WASinNOTON, February 28. ?The Speaker laid before $he Boose a rwty large Dumber of executive commumoa tiooa, were appropriately referred. The Bona? then wen* into Committee of the Wlwl? ou, the,revenue bill?Mr. Holt, of Maine, in t?o ohair. Tho pending qoestiou was on striking out the 6th aection, which exempts goods actually on shipboard. After disens aioo, the motion was rejected. Mr. Dawee jnpved an amendment, to co n atrne the Aot approved February 8, 1875?tuo little tariff bill?as td ex? empt bolting cloths from dutj, and, also, to exempt savings bank receipt books from the stamp tax; adopted. Mr. Ooltoo, of Iowa, moved to amend, by imposing a duty of ten cents per pound on tea, and of two cents par pound on ooffee; rejected?yeas 33; nays 113. Bookner, of Missouri, moved to amend the amendment, by strik? ing out the bank notes and leaving the tax on Rules of gold and atooks; adopted?yeas 105; naya 68. Other amendments were offered, when Mr. Dawes moved to strike out the enact? ing clause of the bill. The motion was agreed to, and the committee immedi? ately rose, and the faot was reported to the House. The Vice-President luid before the Senate aommuuications from the Sec? retary of the Navy, enolosing a oopy of the contract with Vionie Beam for the Farogut statu?. Mr. Logan, from Committe on Military Affairs, reported favorably on House bitl to equalize bountie-i of soldiers who served in the lato war, und asked fur its present con? sideration, bnt objection was raised, aud Mr. Logan said that he would press its consideration on Thursday. Mr. Howe called up Senate bill malt? ing further provisions for the accom? modation of the library of Congress; pending the discussion of whiph, the morning hopr expired, and the bill went over. Mr. Spencer presented memorial of Republican members of the General Assembly of Alabama to the President aad members of Con? gress, setting forth, first, that changes have been made by the Alabama Legis? lature, in the'penal code of the State, by whioh a system of involuntary serv? itude and peonage lor African citizens ia sought to be inaugurated; second, that political legislation has been en? acted, by means of wbioh 93,000 Re? publican voters are practically de? prived of representation; third, that the Republican Constitution ia re striated, and there is a practical nulli? fication of the constitutional amend? ments. They, therefore, ask Congress to empower the President to suspend the:writ of habeas corpus in certain contingencies, in order to preserve the peaoo in the Southern States. Financial and Commercial Reports. Columbia, February 23.?Sales of ootton 115 bales?middling 14*1? 14^. Market firm. Haw Iobk, February 23?Noon.? Spot ootton olosed quiet?ordinary 13%; good ordinary 14%; low mid dling 15%; middling It); good mid dling 16%. Fa tu res olosed easy; sales 45,600: February 15 31-32; March 15 29 32; April 16 9-32@16 5-16; May 1G 21-32; June 16 15-16@16 31-32; July 17 3-16@17 7-32; Aoguet 17 516 @17 11-32; September 16%(^16%; net receipts 564; gross 3,404; stock 180,809; reoespta at all ports to-day 12,301; exports to Great Britain 5.239; continent 8,266; consolidated receipts 42,525; stock in all ports 814,109. TP, M.?Money olosed at 2%@3 Eer oent. on call. Foreign exohange eavy and lower, closing at 4.82? 4 82% for bankers' 60 days. Sterling 4.85%?4.86 for demand. Gold opened at 14% end olosed at 14%. Govern? ments closed dull. State bonds dull? South Carolina 6s 31%. Flour olosed with better demand; Southern firm? 4.O0@4.25. Wheat olosed strong. Corn olpsed weaker. Pork quiet. Baoon and beet in fair demand. Gat meats firm. Cotton firm and fairly active?15% for low middling; 16% middling. Whiskey drooping; sales 200 barrels, at 1.06. Baltikokh. February 23.?Cotton firm; receipts231; salea 405?middling 15%; low middling 15%; exports con? tinent/ 1,760; etook 25,920. Sugar strong?10@10%. Flour dull?fami ly 5.25(^6,25; Wheat steady?1.20@ 1.21. Corn strong?Southern white 78@80. Provisions steady ant) firm, witb activity. Pork quiet but firm? 19.25@20.00. Bulk meats steady. Baoon steady. Coffee doll. Whiskey nominal?1.08, Philadelphia, February 23.?Cot ton firm; receipts 202?middling 16. CinoAOO, February 23.?Flour dull and nominal?-4.00fB4.25. Wheat Closed easier?l.S?%($l .85%. Corn 4aaier?64@64%. Pork closed steady V-19.00@19.50. Lard easier?18.37% cash. Oat meats quiet?sweet pickled bams 10%(?l?%. Dressed b?ge qu" and easier, at 8.00 heavy; 7.60@7 Hght, Whiskey quiet?1.04. CraolWAtt. February 23. ?Pork firm?19.1U). Baoon quiet and steady? shoulders 8; clear rib 10; bams 12%? 13% Cut meats quiet?shoo Id era 7; olesr rib 9%. Lard steady?prime steam rendered 13%. Live hogs quiet j end firm?medium fair 7.10@7.40; f:yd.t^i7oV^iPt'4'U?^VliiH ? htFl&tn?, ? faWaeev ?ts-l*toar1 fltmer-Ht?nerflLhe^win& 4.15^4.25 Wheat steady?105% {&!. 06. Coro firm-64%(365. Whis>ey firm?1.07. Pork quiet-10,60 cash. Cut meats quiet?shoulders 6^; elfer rib 9%. Bacon oiet .701 Naw OaLSANs, February 23. ?Oot? sellers apart; receipts 3,8*8; ealea 5,000-middling 15%; exports conti nent 1,306; stock 301,661 BY J. A. SELBY COLU] Augusta, February 23.?Getto u strong and aotive; receipts 1,707; sales 1,016?good ordinary 13>/; low mid? dling UK; middling 15. Boston, February 23.?Cotton firm; sales 226?middling 16; stock 19,096. Savannah, February 23.?Cotton firm; receipts 2,121; sales 1,261?mid? dling 15)i; exports Great Britain 6,289; stock 102.189. Nobvouc, February 28.?Cotton strong; receipts 2,880; sales 1,400? low middling 15 J?; stock 3.462. Wilmington, February 23.?Cotton strong; receipts 832; sales 350?mid? dling 1*X; slook 8,108. Mobile, February 23.?Cotton firmer; receipts 898; salos 2,300?mid? dling 15^; stock 69,140. Galveston, February 23.?Cotton strong and demand good; receipts 799; sales 1,659?middling 15)4 i stock 70,659. Charleston, February 23 ?Cotton active and tending upward; reoeiots U3G; sal?h 2.000?middling 15>^15^; stock 47,230. Memphis, February 23.?Cotton strong and good demand; receipts 1,249; shipments 2.008; sales 2,000? middling 15 ^ 5 "took 60,587. Liverpool, February 23?3 P. M.? Cotton active and firm; sales 15,000; speculation 4,000; American 8,000? middling uplands 7%@7%; Orleans 8; March and April snipmente, net be? llow good ordinary, 8. Naphtha Lamps. GAS LIGHT.! AQA8 LIGHT at mnoh leas expense. These LAMPS are In different styles and well adapted for Stores, Offices, Entries and Kooms. Eaob Lamp la of itself a gas mannfaotory. The oil is fed through a tnbe or pipe, at the end of which the burner converts it into gas, which burns with a brilliant white flame nearly equal to the best coal gas, and surpassing many ooal gas lights. For sale by M. K. CAR It, Feb 16 Sme_67 Bridge street. For Bent or Bale. THEoommodions HOUSE on the] corner of Assembly and Lady streets ?is undergoing repairs, and wUl be| rented or sold on reasonable terms In? quire of B. 8WAFFIEED. Feb 21_ COTTON! Stored AND INSURED at the very low-1 eat rates, and the top of the market [ guaranteed for all Cotton oonsigned to ns for sale. Advances made tAone per cent.per month upon all cotton stored with na. Jio chary* | fordrayage. Northern Timothy and Clover at $1.35 | and $1.50per hundred. Full weight guar? anteed. SEED POTATOES I Fine Early Rose, Goodrich, Peerle Peaohblows, and other varieties. GUANO! Jonesport Fertiliser?aa good as any I used. $45 per ton, eash, and $50 per ton, time. SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE CO., Feb 19 3m Opposite 8.0. R. B. Depot. Spring Prints?New Styles, | JUST RECEIVED. "E10B SIXTY DAYS, FALL AND WIN JD TER GOODS will be sold REGARD-1 LESS OF COST. 0. F. JACKSON. Jan ig_Leader of Low Prises. GRAND EXPOSITION or tbs SECRETS OF THE GRANGE! THIS, of course, is made to all who con? nect themselves with the order. So, also, all who try Perry A Slawson's "New Sensation," 3 for 25 cents; "Monopoly," 3 for 25 cents; "Halt Dime" and "Celebrated Five Cent Cigars." Find oat the important secret?"how to smoke, and yet save money." These Cigars oan only be bought of PERRY & 8LAWSON, Indian Oirl Cigar Store, next to J. C. Dial's Hardware Store. N. B.?Do not be gnided by "signs." as I in yonr order, bnt be sure yon inqnire for PEBBY A SLAWSON'S Wholesale and Betail Cigar Emporium. LANUHETll'S GARDEN SEED! AFULL assortment just reoeived at L. T. SILLIMAN A CO.'S Jan 16_Drug Store. Orand Central Java Coffee. WE are agents for the OB AND CEN? TRAL JAVA COFFEE COMPANY. Their ooffee Is sold in pound paokagea, at thirty oenta per pound, and each ease of tixty pounds contains a superior eight day eleclc, which becomes the property of the lucky pnrehaserwbo bnys the paokage con? taining the tleket wbish entitles the owner thereof to the clock. The ooffee is fall value itself for the price charged, and the clock Is given as a prize to Induce pur? chasers to try the ooffee. Jan? JOHN AUNBW A BON. Kerosene! ?eroienel! RARRELBbrUllaiit WHITE KBRO ejr\s 8KNE, guaranteed full Oovernment fire test.Just reo'eited. Price 18 oenta per gallon by the banal aad 80 cents at retail. IsrwucaaA, JOHN AOMSW A HON. Barly Boss B otatoe ?, ? BRKSSEE'B Peerless Onion Setts. Lit-1 aale at ( . , HgiNITSHU Finest IHs?on Butter POStSt CALiroRNU AMOB3L1CA. Des 18 J. O.SBEOBB8 VIBIA, S. C WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, D. EPSTIN, TBE CHAMPION OF LOW PRICES, IS ? CLOSING OUT HIS STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTH IN Q AND FURNISHING GOODS j AT ARD BEiiUw cost, in order to mako room for Spring Stock. Now is tba time to buy OVERCOATS, BU8INES8 SUITS, HATS, Ao., at a SACRIFICE. Tbe atook muat be sold, and, therefore, unusual inducements are offered to CLOSE BUY EBB by F?b i4 I>. KPSTIN, Under Colombia, Hotel. Screven House, It. hkadlky, Proprietor, SAVANNAH, OA. THIS lon^ and f&vorably known Douse, ,' pleasantly situated on Johnson Sqnare, having been reoently repainted and re? paired, and haviug all of its departmenta filled with competent, polite and atten? tive omployoea, offers to tbe traveling public comfort? unsurpassed by .any Houso in tho Southern States. Fsb 11 Smo GUANO IN EXCHANGE POUCOTTON. The Celebrated Fertilizers for Cotton, Cora, Wheat and Tobacco. REDUCED PRICES! LIBERAL TERMS! Wilcox, Gibbes & Co.'s Manipulated Guano, Prepared at Bavannah, Qa., and Charleston, 8. C, and Imported in bulk direct from Phoenix Islands, South Pacific Ocean. WE are offering the above celebrated FERTILIZERS, this season, at considerably reduced prioes, and givo purchasers the option of paying in cotton on the basis of seventeen cents for middling, delivered at plantora* nearest depot, by November 1, 1875, the cotton to be packed in good merchantable bales. By this arrangement, the planter has a guarantee of realizing a pood price for bis cotton to pay for his fertilizers. These GUANOS are too well known to roqnire comment. Those who have used them know how to appreciate their value; those who have not, as vet. will find, on fair trial, that their liberal use will pay on present crops, besides being of future benefit to their lands. For iurther information, call on the undorsi^norl for circulars, containing analysis, opinions of planters, Ao. SEIItELS A EZELL, Agents, Jan 21 4mo Colombia, 8. C. ROSfc'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. O. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. Another First Cl ass Hotel?Fare $2.60 a Day, including Omnibus Ride. SITUATED NEAR TBE CAPITOL and in the centre of the business part of the oity. Rose's Omnibus will convey passengers to and from every Train. Tho Ladles' Apartments are complete, with private entrance on Aaeemblystreet. Tim BILLIARD and BATH BOOMS are all new and superior to any in the city. April 5 107 Main St., Next to Wheeler House. kstablishkd IN 1840, AND STILL IN THE FIELD, with A LARGE and well ao lleqted stock of first class FURNITURE, Parlor, Bod room and Dining Room _ _ Bets, which will be sold uh tow as any houae in the country for cash. Nov 10 _ M. H. BERRY. New Books, at Bryan's Bookstore. WORKING to Win, a story for girls, $1.76. Mistress of the Manie, by Dr. Holland, author of Arthnr Bonnycastle, (1.50. A History of Germany, from the Earliest Times, by Gharli n Lewis, $2.60. Manual of Aivthology, Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindoo, Bgv| tian and Ola German, by Murray, 12.26. Prairie and Forest, the Oame of North America, with advontures in their pursuit, byGUlmore. $1.50. Health and Education, by Kingsley, $1.75. Hogarth's complete works, in throe vo? lumes. The Wild North Land, by Major Butler, with platoa, $2.60. History of Clubs and Club Life, London. Book of Wonder? ful Charaoters, with portraita. The Blang Dictionary, historical and anecdotal. Homos and Haunts of the British Poets, London, and other now hooka.___Nov 1 Canned Goods. 1 t\f\ CASES 2 lb. eane TOMATOES, at W f\f 51.50 per doz. and 15o. per can. 100 oaaea 2 lb. oana PEACHES, at $2.50 per doz. and 25c. per can. On hand and for salo by Jan 7 JggN^AOgjBW ft SON Elaine Oil. THE undersigned are sols agents for tho celebrated ELAINE OIL, ISS VIRS TEST, Perfectly secure and cannot be exploded. Absolutely sake. Prioes at retail 40c. per gallon. JOHN AGNEW ft SON. Jan 6_ C0NGAREE IRON WORKS COLUMBIA, S. C. * JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. M AN UP ACT ? BEBOFSTEAM ENGINES, SAW AND GRIST MILLS. GIN Gearing, and all kinds of Iron Castings for Ma ehlnery and Or asmeatal Oast ? lags for Stores and'Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens and Cemeteries, Iron Settees and Arbor Ohairajalso, Mass Castings of all kinds Bells tpr Cmsxcnes, Sohools, Work-shops. *e.T Gha^tejrWmy work first class and e^velanv^?^Betrth. ^ ^ ^ Sooffoarolina^andGresnvJlle A CoTurobI lieiwoad Companies' Depot?. Nov 18 MONEY TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals. EXCHANGE on Now Y >rk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and all promi? nent cities of the United States and Eu? rope bought and sold. DEPOSITS received and interest-hearing certificates leaved. STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD and SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS or merchants and others from tho citv and country solicited, and LIBERAL LINES OF DISCOUNTSgranted by tho CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, Cornorof Plain and Richardson streets. JOHN S. PRESTON, President. J. H. Sawyer, Cashier._ Cottage Houso, No. 15 Washington St., next Masonic Hall. ?Tho undorsigncd has/ re-optned this estab? lishment, and informs _ the pnblio that ho is prepared to supply mom with the very best of WINES, LIQUORS, SEOABB, TOBACCO, etc Oys? ters in every style, and at all hours. Re? freshments of various kinds. Give a call. _Oet 81_O. B. FRANKLIN, Bap't. Buggies, Wagons. &c. IAM now offering my stock of BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS AND M1LBURN WA? GONS at redueed prices to close the business. Those in want of vehioleswill save money by calling at tho store of Jobst Agnew A hou, and purohasiug before my stack is alosed out._JOHN AGNEW. State of South Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, State Tbeabubbb's Ornos, Columbia, December 18,1874. rfUlB Conpons of the Consolidation Jl Bonds of the State of South Carolina, duo January 1,1875, will be paid at that date on presentation at the Treasury, and at the South Carolina Bank and Trust Com? pany. Columbia. 8. 0., and also at the People's National Bank, Charleston, S. 0., and the Nationalpark Bank. New York. The Coupons due July 1,1874, on all Con? solidation Bonds. Issued in exchange for old bonds, will be paid whenever presented at any of the above mentioned places. . The Coupons of the Consolidation Bonds due January 1 and July 1, 1875, are receiv? able for taxes. F. L. C ARDOZO, Dec 20 Troaaurer 8. O. Event." 1875. VOL. X?NO. 290 CELEBRATE]) STAR SHIRTS, OPEN hack ok FRONT. O WIIITK DRESS SHIRTS tor 810.00 G m .. .- $12.00 O ?? u .. .. $13.50 G ?? .? ?? 81.V0O 6 ? ?? ?. flS.OO All I.lntn Boioni and ( air.. NEW HATS,! SPRING STYLES. WINTER CLOTHING, AT COST. mm k w hit. Feb 17 milll CL0T1INC1 at REDUCED FRIGE* I FOR I CASH!! TRAVELING BLANKETS AND SHAWLS AT COST! New Style Hats I Fall and Winter CLOTHS AND CASHMERES 51 a Jo to Order Very Low. R. & W. C. SWAFFIEL?. _Jan 2C_ CAB LOAD CALIFORNIA Wine, Brandy & Champagne] -% A.>t> J?8T RECEIVED direct ^^En? .from California. These Winen MfSl BL^'and Rrandiea are made of de /3| ESBAlicious gmpos of California. I ^^WW^^* For sale by Dec 18_J.J0. BREOBBB. Wines and Liqnon. CHAM PAQNE8?Pommery, Bee, Ohans A Duchatel, Kelley's Island Sparkling Catawba, California "Imperial." BRANDIES?Brandenbnrg Freren, Jas. Hennesey. I Otard, Dnpny A Co., vintages 1835,1858, 1865. WINES?Old Private Stock Uaderia?io bottles only, Oboioe Table Sherries, California Angelica?very delicate, Sandeman and other Ports, Fnll line of Hooks and Santernes, includ? ing "Chateau Yquem," "Latour Blanohe," 'Ilockbeimer," "Lanbenheimer," Ao., Ac. Onr specialty ia fine goods, such as we I can, with confidence, recommend. Any I rare wine not In store we are prepared to pnrohase either in New York or Enrope, and f nrniah at market rates. Nov28_OEO. BYMMERB._ Hams! Hams!! 1 f\f\ CHOICE Louisville Sugar-Cored 1AJU HAMS, large absea, jaat received andlfor sale at lao. per pound. Jan 20 JOIW aQNKW & BON. Seventy-five. Out of Every Hundred PEBBONB are effected with some de? rangement or disease of the akin. No matter what the nature of it' may be, "HEINITSH'B QUEEN'S DEH?HT," the Sreat Amerioan Blood Purifier, will cure It. his is quite enoug h to sAy. It TOW bite any skin disease.ua* Heiaitshra Queen's Delight. _ Dee IQt , Pearl Grits and Hominy. 2ff BABBELS FRESH PEABLQBIT8, O 15 barrels fresh PEARL HOMINY. Jost reoeived and for sale by Jen 10_JOHN AOHBW A BOW. orb oaufsoRwia! afomaAj Deo 18 J. C. 8EIOEBR. The Ball Opened for 1870. Dry Goods, Boots and Sluws, Carpets, ficc. ??? NEW GOODS received tri-weekly, mud ?tunning Lkadbbs in all line* of modi exbibitod every day. A rieifc to Lbs store of W.D.LOVE&C?. Will oonvinoe tbe publio thai we moon to give them better value for their' tnitoev than they can buy in any other DRY GOODS HOUSE IN THE STATE. Facts proven at the GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods Hotue OF W.D.LOVE&CO. avSa?nples sent to all parte of'the country on application. , Jan 80 Important to Coniumen of Tea. IHAVE made arrangement* with ah im? porting Tea Honte to supply m* with u. uniform grade of TEA, to that oonsnmors, finding a Tea anitable in strength and flavor, oan always depend upon getUag the aamc, by asking for that grado and prioc. We have opened, to-day, twelve Cheats of Tea, as follows: Fine Oolong C. Fancy Oolong A. u< J ine English Breakfast C. , , Fancy English Breakfast A. Choice Imperial B. d I Fine Imperial 0. Fanoy Young Hyson A. Oholoe Young Hyeon B. Fine Young Hyson O. Choice Gunpowder B. Fanoy Gunpowder D. Fine Gunpowder O. I invite an examination and trial of these Teas, which will be found unusually cheap, and the quality superior to anything here? tofore offered in Columbia. Tea, when properly prepared, is more healthy than coffee, ana is much oheaper. I also oall attention to my GENUAL STOCK OF GOODS, which is unusually large, good and cheap, particularly in Fanoy Family FLO??t. rs . Davis' Diamond HAMS. , ? , ? Davis'Pure Leaf LAUD. u" - GOBHBN BUTTER?beat and cheapest in town. , BIO COFFEE?parched and raw."' ' LAGUATBA COFFEaV-pa^*di8sAfaw. Old Government Java COFFEE?parched and raw. WW All goods marked down flvo per oant. to meet the times. Feb 12_HABPY SOLOMON. GOOD THIKOS. C, ' ' ? .*!<> I fl 4 4f 100 barrels NORTHERN APPLES. . 200 boxes CANDY. ? ? ? ?'?? 1 100 boxes RAISINS. <1( 200 cases CANNED FRUITS. ' Pecans, Almonds, Oranges, Leraona, Walnuts, Ac., wholesale, and retail, asvlow as any house in this country. LOBICK A LOWRANOE. Imported Wines. Brandie*?Et6V; Etcf gM^Mfl SCOTCH WHISKIES, ?alTl Old Jamaica Rum. WaWfl Brandies?Otard.Ao., W/ Holland Gin,. bberry Wine,Port Wine. Madeira Wine. Aleo.alarge stock of fins old Whist las, Cigars. Ac._ J.. Q. S?fcQERH Coughs and Ooida. ? IT is the most wonderful JsTOlOTNE ever known, and ?ptosssesse^w dswatlTe I power unequalled to Jhe hietorwflfjsome Stop that Baxif^. XXTHEBJfcVER yoUJJP, yoq j bsaetk^gb TV lug. Barking,JJftirIjg^?e^?oat. In Church, in the Concert Boom, tmera House. Court House, COtftfning isffpfeva tent disorder. Wby abb* yon earwlit by 50 Caaea Oatawba Champagna THI8 WINBielnllreqeMto the-msnoh