The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, July 22, 1875, Image 1

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THE BY JULIAN A. SELBY The latest Brooklyn church unplea? santness . presents a case of marvelous meanness. The Bev. Geo. K. Woodward was employed by the Evergreen Metho? dist Church to preach twice on Sunday, hold several meetings during the week and visit his parishioners, for the mag? nificent sum of $25 per month. A year elapsed and the clergyman had not re? ceived $160. He demanded his stipend, and in order to get rid of him, a scheme was put on foot to charge him with "immoral conduct," This failed, and Woodward has now sued the trustees for his miserable little sslary. Brother Hutohingson, of Plymouth Church, says:' 'While we claim Mr. Beech er as our pastor, the whole world owns him." Is that so? Why then the world had better sell out its interest to Ply? mouth. He 1b property which will not keep well, and then Plymouth is the market for Beecher stock. The Petersburg (Va) News Bays: Beecher is writing a life of Christ from his stand-point. But, unfortunately for Plymouth, Christ wrote the life of Beech? er from his stand-point 1,800 years ago, and the law has not changed: "Thou Kb alt not commit adultery." Anotioai Salos. Contents Grocery and Fancy Store. By W. B. BURKE. THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, under City Hall, Show Case, Scales, Sample Jars, Shelf Goods, Ac. also, Pounds Bacon Shoulders, Sides and Hams; barrels Vegetables; sacks Flour; barrels Fish; barrels Choice Biscuits. -^-Merchandise and Goods of everyo description reoeived at any time for pre? vious sales._July 22 1 Acacia Lodge, No. 94, A. F. M. o THE Regular Communication ?#wof this Lodge will be held at Ma ^^Vsonio Hall, THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at 8 o'clook. By order of the W.fM. F. M DRENNAN, Jb., July 21 1_Secretary. Lumber for Sale. IHAVE on hand a large quantity of well seasoned B?1XDING LUM? BER, Plastering Laths and Shingles, which I will sell cheap for cash. Apply at my residence, on Main street, or through Post Office, Box 130, Columbia. July 20 3mo W. LOWRY. Exeeutor's Notice. ANY parties who may have claims of indebtedness against the late RO? BERT C SHIVER, of this city, who have not already done so, are notified to render the same in the form and within the time required by the statute. C. BOUKNIGHT, Executor of Robert C. Shiver. July 15_th4 Portland Cement. ALSO, ROMAN, KEENE'S and PA? RIAN, for Walks, Cisterns, Founda? tions, Stables, Cellars, Bridges, Reser? voirs, Ac. Remit six cents postage for ?radical treatise on Cements. S. L. [ERCHANT & CO., 76 South street, New York._July 8 j3mo South Carolina Department ST. LDSli LITE D?0UKGS COkT'T, Office No. 7, Central Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. Paid-up Capital, - - - $1,000,000.00 Assets December 21, 1874, - 7,406,852.54 Surplus as to Policy Holders, 1,033,485.40 Number of Policies issued 1874?7,900: / Amount Insured thereby, - 16,634,638.97 Death Claims Paid in 1874, 889,734.97 Its Title to Public Confidence. First?it is a Strong Company. Having, in addition to its ample reserve fund, a fully paid and securely invested capital of $1,000,000, every dollar of which is pledged to the payment of its policies. Second?It is a Low Rate Com? pany. Doing business exclusively on the Stock Plan; its premium rates are much lower than those of Mutual or Mixed companies, and are the very low? est possible, consistent with security to the policy-holder. Third?It is a Plain Company. It promises no dividends, and it disap Eoints no expectations. Every policy older knows just what his insurance will cost, and just what it will realize. The contract is simple and .definite, and means Indemnity, not Profit. Fourth?it is a Paying Company. During the lost year it has paid to the. Widows and Orphans of deceased policy holders $889,000. Farn?It is a Sound Company. It has just passed through a long and rigid examination, .and its financial strength is officially attested by the moat exacting of State Insurance Commis? sioners. Sixth?It is a Broad Company. Its 20,000 rfeka being widely distributed through thirty-four;State? and I Terri? tories, no apidemic, however general, can seriously affect its mortality. ?&-Reliable agents wanted, tfe^ HENRY McNATR, Manager. July 3 \mo% DAILY "Let our Jut Censures COLUMBIA, S. C, THURSDAY MORNING, J The symptoms of Liver Complaint'nre uneasiness and pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sick? ness, fcowels in general costive, and sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable Iorb of memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left undone something which ought to nave been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the above symptoms attend the disease, and at other times, very few of them; but the Liver is generally the organ most in? volved. _ SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR! For all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen ! ris evidently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for im? mediate resort, will save many an hour of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving the moat unqualified testi l monials of its virtues from persons of the highest character and re? sponsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Gloom and forebodings of evil; all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. If you feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache, Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Tongue Coated, you ore suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the post of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water ond food n*y be faced without fear. As a remedy in MALARIOUS . FEVER8, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE, ? NAUSEA, Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! "I have never Been or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life."?H. Hain eh, St. Louis, Mo. "I occasionally use, when my condition requires it Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, with good effect"?Hon. Axex. H. Stevens. "Your Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, ond I am persuaded it is a valuable addition to tho medical science."?Go v. J. Gnx Shobter, Alabama. "I have used the Regulator in my family for past seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as best medicine I have ever used for that class of diseases it purports to cure."?H. F. Thigpen. "Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medi? cine."?C. A. Nutting, President of City Bank. "We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine fer more than twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the public."?M. R. Lyon and H. L. Lyon, Druggists, Belle fontaine, Ga. SIMMONS' LIVER REQUT, A TOR I For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AT? TACKS, SICK HEADACHE, COLIC, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SOUR STOMACH, HEART BURN, Ac, Ac. It TT?,? IVTo ZapOLVLCtl. Is a faultless Family Medicine, Does not disarrange the system, Is sure to cure if taken regularly, Is no drastic violent medicine, * Does not interfere with business, Is no intoxicating beverave, Contains the simplest and best remedies. CAUTION.?Buy no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. None other is genuine. Jnn 30 JwCmo J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. ^SIMMONS' CULATOR ROSE'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. FERST CLASS HOTEL. Fare $2} n day, including .Omnibus ride. Situated near the Capitol and in ?centre of business part of \ I the city. My Omnibus : ? will convey passengers to \? and from every train. The * Ladies' Apartments arc completo; entrance on As & sembly street. BILLI ' ARD and RATH ROOMS arc all new and in good order. Ap 0 Manufactured by HOLMES, CALDER & CO., Proprietors. Office 203 East Boy street Factory corner Cumberland and Philadelphia streets, OliarleBton, flk o. TMPOBTERS and dealers in Lubricating and Paint OILS, WINDOW GLASS and J. PAINTERS' MATERIAL. Agents for Averill's Chemical Paint, Prince's Metnlic I Paint, Rubber and Leather Belting. Feb 25 f6mo Mackerel. /CHOICE MESS MACKEREL. Vj No. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL. Just opened and for sale low, at retail, by JOHN AGNEW A SON. Ice! Ice! FtOM 7 till 9 o'clock, Sunday morn ing, the store will be open. June C ? JOHN C. SEEGERS. April 25 Millinery OP the LATEST STYLES ; also, Ladies' and Children's SUITS of all sixes and qual? ity, UNDERWEAR, COB SETS, HAIR and FANCY GOODS. Just received, a large assortment of Wenck's PERFUMERY, at MRS. C. E. REED'S. PH(E] Attend the^True Event." ULY 22, 1875. VOL The Great Rush FOR BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS To be keot op by C. F. JACKSON, THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. FOR the next ten days, the ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS will be at the Bargain Counter Prices. DRESS SILKS from 50c. per yard op. And all goods sold without regard to cost._ July 11 NEW STORE. Groceries, Liquors and Family Supplies, THE under? signed have ta- /4> ken possession P~ of the commo-l idiouB store un-BH?IIBv der Irwin's Hall, and are now prepared, with a full stock of fresh and. well se? lected goods, to furnish all in need of GROCERIES, LIQUORS and FAMILY SUPPLIES in general. Their prices will be satisfactory. Give them a call. July 9 lmo R. ARNDT A CO. Great Reduction GROCERIES! . ?? ON and after this date, my large and well selected stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cosh. I particularly call the attention of the public to my lorbe stock of BACON, LARD and BUT? TER, all of the very best quality, and cheap. 200 barrels new Solomon's Fancy FLOUR, just received fresh from the mill, and price reduced. TEAS, COFFEES and SUGARS, of standard quality. Prices on the entire line reduced. The following list of LIQUORS have i'ust been received, the quality of each eing guaranteed: Otard A Co.'s Pale BRANDY, in wood t nd bottle, Hennessey's Pale BRANDY, in wood i nd bottle. Old Jamaica RUM. Old St. Croix RUM. Old Holland GIN, in wood and bottle. Pale SHERRY. Brown SHERRY. Sweet MALAGA. Old PORT. Old Rye WHISKEY. Old Mountain Corn WHISKEY. These Liquors are superior to any ever offered to the Columbia trade before, and will be sold very cheap, considering quality. All goods delivered. Store closes at 7 o'clock. July 9_HARDY SOLOMON. NE W BOOSLS At E. L. Bryan's Book Store. GEN. SHERMAN'S MEMOIRS, from the settlement of California to the present time, with a large and complete map. Livingstone's Last Journals, with maps and plates, $2.50. Man and Beast?Here and Hereafter; illustrated by 300 anecdotes, by Rev. J. G. Wood, $L50. The Better Self Home Essays, by au? thor of the Gentle Life, $1.75. We and Our Neighbor, by Mrs. Har? riet Bcecher Stowc, $1.75. A Short History of the English People, by (ireen, $1.75. Also, a variety of new London Novels. Agricultural Implements. CJMUT MACHINES, ? BOLTING CLOTHS, COTTON GINS, MILL-STONES, MILL-STONES, MILL-STONES, BELTING, THRESHERS, ENGINES, FAN MILLS, FEED CUTTERS, AC, AC, AC, At manufacturer*' prices. Send for catalogue to June 21 L?RICK & LOWBANCE. Rose Cordial! Rose Cordial!! rTVIE only sure cure for all kinds of JL Bowel Affections, Summer Com? plaints, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. No? thing better for Children. Mothers, try it and save your children. For sale only at HEINITSH'S June 26 City Drug Store. ,UME XI?NUMBER |6?r / 0 GEOltOE O. HULL, rnop&iXTon of the ill HILLS, (Formerly StovnU's Excelsior Mills,) AUGUSTA, GA., MANUFACTURES FLOUR in all grades. The old and well-known EXCELSIOR BRANDS: Pride of Augusta, Golden Sheaf, Extra, Little Beauty, Always on hand, and their well-earned reputation will be faithfully maintained. CORN MEAL, CRACKED CORN, CRACKED WHEAT, GRAHAM FLOUR, MILL FEED, BRAN, Etc., Constantly made, and orders promptly filled at the Lowest Rates. June 25_lmo THE GREAT SENSATION IN DRY GOODS STILL IN FULL. BLAST I ?AT? TO-MORROW (Monday) tho BARGAIN COUNTERS will be bountifully re? plenished with a new, fresh line of goods, and will be kept up during the week. Beautiful DRESS GOODS at 10c; worth 25 and 50c. 10 pieces Plain White LINEN LAWN, at 20c.; worth 40c. 16 pieces Fancy LTNEN LAWN, at 20 and 25c.; worth 40 and 50c. 5 pieces BLACK GRENADDNE, at 25c.; worth 50c. 3 cases New Style PRINTS, at G\ and Jc. 1 case 4-4 American PUCALE, at 10c., fast colors. 15 pieces Scotch TWEEDS, at 25c; worth 50c. . 10 pieces Brown LINEN DRILL, at 25c; worth 50c. 1 case each Wamsutta and New York Mills MUSLIN, at 15c 1 case each Androscroggan and Fruit of Loom MUHLIN, at 12jc 1 case Hill's Semper Idem MUSLIN, at 10c 1 case 10-4 Pepperell Bleach SHEET? ING, at 371c. 3 bales 4-4 Fine Brown SHEETING, at 9c. Ladies', Men's and Misses' BOOTS and SHOES, from 40c. upwards. Tho above "STARTLING PRICE8" represent only a few of the GREAT BARGAINS that will be offered to reduce stock. Now is your time to buy a good deal for little money. W. D. LOVE A CO., Grand Central Dry Goods House, June 27_Columbia, 8. C. MOSQUITO NETS,* White and Colored. MOSQUITO BARS, White and Colored. MOSQUITO NETS, White and Colored. Hade os LATEST IMPROVED PATENT. Fixtures all ready for hanging up. 1AAA LATEST Styles LADIES ,UUU and CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS, only FIFTY CENTS EACH. JONES, DAVIS & B0UKNIGHT8, Successors to R. C. Shiver & Co. Juno 13_ Non-Board Fire Insurance and Beal Estate Agency. HOME Fire Insurance Company* Charleston, 8. C. Petersburg Savings-and Fire Insur? ance Company, of Petersburg, Va. Oitisens Fire Insurance Company, of Newark, N. J. Bates low and companies first chub. Office in the Union Bank. WINTHROP WILLIAMS, July 1 Agent.