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falButt. feral*. | 1,1 ?i~ i i BT 8. W. XASOX AXD CO. POBT ROYAL, THURSDAY, JT^iK ft, 18(1 FROM FLORIDA. OERftiL MftHI IEWVCI BT CE5UiL MUST. Captmrc of Cwpa FUl(a> ui Milton %y Oem. fior^oa. Geo. Gordon has been relieved from the the command of the District of Flor ida by Gen. Birney, and -went North in the Arago on Tuesday, with orders to repart at Washington. Gen. Birnev has assumed columand there, with his Headquarters at Jacksonville. On the 1st inst Gen. Gordon made an important movement, which resulted in the capture of Camps Fioigan and Milton, the enemy retreating precipitately to Baldwin. This was effected by advancing in two parties, one column making a detour, and succeeding in getting in the rear of Cfcmp Milton. When the second column advanced the rebels retreated in great haste. Gen. Gordon tpUowed them up close to the entrenchments at Baldwin. He destroyed both camps, and such articles as were left behind and could not . be removed. At Milton he fbnnd a line of ?trench menu two miles long, weU-huin and very strong, with all the characteristics of a fiist-ciaae fort. The works consisted of rifle-pita, with bastions or blockhouses at regular intervals. They were entirely destroyed. The expedition was a most successful one, and reflects great credit on General Gordon* fin rail ASM MUfi BLUM. VW1T oi1 GEN. FOOTER. Tba Fino? City ud Fort 8mm t?r U be iMreasM. Msj.-Gen. Foster has recently paid a visit to FoUy and Moris Islands, where he found everything in satisfactory condition. .. . * He visited and inspected all the works, and witnessed the flie on Sumter and on the city of Charleston. He gave orders to have the firing on those two points more continuous and rapid than heretofore, and this, has been done for several day*. Brig.-Gen. Schhnmelfinnig, by an ef: fident system of boat scooting, hasneady cleared all theereeka In the vicinity of his District, of letafe, and has made many captures of prisoners, eHritfng important information. The retail shell Morris Island quite fariousty at times, but seldom do any ' damage. | , . BOLD REBEL, EXPLOIT. CAPTVTRK OP THE OOVBOiT Wi We are painecLto chXDnWcihe eaptnre of the U. 8. gunboat Wlter Witch, by the rebel* early on the morning of Friday, the 3d. j The Water Witch mi lying at anchor In Wanaw Sound, all the usual precautions having been taken to avoid surprise. The boarding netting was up, a vigQant watch was maintained, and ' steam kept up as usual. The night was very (lark and hazy. At abftxt 2 o'clock the watch detected barges approaching. They were rOwed by muffled oars, ana owing to the darkness, were not seen until close upon the i gunboat They hailed, and the response was, to heD, ypu d?d --?The ] alarm was promptly given, nut before | tlie men could be called to quarters the j boarders were on her, boarding from j ?everaf point* where the netting was rut nway with knives. The boat would f doubtless have avoided the attack by steaming away, but unfortunately she was at auchor.' Tiie surprise was apparently so complete that no resistance could be mad<? and the Water Witch was made a prize of, with, all her officers- and creiCrJua armament, and everything on board. II She is a fine side-wheel steamer of tims; carrying three 38-ponnders, beside^ howitzers. She was commanded by Lieut.-Commander Pendenjrast. One contraband alone escaped from her. He jumped over-board, swan; ashore, and afterwards communicated with the South Carolina, where he informed Capt. Kenneson of the affair, and the latter sent a boat to Adminw Dahlgren. LATER?Rebel Account. ? Since writing the above we learn that Savannah papers of the 5th, received at Fort Pulaski sav that the Water Witch wm ' captured by a party under Lieut. Pe1*f5> who was the first man aboard, and ciit down a sailor with a cutlass. The Lieut, was immediately shot through the liead, and died instantly. The rebels lost 7 killed and 12 wounded. Capt. Pendergast, with 90 men, together with officers, are at Oglethorpe Barracks. The Confederate officer was shot in the back. The deserters say the Water Witch lies under Battery Buelie, on little Ogeechee River. They are taking out her guns and machinery. Deserters say Capt. Pendergast has two colored men killed, two wounded, and two jumped overboard. , . :v..z -j: ) * NAVAL MATTERS. Ad jural Dahlgrex has been active; since his return from the North, in inspecting the vessels at all the stations of ms squadron, making this harbor his chief rendezvous. He is making every effort to put his fleet in the best condition possible?sending home those seamenwhose terms ol* service have expired. l&OOUl OyUUU Ol WUU1U, WO ICOtll, uaic been for some time necessarily detained,) and also sending home for repairs such Teasels as most require them. The Iron-clad steamer Naliant, which has been lying at Station Creek for about three weeks past, undergoing repairs, has* returned to her station with the other Monitors, off Charleston. She was in the late engagement with the rebel batteries on Sullivan's Island, in which she received some damages, which, however, have been fully repaired. She is at present commanded by Lieut.-Com. JFillebrown, who recently relieved Lieut.-* Com. Miller. We inadvertently omitted to give the names of the foor iron-clads which took the principal part in the engagements with the rebel batteries on Sullivan's land, on the ISth and Uth alt. ., Tbew were the Nahant, Nantucket, Sangamofif and Passaic. The Passaic received no* injury whatever, and the injuries to th^ Nantucket and Sangamon have already been repaired at tneir stations, on unarleston. The Iron-dad Lehigh, off Charleston, has experienced quite a number of changes of officers within a short time. Com! Bryson was sent Ninth on account, of ill health. .Lieut-Com. Bonce, his successor, followed him North on leave of absence, and since returning North has | been happily married. Lieut-Com. Gibson, late of the Sonoma, succeeded Lieut.Com. Bunco, and is still in command. He is an excellent and popular officer, a worthy, successor bf the gallant Bunco," whose skillful management of the boats which irst landed our troops on Jfhrris Island, lias secured for him a bright page In the history of the war in this department Lieut.-Com. Gibson is also favorably known in the titoary world, as the author of a volume of poems, entitled I .. ? trt ? _ * T, f. r J J "A Yisiorv 01 rairy uuiu auu utucr Poems." Id her medical department, the Lehigh has had, within a few weeks. Assistant Surgeons Longshaw, White and Hamilton. and now baa Asst. Surgeon Plant. Acting Master Price, late oi the Sand? ma. has been assigned to daty on boara the Lehigh. I' We hear that Lieut Blake is about to relieve Lieut M. Forest, as executive-! officer of the Lehigh hut no official an' nounoemeut of this fact has appeared. Lieut. Forrest is an excellent officer. He was formerly executive officer of the Koekuk, anil afterwards oh the staff of Admiral Dahl^ren. Charles Cowley, Esq., the present Paymaster of the Lehigh, has tendered lais resignation. We knew Mr. Cowley well a? a skilful lawyer in Lowell "uiwt Rrvitnn Mass where we several The gunboat Winona, wnu.ii recently came to Station Creek for repairs, is now commanded by Lieut-Com. Stone, late of the Chippewa, Lieut.-Com. Weaver being relieved, and ordered North. The New Hampshire is coming to Part Royal, to relieve the Vermont which foes North for repairs. The Wabash, eneca, Huron and Chippewa, are also to go North for repairs. The steamer Geranium, commanded by Acting Master Mori tell, is now lying at Station Cjeck for repairs. She' has been doing good service as advance ecket vessel off Charleston, ever since tt November, and ^ liad" seventysix shots fired at her from the rebel batteries on Sullivan's Island, only two of which struck her. Her injuries were trivial, and only one of her crew was hurt, and he not seriously." Capt. Montell has made himself thoroughly known to the rebels, who hate him'and his steamer ,4as the devil bates liolv water." His recent promotion from Ensign to Master, conferred on the request of aU the Monitor captains, and Com. Rowan was a Well merited but tardy recognition | of his important services. Two naval general courts-martial have been sitting in this harbor for some days i ?Ann nn ltrauri thn Vprmimt. the ntlwr , 6n board the Canandaigua. We with: hold the names of the officers on trial, and the charges preferred against them, as well as the evidence, so far as they have como to our knowledge, for reasons which all naval men we are sure will approve. It seems to us that much waste of labor might be saved, and many trials quietly got rid if the Admiral had with huh, on his stall a lawyer to whom all charges might be jeeferred for examination previous to the appointment of a court-martial Trials ou frivolous charges and failures to convict through informalities in the charges might thus often l>c prevented. The Admiral s other dutie^tare too onerous to leave liim any time tor examinations of this kind. The garrison of Fort Sumter is now commanded by Captain Mitchel, of the times saw him pitted successfully against Gen. Butler. Such a lawyer as Mr. Cowley is of the greatest service in this i squadron, as judge advocate on naval general courts martial, and as counsel for officers so unfortunate as to be brought | before such tribuuals for trial; and his retirement from the service is much to be regretted. We have not yet learned that his resignation has beeu accepted. The steam frigate New Ironsides, off Charleston, has been ordered North, j Coin. Rowan is to he relieved by Com. wfoford at Philadelphia, on the 1st prox. (While temporarily in command of the 'South Atlautic Squadron, in the absence Of Rear Admiral Dahlgren, as well as by his previous brilliant career, Cora. Rowan acquired great popularity. Tne Ironsides arrived here on Monday. Her departure from off Charleston was the signal for a general bombardment of the fleet by the rebel batteries. The Ohm mod ore's nrivate Secretary. Mr. Charles H. Coihim, has been appointed Acting Assistant Paymaster, but will remain with his present gallant chief till the yessel reaches Philadelphia. The appointment of Mr. Coliuin is an excellent one. The Keokuk, which sunk off Charleston, April 8, 18G8, the day following the first attack Oh Straipter, wider Rent Admiral Dnpont, will short ry be alloat a^ain, the arrangements for raising her being now nearly perfected. We regret that the project for raising the Iron-clad "Wechawken, which went down so snddenly, off Charleston, in December last, is not regarded as likely to succeed, by those most competent to jidge. The Iroa dad Montauk, "the old Mont auk," as she is affectionately called, has been lying in Station Creek for three weeks past, undergoing repairs. She goes North in a lew days. Tlie brave Com. Parte still has command of her. tr?rr..-.?rvac-r'?? | rebel army, soa of John Mitohel, 4 4 The Irish Patriot," who als? law another son : in the rebel service. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM r TUP! MRTn. '"" "? New York Dates to the 3d* ! GRANT STILL VICTORIOUS, AND ADVANCING. A SICCESSFIL IROJ-CLlD FIGHT AT BEHHiDA HtXDRED, &c. &c&c. By the arrival of the Trade Wind, from Fortress Monroe, on Monday night, we have Northern news to the 3d inst. We are indebted to Inspector Leach, of the Custom House, for the nse of a New York Herald of the 3d, brought down by Capt. Babbige. We copy the following important dispatches: Washington, June 2?12:15 P. M.? Major General Dix:?A despatch from General Grant's headquarters, dated yesr terday, June 1, at ten A. M., has been received by this Department. It states that about five P. M., yesterday, (May 81) General Sheridan perceiving a force of rebel cavalry at Coal Harbor, which proved to be Fitzhugh Lee's division, attacked, and utter a hard fight routed it, together with Clingman's brigade of infcntrv, which canto to Lee's support. Sheridan remained in possession of the place. He reported at dark that he had a considerable numlk-r ot prisoners, anil that there were many rebel dead and wounded on the field. lie was ordered to hold the position, and at ten P. M. t heSixth Corps set #ut to occupy it. We have not yet heard from Wright or General Sheridan this morning, and do not know whether the former got his troops to their destination. Smith must l)e close upon Wright's column. This morning the enemy are also moving a heavy column in the same direction. The order has just gone to AVarren to fall upon their flank. AVilson had a fight last evening near nanover Court House with Young's brigade of cavalry. He routed Young, killing and canturing many; but there has been a good deal of artillery firing in that direction this morning. Warren reported last night that in the fight ot Monday afternoon, near Bethesda cfurch, Col. Tyrrell, Thirteenth Virginia, and Col. AVillis, commanding P?gram's brigade, were killed. Colonel Christian, Forty-ninth Pennsylvania, was wounded and captured; so was tne Assistant Adjutant General of Ramsey^ luigaglo? . name not reported. Ten other commissioned officers were Captured and seventy privates. Sixty rebels were Darted on the field. In our center Burusidc reports his advance line as being this morning, (1st) within a mile and a half of Mechnnicsville. No other military intelligence has been received bv this Department since yesterday. M. Staxton, Sec y of War. Washington, June '2?IhflO e. m. To Major-General Dix?A dispatch from General Graut, dated this morning (Jane 2j, at Bethesda church. -7 o'clock a. m., has just been received. It states that yesterday afternoon an attack was ordered to be made on our left, at Coal Ilarbor, by the Sixth Corp, and the troops under Smith, Warren, Burnside and Hancock being held hi readiness to advance in their respective fronts. The at kick was made with spirit about 5 i?. m., continuing until alter dark, and rcsuuujg 111 our carrying uie eueuiy .h works ou the right of the Sixth Corps, where we still hold them, aud also the lirst line in front ol Smith. The latter however, were commanded in the rear, which made those carried untenable. The enemy mode repeated assault* on each of the corps not engaged- in the main assault, but were repulsed in every Instance. Several hundred prisoners were taken; bnt I cannot say what number," nor. cstl