THE PHOENIX, Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, Every Wednesday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Editor and Proprietor, Office No. 160 North Richardson St. ?iT*The Phcenix is the oldest Daily Paper in South Carolina, has the largest circulation in the upper portion of the State, and has been regularly issued since its inception?March 21, 18(15. subscription. Dailv, six month:-, $4; Tri-Weekly, 2.50; Weekly, 1.50. advertisements Inserted in Daily at $1 a square of ten lines for first, and 50 cents each subse? quent insertion; if not exceeding rive lines in length, 75 cents. Long adver? tisements by the week, month or year, at less rates. Marriages, Funeral Invita? tions &c, $1. TifBook and Job Printing of every description faithfully attended to. aobnts. Julius Poppe, Anderson. J. A. Grigsby, Ridgwav. II. W. Lnwson, Abbeville. John B. O'Neill, Newberry. KSThe late storm in Harris County, Ca., struck a building in which were assem? bled a large number of ladies and gen? tlemen who had met for the purpose of spending the evening in dancing. The awful, appalling roar of the tornado fell upon the ears of the merry dancers, fear took possession of their souls, and amidst the mingled and!terrific sounds of the tempest went tip many a wailing cry to the Father of Mercies, and earnest vows were uttered that if escape from death were vouchsafed, no more tripping of the light fantastic toe would ever be in? dulged by-any of- thatfparty.- We un? derstand none -were-seriously injured. 'Tis said, strange to relate, that on the approach of the storm, every man pre? sent, save two, took flight and sought safety in a neighboring gully, leaving the ladies without partners, one of those who remained ' being a married man. We think ?h*e brav? bachelor who stood by the frightened girls, should be the most favored man in all that region. We are glad to know that the party in the gully were not hurt by the storm. An American clergyman exclaimed to his hearers: "Eternity! Why you don't know the meaning of the word, nor I cither, hardly. It is forever and ever, and five or six everlasting a-top of that. You might place a row of figures from here to sunset, and oypher them all up, and it wouldn't begin to tell bow many ages long eternity is. Why, my friends, after millions and millions of years had rolled away in eternity, it would be 100,000 vears to breakfast time." Final Diacharge. i NOTICE is hereby given, that W. H. WTGG, administrator of the estato of F. Beeves, deceased, has applied to me for a final discharge as such adminis? trator. It is ordered, that the 5TH DAY OF JULY, A. D, 1875, be fixed for hear? ing of petition, and a final settlement of said estate. 15. I. BOOXE, Judge of Probate, Bichland County. June 0 4 ti;? South Carolina, Richland County. f.Y THE VROHATE COVET. fit re Estttle of Hctnntvh j'. Fra^k: VTOTICE is Hereby given that JOHN i> C. SEEGEBS, guardian of the estate of Hein reich V. Frank, hus applied to :ue for a final discharge as such guardian. It is ordered that the twenty-iirsi day of June. a. D. 1875, I i fixed for hoarliig the petition and a final Settlement of said . stab . lt. I. BOOXE, May 21 *12 Jnd:.< of Probate It. C. What Ycu Need. I^XTRA MESS LEEF, 10 cuts per Id pound. Fresh May BUTTER', direct from Mil ford, N. Y., :) pounds for $1. CIGARS.?We areclosingonl our stock of Cigars, and offer the beHt FIVE CENT Cigars in the city, and only want a trial to convince you. May 10 "L?RICK & LOWBANCE. Prepare Your Own Mineral Waters, bt using the Granular Effervescent Salts. ROCKBBIDGE ALUM, VICHY. CRAB ORCHAD, KISSINGEN, FRIED? RICHSHALL. The Salts represent in a condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Waters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapness, are coming rapidly into use. One or two large tea-spoon-fuls added to a small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of the natural Water, accompanied by a sparkling effervescence. For sale at L. T. SIL LIM AN A CO.'S April 6 Drug Store. Davis' Diamond Hams. AFULL supply of these choice HAMS inst received and for sale bv Apr'il 11; JOHN AG NEW A- *S( IN. Interest Allowed. rpHE Mechanics'and Farmers' Build JL ing and Loan Association, of Rich land, is now receiving deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and allowing interest at the rate of 0 pet cent, per annum on all amounts over $10.00, which remain 30 days or longer. Deposits received by T. H. Gibbes. Treasurer, at the Central National Bank, R.. D. SENN, April 22$ President. For Music Teachers. NOW examine and select books for the next season's campaign. In onr catalogue (sent free) you will find all you need, and of the best quality. ' We now remind you of our SONG MONARCH, (75 cents.) Unequalled as a class book lor singing schools. American School Music Readers. Book I (""> cents,) Book II (50 cents,) Book III (.50 cents.) Excellent graded books for schools. Richardson's New Method For Piano-ibrte. ($3.75.) The greatest and best of Piano instruction books. CLARKE'S NEW METHOD For Reed Organs. ($2.50,) which occupies very nearly the same position with respect to books of its class as Richardson's does to other Piano-forte Methods. And if, as is likely, you arc a leader of a choir or musical society, yon will find excellent material in our new books, THOMAS' QUARTETS AND ANTHEMS, (S2.50.) or PERKINS' ANTHEMS, ! ($1.50.) or POUR PART GERMAN ? SONGS, ($1.50.) for Mixed Voices, or 1 DANE'S ANTHEM SERVICES, (Episco ; pal,) $2.50. Sent, pwst paid, for Retail Prices. Sold by all principal Music Dealers. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Boston. ('HAS. H. DITSONA CO., ?Tune 12 swl 711 Broadway, N. Y. Notice to Tax-Payers. milE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE _I_ will be open for receiving RETURNS from JUNE 1 to JULY 20, 1875, instead of July 1 to August 20, as heretofore. The law requires the County Auditor to assess all parties who fail to list their personal property within the time above noted, at the same valuation as of 1874, and add a penalty of fifty per cent, thereto; and all new buildings and structures, not returned in 1874, must be returned for the fiscal year 1875, and in default thereof a penalty of fifty per cent, will attach. To facilitate the tax-payers in making their returns for the fiscal year 1875,1 will nttend in person at the following Precincts: Gadsden Precinct, June 17, 18 and 19. Acton Precinct, June 21 and 22. Davis' Precinct, June 24. Garner's Precinct, June 28 and 29. Camp Ground Precinct, July 1. Killian's Precinct, July 5 and C. Hopkins' Precinct, July 8. Trenholm's Precinct, July 10. A. L. SOLOMON, May 30 lmo County Auditor. TTrVRLVB STUXTGr RASHERS, HORSE POWERS, EN? GINES, FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, REAPERS, Ac, Ac, at ma? nufacturers' price. Send for catalogue to L?RICK A LOWRANCE, April 22 , Columbia S. C. Kerosene! Kerosene!! Xf \ BARRELS pure white standard 0\J KEROSENE, just received and for sale at 10c. per gallon by the barrel, and 20c. per gallon at retail. Kerosene tlelivered, free of ???/'"/". ii> ?m/ nrirt oi the city by JOHN' A'ONEW ?- SON. The Alabama Soli Life Ins C. E. THAMES, President; T. N. F Superintended iLssets $756, CAPITA!. STOCK $200.0< ?.. -:-. ? 11;it,us as To roi,icr-ii( <."/.!> nit i.ui:i:i:xr\ VSOUTHERN COMPANY, keeps cm1 churter? d, itdividi nds have varied I May 15 Manufactured by HOLMES, ( Office 203 East Bay street. Factory com Cliarlosl IMPORTERS and dealers in Lubricatini PAINTERS' MATERIAL. Agents for Paint, Rubber and Leather Belting. ROSE'S HOTEL, CdLUMBI?7^ CHEROKEE SPRINGS, SI'AR TA NB URG, S. C. WATER ALTERATIVE nnd Tonic; Climate dry, bracing and healthful. Every attention paid to guests. References in Columbia.?Maj. D. B. Miller, A. Palmer, Col. Jos. Daniel Pope, Prof. L. Plate and S. J. Perrv. WELL OPEN JUNE 15. * .2?VHACKS meet visitors at Kpurtonburg 0. H. June 2 lino JOHN B. BLACK7 Resident Manager. The Charleston Hotel WILL not he closed this Sum? mer. All Guests patronizing us during the Summer and Fall ?months, und remaining a week or more, will be allowed a reasonable discount?except occupants of rooms on the first or parlor floor. The attention of the Country Mer? chants is respectfully called to this no? tice. May 28 6inos California and Imported Wines, Liquors, Etc. JUST received, direct from ^California, a carload of suite " rior WINES and BRANDIES, 'made of delicious grapes in that highly favored country. Best Imported Scotch WHISKEY, Old Jamaica RUM, Holland GIN, Otard ami other brands BRANDY, Sherry, Port and Madeira WINES. I am also manufacturing, that superior LAGER BEER,/ for which my brewery has! acquired such a deserved re-' putation. Give it a trial- it is pure and warranted free from any deleterious in? gredients. Physicians recommend it. Also, best brands Imported and Domestic CIGARS, Smoking and Chewing TOBACCO, Ac. My SALOON is supplied with the best of everything. LUNCH every day, at 11 o'clock, Give me a call, at the sign of the big barrel, Nos. 104 and 1G0 Richardson street. JOHN C. SEEGERS. P i Q -t CO to r-t ? (ft IT is the most wonderful medicine ever known, and possesses curative power unequalled in historv of remedies. For sale only at HEINITSH'S Drug Store. _ ACTS OF TBE LEGISLATURE 170R 1875, with postage, 81.15. For 1 sab at lt. L. BRYAN'S May 5 Bookstore. race taanv, of Mile! * DWLER. Secretary; Gen. S. D. LEE, t of Agencies. 000 in Go!d. JO <;<>5.l) ALL '/.OERS >> VKR -s I'??'.'?? (I <: ? 1. !>. ' POLICIES ISSVRD! ! lends it-- Moncv in the South. Since fr. ui IT to 27 p< r"c nt. AY. II. GlBIir.S. Ak< nt. O o o ?1 OB PL 7ALDER & CO., Proprietors. ;r Cumberland and Philadelphia stre< ts, ! and Paint OILS. WINDOW GLASS and Averill's Chemical Taint, Prince's Metalic Fi b 25 *6n\n C. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Fnrcs>2.l a day, including Omnibus ride Situated r -. near the Capitol and in centre of business part of the city. My Omnibus will convey passengers to and from every train. The HHravft/lvf Ladies" Apartments arc complete; entrance on As? sembly street. B1LLI : ARD and LATH BOOMS r-ro %v n,,d in good The Oldest Daily in South Carolina! Do You Want a Reliable Newspaper? Then Subscribe for THE PHOENIX, Daily or Tri-Weeklv; or WEEKLY GLEANER, issued every Wednesday, yo. 160 TiicfcqrDson Sf., CeiiiiK)6iq\ Tbo Phoenix is the oldest Daily Paper published in the State of South Carolina, having been regularly issued since 21st March, IPGS. The Gleaner is also in the eleventh year of its publication. The , LATEST INTEL? LIGENCE, from overy part of the world, including full and correct Market Reports, received daily: well selected reading mat? ter. Editorials and locals prepared by competent writers. They are Conserva? tive in politics and devoted to the best interests of the peo? ple?the proprietor (who has controlled them since their origin) having been a resident of Columbia more than forty years. Terms of subscrption I as follows, including postage: Daily $4 six months; Tri-Weekly $2.50; Weekly $1.50. These papers were the lirst issued in Columbia after its partial destruction, circulate nioreextensively in the middle and upper Counties of the State than any other, and arc excellent mediums for advertising. THE PHOENIX teut hi and Job Printing Office supplied with Mini Is thoroughly of various -rail fool t?> the sveon ti. th part of an inch size: Presses of the latest in veil tiou, cylinder and platen; Black. Colon d and Transfer Inks; Paper and Cards: Cuts, Borders, Ac. Ac. in great vari riety and size. The work is all execu t ed under the su pe rin tende n c e and i tu? rn e d i ate direction of the proprietor. Who is a practical printer. Cash and New York prices is the rule. Therefore, you should have XOOB WOItK 1h>xe at style ami PRICE SHE the office is the only one in the upper part of the Stale where Poster and General Show Printing can be pro? perly executed, as we are supplied with fifty founts wood and other largo typo. 1. 2, 3 and 4 Sheet Posters; Hand-bills, Programmes, Bills of Fare, Pamphlets, Circulars, Dodgers, Uriel's, Letter Heads. Checks, Bill Heads, Receipts, Horse Bills. Labels, Railroad. Legal and ether Blanks, Tags: Wedding, Visiting and llusiness Cards; in short, any and every thing in the way of Plain or Fancy JOB and BOOK PRINTING. Orders from a distance will receive immediate attention. .11 l.IAN A. 9KI7BY, home, when same. This Propvi*',<>r Phti nix am r. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. Columbia, S. C, Mat 28, 1875. COMMENCING- June 1, 1875, the fol? lowing Changes will be made in Passenger .Schedule on this Road: Ab. 4?Sight Passenger?S?rth. Leave Columbia. 8.15 p. m. Arrive Florence.12.50 a. in. Wilmington. 7.10 a. m. Connect at Florence with North-east? ern Road lor Charleston. Arriving thoro 0.15 A. M., and connect closely at "Wil? mington daily, except Sundays, lor all points North. So. 3?Sight Passenger?South. Leave Wilmington. 0.25 p. m. Florence.11.55 p. m. Arrive Columbia. 4.15 a.m. Connects daily, except Sunday even? ing, at Wilmington, with all Trains from North, and at Horenco with Trains leav? ing Charleston, 0.30 P. M. Ab. 7?./lccommodafion tfc Freight?South. Leave Florence. 0 a. in. Arrive Columbia. 7 p. m. So. 8?Accommodation it Freight?S?rth. Leave Columbia. 5.50 a.m. Arrive Florence. 4.50 p.m. Both Trains connect with Cheraw and Darlington Railroad, and carry Coaches. JAS. ANDERSON, Gen. Supt. A. Pope, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Columbia, S. C April 1, 1875. PASSENGER TRAINS will bo run daily, (Sundays excepted,) by the following schedule: Leave Columbia 7.00 a. in. Ar. 4.10 p. m. Alston. .. 8.45 a. m. 2.35 p. m. Newberry 10.03n. m. 12.58 p. m. Cokcsbnryl.37p. m. 0.35 a. m. Relton.. ..3.20 p. in. 7.55 a. m. Arrive Greenville4.55 p. m. LvcO.OO a. m. Passengers by Night Train on South Carolina Railroad connect with No. 1. Passengers by No. 4 connect with Day Train on South Carolina Railroad for Charleston, Augusta, Ac, and with Train on Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta. Anderson Branch and Blue Ridge. Leave Walhalla. 14.15 a. m. Ar. 0.45 p. m. Seneca City 1.46 a. m. 6.10p.m. Perryville'5.00 a. ni. 0.05 p.m. Pendleton 5.50 a. m. 5.20 p. m. Anderson. 0.50 a. ni. 4.20 p. m. Arrive Relton .. .7.35 a. m. Lve 3.30 p. m. Abbeville Branch Trains. Leave Abbeville.8.00a. m. Ar. 2.35 p. ni. ? CokesbUrvl.40 p. m. 9.10 a. m. THOS. DODAMEAD, Gen. Sup't. Jabez Nobton, Gen. Ticket Agent. South Carolina Railroad Company, Columbia, S. C, June 18, 1875. day passenoer train. Leave Columbia 4.30 p. m. Ar. 2.15 p. m. Charleston?.45 a. m. 11.45 p.m. night express accommodation train. Leave Columbia 7.00 p. m. Ar. C.35 a. m. Charleston7.10 p. m. G.30 a. m. Cnmden Train will oonnect at King ville with Up Passenger Train for Co? lumbia, Monday, Wednesduy and Friday; and witb Down Passenger Train from Columbia, Tuesday, Thursday and Sa? turday. S. S. SOLOMONS, Gen. Supt> . S. B. Pickins, General Tioket Agent. Charlotte, Columbia & AugustaR. R. Columbia, S. C, April 1, 1875. ? rpHE following Passenger Schedule is I _|_ now operated: j ooiNo north. Train No. 2. Train No. 4. 1 Leave Augusta.0.30a. m. 4.15 p. m. Graniteville. . ..10.20a. in. 5.11 p. m. Col*bia Jnnct'n...2.13p. m. 9.05 p. m. Columbia.2.45 p. m. 9.17 p. m. Chester.(1.34 p. in. : Arrive Charlotte.9.00p. m. Na. 2 Train makes close connection, I via Charlotte and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 0.05 A. M. No. -l Train makes (dose connection, via Wilmington and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 5.15 1'. M. ! coino norm. Train No. 1. Train No. 3. Leave Charlotte_8.50 a. nt. Chester.11.02 a. ui. Winnslioro... .12.38 p. ni. Arrive Columbia... .2.42 p. in. Leave Columbia. .. .2.52 p. m. 3.40 a. ni. Col bia Jnnct'u..3.17 p. ui. 4.15 a. ni. Graniteville... .7.15 p. ni. 7. IS a. m. Arrive Augusta.8.05 p. in. 8.45 a. ni. South bound Trains connect at Au? gusta for all points. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to principal points JAS. ANDERSON. General Sup. A. Pope, Gen. Pass'rand Ticket Agt. Congaree Iron Works, COLUMBIA. S. C. j JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFAC? TURER Steam Engines, Saw und Grist Mills, ('.in Gearing, and all kinds Iron Castings for Machinery; and Ornament? al Castings for Stores and Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens and Cemeteries, Iron Settees and Arbor Chairs; also, Rrass Castings of all kinds. Bells for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, Ac. Guarantee all my work first class mid equal to any North or South. Works at foot of Lady street and near South Carolina and Greenville and Columbia Railroad Depots. Nov 18 Money to loan, On Marketable Collaterals. TEXCHANGE on New York, Baltimore, j Philadelphia, Boston, and allpromi' i nent cities of the United Statos and Eu j rope bought and sold. DEPOSITS received and intcrest-benr | ing CERTIFICATES issued. STOCKS. BONDS, GOLD and SILVER j bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchants and others from the citv and country solicited, and LIBERAL LINES OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL HANK, corner of Plain and Richardson dreetf. JOHN S. PRESTON. Pres't. J. II. Sawyeis, Cashier. Mar 21 ?