The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, June 19, 1875, Image 3

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Telegraphic?Foreign News. Dublin, June 18.?At a preliminary match the Irishmen stood 7-45; Americans Mayor Leech has presented "All Lre land Challenge Shield." The Americans will be allowed to compete, as they are made honorary members ef the shooting club; no mutter which team wins, it must be shot for next year at Philadel? phia. This shield is in competition every year. Lonbon, June 18.?N. Alexander, Son ds Co., failed; liabilities $1,000,000; Oeta vious, Phillips A Co., colonial brokers, Wedlock, Small ware &Co., Manchester, failed. At this hour?3.30?sinister ru? mors prevail, but a better feeling exists. A hail-storm here this morning and else? where throughout England weather fair. Versailles, June 18.?The Bureaux of the Loft have resolved to offer no amend? ment to the constitutional bills as they come from the Committee of Thirty, and to take all possible steps to hasten the date of the final dissolution of the As? sembly. The Left will move, to-morrow, that the public powers bill be placed on the orders of the day. Lonbon, June 18.?The Moscow Ga? zette says England having declined to enter into intimate relations with Rus -sia unless the Central Assian States are placed under the protection of interna? tional luw, Russia has no reason to leave the alliance of three Emperors and enter into a league with that country. Toronto, June 17.?At a sale of tho? rough-bred horses and cattle, yesterday, some choice breeds brought fabulous prices. A calf, seven months old, brought $18,000, and a bull oalf, two months old, fifth Duke of Hilhurst, was bought for $8,300. Babbie, Ontario, June 18.?The great? er portion of the business part of the town burned; fire still raging. Telegraphic?American News. Boston, June 16.?This afternoon, a terrible explosion occurred in the large and Farnham streets, used by C. E. Mastin as a manufactory of fire works. Ten men and boys were employed in the building at the time, only one of whom escaped uninjured. The building blew up with a terrific report, and the ruins at once took fire and were entirely con? sumed before any assistance oould be rendered by the fire department. Six bodies, burned and charred beyond re? cognition, were taken from the ruins. Thomas Hurley, Michael Trimity and Wm. Meelin were rescued from the ruins, all dangerously burned and bruised. The bodies of Thos. Dooley, Herbert Meelin, John MoNamara, Thos. Coohrane, John H. Kelly and William Burrill were taken from the debris of the building, so charred and burned as to be beyond individual recognition. The cause of the explosion is unknown. The loss on the building and stock is $60,000; no insurance. Boston, June 17.?Of the large num? ber of invitations extended to the South Carolina delegation here, none was more significant or more unusual than that from Harvard University and its 1,100 students. Yesterday afternoon, the W. L. L, in open carriages, left the St. James Hotel for Cambridge, and through every avenue the cortege passed, cheers and other public demonst rations marked its progress. Arriving at the entrunce of Memorial Hall, the detachment was met by President Eliot, the faculty and an immense concourse of students from every State and Territory in the Union. The former welcomed the W. L. I. in elo? quent and fervid language, referring to the great names and many Sputh Caro? linians who had graduated there, and bespeaking a kindly recognition of the institution at the South in the futnre. His remarks were warmly received by the W. L. I. Col. Simons responded, in a most impressive speech, which was re? ceived with approbation by the faculty, President Eliot exhibiting emotion, while the students, en masse, gave for cheers their peculiar rah! rar! rah! which was overwhelming in its effects. The recep? tion and entertainment in Memorial Hall at Harvard will ever be a memora? ble ovent to the W. L. I. The Eutaw flag, as soon as recognized, brought tre? mendous outbursts of patriotic feeling. Lieut. Gilchrist's command marched superbly. Every man in line wore pal? metto cockades and bannerets of pal motto leaves in the muzzles of their rides. Col. Andrews ond Col. Simons were with Governor Goston, on the grand stand, while the column passed in review. After the parade, the W. L. I. wore taken to the Suffolk Club House, and entertained with a well-served colla? tion. This welcome was hearty, and was honored by the presence of a large num? ber of the most prominent and influen? tial Boston merchants. Besponses by several members of the company were enthusiastically received. New Yobk, June 18.?A steamer which arrived here yesterday, from Havana, brought information that there were thirty cases of yellow fever there when she left A Mexican cattle thief was killed on the -Texas border, yesterday. Mrs. Monroe, of Indianapolis, recently divorced, was killed, yesterday, by her ex-husband, with a monkey-wrench. The number of persons killed on the railways of Great Britain last year was 1,425, and the number injured was 5,050. Wilkesbabbe, Pa., June 17.?The of? ficers of the Miners' Association of this region met Mr. Parrish, last night, and gave their official sanction to the resump? tion of work. To-day they issued orders to the men, giving them permission to go to work. On Monday, most of the shafts of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Company"will be started. _ Philadelphia, June 18.?In the Na? tional Board of Trade, resolutions fa? voring a postal telegraph and the pur? chase of the present lines at a fair yalnation, was discussed; a motion to indefinitely postpone was carried. Re 739. corner of Kemble solutions looking to common law as rale for government of common carriers, not? withstanding special stipulations on bill of lading, passed. Columbus, Ohio, June 18.?The plat? form advocates adherence to the princi? ples of the fathers of the republic, op? position to aggressions either upon func? tions of co-ordinate powers of govern? ment, or exercise of functions reserved to the people; protection to all citizens, regardless of anything; one term for the Presidency and $25,000salary; no grants of money, credit or lands to schemes; adoption by national banks of issue of legal tenders to meet wants of trade, and establishment ot State banks of discount and deposit under State regulation^; half of customs payable in legal tenders; no currency but legal tenders; complete separation of church and State, and no secular schools; continued tyranny and cruelty to Southern States denounced. Saratoga, June 18.?The Alabama and Tennessee editors received the hospi? talities of the village at Congress Hall. Governor Tilden has tendered them a reception at Albany. The Alabama Press Association telegraphed their greeting to the Mayor of Boston, on tho celebration of tho battle of Bunker Hill. The State Democratic Executive Com? mittee organized by re-electing the old officers. Atlanta, Ga., Juno 18.?The Supreme Court reversed the decision of Hopkins, of Fulton Superior Court, in regard to taxing the Western and Atlantic Bui 1 road, Georgia Railroad and Augusta and Waynesboro Railroad; held that the roads are only liable to a tax of one-half of one per cent on net earnings; Court held tbnt the Central Railroad and the South-western Railroad must pay the tax levied, and sustains Hopkins' -decision in regard to these roads. Cincinnati, June 18.?Indiana and Illinois had an earthquake. At Sidney, a druggist's shelving was thrown to the floor, and the inhabitants fled to the streets. Washington, June 18.?Robeson has returned. $250,000 has been sent to New York to pay interest on the District bonds. The Treasurer requests that no legal tender or fractional currency be sent for redemption that will reach the treasury between the 25th of June and 1st of July, except the remittances by national banks on account of the five per cent deposits, which should be forwarded as usual. This request is made in order that the notes and cur? rency on hand be reduced to the least possible amount, in anticipation of the count to be made on the 1st of July. Probabilities?For the Atlantic States, rising barometer, North-west to North? east winds, cooler, clear and partly cloudy weather and occasional coast rain. The Signal Service observer at Indian? apolis, reports to-day, as follows: At 7.44 A. M., a slight earthquake was felt; also in Anderson, Vincennes, Ind., and Columbus, Ohio. A private letter received here, brings the intelligence that the Asiastic cholera , has made its appearance on the United States steamer Saco, on the Asiatic sta? tion, and out of five cases, four of them terminated fatally. It is believed, how? ever, that the progress of disease has been arrested. San Francisco, June 18.?Tho ship Champion, from New York hither, lost: Capt. Merrill and a sailor drowned. Yesterday's Market Reoorts. New Y'obk?Noon.?Money 2.J. Gold opened 17 J?now 17L Exchange?long 4.88; short 4.91. Cotton dull and easier; sales 000--uplands 15\; Orleans 15jj. Futures opened heavy, now a shade bet? ter: Julv 11 27-32(mI4 29-32; August 14 31-32?15; September 14J; October 14 9-10(2)14$. Pork heavy?19.40?19.50. Lard quiet?steam 13J. 7 P. M.? Money easy?2(77-2\. Sterliug steady. Gold dull?17J(5>i7L" Govern? ments dull but strong?new 5s 181. States quiet and nominal. Cotton quiet; I sales 422, at 151?15.}. Flour rules slightly in buyers' favor and only mode? rate demand?4.90(7? 8.25. Wheat opened irregular and unsettled, closing dull and heavy?1.32@1.40. Corn heavy and lOt 2c. lower?82@85. Coffee -Rio, cargoes, quoted 11(77,18$ gold; job lots 16.j<W 19ij gold. Sugar quiet and steady- 10i(? llj. Molasses dull and heavy. Pork lower? new, job lots, 10.50. Lard heavy and lower?131 prime steam. Whiskey lower ?1.19)@1.20. Freights to Liverpool steady?cotton, sail, 9-32; steam 11-32. Cotton net receipts 207; gross 295. Fu? tures closed qniet; sales 31,800: June 14jj@14 15-10; July 14 29-32?14 15-10; August 15 l-32(7j)15 1-1G; September 14 15-lfi(.?ll 31-32; October 14 21-32(7? 14 11-10; November 14 9-16?14 19-32; December 14 9-16@14i; January 14 23-32 ?14?; February 14 15-16(7i)14 31-32; March 15 3-10(7315 7-32; April 152(7*; 151; May 15 19-32(77)16$. Comparative Cotton Statement.?Net receipts at all United Statesports during week 12,089?same week last year 12.401; totul to date 3,428,120?same dato last year 3,704,239; exports for week 19,018?same week last year 18,040; total to date 2.528,598? same date last year 2,690,120; stock at all United States ports 253,257?same timo last year 1260,867; stock at all interior towns 24,951?same time last year 46,318; stock at Liverpool 1,003,000?same time last year 942,000; stock of American afloat for Great Britain 155,000? same time last year 127,000. Weekly Cotton Statement.?Nash? ville?Dull?middling 13\; low middling 131; good ordinary 12$; weekly net re? ceipts 59; shipments 908; sales 600; spin? ners 91; stock 4,967. Philadelphia?Dull ?middling 15}; net receipts 84; gross 186; exports Great Britain 167; weekly net receipts 450; gross 1,674; exports Great Britain 282. Norfolk?Dull and nominal?middling 141; net receipts 395; exports coastwise 115; sale 25; stock 2,884; weekly net receipts 2,161; exports coastwise 1,930; sales 465. Macon?Dull , ?weekly net receipts 17; shipments 191; sales 2; stock 1,969. Columbus?Dull middling 14A ; low middling 14; good or? dinary 13; weekly net receipts 53; ship? ments 793; sales 300; skinners 98; stock 1,704. Montgomery?Quiet?middling 141; low middling 133 '> g?od ordinary 13|; weekly net receipts 29; shipments 51; stock 1,019. Selnia?Weekly net re? ceipts 77; shipments 307; stock actual count 052. Baltimore.?Cotton dull and nominal; net receipts 49; gross 55; coastwise SO; sales 115; spinners 60: stock 3,072; weekly net receipts 49; gross 492: ex? ports coastwise 590; sales 1,260; spin? ners 295. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet?1.29@1.30. Provisions dull und weak. Pork 19.50(7, ,20.(H). Pa? eon dull?shoulders 9A. Lard dull and nominally lower?refined 14^6? 15. Whis? key firm?1.20. Coffee quiet and steady. Savannah.?Cotton dull and nominal; net receipts 421; exports coastwise 698; sales 4; stock 9,487; weekly net receipts 1,818; exports coastwise 1,794; sales 366. Mobile.?Cotton unchanged; not re? ceipts 801; exports coastwise 201; sales 100"; stock 3,522; weekly net receipts 239; exports Great Britain 2,004; sales 530. Wilminoton.?Cotton quiet and nomi? nal; net receipts 151; stock 1,219; weekly net receipts 4SG; exports coastwise 102. Boston.?Cotton dull?middling 15}; low middling 15; good ordinary 14.J; net receipts 53; gross 337; exports Great Uri min 373; sales 45; stock 13,902; weekly net receipts 444; gross 3,318; exports Great Britain 1,220; sales 447. Louisville.?Flour quiet and un? changed. Corn dull?72^? 74. Pork 19.50?20.00. Bacon?shoulders 9\; clear rib 123; clear 121(2,13. Lard?tierce 14J@15; keg 15}. Whiskey 1.15. Bag? ging active, firm and unchanged. St. Louis.?Flour quiet and un? changed. Corn lower?67\(?.G7\ cash. Whiskey steady?1.18. Pork ?lull?19.25. Bacon dull; only limited jobbing de? mand. Memphis.?Cotton quiet?middling 141; net receipts 41; shipments 139; sales 200; stock l,Q/>5; weekly net re? ceipts 343; shipments 1,734; sales 2,500. Auousta.?Cotton dull and tending down?middling 14J; low middling 14; good ordinary 13}; net receipts 21; sales 08: stock 4,099; weekly net receipts 138; shipments 501; sales 403; spinners 45. Galvxston.?Cotton nominal?mid? dling 141; low middling 13); good ordi? nary 15; net receipts 5; sales 50; stock 15,176; weekly net receipts 171; gross 192; exports coastwise 1,785; sales 1,728. Cincinnati.?Flour steady. Corn dull and declining?72@73. Pork lower and in fair demand?18.50 spot and seller July. Lard nominal?summer 121. Ba? con dull and declining?shoulders 9; clear rib 12(5)124,; clear 12J?12}. Whis? key firm?1.15. New Orleans.?Cotton quiet?mid? dling 15; net receipts 372; gross 573; ex? ports coastwise 4o5; sales 1,500; stock 55,635; weekly net receipts 1,043; gross 1,980; exports France 3,147; continent 1,130; coastwise 1,428; sales 6,000. Charleston.?Cotton?middling 15; low middling 14}; good ordinary 14; net receipts 106; sales 25: stock 7,63*; weekly net receipts 996; exports coast? wise 839; Kales 550. Liverpool?3 P. M.?Cotton irregular ?middling uplands 7 7-16; middling Orleans 7?; sales 10,000, including 5,000 American; speculation and export 1,000; sides of the week 58,000; speculation and e^iort 10,000; in port 1,003,000; American 597,000; receipts 57,000: Ame? rican 21,000; actual export 4,000; afloat 559,000; American 155,000; basis mid? dling uplands, nothing below good ordi? nary, deliverable June or July, 7}: basis middling uplands, nothing below low middling, deliverable July or August, 7J?7|; September, 7j(. 5 P. M.?Basis middling uplands, no? thing below low middling, deliverable June, 7 3-16; new crop, basis ditto, 7 7-10. Yarns and fabrics tend down. A fearful suicide occurred in Paris the other day. Gerard Anthoine called his little boy, aged six, to him, and said: "Little one, you have often wished to play with this pistol," showing the child an old pistil. "O, yes, papa." "Well, we will play with it now," and loading the weapon, tho father handed it to the boy. "Now, look," he said, "I will get down on my knees before you; you will point at me right between the eyes and pull the trigger; you'll see how funny it is!" and he knelt down. "Aim well, in the head, between tho eyes," he said again; "but first embrace me." The poor child embniced his lather, and then pointed the pistol as told, and fired. Gemrd fell back dead, and tho boy see? ing the terrible result, ran out of the room sobbing. While Postmaster-General Jewell is going the rounds he might slip down to Texas, where it is said there is a mail route contract for a semi-weekly service, but is only performed monthly by a boy on a mustang pony at $400 per annum, the Contractors receiving the tritle of $80.000. A terrific hail storm passed over the lower portion of Union County, a few days ago. Corn and cotton were greatly injured, and in some instances cabins wero destroyed. Maybinton, in New berry County, and vicinity, also had a visit of a similar nature, with like ro sults. 1,400 steerage passengers leaving New York in one day to return to Europe is, says the New York Herald, an event of no small significance. The signifi? cance of the event finds emphasis in the estimate, that the immigration, arrivals this year in New York will be 50,000 less than they were in 1874. Next to tho "ohromo"of an intoxicated man fondly steadying a gas lamp-post, wo don't know of a more heartrending ob? ject than that of a lean canine reaching for a business-like flea on the extreme Southern portion of his tail. Coroner Beiden, of Lancaster, hold an inquest a few days ago over the body of a colored woman, who dropped dead while working in the field. The Doctor called it "heart disease;" the negroeH called it "tricked." There is now living in Northampton County, N. C, a well known lady, who can number nearly 100 living children and grand-children. She has lived to behold the fourth generation of her off? spring. The lightning struck in the open cot? ton field of Mr. B. I. Lathen, one mile from Lancaster, last Saturday morning. It crisped, as with fire, about sixty feet of a circle. A New York papt r says that a trip to Europe has become so cheap us to be plebian, and people of superior clay art; beginning to hesitate about the propriety of going tliere. Alfred Walker, (.colored,) who mur? dered Rev. J. ('. Miller, near Union C. IL, several months ago. after a fair trial, has been found guilty, j A colored man, named James Hud gins, while attempting to cross from the main land to Sullivan's Island, in a boat, was drowned, a few days ago. Gen. J. B. Kershaw has accepted the position of orator at the centennial of the battle of Fort Moultrie, June 28, ! 1870. A colored man in Lancaster was bitten recently by a rattlesnak", when his arm swelled and he soon became delirious. A pint of whiskey restored him. A skillful mother and a number of marriageable daughters is now termed a School of design. Don't be meddlesome, if you'd avoid trouble. Without friends, this world is truby a wilderness. Notice. MY Ice Machine is under repair for a few days. My customers will be supplied with Lake Ice at the store. June 19 JOHN C. SEEGERS. New Mountain Batter. JUST received this day 10 tubs North Carolina MOUNTAIN BUTTER? the finest I have ever seen?which I will sell at 2?c. per pound. June 19 HARDY SOLOMON. _ Notice. THE CITIZENS OF COLUMBU are requested to carefully inspect their premises and abate any existing nui? sance or report the same promptly to the Chairman of the Board of their respect? ive Wards. Bv order of the Chairman Board of Health: - RICHARD JONES. Clerk B. H. Chairman of Ward 1?Prof. R. T. Greener; Ward 2- Henri' Daniels; Ward 3?E. H. Heinitsh; Ward 4?C. Barnum. June 19_ ACARDTQTflB PUBLIC. Bo Not be lied Astray BY the sensational advertisements of houses that are trying hard to mo? nopolize the tmde of this city. Call on your old friend, "Tie Leader of Low Prices," And you will find that he is as deter? mined as ever Not to be Under-sold! PRICES AS LOW AS AXYBOin', And REDUCTIONS are made all through my stock, as it must be sold or greatly reduced before my removal. June 15 C. P. JACKSON. Auction Sales. Furniture, Pickles, Beef, drc. BY H. ft 8. BEABD, Auctioneers. THIS (Saturday) MORNING, the 19th inst., at 10 o'clock, in front of our auc? tion store, we will sell, A variety of Furniture, Child's Car? riage, Marble Tumbler Stand, Refrige? rator and other useful articles. J 19 State of South Carolina, Richland Co. OFFICE CLERK OF COURT. Columbia, S. C, June 18, 1873. "VTOTICE is hereby giveu that in pur suauce of an order made by His Honor R. B. Carpenter, a special session of the Court of Common Pleas, for the Cnnntv of Richland, will be holden at Columbia. S. C.\ on TUESDAY, the Gth day of July, A. D. 1875, for the despatch of such business us shall be properly brought before it. D. B. MILLER. June 19 12 Clerk of Court. New Fresh Goods J.H.KINARD'S LARGE assortment of rich and beauti? ful DRESS GOODS. The styles and patterns of PRINTS are numberless in variety, and every de Imrtment of his large establishment has >een replenished with accessions re? freshingly seasonable and accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department Is superbly stocked. .7. if Mr. Kinard invites a call. MOSQUITO NETS, White and Colored. MOSQUITO BARS, White and Colored. MOSQUITO NETS, White and Colored. Hide on LATEST UfF&OTSD PATENT. Fixtures all ready for hanging up. I 1AAA LATEST 8tvles LADIES .UUU and CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS, only FIFTY CENTS EACH. JONES, DAVIS ft BOUKNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. June 13 _ G-x*? Sale DEY GOODS AND NOTIONS by C. F. JACKSON, The Leader of Low Prices. CCOMPELLED to move in six weeks. J the Stock in even* Department will be sold at GREAT SACRIFICE. June 12 * "THE BARGAIN COUNTERS" AT THE GIMI IBM DRV GOODS STORE. TBE GREAT SAIL WILL BE PUT IN U TD-MORROW (Monday) JUNE 14, at 0 o'clock, wo will commence mir CLEAR? ANCE SALE. We will tnrn all our Centra Counters into what will be known as "BARGAIN COUNTERS," at "W. 1). LOVE & CO.'8 STORE," upon which we will place a great variety of Goods which we do not wish to carry over to next season, and will be marked at PRICES REGARDLESS OF COST. Each article will have attached to it a Ticket marked Bargain Counter, and the price of the arti? cle marked on it in "J'la'ni Figures." A great variety of Goods will be put upon these Counters, and now will be the time for those in need of DRY GOODS to lay in their supplies, for ice mean busi? ness. The sale will be continued from day to day, until the stock is reduced to tho proportion we wish. BARGAIN COUNTERS will be replenished every day. As we desire consumers to get the advantege of these bargains, and to guard against speculators who would pick them up to sell again at a profit, we will only allow n person ot one time to got as much as one piece or one dozen, or less, of any article. No Goods will be sent out on approbation or memorandum. The terms of the sale will be CASH ON DELIVERY. All are invited to come, as they will buy Goods at half the usnal price. Bring all your spare change with you, as you will" be able to get a good many Goods for little money. Come every dav this week and stay as long as you can; for those who stay away will miss the' BARGAINS, and be sorry tbov did not come. ' We give you below a few STARTLING PRICES of the manv Goods to be sold: 1,000 yards 10-4 PEPPERELL BLEACHED SHEETING, worth 50 cents, at 37.J cents. ?2,000 yards 4-4 WAMSUTTA BLEACHED MUSLIN, at 15 cents. 1,000 yards 4-4 NEW YORK MILLS MUSLIN, at 15 cents. 2,000 yards 4-1 ANDROSCROGGIN AND FRUIT OF LOOM MUSLIN, at 12J cents. 2,000 yards HILL'S SEMPER IDEM MUSLIN, at 10 cent3. 3,000 i EOOT G. MUSLIN, at 8} cents. GOOD PRINTS, at 5 cents. STANDARD PRINTS, at 61 cents. ALL BEST PRINTS MADE, at 8J cents. 1,000 pair Men's, Ladies?, Misses'and Children's SHOES, from 40 cents upwards less than manufacturers' cost 100 dozen Ladies' and Gents' HOSIERY, at HALF PRICE. 100 pieces BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, at 6|, 10, 121, 15 and 25, Ac, Ac, Ac June 13 W. D. LOVE A. CO., Columbia, S. C.