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t ; ?jf5Tjiwr SJbf Dalmttto jijcrali>. BY S. W. MASON AXD CO. ? f ? PORT ROYAL. THURSDAY. AUGUST 4.ISM. FROM FLORIDA. SlfCESSFlL EXPEDITION BY GENERAL BO?ET. r>ivrimv or Riinwiv Lots of the Steomer Alice Price, ? &c., &c., &c. We are la receipt of important and gratifying intelligence from Florida. s Gen. Birney last week went on an expev ditlon from Jacksonville, which resulted in a complete success, the defeat of all the rebels encountered the destruction of railroad bridges and other works important to the rebels, and the capture of Baldwin, which has been in the enemy's possession since the affair at Olustee. The forces left Jacksonville on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and proceeded up the river. The principal landing was at Taylor's Fonl, Black Creek. The principal fighting was at Whitesville, where, after a brisk skirmish, the enemy were completed routed. One column undjr Lt.-CoL Morga%of the 75th Ol^o, was sent out to destroy an important bridge and trestle work, 12 milts from Baldwin.. Tld3 rras accomplished, and the party returned to the main column. A column, under the command of Col. Harris, of the 75th Ohio, proceeding up the north fork of Black Creek, charged on the enemy at a ford culled Clay Hills, defeated "them, drove them across, and then crossed over after. This column then joined the main one, which Sroceeded to Trail Ridge, on the Cedar Leys Railroad, destroyed two trestleworks, and then took "the old Alachua Trail to Darby's Still, on the Lake City Railroad, five miles fiom Baldwin, where another slight skirmish occurred. A water-tank and trestle-work were destroyed here, and a .store house, con tuiog 2,000 barrels of rosin was accidendatlly set 011 fire by sparks from the other fire, and was destroyed, with all its contents. On Tuesday morning the whole force left Darhey's Still and marched ;nto Baldwin. The enemy evacuated the town during the previous night, taking the Brandy Creek Road. Our troops pursued them as far as Brandy Creek, and then returned. Wc now hold Baldwin and Camp MilIon, where the entrenchments constructed by our troops in the last campaign were found intact. At Baldwin considerable spoils were obtained, including guns, sabres, forage, and a mail. In" the .alter was found a letter Irom which we learn that the reld force consisted of they'd Florida Cavalry, Fcotts Battalion, lcur companies of Reserves, Villi pigues Artiliciy, and Dunham's Artillery. The railroad between Jrckscnville and Baldwin has been repaired, and is now in decent running order. Trains pass rwer ro-ul between those two points reffilarJy. The transport steamer Alice Price? the same whieh bad the narrow escape trom torpedoes on the 5 h ult.?lias been wreoktd. She got aground ia Nassau Creek one day lust wet k, and a* the tide went uovD broke in two amidships. She wi6 cn old steamer, and the lime ibv which she was chartered had nearly expired. 2s o lives were lost. Within a tew days, a locomotive and seven tars have bet n raptured on the railroad between Baldwin anil Fem mdina. " FV SEMATI058.?C?pt. L. \Y. MctcalP, Pmvof-1 M::r*hf} at Beaufort. h:>s l?cen i r-Lied wilh* a sword, sash :;n?l Ix-lr, i?v in 1 men of the h 2*. Y. \\l.i.. ?v;ipl'?ved*m liU department. Ti e line ofllcera 01 the blii V. S. C. T. harp a Snr^<?i:> ?\xvrA auu * r \ ."** > - m mj. ..- ' ? belt to A -istant Surgeon Ira Perry, ac-; companied by a very complimentary written testimonial. IMPORTANT CHANGES. GEN. RIItNEY ORDERED NORTH4 ?GEN. HATCH TOCOMMAND THE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA-GEN. POTTER IX COMMAND OF HILTON* HEAD DISTRICT. By the steamer Delaware, which arrived here last Sunday, orders came from Washington for Gen. llimoy to rejvort at the North. He has accordingly been rei: i f?~ i.:,. ??? l UCYl'U llUIIl lll> lAMlIUKLUU III riUHUO, dliU Brig.-Gen. J. P. Hatch ordered to the command ot that District. Gen. Hatch is succeeded in the command of the Dis-. trict of Hilton Head, bv Brig.-Gen. E. E. Potter. The order in which Gen. Potter assumes command will be found, in our advertising columns. Gen. Hatch's departure from here will be deeply regretted by a host of friends formed since he came to the Deoartment, a stranger except by reputation. Their best wishes will lollow him. Gen. Potter announces as Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Lieut. William C. Manning. Gen. Potter also retains command of the post of Beaufort in GenSaxton's absence. IS AVAL MATTERS The United States Ship Vermont left this harbor for the North on | 5 Ion day afternoon, in tow of the James i Adger. The New Hampshire takes her p;ace here, fcer officers having been trans- ' ferred to the Vermont, and the Vermont's to lier. Paymaster Frank C. Crosby, naval storekeeper on the Vermont, went North in her, and his place on the New Hampshire is filled by Paymaster II. K. Douglas. The navai supply steamer Massachusetts sailed lor Philadelphia at noon on Monday, carrying mails. Capt. Bradford, Fleet Captain, went North in the Massachusetts, on leave of absence. Lieut. M. S. Johnson is acting as Fleet Captain in his absence. Admiral Dahlgron, with the fiag-steam r-Philadelphia. has arrived at this station from off Charleston some days since, and as now here. The supply steamer Admiral ar * a V i \-l _ - \f 1 riveu uere irom uricans, on .uonuay night. She left there on the 24th. She brought no news of importance. From the latest naval bulletin -in thfc Army and Navy Journal we tike the iollowing: Ordenxl?Lt. Henry F. Picking, to the S. Atlantic Squadron; Lieut.-Com. Wm. II. I>ana, to take passage to Charleston, S. C., for the commend of the Winona; Acting Master Ik M. Baldwin, to the Sonoma, South Atlantic Squadron. Detached?Lieut-Coin. William K. Mayo, from special duty at New York, and" ordered to take passage to Charleston, ! S. C.. for the command of the Nuhaut; 1 Id cut- John lt. Bartlett, from the New Iroj^ides, and ordered to the Susquehanna ; commander J. M. Duncan, from the j South Atlantic Squadron, and awaiting orders; Acting Ensign J). XV. llodsou, ; from the Currituck, and ordered to take Eassnge to Charleston for duty on the lehiiib; Acting Ensign P. VY. Townc, from the Lehigh, and ordered North; Acting Mater Samuel Hall, from the ; South Atlantic Sqn-ulron yid waiting j orders; Acting Ensign Silas Owen, from ; the South Atlantic S juadron and ordered to the Potomac Flotilla; Acting Master's Mute J. A# II. Willuiutb, from the South Atlantic Squadron. Orders Revoked?Lieut.-Com. Paul I j Shirley, to command the Mingoe, and ordered to take passage to Charleston, S. C., to command the Paul Jones; Lieut.Com. A. A. Semuiea, to command the AfCatney, and ordered to Chnrieston, S. C., for the command of the Lchigil: Acting En>ign G_o. W. Williams, to the Shamrock. and ordered to take mssiire ! i to Charleston, S. C.. forctutv in the South j [Atlantic Sr. ti'ii*.>n : AetSag A?>i>ta&t | i lhrymast r Fnuik II, Auks, to the New | ; U.-iinp^hire aud < rderod to duty at Fort i I loyal. S. C., under the direction of Fay- ' f m.ibt' r Douglua. ; / pp' hittU?Ileter Chandler Wiltius anil Joseph L\ thgoe, Acting Third As-j sistant Engineers, and ordered to the South Atlantic Squadron; John II. Foster, Acting First Assistant Engineer, and ordered to the South Atlantic Squadron; j George B. Airily, Acting Ensign, and or-; tar-red to the South Atlantic Squadron;; Woting Ensign Daniel Letter, and ordered to the DaffodilPromoted?Acting Ensign "William E. | Thomas, of the Nahant, to Acting Master. ! I LATE FliOM liEIiELDOM. PAPERS TO AUGUST 3D. Rebel papers of the ."oth have been received here, from which wc make the fnltnu-iner pvtfftcts ; Macon, July^9.?Onr latest advices by mail and telegraph inform us that the enemy yesterday attacked our left, extending "from the city towards the Chattahoochee, but were repulsed and driven back alKmt a mile. Late last evening orders were received telegraph to send on cars to bring our wounded to the rear. A telegram dated yesterday from otlicers of liigh rank in our army to General Johnston says?" Fighting is now going on. "We have driven them. Details not known. Generals Stewart, Pearing, and Walthall are reported wounded." A private telegram from Griflin reports General Wheeler also wounded. A cavalry l'orcc of the enemy (strength unknown/struck the Macon and Western Railroad, IhjIow Joncsboro, this morning, and are reported tearing up the fails in this direction. The other cavalry force of the enemy is, to-day, reported near Atlanta, and" advancing towards this place. ti._ mi ? a n ioiix?t!?. winy -;\?me n-iums ui the army vote in ami around Wilmington are now all in, and give Vance 2, lit) and Holden 27i>. The 4th regiment X C. troops gave Vance t?sC majority. FIGHTING IN FLORIDA. Passengers who arrived in Savannah rejiort a tight at Brand v Branch, in FloridA. On Sunday monuug last the enemy burnt the bridge over St. Mary's 1 liver. I six miles above Baldwin. A tight took place on Sunday between the enemy and onr troops uiuh r .Major G. W. Seott, who commands a batnUinu. The result is not known. Our informants learned that on Monday last the Second Florida Cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel McCormick, engaged the enemy at Brandy Branch, and at last accounts tLe tight was slid nfdhressimr. General Patton Anderson has been re- | lifved from his command in Florida, and ordered to the Army of Tennessee. Genefa! John K. J.ncksoh has taken command of the Florida Department, and has arrived at headquarters. We are gratified to learn that our forces in Florida are sufficient to repel any attack the enemy may make. The present advance of the enemy is supposed to l>e nothing more than "a raid in order to destroy bridges and othe r property. The Lake City Columbian oi Wednesday has the following in relation to the raid ? The train on Moiulav left fi r Baldwin at its usual hour, but returned vurv early ! and brought back the startling news that the trestle neit)hs the St. Mary sltiver was on fire, and that the guard stationed there tvas missing stud their tan ins burned.? fllhtrtruih again went down in the afternoon with a detachnunit of troops, and a more thorough examination was had. It was ascertained that both ends of the trestle were burned and the work ofdest .notion was completed with tne ax *. It is said the work was done bv a raiding j party who came trom Middlehurg and i crossed the country to the St. Mary's to ; the rear of Baldwin, where a portion. of; our forces were stationed. We understand that five transports i came up to Middlehurg ami hu led a j f? ree, numbers unknown. Titer separated into two parties. It :s sta'ed one of j those parties was cm^a^u i?y .u.ror v?. ; SeoTt and his CMiiUianl day bei'oiv j jyesterday with good s'teet ss; the par-. .tierJars "we have not ascertained. We will not allude to the thousand and one sti.rtling rumors whieh are ailoat Tae general impri saion teems to be that the road was cut to pievcut our l'orccs 1|< >m overtaking and punishing them, i'lio impression seems in military -circles to obtain that we Lave force sufiicieal to repel them. Since the above was written the train has again returned Irom below, and we learn that the trestle at St Mary's had been again on lire. A prisoner who was captured stated that the raiding forces consist of lour regiments of negroes, five pieces of artillery, and about one hundred and luc it}-five white troops. Tnat their intention was not to cross the St. Mary's River, but to cut the road; and that all the Yankee troops had left Jacksonville. Their rviilrnt. i:.l?>nlinn w r:iulb:o- in South Florida. Since our last report, which closed on Thursday evening at G o'oclock, themuu'lx r of shells thrown at the city has been til'ty-four. During Tursday night and Friday, Battery Gregg fired three hundred and fifty shots ut Fort Sumter. Sullivan's Island during the same period fired one hundred and fortv-cight shots at Batteiy Gregg. Battery \Vaguer reopened tire oh Fort Sumter yesterday, tiring eleven shots; and the Yankee batteiy at Light House Inlet'threw seven shells at our works on James Island. Yesterday morning the enemy was noticed at work with a gin in the Middle Battery, either mounting or dismounting guns. A correspondent of the Griflm Rebel rives the follow in- news from the. (ieor gia front: The enemy bare shortened their liurs considerably since tise battle of July TJ. Our light is fully two miles in advance of the position it occupied previous to that engagement. The enemy at present seem to be acting on the defensive, throwing up fortificniions to hold his position preparatory to the inauguration of another tiank movement, which we have reason to believe will be less successful than heretofore. Among the Yankee officers captured is Lieutenant Breckinridge, son of Rev. Dr. Breckinridge of Kentucky As an evidence of Gen. Ilood's deter mutation to increase the strength ami efficiency of the army, an order has just been issued, from headquarters, requiring all able bodied men in the different departments to report at once at the front, and requiring, whenever it can possibly be done, the heads of departments to perform their own clerical labor, and. when that is impracticable, the employment of men unfitted for the field. Tlusjordcr Is dim ted. net only to Quartermasters, Commissaries, Commandants of Posts, Provost .Marshals and Surge ons, but also to the Cent rals. Enfort e<), it will bring' several thousand additional men to the field The Federals have brought nearly their nni'ro fnnv* jut >.s tl.o vIvof ? ?.! 1..., but few tloops to guard their line ofoont- . umnication from Marietta. In the lull of active hostilities they are bu.?ily engaged repairing the railroad bridge aeiosslho Chattahoochee, and it is supposed the i:* work an id be completed by Thursday, as they had nearly finished it on yesterday. General Hood remains quiet vvitil.they work at the! ridges, lor as we learn, lie anticipates get!iujr possession ot them before they can use them. 1 Ikaikjl'auts;ks, July 25th, 1S01. lion. James A. Seudon : Gin. Early states that lie attacked Major General Crook on the 24th instant, on the <0d battle-field ot' Kernstown, completely fouling liini ar.d pursued him five miles beyond \\ iuchesicr, when it-.; was compelled to halt from the exhaustion of his men, they having marched twenty-five miles that day. The pursuit was continued by the cavalry. Among the prisoners captured was Gen. Muiligun, moitally wounded. Brig. Gen. Lilly and other oiiicers and men captured 011 the iOtk were r covered. Tb sir* nglh < f .he enemy is stated to hive been fifteen thousand infantry, Iksides the cavalry under Avciill. U. K. Lkk. General. Lati-:r. At 111'* I'Vt-'l.'I'Kf*' /if ?\l*IC/?11i.VJ /?U* Champion, "Wednesday, rebel papers ui that dale were rec? ived. An account oi a but lie :i Petersburg indicates that C!r.;ut was vitlortou?.