,BY JULIAN A. SBLBY Speech of Governor Allen, of Ohio. There was an immense gathering of Ohio Democrats at Columbus on Wodnesday night, called for the purpose of holding a jollification over the victories at tho municipal elections in Ohio and the victory in," Connecticut. 100 guns were fired, and there was a fine display of fire-works. A band of mn Bic helped to cultivate tho enthu? siasm of tho people, and altogether the affair made an eminently re? spectable opening of tho campaign. A number of speeches were made. That of Governor Allen is given in part below: My Fbienes and Fellow-Citizens : Ninty-nine years have passed away since the declaration of our inde? pendence. During all that time American people have been school? ed in the theory, and have enjoyed tho practice, of free government. It is at. the close of the century that we find ourselves assembled here to-night to debate tho ques? tion, not about a practical measure, but about the life of this Govern? ment, the continuance of our free institutions. You have heard tho 100 guns fired' ? A little while ago jWO ;'h.ear4, Q$ ^h? 1^0 guns being lirod in tho State of Connecticut to rejoice over the first instance in our history where the bayonot had beon substituted.for the ballot in a free and independent State. Those guns WOTO'iirod totexpress tho joy of the small remnant of the Grant party over the reversal of tho decree of the ballot box by the use of the bayonet, but there was an expres? sion load and deep, conclusive 'and damning,, by the people of Connec? ticut. For that act they put up the man Who had fired those guns tfnd offered him to the people as a candidate fpr Governor. A pretty Go venor ho would have in ado! They sent him adrift by 9,000 votes care? fully counted, a majority equal to 7Q.0Q0 majority in Ohio. I guess we'll give about that majority next fall. I don't think the people of Ohio will fall in with the bayonet anymore than the cold, calculating Yankees of, Connecticut. What doe* ?11 this mean? "What power w&Bithi? that had become so pow erf^in the eyes of tho President? They had seen tho effect of the vote in Ohio: two years ago, and the still greater effect of the vote one-year ago. They found by this verdvit thattheir' power was con? demned and their ministers in the House of Representatives outlawed by' their own constituents, not the Bastile. The Democrats do not want Bastile. All we want is a lit? tle ballot box, with a hole in the top of.it. We don't allow people in the garb of Grant to put a bayonet in the hole. This is a wonderful country, and the ballot box is a tremendous revolutionize!'. On the 8th of January, 18GG, there was a Democratic meeting in Columbus. I, with many others, was invited np here. It was a night meeting, and the Democrats were so few that they didn't core to hold open street meetings, So we went into a house and had something to eat, and'being orthodox Democrats, we had a little liquor to drink. I commenced a speech by alluding to the answer of a king when he was about to depart on an expedition East and was dividing his private fdrtu^'anioug hifr.frionds. When his steward-afikod what be would have loft to > himself, . Alexander, responded: "Hope, and that is entfpg&*''-':rth.6n proceeded to say yt?lW.*0?$fy enteif upon the onjwjgpir^jpt^viflg the institutions of our country. I said we were, bereft of rJi power; wo had not a Dfltaotoatljft' State in' the TJinou, auu WjJ?ff? ppwer.in Congress. ."We were, nothing but'.a, Ijjniited mass of private, individuala, and I asked, when speaking of the forlorn posi? tion of the Democratic party, .what bdd that party to expect, going into a contest -.sgainc*;' 'stich1 cdd? I responded by saying, that , though . dejBtUrifa of all power they sfcfll had a mighty power in there hands: "Hope, and that is enough." We wont into the wary and, seven years eftar that, when the Democratic mlitfffbMhd Wols Country was do pw?tetl, w&etf the Democrats were scouted ,as .rebels,.,traitors and cqo perheads, we resolved to prosecute the war with no arms, ammunition or baggage wagons, but with hope. "Let our Just Cerm CO I was called out of ray regiment of twenty-four yearn to command. I was placed at the head of the for? lorn hope and ordered to storm the enemy's works. A breach was made, and through that breach the next year the whole Democratic party rushed aud mado the enemy surrender their guns. That shows the power of hope. Well, as soon as we turned these fellows out at the last fall election, they said it would do?trust to the little hole in the ballot box. Hero were sixty or seventy men who had beon out? lawed and told to scamper, but they had tbreo months of power yet. There were three ways to use it. One was to detect and punish the rogues who extended from one end of the country to the other; another was to economize in expen? ditures, and the other to reduce taxes. This would have soothed the rage against their bad conduct. Instead of that, they increased ex? penses and taxes, let public debt go up instead of down, and went to work to hamper the ballot box. They began by applying the law to the whole of the United States, but they reduced it to four Statos. I cannot go further into details on all their measures. But you will hear it said by the late Republicans that they are not third-term men, and so Congress thought when it met; but what did Congress think when it adjourned? It is sufficient to say that thirty-three Senators, after Grant's conduct in Louisiana matters had been condemned over and over by Congress, solemnly declared Grant had done a good thing in using the bayonet. They told Grant, by their endorsement, 'to do the thing over again as often as ho pleased. By that time they loarncd that Grant had the office and the power to hold it so far as their party was concerned?tbe power to be nominated for the third time. Grant has the office Jbis REGULATOR LUMBIA, S. C, FRIDAY \ holders, three or four millions of i money, tho army and navy and the party machinery, and when the Convention meets it will nominate Grant for tho third term, and hoist his prospects on the point of the bayonet. Democracy represents tho ballot, and they are opposed to the ballot. It will then be the ballot on one hand and the bay? onet on the other, that's all there is about it. We don't intend to allow any gouging. They can't rely on the men who formerly constituted the Republican party. Wo will get one-half of them. We have made room in our ranks for about a million of men. They havo got their bellies full of Grantism, and will come into our party. What could explain this tremendous sweep of the people against power? What could explain this tremen? dous revolution? Nothing but the rectitude of Democratic principles and the recititude of Democratic victories. There is an elm troo in Paris that was planted in IGOo, in the reign of Henry IV. This year its leaves were as early as those of its younger neighbors. Tho memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, by himself, are forthcom? ing froin tho press of D. Appleton & Co. in two volumes of over 4(H) pages each. A croaker's voice that will soon be heard throughout the laud - the frogs: The worth of woman- double you, O man. Ague without fever is no great shakes. An iuside dental expense?hav? ing a tooth tilled. Dr. D. B. Miller OFPERS his professional services to the public. Residence. Central Hotel. Office, Fair's Building, Plain street. April 10 luij The symptoms of Liver Complaint arc uneasiness and pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sick? ness, bowels in {?enenu costive, and sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss ol memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. Often coriplaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of th above symptoms attend the disease, nud at other times, very few of them; but th Liver is generally tho organ most in volved. SIMMONS1 UVER PECULATOR! For all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen ! IT is evidently a Family Medicine, nnd by being kept ready for iiu mediute resort, will .save many an hour of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving the most unqualified testi? monials of its virtues from persons of the highest character and re? sponsibility. Km incut physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headachk, Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad tasto in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency, (Boom and forebodings of evil; all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. If you feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache, Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Tongue Coated, you are suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or '?Biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food may be faced without fear. As a remedy in MALABIOCS FEVEB8, BOWEL COMPLAINTS. RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life."?H. Hainer, St. Lotus. Mo. i. '.??; >. "I occasionally mic, when my condition requires it, Dr, Simmons' clJ Liver Regulator, with good effect."?Hon. AiMX. H. Stevens. t'Your Regulator has been in use in my family for some tiirie, and I . am persuaded it is a valuable addition to*the medical science."?Gov. !if(J Ji OmXj Shorter, Alabama. ? "I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen ry Goods Establishment WM. D. LOVE & l0., COLUMBIA, S. C. Samples sent gratuitously to all parts of the country on application. April 11 CITY HALL GROCERY. G, BAND OPENING of spring and sum JT inerGROCERIES, WINES, and so on,such as Substantiate! Viz: Hams, Smoked Reef, Tongues, Breakfast Strips, Ac. Desirables! As Pressed Corned Beef, Canned Sal? mon. Lobster. Oysters,. (extra,) Toma? toes. Pen*, Apricots, Pine Apple, Ac. Indispensables! As the finest Fancy Family Flour, Pearl Orist, Fresh Bolted Meal, Gilt Edge Butter, Pure Leaf Lard, Raw and Parched Coffees, and Titas of unap? proachable purity und davor. Medicinal! I Wines, Brandies*, Hums, Gins, Whis? kies, Champagnes, Clarets, Hocks all of guaranteed purity, strength and general excellence. My stock is replenished daily; the few goods enumerated above are but u small portion of the stock which is offered, at attractive prices, in the hundsomcst store in Columbia. GEO. SYMMKRS. April 11 C. F. JACKSON, TUST HACK FROM KTEW YOHK, WITH NEW GOODS! Atf!!?_._. Mum I Fl?rida CANE8; the yotrng* gent, o: I the nobby sort?just the thing to Rushing Sale of Cigars, Walk?. Ing Canes and Pipes. NOW is the time for the old man need? ing a substantial support, to seonre I one of the old-stylo Hickory or beautiful one of twirl arouuti tiie uuger wiiiibi, puffing r."MO? NOPOLY" or "NEW SENSATION." To? morrow you will need it, as well as again for "Sunday's Smoking;" 'prooeed at once, therefore, to PERRY ft SLAWHON'S Cigar and Tobacco Store. April 10 BHEBER D. HELNIT9H, M. B,B Physician and Surgeon, RESIDENCE CORNER BLANDING AND MARION STREETS, offers his Jirofesaional services to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity. Calla left at the Drug Store of E. H. HEINITSH will re? ceive prompt Attention. April 1 tend the True Event." VO] SEW FRESH GOODS LAUGE assortment nf rich and bcauti-1 ful DRESS GOODS. The. styles and patterns of PRINTS are numberless in variety, and every de? partment of his large establishment has been replenished with accessions re? freshingly seasonable and accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department Is suporbly stocked. ;2S?~Mr. Kinard invites a call. April7_ AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND HATS, FOR JE^ 3^ 3E BE ing my RE? MOVAL* to the I new and ele v-w ^ gant store, cor-1 ^^tiScsizf ner of Main [??' ; V,'s-? and Washing V\J\& ton streets, I beg to Return my most sin? cere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me during the past TEN YEARS, and renew the assurance that my best efforts will be used to the purposq of supplying the publio with the BEST QUAMTY of GOODS, nt the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I have adupitui, and nuidl rigidly l_ hero to, a STRICTLY* CASH SYSTEM, convinced that that policy alone,is most beneficial to the public and myself. Mar 2(1 GEO. SYMMERS. Boarding. MISS CORDELIA MORDECAI, Co? lumbia, S. C, announces that her establishment, South-west corner of Snmter and Lady streets, is prepared to accommodate BOARDERS, permanent and transient, whero the taste and com? forts of the most fastidious will be gua? ranteed. March 20 |13 X. L?ME XI?NUMBER 2%? Prepare Your^Own Mineral "Waters, BT UHINU THIS Granular EfiferveHccnt Salts. KOCKBRIDOE ALUM, YICHY, OBAB ORCHAD, KISSINGEN, FRIED HICHSHALL.? The Salts represent in a condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Woters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapness, arc coming rapidly into use. One or two largo ten-Bpoon-fnls added to a small tumbler of water? instantly reproduces a draught of the natural Water, accompanied by a brmrkling effervescence. For sale at L. T. STJLiLTMAN & CO.'S April 6 _Drug Store. ja. msrw Who feeds mo from his grocery store. 'And shows me every day a scoro Of dainties, tiner then before? 'Tis Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pore Liquors, Wines, &c. Whoso clerks are smiling, childlike, blnnd, * And always at my service stand Attentive to my least command? Why, Solomon'H. Breakfast Strips, Beef Tongues, Sal? mon Bellies, Fulton Harket Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies. Who cares for no man's smile or frown, While he can keep bis prices down, ? Yet sells the finest goods in town? 'Tis Solomon. A Splendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Teas?Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can I ever cease to be The best of customers to thee, Who always did so well by me, Oh, Solomon? Fancy Crackers, Baiinns, Nuts, New Flour and Buckwheat. I'll keep to the store I Jike so well, 'Neath Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kept bv Hardy 8-O-L * O-M-O-N. . j2AT-Prieo8 still lower, and goods fresh every day._ April 9 California and Imported Wines, Liquors, ?tc. JUST received, direct from 'California, a car load of supe? rior WINES and BRANDIES, 'made of delicious grapes in that highly favored country. Best Imported Scotch WHISKEY, Old Jamaica RUM, Holland GIN. . Otard and other brands BRANDY, Sherry, Port and Madeira WINES. I am also manufacturing, that superior LAUER BEER,/ for which my brewery hosl acquired such a deserved reM putation. Give it a trial?it is pure and wnrrantod free from any deleterious in? gredients. Physicians recommend it. ~ -jf Also, best brands Imported and Domestic CIO ARS, Smoking and ^Chewing TOBACCO, Ac My SALOON is supplied with the best of everything. LUNCH every day, at 11 o'clock. Give me a call, at the sign of the big barrel, Nos. KU and 166 Richardson street. JOHN C. SEEGERS. Congavee Iron Works. COLUMBIA, s. a JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFAC rji*Sn?&&.' TUBER Steam X^'^V'<(2"V^^t"r^ Engines, Sn-\\ and Grist Mills, &Oin Gearing, ij and all kinds 9 Iron Castings for Machinery; and Ornoment ai castings for Stoves and Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens and Cemeteries, Iron Settees and Arbor Chairs; also, Brass Castings of all kinds. Bolls for Chnrohos, Schools, Work-shops, Ac. Guarantee all my work first class and equal to any North or South. Works at foot of Lady street and near South Carolina end Greenville, and Columbia Railroad Depots. Nov 18 C 1 T Y D BtG 8 T O ? K . EDWAU'D E. HETNTTSH, (Assisted by H. R,. Wiltberger, Graduate in Pharmacy and. Chemistry,) Wholesale and Retail Druggist, BOpposite Phamiz Office.'' U8INESS will be conducted upon the CASH basis. Medicines will be sold at LOW prices. PBJESCBTPTIONS put up in best manner, at lowest cost. The Proscription Department will bo under the supervision of competent and skillful persons. The CQBSMUBity huve the ss surance that knowledge' fs' the best pro? tection against error. The offices of Dr. A. 8. HYDRXCK, City Physician, and Dr. HEBER D. HEINIT8H, will be for the present at this store, where all Orders ana caUs for professional services will be attended to at all hours. , The Wholesale Department will bo conducted by the Proprietor. A fall line of choico Drugs and Medicines on hand, to which speoial .attention io ' April It Proprietor City Drug store.