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w. V ?k votaTS?.* } por: THE PALMETTO HERALD 18 POO-iaiED 1?Y H. W. MA80X ?fc CO., EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, AT PORT ROYAL, S. C. Office cor. Merchant?' lime and Palmetto Accnve Terms t Single Copy Five Cents. One Hundred Copies 3-iI 50 . Per Annum to anv Address jfc'2 00 , Payment invariably in Advance. A limited number of ADVERTISEMENTS received at Twenty-five Cents per Line. JOB PRINTING executed neatly ann promptly. ARRIVAL OF THE FULTON. New York Dales to July 26tli. By the arrival of the Steamer Fulton, Capt. Wotton, on Saturday afternoon, we had New York dates to the 2Gth.? We are indebted to Purser Thomas McManus for protiding us with full tiles of papers to that date. The following extracts contain the most important news: [From the X. Y. Herald, Jnly *24.] According to our latest accounts trom Atlanta a portion of the city is occupied by our forces, but the enemy held the rest with desperate pertinacity. The loss ol' the rebels in the tight of Wednesday is officially reported as terrible. General Howard says that he buried two hundred of their dead in front of the Fourth Corps, white large numbers of the wounded lay on the field. General Ilooker reports that he buried four hundred of the enemy and that four thousand lay wounded at his feet. The fight must have been n ter rific one and obstinately contested by the rebels. lie ports were flying around "Washington yesterday that the rebels had re crossed the Potomac into 3laryland, below Edward's ferry. The rumors reached here and caused a little anxiety, but the raid turned out to be only a few of the Union troops returning lrom the pursuit J of Early's retreating column. A tempo- ; rary pa'uie existed in Maryland, but lasl | night the people who had hastily aban- i doned their homes were returning. The rebel raiders in Kentucky made I an attack on the village of Henderson near the bank of the Ohio river on Tburs- j day; but the gunboat Brilliant shelled the woods around 90 effectually that it is ; not likely that the raiders did much dam-: age to the village. A conspiracy is said to have been dis- ; covered in Missouri, bavins for its object the formatiou of a Northwestern confederacy. This discovery had led to the ur- . rest "of several influential persons sup- j posed to be implicated. The braggadocio of the guerrilla chief Thornton, in some of his remarks at Platte City, ap- j pears to have considerable increased the tears as to the existence of some kind of j u plot in the State of Missouri. [From the X. Y. Times, July ?5.] The news fjom Gen. Sherman's army : this morning, although brief is of the deepest interest. It appears that up to i Friday desperate fighting lias been in ; progres in front of Atlanta, and during the severe contest of Friday our army j bad the sad misfortune to lose Gen. Mc- : Pliorson, one of the most gallant, accom-1 plished and successful of the L*nion comnifltoP Poet #\r Wftit In (in iaaifuvrt^ vuiai vi i* vpv* *u ???? official dispatch, which has not been pub- ! iished, Gen. Sherman gives the particulars of his brave lieutenant's death, ilis remains were tn be sent home in charge of members of his staff. At the date ol > the latest reports from Sherman it would appear that the fightiug was sti',1 going . on. and that Gcu. Sherman had brought his siege guns to l>vur upon the city, a portion of which was on lire. The news of Smith's expedition in pursuit of Forrest, is altogether satisfactory. In five separate ^engagements the rebel ?Wme r ROYAL, S. C,, THL general was beaten, and the loss inflicted jn him aim>uuts to four thousand in killed, wounded and prisoners. The news from Gen. Grant's army pre >ents no new lentures whatever, except the changes mude in some of the commands. Gen. Birney gets the Tenth Corns. Washington*, July 2.">, 1864.?Dispatches to the government represent that a great battle was fought in Atlanta on Friday, re raiting in a horrible slaughter aud a*complete repulse of the enemy at every point. The reb-ls. holding the largest part of the city, assaulted our works on that day with great furv, evidently expecting to drive our forces out of the city. The Fifteenth Corps, commanded by General Frank Blair, seejned to be.the special object of rebel wrath, as they massed against it in overwhelming force. Tito PilVoonth r/?p?irorl tlio lantly, and held its own untii General Dodge, with the Sixteenth Corps, came up, when the rebels were hurled back with great slaughter. General Logan, at the head of the Seventeenth Corps, went into battle with the rallying cry of "Remember McPherson.'.' [Note.?The Seventeenth Corps was formerly under the peisonal command of General McPherson.?En. Herald.] This Corps, as well as Blair's Fifteenth Corps, both constituting the army under Major General McPherson, fought desperately, the news of the death ot their brave commander naving oeen communicated to them just before going into battle. General Mcpherson was shot while reconnoitering. He became separated from his stalf for a moment, and a rel>el sharpshooter shot him from an ambush. The terrible struggle ended by repula-, ing the enemy at every point of the line. It was arranged that on Saturday the dead of both armies should be buried and the wonuded removed, under flag of truce. Our troops buried one thousand rebels left on the field within our lines, besides which the rebels buried many of their own dead themselves near their works. Upon this basis it is estimated that the rebel killed and wounded on Friday will exceed si\ thousand, the proportion of killed to wounded in battle being about uno tn Or.r los^ will reach about 2,500 iujulled and wounded. The Fifteenth Corps sulferi'd severely, the enemy's troops having been massed against it. It was this act of the enemy, in part, that cost him such heavy loss. ? While the work of burying the dead and removing the wounded was going on oil Saturday, Sherman's heavy artillery was playing upon the city. * At the same time large tires were observed in different parts of Atlanta, supposed to be caused by the destruction of supply depots and other rebel property, which the rebels could not carry off and did not wish to tall into our hands. This is considered as evidence of their intending to evacuate the place. Several rebel generals arc reported to be killed; but their names are not yet j given. [Xote.?In the above dispatch there ! appears to be some contusion with the : numbers of the Corps and their commanders. Ti.e Fifteenth Corps is understood to he, as it 1ms for sometime been, under Geuernl John A. Logan, and the Seven- j teent'u under General Frank Blair.?En. j IIkhald.] iFivm thaV V. Herald. July CC.] Ofiloial news irora Atlanta yesterday evening r ports that there have' 110 reverses to oui arms and that General Slier- j man holds Lis position, and is vigorously a?Jjrancin :. General Boussean lias iullilled his mission successfully, with h trilling F.vs. With respect to the battle of Friday, government has received report-:. ir>m which we gather that our tjtu Ifjj ESDAY, AUGUST 4, loss is less than two thousand, while the enemy lost fully seven thousand. There is still no official information in the hands of the government that our forces have entered Atlanta. All the fighting seems to have been done about the outside defences in the suburbs. In the light of Friday the Seventeenth Corps, commanded by General Logan, went into battle with the eryof "Remember McPherson!" Gen. McPherson was shot by a rebel sharpshooter while reeonnoitering the poaTIoh oi the enemy ajjart. from his staff. The f.ght was undoubtedly bloodv and terrible, as the number iost on each side proves. The body of Gen. McPherson ?rived at Nashville yesterday, and, alter ing received with military honors, was forwarded to Louisville. With the exception of a trifling skirmish now and then in front of the filth and Ninth army corps there has been nothing done by the Array of the Potoraae before Petersburg. A "rumor reached Point of Po^s. urn!Is communicated by our correspondent,at that place, that General Lee was slightly Wtwnded in the scalp while making an observation of our iines on the 8th instant, hut-it does not appear to have prevented him from retaining command of the army in person and diiwtinor oil ita mnvpinpnk By the Belgium we have European news to the 15th. Captain Seinmes was rusticating iu Ireland incognito. It is confirmed that the King of Denmark has proposed an armistice, with a view to I peace negotiations, to the Germans. It was generally believed that peace would soon be concluded. In the meantime the Prussian troops were advancing in Jutland, It is alleged that the King of I Denmark offered to surrender his fleet to the Germans provided his crown was pro, tected by the German Confederation.? The new Danish Ministry had sent a noncommittal message to the Parliament,, saving, in fact, that they had not yet de \ ^ 2s __ 3 it * n __ i? mi ciaea on any nxea line 01 policy. inc Independence Belye says that the King of Denmark has "obtained and invoked" the intervention of the Emperor Napoleon. PEACE COAFERAKE AT NIAGARA. Messrs. C. C. Ciay jr.. of Alabama, and P. Ilolbombe, of Virginia, with Geo. X. Sanders appended in some capacity, have heen informally in communication with Horace Greeley, in the President's confidence, at Niagara, on the subject of peace negotiations. Colorado Jewett acted as intermediary. The project slumped through on account of the unauthorized character of the rebel negotia- j tors, cud because the President scut them.*' through Mr. Greeley, the following: Executive Mansion", "Washington, July, 1804.?To Whom it mat Concern:? : Any proposition which embraces the res- ; toration of peace, the integrity ot the whole Union, and the abandonment of slavery, and which comes bv and with am n?iftliofcfon tiin nrmtpH I now at war against the Un.ted States, ! will be received and considered by the Executive Government of the Luited i State?, and will be met by liberal terras, on substantial and collateral points, and ! the bearer or bearers thereof shall have 1 safe conduct both ways. (Signed) Abraham Lincoln. , We make the following extract from their final letter to Mr. Greeley: ! "We feel confident tiiat you must share i our protouud regret that the spirit which ' | dictated the first step toward peace had i not continued to animate the counsels of i your President. Had the representatives : ol'the two governments meT to consider I this question, the most momentous ever submitted to human statesmanship, in a temper of becoming moderation and equi. it. followed as their deliberations would ? - a ~ v % 1864. {Flv?C?nts. - ? have been by the prayers and benedictions of every patriot and Christian in the habitable globe, who is there so bold as to pronounce that the frightful waste of individual happiness and" public prosperity which is daily saddening the universal heart, might not have terminated : or if the desolation and carnage of war must still be endured through weary yeais of blood and suffering, thai there might not at least have been infused into its con- . duct something more of the spirit which softens and nartiollv redeems its brutali ties ? Instead of the sate conduct whi^o we solicited, and which your first letter gave us every reason to suppose would be extended for the purpose of initiating a negotiation in which neither Government would compromise its rights or its dignity, a document has been presented which provokes as much indignation as surprise. It bears no feature of resemblance to that which was originally oifered, and is unlike any paper which evi r before emanated from the constitution: 1 Executive of a free people. Addressed "to whom it may concern," it precludes negotiation, and prescribes in advance the teans and conditions of peace.' j t returns to the original policy of "Nobaiganing. no negotiations, no truces with rcl>cl9 except to bury their dead, until every man shall have laid down his arms, submitted to the Government, and sued for mercy."' What inav be the explain tion of this sudden and entire change in the views of the President, of this race withdrawal of a courteous overture k r negotiation at the moment it was likely to he accepted, of this emphatic recall cf words ot peace just uttered, and fresh blasts of war to the hitter end, we leave for the speculation of those who have the means or inclination to penetrate the mysteries of his Cabinet, or fathom the caprice of his imperial will. It is enough for us to say that we have no use what evenor rne paper wuicn nas ueen placed in onr hands. We could not transmit it to the President of the Confederate StaU s without offering him an indignity, dhlionoring ourselves and incurring t he well merited scorn of our countrymen. "Whilst an ardent desire for peace pn vaclcs the people of the Confederate States, we rejoice to believe that there are few, if auy among them, who would purchase it at the expense of liberty, honor and self-respect. If it can be secured only by their submission to terra3 of conquest, the generation is vet unborn which will witness its restitution. If there lx* any military autocrat in the North wt o is "entitled to proffer the conditions of this manifesto, there is noim in the South authorized to entertain them. Those who control our armies are the? servants of the i>eople. not their masters, and they have no more inclination, than they hat e right, to subvert the social institutions ol the sovereign States, to overthrow their established Constitution, and to barter away their precious heritage of pelf-government." An Amusing Incident.?Charles Galc*.^ a minor son of William K. Gates, of L<;e. Mass., wished to enlist, three years ago. but his aged parents objected to it. One morning he was sent to drive the cows to pasture, on his wav to work, taking bis'dinncr with him. " But at night I e did not coma back, because he had rsr. .away and enlisted in the lOt'n Regiment. He remained throughout the three years without a furlough, ar.d returned vriih the regiment, unharmed by rebel bullets. He arrived in the old pasture at hone one night last week, just at "'cow-time, and leisure) v drove up the same old cows, as if he ha in't been away for three His "reception' was a joyful one. none tlie less so as his coming wa- n < omnlet" surprise. Wk now hold upwards of sixty-two thousand rebel prisoners Four Thousand of t!jpv.> r>r?"? of;i<-. tv