BY JULIAN A. SELBY Wine Liflt?May, 1876. THE "CITY HALL GRO? CERY STORE" offers, as bc I low spcoified, tbe finest Wine 'List over published in Co? lumbia: CLARETS?St. Estophe, St. Julian, Margaux, Pontet Canet, in pints and quarts. HOCKS?Laubenheimer, Hockheimer, Budesheimer. SATJTERNES?HautSauternes, Graves A Preignao, Latour Blanch, Chateun Yquem. CHAMPAGNES?Pommery A Greno's Lee, decidedly the finest dry Wine im? ported, Obaus & Duchatel's "Sillery," Carte Blanche, Kelly Island, Ac. SHERRIES AND PORTS?These of fine quality, age and bouquet, full stock, most carefully selected. _ My stock of French Brandies, Holland Gin, California Wines and Brandies, Do? mestic Whiskies, "Maryland," "Baker," "Finch," "Bomgarden, and other favor? ite brands, is always full up. I have always endeavored to keep this branch of my business supplied only with best possible quality obtainable, and am fully satisfied with the result Any rare Wine or particular brand not here advertised, will bo procured from first hands at very few days' notice. GEO. SYMMERS, City Hall Grocer and Wine Merchant. May 20_ uA. KTETW" Who feeds me from his grocery store, And shows me every day a score Of dainties, finer than before? 'Tis Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pure Liquors, Wines, &c. Whose clerks are smiling, childlike, bland, And always at my service stand Attcntivo'to my least command? Why, Solomon's. Breakfast Strips, Beef Tongues, Sal? mon Bellies, Fulton Market Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies. Who cares for no man's smile or frown, While he can keep his prices down, Yet sells the finest goods in town? 'Tis Solomon. A Splendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Teas?Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can I ever cease to be The best of customers to thee, Who always did so well by me, Oh, Solomon? Fancy Crackers, Raisins, Nuts, New Flour and Buckwheat. I'll keep to the store I like so well, 'Neath Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kept by Hardy S-O-L O-M-O-N. ^sirPrioes still lower, and goods fresh every day._April 9 Prepare Your Own Mineral Waters, BT URTNO THIS Granular Effervescent Salts. KOCKBRDDGE ALUM, VICHY, CRAB ORCHAD, KISSINGEN, FRIED? RICHSHALL. The Salts represent in a condensed and agreeable form tbe me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Waters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapness, are coming rapidly into use. One or two largo tea-spoon-fuls added to o small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of the natural Water, accompanied by a sparkling effervescence. For sole at L. T. SLLLIMAN A CO.'S April ? Drug Storo. Mackerel. CHOICE MESS MACKEREL. No. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL. Just opened and for sale low, at retail, by JOHN AGNEW, A; SON. NEW BOOKS , At R. L. Bryan's Bookstore. GEORGE IV, His Life and His Court? $1.25. Scientific London, by Beeker? $1.75. Science and Religion, by ? Dr?per? $1.75. Farrar*a Life of Christ?$2.50. The Shadowed Homo, by Bickersteth? $1.50. Conquering and to Conquer, by Schonberg Cotta Family?$1.25. Vernes' Journey to the North Pole?$1.50. Ralph Wilton'B Weird, by author of Wooing Ot ?$1.25. The Science of Law, by Amos?$1.75.. ? . Also, a variety of new English Novels, paper covers, by Mrs. Olyphant, Far gcon. author ef "Castle," Mrs. Braddon, Wilkie Collins and others.- Apri' 25 Interest Allowed. THE Mechanics' and Farmers' Build? ing and Loan Association, of Rich land, is now receiving deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and allowing interest at the rate of C por oent per annum on all amounts over $10.00, whioh remain 30 days or longer. Deposits reoeived by T. H. Gibbcn, Treasurer, at the Central National Bank, R. D. SENN, April 22 t_President Kerosene! Kerosene!! fff\ BARRELS pure white standard ?V7 KEROSENE, just received and [for sale at 19c. per gallon, by the barrel, [?nd 20c. per gallon at retail. Kerosene i delivered, free of drayaqe, in any pnri of [the cUy by JOHN AGNEW ? SON. 5 DAII H\INHAL CONDITION OF TUE CITY OF| COLUMBIA. MEETI5? ASD REPORT OF TIIE| COXniTTEE OF TWENTY. Pursuant to notice a meeting of the eiti zens' committee of twenty was held ot Irwin's hall yestcrdoy morning, at 10 o'clock, when tho report of tho sub-committee was pre? sented and rend by Mr. W. B. Gulick, chair? man. Ou motion, the report wns received and adopted, oud the papers of the city were re? quested to publish it for tho information of the public. On motion, tho chairman of the meeting of citizens, Hr. E. J. Scott, was requested io call a meeting of the citizens generally, at 5 o'clock on Monday evening next, to consider tho report, and take such nctiou thereon as may bo necessary. REPORT. The undersigned, sub-committeo of the citi? zens' committee of tweuty, appointed to make an investigation into tho financial condi? tion of the city of Columbia, present to the committee tho following statement: The city council submitted nil tho books and papers relating to city affairs to the com? mittee for examination, but it was discovered immediately that no ledger accounts had been kept since the 1st of April, 1870, and that the complete posting of all the accounts from that time would be necessary in order to make up an intelligible statement of the real financial condition of the city. Accordingly the books were placed in the bands of Mr. G. M. Walker and Capt J. L. Little, expert ac? countants, by whom tho accounts have been carefully posted up to tho end of April, 1874, When a now ledger was opened by Mr. Walter B. Jones, then city clerk. The accounts of Mr. Barnum, city clerk, were found to have been kept in a very confused manner, requir? ing considerable study and examination to post them correctly. Somo threo months were consumed in getting these accounts in order, the chairman of your committee having devoted much time to the special investigation of obscure entries as they were encountered by tho experts. Asa foundation for some of the conclusions which the committee have reached, they here present condensed statements of the receipts and expenditures of tho city for the several periods named. The committee have these statements in detail, but think that tho con? densed statements embrace all that is material, and will bo moro easily ii'iderslood: For the year ending March 31, 18CG. RECEIPTS. From city bills, old issue.. .?.? 5,039 00 Taxes. 13.994 GO $19,034 50 EXPENDITURES. Newmarket.$ 2.009 75 City bills, O. I., destroyed. 1,202 80 Interest account. 5.459 00 Sundry expenses. 10.209 91 Balauce cash. 153 04 $19.034 50 For year ending March 31, 18G7. RECEIPTS. Balance cash.$ 153 04 City bills, new issue. 12.000 00 City property. 20 00 Market department. 2.098 74 Guard house department. 489 50 Poor fund. 1,820 00 ! Taxes. 29.GSS 10 $45,709 DSl EXPENDITURE?. City bill?, O. I., destroyed... .$ 5,038 Si New market building. 5.947 30 Iuterest account...".. 5.2C0 2C Now guard house. 4G7 22 Sundry expenses. 20,407 11 Balance cash. 1.969 21 $45,700 98 For year ending March 31, ISC?. RECEIPTS. Balance caeh.$ 1,989 24 City bills, new issue. 11.475 00 Miscellaneous. Ill 85 Poor fund. 2,10! 40 Market department. 1,882 15 Taxes. 33.300 50 $50.950 20 EXPENDITURES. ?Newguard house.$ 4.228 02| City bills, O. L, destroyed. 0.510 75' IOity.bills, N.I., destroyed. 1,847 2G Interest account. .".,585 13 j Sundry expenses. .. 32,950 S8 Balauce cash. 1,827 57 $50.950 20 Fvr year ending March 31, 1809, RECEIPTS. Balance cash.$ 1,827 57 City bills. N. I. G.480 00 Poor fund. 1.129 77 Market department. 2,313 55 Guard house. G31 50 Taxes. 42,777 99 $55,1C0 38| EXPENDITURES, City billf, O. I., destroyed.$ 389 90 City bills, X. I., destroyed. 4.4C3 00 Interest account. 19,425 40 Sundry expenses. 28.043 97 Bnlanco. 2,838 11 $55.100 38| , For ending Much 31, 1870. RECEIPTS. Balance:.......$ 2,838 11 City bills, new issue. 17,045 00 Guard house department.. 082 00 Market department. 2.055 05 Agricultural fair grounds. 1,304 90 Bills payable (money borrowed).. 8,000 00 G. and C. U. B. stock sold. 5,000 00 Taxes. 66,174 33 $92,099 99 JOLUMBIA, S. C, FRIDAY EXPENDITURES. City property.$ 219 IG City bills, N. I., destroyed. 10,552 00 City bills, 0. I., destroyed. 36 00 Interest account. 31,G5G 57 City bonds paid. 3,000 00 Agricultural fair grounds. 7.249 18 Sundry expenses. 3s\643 G4 Balance. 1,342 84 $92,G99 99 For year aiding March 31, 1871. RECEIPTS. Balance.$ 1,342 84 Market department.???? 2.4S3 50 Guard house. 3S9 07 Sale of C. und S. C. R. It. stock.. 13,320 00 Sale of 1,000 shures C. C. and A. stock. 40,187 50 [City hills isBued. 2,907 60 [Bills payable (mouey borrowed). . 29,007 45 Taxes. 41,505 19 $131,143 C5 EXl'EN DITCHES. City bonds paid.$ 19,840 00 Interest. 24,590 51 City bills dostroyed. 30,705 35 City property.'.. 700 24 Agricultural fair grounds. 499 15 Sundrv expenses. 42,989 74 Balance. 11,817 GG $131,148 G5 For year ending March 31, 1872. RECEIPTS. Balance.$ 11,817 GC Market departaicnt. 2,236 55 Guard house. 117 35 Bills payable (money borrowed). 43,992 55 Salo of 222 2-9 shares C. C. aud A. stock. 3.SS8 83 iTaxes. 10S.4S7 12 I Miscellaneous. 695 20 $170,235 31 EXPENDITURES. City bonds paid.$ 10.410 00 City hills destroyed. 4,0G3 35 City property. 175 27 Market No. 2. 9.7G2 70 City hall. 14.994 GG Interest. G5.227 24 Sundry expenses. 70,126 90 Krror. 1 00 Balance. 1,474 19 $176.235 31 For year ending March 31, 1873. RECEIPTS. Balance.$ 1,474 19 Market department. 2,030 50 Guard Jioufc. 7G3 55 Proceeds $112,000 city bonds... 70.504 83 Borrowed on bonds. 21,465 47 Sale of debris ol" market. 590 30 Miscellaneous receipts. CC0 00 City property. 208 47 TaxeB? General. 52.791 75 Incenses. 15,102 85 Special interest. 25,392 90 $190.924 SI EXPENDITURES Bills payable (borrowed moncv paid).*.$ 40,000 00 City bills destroyed. 1G 15 Market No. 2. 735 00 New city hall. 12.900 00 Interest paid. 17.308 27 Special interest in Carolina na tional bank. 25.392 90 Construction fund. 1,650 00 Sundry expenses. 7S.975 4S Balance. 7,947 01 j $190.924 Si For (hit(tenmonths tn -ing April 20, lh74. RECEIPTS. Balance.$ 7.947 01 Market department. 1,327 75 Guard bouse. 1,274 35 Bills payable (money boirowed)... k18,47S 75 City bills (Baruum). 21.555 50 Proceeds $101,750 city bonds_ C7.191 00 Drawn lrom Carolina national bunk for coupons. 39.735 75 Construction fund. 15,852 98 Taxes? , General . 42.135 20 License?. 14.037 15 Special interest. 32,705 24 I Water. 8,100 59 $97,144 18 Miscellaneous. 25 20 EXPENDITURES. City h?ls (Baruum). City bills, N. 1. 9 30 New alms house. 2,137 82 New city hall. 33,534 28 Carolina outiouul bank, special in? terest deposit. 28,504 30 Construction fond. 14,245 70 Paid money borrowed on bonds. . 21,420 30 C. Baruum, city clerk. 1,142 79 Interest puid coupons. 38,233 25 Interest on loaus. 8,614 04 Columbia water power company.. 1*1,000 00 Sundrv expenses. 95.894 71 Balance to W. R. Jones. 714 43 $270,552 47 General Balance Shut, April 30. 1874. ASSETS. DE. Newmarket.$ 7,957 05 New guard house. 4.695 84 Agricultural fair grounds. 7,748 33 City bills, old issue. 8,738 40 City bills, new issue. 1,148 90 City property. 350 54 Market No. 2 (blown down). 9,907 40 City hall. 61,428 94 New ulms house. 2,137 82 W. J. Ktter, city clerk. 12 50 Churles Barnum. city clerk. 1.142 79 Carolina national bank, special in? terest. 14,201 45 Carolina national bank, construc? tion fund. 42 72 Cash to W. R. Jones, city clerk. 714 43 Balance city of Columbia. 517,260 65 $637,477 70 PI Attend t MORNING, JUNE 4, 1875. LIABILITIES. CR. City bills (Barnum) .$ 7,513 95! Hill? payable. 53,178 75 6 per cent, bonds. 107,900 00 7 per cent, bonds. 176,950 00 7 per cent, bonds, act of 1872... 213,750 00 John Alexander . 45 17 Special interest account. 17,830 89 I $037,477 70 City Debt, April 30, 1874. f'itv currency outstanding.$ 7.513 9.r Hills payable. . 53.478 75 G per ce'nt. bond9. 107,900 00 per cent, bonds.: 176.950 00 o per cent, bonds, act of i?72. . 213,750 00 $610,592 70 City Dtbl at Period* SlaUd. March 31, 1872.$ 425,850 00 1 March 31, 1873. 513,315 47 April 30, 1874. 619,592 70 List of Hills Payable outstanding April 30, 1874. 1873 May 13. Independent Fire Company.$ 500 00, Independent Fire Company. 1,000 00 July 15. T. J. Jeter, balance. 2,000 00 September 6. M. J. Calnau. 740 09 1874. January 17. Carolina national bank. 8,978 05 February G. Curolioa national bank. 4,916 00 J. Aenew & Son... 2,634 01 J. Waties. 1,041 54 March 4. Ilufinicut & Bellin grath. 1,000 00 Uuunicut &, Bellin grath. 1.500 00 Ilunoicut 74, one year. 37,423 00 Total interest accrued, two and a half years.$80.390 The payments on account of interest on the bonded debt within the same lime, not includ? ing iu'.crest paid on tho floating debt, is as follows: Paid from July 1, 1872, to Decem? ber 31, 1872.$ 1,599 15| Paid from January 1, 1873, to De cember 31, 1873 . 30,479 Paid from January 1, 1874, to July 31, 1574. 25,907 55 I Interest paid, two and a half years.$57.985 95 Balance unpaid, two and a half years.$22,410 30 J Add estimated balance due June 30, 1872. 10,000 00 I Outstanding December31,1874. ...$32,410 30 If we assume the special Interest tax for tho current yenr of 1875 to produce $46,000, the surplus over the current interest for the year will be about $7,000, which will reduce ] the indebtedness of the city, December 31, 1875, on this account to about $25,000. he True Event." VOLUM CITY CURRENCY. Of the several issues of city bills your com? mittee present tho following statement: Amount styled "old issue".$ 6,039 90 Canceled of this issue. 13,718 30 Amount over-issued. 8,738 40 Issued at sundry times between March 28, 18G7, otid March 31, 1870.$ 47,600 00 Redeemed of this issue, specified 31,395 90 Mav 31, 1870, balance outstand? ing .$ 10,204 10 March 31, 1871, add issued dur? ing this year. 2,907 60 To be accounted for.$ 19,111 60 Canceled as follows: Juno 30, 1870. Ill 90 March 31, 1871. 16.059 80 March 31, 1872. 4,063 35 M:irch 31, 1873. 16 15 ! April 24. 1873. 9 30 By W. It Jones. 5 10 $20,266 CO Canceled more than issued. 2,154 00 Issued by C. Barnura, city treasurer I.-Micd from September 27, 1873, to January 24, 1874, as per ledger account.$ 21,555 50 Credits claimed as follows: November 21, 1873, destroyed. .$ 128 40 January 31, 1874, 1,414 sheets, $3 each, returns. 4,242 00 March 3, 1874, redeemed. 23 90 March 11, 1874, destroyed. 625 26 March 24, 1874, destroyed. 204 00 April 24, 1874, blank notes re? turned. 78 00 April 28. 1874, blank notes re? deemed, not destroyed. 8,740 00 July 31, 1874, blank notes re? deemed, not canceled........ 4,093 05 $18,135 20 December 31, 1874, balance out? standing, per ledger. 3,420 30 In order to verify as nearly as possible tho accuracy of this result, an effort was made to ascertain how many city bills were in tho hands of tho public. So far as ascer? tained there were in circulation on the 3lBt of December last $4,203.60, showing an over? issue of $783.30 of this issue. Tho commit? tee have reason to suppose that all outstand? ing wore not reported to them, and that the over-issue is roally greater than this. Referring to the account of credits claimed, it will be observed that two large sums are entered as "redeemed," not destroyed. These sums are as follows: April 28, 1874, redeemed_$ 8,740 00 July 31, 1874, redeemed. 4,093 05 $12,833 05 Which ore accounted for as follows: Used as collateral with Carolina national bank.$ 12,000 00 In hands of city clerk. 803 06 Not accounted for. 30 00 $12,833 G5 Of the $12,000 used as collateral tho com? mittee understand that $7,000 were pledged for a loan of $5,000; that so many of them have been sold as were required to pay the debt und iulerest, and that the bills were used for pnymentof taxes. I'pou this subject of the issue of city cur? rency the committee beg to Bay that in their opinion it should be positively prohibited. The original authority for the issue of these notes was limited by the legislature to $25, 000. This authority was fully oxorcised long ago, and all subsequent issues beyond that stun were strictly without authority of law. The several issues of bills during the past ten years have entailed a direct loss to the city treasury of ii"t less than $11,000. To fix tho o\er-is?:ie on the proper persons is, perhaps, now impossible. Tho original is? sue of bills, and the more recent ones, have been carelessly done, and no accurate ac? count kept ?f the amounts issued. The issue known as ?'new issue-." beginning in March. 1&07. seems to havo been carefully entered ar.d canceled until May, 1870, after which ad? ditional notes wcro issued while Mr. W. J. Ktter was city clerk, and the cancellation of these bills was not kept separate from the cancellation of h?ls issm d by Mr. McMahou as clerk. Hence '.he inability to fix the re? sponsibility for this over issue. With respect to the over-issue of bills while Mr. Bnrnum was clerk, it is plain that tho amount of over Ibsuu should be charged to him, and ho bo rc quired to account for its use. SPECIAL ISTEREST PL'XD. A separate account of too special tax to pay interest on the city debt was commenced on the 1st of January, ih73. The amounts credited to this fund for the two years eud jng December 31, 1874. are. ...$ 01,478 15 Coupons taken up by the Carolina nutional l ank ur.u delivered to city clerk. 43,684 25 Balance. $17,793 90 From this should be deducted coupons taken up by tho Caro? lina national bank, riot deliv? ered until this year. 11,925 50 to credit of this fund. ... $5,868 40 This balance, not having been used for the payment ot coupons, has been diverted from this fund to other uses. In this connection the committee nsked the Carolina national bank for a transcript of its ac? count with the city for this fund, but the request was refused on the ground that tho bank could not expose the accounts of Us customers. The account cotild not, therefore, be compared with the entries by tho .bank, and the committee hove, therefore, to submit it as they made it up from the imperfect entries on the city books. Tiio amounts deposited from the 1st of Jauuary, 1873, to April 30, 1874, aggregate the sum of. $53,957 20 Tho delivery of coupons were: May 15, 1873. $21,852 60 April 3, 1874. 17,903 25 $39,755 75 E XI?NUMBER Balance. 14,201 45-1 Add sundry deposits from May 1, 1874, to December 31, 1874... 3,380 01 $17,581 46 From which deduct coupons deliv? ered during same period. 3,42C 00 December 31, 1874. balanco in bank. 14,155 40 From this sum should bo de? ducted coupons paid, but not delivered until during the pres? ent year. 11,925 50 Leaving a balance of.. 2,229 9C Which seems not to have been applied to the payment of coupons, and, so far as appears from tho bookB of the city clerk, is a balance in bank to tho credit of this fund. The receipts Into the treasury from several sources aro exhibited In the following state? ments: STATEMENT OP TAXES COIXECTED. For year ending March 31, 1866..$ 13,994 60 For year ending March 31, 1867. 29,688 10 For year ending March 31, 1868. 33,300 50 For year ending March 31, 1869. 42,777 99 For year ending March 31, 1870. 1 55,174 33 For year ending March 31, 1871. 41,605 19 For year ending March 31, 1872. 108,487 12 For year ending March 31, 1873. 93,287 60 *3 months to April 30, 1874..... 97,144 18 Proceeds of property sold. GreenviUo and Columbia R. R. stock.$ 6(000 00 Charlotte, C. and A. R. R. stock.. 13,320 00 1,000 shares C, C. and A. R. R. stock. 40,187 50 222 2-9 shares C, C. and A. R..R. stock.?.; .. 8,888 88 Gas stock in AugUBt, 1874. 5,257 66 Amount. $72,652 03 Proceeds of city bonds sold: $213,750 bonds.$ 137,696 83 Average price. 644 19 The receipts from extra sources over and above the receipts from taxes uo to the 30th of April, 1874, are as follows: Property sold.$ 67,396 38 Proceeds of bonds. 137,695 83 Bills payable (money borrowed). 53,478 75 City bills outstanding issued by Bornum....... 7,513 95 Amount. $266,084 91 As a partial offset to this large' amount, the committee desire to mention the payment of past due bonds since January 1, 1871, to the amount of $30,250.00. Bonds of 1872. Of the $250,000 of bonds authorized to be issued by the act of March 13, 1872, the fol? lowing BeemB to be the disposition of them : Bonds sold..$ 213,750 00 Pledged as collateral for loan from South Carolina bank and trust co. 29,250 00 Collateral for loau from T. J. Jeter, on deposit at Carolina national bank. 6,000 00 Reported by mayor as in his hands...".. 1,000 00 $250,000 0O The sales of the bonds were managed in such an indirect way that the experts em? ployed to post the accounts found it t-ery difficult to make up a perfectly accurate statement of the amounts received from the sules of the bonds. It should be accepted as about correct, but not as being positively ac? curate. Mr. Barnum, the late city clerk, pro? fessed to be able to furnish full information of whatever required explanation, but tho chair? man of your committee, who endeavored to get at the bottom of the account, was never iblo to obtain fioiu him any statement even as intelligible as his own books, which were cer? tainly very perplexing hi their entries. As nnde up, the $213,750 of bonds sold brought the sum of.$I37,<;!'5 83 The use made of this fund was: On the city hall_$61,428 94 Market house (blown down). 9,907 40? 71.336 34 Balance used for other purposes..$6l>,359 49 Section 6 of the Act of March 13r 1872, authorizing the issue of these bonds, directs the Mayor and Alder? men to apply their proceeds, "first, to the payment of any debts heretofore con? tracted, or which , may hereafter be con? tracted for the construction of the new City Hall and the new market;" and "secondly, for the improvement of the streets, the ex? tension of tho water works, and for any other improvements which shall be judged advisable by the said Mayor and Alder? men." This provision seems to be manda? tory in its terms and to forbid the uso of any of the proceeds until tho two objects namod under the first head had been ac? complished. The new market having been abandoned, there remained ample funds to complete tho City Hall, and, perhaps, ac? complish some other improvements. The account shows that over $06,000. of this fund has been diverted from its legal uso I and used ip other *avs. The City Hall i remains unfinished and no money in the I treasury to complete it < To illustrate the steady increase in the expenses of the oity for ordinary purposes, l your committee have prepared the foBow I ing table, showing the expenses of each I year in succession, embracing Only the ordinary care of. tho city, and excluding interest paid on tho public debt, and an special expenditures: Ex. year ending Moroh 31, 186G, $10,209 91' Ex, year ending March 31, 1867, 26,467 11 fx> xear ending March 31, 1868, 32,950 88 x. year ending March 31, 1869, 28,043 97 Ex. year ending March 31, 1870, 38,613. 64 Ex. year ending March 31, 1871, 42;980 74 Ex. year ending March 31, 1872, 70^126 90' Ex. year ending March 31, 1873, 78,975 48 13 months to April 30,1874. 95,891 71 To this general statement of expenses, your committee add the specifia expendi? tures under certain heads, embracing the larger and more important departments of I the city government: POLICE DEPARTMENT AND ODARD HOUSE. Ex. year ending Maroh 31, 1866, $1,727 88 Ex. year ending March 31, 1867, 6,589 25 1 Ex. year ending March 31, 1808, 7,725 03