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i?KBi AXl) INK SKETCH OF OKA'. SHE K.MAX. An army correspondent gives tlis h>llowiiig description or' (ion. Sherman, as he appeared in Kingston, Ga., a tew day3 i O'.iru <1 r .lit Ilia irfi'llt PVItl>lll)l.)ll ..V.W.V. UvjMUUlg vyw ..w W....... . j Newspaper correspondents are nsunlly very sliv of Sherman, owing to the mistaken impression that he is the sworn enemy of the whole Bohemian fraternity.' I confess that until Friday night I feareil Sherman almost us much as his SaUuie ; majesty, f.ud many a time have I taken [ refuge behind some well-dressed staff j officer, lest Sherman's eagle eye should j detect my citizen suit, and his austere voice order me to leave his lines, uot-; withstanding I carried Grant s pass in i my pocket, and had given no aid and ' comlprt to the enemy. The other night, ' however, I was entrapped, and, with no , line of retreat open, I braced myself for the charge. Sitting in the tent of two of ^ his gentlemanly start', listening to the en- j livening music of Col. Humbright's Lan- ; caster, Penn., Band, who were serenad-: ing the General, before I was aware ofI the close proximity of the Chieftain, whose wrath I so much feared, one of the ; ?nrl?l *nlr presented himself at the entrance; and addressing me, I moved to j the entrance, when there immediately j stood before me the terror of newspaper ! correspondent* ? Major-Geu. Sherman I 44 (General, permit me to make you acquainted with Capt. remarked j the Aid; and before I had time to recov-: er Irom my astonishment, the General j ? had extended liis left hand, which I j grasped, and a moment alter, we were 1 sitting in the tent, engaged in as social conversation as though we had been acquainted for years. The moment ray palm touched that of Sherman, ami his voice uttered, " I am delighted to meet you," all terror and embarrassment disappeared, and I sat there for half an hour, listening to his compliments of the band, 1 liis laconic replies to business papers presented for endorsement, and his clear ideas upon every subject referred to.? Sitting there beneath the canvas lent, which wes lighted up by a crackling tire j burning at the entrance, I had an excellent chance to study that strange genius whose word decides the destinies of more than one state, and to whose fiat every bayonet yields submission. The General sat in an army chair, over Ilia back of 1 which one arm hung down; his small j piercing eyes, one moment gazing upon j the ruby tiames, the next peering into j the darkness beyond, as thbugh striving I to see the lungs lrotn which the exquisite j music ol the band issued- The Adjutant General presents a paper lor endorsement. Sherman's eyes lull; in au instaut he kuows its contents, and before he has refolded it, his lips dictate the endorsement, which Capt. Dayton's admirable business practise enables him to comprehend at ouco. Sherman's eyes once more peer out: his ear is turned to catch the clear music of the opera of the Three Shepherds; his head seen is to move involuntarily in hannony with the notes; the simple remark " beautiful,'' escapes him ; Uis eyes drop to the tloor?rest tucre tor a moment so intently that one supposes he is sketching a four month's campaign in liis great mind?the eyes are raised abruptly, and he utters a few brief words that show us he loves music and has a verr nice discrimination between good t and bad. lie detects every error and j follows it bj a nervons twitch of the body | that shows it does not n-st pleasant on his I ear. In conversation, he 1^quick, social j aud winning; conveying an idea in a ven* few words; never experiences embarrass- , ment in bis selection^' words tr? give his j thoughts expression, and in language so ' clear that no one can well misunderstand j him. He is indeed a remarkable man: j opoa into ?n mnrp in one instant than ! most men's do in a mouth. In his pies- j euce half an hour, a visitor is almost con-! strained to believe that Sherman lms as ! many minds as a clock has wheels, all conforming to the mechanism of the grand ' whole, but each thiuking for its individual self. His is a strange organization, ; that few men can fully understand, but J one that all who meet him are certain to 1 admire and wonder at. General Sherman a few davs ago; wrote to his father-in-law, Hon. Ihouias F.wiug, that he was the loader of the bravest und best army that wvtr marched American soil. i i JOSH JJILLIXUS AN*\?AS:tS HIS CORll&SPOXD&Ms. QUcht?I luver have visited the Mor motis, but niv friend Artemus War.l has, ' nnil he tells trie they are a healthy people, i and fond ov feuwil society. Unsays tliey j liav more religion, akordingto their pop-, ulashuu, than tha kno what to clew with. | They marry young, and often. The proilnkshnn ov the country iz Mormons. ' They helenf in a hereafter, but it iz gener- < ally a hereafter ot wimmin. Tliev are fond ov amusements, sieli az pitching cents and sliding dowu hill. .Siv/'io?-If I bad the dyspepsy I would ! buy me a hard trotting boss, (off from ! the kanawl), and ride him bare back it); miles a day lor a spase ov lime. If that ; didn't seem tew inliuense me, I would issue proposals tew the lowest bidder to j be led for one year on bran bred and slip- ; pery eliu tea. 11 that didn't seem tew me, I would sell my house and ; lot, and invest the proceeds in pat tent j medisin. and take the whole lot in rota- | shun. If that didn't scorn tew inflnensc me, I would cum tew the konklusion j that I had the water brash, or some other j d >h thing, I didn't rare which, and take a job ov thrashing out wet rye for ; evry tenth bushel, aud git?well. Ctxreutx?We never undertake tew re- ! turn rejekted manuskrip. The fact iz, * we don' t read more than half we reject, i It iz a way we hav got. Crusor?Evrything lmz a side tew it, a ! tni side and a rvdikilous side. The tru ! side will take care ov itself. There iz i uothing very ridikilous in truth. Von | are much mistaken if you think we are censorious bekauze we are obliged tew i be. We are under heavy bonds tew look | into things, and deskriljo ; M'lty?Itiz very natral that yon should j ask me in what manner you "should re- 1 soavc, the proposal from your lover. It iz sumthing ov a trick tew dew it nice. ! You don t ought tew jump into the collar ! suddiu, nor fly buck suddiu; like a l>ocky j lioss, but vn oudit tew take it kind, i looking down hill, with an esprcshun, about half tickled and half scart. Attcr the pop iz over, if vure luvver wants tew kiss you, I dont think I would say yes or ) uo, but let the thing kind ov take its own j course. There iz one thing I hav alwus stuck tew, aud tiiat iz, give me long : courtships and short dugogeincuts. Sitijcui?We never furnish ortograff* in less quantity than bi the package. It iz a bizness that grate meu hav got into, but it dont strike us az beiug profitable nor amuzing. We furnish a near and very dear friend our ortogruff a few years i ago, for 1?0 days, anil it got into the hands 1 ov one of the* banks, and it kost ?s j tew get it back We went out ot the i bizzucss then, and have not hankered for ! it siuse.?Troy Sacs. ADVENTURE WITH A BENGAL TIGER. Just as daylight was failing us, and while we were still a couple of miles from [ camp. I observed a troop of monkeys ; crowded together on a trek which overhung a clump of long grass, bouuding : from branch to branch in a state of great i agitation, screaming,chattering, aud mak- j ing hideous grimaces, as if half eurageil j and half terrified at the sight of some ob- ! ject beneath them. 44 What is the matter with the monkeys ?" 1 inquired ot my guide in Hin- i dostanee. 44 It is a tiger, probably," he replied, puffing away at his cheroot with perfect ! coolness, and striding along as if it were 1 all a matter ot course. 44 The devil it is I" said I, thunderstruck j at the coolness ol the young nwcal; for ; the path we were pursuing being bounded | on I'Acli side hv imoonetrabiu iuiiirie. ; obliged us lo pass witliiu a few yards of the haunted thicket; and cocking both.1 barrels of my rilie, 1 stepped out at my best pace to escape from the dangerous i ueighborbood as quickly as possiole. We bad just passed the thicket, and ! were making a short turn round the end i of it, where, to my utter dismay, 1 lound J my&elf tace to lace, and within twenty j yards of a royal tiger busily engaged in tearing up the carcase of a wild boar he had just killed. My hair almost st ?oJ on end as the brute "raised his enormous ! bead, smeared with blond, and glared upon us with his malignant greeu eyes, i Mohadefu dropped his cheroot, and remained motionless us a statue, witu his keen rye stvadily fl v~! o.i ina'. ?<;' i . N ti ; t. I knew of tiie u dure of !he to be aware that it m?re danger- : ons to retreat than to stand fast; "but thinking that a charges-is now Inevitable, : I was determined to have "thclirst word of living," as we say in Scotland, and was i about to raise my rifle, when Molmdeen, without removing his gaze from the tiger, i laid his hand upon my arm, and kept it J down with a firm grasp. The tiger growl- j od and showed his te?*th. but unable to ! withstand the fascination of the human ; Kn npe.wlii.illtr TIM t t!m IV! IV cy c, uu ^lauuiiii v tuitiuu IUV . which jealously clutched liis prey,crouch- j c.l together, as it' applied by the steady gaze of the savage, (itrued slowly round, j and uttering a sulky growl, slunk away into the long grass. No softner was his back turned, than Mohadeen, clapping his hands to his mouth, sent forth that peculiar wild yell which appears to strike j terror to the heart, of the most savage ani- ' mal, and we instantly heard the stealthy ; tread ?rt" the tiger change to a rapid gallop, tis he lied in dismay from that un- j earthly cry. " \Vehave made him cat dirt,"remark- j ed the young savage, coolly picking up i his cheroot, replacing it in the corner of ; his mouth, and walking off as il nothing remarkable had happened. VVe now set i" * ?i ? i ??,. i on nMvanis UUIUJJ a* a lwunu inn, IUI uit short twilight of the tropics was fading ' rapidly, and my guide, all hough he af- i feeti'd to despise tigers by dayiight, was : perfectly aware they were not to be tri- ! tied with alter nightfall. \Ye reached the tents without further venture, audi confess I was not a little glad when we canto in sight of our cheerful camp fires. Ct UVfUS & co., Jm Wuouavui .VNI> Rktui. ST\TinN?as, Palmetto U.Tilrl store. Hilton Hen it S. C. t&~ A Liberal Discount to Pcrchs^rs at i Wholesale. Cash Orders by mail or express promptly ailed, j gLANK NOTES AND DRAFTS For Sale at the PALMETTO IIEltALD STORE, Pai.mctto ilmuu Duihting. i "*?. T? T ?/i o I V li II LMilnTVPC M I i n i u o A.ii/ ji n i/ 11> i .1 u o . , 1J Jast landed from New York, a huge as?ort- ; meat of Drugs. Chemical-*, ami Perfumery. viy_ I Lnliin's Extracts, Edrihi's. <lo.; Colognes Pom-. ; ivies, Hair tonic* of the finest quality, Tooth Pokder, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent Medicines, Pi Ha { and Ointments. A iricc lot of Bathing, Carriage and Velvet' Sponges. Flea Powder, producing instent death. Pure Soda Water from Stone Fountains, w ith ! the chalcest syrups. All orders will receive paoiupt attcntiou. > W. M. WALSH, M. 1)., I- Merchants* Row. . j J 1ST RECEIVED By 0. \\\ DENNIS Jt CO., And will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES !!! 10,000 Lbs. Butter, Hardwire. of every de1 a fuiA ti 4 'K??oca 0erintli)li. IVfWW" VUVVC^ v?>| ' - I 100.000 Cigars, Yankee Notions, of every j lO.noo Lb?. Cake? and kind, Crackers, Matches, loo Bbls. Potatoes, Cauneu Peaches, Toraa- i 100 " Flour, toes, Peas, Green; 1 , *,tWV"i Pr?. Glows. Meats? B*ef, Veal, j r>00 Camp Sto\e?, Chickens, Turkeys, i Stationery, in variety, N'tus, Haisins, Figs, Fig Paste, Confectionery, I Blank Books. Ledgers, Day Books. Shirts. Draw era, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Neck-Tics, Boot? and [ Shoes, Army Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Stove j Pl;>e, Herring's Bates. Abbott's History ol the War, Fi^h Lines, Cutlerv, Metallic Coffin*, Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, 4c., Jtc. Call and examine. Hilton lie ah, s. C., Nov. 14, 1S04. jpBOF?S810NAL NOTICE. B. B. ANDREW?, j Atto*vxy ano Coi"*tf?ix"tf at Law, Solicitor in > CllAgCaBV A\I> PaoOfOU A>I> Autooatx l.v An- j MlkALTY. All CoiiiUcatlon C'a?e* in the District Court of , tb* Northern District of Florida examined and defended promptly and reasonably. Address, U. U. ANDREWS, Jacksonville. Fin. ( Keferctice at Hilton Head, 8. t'., S. W. Majon, | Editor Paluzxto iluuv. 44 / tOOD LIVING," VJ At rcrmounble prices, enn be bad at the i E AG life OYSTER und REFRESHMENT 'A- f LOON, in the rear of t!ie New Post OtBcv Hilton Head. 8. C. 1 Lave the very beat facilities for furnlslibij: OYSTERS CLAMS MEATS. POt LTRY, VEGETABLES. &c., from the North aiul ether places in Mia vicinity. Cooked to order , ftumfiA. M.ioar. *. r J'KTEK F1 t/.uKEALD, Proprietor. I p. 8.?0'.iu trial is f i:.tliy mUnled. DSilKWY A MuKtiAN, ' J. No. 1 Hao vtiVAY, lc \!rr? f.-t SV7J.ERS* GOOU*. \\ b at'- ] i; t di. [OfiHal.] IT r Mx>t* \kt.tb, Pi it. of Tnr. Surrr, IIli.T'lN II;;.vl>, S. C., Due. 11 1x54. OknfB.U. OltOKKS.) IIN?SKVRRAL RECENT CASKS IN WHICH soldiers haw b: 0:1 tried bv Court M.trt!nl for f!??"plns on post,.the Conrt seem to have thought that the accused could not be cotivie eel, lei" n*j not properly posted by i)on-eomm!*eioner! oflleer->. The practice of all wins sentinel-- to relieve each other is in violation of par. 413. Army ne"u!:ttions, aud sh.nlrt uever be permitted, lint it i*a:i error to snnpoie .a seuun *i ?r.n hmi?o another without N,!ng proj??rlv p.>*lefl bv * non-commission ?d officer. ! ? for that i eason Irtv from .accountability under the 4<Uh Article of War. II. It appear? from the record of another cafe that a mistaken idea is prevalent relative to the obligation to obey orders, which, from inadvertence or other cause* are not through the ordinary official channels. The omission of an intermediate commander in the tran-mittal of orders, may be respectfully called to the attention of his superior, by the commander omitted. but ? furnishes no escu.? to the officer receiving the order, for disobe Hence. III. The action of Brig.-Hen. Tiuftis Saxlon. Command!** Beaufort District. In designating Fort .Marion, St. Augustine. Florida. h? the place of condnemmit for Privates William II Washington and Creed Calatvay. Co. 1), lh-'d U. S. C. T? and Private John II. Johnson. Co. (?. 20 th 1*. S. C. T.. as promulgated in Gen ral Orders No. * > and 41, Headin.arters, Beaufort District, is approved. Private Charles Jones. Co. B. 20th 1". S. C. T., whose 8entices was promulgated in the latter order will also be c<.nfi:>cd at Fr rt Morion. The Provost Marshal Central 16 clurgcd withtLu execution of this order. Bv Coiin.vm? <?i M.uos-Okx. J. t?. FOSTER, W. L. M. Dt ujoa; Asft. Adji. I'Hi. [ J heatajtubtscs. dlip'r of 1hx SnCMl' ^ lit:.ton II?ai*i S. C., Dec. I.; 1-U. gsnitru. 0'JJlKlt:j,) n<>. 1 ?5. i ON THE RECOMMENDATION OFlIISEFOIMRNTAI., Post. and District Oomnvnul. r% 1-t Lieut. Max Rosenberg, Co. (I. uCh N. V. Vols , Is hereby dismissed the military service r.f the United States. ?ul>i*rt to the apurovaS of the Pet sident, for incompetency, habitual (lruukeuness neglect of duty, and the cuustaut esc of opium. Dy Com'd of Major-Gcn. J. C. POSTER, W. L. M. Di aoiJt. Asst. Adjutant General. lOfflcial.] tt ? ia..,.,.. IlIAI^l I'iU.UT, BM I. ,-r |||? .J\'| in. Hilton Hcai*, 8. 0., l)ec. W, l&JI, GEN'vrat. ol'muu, ) No. 1CT. f \y H. DENNIS, E^O., ASSISTANT UNITED >T States Coa?t Snrvcy, bavins refuted to theso Ifeadciuarteis for ilnty. Is hereby aunouuced ou the Stall' of the Major General Commanding, with the assimuljted rank of Captain; be n il) be obeyed and respected accorttttHr. B? COMMAMJ <>? Mak>U-GEX. J. G. FOSTEIL V W. L. M. Bt'tfoer. Asst. Adjt. tlro'l. B~ACK NUMBERS OF THE PALMETTO HERALD. Those who desir? COMPLETE FILES Of Tin Palmetto Ukum u. to date. cr?n procure them at this office. at the regular price ptr copy. We have reserved, each week, a su.iicicnt number to supply auy reasonable demand, aud we believe no more complete and act urate compendium of + events iu the Department Can be procercd. * S. W. MASON'' & CO. 5 0001<KS' CLNCINXAT1 BAC?X; r?o Itbis. Freeh PILOT BREAD; 1,000 Gallons KEIiOSLXE OIL, lu Five-Gallon Cans; For Sale, Cheap, by C. N. BELLOWS, No. $ Meeitiavi's' Row. Photographs, cartes de visite, Jfcc., Ac. , Larjre Photograph#, Cartes De Vwle, .. Ainbrotypes, Mela'aotypet, frames, for rbotojrrapln, Larpe Albums, Pocket Albums, Iu Good Style, At *1 Mtsruv^Ts* Row. __ J. T. HEADING A Ox PAIL Jt PITTS. tt.'ui.kks l?? ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIES. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SjioKS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &w. Ac.. Ac.. *lO. 3 M r-KCllA STt? ItOW. DILTOTI Ul*lk Ani> B*v Point, S. f \ N. BELLOWS. No. S Sl'TLERr UO >\ V.'. Dealer iu BOOTS; SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, unit Sutler** Goods of Every Dveoiptioii, Wholesale aiul Retail. HC. FOSTER. PHOTOGRAPHER, WORRIS ISLAND near FORT SHAW. CA1STK** DE VJSITES, AMBROTVPES, Are., made iu itw bert possible roitucer by ejcpeiieueed anier*. in! W. SINCLAIR. XL/ , PHOTOGRAPHER. Uu lories nt Beaufort, and Hilton llc-ud, S. t\ ami Jacksonville, Fit. D UNBARS a FRANZ, hi SUTLERS POW. Healers i:i Sutlers' Goods, U holesnic unl Kofiiil. _ 1^AYI.OR J AI.IUNY ALE, . By Pie ii.r".:!, "i IV.vuoi y A Mi.-man'a Prc-b Got:dj of uil kiii* uov. living l?n.U?A. Crow Brk' M \m Ci..rA