner." K. W. BONNEY July 11, 28 tf IN EQUITY?Kershaw. ames B. Cureton and Mary, his wife, vs. B. Boykin McCaa atid Elisabeth, his wife, et al?Petition to confirm sale of negroes and to make substitution. [T appearnfr to my satisfaction that B. Boykin McCaa and Elizabeth McCaa, two of the defendants to ho above Petition are absent from and reside without lie limits of this State, it is ordered on motion of Shanlon, Sol'rfor Petitioners that they do plead, answer or lemur to the above Petition within three months from he publication ot this order, in default whereof an orler pto confesso will lie entered against them. W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. E. K. D. Comm'rs office. July 3, 1S64. ($1.50) 28 1> EQUITY?Rcrximw. iVilliam 0. Nixon vs. Jesse Wessinger?Bill to fort' close mortgage of real estate. rN obedience to nn order of the Court of Equity for the Stale and District aforesaid, in above stated jase made bearing date June 12, 1854. I will offer for ale before the Court House door In Camden, on the *t Monday in August next, all those lots situated in he town of Camden and known and distinguished in he p!au of s id town by the Nos. 48, 49, 50, 51 and >2, lying on Market and King streets, and lot No. 6, routing on Broad street, lot No. 16 fronting on Church treet. in said town, being the premises lately occupi id by the Defl. in above seated case.?Terms Cash. W. H. R. WORKMAN, C. E. K. D. Comra'rs office, July 8, 1854. 28 Kershaw, in Equity. Elizabeth Stratford ) vs. v Bill for sale of land. .lieliard Stratford, et. nl. ) ! IT appearing to my satisfaction that Richard A. Stratford George J. Stratford and John Stratford, three if the defendants to the above hill areabsentfrom and esidebc3'ond the limits of this State, it is ordered on notion of Shannon, Sol'r for complainant, that they do dead, answerer demur, to the above bill within three notiths of the publication hereof In default whereof, in order pro confesso will be entered against them. w. ii. r. workman, c. e. k. d. Coinm'rs office, July 3, 1854. ($7.50) 28 ?outli Carolina?Kershaw District. in the common pleas. ZAOHARIAIJ CANTEY, who ip in the custody of the Sheriff of Kershaw District, by virtue of t writ of Capias Ad Satisfaciendum, at the suit of ratnes F. Mitherland; having tiled in my office, totether with a schedule, on oath, of his Kstat and efects, his p-1ition to thb Court of Common Pleas, i raying that ho may be admitted to the benefit of the Vets of the General Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered, that tiie said James !*. Sutherland, and all other the creditors to whom he said Zaehariah Cantev is in any wise indebted, >o. and the\ aro hereby summoned, and have notice to ippear before '.lie said Court at Camden on the 29th lay of October next, to s..ow cause if any they can, vhy the prayer of the petition aforesaid should not be i ran ted. MORKAU NAUDIN, C. C. P. )ffice of Common Pleas Kershaw Dist., | July 6,1854. j 28 m3m Ranaway. EDWARD, an intelligent mulatto boy about fifteen years old and about live teet high. A liberal revard will be paid for his apprehension, or lodgment in mv jail where I can get him. SARAII CIPLES. July II 28 NOTICE. ORDERED that the Recorder give public notice through the Camden Journal, that the Ordinance n relation to Dogs running ai large in me iowii, unnuzzled. will be enforced from the 15lli iust. uniil the si of October. C. fl. DAYIS, Recorder. Cocncil Chamber, July 5 1854. 28?tf. SUPERIOR Bacon Sides just received at the "Old Comer." E. W. BONXEY. July 11, 28 tf. *'?/" *l'li*? fiici.dsof Col. J. B. K Kits haw hog .i\v to ai I'i.iiuco liini ns a candidate for flop .ii-?ii\v tf the Company in Joli street, and at the Bank of Jumdeu Cannleii THOMAS WARING Auditor South Carolina R. R. Co. J. C. COCHRAN, Cashier South Western R. It. Bank. I If EQUITY?Kershaw. Susannah Tweed, Adnt'rx. vs. J. E. Adger et al?Bill to sell Heal Estate and pay debts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. rHE creditors of R. L. Tweed, deceased, are hereby notified to render on oatlt and establish their li-man.la niriirwla.-ufl HpGGnsod hpliire tile undfirsifnGd ?ii or bef.re the first dav of October next. W. H. R. WORKMAN, 0. E. K. D. Comm'ra Office, luue 22, 1854. [$5 5o] TO ITENTTrHE House and Lot belonging to Capt. Peter Warren, situated near the Camden Hotel. gy It will be sold a barga n if applied for soon.? "or particulars apply at this office. June 20. WANTED to hire by the month a Cook and a woman or girl to wait in the house and wash and -on for h.small family. Enquire at this offico. June 18 tf 24 Notice. ALL pers -ns having demands against the late Mrs. L E. Lovet are requested to prtsent them to the subcriijor duly attested. W. J. McKAIN, Ex'r. June 13 24 WORKS! WORKS!! WORKS! !! DR. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE is warranted to be tlio beat, most vaft and radical cure for WormsIt is approvt-u and recommended by the Medical U osw. I.AKA J.oo l.oan intrnilnPi'H :atuii>j tucvoi ouvvivu n uuv iv uoo ??.su uivivw-v.^. ii fact, where is if known none other is used. Cue of our tno-u respected physicians in speaking of )r. McLnne'8 Vermifuge says; Its great superiority iver all other Vennifuges arises from the fact that chile it is more eifiracious than any other Vtrinifuge l is perfectly safe. aar Price 25 cents per bottle. Dr. HIcLaiic'N JLiver Pills, BEING composed entirely of vegetable sub-tanoes is not only safe, tut have been found by all who lave used them, as the best remedy for all affections if the Liver and Digestive organs. In fact, where hey are used Liver Complaint cannot exist. ?g-"Prico 25 cents per box. The above vn'.uuble preparations ore for sale by Host of the Druggists, and are to be had wholesale of P. M. COHEN 4 CO., Importers and Dealers in Drugs, Medieiucs, Chenoials, Perfumery 4c. No. 29 Hayne-streot, Charleston. S. C. SONS OF TEMPER A I?CE. W ATE REE DIVISION NO. 9. T^HE regular meeting of this Division will be hold on I. Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. By order of the W. P. J. T. BALLARD, R. 8. * / Marked Doivu!!! LADIES' Dress Goods will bo sold nt greatly reduced prices after this date at the *' Old Corner. June 20,?tf. E. tt\ DONNEY HEADQE ARTEltS, MILFORD, JUNE 20, 1854. Ohdeii No. ?. THE following Regiments will parade for review and drill at such times and places as are hereiu indicated: The 39th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Dominick's. on Tuesday, the 25th of July. The 38th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Ja* lapa, on Tluireday, tho 27th of July. The 10th Regiment of Cavalry will parade at Martin's on Saturday the 29th of July. , The 40th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Boyd's on-Tuesday, the 1st of August. The 41st Regiment of Infantry will parade at Park's on Thursday, the 3d of August. The 45th Regiment of Intantry will parade at the Burnt Factory, on Saturday the 5th of August. Tho 35th Regiment ot Infantry will parade at Unionville, on Tuesday, the 8th of August. The 9ih Regiment of Cavalry will parade at Glenn Springs, on Thursday, the loth of August. The 36th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Tiraraons', on Saturday, tho l'ilh of August The 37th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Wilkins', on Tuesday, the 15th of August. The 34th Regiment of Infantry will parade at York ville, on Thursday, the 17th of August. The 4Gth Regiment of Infantry will parade at Ebenezcrville, on Saturday, the 19th of August. The 2 st Regiment of Infantry will parade at Lancaster, on Tuesday, the 22d of August. The 27th Regiment of Infantry will parade at Rich Hill, on Thursday, the 24th of August. The 2Gth -egiinent ol Infantry will parade at Chesterville, on Saturday, the 2Gth of August. TheGth Regiment of Cavalry will parude at Yongue's on Tuesday, the 29th of August. The 24th Regiment of nfantry will parade at Bell's 'on Thursday, the 31st of August. The 25th Regiment of Infantry will parado at "Winnsboro', on Saturday, tha 2d ofSeptember. The 22th Regiment of Infantry and the 5th Regiment of Cavalry will parade at or near Camden, on Tuesday, the 5th of September. The 20th and 44th Regiments of Infantry will parade at Suinterville, ou Thursday, the 7th of September. The officers and non-commissioned officers will assemble on the day previous to the reviews of their several regiments for drill und instruction. Volunteer Companies will be thoroughly inspected, and the books of Beat Companies will be examined. Generals of Division and Brigade will, with their Stall's, attend the reviews of their respective commands. Generals of Brigade are eharced with the extension of this order. Aids-de-Cump to tlie Commander-in-Chief are re quired to uttend the reviews in their several Brigades; and those not residing in the Brigades to be reviewed are invited to attend. Bv order of the Commander-in-Chief: it. G. M. DUNOVANT, Adjuiiuit and Inspector General. June 27. 26 tr 4 LARGH supply of Strychnine. .Tust received by ti. May 9. T. J. WORKMAN & CO. Bacon! Bacon!! 10,000 lbs. splendid North Carolina BACON. Just received and lor sale at MOORE'S. ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, worsted and Silks, oj the latest and prettiest styles, selling at reduced prices, at. the '' Old Corner," by Nov: 9. E. W. BONNKY. COllN-SHELLERS, self-sharpening Fred Cutters, (a new article,) ulso, Patent Cylinder and Thermometer Churns Meat Cultets and Sausage StuftVrs. Also, Hand Plows and Hiirr.'WS for garden use. For sule at the " Old Corner" by E. W. BONNEY. Sperm and Adamantine Caudles. 1 A BOXES Sperm Candles, 4's k C's. JLU 10 " Adamantine " ' For sale by J. A. SdlROCK. I) OCKING and Sitting CHAIRS, for salcat \ BONNEY'S. TMr/t A4T n irPTT ULAlt&SUiN & ivir. 1, FACTORS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTRAL WHARF, ROBT. n. clarkson, ) CHARLESTON. 3 C. FLOR1AN C. 11EY, J w. June 72. 2i tf KUCK & LUCAS, DKALER3 IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware. Ko. 273, King Street, (near the Merchant's Hotel,) CHARLESTON, S. O. RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Planters and others to their entire new and complete stock embracing every article in their line. All orders promptly attended to. A. KUCK, J. J. LUCAS, March 7, 10 tf. JOHN W. STOY, DEALER IN Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, NO. 266 KING-STREET, (under the masonic hall) CHARLESTON, S. C. ?outli Carolina and Central (Georgia) Rail Road Companies. IS mS& (SH W Jfi VTOTICK is heredy given, that on and after tlio first -L\ day of July next, the South Carolina Rail Road Company, Charleston and ilie Central Rail Road Com pany, Savannah, will discontinue the free forwarding business heretofore traiisncied by them. Freighters will please lease on and after the said first day of July to consign their merchandise to the Kail Road Agents, respectively, as heretofore practised. JOHN CALDWELL Pres't S. C. R. R. CO. R. R. CUYLER i'res't C. R. R. Suvunnah Georgia. May 1st, 1854. 19 2m. T. I . 1. JUST received at the "Old Corner," a choice lot of fr.sli Teas. 12. W. BONNET. Notice. DC. TItYON will act as ray agent during my ab 80DC0 from the Slate. E. TItYON. June 27. 26 4t SONS OF TEtt PRANCE, GRAND DIVI-ION OF SOUTH CAROLINA. "\TOTlCE is hereby given that the next quarterly N r ,i.:? i..?n. ...ill Ua i? i|,? Llnll of A i ro-c?JMWii ui i iiit? .1 (tl ,1V,? ... Greenville J)ivision No. 19. nt Greenville C. II. on Thursduy the 27th inst. Tlie session to eoinmeiire at 10 o'clock A. AI. By order of the G. W. I*. Z. J. DkIIAY, Grand Scribe. July 4, 27 4t. Notice* ORDERED that the Recorder advertise in the Camden Journal that all owners of Lots or persons occupying the same in the Town of Camden, must have their cellars, yards and ditches cleansed, and all offensive matter removed on or before tho loth July, after which time Council will inspect the same. C. H. DAVIS, Recorder. Council Chamber, Juno 21st, 1854% 96 I . ^- ' ' -J . WATERBURY'S Great Fifty Cent Gift Euterprise. 1,000,000 GIFTS "WORTH FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS The Grand Exhibition of THIRTY TABLEAH OF NATIONAL HISTORY, at Hope Chapel Lecture Room. 720 Broadway, continues that attract immense numbers every evening. The Gift Certificates arc selling fast. In connection with this enterprise, for only Fifty Cents, the purchaser receives a Beautifully Engraved Gift Certificate, good for two admissions to the most etmobliug Exhibition ever offered to Americans, and one of the following Valuable Gilts: 1 valuable brick House and Lot in Philadelphia ; $10,000 1 magnificent freslistone house and lot in a fashionable part of New York city 35,000 1 threestory brick liouse aad lot in the city of Boston 10,000 1 splendid country residence in the State of New Jersey, with 50 acres of land in a high state of cultivation 20,000 1 magnificent gold tea sett, containing 29 pieces of solid California gold, with oSt*/ti>Do/1nafnl hnnnfifnllr olinunH Cash valuation 1C',000 10 massive silver tea setts, finely chased. 15,000 100 beautifully situated building lots near L. I. It. R. within a few minutes' ride ofN. Y. city 50.000 100 magnificent rosewo. d Pianos, by n popular maker 50,000 3,000 gold thimbles 9.000 500 gold watches, consisting of Jules, Jcrgenson, Cooper, indepent second, chronometer, eight day, enamel, diamond, magic, duplex and English levers, hunting(vcry heavy) for ladies 4 gents 50,000 2 pairs splendid horses, carriage harness, 4e a.. 4,000 100 elegant silk dress patterns 4,000 20 beautifully made trotting gigs 2,000 200.000 beautiful steel engravingsof the house of Jefferson 75,000 200,000 do. of the Sultan of Turkey 25.00q 100,n00 do. of the Czar of all the Russians.... 15,000 100,000 do, of the harbor of Venice, the finest ? ?i._ i i ok rnn OUUUCIjr HI UJC *?/}vvv 100,000 views of Washington crossing the Delaware 12,000 100,000 descriptions of Grand Tableau forming a desirable history of all the stirring events of the Revolution 25,000 95,000 pieces of fashionable music 23,750 15 loans of one thousand dollars each, for fifty years, without security or interest 15,00(1 948 setts of massive silver spoons 9,2^ 100 splendid engravings, gilt and fancy , frames ? -J ? ad 1,000,009 amounting to $L All the above valuable property will be the hands of any responsible Committee appointed by a majority of all the certificate holders, and subject to their control, for a fair nhd honorable distribution to all parties concerned, which, from the proprietor's extensive arrangements throughout the whole United States and tfic Cnnadas, is expected to be about the first of August next. All orders for these beautiful Gift Certificates from the country, addressed, (post paid) with the money enclosed, ro lid win Waterbury, Hope Chapel, 720 Broad way, will meet with prompt returns. Office open from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m, and from 7 to 9 p. m. J2T" remember?a knowledge of your Country's History, the prospect of a Gift worth $35,000, and the certainty of a handsome present for fifty cents I Exhibition every evening at 8J, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Offices for the sale of Certificates, Howard's Hotel, corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane; French's Hotel, opposite the City Hall, at the Lecture Room. 720 Broadwav, and at Z. J. Deliuy's Drug Store, Camden, S. C. 24 HAMS. Consignment, a lot of fine coontry cured Hams for family use?also North Carolina Ilams and Sides, for sale low at the "Old Corner," by. > E. W. BONNEY. May 30 22 A. M. &, R. KENNEDY Arc now receiving and opening a full supply of Spring and Summer Goods, suitable lor Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, embracing various styles of the most desirable fabrics, carefully selected, to which the attention of purchasers is re^ spectfully invited. March 22. Ready-Made Clothing, Hats. &c. rFMlE undersigned have received a handsome stock JL of Men's lteady-made COATS, VESTVi AND I ANTS; Boy's Clothing, consisting of Coats and Vests. Men's and Boy's Panama and Straw HATS, Under Clothing, Gloves, Cravats, Ties, Half Ilose, ?tc. March 21, A. M. 1 the above just received by May 9. *T. J. WORKMAN & CO. Branch of the Bauk of the State of South-Carolina, at Camden. ALL Notes intended for renewals at this Bunk in the months Ql'June and July must be in the original signatures of the makers and endorsers. I). L. DKSAUSSURE, Cashier. May 23. 21 tf r i Hit i iivucv> ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late John S. Cunningham, deed., will find it to their interest to call and settle?those who have claims against the estate will please present them at once to either of the undersigned. WILLIAM C. CUNNINGHAM, ) . , ROBT. B. CUNNINGHAM. fAarasJune 1st, 1854. 23 Twenty Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber about the 7th inst. * his negro man JIM; ho is about 38 years old, 6 feet 10 inches high, weighs ubout 160 pounds, he has relations near Wadesboro, N. C., and will probably endeavor to get to them. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and lodgment in the Jail at Camden. W. C. MOORE. May 16 . 20 ABDEN Hand Ploughs, Harrows, Hoes, Rake OT and Trowels, just received at the "old corner," by E. W. BONNET. Feb. 14, 1854. 7 tf. Fresh Green Teas, 'fOU u.a /.aluhrntnri lmnsu nf .TntiVinS A Co.. Phil J IVVtfl HIV VV1WVI W?VV* ..WWW. ^r. ? , X? adelphia, and warrauted. For saio by April 3. L. A. AUSTIN. 1CASE Imperial PRUNES, put up in elegant etjle Just receive ens, iseeaie* wonted cnemiaeiiss, sonars, cnaer* sleeves, Mantillas, Gloves, Ac. 4a , Hosiery iu every variety, for ladies and gentlemen Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, sueli us Coats, Vesta, Pants, Shirts, Cravats, 4c Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, 4a I ALSO. A great variety of articles in the Saddlory lino. Umbrellas, Parasols, Buggy Umbtellas, 4a An assortment of Crockery and Glassware, Hard1 ware and Cutlery Our atock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS is laige and complete. ^SELLING AT CHARLESTON PRICES. Thanking the public for past favors, they promise to uso every endeavor to merit continued confidence ' and favor, M. DRUOKER & Co. May 11. 19 if CJLSKXVc THE undersigned would hereby inform the citizens of Camden and the surrounding country, that lie has opened an establishment as a CLOCK AND WATCH-MAKER, in this place, in the house formerly occupied.by Mr. ' James Wilson, Merchant, and opposite Mr. McDowell's store, where he proposes to give satisfaction to all those who may think proper to favor him with their patronage in his profession. jsr All work in his line will bedono with neatness and dispatch, and at the shortest notice. CHARLES HOFENSCHEN.' May 11. 19 ' tf RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! THE HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN. I^HE subscribers are paving the highest price for . good COTTON and LINEN RAGS. Persons having them for sale, will find it to their advantage to'' address, WALKER. WILLIMAN 4 CO., Puper Commission Merchants, Charleston, 8. C. Agents of the South Carolina Paper Manu factoring Company. May 9, 19 3m. \ North Carolina Flour. AL *RGE lot of Superfine North Carolina Flour, in 100 lbs. bags by MOORE & KUYKKNDAL. Alarcii lb lit Domestic Goods. BLEACIIEP nnd Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, I'laids and Stripes, for servants, Cotton CaSoitneres, Denims and Cheeks, Bed Tick