I_ the possessor ot a quarter ot a million ot dollars, T will be home to his grave from an obscure part of the District of South wark. Truth is quite as p> strange as fiction. \\ R. Later from Europe?Arrival of the T1 Niagara. j B. 1 Baltimore, March 31. j B. The Rovul Mail steamship Niagara, Captain j II ~ .* .. ,... iir.T. AA! Kyrie, arrived at tiaiilax on v> eunesuay uigin, | ?. ft qui Liverpool, which port she left on the 19th lii instant, licr advices were not received in Bal- Ri tiinore until I o'clock dh Thursday morning. M The U.S. Mail steamship Arctic arrived at \V LiverjMx-l at midnight on the 17th instant, in j Le ten days and twelve hours from New York, and 1 \V the British steamship Alpa, on the 18th in j Ci twelve days and twelve hours. ! J. The Liverpool Market.?In the Cotton J. ~ market prices for American descriptions iih- \V proved under the influence of the Arctic's ad- J. vices, fair and middling qualities having ad-, T1 vauced fiom a sixteenth to an eighth of a pen- j \\ n v. The sales during the week comprised 58,- | Jo 250 bales, of which speculaters took 10,250, j Jo and exporters 750 (?) j Di On the 18th, the day preceding the depar- ^ ture of the Niagara, the market opened active, J ^ but fell off at the close, the sales having amoun- "u i. ted to between 7,000 and 8,000 bales. The Circular of Messrs. Hollinshed, Fetly ^ & Co. attributes the advance to the natural reaction after depression, and to the short stock now in the hands of spinners. Mc Henry's Cir- ^ cular quotes a sixteenth advance for the week. J" The quotations are as follows: Fair Orleans 6 3 8J; Middling Orleans, 5 5-8d ; Fair Mo- p*" bile, Gd; Middling Mobile, 5 1-2 to 5 5-8d, Fair Upland, 0d, and Middling Upland 5 l-2d. . State of Trade.?At Manchester Trade ? has slightly declined. ^ The London Markets.;?The Coffee market is firm with an upward tendency. The Botton market is firm at an advance of an ' eighth of a penny. In Rice there is but a small business doing, and the sales during the week ?.r only comprised 100 casks. 110 Havre Markets.?Prices in the Cotton Ch market have advanced under the influence of Th the Arctic's American advices. The sales on the 18th inst. amounted to 2000 bales, and Or leans Tres Ordinaire was quoted at 92 francs. IUI The Rice market opened active, but fell off at the close. The sales during the week summed up 250 casks, at from 31 to 32 francs. ^ England.?Lord John Russell stated in the House of Commons that the Sardinian Government had requested British intervention dig against the sequestration,by Austria, of the property of Sardinian subjects, and that in conse- tin l quence of this request, he had written a" strong art letter to Vienna. Lord John also informed the House, that the Mexican Government had reduced the dutj' on printed calicos. dis Advices received in London from Alexan- tin dria, Egypt, state that there existed in that city a commercial crisis, and that there had been vi wants of the country this year, it is believed, p* will be 300,000 tons, and next year 400,000, ^ if the present prosperity of the country con- Y01 m tinues. haj * is i A Mr. D. McCuIlough, of Alabama, was re- w? cently in Cuba, where he saw the Hon. Wji. K. King. He communicated the following informs- sm tion in reference to the editor of the Mobile Advertiser, in whose paper it appeared on Saturday 0f last. We truly regret to hear such sad intelligcnce from our esteemed Vice President: "While at Cuba, Mr. McCuIlough paid a visit to Col. King, who is comfortably settled at a su- ? gar estate called Lamerales, about twenty-five miles from Matanzas. He found the Vice 1'resi- ^ dent very much emaciated, unable to stand with- bj. out support, and only able to converse in a low tone of voice. Col. King expressed himself as CO without any hope of recovery, and desirous that ^ the people of Alabama should know his real sit- co Y uation. It is his wish to return to this State by fl the first of April, should he live so long. He did PC not wish to die abroad. The Fulton, it is understood, is to await his orders. He had not yet taken the oath of office, neither had he refused to take it, as has been stated by the papers.? OA Judge Sharkey had some doubt as to his authori- PH ty under the act of Congress to administer the a oath out of Havana, but having recently received jjj, full instructions from Washington, he informed gU Mr. McCullough just previous to his departure, SA rthat he intended visiting Col. King immediately ? for that purpose. The oath has doubtless been administered before this." JJ "A Wall abound the Heart."?The habit Sqi of obedience or submission to rightful authority, Ma is the foundation stone of the character of the ?ai good boy. To obey is the first lesson to be im' pressed upon the child, and long before he reaches A his tenth year the habit of obedience should be a ? part of his very nature. Nearly all the other virtues and graces of character depend upon the T existence of this habit; and if it is wanting the 2 heart is thrown open to a rude train of vices <] which seldom fail to take possession of ttie cita- An del. Obedience is a wall around the heart. So Mc long as it stands, all is safe; but let even a small _ breach be made, and the enemy will begin to pour in.? The Boy's Own Oxide. J Acknowledgments Of Subscriptions received for the Journal. r. J. Lee, 1st Jan, 1854. r. R. Taylor, 44 44 44 McAtier, (ou old account, $2,) lomas Wilson, 44 M 44 F. McCoy, 44 44 Prescott, . " 44 44 . Hamilton, East Tcnn. 8th Sept. 1853. rm. Crews,* in full ley Pearson,* 44 4 4 ley Holmes,* 44 44 adison Saunders* 44 44 m. Hamilton,* 44 44 ;wis Ilorton,* 44 44 'm. Cunningham, Ala. 1st Jan. 1853. ipt. Wiley Kelley, 44 4* 1854. II. McLeod, 22d March, 1853. J. Mickle, (Bee Tree) 1 Jan. 1853. r. T. Johnson, 8 March 1854. R. Shaw, 1 Jan. 44 lomas Boone, 1 44 44 '. D. Ilogan, 8 March 44 ho W. Arthur, 1 Jan. Iwi TTnllmr 1 ? ? " j^W. Alston, N. C. 1 " >wn Council, 1 April 1853. asbington Bracey, 1 Jan. 1854. bn Motley, 1 " 1853. >L L. M. Keitt, 8 Nov. 1852. lomas Baskin, 1 Jan. 1853. \ John Milling, 1 Jan. 1854. ajor D. D. Kirkland, 1 Feb. " 'in. Clyburn, 1 Jan. 1853. o. Trucsdcll, Pleasant Hill, 1st Jan. 1854. ipt. S. P. Murcbison, 3 Aug. " aijamin Cook, 1 Jan. " J. McCrciglit, 1 " " Taid for by II. Hamilton. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. IMPORTANT TO Di'SPEPTlCS. Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, the true piges r'e fluid, or gastric juice, prepared from RENNET the FOURTH STOMACH OF THE OX, after uirec ns of BARON LIEBIG, the great Physiologica emist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. M. D., Philadelphia, is is truly a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, fSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INSTIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Na e's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GAS1IC JUICE. Pampldets, containing Scientific evi* ace of its value, furnished by agents gratis, see noi among the medical advertisements. TO THE SICK. For the effectual rooting out from the system of a eases brought on by indigestion, billiousness and imrity of the blood, it is a widely and well known fact it WltlGUTS IXDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS ) the great PANACEA. Throughout the entire uth, these Pills have long been held in the highest >ute, both by private individuals and by the Medical ulty of our country. Southern fevers and Southern eases generally, yield to their influence at once; and ; unfortunate victim to "earthly ills and woes" is made thank Heaven that a sovereign balm has been proled. Let each try them for himself and if the medicine Is to satisfy, the experiment shall cost him nothing. Taos. J. Workman, Agent for Camden, S. C., and d by Druggists and Merchants throughout the coun" Juno 28?ly. POISONING. Thousands of parents who u e Vermifuge composed o stor Oil, Calomel, Ac., are not aware, that while they lear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the indations for a series of diseases, such as salivation, loss sight, weakness of linilis, ^c. n another column will be found the advertisement of bensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of directly interested in their own as well as their Chilli's health. In Ltver Complaints and alt disorders arig from those of a billions type, should make use of the v genuine medicine, Hobensack's Liver Pills, cr" Be not deceived," but ask for Hobensack's >rm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has signature of the Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSaCK, as te else are genuine. MARRIED?On the 22d uit. by the Rev. S. "W. Ca a, Mr. A. H. Farrow, of Newberry, to Miss Marret Axx, eldest daughter ol Rev. John R. and Sat A. Joy, of this place. OBITUARY. DIED?On the 24th ult., at his residence in Kershaw strict, near Flat Rock, Mr. William D. McDowell, er a protracted illness, in the 4Gth year of his age. He had been a member of the Baptist Church for years, a Deacon and Secretary of the same. His tues were rarely to he found, and excelled by none. i a. ?!*L 1 ASII..A !tl. I ) was a coiisisiciH uiiribiiuu. wiui u, suui nuuu witu c to all mankind. In his circle of life he was beloi by all?at home, lie was hospitable, a kind and aftioiiate husband, a loving father, a merciful and gen- j >us master. But ho has left us and all those earthly tues, and also a beloved companion and two little I ldrcn to mourn their loss, and, we trust, practice his j tues. " Why should wc mourn departed friends, Or shake at death's alarms, Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call us to his arras." We feel satisfied death, to him, is the gate to Ileai?so then, our loss is his infinite gain. If so, let us cribe on his tomb, he has loved virtue, ho has died ppy, and death has no more dominion over him?he iow where the wicked cease from troubling and the ary are at rest. His happy spirit has his hopes reMid, his fuith turned into sight, and is forever to be Lh the Lord to behold his beauty, and live in his iles. At Chesnut Grove, York District, on the 16th ult., pulmonary disease of the lungs, Mrs. Elizabeth J. issey, wile of Capt. John Massey. CAMDEN PRICES CURRENT. lGGING. per yard 121 to 13 lLK -ROPE, per pound 9 to .. 1TTER,... .per pound 20 to 25 :EF. per pound 5 to 7 lCON, per pound lli to 14 FFEE, per pound 10 to 12 [EKSE, per pound 12 to 15 TTON,... .per pound 8J to 10J RN, per bushc 70 to 75 OUR, per barrel 5i to 6 DDER, per cwt $1 to ON, per pound 5 to C .RD, per pouna 1G to JLASSES,... per gallon 31 to 44 IlILS, per pound, 4 to 5 lTS, per bushel, 37 to 45 !AS, per bushel, G2 to 75 TATOES, Sweet per bushel..., 37 to 50 Irish, .per barrel to .. CE, per bushel.... $ 3 to 5 GAR, per pound ...6 to 12 LT per suck. 11 to li Cavalry Election. pursuance of orders from Col. Baker, an Election is hereby ordered to be held in Camden on the 16th ? of April inst, for Magor, to command the Eastern jadron of the 5th Regiment of Cavalry, in place of jor Baker, promoted. Lieut. Cantey and Cornet inders aro hereby detailed to manage said election. By order T. J. H. JONES, Captain Kershaw Troop. April 5-2t NEW BOOKS. MIK Lofty and the Lowly; or Good In All and None All-Good. By Miss M. J. Mcintosh. In ols. Hie Footpath ami Highway; or Wanderings of an nerican in Great Britain, in 1851 and '52. By B. iran. rim .ad and York Streets, and is now receiving hi; ply of SPRING GOODS, which, in addition to hit rner stock, makes his assortment very complete would be happy to see his old friends and cus lersnt the "NEW STAND,'1 where he hopes t< crtain them by showing them pretty Goods. an( ing them great bargains. For particulars "set ill bills." E. W. BONNEY. Harch 29 13tf idies' Elegant Spring Dress Goods S" New Styles, of Berages, Tissues, Grenidims, Ja conets, Lawns, Silks, Muslins, tfce. Just receive< I for sale on the most reasonable terms at larch 29 BONNEY'SADIES' KID GLOVES Handsome Fans, Frencl i Embroideries, Linen H'dkfs., Doilers, Table Lin , Linen Sheeting, ?fcc., now opening at rlarch 29 BONN NY'S. UMMER Clothing and Hats, of the latest styles for sale at BONNEY'S. ilarcli 29?13 tf White Havana Sugar, SUPERIOR article. Received and for salo low L by JAMES McEWEN. r 1 ha i m if iiunjii zv. i* u Leather! Leather!! Leather!!! GOOD assortment of every description. Jusi L received and for sale by dnrch 29?13tf WORKMAN OLOGNA SAUSAGES, Smoked Tongues, Supe > nor Canvas Hams, for sale by J. A. SCHROCK. EED POTATOES?a fresh lot on hand by J. A. SCHROCK. [EAL and GRITS?a fresh supply kept constant ly on hand by J. A. SCHROCK. Just Received. CASE Assorted Preserves. 2 cases Ginger do. 1 " Reading Sauce. 1 4< Harvey do. 1 " .Tnhn Rull dn_ 1 " Worcestershire Sauce. 1 " English Piccalilli. 1 " " Pickles. 2 " American Pickles By J. A. SCHROCK. Tarrants* Seltzer Aperient. LARGE and fresh supply; also, Ellis' Solutior L of Citrate of Magnesia; Sulph. Quinine; Sulph rphine, Hydriodutc of Potash, Iodine, Ac., Ac. ust received at Z. J. DellAY'S. ilarch 29tf Radway's Remedies. CONSISTING of Had way's Ready Relief, Readj > Resolvent, Ready Regulators (Pills,) Medicatec ip and Circassian Balm for the Hair. Justreceiv at Z. J. DellAY'S. larch 29 tf At Private Sale. ANE and her two Sons, 5 and 7 years. Jane i a complete cook, washer, ironer and clear starch a general house Servant, and of good character, tpply to farch 22?12 tf J. B. F. BOONE. CHARLES S. WEST^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUSTIN, TEXAS, rill practice In the 2d Judicial District and adjoining ntics, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts a still. {tferences.?Messrs. Doswell, Hill A Co., Galveston jely, Blair A Co., New-Orleans; Patrick, Irwin lie will be certain to try and pass for a white ma I The above reward of Twenty-five Dollars will bo ] , for his delivery in any jail in the State, i JAMES LOWItt Bradleyville P. 0., Sumter District 5t-12 JiiKt Purchased, A LAPvG E lotof extra COUNTRY CURED IIA which will bo sold low for Cash, by March 22-12tf B. W. CHAMBER A LOT of fine, well cured North Carolina BAC hog round. Low for cash bv March 22-12tf B. W. CHAMBER: Sugar and Coffee. . 9 ,rr'Sacks rio c?ffee, smdt) G Hhds. first quality Sugar. Just received for sule by W. C. MOOR] REMOVAL. JOSEPH B. KERSHAW, Attornoy and Solic has removed to the Office at the corner of C House Square. Camden, S. C. Oct. 22?v FRESII Mountain Butter, Fresh Country Lnr For sale hy J. A. SCHROCI HEAD QUARTERS, MILLFORD, JAN. 22, 1851 Odder No. 2. AN ELECTION for Mfijor General of the Fourt. Division, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tb? resignation of Major General W*. VV. Ilarllee is here* by ordered to take place on Friday, the 22d day of April next. The Brigadier Generals or officers commanding Brigades of the Division are charged with the extension of this order, and will cause returns to be made ^ ?er7 according to law. ^ s By order of the Commander-in-Chief, J. W. CANTEY, Adj'L and Insp. Gen. Jan. 25 4 l3t^ rar* All the tinners in the Division will publish weekly, until the electron, and the Charleston Merc** ry, Courier and Standard, tri-weekly. Three Huiidred Dollars Reward TT71LL be paid for the apprehension and delivery . T I to the Jail of Ksraliaw District of Hibam, a negro man, the property of L W. R. Blair, a fugitive from jui-.tioe, who stands indicted for the murder of. Mrs. Jane D. Young, committed on Friday, J 1th inst Said negro is about five feet 8 or 10 inches high, thick set, has heavy eyebrows, with small eyes, holds his ,n roat" Camden, S. C., Feb. 22, 1858. 8 ? Raleigh Standard, Spirit of the Age, Greebsboro Patriot, and Petersburg Intelligencer will copy four times, weekly, and forward bilk to this office for pay- > , meut ; or, * '' eath 9 Kennedy's Bufer Crackers. guc- W Received and for sale by i t. Dec 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. ?A TWO-POUND cans fresh Salmon.1 our Received and for sale by 10n9> Dec 6, 1852. SHAW AUSTIN. man. I A SUPPLY of fresh CURRANTS, CITRON and neri- I jEY RAISINS, just received, and low for cash by jan II B. W. CHAMBERS, r ... e8. A SUPPLY of BUCKWHEAT, warranted freak just received and low for cash by cncs jan II B. W. CHAMBERS. din's airy W. TH11KLOW CASTON. Attorney at Law and Solicitor in-Equity? r the CAMDEN, B. C. Office on Broad-Street near the Coort House. G. AN and after this date tlie Passenger and Mail \J Train will run once a week, say WEDNESDAY, eges twice a day> fr?m tfte Junction to Camden and back, connecting at the Junction with the Night Passenger g< and freight Express Trains from Charleston at 8 o'clock t' A. M., and bring up Passengers and light freight; Stock Poultry, Eggs, Fruit, and other light articles will be received at the Camden Passenger Depot, on Wednesr the days, at 10 o'clock A. XL, and connect with the night i day Express Train (down) from Columbia. It will be nethe cessary for shippers of stock to give three of four days rized notice, that cars may be provided for them. The Train will run directly through to Columbia J. a ad back ou Saturday?one day only. ' Schedule of Running Time. ~ FIRST OU MORNING TRAIN. . Leave Camden at 5A.M..' , Arrive at Junction at 1.45 " 1 Leave Junction at 8.60 " , Arrive at Camden 10.45 " jr SECOND, OR MID-DAY TRAIN, ON WEDXE8DAY. * Leave Camden at 11.30A.Xf. Arrive at Junction at 2.15 P.M. vloi Leave Junction at 2.45 Ariive at Camden at 6.15 '* N. D. BAX1EY, Agent. Jan 18 3 tf at. will iVew Advertisements. lock, rrtHE subscriber has lately received a largo and 'the X choice selection of PERFUMERY and FANCT r'ea* ARTICLES\ consistingin part of Pomades for the Hair, Lyon's Kathaison, and Haul's Kau Lustral; German, eave French and American Cologne; Lubin's and Roussel's and iTor.,iVorr.iiiof Uli-trn^ta Toilet Bottles?some verr lack rich patems; Tooth, Hair, Shaving and Nail Brushe*; *iny. Dressing, Tuck and Pocket Combs, of Buffalo, Horn jlina and Ivory. To all of which he invites the attention of c?o- the Ladies in particular, and the public generally, been Feb 8 Z. J. DellAY. dbj Cutlery. CONSISTING of Fine Razors, Penknives and Tweezers, Porte Monaies, Portfolios, and Glove Boxes. ?erd ? also? Letter, Cap and Bill Paper; Wafers; Sealing Wax, J- Plain and Fancy Envelopes, Steel Pens and Penholders, Red. Bluo and Black Inks, may always be had at Feb 8tf Z. J. DeHAyS. Fruit, Fruit, Fruit. GES 1 A Kegs Malaga Grapes ,124 lv 1 case fresh Currants i old 50 pkgs. Baisins, in whole, half and quarter boxes, Layer and Bunch 20 drums new crop Figs 2 bagsBordcaux Almouds Enelish Walnuts, Filberts, Brasil Nuts, Citron, Lemona y and Oranges. Reooivod and for salo l>y Dec. 6, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. *>ve " Come at Fast." '* \ FULL and IVcsh supply of Cleveland's Premium x\_ Cologne and Tooth Dentriflce Received yesterday at Z. J. DeIIAY'S. riots 1 U1ID. "CousardVlIanis. Received and for sale by 1 D?o. G, 1852. SHAW k AUSTIN. Special Notice* ALL persons indebted to me previous to 1858, will please settle before Return Day. , ' Feb. 14. W. C. MOORE. E. ? ? French Burr Millstones. PAIR superior 54 feet For sale at cost in New my w York. aijo. :k, a All kinds of Mill Irons furnished to order, and all tul kinds of Saw Mill Irons constantly on band, old, McDOWALL k COOPER, alky Camden, S. C. Feb. 14. 1?6t spo- t35"T'ie Lancaster Ledger and Charlotte Democrat and will copy 4 times and forward Ml) to McD. it C. (ovaj ?? i?\ 111 Equitf-Kcnhaiv District. lend Uainpton Bynum, Gray Bvnum, ei. al. vs. Robert Matgh I thews and Anne his wife, C. L. Banner and Mary, ,m.e his wife, ot al.?Bill for Partition. T TT aPPea"nP tom.v satisfaction that Robert Matthews, ., X Anne Matthews, 0. L Banner, Mary Banner, BenP jamin B. Blume, John C. Blnmo, John Farmer, Thotnus Hampton, Elizabeth Hampton, Elizabeth Farmer, Jno. 1' Johnson, Tabitha Johnson, and Abnor Carmichael, Do fendauts to the above Bill, are absent from and reside beyond the limits of this State: It is ordered on motion of Shannon, Solicitor for Complaimints, that they MS, do plead, answer or deinor to the said Bill within three months from the publication thereof; in default wheroS. of an order pro confesso will be ordered against them. ? \V. H. R. WORKMAN, C. E. K. D. ON, Commissioners Office, March 7, 1852. ($7) S. GEO. ALDEn7~ Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Leather. 8n<* XT constantly on hand a lar^o and well assortE XV. ed Stock of all kinds of Goods in his line. \:aroh 1.?9tf ,. PIANO FORTES. HP WO Second hand PIANO'S, in good style and tune, 1 For sale by J. 13. F. BOONE. March 1-9 3t X CASES assorted French Cordials, lteceived and *) for sale hy SHAW A AUSTIN. ^ ^