The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 13, 1875, Image 1

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Mre. Leoaowena haa 'been leotariDg 1 on Biam in Glevefondi Ser:knowledge 61 that country and its rulers must be great, aa she oooapied the position of governess - for the King of Siam'b eighty-one children for a term of years. She says she actually proaeoated this work with enthusiasm, although she came near suffering the death penalty on ono occasion, for going op stairs and getting in a room above that iu which the King was taking his siesta? it being a law of Biam that nobody nan get above the King in any sense. Mrs. IiBonowens says it was very disagree? able for her to be constantly sprawling on the floor when she eame into the presence of the nn too rat. In eighty-five years?from 1789 to 1874?the Federal Government has oolieoted in taxes $6,000,000,000. The extraordinary part of the figures is that considerably more than one-half of the Rnm. namely 83,400,000,000, has been collected since the late war closed. The Philadelphia Inquirer (Republican) oannot exactly under? stand how Bach things oan i be, and "not overcome, us liko a summer's oloudj" especially since the national debt is about the earao us it tras in I860, and that debt is $700,000,000 less than the sum collected in taxes. That Beautiful Gibl.?Diseases of the blood are legion, the whole body Buffers from the slightest impurity, as is seen by thousands every day. Look at that beautiful figure, a young girl, whose graceful form bespeaks a faoe as fair as oho ja beautiful, with blotches, boils, pimples and sores. These are naturere beacon-lights, to warn yon that your blood is full of fever and hn D3ov, And you would be wise to heed the admbnition in time. Qet a bottle of Heinitsh's "Qaeon'a Delight," and purify your blood. t Bents in the business portion of New York are ten per cent, lower than last year, this spring, and tbio reduction, aduSd *0 iuOoo Of previous yearn, makes a very appreciable.difference in the boat of doing business. In dwell? ings, the middle class are readily routed, without muoh reduction, but the beat end the poorest have to oome down. On Friday, an appropriation of $150,000 was passed by the House ?f Representatives, to aid in the comple? tion of one of Mnllett's monstrosities? District of Colombia jail. The appro? priation makes $500,000 voted for a jail which could have been built by many an honest man for less than 8100,000, with a good profit. S D.EPSTIN. ATTORNEY AT JiAW, OFFICE, Boom No. 5, Southoru Insur? ance Company Ballding, Columbia, B.C. > ' March 11 lmo ? City Taxei. PERSONS having city taxes or licenses to pay, pan save money by parobas log CITY COUPONS and CITY BOBIP ot j D. GAMBBILL. Braker, March 6 107 Main street. JkXJL NEW SESD2 A COMPLETE STOCK! ALL NEW, direct from the Seed Farms of IOWA. FLOWER and VEGETABLE? wholesale and L?RICK & LQWBANCE, March 10 Columbia, B. C. A Card. THE groat ENGLISH ANTltOLOOIST, No. 48 Washington, between Assembly and Gates Streets, haa encoessfally oared me of what was thought a bopeleBB caee of inflammatory rheumatism. J. W. WILSON, Greonrille, B. C. Wonderful ?Orowde of people are halting the groat European Astrologiat, who can see tne nature, cause and mjuto riouo circumstances at every age In life. She describes the whereabouts of hidden treasure, coal oil, mineral and all othor re? sources. 8he tells you your future pros? pects, and la the only person now in this country who oau show you a oorreot like? ness of your future husband or wife. Call and see ber at ouoe, and be oonvinoed, at No. 48 Washington street, between Market and Gates streets._March 10 0* To Bent, A COTTAGE BOUSE, containing eight rooms, formerly oooupled by J. _.A. Bell, corner Piokeus and Lady streets. Possession .given immediately. Apply to B. T. DENT. Btall No. 4. Market. Marebia _ 8* For 8ale 0r B>nt. A OOMUOJOlODB-tud handsomely ifinished COTTAGE HOUcJE, tyrtb. _l,weat oofner Penalstott ?rtd ?eoembly .streets; with fiae-Stables, Eltonen, Gar den, etc., attiaobrod; Hot and Cold Water and all othor coDvcnioncog, Fob- aesaion ,?e?~Bsi? f^r* file. >-? 'THE comta?dlbue H0?HE on the Hflf soraer of Assembly and Lady et reeto >*M*yt?to* &l!lt&>'Wi Will ,be iOft,bargf in* in ihcviwKUleb ttfif beeffeted WmSm next thirty dajft't and te ibflow their, value. rse Milburu Wagons, opa? o. Mllbnrn Wagons, oom or i HUbuia Wagons, ooa ploto, at ?80. ? [t He?vy2 H?rso Mllburn Wagons, com? plete, at ISO, Light 4 Uorooo piets. atiioo. -;f4 ? -,i ,?t While Bargains In fcnaglea and Bocka "S?'8 ??a ?r?i i&w. Subscribe for the Pncusix. BY J. A. SELBY. CO! THE OLD AND POPULAR DBY HIM STORE Formerly occupied by H. O. SHIVER & GO., Aad dow by the New Firm, JOSES, DAVIS & BOUKXIGIITS, WILL be, in a Tew days, filled with a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of DBY GOODS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. H ATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, BUGS, WALL PAPER, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, We can assuro the patrons of this house, that the established reputation for good attention and low prices will bo kept up to the standard. JONES, DAVIS * BOUKNIGHT8. March 12 at the GKAWD CENTRAL DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT or W. D. LOVE & CO. We are daily adding to all the depart? ments of onr Establishment largo lines of [ Ohoiue and Desirable HPKING GOODS, at I popular prices. Families iu {need of SPRING SUPPLIES and strangers visiting this city shonld not fail to giro onr stock a close inspection be? fore making their purchases. All needing DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Gents* FURNISHING GOODS, or any article kept in a First Class Store, will save money by ranking their purchases at the Grand Cen? tral Dry Goods Establishment of WM. D. LOVE * CO., Colombia, S. C. Samplos sent gratuitously to all parts of the conntry on application. Marli Spring Prints?New Styles, | JUST RECEIVED. FOR SIXTY DAY8, FALL AND WIN? TER GOODS will be sold REGARD? LESS OP COST. O. F. JAOKHOM, Jantfl_Laader of Low Priesa. Naphtha Lamps, Gr A S LIGHT. AGAS LIGHT at much lesa exponso. These LAMPS are In different styles and well adapted for Stores, OQiceu, Entries and ltoomc. Each Lamp is of itself a gas manufactory. The oil la fed through ' a tube or pipe, at the end ot which tbo burnor converts it into gas, which bnrns with a brilliant white flame nearly eqnal to the best coal gas, antl surpassing mauy coal gas lights. For sale by M. E. OARR, Feb lOgmo_57 Bridge street. Final Discharge. NOTICE is htroby given that John Meighan, guardian of the estate of Henry Erum, minor, has applied to Hon. B. I. Boone, Judge of Probate, in and for the County of Biohland, for a filial dis? charge as such guardian. It is ordered, I that the 15 th day of MARCH A. D. 1875, be fixed for hearing of petition, and a final (settlement of said estate. B. I. BOONE, Judge Gonrt Probate, Richland County. Feb 18_jlS Important to Contnmors of Tea. IHAVE made arrangements with an im P'ir'iug Tea House to supply me with u. umf.uiu gradeof TEA, so that consumers, finding a Tea suitable in strength and Hi vor, can alwayi depend upon getting the same, by asking for that grade and prioe. We have opened, to-day, twelve Cbostn of Tea, as follow*: Fine Oolong O. : Fancy Oolong A, Hdo English Breakfast O. Fancy Englibh Breakfast A. Choice Imperial B. Fine Imperial e.. . Fancy Young Hyaon A. Choice Young Hyson D. Floe Yoanjf Hyeon 0. Choice Gunpowder B. Fancy Gunpowder !/. Fine Gunpowder 0?. '.. 1 Invite an examination and trial of these Teas, which will bd found uuua?ally oheap, and the quality oupcrlor to anything be re lofore offered in Columbia. Tea, when properly prepared, la moro healthy than coffeo, acd Is much oneaper. I also call attention to tny GEP1ERAL STOCK OF GOODS, which fa unusually large, Rood and cheap, particular)j In Fanoy Family FLOU.t. . Davis' Diamond HAMS. Davis' Pure Leaf LARD.! GOSH EN EU1TER?boot and cheap cot In town. RIO COFFEE?parch o? And raw. .", LAGUATBA COFFEE?parch od and raw. Old Government Java COFFEE?parched and raw. ? . . . All goods marked down five per cent, to meet the times. Feb 12 HARDY SOLOMON. Attend the True LUMBIA, S. C, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 181 _ Oyster Shell Gas Lime for Sale, ft! I^fiA BUSHELS of this valuable! ..OUU PJBUTlLIZElt for ?.?I?-.. In addition to its ebcmioal virtues Gas Lime exercises a bc-nericial mocbaiiicHl t-fleet upon laud, by rendering stiff, lu-ivvy. clayey land morn porous aud friable, and by con solidating lieht sandy soils. It 1b particu? larly benoflcial to Corn, Cotton, Clover, Peas, Beans, Turnip*, and ia a. uaofui fur tllizer for permanent pasture, destroying tbo coarser grasses, and favoring tbo growth of a sweeter and more nutritions herbage. For tor mo, it., apply at Gas Works. March 5_ M5 iiANDKBSTM'S GARDEN SEED! AFULL assortment jnst received at L. T. SILLiMAN & CO.'H Jan 16 Drug Store. City Taxes. PARTIES having city taxes and lioenBOB to pay can be supplied with CITY NOTES, receivable for same, til a discoujit, byappljingto JOHN AGNEW &. SON. COTTON! STORED AND INSURED at the very low oht raten, und the top of tbo maibet iruarantecd (or all Cotton consigned to us for silo. Advances made at one per cent.per month upon all cotton stored with us. Ab cfiaryt fordraya'jv. Northern Timothy and Clover at $1 35 I and $1 50per bundled. Full weight guar-! anteed. SEED POTATOES! Fine Early Rose, Goodriok, Peerless, Pcachblows, and other varieties. GUANO! Jonesport Fertilizer?as good as any used. $45 per ton, cash, and (5U per ton,1 time. SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE CO., Fob 10 3m Opposite S. O. R. R. Depot. Sweet Oranges. BARRELS SWEET ORANGES, Just roceived at HARDY SOLOMON'S. 10 Usat Opportunity to Ott a City Hesiitoe. Of Valuaule Improved and Unimproved RE At ESTATE TOOETHEK WITH OTHER DeSIRAREE PROPERTY, IN City of ColmnMa. 1. BRICK STORE?Lot 26x180 feet, on West side Main Btreet, between Blanding and Taylor, valued at.$7,500 00 2. BUILDING LOT, "West side Richardson street, be? tween Blanding and Laurel, 26x208 feet. 1,850 00 3. BUILDING LOT, adjoining Lot No. 2, 2Gx208 feet... 1,850 00 4. COTTAGE HOUSE, half acre lot, containing excellent well of water, with fine fruit garden; a delightful residence, on Elmwood avenue, between Gadsden and Wynn streets. 1,800 00 5. BUILDING LOT, on North side of 'Gervais street, be? tween Assembly and Gates, 69x208 feet. 1,700 00 6. TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING, with lot 74x92 feet, on Gates street, between Medium and Pendleton, fitted with every convenience. 1,600 00 7. CARRIAGE and PAIR EXTRA FINE MATCHED HORSES, Harness, Pole and Shafts, Blankets, ?fcc, complete.. 950 00 [One of the animals a promising four-year old, and will trot his mile out in the neighborhood of three minutes; both good drivers in singlo harness.] 8. BUILDING LOT, on East side of Assembly Btreet, be? tween Blanding and Laurel. 800 00 9. BUILDING LOT, on East side of Assembly street, be? tween Laurel and Blanding. 800 00 10. COTTAGE HOUSE and lot, corner Gates and Divine streets, 54x108 feet. 700 00 11. BUILDING LOT, on West side flutes street, between Medium and Pendleton. 300 00 12. BUILDING LOT No. 1, half acre, comer of Hender? son and Indigo streets. 200 00 13. BUILDING LOT No. 2, half acre, fronting on Indigo, adjoining Lot No. 1. 200 00 14. BUILDING LOT No. 3, half acre, corner Bickens and Indigo. 200 00 15. BUILDING LOT No. 4, adjoining Lot No. 3, on Pick ens street, half acre. 200 00 16. BUILDING LOT No. 5, half acre, corner Tobacco and Henderson. 150 00 17. BUILDING LOT No. 6, half acre, on South side To? bacco street, between Bickens and Henderson . 100 00 18. BUILDING LOT No. 7, quarter aero, on East side Pickens street, between Tobacco and Indigo. 100 19. BUILDING LOT No. 8, quarter acre, adjoining No. 7. 100 20. BUILDING LOT No. 9, quarter acre, adjoining No. 8. 100 21. BUILDING LOT No. 10, quarter acre, adjoining No. 9 100 22. DOUBLE CASE GOLD LEVER WATCH. 125 23. Gentleman's Heavy GOLD CHAIN.. 75 24. Pair Lady's GOLD BRACELETS. 60 25. Lady's DOUBLE CASE GOLD LEVER WATC H.... 50 26. Lady's SINGLE CASE WATCH. 40 27. Lady's GOLD CHAIN. 40 28. DOUBLE CASE STEM WINDING WATCH. 35 29. DOUBLE CASE ENGLISH LEVER WATCH. 35 30. Lady's DRESSING CASE . 40 31. DOUBLE CASE WATCH. 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01! Total value of property.$21,820 00 Xiekefs S??Kumlier io "be Issuer! 4,361. B?yTho Holder of oach Ticket will be entitled to free admission to the Musical Entertainment at the Opera House on the Evening of the Distribution of the AwardR. jfcgfTitles to the Property arc perfect. The Distribution will be undo* the &wpuiwniun und direction of a Committee appointed by the.Tioket-Holders. The money received for Tickets will be immediately deposited in tho Union Savings Bank, with a list of ticket-holderB, and instructions to refund in case Distribution should not take place. Responsible agents will be appointed in the principal towns in the State, for the convenience of those desirous of obtaining tickets for the Distribution, and it is believed will be disposed of rapidly and the Distribution made at an early date?probably by the middle of April. The only desire of the originators of this project is to dispose of some surplus property, at a fair rate, and in such manner as to enable any one to procure a site for a home. Address communica? tions for information to J. A. 8ELB7, Manager, Columbia, B. G. ?@rTickets can be obtained at Indian Girl Cigar Store, Columbia I Hotel Cigar Store, Wheeler House, California Cigar Store, S. Sheridan's GroceryStore and the PnocNix Office, Columbia; Julius Poppe; Ander Sqnier, "Winnsboro; D. Bieman, Walhalla; E. son; John C Newberry. A. Scott, :'<<.tx'li.- ei r c* w:'. ?>, ; i ..* (KMX. Event." 5 VOL. X?NO. 304 PERRY & SLAW80N'8 THE military mau after martial exor? cises; the farmer after the day's labor; j tho meohamo returning from the busy j scenes of the machine ehop; tho merchant,! worn ont with the daily rontine of tho counting room; the lawyer plodding tho | dusky labyrinths of law's intrioate paths; I ho parson nornlPTlng over seme d.fScult theological quoetion; the man of elegant 3 FOR 25c. leisure disgusted with time's monotonous pacoe? all find in these Cigars tho re? freshing, ro-lnvlgorating, enlivening and solacing panacea their tired nature, over? taxed brain and drooping oncrgy requires. Sold only by PERBY A 8LAWBOK, Indian Girl Cigar Store, Columbia, S. C. MONOPOLY AgD HEW SENSATION Grand Central Java Coffee. WE are agents for the GRAND CEN? TRAL JAVA COFFEE COMPANY. Their coffee is sold in pound packages, at thirty conts per pound, and each case of sixty pounds contains a superior eight day clock, which becomes tho property of the lucky pnrobaaerwho buyu the package con-1 taining the ticket whieh entitles the owner I thereof to the dock. The coffee is foil value itBOlf for the price charged, and the [ clock is given as a prize to induce pur chusers to try the coffee. Ja.n22_JOHN AONEW A SON. CAR LOAD CALLEORHIA Wine, Brandy & Champagne JUST RECEIVED direct J mm California. These Wines and Brandies are made of de? licious grapes of California. For ealo by Deo 18_J.O.BEEGER8. liOOK I LOOK 1 i $1,200,000 IN PRIZES! THE GRANDEST SINGLE NUMBER SCHEME ON RECORD, will bo drawn iu public in St. Louis on MARCH 81,1875.1 ? CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000! Missouri State Lotteries, Legalized by State Authority. MURRAY, MILLER & CO., Mana'rs. ST. LOUIS, MO. 1 Trizeof.$100,000 1 Prize of. 50.000 1 Prize or. 22,500 1 Prize of. 20,000 5 Prizes of. 10.000 10 Frizoe of. 5,000 20 Prizes or. 2.500 100 Prizas of. 1.000 And 11,451 oiher Prizes of from $1,500 to $50. Amounting in tho aggregate to $1,200,000. Whole TicketB, $20; Halves, $10; Quar? ters, $5. Prize payable in fall and-no postpone? ment of drawings take piece. Address, for Tickets and Circnlars, MURUAY. MILLER A CO., P. O. Box 2,446, St. Louis. Mo. Jan 5 _ jrSmo_ Wines and Liquors. CHAMPAGNES?Pommery, Sec, Obaus A Duohatel, Kelley's Island Sparkling Catawba, California "Imperial." B BAN DIES?Brandenburg Freree, Jap. Hennesey. Otard, Dupuy A Co., vintatres 1835, 18r-8, 1805. WINES -Old Private Stock Madoria?iu bottlow only. Choice Table Sherries, California Angelica?vtrj delicate, I and other Ports, Pull line i>f Hock* and Snjiternen, includ? ing "Chiteau Yquem." "Latour Blanche," 'Hockheiuier.",'Lanbenbt'im< r." Ac., Ac. Our specialty is lino goods, each as we can, with nonfideiice, recommend. Any rare witio not in etore wo are prepared to purchase i it her iu New York or Europe, and hunibh bt market nites. N?v28_OEO. SYMMER8. New Books, at Bryan's Bookstore. \T70r.KING to Win, a story /or girls, I W $1.75. Mistreat* of the MaiiKO. by Dr. Heiland, ! author ?? Aitlmr Bnunycastle, $1 50 i A History of Gormauy, from the tlarlitst Tino ?. I?) Cbarlt'jn l.twis, $2 SO. Mauna] ul Mythology, Greek, llniran, Norn*, Ui::d'<o. Kgyptiaii i?ud OUi licriuan, by Murrt). $2.25. ' Pmiiie and Fiircnt. the Game of North America, aim adventures in tbiir pursuit, by Gillmore. ?1 50 UeaUhand Education, by Kingidc) ,$1.75. HogailliV complete ?Olks, in three vo lunx-a. The Wild North Land, by Major Butler, with plate*.$2 TO History of Clubs ?ml Club Li'e, London Monk of Wonder? ful Characters, with portrait* '1 he Slang I'icti >? ary. hix'.oiickl and anecdotal. Homer; uod Hmmir oi the Brit-tb Poets. London, and other new booth. Nov 1 M ON S Y TO L 0 AN,~ ?in Marketable Collate? U ? .. ^ #......? EXCHANGE on New Y uk, Baltimore, Philadelphia. Boston and all proroi j nent cities ot th? United States and En I rope bought aud sold. DEPOSITS reoeivtd and interest-bearing I certificates usued. ? . STOCKS. BONDS, GOLD and SILVER I bought and sold. ACCOUNTS or merchants and others from the city and country aolloited, and LIBEUAI. LINKS OF DI80OUNT8granted bv the CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, Corner of Plain and Richardson atreete. JOHN S. PRESTON, Presidont. J. H Kawvku. Cashier. Coughs and Ooldo BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, i'-Morale Potash Psatites, Oulntine Lozenges, WistarV Balsam Wild Cherry, Hill'? Balsam Honey, m Ayer's Cherry Peotoral, Jiiyne's Kxpectorant, Pisi/'sCuio. For sale at L. T.S1LLIMAN ACO/8 I)i?c29_Drugstore Davis' Diamond Hams, ti\ TIERCEL Davis' Diamond HAMS lA f ?nd Sugar-Cured BKEAKPABT I s i" HI I'rt. just received and for sale by ich 20 J0?N AGNEW A SON. star shirts, OPEN HACK OK FROST. 0 Win i K DRESS SHIRTS for 810/90 0 ?? ?? ?"? 913.00 G ?? m ?? S13.SO 0 ?? tt ?* 915.OO 0 ? ?? ?? 818.00 All Linen Boaom and Caff*. NEW HATS, SPRING STYLES. WINTEE CLOTHING-, AT COST. mm k wiLiY. Feb 17 WIDTH CLOTHING AT REDUCED FRIGES' FOR CASH!! traveling blankets. AMD SHAWLS AT cost r New Style Hats I i'ui; and Winter CLOTHS AHD CASHMERES Mode to Order Very Low. b. & % c. mmm Jan 38 feg ?> ?o5c ?" O f ^ **" - IUI I 73 c M o ? im * ? h -n ? -h-_. ?je M w 3 |4? o t- CD ?: S.Hi ? -A H 3 s. - ?i c >? i * - as , o 3 ?3 ^ ec ? 5 * n a B ? U ^ ^ _. fill ... ... State of South Caroling. EXECUTIVE DEPA11TH3WT, fcTAta TuKABttnRB'n Orriov, Columbia. December 10. 1074. THE Coupon* of the Consolidation ? Bonds oftheRtate of 8onthCarolina, dno January 1.1875. will be paid at that da v on i.i euent atioc at the 1 re-oury, and at i ho 8>>nth < ?rulina Hank ondTrostCoa? pHOT. ?Ni'.nmbl? B c. , itud aUo ft,the i'?'.ptf 'u Niuinnnl h?bU, ( h?rIe?ton. 8. C, aud Ui? Naiii.nalPatk Hank. Km lerk. The CmipiitiadQP Jul> 1 1874, on nil Con* enlldation Bond?, iaarteo In txchnnRO for old bond*., will bo paid whenever presoaU? at auT of the above mentioned plfteo*. Ti><> OonpnnM of tho Consolidation Bonds dne January 1 and July 1, 1875, aro receiv? able, for taxes, t, 1. OARDOZO, Dec 20 Trsasnrer B. C. .