The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 25, 1875, Image 8

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THE PHOENIX, Published Dailv and Tri-Weekly, THE GLSANgR, Every Wedn< sday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Editor and Proprietor, Office No. 160 North Richardson St. ^3Cf-Tho PHCEsnc is the oldest Daily Paper in South Carolina, has the largest circulation in the upper portion of the State, nnd has been regularly issued uince its inception?March 21, 18l)."j. BUBSCRXITXOm Daily, six months, S4; Tri-Wcekly, 2.60; Weekly, 1.50. ADVERTISEMENTS rnsertcd in Daily at $1 a square of nine fines for first, and 50 cents each subse? quent insertion; if not exceeding five lines in length, 75 cents. Long adver? tisements Ify the week, month or year, at 'ess rates. Marriages, Funeral Invita? tions Ac, $1. ?St'BooU and Job Printing of every description faithfully attended to. AGENTS. Julius Poppe, Anderson. J. A. Grigsby, Ridgway. E A. Scott, Newberry. H. W. Lavrson, Abbeville. There wore 16,000 votes cast at the last election in the new State of Colorado, out of a population of 39,000. This goes to show that the bulk of the census is made up of single men, and there may be dan? ger that on the announcement of some other new gold discoveries, the State will be left without a quorum. Candidates for the fat offices will please take notice. M. Pipet has recovered from the city of Marseilles 18,000 francs, the price of his wife, killed on her way to market by a shot in the streets during the revolutionary times of 1871. It is thought that a great many men in that city will send their wives to market assiduously | during tho next revolt. An application for relief in Paris was supported by this recommen? dation: "This unfortunate young man is the only son of a widow who died without leaving any children, and he is the sole support of his aged father and young brothers." President Garrett, of the Balti? more and Ohio Railroad Company, is traveling through the South with his family, in his special car | ''Maryland," which is transferred from road to road as the railroad liing desires? There are five pail's in the pre? sent United States Senate, the Camerons, Joneses, Ferrys, John? sons and Morrills. This Minister Schenck would call a decidedly good hand. How would he play them. After waiting four years, a Mich- ] igan lover finally popped the ques? tion, and tho girl answered, "Of | course I'll have you. "Why, you old fool you, we could have been mar? ried three years ago." Cheap for Cash. ?H and after MONDAY NEXT, the I 22d instant, I will sell my entire | stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS and UMBRELLAS at RE? DUCED PRICES. Circumstances beyond my control force tho necessity bf converting my F.tock into cash at the earliest possible period. Therefore, all wishing Bargains in my line, will pleaso call. Goods sold for Cash, and for cash only. Mar 21 fC J. MEIGHAN. Kos. 3 Broad Street and 109 East Bay Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. pbV First-Class Work OUR SPECIALTY, TrT. BY VMKQ CHlUPT.R ORAOM OF STOCK, WE CAN FURNISH WOBK AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. FINE FsSHIoMTsTATIOIlERY, Riries Paper and Envelopes. Wftddtog and ?att invitations OH TMI BEST STOCK AND MlNTCD IN THE * LATEST STYLE. ^ep7T''"^???""^tly The Attractions are Increasing! at tec GRAND CENTRAL DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT Of W. D. LOVE & CO. We are daily addier; to all the depart? ments of onr Establishment large lines of Cboiueand Deeiralle SPRING GOODS, at popular prices. Families in Ineod of SPRING SUPPLIES *nd stranger? visiting this city shonld not fail to give our stock a cloee inepettion be? fore makiag their purchases. All needing- DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHB, Gents' FURNISHING GOODS, or auy artiole kept in a First Class Store, will save monoy by making their purchases at tbo Grand Cen? tral Drv Goods Establishment or WM. D. LOVE & CO., Columbia, S. C. Samplee sent gratnitouely to all parts of I the country on application. Marli LOOK! LOOK Ii $i,2uu,uuu Li rni^EiS; THE GRANDEST SINGLE NUMBER SCHEUE ON RECORD, will be drawn [ in publio in St. Loois on MARCH 31, 1875.1 CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000! I Missouri State Lotteries, Legalized by State Authority. MURRAY, MILLER & CO., Mana*rs. sr. LOUIS, MO. 1 Prize of.1100,000 1 Prize of. 50,000 1 Prize of. '22,600 1 Prize of. 20.000 5 Prizes of. 10,000 10 Prizes of. 5,000 20 Prizes of. 2.500 100 Prizes of. 1,000 ] And 11,151 oiher Prises of from 11,500 to Amounting in tho aggregate to $1,200,000. - Whole Tickets, $20; Halves, $10; Quar? ters, $5. Prize payable in fnll and no postpone? ment of drawings take place. Address, for Tickets and Circulars. MUH KAY. MILLER & CO., P. O. Box 2,446,St. Louis. Mo. Jan 5 4V3mo Important to Consumers of Tea. IHAVE made arrangements with an im? porting Tea House to supply mo with a uniform grade of TEA, bo that consumers, finding a Tea suitable in strength and flavor, can alway? depend upon getting the same, by asking' for tbat grade and price. Wo have opened, to-dav, twelve Cbeete of Tea, as follows: Fine Oolong C. Fancy Oolong A. I ine English BrcaLlaei C. Fancy English Breakfast A. Choice Imperial B. Fine Imperial C. Fancy Young Hyson A. Choice Yonng Hyson B. Fine Young Hyson C. Choice Gunpowder B. Fancy Gunpowder D. Fine Gunpowder C. I iavite an examination and trial of these Teas, which will be found unusually cheap, and the quality superior to anything here? tofore offered in Columbia. * Tea, when properly prepared, is more healthy than coffees and is much cheaper. I also call attention to mv GENERAL STOCK OF OOODS. which Is unusually large, good and cheap, particularly in Fancy Family FLOU\. Davis' Diamond HAMS. Davis' Pnre Loaf LAND. GOSHEN BUTTER?bett and cheapest in town. RIO COFFEE?parched and raw. LAG?AYKA CoFFEL'?parcbfd andraw. Old Government Java COFFEE?parched and raw. All goods marked down live percent, to meet the times. Feb 12_ HARDY 60I,OM01J._ gl so pv o CD IT is the most wonderful MEDICINE ever known, and possesses a curativo power uneqaallod in the history of reme? dies. For sale onlv at Doc IS t H F.I NITS TUB Drag Store. Consumptive, Take Notice. - Every moment of delay makes your I care more hopeless, and muoh depends I on the judicious otioioo of a remedy. The amount of testimony in favor of | Dr. Sohenok's Pulmonic Syrup, us a ] eure for consumption, fur ozoeeds all that can bo brought to support the pretensions of any other medicine. I See Dr. Sohenek's Almanac, contain I ing the oertiQoates of many pcrsor.a of I tbe bigheet respectability, wbo have been restored to health, after being pronoonced incurable by physicians of acknowledged ability. Scb?uck'h Pol- ! mouio Syrup alone has cured many, as these evidences will show; but tbe! oore is often promoted by the employ? ment of two other remedies whiob Dr. Sebenek provides for tbe purpose. These sdditinnal remedies are Sohenok's Sea Weed Tonio and Man djake Pills. By tbe timely use of tbeso medicines, according to direc? tions, Dr. Sobecck oertiQes that most] any ease of consumption may be oared. Dr. Sobeock is professionally at hit I principal offloe, corner Siztb and Areh I streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters for advice must be ad j dressed. Feb 12f3 Screven House, R. BRADLEY, Proprietor. SAVANNAH, OA. THIS long and favorably known Hoaec, pleasantly eituated on Johnson Square, bavirg been recently repainted and re? paired, and h&viug all of it a departments) filled with coropeten'. polito and atten? tive employees, offers to the traveling public couitorie unsurpassed by any House in the Southern State.?. Febll 3mo GUANO IN KXCHANO'K KOUCOl'IDN. The Celebrated Fertilizers for Cotton, Con. Wheat and Tcbacco. REDUCED PRICES.' LIBERAL TERMS! Wilcox. Gibbes & Co.'s Manipulated Guano, I r- pared at Savanuab, Ga., and Charleston, S. C, ai?d luipoiK a in bulls direet from l'ho-nix lelande. South Paoilio Ociar.. W"? are oflViriiiu the above celebrated FERTILIZERS, thia ?ea*? u, at oontoderably reduced price*, and nivt- purchaai rr the optioti of pa>ing in cotton on the bunia of hi venteen cents loi middling, d?rlivired planter*' mnreet depot, by November 1, 1875, the cotton to be packe-d :i. g--o l nierchaut ab'a bale*. By this arrangement, the planter has a euarantt e ot realising ? euod prior for Iii?- cotton to pav for hi* Icrtilizers. These GUANOS aie t<><? well known to require i-omno i '. Thorr- who have used them I know how 4o apnrt t i <!?? tlx i ?ahu-; :!<???*?? wh'i have not. at> >H will find, on fair trial, I 1 that their lib?r? 1 ??? will pay < n prtrvitt erupt, bvsitlee bt ii g i f hitnre bent lit to their lande, r'or lUtthei ii.!>i?ut*?t iuii, ..a:' ?? n :t,. ttnUei sip tied for circulars, containing analyst,?pinton*< : |u?t:??? A ?? SEIUEL8 A RZRLL, Agents, ,TanlH4ui>> Colombia, 8. C. ROSS'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. Another First Class Hotel?Fare $2.50 a rsy.inclnciBK OmnibisRide. SITUATED NEAR THE CAPITOL and in tl.i cc r.u. f.f the buainees part of tho city. Rose's Omnibuu will eonvev paeeeiiger* to and item every Train. The Ladies Apartments are complete, with privateentraucc on A-jseniblyutrnet. Th? BILLIARD aad BATH ROOMS are all new and superior to any in the city. ' April 5 White Lead, Zincs, Colors and Putty I 2ffanuafctured by HOLMES, CALDER & CO., Proprietors. ROflict 2?3 Seat Bay Street. Factory corner Cumberland at.d PMIfcdi It hia Streets, CHAitLKhlON, a. c. IMPORTERS and dealers in Lnbi testing and Paint Oils. Window g:.i>-s and Painters' Material. Agents for Aver ill's Chemical Paint, Prince's Metalic Paint, Robber and Leather Belting. Fob 25 iGmo GBEA T SiTfilFFBBIGBT All FASoMi Ol LI1 CHARLESTON, S. C, TO AND FROM BALT1H0BE, PHILADELPHIA, SEW YORK, BOSTON, AMD ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Three TlmetalVctlt from New York-.Turnday .Thursday ? ad Saeonlu) . jg-Elt-gant State Koom Acromniodatloni! Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston." V TOTAL CAPACITY, 40,000 iia I KN MONI ULY. The South Carolina Railroad Company. AND connecting Roads Weet, in alliance with tho fleet of thirteen fii-*t class Steam? ships to tho above ports, invite attention to the quick tint* and regulardoapatob afforded to the buaineaa public in tho Cotton Hates at the PORT OF Od ARLEKTON,! offering facilities of rail and sea transportation for Freight and 1'a*?? uger* rot excelled I in excellence and capacity at any other port. Tho following apiondid Co at; Stcamcra regular^ on the line: TO WKW YIIKK. CHARLESTON_Ja?. Derry, Commander. I CHAMPION.B.W. Lock wood, Com'er. I JAMESADGER.. T.J. Lockwood,Com'der. | MANHATTAN.. .M S. Woodbull,Com'er. JAMES ADO Kit A CO , Aec-ntx. Chariot< n. S. C. OEOROIA. S.Crowcll,Commander. | SOUTH CAROLINA..! . J. Beckett.Com'der. WH. A.COURTENAY, WAGNF.R, RUCEIt A CO., Agents.Oharb Mo?,B.C. Sailing Davf Wednesdays and Saturriavs TO PHILADELPHIA. Iron SteamshipB ASHLAND. Alex. Hnnter, Cam'r. EQUATOR,[C Hinckley.Com'r. Sailing Days?FRIDAYS. WM. A.COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston. S.C. I TO 1,'ALTINOKE. I FALCON.Hainie.Commander. 1 8FA GULL_Button, Commander. Sailing Days?Every Filth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charit stou.S. C. | TO BOSTON. Steamahipe MERCEDITA and FLAG. Sail every Satunla\. JAMES ADOER A CO., Agents, 8. C. Bates guaranteed ae low as those of competing lines. Marine insurance, one-hallot one percent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICK1TS Oan beprolured at all the principal Railroad nfl'ct-s in Georgia, Alabama, reiinessee and Mississippi. State Itooma may be eeenred in advance, without extra charge, by addressing the Agenta ot tho Bteamabipa in Charleston, at whose offices, in all oases, the Railroad Tioket a should be exohanged and Berths assigned. The 1 h rough Tiek* t* by ibis route inclnde Transfers,Meals and Slate Boom, while on ship-hoard. TUB SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. ?KCKG1A BA1LKIMD Andtheir connecting lines, have largely increased tbeii factliti? e for the rapid move? ment of Freight and Patuongera between tie Northern cities and the South and West. FiistClassEating Saloon at Branchville. tu the Georgia and South Carolina Rail? roads, first class Sleeping Cara. Freight promptly transferred from the steami re to day and night trains of t be South Carolina Railroad. Close connection made with otb< r Roads dolivi r r> Freights at distant pointa with great promptness. The n>anage*-r will nee rverj exMth Lto datisfy their patrons that the line via Charte tlr.n cannot be t-urpast? d ii< din atcli aiuUhesafe delivery of goods. For furthnriefnrmation, arplv to T. J OniKFiit W? ?tern / g< i t Mlnnta Ga;B.D. Habbcl. General Agent P. O. Bf x 4 919. < nice 817 Broadway N I : S. R.Piokkns, General Passenger a \>A Ueke? Agent. Si-m) t "an lit ? !<aUiosd:e>> J. W.PRi xihk Supor totendent Great Rnuibetr Fieigbt and Pe*?*r.| ?r Lire. Charleston. S. C. Jan "Oily "Shotwell's Prolific Corn!" ANEW variety, apeoially adapted to Southern Und?; will produce 60 10 75 bushels to the aere, large foil also ears, from 1G to 20 rowa each; two and four eara on a i-talk; ia an early corn, and a valuable kind in thia respect Farmers and plentere will do well to plant thia oorn. Speoimen stay be seen at the Drug and 8eed Store of Feb 2? t K. H. HEINITSH. Druggist. Naphtha Lamps. GAS LIGHT. AGA8 LIGHT at much less expense. These LAMPH are in different styles and well adapted for Stores, Offices, Entries and Rooma. Each Lamp is of itsell a gaa manufactory. The oil ia fed through a tube or pipe, at the end of which the bnrner converts 'I into gaa. which burns with a brilliant w He flame nearly equal to the beat ooal gau, and anrpaaaing many lights. For aale by ooal gaa! Feb lCSmo M. B. CARK, 67 Bridge street. LANDRBTll'S GARDEN SEED! AFULL assortment just received at L. T. 8ILLIMAN A CO.'R Jan 1G Drag Store. JUST RECEIVED! FUR E? W ? rr IX rv* .VM f\ PEL *M. SEW STYLE BATS! OUR SUITINGS Are very bandeome, and will be made to order at LOW TRICES. Mar 10 R. .V NV. C. s>WAFFTELD. CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS, OI'K.% UACK OK FRONT. - ? ? ? O WHITK DKKSS SHIRTS for $10.50 G ?? >? ? ? ? $14.00 O ?? ? ? $13.50 C ?? Sl5.(l0 a ??? '? ?? ?? sie.oo AU I.Im n Uosoin and CufT*. NEW HATS, SPUING STYLES. WINTEE CLOTHING, A T COST. 4 EII11I & WILEY. Febl7 ? <cw ^ ? sc Bi? r*^ "-sp ?gaj iS?5 a_. hr c rn tn CD o ?I M ?, 5 StatS * 5 ? g S? e? 5T* i ? ? ??c> n ? - ?? a: ?* c t? ?F ? ri ?~3.*a C 2 p c C5 ? x . I 4 s ?3!5 O State of South Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, h rATP. TnEASuaaa's Omca, CoLtwniA, December 18.1874. THE . Coupon? of the Consolidation Bonds of the State of South Carolina, due January 1,1875, will bo paid at that date on presentation at the Treasury, and at the Booth Carolina Bank andTrnet Com ?any. Colombia. 8. C, and also at the 'eople's National Bank, Charleston. 8. C, and the National Park Bank. New York. The Coupons due July 1,1874, on all Con? solidation Bonds, issued in exchange fori old bonds, will h* paid whenever presented I at any of the above mentioned places. The Coupons of the Consolidation Bonds1 dne January 1 and July 1,1875, are receiv? able for taxes. ?. L.CARDOZO, Doc 20_ _Treasurer B. O. New Sugar-Cured Hams. NEW YORE sugar-cured HAM 8., choice quality, just received and *>r sale by_JOHN AONEWA SON. Finest Gothen Batter TN town reduced five oents per pound, at I _ FebC HARDY SOLOMON'S. 100 Greenville.and Colombia Railroad. uhanck of schedule. f"T Ii if ? I ?iBE ON AND AFTER ?jBW?r?-W,.ln<Hd?y, Feb? ruary 10,1875. tbe Passenger Trains over the Greenville and Columbia Railroad will be run daily, (Sundays excepted,) by tbe following ecbednle: MAIN STEM, or Tr.Ais, >o. 1?colvsjuia to obkekviijlc. Leave Columbia. 7.00 a. rc. Alston.-. 8 45 a. m. Newberry.i0.03a.m. Cobesbury. 187p.m. Helton. 3 20p.m. Arrive Greenville. 4 55 p. m. down t RAIS, no. 4?c.UEtNVILLE TO columbia Leave Greeuviilo. 8 00a. in. Relton. . 7.55 4. m. Cokcebury. 9.85 a. m. Newberry.12 68 p. m. Alston. 2.8#p. m. Arrive. Columbia. 4.10p.m. Passengers by Night Train on Bontfi Ca rolina Railroad connect with No. 1. Pae j sssRers by No. 4 connect with Day Train I on South Carolina Railroad for Charleston, Augusta, Ac, and with Night Train on the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Ba:l ' road for Sumter, Wilmington, Richmond, I Baltimore. Ac, Ac. 1.4 ndfrnon Branch and Blue Ridge Railroaa. nOWN tbain. Leave Walhalla.4.15 a. rc Seneca City. 4 45 a. m. Perrvville. 5.00 a.m. Pendleton. 5.60 a. xa. Anderson. 6.50 a. m. Arrive Belton. 7.85 a. m. CP THAIS. Leave Belton. 3 20 p. m. Anderson.4.20 p. m. Pendleton. 5.20 p. m. Porryville. G.05 p. m. Seneca City. 6.10 p. m. a :? ti-_ l,_11_ c An ~ .? ^IIIIO 11KiU?ll?a. ...... ... .... \j, Xl> y. u. . Accommodation Train between Belton and Anderson Tri-Weekly, viz: Tnesdaye, Thursdays and Saturdays. No. 2 leavo Belton 9.S0 a.m.; arrive Anderson 10.30 a. m. No. 3 leave Anderson 2.00 p. m.; arrive Belton 3 p. m. These Trains run Mondayo when Court is in Beseion at. Anderson. Abbeville Branch Trains. uown tbain. Leave Abbeville. 8 00 a. rc. Arrive Cokesbury. 9.10 a.m. cp tbain. Leave Cokesbury. 1.40 p. m. Arrive Abbeville.2.35 p.m. Accommodation Train on this Branch will be run on Mondays, Wedncedays and Fridays. No. 2 leave Cokes bur;.at 9.35 a. m.; arrive Abbeville 10.35 a. m. No. 3 leave Abbevillo 12.30 p. m.; arrive Cokeebury 1.25 p. m. Train No. 1, on Main Stem, Colombia to Greenville, steps twenty minutes at Cokesbury for Dinner. Train No. 4. Ort en Till (i to Columbia, steps twenty-five mi? nutes at Belton for Breakfast, and twenty minutes at Alston for Dimer. THOMAS DODAMEAD, Gen. Sup't. .Tadi:z Norton, Jb., General Ticket Agent. Change of Schedule. " SooTB Gauouna RailboaD Coaj l a !> y, Columbia, S. C, February 5. 1875. fg am um OM? Change Schedule RHSIfJ!?5?' to go into effecten andaltertiunday, 7thinstant: day PAS8EMQEB tbain. Leave Columbiaat. 4 30 rro Arrive at Charleston at...... ....11 45 vis Leave Charleston at.... 6.45 am Arriveat Columbia at.... 2.16 pin. might EXPBEE8 ACCOMMODAlIOh TRAIN. LeayeColnmbia.7.00 p m Arrive. .6.30 ? . LeaveCharleaton7.10 p m Arrive..C.S5 a a. Camden Train will connect at Kingvilic with Up Passenger Train lor Columbia cn Monday, Wednesday and Friday; ard with Down Passenger Train from Columbia or> Tuesdav.Thursday and Saturday. 8. S. SOLOMONS, Gen. Sup. 8. B. Pioxinb, General Ticket An im The bhortLine Schedule. Charlotte, Columbia A Avgusta R. R. Co Columbia, 8. C. Dec. 28, 1874. LSaHBMfe TUK following rat taWBDSr?C3Er--esDcer Schedule will Lc operated on and after this date: ooino NoriTu Train No 2 Train No 4" Leave Augusta.9.30 a m 4.15 p m Graniteville_10 ?0 a m 5.11 p i? Col bia Junct'n. 2 13 p m 79 05 pm Golnmbia. 2 45pm 9.17 p m Chester.6.84 p m Arrive Charlotte.9.C0pm No. 2 Train makes close connection, Tin Charlotte and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 6.05 A. M. No.4 Train makes close connection rm Wilmington and Richmond to all points North, arriving at New York at 5 151'. M. ooino sooth. Train No 1 Train Nc 3 Leave Charlotte.8.50 am Chester.11.02 a m Winneboro.12.38 p m Arrive Columbia. 2 42pm Leave Columbia.2.52 pm 3.40 am Col'bia Junct'n 43 17 p m 4 15 a m Graniteville ...17.15 p m *7 48am Arrive Augnsta.8.C5 p m 8 45 am South bound Trains conr ect at Augnsta for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggsge checked to princi? pal points. SCaT* Sleeping cars on all Night Trains. JAS. ANDERSON, General Sup. A. Pope. Gen. Passenger and Ticket Agent Wilmington, Columbia and Aug R R GENERAL PASSENGER DEPART., Columbia, 8. C, Nov. 24 1874. BMMSs?^KSr*s?ii= OOINO kobth. tbain no 2 tbain no 4 Leave Columbia. 8 30 a m 8.16 pm Florence. 110 pm 12.60 am Arrive Wilmington.... 6.45 pm 7.10am ooino south. tbain no 1 tbain NO 3 Leave Wilmington.6.40 am 6.10 pm Florence.12.60 pm 11.40 pm Arrive Columbia.5.10 pm 4.00 am Train No. 2, from Columbia, is an accom? modation to Florence, and there connecttt oloecly with N. E. R. R.. and at Wilmington with W.d: W. R. R. to all points Nortb. Train No. 4 from Colombia is fast Ex? press, making tbiongb connections, all rail, North and South, and water line connec? tion" via Portsmouth. Train No. 1. from Wilmington, connects closely at Florence with N. E. R. R. for Charleston, and is an accommodation train thenoe to Columbia. Train No. 8, from Wilmington, is a fast Express, connecting oloaely from and to all points North and South, ibrough tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman sleepers cn night trains. Train No. 2 leaves Colombia daily, Sun. daya excepted. Express No. 4 every night. JA8.. ANDERSON, General Sup. A. Pope. Gen. Passenger andTlcket Agen t CONGABEE IKON WOBKB COLUMBIA, ?. C. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor., J^taSBsifefc/ reuo^*?kTvm HlffW Mliiiii ENDINES, SAW h ^ q r i st -^j^BjBBLHtMSH mnA ?11 t^fl HR? kinds "of Iron f^^n^ldyn Castings for Mi ^*aa|PtVHBRkW7 ohinery and Or " ^^y.^*M'j?- ' namontal Caat ings for 8tores and Dwellings, Patent Bailings for Gardens and Cemeteries, Iron Settees ard Arbor Chairs; al-o, Braes Castings of all kinds, Bella for Churches, Schools, Work-sbope, Ac. Guarantee all my work first olats and equal to any Nortb or South. Works at foot of Lady afreet and near to South Carolina and Greenville A Columbia Railroad Companies* Depots. NovlS -