. ..c.-v . T.From the South Carolinian. To the People of the State. The following forms of petition to the Legislature are recommended to obtain a law to submit prohibition to the people. The members of the Central Committee re Biding in the different districts, counties and parishes are requested to have petitions prepared, and to set about having them signed both by men and women, according to the forms below. JOHN BELTON O'NEALL, Chairman of the Central Committee. (No. 1.) TnE State of South Caholina. To the Honorable the Senate and House of jitn11 tlP.Q f\-f fhp Slhito nf .Qviii/Zi Air. V?V??W?*?'VW vy ?'VW N/kUlfC ka bill, the editor of that sheet delivered himself yesterday of the following sentiment: " We urge, therefore, unbending determination oil the part of the Northern members, hostile to this intolerable outrage, and demand of them in behaif of peace, in behalf of freedom, in behalf of justice and humanity, resistance to the last. Better that confusion should ensue?better that discord should reign in the national councils?better that Congress should hreak up in wild disorder?nay; better that the Capitol itself should blaze by the torch of the incendiary, or fall and bury all its inmates be iienth its cmmhlinnr ruins?than that. this nprfi. dy and wrong should finally be accomplished." Purchase of Mount Vernon.? Mr. Morton, of Florida, on Wednesday, made a report to the Senate from the Committee on Agriculture in favor of the purchase of Mount Vernon by the Government and the establishment there of an agricultural school, under the same sort of government and regulations as the Military and Naval Academy. Females as Physicians.?The female Medical College of Massachusetts received a grant from the Legislature of 81000 annually for five years. The wording of the resolution ap HAnwnttAF f krt m A?\AI? U'l rt Al/l rt f iUn IAICO tur IHVIICJ' III ttiu U1 WlitJ lIR'UU'ill I education of females by the establishment of forty scholarships, the beneficiaries of which shall be selected from the several Senatorial Districts, in numbers according to the Senatorial appointment." The N. Y. Tribune has, in the centre of its leading page, surrounded by double black lines under the head of'The Roll of Infamy," the names of the representatives from the free States who voted for the Nebraska bill. According to the Washington Star it is said that Horace Greely, of the New York Tribune will be arrested for urging the abolition mem hers of Congress, and those who herd with them to burn the Capitol. Two gentlemen, Dr. Taylor and Mr. Cummings from New Orleans, shot at each other at Pass Christian, last Thursday with rifles.? First fire no damage. Second fire, Cummings received a ball through his hat, and Taylor one through the lappel of bis coat. Reconciliation ensued. j ' ~ "tr ' TELEGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE I.ATER FBOJI EUROPE. Arrival of the Steamer Enropa. SEVERAL ALLIED VICTORIES. 4 Nkw York, May 20, 1854. The steamer Europa, with news three days later than was brought by the Atlantic, arrived here on Friday. The commercial news is as follows Denistoun's circular says that the sales of the week amount to 34,000 bales. Fair Orleans 6 1-2?middling 5 3-8; fair uplands 6 14 ?middling 5 1-8. Lower grades declined 1 4 a 516; but better qualities are firm. Wright and Gandy quote middling Orleans at 5 3 8; fair uplands 6 18. Speculators and exporters took 2,000 each. Manchester trade remains unchanged. Flour declined 6d. a Is. Western Canal 30.6 a 37? Ohio 38 a 38.6. Wheat firm?white 12 a 12 1-4. Corn declined 2s.?yellow and white 38. Lard in moderate demand ; holders are not pressing the article on the market, and the sales are making at 52s. Beef unchanged, and in moderate demand. Pork?demand moderate. Bacon declined Is. The London breadstuff's market unchanged. Sugars in moderate request. Rice flat. Coffee quiet. Pig iron 83. Money tighter.? Consols closed at 87 1-2 a 88 1-2.. The transactions in American securities are small, and they have mostly declined. The war news by this steamer is important. TI.? j ni... J - j ..i .i,? ..? l lit; mi nu iiucid iiau uuiiiuniucu uic v.ity wi Sulina Boghaz, at the month of the Danube. Omer Pacha also obtained a signal victory over the Russian General Ltiders. The American privateer Grape Shot is re ported to have captured a French brig off Land's End. Additional Intelligence. On the 18th and 19th Omer Pacha, with 70,000 men, gave battle to General Luders, between Silistria and Rustchuk. The engagement lasted for several hours. During the previous night Omer Pacha had sent a division towards sea, which division, during, the night of the battle, attacked the Russians in the rear, causing tremendous confusion. The Russians retreated behind Chernawoda, with the loss of many guns, stores, baggage, and military chests. The Russians continued the attack on Silistria. The Turks, on the 20tb, crossed the Danube, for the purpose of destroying the Russian bat teries, advanced to Kaluruch, and after hard ngtitmg returned on trie zoo to onisiria in goou order. Prince Paskie witch has ordered the Russians to advance no further into the Dobrudscha. An important battle was IbuglitHin the 25th between the Turks and Greek insurgents. Aita was taken by assault in fifty minutes by the Turks. The Greek leaders, Karaskaki and Isaviltas, fled. The slaughter was considerable. The important town of Meizuo was also taken by the Turks, and pillaged by the Albanians. The Greek leader Grives fled. Except the Pirous all the coast of Greece is closely bloeka tied by the allies. On the 19th a fight ensued between the Turks and Montenegrins at Nieksick, com manded by the chief George Petrovitch.? Hostilities have now fairly commenced, and each steamer will but enhance the interst Itlt in the contest in the East. It is reported that the Austrians will occupy the Provinces. Admiral iNnpier is closely blockading all trie Bailie ports, and Russia is fitting out a fleet of 800 armed boats to send against liiin. iSonth Carolinian. "CAMDEN PRICES CURRENTT" BAGGING, per yard, 12J to 13 BALE ROPE, per pound, D to .. BUTTEIt " 18 to 25 BEEF, - G to 8 BACON, " 9f to 12 COFFEE, " 12 to 14 CHEESE, " 14 to 18 COTTON " 7 to 9} CORN per bushel 112 tol25 FLOUR... .per barrel, GJ to 7 mnni'ii ' t?inn LARD,... .per pound, 12i to 14 MOLASSES,.pergallon 30 to 42 OATS, per bushel, 37 to 50 PEAS " tolOO SUGAR... .per pound, G to 12 SALT per sack to 2 TEMPERANCE HALL. < . COMING! COMING!! MUSIC, WIT, NOVELTY. PARROW k CO'S. GREAT SOUTHERN BURLESQUE OPERA AND BALLET TROUPE, consisting of 10 UXSURPA A SSA BL E PERFORMERS, being en route for the Western Slates, via Nashville, Tennessee, will have the honor of appearing before the citizens of Camden on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 25th, 26th and 27th inst., remaining positively THREE NIGHTS ONLY, ; on which occasions they will present a Programme ricti in tuo uuuiuiusx suu vmius ot Song, uno and Tcrpsichorean Graces in the performance of which, '.he whole strength of the company will bo brought into requisition. Tickets 50 cents. Children and Servants half price. Doors open at 7; to commence at 8. For further particulars, see Bills of the day. dr. j. b. murphy, Agon May 13. 21 It A CARD. The wholesale grocery business of the late WILLIAM MILLIKEN, deceased, will be coutinued by the subscriber for the benefit of tho estate. The prompt and uniform attention to business which characterized the late establishment will be strictly adhered to in every department, and the coqtiuued patronage of the friends of the deceased is most re spectlully solicited by I3AZILE LANNEAU, Executor. Charleston, May 13. 21 3t Brauch of the Bank of the State of South-Carolina, at Cainden. ALL Notes intended for renewals at this Bank in tho months of June and July must bo in the original signatures of tho makers and endorsers. D. L. DESAUSSURE, Cashier. May 23. 21 tf New Irish Potatoes. A FEW bushels of superior Irish Potatoes of tho present year's crop. For sale by May 23. JAMES McEWEN. No Excuse for Bad Bread. PRESTON k Merrills infallible Yeast Powder, a now article for making light and sweet Bread.? A large and fres li aupplyol the above just received by May 9. T. J. WORKMAN k CO. AN assortment of Lubin'a Extracts, for tha handkerchief, has just been received by May 9. T. J. WORKMAN & CO. BEST quality Ladies' Kid Gloves. Also, French Embroideries. For sale low at the Old Corner. May 9. E. W. BONNET. South Carolina?Kershaw District; BY JOHJf R. JOY, ESQOIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, Slmdrach Rogers, Rpplied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Thos. B. B'urket, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said de ceased, to be and appear ueiore me at our next Urdi nary's Court for the said District, to le holden at Kershaw Court House on the 2d day of June next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 17th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four and in the seventyeighth year of American Independence. JOHN R. JOY, 0. K D. May 23, 21 tf, HEAD QUARTERS, Milford, April 10, 1854. Alfred p. aldrich, wm. a. owbns, and BEAUFORT "IV. BALL, having been appointed Aids de-Camp to his Excellenc}' Governor Manniug, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order: R. M. G. DUNOVANT, Adjutant and Inspector General. May 23. 21 It Estate Sale. WILL be sold on Monday. 5th June next, at the residence of the late Maj. McClelland, all his household furniture, including one Piano, Library and Book cases, kitchen utensils, one pair of horses, one wagon, one negro, Carol, a good cook. The sale will begin at ten o'clock. The articles will be delivered the day after. Also?One Pew in tho Episcopal Church, and a Barouche. Terms?Cash, on delivery, for all articles except the negro and horses, for whom a note at sixty days, with interest from sale, with good endorsers, payable at tho Bank of Camden must be given. JNO. M. DKSAUSSURE. Kxr. May 9 4t 20 BACON SIDES, salt, riee. rock salt, sperm and adamantine candles, nails, soap. &c., for sale at the "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. May 16 20 Notice. HAVING resigned the office of Magistrate, this is to request all persons who hrfve placed Papers in rav hands to call and reclaim them. Z. J. DellAY. May 1G 20 Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN AW AY from the subscriber about tho 7 th inst. i his uegro man JIM; ho is about 33 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, weighs about 1 GO pounds, ho has relations near Wadesboro, N. C., and will probably endeavor to get to them. Tho above reward will be paid for his apprehension and lodgment in the .Tail at Camden. W. C. MOORE. May 1G '20 Lands for Sale. rpiIE subscriber offers for sale tho tract of land .JL whereon he lives containing G37 acres, situated on the Camden and Chesterfield road, about 10 miles from Camden, Tho buildings consist of a good dwelling and the necessary out houses. About 80 acres cleared and under fence. The balance is well timbered, and a part, of it lirstrato upland. , AI.SO. Tho tract whereon Richard Nelson lives, containing about GOO acres, with dwelling and out houses?about fifty acres cleared. Both tracts arc-well watered.? Persons wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine the lands, as they will bo sold on accommodating terms LAUCULIX McKINNON. May 1G Ot 20 NoticeAN application was received from William Watson for License No. 1 (Tavern) to retail spirituous liquors in the Hotel recently occupied by D. S.Sargeant. Recommended by J. A. Schrock. Alex. Young, J. S. Nettles and Robt. Latta. Securities, Thomas Baskin, A. G. Baskin, and Geo. Alden. Ordered that the above be published in tho CamdeD Journal. C. II. DAVIS, Recorder. Council Chamber, May 15, 183-1, 20 Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me 1 directed, I will sell before tho Court IIouso door in Camden on the first Monday in June next, being the fifth day of said month, the following property, to wit: Household and Kitchen Furniture. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of Win. M. Watson at the suit of Alexander Brown, et ?1. vs. Wm. M. Watson. [ -50] ALSO. Two Negroes. Levied on and to bo sold as the property of I). S. Sargoant, at the suit of J. M. DeSuussure. Guardian, vs. D. S. Sargeant. [The Negroes to be sold subject to a mortgage. ' [1150] TIIOS. BASKiN, S. K. D. Sheriff's Office, May 10, 1854. South Carolina?Kershaw District. BY JOIIX R. JOY, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. \^fJ"IIEllEASt J. M. DeSaussuro applied to me for T T Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Mrs. Mary L. McClelland, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These arc- therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the Kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before inc at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District to be holdon at Camden Court House on the 26th day of May inst. to show cause, if atiy, why the said administration should not do granted. Given under my hand and seal, this thirteenth day of Ma}', in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four and in the seventy eighth year of American Independence. J011N R. JOY, 0. K. D. SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, HAVING been refitted and placed in complete order, will positively be opened for tho reception of visitors on THURSDAY, JUNE 1, BY THOMAS S. NICKKRSON OP THE MILLS HOUSE. CHARLESTON, S. C. rrHIE undersigned would hereby inform tlio citizens X of Camden and the surrounding country, that lie has opened an establishment as a CLOCK AND WATCH-MAKER, in this place, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. James Wilson, Merchant, and opposite Mr. McDowall'8 store, where he proposes to givo satisfaction to all those who may think proper (to favor him with their patronage in his profession. All work in his line will be done with neatness and dispatch, and at the shortest notice. CHARLES LOFENSCITEN. May 11. 19 tf RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! THE HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN. THE subscribers are paying the highest prico for good COTTON and LINEN RAGS. Persons having them for sale, will find it to their advantage to address, "WALKER, WILLI MAN & CO., Paper Commission Merchants, Charleston, S. C. Agents of the South Carolinn Paper Manufacturing Company, i May 9, 19 - 3m. mmtm 8?&mes, iHadisiOii County, Geo* THANKFUL for the liberal patronage extended t< my Spring-, and feeling my entire incapacity foi their management, I have arranged with AAltO^ GAGE, Esq, of Mobile, Alabama, the popular nosi o the "EUTAW HOUSE," to lake an interest in them The Hotel will be under his management during the approaching season. Mr. Gage's high reputatioi as a Hotel Keeper, connected with the fuct that h( intends making Georgia his future home, is a sur< guarantee that nothing will he wantiug under hit management to give entire satisfaction. The reputation of this Watering Place for health salubrity of climate, variety and efficacy of its waters, the comfort and beauty of its improvements, with fine ride?, agreeable walks, and distant mountain views make it a popular resort during the Summer months end alwa) s insures for it the finest society. The Hotel will he kept in the best style, and witl the aid of the fine market which the country contigu oils furnishes, the table will be second to none in th< country. Ample arrangements exist for the aceom modation of families. The fine German Dand from Charleston, whose Mu sic was so much admired last season, are engagee again. One member of the Band will give lessons ir Dancing, and another in Music. The Springs are twenty-two miles from Athens Georgia, where two lints of Stages are always in read iness to convey passengers. Persons leaving Augus ta or Atlanta by the morning train can sleep at th< springs. Rates of Board will be f r the season of four months $20 per month ; three months, $25 per month ; undei three months, $30 per month ; per day, $1.50. Chil dren and servants half-price. Applications for Boari can be made to the undersigned, per mail, at the Springs, or to Mr. Aaron Gage, Mobile, Ala. J. D. WATKINS. Madison Springs, Geo., March, 1854. 10?tf. Rio Coffee. BY E. & A. P. CALDWELL. ON TUESDAY, the 23d instant, will bo sold it Union Wharf Store, at 11 o'clock, 4000 bags Prime Green Rio Coffee, cargo of the clip per ship Grey Eagle, imported direct Conditions?Sums under $300, cash; $300 a $000 sixty days; $G00 a $1000, ninety days; $1000 a $3000 four months; over that amount six months, purchaser! giving approved endorsed notes. May 16 20 Executive Department. Colcmbia, 3d May, 185-1. T"I7IIERKAS information has reached this Depart t V ment that on the night of tho 28th February last, a murder was conimilted in Darlington District upon th* body ol a slave named Peter, the property o L. A. Williamson, by a gun-shot wound indicted Wm. 1/ Williamson, who has fled from jnstice. Now, to the intent that the said WM. L. WILLIAM SON may be apprehended and brought to trial am condign punishment, I hereby offer a reward of TW( HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for his dolivc ry into any of the jails of this State. Tho Said Wil liamson is about live feet eight inches in height, wcl formed, sandy hair, red complexion, gentlemanly ii deportment, and supposed to bo thirty-four years old Given under my hand and the seal of the State, a Columbia, this third day of May, A. D. 1854. JOHN L. MANNING. Bexj. Perry, Secretary of State. May, 9?it. . CAMDEN BAZAAR. "1 \7"E would respectfully inform our friends in thi V t town and country that we have received ou stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, embracing a larger variety than wo have ever befor offered them, consisting in part of? DHY-GOODS?Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Barege Robes, Mantillas, Jacouet, Swiss, Clucked and Dot ted Muslins, White and Figured, with every othe description of goods for ladies' dresses, all of th< newest styles. Bonnets, of all descriptions Ribbons, plain and figured, suitable for the season and of the most fashionable stylo Veils, Needle-worked Chemisettss, Collars, Under sleeves. Mantillas. Gloves. &c. &c. Hosiery in every variety, for ladies and gentlemen Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, such as Coals, Vests Pants, Shirts, Cravats, Ac Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Ac. A i,so. A great variety of articles in the Saddlery line. Umbrellas, Parasols, Buggy Umbrellas, Ac. An assortment of Crockery and Glassware, Hard' ware and Cutlery Our stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS it large .and complete. C^-SELLIN(i AT CHARLESTON PRICES. Thanking the public for past favors, they promise to use every endeavor to merit continued confidence and favor. XI. DRUCKER A Co. May 11. 19 if Sontli Carolina, and Central (Georgia) Rail Road Companies. eazsru onTl -&&& -m&Si NOTICE is liercdy given, that on and after the first day of July next, tho South Carolina Rail Roac Company, Charleston, and the Central Rail Road Cora pany, Savannah, will discontinue the free forwarding business heretofore transacted by thorn. Freighters will please cease on and after the said first day of Ju ly to consign their merchandise to tho Rail Road Agents, respectively, as heretofore practised. JOIIS CALDWELL Pres't S. C. 11. R. CO. R. R. CUYLER Pres't C. R. It. Savannah Georgia. May 1st, 1854. 10 2 in. A. M. & R. KENNEDY Are now receiving and opening a full supply of Spring; and Summer Goods, suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, embracing various styles of the most desirable fubries, carefully selected, to whjch the attention of purchasers is respectfully invited. March 22. Ready-Mado Clothing, Hats, &,c. rilTfl? un/lAiHiitrnn/l Imvn rnnnlea/l o hnnrloAma ofrtnlr X of Men's Ready-made COATS, VESTS AN1) PANTS; Boy's Clotliing, consisting of Coats and Vests. Men's and Boy's Panama and Straw HATS, UnderClothing, Gloves, Cravats, Ties, Half Hose, etc. March til, A. M. it R. KENNEDY. NEW GOOD& subscriber respectfully informs his friends and X the public generally, that he is now receiving direct from New York, a large and splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKT.Mj-ir i nTj/vnirutTiV All u.. : i.:? rjLvx aim uiwvjuniusj. v/i nc uiviLcniiis friends to examine, feeling conlideut tlmt tlicy will compare with any in this market. March. C. MATHES02T. Notice. ORDERED that the Recorder publish in the CamrJAn TahmiaI P..* nif?li 1 r\w ton nhla Vinrliorl hflnflw V VIVI* UUU11IUI 11/1 VTiJj lib 1/i WVU "WW WW??VM to work on the streets and ditches in the town of Camdeu, by the month; liberal wages will be paid for thf same by applying to the Intendnnt or either of the Town Wardens. By order of Council, C. IL DAVIS, T. Recorder. Council Chamber, April 26th, 1854. JAMES WILSON having placed his Notes anc Books in my hands for collection, notice is horebj given to all persons who may bo indebted to him t< make immediate payment. W. H. R. WORKMAN. March 30 15 ???aa?^??aaStart?? ??? WORMS! WORMS!! WORMS! !!^ DR. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE is warranted tob tho most tfn/e and radioed cure for Worms \ It is approved and recommended by the Medico r Faculty iu even section where it has been introduced ' In fact, where it is known none other is used. One of our most respected physicians in speaking o ' Dr. McLano's Vermifuge says: "Its great superiority > over all other Vermifuges arises from the fact tha ' while it is more efficacious than any other V trmuugt J it is perfectly safe. 5 J^'Price 25 cents per bottle. Dr. OTcLano's ILivcr Fills* BEING composed entirety of vegetable substances if not only safe, but have been found by all wht : have used them, as the best remedy for all affection 1 oftho Liver and Digestive organs. In fact, when ' they are used Liver Complaint cannot exist. CjgTPrice 25 cents per box. The above valuable preparations are for sale bj , most of the Druggists, and are to be had wholesale o ; P. M. COHEN & CO., Importers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Cherai cals, Perfumery &c. 1 I No. 29 Hayne-street, Charleston, S. C. i ? SP1UX13-* : AT THE "OLD CORNER." I AM now opening my stock of Spring Goods, t which I invite the attention of mv customers. Juf opening ric'? Sutpmcr Dress Goods, best quality?P; ris Kid Gloves. &c.; also, a large assortment of Gei r tinmen's and Youths'ready-made clothing: Summi Hats, and numerous other articles for spring trade. 1 March 22,1854. 13 'tf. I SHALL open at the " Old Corner," in the cour of this week, a very extensive assortment Men's and Boy's SUMMER HATS, embracing all tl e west styles. E. W. BONNEY. March 28. tf i READY-MAD 1'] CLOTHING, IIATS AND CAP* For sale by A. M & li. Kennedy?viz: I Dress, Frock, and Business Coats; Vests and Pan? , taloons; Dress and Under Shirts; Drawers; half HomI , Fancy Cravats; Washington Tics, Ac. j Boy's Clothing?Coats and Vests. Fashionable Hats, Caps, Ac Sept. 27. New Spring Goods '"I'MIE Subscriber has received a largo and elegant asX sortment of Spring and Summer Goods, both Fancy and Staple, which he invites the attention of purchasers to examine, as he will sell as low as the same quality of goods can be had elsewhere. W. D. McDOWALL. April 8 Ct 15 1QR. CASK very superior PORT WINE, for medical purposes. For sale by April 8. ' L. A. AUSTIN. 1CASE fresh Preserved PEACHES. Just received by - L. A. AUSTIN^ Frcsli Crecu Teas, r T^ROM the celebrated house of Jenkins A Co., Plul, X adclphia, and warranted. For sale by f April 3. L. A. AUSTIN. 1CASE Imperial PRUNES, put up in elegant stylo Just received by L. A. AUSTIN. j ) 1 CASE fresh MACCARONI. Just received bv 1 April 3. L. A. AUSTIN. J BEAMS. i K A A c'10icc country cured HAMS. For salo OUU by L. A. AUSTIN. 4 Just Received, VN0T1IER supply of 4-4, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 bleached Sheeting. March 28. C. MATHESON. North Carolina Flour. AL ARCE lot of Superfine North Carolina Flour, m 100 lbs. bugs by MOORE k KUYKISND AL. r March 10 12 Domestic Goods. a "OLEACI1ED and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, XX Plaids and Stripes, for servants, Cotton Cimsi', meres, Denims and Checks, Bed Tick tstt Mixture which were most truly surprising- lie save inacase'of Consumption, dependent on the Liter, the good effects were wonderful, indeed * SAMUEL 31. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker A*. Morris.Richnv nd. wascurcdof fivercotnplftintol'8 yenni sttnding. by the use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. GREAT CUR H OF SCROFULA -The Editor* of tW Richmond Republican had a servant employed |n their press ro mi. cured of violent Scrofcla, combined with' Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him from work.? Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure oFhim, and the Editors. in a public notice, say they ' cheerfully recommend it to nil w'lm nr. nffli>-i^.l will. any dbeose of the blood." STILL ANO THER' CURE OF S< ROFULA.-I had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOK. Conductor on the R. F. & P1. R. K. Co.. Richmond, Va. SALT RHEUM OF20 YEARS STANDING CURED M r. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in the eity of Rich mond was cured by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rbeunt, which he had nearly ?0year*,aid , which all the Physicians of the city could not cure. Mr.. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Rich- < mond, ami hrs cure is m?ct rcmarkablp. W)I. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Va., hod a seri vant cured of Syphilis, in the waist foim, l-y Carter's Spanish Mixture. He cays he cheetfully recmunendi it, " and considers it an invaluable medicine. | RICHARD K. WEST,of Richmond, Va.. was cured of Scrofula, and what Physicians called confirmed Consumption. by three bottles of Carter * Sp inish Mixture. El)WiN BURTON. Commissioner of the Kcvenue/nya he has seen the pood effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic caecs, and says it is a perfect cure for that horrible disease. VVM. G. IIAY'W OOD. of Richmond, Va., enred of OH Sores and Ulcere, which disabled him frt m walking. Took ? a few bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, and was enabled.to walk without a crutch, ina short time permaucntlv cured. , Principal Depots at M.WARD, CLOSE, & Co, No 83 Maiden l ane. New York. T. W. LYOTT <3it SONS, No. 132, North 2d Street, Philadelphia. BENNETT & BEERS, No. 125, Main Street. Rich mond, Va. And forsale by II WILAND, H A RRALL. & Co..and P XI CtlllPV X. ? 't l r,_n . ..... . ~ ..u.., u. v?., viiiuicaniii ; t'. j. UKnn i, i omilpn. and by Druggists and Country Merchants generally. Price, Si.00 per bottie, or 6 bottles for 85.00. ?50 Reward. KAN A WAY from the subscriber about the middle ' of January last two Negro fellows, named Anderson and Martin. Anderson is 23 years old, abont 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, will-weigh about 150 or 155 pounds, has a pleasant couitenance. Martin is a mulatto, about; 17 years of age, has a su ly appearance, and is slow iu his movements, is abont 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, and will weigh about 140 pounds. The above negroes we e purchased at the sale of IT. Holleyman, in Catndcn in January last, and are supposed to bo lurking in the neighborhood of Camden, where they are well known, or they ntay have gone to Newberry District, where one of thent formerly camo from. Tito above reward wtll be paid for the confinement of said negroes (or $25 for either) in any jail in the State so that I may get them. G. W. KELLY. May 2 4t* 18 JOHN W. STOY~ DEALER IX ' Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, NO. 266 KING-STREET, (under the masonic hall) CHARLESTON, S. C. .4 LARGE supplv of Strychnine. Just received by xjl May 9. " T. J. WORKMAN & C'0. Biifoi:! Bacon !! 1 0,000 lbs. splendid North Carolina BACON. Just .L received and lor sale at MOORE'S. IT* LEG ANT .DRESS GOODS, worsted and Silks, oj J the latest and prettiest styles, selling at reduced prices, at mo uiu corner, Dy Nov: 9. E. W. BONNEY. a>RN-SIlELI.ERS, eelf-sharptyjing Teed Cutter?, (:i new article,) also. Patent Cylinder mid Thermometer Churns Heat Cutters anil Sausage StullVrs. Also, Hand Plows and IIuir.>ws for garden use. For sale at the " Old Corner" by E. W. BONNEY. Sperm and Adamantine Caudles. j A BOXES Sperm Candles, 4's & G's. Xv' 10 " Adamantine " * For sale by J. A. SCIIROCK. ROCKING and Sitting CHAIRS, for sale nt BONNEY'S. GABDEN Hand Ploughs, Harrows, Hoes, Rake and Trowels, just received at the "old corner," be E. W. BONNEY. "Feb. 14, 1854. 1 tf, A SUBSTANTIAL North Carolina-built two hors Wagon will be sold low. Enquire at the oldco ner. E. W. BONNEY . Jan. 31, 1854. 5 ft Sonlli Carolina?Kershaw District I\ EQUITY. Lewis W. Ballard.and TCmnui B. his wife. vs. Wm. J, Geralil, Tyra Spann, et nl?Ml to confirm sale and substitute property. IT appearing to my satisfaction that TyiaBpnnn ore of the defendants in the ahove stated hill resides without and heyond the limits of this State It ta ordered that he do plead, answer or demur to the t same, within throe months from the pnhliention hereof, or judgment pro confesso will b