The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, April 08, 1875, Image 4

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im. P?bUshed Dally and Tri-Weekly, ' Every "Wednesday Morning, ? BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Editor and Proprietor,' Office No. 160 North Rioharagon St. j?flho Phoenix is tho oldest Daily Paper in South Carolina, has the largest circulation in the upper portion of the State, and has been regularly issued since its inception?March 21, 1805. . bubsgeiption. ? Daily, six months, $4* Tri-Wcekly, 2.50; Weekly, 1.50. ADVKttTISKMENTS Inserted in Eaily at- $1 a square of nine lines for first, and 50 cents each subse? quent insertion; if not exceeding fire linc? in length, 75 cents. Long adver ttsefnents by the week, month or yeur, at lees rates. Marriages, Funeral Invita? tions &o., $1.. . jE?r*Book and Job Printing of every description faithfully attended to. AOEKT8; ' Julius P6ppe, Anderson. " J A. Grigsby, Ridgway. E A. Scott, Nfewborry. H. W. Lawson, Abbeville. Ah .investment of $5 may cause you to be the ? fortunate possessor of a con? venient house, a building lot, a pair of spanking horses, or a gold watoh. The real estate distribution is the mode. Tickets in the real estate distibution, which comes off in April, oan be obtained at Phoenix offloe, Indian Girl Cigar Store, Columbia Hotel Cigar Store, Wheeler Houso, Sulzbacher's California Cigar Store, and Sheridan's grocery store. A bargain can bo obtained in tho pur? chase of a fount of second-hand bour? geois or minion, with the necessary cases, at the Phoshix office. In forwarding! subscriptions to tho Phoenix and ? Gleaner, don't forget the postage. Money to Xioan, Vtt WWMIAUW wi;,CHH4e!=. -o EXCHANGE on Now York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and all promi? nent cities of the United States and Eu? rope bought and sold. v DEPOSITS received and interest-bear? ing CERTIFICATES issued. STOCKS, BONDS* GOLD and SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchants and others from the city and country solicited, and LIBERAL- LINES OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL BANE, corner of Plain and Bichardson streets. JOHN S. PRESTON, Pres't J. BL Bawtkb, Cashier. Mar 24 Naphtha Lamps. AGAS LIGHT at much less expense. These LAMPS are in different styles and well adapted for Stores, Of? fices, Entries and Booms. Each Lamp is of itself a gas manufactory. The oil is fed through a tnbo or pipe, at the end of whioh the burner converts it into gas, which burns with a' brilliant white name nearly equal to best coal gas, and surpaas i a g many' gas lights. For sale by Fib 16 IL E. CARR, 57 Bridge street. I T is the most wonderful medicine ever _ known, and possesses curative power unequalled in history of remedies. For sale pnly at HEINITSH'S Drug Store. ~1 ?P$?$|Street and 10? Cist Bay Street, IRLESTONSO. FmSt-CLASSWORK OUR SPECIALTY, VET, BT UtTStO ChXiAKB GRADES OP STOCK, w* cam rcawrra woax at l?west utihc mm. FME TfiSHIOSRBlE STfiTIOHERV, Wriea Paper *nd Efivelcpei. THJSStT STOCK AND MIMTKD IN THK iT?THECRE?TRlE? If you Want a "Thorough Newspaper, SCBSCniBK koR THE PHOENIX, Daily and Tri-Weekly! or THE WEEKLY GLEANER Issued every Wednesday, The t Pnos.xix is the oldest Daily Paper in the State of South Carolina and has been regularty issued since March, i860. The Weekly Gleaker has also entered upon the eleventh year of its publication. The Very Latest Intelligence, By Telegraph and Mails, from all parts of the world; FULL, MARKET REPORTS; Besides well selected Miscellaneous I and Reading Matter, of interest to everybody, will be found in these publications. The Dairy contains from 12 to 14 columns of rending matter; Tri-Weekly 24, and the Weekly 48. The EDITORLALS are carefully prepared, by competent writers; while special attention is given to the LOCAL DEPARTMENT. No better or move satisfactory investment can bo made, than a subscription to one or the other of theso publications. They are Conservative in politics, and devoted to the best interests of the Statt;. The following are the terms for six months, (postage extra:) Daily Phcenix. $4; Tri-Weekly, 2$; "Weekly Gleaner, These papers were the first issued in Columbia after its partial destruction; they CIRCULATE'MO RE EXTENSIVELY in the middle and upper Counties of the Stato than auv other paper, and arc EXCELLENT MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. The rates are low. ii 814 8*? - 3 I ft O ?r^ O u n of' a a ! a ^ ? 3> t-i 'C ft_X if! ?H 14 o 9 a .s ? o a? to a ? cd a) ,a C3 aJi?b-D o ,a-2 ?^ lilts a s gj g Mil Checks, Horse; BUK Tags, Cords of every Receipts, Labels, Railroad Blanks, Legal Blanks style?Wedding, Visiting, Bunim ss 'or Show?in fact, any and jrveryUiing tu ^-.ffc the way of Plain or Faiu?v * r1W, BOOK "and JOB miT\TT.\TG Hrffl?S of all grades. Or.l iv; lVoin " V.^' " " u - distance will receive immediate atten? tion and work promptly forwfmfrri. Proprietor Phoenix and Gleaner Steam f Printing Establishment, lfiO Richard- j son SU; Columbia. v 'I A C?ATOO IN EXCHANGE ViUAIlV FOR COTTON. The Celebrated Fertilizers fcr Cotton, Co?, Wheat ftnd Tobacco. REDUCED PUICES! LIBERAL TERMS! Wilcox, Gibbes & Co.'s Manipulated Guano, Prepared at Savannah, Go., and Charleston, S. C, and WE ?IU I'liri Hlj; IHU IIUUTU UBtSIHIHTO X UAVAUi.UlUVIA VUAO HVWDV/M, UV bly reduced prices, and give purchasers the option*of paying in cotton on the basis of 17 cents for middling, delivered at planters nearest depot, by November 1, 1875, the cotton to be packed in good merchantable bales. By this arrangement the planter has a guamntee af realizing a good price for his cotton to pay for fertilizers. These GUANOS arc too well known to require comment Those who have used them know how to appreciate their value; those who have not, as yet, will find, on fair trial, that their liberal use will pay on present crops, besides being of future benefit to their lands. For further information, call on the undersigned for circu? lars, containing analysis, opinions of planters, Ac. Jan 21 imo SEIBELS A EZELL, Agents, Columbia, S. C. Imported in bulk direct from Phoenix Islands, South Pacific Ocean, are offering the above celebrated FERTILIZERS, this season, at coi considera Screven House, It. iiilAOLiEY, Proprietor, SAVANNAH, OA. THIS long and favorably known House, pleasantly situated on Johnson Square, having been recently repairod and repainted, and having all of its departments filled with competent, polite and attentive employees, offers to the traveling public comforts un? surpassed by any house in Southern States. Feb 11 3mo o o o ?1 m a Manufactured by HOLMES, CALDER & CO., Proprietors. Office 203 Eiud Bay street. Factory corner Cumberland and Philadelphia Htreots, OSiarleston, JE?. O IMPORTERS and dealers in Lubricating and Paint OILS. WINDOW GLASS and ] PAINTERS' MATERIAL. Agents for Ayerill's Chemical Paint, Princes Metalio j Paint, Rubber and Leather Belting. ' Feb 25 t,6mo ROSE'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Fnrc$2& a day, including fh Omnibus ride. Situated ./near the Capitol and in a centre of business part of V Uie oity. My Omnibus 2 will convey passengers to I and from every train. The Ladies' Apartments aro complete; entranee on As sembly street. BILLI ?o ARD and BATH ROOMS I are all new and in good j order. Ap 6 Great Southern Freight and Passenger Line! CHARLESTON-, S. O.j TO AND FROM BUJIMt, NIILADELfiilA, NEW VllltK, BOSTON, .\ND ALL The Wew Bngland Manufacturing Cities. TIUtEE times a week from New York?Tuesday, Thursday und Saturday. ??T"Elegant State Room Accommodations.; re Honrs I ."Totals apacity 4t?,uou Dales monthly. ? vl v'iflv^f ^N N'x ^'OVJ,Ke ten to twelve ^L^iV^'^SiJj^.-^ Shorter, "via Charleston." >?iti^Sii?<21a^^S:i.-'- capacity 10,000 bides mon The South Carolina Railroad Company, And connecting Roads West, in alliance w ith the fleet of thirteen first class Steam- I ships to the above ports, invite attention to the quick time and regular despatch afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at the PORT of CHARLESTON, offering facilities of rail and sea transportation for Freight and Passengers not ex? celled in excellence and capacity at any other port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regnlarlv on the line: To SEW YORK. CHARLESTON.James Berry, Commander. JAMES ADGER.T. J. Lockwood, Commander. W. Lockwood, Commander. MANHATTAN.M. S. Woodhull, Commander. ?JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. GEORGIA.S. Crowell, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA.T. J. Beckett, Commander. \VM. A. OOURTENAY, WAGNER. HUGERA- CO.. Ageiws. Charleston, S. C. Sailing Days Wednesdays und Saturdays. TO PHILADELPHIA. Iron Steamships ASHLAND.Alex. Hunter, Commander. EQUATOR .C. Hincklev, Commander. Sailing Dav Fiiduv. WM. A. COUBTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO It A LTI MORE. FAL< !ON.Hainie, Commander. SEA GULL.Button, Commander. Sailing Dav every Filth Dav. PAUL V. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BONT0X. ? Steamships MERCEDITA und FLAG. Sail every Saturday. JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents. Charleston, S. C. Bates guaranteed as low as those of competing lines. Marine Insurance one-hull of one per cent. Through Hills of Lading ""<l Tlirmijjli Tickets I Can be procured at all the princiyal Railroad Ofliccs in Georgia, Alabama, Tennes? see and Mississippi. State Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra churge, by addressing the Agents of the Steamships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all j cases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berths assigned. Through [ Tickets by this route include Transfers, Meals and State Rooms whilo on ship-board. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA RAILROAD [And their connecting lines, have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between the Northern cities and the South and West. First Class Eating Saloon at Branchville. On the Georgia and South Carolina Railroads, first class Sleeping Cars. Freight.promptly transferred from the steamers to day and night trains of the South Carolina Railroad. . Close connec I tioh tiiude with other roads, delivering Freights at. distant points with promptness, i The managers will use every exertion to satisfy their patrons'that the line via ! Charleston cannot be surpassed in despatch end the Bsfe delivery of goods. For further information, apply to T. j, Giuffim, Western Agent. Atlanta, Ga.; B. D. Hasell, General Agent. P. O. Box 4,979; Office 317 Broadway, N. Y.; 8. B. PtckxKs, Genend Passgnger and Ticket Agent, South Carolina Railroad; or J. M. Sitxmx, Superintendent Great Southern Freight and Passenger Line, Charleston, S. C. t Coining Revolution. MI^IIIS expected change will partially 1. take place next week. So those who want CIGARS cheap had better call to? day, at PERRY A 8LAWSONS Cigar and Tobacco Store. I "Ye little stars, hide your diminished rays." _April 3 Gas Light Bills for Month oi March. CONSUMERS will please give their at? tention to the above. JACOB LEVIN, April 4 3 Sec. and Treos. Gas Co. KB3ER D. HRHHTSH, M. Physician and Burgeon, RESIDENCE CORNER BLANDING AND MARION STREETS, offers his grofessional services to the cwgens of olumbia and vicinity. Calls left at tho Drug Store of E. II. HEINITSH will rc oeivo prompt attention. ., ? April 1 Wanted, ? ? .1 :'? ASMART, intelligent LAD, who writes a good bend, lor office work. Ad? dress, in own hand-writing,'"KEY BOX 34." Apr il a ?3383333?TJoaitting. TiyriSB CORDELIA MORDEOAI, Co JLYA lumbia, a 0., announces that her establishment, South-west corner of Sumter and Lady streekvis prepared to accommodate BOARDERS, permanent and transient, whore the taste and com? forts-of the most fastidious will be gua? ranteed^-_ March 26 fi3 Olty "FTWI1 GROCERY STORE. On announc? ing my RE? MOVAL to the new and elo f gant store, cor * nor of Main and Washing? ton streets, I beg to return my most sin? cere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on. mo during the past TEN YEARS, and renew the asauranoo that my best efforts will be used to the purpose of supplying the ntihlin with the BEST QUALITY of GOODS, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I havo adopted, and shall rigidly ad hero to, a STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM, convinced that that policy alone is most beneficial to the public and myBelf. _Mar_20_OEO. 8YMMER8. Change of Schedule. WIL., COL. & AUGUSTA R. R., Columbia, S. C, A run, 1, 1876. fXnaCBSm: ON and after tho ??firai?S?3d inst, Day Pas? senger Train from and to Columbia will be discontinued. Passengers for points on Choraw and Darlington Railroad can make connections at Florence on Tues? days, Thursdays and Saturdays, leaving Columbia on Local Freight at 3.10 A. M, arriving at Florence at 12.50 P. M. Re? turning, leave Florence at 12.50 P. M.; arrive at Columbia 9.80 P. M. The fol? lowing Schedule will be operated: going nobth. Leave Columbia. 8.15 p. m. Florence.12.50 a. m. ? Arrive Wilmington. 7.10 a. m. going south. Leave Wilmington. 6.10 p. m. Florence.11.40 p. m. Arrive Columbia. 4.00 a. m. Makes through. connections, aU rail, North and South, and water line connec? tions via Portsmouth. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman sleepers. JAS. ANDERSON, Gen. Supt A. Pope, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. Charlotte, Colombia & Augusta B. B. Columbia, S. C-, April 1, 1875. rTuTE following Passenger Schedule is JL now operated: going nobth. Train No. 2. Train No. A. Leave Augusta..9.30a.m. 4.15 p. m. GraniteviUe.. ..10.20a. m. 5.11 p. m. Col'bja Juncf D...2.13p. m. 9.05 p. m. Columbia.2.45p.m. 9.17p.joa. Chester.6.34 p. m. Arrive Charlotte.9.00p. in. ? No. 2 Train makes close connection, via Charlotte and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 6.05 A. M. No. 4 Train makes close connection, via Wilmington and Richmond, to oil points North, arriving at New York 5.15 P. M. , going south. Train No. 1. Train No. 3. Leave Charlotte_8.50 a. m. Chester.11.02 a. m. Winnsboro_12.38 p. m. Arrive Columbia_2.42 p. m. Lcavo Columbia... .2.52 p. m. 3.40 a. m. Col'bia Junct'n ..3.17p. m. 4.15 a. m. GranitevUIe_7.15 p. m. 7.48 o. m. Arrive Augusta.8.05 p. m. 8.45 a. m. South bound Trains connect at Au? gusta for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage cheoked to principal points. JAS. ANDERSON, General Sup.. A. Pope, Gen. Pass*r and Ticket Agt. I Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Columbia, S. C, April 1, 1875. PASSENGER TRAINS wiU be run daily, (Sundays excepted,') by the following schedule: up TRAIN', no. 1. Leave Columbia.7.00 a. m. Alston.8.45 a. m. Newberry.10.03 a. m. Cokesbufy.1.37 p. m. Belton.;?'. .3.20 p. m Arrive Greenville.'. .4.55 p. m. down train, no. 4. Leave Greenville.6.00. a. m. Helton.7-65 a. m. Cokesbnrj'.9.35 a. m. Newberry.12,68 p. m. Alston.2.35 p. m. Arrive Columbia. .4.10 p. m. Passengers by Night Train on South Carolina Railroad connect with No. 1. Passengers by No. 4 connect with Day Train on South Carolina Railroad for Charleston, Augusta, Ac, and with Train on Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta I Railroad. Anderson Branch and Blue Ridge. Leave Wulhalla.4.15 a. in. Seneca City.-.4.45 a. m. Perryville.,..,5.00 a. jo. Penuleton.5.50 a. to. Anderson.....(>. 50 p.. m. I Arrive Belton.?. .7.85 n. va. j Leave Belton. .;;.;i() p. m. Anderson... . .4.20 p. m. Pendleton.., .5.20 p. m. Perryville.. 6.05 p. m. Seneca City. ..6.10 p. in. Arrive Walhalla. k .6.45 p. to. Abbsvide Branch Train*. I Leave Abbeville....,.,\...8.00- a. to. Arrive Cokesbury,.....9,10! a. m. Leave Cokesbury.<..'..-?.1.40 p. an. Arrive Abbeville..,..-?<. .2.35, p.m. TBTOS. DODAMEAD, Gen. Sapt. Jabez Nobtow, Gen. Ticket Agent. 1*800111 Oarplina $tailf0wtf Qoja/mbu,. 8, C. r April 3 t>at. PASSgNOBB TRAIN. Leave Columbia at.. . .;., 4.30,p. m. Arrive at Charleston at.?'. .11 45 p. ?o. Leave: Charleston at. 6.45 a.m. Arrive at Columbia at. 2,15 p. m. ' htoht express accommodation tbain. Leave Colombia..,.,.. 7.00 p. ?o. Arrive....'....... 6.30 a. n, Leave Charleston....... 7.10 p. m. Arrive...... 6.35a. xp. Camden Train will connect at King ville with Up Passenger Train for Co? lumbia, Monday, "Wednesday and Friday; and with Down Passenger Train from Columbia, Tuesday, Thursday and Sa? turday' ' ? S. a BOLOMom Gen, 8ap?. 8. B. PicTmcs; General Ticket Agynt. ? Finest groceries at Hardy Solomon'u.