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mate either our's or the enemy's casualties. During the night the enemy made several assaults to regain what they had lost, but failed. No dispatches from any other quarter have reached this Department to-day. E. 31. Staktos, Sec y or War. Fortress Monroe, Jnne 1, 18(14. An order lias been issued by General Butler requiring that ali rebel prisoners captured by General Wild in the recent engagements on the James river, and forwarded by him to Fortress 3Ionroe, and thence to Point Lookout, shall be immediately returned to General Wild's headquarters, lor what purpose is not known. Information has been received that colored troops captured from Gen. Wild's command have been shot by the rebels. BERMnu Hundred, June 1, 18(14.?At fhroo thin nrtnrninir ft rebel Iron clad came down the James river and attacked our Monitors. The engagement continued upwards of two honrs, with continuous and heavy cannonading. The rebel iron-clad was then driven up the river. Further results were not known when the steamer John A. Warner left this morning. Cannonading continued till that time; but it was supposed to l>e mostly on land. LATER. We have private advices from Fortress Monroe to the 4th. On the 8d there was fighting along Grant's whole line, and some advantages were gained, but in consequence of; discoveries in regard to the enemy's position, the general attack was discontinued. Grarfl s headquarters were at Coal Harbor, and his left at i?.? _ imi f< tersrmrjr, and its abandonment to i ankee vandalism. For some reason, the order was not executed, and Beauregard made a successful defence, driving the enemy beyond the James river. This looks veir strange, and we hope the Enquirer is mistaken. Battle-Gkouxd sear Mkcuaxicsville, May 31?01*. m.?Yesterday evening, about (1 o clock, there was a considerable engagement between a portion of| s Rhode's and Early's divisions of Ewells ' corps, and the 5tk corps of Yankee i?> Jantry. The tight lasted about two hours. I We drove the enemy back about a mile t wine 8 -Mm. LATE REBEL NEWS, Navannah X>ntc*w to tlic Int. By the courtesy of Maj.-Oen. Poster we have been permitted to make the foiIowiuar extracts from copies of the Savannah Republican of the 1st and 2d, received by deserters. In addition to the passages below, was a dispatch admitting the defeat of Fitz Hugh Lee, as announced under the head of Northern news: Oamk Coll, near Pilatka, E. Florida, May 23. To Maj.-Gen. Patten Anderson?After a hot engagement of forty-five minutes I have succeeded in capturing the steamer Columbine, carrying two 25 lb. Dahlgren guns, taking about 65 prisoners?6 wounded and about 20 killed and drowned?together with 65 stand of arms, and three stands of colors. Among the prisoner? are eight commissioned officers. No one has been hurt on our side. I was compelled to burn the l>oat to prevent her falling into the hands of the enemy, as the gunboat Ottawa was anchored only a few miles distant. Cait. J. J. Dicksbson. Grab's Movements.?The intention of the leader to fall down on the Chickahominy line of McClellan is no longer a matter of doubt. Every movement tends in that direction, and we shall soon find hira on the ground of his unlucky predecessor, and destined to share the same v fate. At no point are we stronger than between that and Richmond, and Grant! will never get his army half way over the route. lie is evidently looking for ward to another Waterloo, and placing his men in convenient proximity to his guuboats and transports, where a rem nant. at least, can be saved l'rom the j wreck. Can it be so??The Richmond Enquirer ; states that on the recent approach of! Beast Butler, Gen. Hragg ordered the ! evacuation of the flourishing city of Pc- j _ V and a lial^ until they reached a strongly entrenched line of works, from which it was impossible to dislodge them. We attacked the enemy for the purpose of discovering his position, and found him strongly massed and entrenched on our right. The fight occurred near Betkesday f>linr/?h nn tho Atpp1i?ni/>airillp m?rl about nine miles from Richmond. Onr loss is about 800 wounded and 50 killed. Among the former is Col. Willis of the 12th Georgia, and Major Smith of the 27th N. C.; and amon^ the latter is Col. Terrel of thev 13th Virginia, who was mortally wounded and left in front of the enemy's work. We captured about 130 prisoners. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded is supposed to be heavier than ours. To-day there has been heavy cannonading and sharp skirmishing in General Mahone's front, but no general engagement. Itjs supposed that the enemy is still moving towards our right, so as to cover and use the York River Railroad. Business Notice.?We have used every effort, as our readers can testify,, to preserve the credit of the :$> Confederate notes, and have sustained our o4viee to those by receiving them at par, in payment of all dues up to this date, even though it lias subjected us to a heavy loss. Our cause, however, has no; Deen sustained oy tne punuc. v* e find it impossible to pay out the in discharge of every bill against Uie Government, except at a heavy discount. We are therefore reluctantly compelled to decline receiving such notes in future, except at the current rates of discount in this city, viz., 43 1-3 per cent when more than one are paid in. Crowded Out.?Several interesting local items are unavoidably postponed till next week. Provost Marshal.?By a General Order from District Headquarters, issued on the 28th- Captain Jolin A. Hennessay, r?2d Penn. Vols., was appointed Provost Marshal, relieving Capt. E. 8. Babcock, 9th U. 8. C. T., who returns to his regiment. We can testily from personal knowledge and observation to the rare ability with which Capt. Babcock has discharged his duties during the time he has occupied the position of Provost Marshal. first of the Post and then of the District. With no experience in that position, and assuming it imder great disadvantages, with no clerks, and little acouaintance with the oost. he brought to it the skill and shrewdness of a lawyer, the method of a thorough soldier, and & good deal of common sense, which has enabled him to be popular, and, at the same time, efficient. Capt. Hennessey, his successor, is qualified by experience as well as ability for the place, and we have no doubt will admirably succeed- We consider this paragraph but just to the parties mentioned, inasmuch as Provost Marshals have much hard work to perforin, and rarely get credit with the public for half they do. Arrival of Samtart Goods.?A week or two since some eighty barrels of potatoes, and several barrels* of dried apples, arrived here from New York, addressed to the Agent of the State here, Mr. Oscar G. Sawyer. In his absence the goods were delivered to Surgeon Eben Swift, the efficient Medical Director, who distributed them among the New York regiments and soldiers in hospital. Died.?At Beaufort, S. C.. on the 2d, suddenly of a fever, Miss Nellie Browne, aged 23 years, eldest daughter of the Hon. A (1 Krninip Sun Sn Acrt nftha Treasury Department of this District. The funeral service took place at the residence of her father at Beaufort. Among the distinguished porsonages present were Admiral Dahlgren and Staff, Gen. Saxton and Lady. Gen. Ilatch and 8taf? Judge Wording and Lady, Dr. Clymer, Medical Purveyor, Lieut. Col. Hall, and many others. "The services were con- ! ducted hv Chaplain Higginson, of the 9th , U. S. C. Y. The deceased was an ami- | able and accomplished young lady, and i universally esteemed. Fatbcb Hasbow will hold Roman Catholic s?r- I rices at the < .'Impel in the Port Comntiwarj j Bnlkllny on Stndae next, at half-part ten o'clock. 1 - [Official.] HKAIKjrATTKRS, DiTT. OF TIIB SOCTH, Hii.tom Hr~u>, S. C., Juno 6, ls?H. Gexxk.vl Yhtnns, > No. so. f The following sanitary regulations for the government of the troop* serving in this Department, will be strictly enforces bp all officer* having charge of Districts, Pools ofjSgpipe: L BaP camp must be thoroughly policed every renting and evening, and all garbage or refuse lmtter will be collected and baried In the .UL. A " Aitl til L, V 1 J Ji Bin**. wuiuuiiiuuiug v/incura win neia airecily respdislble for any neglect of police duty. II. Each tent will be raised at least eighteen Inches from the ground, and placed on a platform, no obstruction being permitted to the wind passing freely underneath. The middle seam oDthc back of each tent, near the apex, to be opened about twenty-four inches, and a forked stick," ten or twelve inches long, placed across, keeping it open at all times except during a violent rtorm. An officer of each company will inspect the tents of his men nightly, to see that this provision is carried out The bedding and clothing of the men mnat be well aired every fair. fh. Great care must be taken in the construction of proper sinks, which most be screened by pine ?r palmetto branches, and the debris covered every morning with at least six inches of sand) iWbka will be dog at different sides of the camper&na it wfTl Be the duty of the camp police to see that only those on the lee side of the camp are used. r IV. Commanding Officers will reqnire their men to bathe or wash themselves at least twice in each week, and change their under clothing once a week, or oftener If practicable. Sentry boxes of lumber, or small shade arbors of brushwood, will be erected in the vicinity of all points where sentries are stationed. V. Dedicated mixed vegetables will lie issued to the troops at least twice in each week, and must be carefully cooked in the following manner : Place the vegetables in cold water after supper, and let them remain antll the morning; Immediately after brcXk&st out them over the Aft, trith the water in which they wire eonJked, and let them boil four hoars, adding fresh beef; salt to be pat In fchen nearly done. An officer of each company will be detailed to superintend Use cooking of provisions, taking great care that aM food prepared for the soldiers is properly cookrti ??! 1 District Commanders and offioers of the Xcdiwil Stair, will see that the provisions of this brder are strictly complied with, and will promptly report any failure or neglect of the same. By Com'd of Majok-Gkn. J. G. F08TEB, W. I. M. Bckosr, ' Capt. and Asst. Adjutant General. Official: Tuovas J. Robinson, . 1st Lieut. Slst U. S. C. T., Act Asst Adit General. [Official, i Hkatm)cakt?h, Dot. of the Sorra. Hilton Hkad, S. C.t Jane 6, ls*H. Gbkkrai. Oedebs,) No. 8*. f * AS THE EXIGENCIES OF THE SERVICE | regaire that all dtiaens of the United States should prove their allegiance to their country, by rendering every assistance in the hour of her trial, and it being necessary, in a Military Department, that every male person capable of bearing arms, should l>e ready tor any emergency in the field, it is ordered; L That the General Superintendent of the Recruiting Service for the Department of the South, be, ana is hereby instructed and authorized, to enlist and organize Into Companies and Regiments, all white persona that can be so recruited within the State of Florida. The said enlistments to be in accordance with the rules and reElations of the War-Department for the Recruitj Sen-ice, and such other orders as mar be given, from time to time, from these Headquarters. IL The men enlisted shall be organized as Florida Volunteers, bat will be governed bv the mimeVles and regulations, and receive the same Premium, Bounty, Pay and Pension as all Volun. teers now being enlisted into the sendee of the United 8tates. They will not be required to do doty outside of their own State, except in cases of extreme necessity. III. Every white male person between the ages of eighteen and fifty, capable of bearing arms, now within this Department, or such a? may hereafter come into it, who are not in the United States sendee, shall be immediately enrolled and organized into companies and battalions, and drilled as Infantry, at least two hours one day of each week. Said militia shall be called into active service in case of an attack upon the post where they reside, or be required to do garrison duty should it be necessary; and while actually employed shall receive from the Commissary one full ration per day. IV. The ordnance officer of each Poet will fur nlsh arms and accoutrements for the use of the militia, on requisition made by the Poet Commander, who will be held responsible for the same, and provide an armory where they shall bo deposited. The arms and accoutrements shall be kept in good serviceable condition, and ! oe ukcq irora ine armory oniy cy oraer or ine officer charged with the instruction of the men, and will be returned immediately after use. V. Ail refugees from within the rebel lines, or deserters from rebel armictt, and all alien subjects to foreign powers in amity with the United States Government, are exempt from the operation of thl*,order. VI. Uietrict Commanders are charged with the enforcement of Paragraphs 3. 4. and fi. of this order, and are hereby authorized to appoint suitable officers to superintend the organization and drill of the militia within their respective commands. They will also cause signals to be arranged for calling together the militia at each rendstvous. By Coui'd of MiJO*4Jju. J. G. FOSTER, W. L AI. Buumb, nut*** J. Roanvsoa, 1st Lieut. 31st I . A C'. T.. ? Aft Asal Adj?. General. [Official] Headolaftkkh. U. a Fobcs, illltun Head, Fotr Pclasei, St. Hei.ex a awdTybek Islands, Hiltox Head, 8. Cm Jane C, 1S64. cltcoul THE KATION OP COFFEE AND SOAP issued by the Subsistence Department is not considered more than is necessary for the nse of the Troopa. Hereafter the Commissary of Sobsistance will not purchase from Companies tu- ? I uici v: Uirpc irilCICV* I By Order at Bbi^-Gdc. JNO. P. HATCH, Commanding District, Edwakh L Rogtbs, Major 104th P. V., A.A.A.G. Omcnu.: Euuak B. Yaw Wiwkijc, . Lieut and Aide de Camp. UNBARS 4b FRANZ? No. 10 SUTLER'S ROW, Respectfully inform their friends that they hare ! just received, by the schooner July the Fourth, ! * LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Consisting of the following articles: GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, Carpenters' Tools, Tin Ware, Cooking Stoves and Utensils, Table Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scgare, Tobacco, Stationery, Suspenders, Gentlemen's Underclothing, Meats, Vegetables and Fruits, And various other articles. HE PALMETTO HOUSE, NO. 13 1-9 MERCHANTS' ROW. BT MBS. HIGGINS. Meal* served at all hoars of the day, in the best style, and a good sapply of Meats, Vegetables, 4c., always on hand. INK BOARD8 AND SPRUCE SCANTLING for Sale at the lot next above the Palmetto Herald Building. Inquiries can be made at this Office. -VTEW STORE-NEW GOOD8! No. 1BBOADri WAT, rear of ? Merchants Bow, by AMIS, LUCAS AND PEABODY, wholesale and retail gealers in Army and Navy Stores. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. CK. OSGOOD, JACK80NVILLK, Has on hand A Larck, Fkeni amd Well-selected Stock of All Goods is mis Live?Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Rhoeh. HARDWARE, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, Prices as Low as at ast Establishment is 'Florida. CK. OSGOOD, Dealer dn DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac., Ac. Jacksonville, Fla. SAXTON HOUSE, , Cob. 8th ano C Stbbet*, Beactobt, 8. C., (1 minute's walk from the Landing.) ' T?e Fubecribere, having fitted np the above house respectfully solicit the patronage of the travelling pnblic, promising that every exertion will be mode to aecare the comfort of their guest*. s GORHAM DENNI8, > ^ -a. ROBERT B. HALLBT,/ i^??nclon' DR. W. M. WALSH, PHT81CIAN A DRUG, gift, No. 13 Sutlers' Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. A rail supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PEBFTMERIES, TOILETTE ARTICLES. Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Tooth Powder, Ac., Ac., constantly on hand. PUKE SODA WATER, from Stoxx Foc.ntajns, with the Choicw Svacap. tw Orders to the above address will receive prompt attention, E. W. SINCLAIR, PHOTOGRAPHER. Galleries at Beaufort, and Hilton Head, 8. C., and Jacksonville, Fla. Omoa or U. 8. Mil. Tklkgkapk, Hilton Head, S. C., May 12. 1864. ANY 8UBALTERN OFFICER, OR ENlisted man, instructed in telegraph daties, desiring to be placed on sach duty, will communicate direct to this office. r v onvrnnv I Ui A'. UtiXO.IW4l| Capt, A. Q.tM. and Supt of Telegraphs. Department of the South. ICE CREAM SALOON. The undersigned respectfully informs the Public that be has opened an Ice Cream Saloon C. W. DENNIS & CO. *8 BUILDING, No. 4 Vncnnin' Row. The rery best of Cream, by the Plate, Quart or Gallon, always On Hand. B. F. SKINNER. VTATIONAL DINING SAIXXJN, orrosiTs roar ocaxv uochi. , WILLIAMS A MORRISON, PROPRIETORS. Meals furnished at all hours at reasonable prices. The ftbleg supplied with the choicest meats, noultrr. ecva. fish, vwetahlea. Jtc.. tirir obtaining which we haTo.the best facilities from the New York and other markets. TXTtNISHED HOUSE FOR SALE -SITUATX? ?d between the General Hospital and the Camp of the fr2d Peon. Vols. Is an excellent po sition for a Store. The Proprietor's health being poor, he wishes to sell out and go North. For particulars apply to Col. Ditkbab, or of the Proprletor, Mr. Jons Bcxunt, on the premises. A MKB1CAN VATCH'AGKNQ'.-AMgRl. i\-CAN WATCHES, Solid Fine Gold Vest fhains, Solid' Rings, 14,1C and 18 K. stamped, and a variety Of Masonic Emblems, inay be pur* oha?<d at the Militarv Store, 11 Merchants' Row. ooroLA^d err.