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Il is intimated that Sherman occupies Atlanta. LATEll NORTHERN NEWS.j NEW YORK DATES TO TIIE 29th. ' fFrom the N. Y. Herald of the 20th. J On Tuesday evening the enemy made ...? . ll!l iw luuiiv vfcu. uuiiii o pwit ion, an,I were trying to gi t ui>on his rear by way of Harrison's Landing. Heavy artillery firing continued all night at Bermuda Hundred. Tuesday and Wednesday night the lebels made an attack on Gen. Foster, on James River, but were frequent ly repulsed. Rebel Generals claim a decided victory over Sherman at Atlanta. General Hood announces the capture of several cannon, colors and prisoners. Richmond journals are tilled with articles upon what they call a victory at Atlanta. The I'nion forces captured at Atlanta 1025 prisoners, including sixty commissioned, officers in the battles of the l'Jth and 22d. They were sent to Nashville. Gold has declined 10 per cent. IT!POUT!ST EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. Release of the I'nlon Generals and ; Field Oilircrs under Fire in Charleston. The F?f<y Rebel General* nntl Flelil Officers Delivered Vp. Negotiations for tlmt purpose Laving resulted in an agreement to exchange the f? rebel generals and 4."? field ofileers recently brought to t lis Department, for the Federal generals and field 'ofileers who were nlaced under our lir<* in Charleston. Maj. Anderson and Maj. Strong, of Gen. Fosters Staff, on Tuesday evening left here witli the rehel prisoners, for Charleston harl)or, to make the exchange. The following is a list of the rebel prisoners : Maj.-Con. Edward Johnston; Maj.CJon. Frank Gardner; Brig.-Gen. J. J. Archer; Brig.-Gen. Geo. \\r. Stewart; Brig.-Gen. M. Jeff Thompson; Colonel WYslev It. Carter; Col. M. Cobb; Col. Basil Duke; Col. M. J. Ferguson; Col. ^ rr...i.?. i\.\ i>;ni.n,..i ir < \r,.. I I. ?1|. ib.XIKl I'.l V, ) ( I'<?]. James Pell; Col. W: II. Peebles; Col. A. 8. Yunder venter: Col. Win W. Yard; Col. Wm. M. Barber; Col J.N. Bro,vn; Col. J. A. Jacques; Col B. E. Candill; Col. W. II. Forney; Lieut.JJol. James F. Brewer ; Lieut-Col. P. E. Duraat; Lieut.-CoL S. P. Fitzgerald; J.iout-Col. C. L. Ilaines; Lieut.-CoL <). A. Patten; Lieut-Col. A. L. Swingley ; J.ieut.-Col. Joseph T. Tucker; lieul.-Col. 1). II. L. Martz; Lieut.-Col. A. Dujiree; Lieut.-Col. Y.G.Jackson; Lieut.-Col. M. J. Smith; Major 1>. W. Anders ?n: Major J. II. Caldwell: Major J. T. ('arson; Major W. T. Emmett; \Lbor J. ('. Grooe: Mainr Horace A. iligley; Major Charles Henry; Major K. A. Nash; Major L. .T. Perkins; Major George Ji. Smith; Major K. J. Saunders; i Major T. Steele; Major Thomas B. \Yebor; Major J. M. Wilson; Major W. H. Manning; Major T. E Epson; .Major F. F. \Yalley; Lieut.-Col. \\ . L. Davidsou. ? The following are the names of the Federal prisoners: Brig.-Gcn. Seymour; Brig.-Gen. Vessels; Brig.-Gen. Scaminnn; Brig.-Gen. Shuler; Brig.-Gen. Iliekman; Col. T. G. ( !mv<-r (\?f. If ITnivkiiK (Y?l If 1 f-ir ri-mon; Col. J. II. Lehman; Col. O. II. \ ijegnuige; Col. \V. C. Lee; Col. K. AVliite; Col. II. C. Bolinger; Col. II. L. Brown; Col. E. L. Dana; Col. E. Eardell ; Lt.-Col. E. S. Havs; Lt.-Col. N. D. Ilnnter; Lt.-Col. F. X. Jliggeniiotham: Lt.-Col. E. \V. McMakin; Lt-Col. \ |). Miles; Lt.-Col. W. C. .Maxwell; 1.1.- ! Col. J. 1). Maylu-w; Lt.-Col. S. Morfitt, \ Lt.-Col. G. C. Josliii; Lt.-Col. E. Alcoit; | Lt.-Col. J. Potslev; Lt.-Col. A. F. { lingers; Lt.-Col. J. II. Ilurnlinnt; Lt.Col. C. I>. lJaKhvin: Lt.-Col. W. G. Bartliulitner; Lt.-Col. \Y. li. Cook; Lt.-Co!. C. I. Diekerson; Lt.-Col. J. T. Fellows; Lt.-Col. G. A. Fairbanks; Lt.-Col. W. t Glen : Lt.-( o\ T. P. Spolloril: Lt.-Col. \V. W. Stewart; Lt.-Col. F. W. Swift; Lt.-Col. A. \V. Taylor: Lt-Col. \V. P. Lascellc; Major C.* II. Jinrcs; Major F. W. Baker; MaiorJE. W. Bates: Major J. E. Clarke; Major I). A. Carpenter; Major W. Crandall; Major II D Grant; Major J. Ilall; Major J. N Johnson. Tiie exchange took place at 10 o'clock An Y\7*/k ?lr? / ?: /!? * Vo/IavoI nrJcAti/iM Ull ' 1 C Uil TUit > . Hit 1 Ulthll were brought clown 011 the Chesterfield. At 12 o'c lock, the exchange having been effected, the steamers parted, the band on our steamer, the Cosmopolitan, striking up 41 Home, Sweet Home." The Pawnee fired a salute, and the crews of the naval vessels gave loud cheers. In the afternoon the exchanged officers | dined with Co n. Sickles 011 the Admiral. The Cosmopolitan arrived here this morning, and the returned officers will go North on the Fulton. DONATION 15 Y TIIE FREED3IEN OF ST. HELENA. Camp of the Mars. V01.r., Island, S. C., July 31,1864.?Mr. Editor ?On last Satnrdav a steamer arrived at Stono Inlet from Hilton Head, having on board about 1,000 fine luscious watermelons sent by fhc freedmen of St. IIcl cnn, to their brethren who are battling for the Union and freedom, and who compose the I13d U. S., ">4th and ?r?th Mass. Regiments. Mr. Reuben Toiulinson, General Superiulendant of Preedmen, very kindly took charge of their safe transportation hereThis most substantial gift, showing both the goodness of heart and mind of these people so lately bound by the fetters of slavery, is highly appreciated by the soldiers, and this method is taken to return their most sincere thanks for the generosity. Respectfully yours, Mox. OPEXIXC OP A POST CHAPEL OX IIILTOX HEAD. IIu.ton* !Ii:.vr>, August 2, 1801.?Mr. Editor?Will you permit rnc to again m c^<i- "ii jr win vjj uoiviu^ wu to publish the following: The Roman Catholic Post Chapel of Hilton Ileutl will l>e opened on Sunday, 17th instant, for Divine Service. The chapel will not then have been finished, but through the liberal supi>ort of generous friends, and the energy and action of many of the mechanics and laborers who worked gratuitously before and alter their usual working hours, it will be closed in, roofed and floored, and thus so far completed as to accommodate a congregation. Service will commence at 11. A. M. A sermon will be preached on the occasion, after which a collection will he taken up to aid in completing the chapel. Since acknowledging in one of your previous issues, the subscriptions received front my friends and supporters, I have received* the following: Capt. Chaplin, $15: 1 US.1.1..11 I 1T,.?Ua \jumiji aii'i luwuui, i wit iiwun j iuiwi , 20: Geo. W. At wood A Co., 25; Bernard Swectman, l();Capt. Meyers, 107Ui Ohio Vols., 10; the workmen of the I". 8. Naval Machine Shop, per J. I*. Morris, 101; ThomasGleeson, 10; i)r. Oliver, 10; I'apt. Mars, 20; Capt. Loughlin, 104th Penn. Vols., 10 ; the workmen of wheelright and blacksmith shops, per Mr. Commerford, 97; Nicholas Murphy, second subscription, 10; John Petts, second subscription 10: Edward Burns, 10: smaller sums, 25; steward of the steamer Fultou, 28. v.,,. ??:ii u* I *\iiv iuu uoiu ua> ijuai u;i \> in u. thankfully received and acknowledged by yours respectfully, James Has so.v. Mxtok-Genkrat. Q. A. GILT.MORE was placed in command of the Xinctcenth Army Corps, in the defences of Washington, but was so lisabled by a fall from his horse, which dislocated his ankle, as to be unable to command it. A colored :c;,n within our lines recently felt constrained to preach against the extortions of tire sutlers, j from which Ins iloek IukI guttered. After nm< h d lilKTution, lie nnnouiu'ed his text as follows: ' Now the serpent was more sutler than any beast of the Held which th? Lord God had mud*."?/><?* J Str.:th,. j Thuke Union Ofiiclks while being' carted from Macon to Charleston, escajrtd from the cars, and arrived here yesterday. They state that 2,500 Union prisoners arc Confined near Charleston, with no shelter. Gen. Sickles, who has been on an inspecting tour in the Department of the Gulf, was a passenger here by the Admiral, which arrived here on Tuesday. Faon Monnis Island.?The tire on Fort Sumter is still kept up by our batteries, with a promise of good results. Tin* A aa t rr t av Padt .Taiivcav A recently arrived deserter from Fort Johnson states that Col. Iloyt would have captured that fort with ease, had the supports succeeded in landing. Tiie Steamship An ago, which at last previous news was aground on the bar off New Orleans, is reported by the Admiral to have got off, and proceeded to sea. J)h.uiatic and Musical.?The National Dramatic Club gave two good per formAnces at the Lmon I heater last wee ft, which were well attended. On Monday evening the Excelsior Minstrel Troupe" had a performance there which is highly spoken of. ^ Accii>kvt.?Whiloa salute was being fired Ht Fort Welles, this meaning, in honor of the returned Union prisoners, a private belonging to Co. ft, 3d It. I. Artillery, was killed, an J another mortally injured, by a "premature discharge. Thinks.?'The Editor of Tns Palmktto Hecalts while seriously ill. during the past week, received mnch kind assistance in issuing this Number of his paper, from Ins friends of the New Sorrn and Peninsula, whose courtesy he wishes to acknowledge. DTtUOS AND MEDICINES!! .Just landed from New York, a large apartment of Drugs, Chemicals, and Perfumery, viz. Lnbin's Extracts Edrihi's do.; Colognes Pomade?, Hair tonics of the finest quality, Tooth Powder, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent Medicine?, Pills and Oimm^nts. A nice lot of Bathing, Carriage and Velvet Sponges, Flea Powder, producing instant death. Pure Soda Water from. Stone Fountain?, with the choicest syrups. All orders will receive prompt attention. W. M. WALSH, M. D., II! Merchants' Row. [Official.] IIiLVi'or \ptk::s. Du-'t or Tire Sorni, lin. roN Hun, S. C'? July 'i7,15C4. Gesirvi. Omens, > No. 111. < INSPECTION REPORTS IN TIIIS REPARTnn-nt show great carelessness on the part of Regimental ami Detaciiment Commanders, in excuski.' from Inspections large numbers of officers and enlisted nrnn. The interests of the per vice demand, that at the prescribeu Monthly Inspection. by the officers of the Corps of Inspectors, and at all Regular Inspections, even- officer anil eulisted man who possibly can, "shall be present." It is therefore ordered : That at all Regular Inspections of Regiments and Detachments, every officer, non-cotnnils.-foucd officer and private, reported "present for duty" on the Morning Heport of tne day of Inspection, shall lie present, with the following exceptions : I>t. Officers and enlisted men on Grand Guard, Picket, Scouts, Kemnuoissance* and like service. 2d. General, Field and Regimental Officers of the Day, one officer, two non-commissioned officers, one drummer or bugler, and gentries on Post of camp Guard. 3d. Office's and enlisted men, members or witnesses of Courts Martial end Military Commissions one cook to each Company, aud one Orderly to Commanding Officer, lit Cmuuso or Mojos-Gen. J. (J. FOSTER, i W. L. M. iicoucH, Asst. Adjt. General. ofttcial : Thomas J. Robinson, 1st L'oct. i?lst L'. .9. C. T., Act. Asst. Ad't. General. , lOfflrlal.j IlKAWlC?.?TKr_S, 1'. S. FoBCSJ, Milton 11 cap, Fort Pilaski, St. v ANOTyhee ISLAM*, Hilton Head, S.C., August13(H. Genlrm. Ouors, > No. t" F RSl'AXT TO GENERAL ORDERS, No. 11.', dated Ileadqu irters, Department of the South, July 31,1- tl, the undersigned hereby assumes Command of the I'nitea States Forces, Districtofllilton Head. S. C. All orders and regulations now in operation wiil remain in force tftuil othmvitv ordered. OftM.d communications for these HeaJqanrfeni will lie addressed to Lieut. William C. Manx) no, Act. A; St. Ai^jt General. KDWAU11 K. POTTER, iii u, v. uui Ofvh't.w. : wm. c. manxtxo, Ut U.aud A.A.A.O. Double thick note paper, AVD EXTRA EX. THICK ENVELOPES. I have always a stock of the best lined Opaque Envelopes, and the finest and heaviest Letter and Note Paper that can be bought in New York. A. L. STIM80N, Bookseller, (in the Comer.J Union Sqnara. . Tiie assault on* fort sumter. Stimson, Print Dealer, in Union Square, has for Sale a line large Lithographic Representation of Military and Naval Bombardment of Porta Sn niter and Wasner in Angust, 1863. Price ?1. Also a Companion Picture illustrating the Torpedo Explosion under the New Ironsides, Oct, 5, lSdll. Photographic gallery, MORRIS ISLAND, near FORT SIlAW CARTES ])E VIS1TES, AMBlfoTYPES, Ac. made in the best possible manner by experienced artists. ii. c. iosteh. Proprietor. LIEUT.-GEN. U. & GRANT. Excellent large-sized likeness of T.ient.-Gen. Guant in frame, Cartes de Virite, "5e. in beautiful email braes oval frames. .??. Also, Cartes de Vi-ite of Mnj.-Geu. FOSTER, Muior-Gen. SHERMAN. .Major-Gen. WARREN, Major-Gen. MEADE. Maior-Gen. BUTLER; Major-Gen. HUNTER, Majcr-Gen. GILLMORE, Maior-Gen. IIOOKER. Major-General STRONG, Maior-Gen. HANCOCK, Major-Gen. BIRNEY, Bri--Gen. 8AXTON, Bri-r.-Gen. HATCH, Brijr.-Gen. AMES. Kng.-iien. iih-MiAAJ, Soloncl SHAW, . PUTNAM, And nianj* other Military Celebrities, At STIMSON'S fin the Corner) Union Square, adjoining Adams Express Office. j c e: ice:: ice:;; The Sulwcriber has jnst received a cargo of TCE, which is for Sale at .?3 per hundred. Orders will be filled from Five to Half-past Six, A, M., and from Five to Six, IJ. M., at the IcE-uorst, rear of Adams Express. JOHN MITCHELL I^LEA POWDER! 1 PLEA POWDER!! FLEA POWDER !! ! At STIMSON'S Fancy Goods Store, Union Square. 1 BAYLOR & CO., No. 7 MEneUANTs* Row, Dealers in stationery. fancy goods. pomades t TOBACCO. CIGARS. PIPES. <kc., &c., Jtc. CAMP STOOI.S, MATTHL'SSKS, Ac.. .Jnst received at STIMSON'S, (in the Corner) Union Square. SCAHILL & CO.,' Xo. C SUTLERS' ROM*. Hilton Head. S. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX SUTLERS' COOPS. Have just received, per hrijr Lonf, a large assortment of go >ds, con-isting iu n.-.rt of Tobacco, Scgurs, Sugar. Condensed 3f ilk. Cheese. Raisins, Ladies and Gents' Straw Ilats, Xegligee. , Shirts, and Sutlers Goods of every description, which we offer low for Cash, XJOTICE TO XEWS-REALKRR PARTIES Vi desiring copies of THE PALMETTO HERALD, nt wholesale rates, on the day of publication, are requested to send in their orders as early as Saturday evening of the previous week. 4 S. W. MASON ?t Co.. Proprietors. Port Royal, S. C. f^RXAMENT YOI'R QUARTERS. Y/ Charming Colored German and French Lithograph?. with or without Frames, for Sale at STIM30X*S Ibx k. Frint and Stationery Shoti, in the Corner, between Express and Post Office. I'lllou Square. Subjects?Beautiful Women ami Children, Rural Scenery, Marine View?, Humorous Hit?, <?c. Elegant frames furnished when wanted. PALMETTO HERALD STORE!! Corner Merchants' Row AND PALMETTO AVENUE. An assortment of STATIONERY AND PERIODICALS, Constantly An hand, with 1 ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPHS. PLAYING CARDS, CHESSMEN, DOMINOES, &c.t &c., &c. C~OLORED CARTES DE VISITE?A MAGNIFICENT VARIETY?just received at ST IM SON'S, (in the Comer; Union Square, embracing all the principal actresses and danseusfla. Also groups of Chiidren, humorous scenes, 4c. \ BROTT'S HISTORY OF THE WAR, ii per Copy, for Sale by C. W. DENNIS & CO. N'EW STORE ! NEW GOODS! NO. I Broadwnv, Hilton He-id. AMES, ITT AS i & PEABODY, wholesale and retail dealers in i Army and Navy Stores, Groceries and Dry Goods, Fruit* and Vegetables. Also Paints and Putty, Boots and -Biscuits, Shoes and Se/urs, : Cotton and Crockery, Stoves and Stationer), j Blankets and Butter, Chairs and Cheeses, and I Yankee notions generally. Hear of l'J iicrchants' Row. SOLDIERS' EMERY STONE AND EMERY CLOTH GI N CLEANERS for Sale at Tnr. Pauhtto ilysali1 STore.