Londok, February 15. ?Karl Blind, the Garmau Liberal politician, has been assaulted and hart by a Gorman fanatic. ? The British Government baa official ly reoognisod the Government of King Alfonso, ef Spain. London, February 15.?The steam* ship Leipstg, wbiob raa egroand yes? terday off Start Point, got off at 11 o'clock, last night. She will retnrn to Southampton. A telegram from Singapore reports that an erneute occurred among the Chinese, prisoners in jail et thst pises, which Was not suppressed before sixty nine persona were killed end injoiel, including sixteen of the wardens of thc/js& ... pajub, February 15. ?Paul Guistave Date, the well known artist, ia serious? ly ?L Paws, February 15.?There ia no change in the political aituation. No one to Whom President Mao&lahon is willing to entrust the formation of a cabinet will undertake the task until the constitutional bill* are acted upon by the Assembly. rtlHtnimiC-Annrlnu SB?ll?rs. Washington, February 18.?Dar ing the debate in the Radical osoous, Speaker filaine spoke in opposition to tbe. proposition for e general suspen? sion of the writ of habeas corpus. He could see no possible reason for giving the Presidont tbe power to suspend the ,great writ at his discretion in Maine or in Michigan, because there was a disturbed couditioo of affairs in Louisiana or Mississippi. If there is a oondition of efidrs there to warrant it, let the suspension be confined to the disturbed districts. He could not see why Southern States like Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, thst were now trying to sustain good go , vorn moot, should be menaoed and ex cited by s suspension of habeas corpus; k moreover, the pending proposition F was nniiaaited as to time. The bill, if it should become a law, would confer upon, the President of the United States for an time to oome, whoever that President might be, the right and power to suspend the habeas corpus at his sole and absolute discretion, in any.oily. County, Disiriot or State within the Union. He said be felt re? spect for President Grsnt, end would trust him sa fsr as he would any exe? cutive offiaer, hut be would never vote to confer this aotoeretio power upon nuy President now or hereafter. Even if no actual harm should come from it for a long period of years, tbe people woujld, in tbe end become too mooh familiarized with the suspension, snd woojdiloae that intern? je? to a By of in? dividual and personal liberty whioh is the great characteristic of tbe Anglo Sixon race, and wbiob all oar legisla? tion siQonkl stimulate rather then re? press., ? Washington, February 15.?Oapt. |? vHen.y, of the ship Observer, reports r that the British brig Kewoden, Peter kin master, from Havana to Baltimore, wont ashore. Her orow are still aboard, and numbers ten. She has 220 hogs? heads end 768 boxes sogar. She has sent to Norfolk for sesistanoe. Washington, February 15 ?In the Senate? the Secretary reads note from the Vice-President, stating that he would be absent from the city aeveral days. On motion of Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Anthony wasobosen President pro tern. and the usual not i float ion was ordered to be sent*o the President and House of Bepre#ntativss. Mr. EdmuadB, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported, without amendment, tbe Civil Bights Bill, and gave notice that he would call it up at the first oppor? tunity. Mr. Scott mado a report from the Committee of Conference on a bill to fix the compensation of Bank Ex? aminers, whioh was concurred in. Mr. Pratt said that, on Wednesday, be would ask for an evening session, to consider a number of private pension P bills, and also several general pension bills, iooluding the bill in relation to soldiers and sailors of the war of 1812. Mr. Robertson introduced a bill to se? cure to depoeitore in the Freedmen's Savings and Trost Company tbe money lost by them. Mr. Dorsey in troduovd a bill regulating the trans? mission of registered packages and money: letters through the United States mails. Oa motion of Mr. Mor? ton? |he ease of Pioohbsok was taken up, and Mr. Morton proceeded to speak thereon. He ssid he desired to notify the Senate that to-morrow he woold ask that no adjournment take place until this case was disposed of. Ia the House owing to the lateness of the cession,; the number of bills in? troduced under the Monday morning call for reference only was much lees tbsn heretofore, snd those introdaoed were generally for settlement of claims and the granting of pensions. Among those of a general nature are the fol? lowing: By Willard. of Vermont?Bill to authorise the refunding in certain oasea of Internal revenne taxes ille? gally assessed; by Cain, of South Caro? lina?>to emend the charter of the Freedman'e Ssviogs Bsnk and Trust Company, and to continue the same; by ?eoajssivof. afJeeonri? oonourrect resolution of tbe Legislature of Mis? souri protesting against an increase of the tax on tobsooo; by Dawee, of Mas? sachusetts?'resolution directing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into tbe refusal of tbe Western Union Telegraph Company to transmit de? ep atebes for the American Preee Asso? ciation or others on account of criti? cism on the part of eaid association, snd to report by bill or otherwise. Tbe bill providing for the redemption I of overdue bonos et the United States, " known as the Texas indemnity bonds, whioh cams ose; from Monday last, wee then passed, ander a suspension of the rules. NSW You, February 18.?Tba San? dy Hook Pilot Officer reports tea* tbo b*y if worse ?tbao ever. The tags wbion went down yesterday refuse to return until daylight. There is little call lor oatgoiog veesels, none of whioh o*n more without steam assistance. The fee ia sufficiently heavy ta inter? fere with the ooean steamers. Providence. February 14.?The ! John Rommell, from Mosquito Inlet, for Boston, ia ashore at Can* Ood. One man was lost and the rest were badly frost-bitten. pwrr.ATittT.T>niA, February 13 ?The steamer Mary, of the Clyde line; is in a precarious situation at the ice? breaker in the bay. A total loss is feared. Financial and Commercial fisport*. New YOhx, February 15 ?Money 3. Exchange woak?* 83@4.86%. Gold 1.14%. Governments dull. State bonds dull. Floor closed dull; South? ern steady bat quiet?No. 2 8.70@3.74. Wheat closed weak and very doll. Oorn firmer end more aotive. Bason steady. Cotton dall end easy, at 15% @16%. Whiskey decidedly lower and demand fair, at 1.05. St. Looia, February 15.?Flour qaiet and unchanged?superfine win? ter 4.20(34.80. Wheat dull. Cora quiet and steady?62%@64 for No. 2 mixed. Whiskey firm, at 1.10. Pork Iaiet, at 13.75. Bacon aotive and firm, jard eaBy?steam rendered 13%. Cincinnati. February 15 ?Pork qaiet, at 18.75? 19. Baoon qaiet aad steady. Cut meats quiet. Lard quiet ?prime steam rendered 13%. Whis? key steady; sales at 1.10. Baltimore, February 15.?Cotton quiet but firm?low middling 15@ 15%; middling 15%? 15,%; Bales 275. Flour quiet and unchanged ? family 5 25@B.25. Wheat doll?No. 1 Western red 1.20. Corn qniet and steady?Southern white 77(379; West? ern m'xed 77. Provisions steady and Qrm. Pork qaiot and steady?19.25? 20.00. Baoou aotive and steady? shoulders 8%; clear rib sides 11%(a) 11%; bams 14? 15. Lard qaiet and steady?18%@14%. Whiskey weaker, at 1.08@l.Utf. Sugar firm, ut 10%'(?, 10%. New Orleans, February 15.?Cot? ton easier and demand good; receipts 8,632; sales 7,600; middling 14%; ex? port Great Britain 5,455; comment 5,574; stook 287.239. Galveston, February 15 ?Cotton qaiet and demand moderate; receipts 2,465; sales 1,960?middling 15%; stock 74,972. Mobile, February 15.?Cotton quiet; receipts 4,181; sales 2,000?middling 14%@15; stook 66,996. Savannah, February 15.?Cotton ?buyers and sellers apsrt; receipts .4,036; sales 350?middling 15%; ex? ports Great Britain 2,900; stock 105, 623. Wilmington. February 15 ?Cotton doll end nominal; receipts 157?mid? dling 14%; exports Great Britain 2,511; stook 2,883. Charleston, February 15.?Cotton quiet and easy; receipts 1,890; sales 800-middling 15(a) 15%; stock 53.529. Norfolk, February 15.?Cotton qaiet and firm; receipts 1,796; sales 300?low middling 14%@15; Btock 8,142. Philadelphia, February 15.?Cot? ton quiet; receipts 158?middling 15%. Boston, February 15.?Cotton quiet and steady; sales 90?middling 15%; stock 22,089. Memphis, February 15.?Cotton quiet; receipts 1,550; sales 1.500; ship? ments 2.424?middling 15: stock 69,295. Liverpool, February 15.?Cotton easier and a shade lower; sales 12,000; speculation 2,000; middling uplands 7%(#7%; middling Orleans 7%; Jauu ary shipments, not below good ordi? nary, 7%; January, not below low middling, 7 11-16. Some amusing points iu Tiltou's cross-examination, last week, not re? ported by telegraph, are given in the New York papers. Whon asked who Oliver Johnson was, he snswered that he had been editor of the Anti-Slavery Standard and Independent, and con? cluded by saying, "and he is the man whom I put in the Christian Union to to help Mr. Beeober to carry his case so that the pnblio eye could not see it." Mr. Everts protested ogsinst this. Til ton said: "Mr. Ernrts, if you want to know who Mr. Johnson is, I oan give yon a written biography of him, which he has prepared for me to use, to be printed after his death." This caused a laugh in thaoonrt room. Again, in answer to a question whether he was acquainted with Mr. Johnson now, Tilton said that he was not?that he would not recognize him in the street. Mr. Evarts said: "But you would know his person," and Tilton answered, "That is all I would oare to know." Mr. Evarts asked Tilton if Mr. Beeoher did not then say, "Theo? dore; this is all a dream." Tilton an? swered: "He said, 'I am as one iu a dream. I am in Dante's Inferno.'" Mr. Evarts said: "Are you sure be ssid Dante's Inferno?" Tilton re? plied, "lam not eure?I am certain." Mr. Evarts said, "I don't know the distinction." Tilton said, "Ezonse me, Mr. Evarts; I do not wish to bo captious. I am oertaia the aun rose this morning?I am sure it will rise to? morrow morning." The widow of the late Commander Cashing has forwarded to Oen. Alfred I Iverson, of Georgia, a sword that was 1 presented to that gentleman by oitizens of Columbus, Ga., when be waa Lieu? tenant of the United States cavalry bsfore toe war, bat whioh had been oaptared by Go matt oder Gushing in one of Me r?de. lire. Caching*! kindness will be pro pearly appreciated by Oen. Iverson, I Bihhib on Dnuos awd Medicines, ?Referring to tbe want of fidelity be* tween men end man, ?hieb! begets e ?pirit of freod.be says: "Medici nee ere edaltereted; bread is adulterated; coffee is mixed; your sogar is ad a Ite? rated." This is all trae; and we may sdd some startling revelations with re? gard to tbe adulterations and mixture of medicines, which our people, with blind credulity, swallow upon faith: Brandreth'e Pills contain extract of pokeberries, saffron, cloves, aloes; Radway'a Belief contains tinetnre of pepper, alcohol, camphor; your spices, too, are mixed with saw-dust and ground-up musty ship crackers; cream I of tartar is mixed with whito earth and (lime, end cooking soda is a mix? ture of powdered washing soda, j Your security, then, is to boy articles I prepared at home, of warranted purity and approved worth. Heiuitsh'tt Baking Powder?cook 's favorite?is tbe boat and cheapest. Heinitsh's Pure' Baking Soda and Cream Tartar, for bread and biscuit. Heinitsh'e Pare Ground Pepper, Mustard and Cinnamon. Heinitsh's Pure Flavoring Extractn. Heinitsh's Quaker Liniment better than Beady Belief; a speedy cure. Hesniteh's Blood and Liver Pills, entirely vegetable, and a marvelous medicine for the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Heinitah'a Blood Purifying Liver Pills cures Liver Complaint, Headaehe, Stomach Disorders, Iudi gestion and Constipation. Stanley's Cough Syrup cures all kinds of Coughs, Hoarseness, Bron? chitis, incipient Consumption. Try it; don't delay. A. Cough gets worse with every day's neglect. Medicines of all kinds, of warranted quality, at the lowest prioes. Make bat one trial and be convinced. f Consumptives, Takk Notick.? Every moment of delay makes your cure more bopeleas, and mnoh depends on the judicious choice of a remedy. The amount of testimony in favor u( Dr. Sohenok's Pulmonio Syrnp, as a care for consumption, far'exceeds all that can be brought to support the pretensions of any other medioine. See Dr. Sohenck's Almanac, contain? ing the certificates of many persons of tbe highest respectability, who have been restored to health, after being prononnced incurable by physicians of acknowledged ability. Sohenok's Pul? monio Syrup alone has cured many, an these evidences will show; but th? cure is often promoted by the employ? ment of two other remedies whioh Dr. Sohenok provides for the purpose. These additional remedies are Sohenck's Sea Weed Tocio and Man diake Pills. By tbe timely use of these medicines, according to direc? tions, Dr. Schenek certifies that most any oase of consumption may be cared. Dr. Sohenok ia professionally at bis principal office, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters for advice mast be ad? dressed. Feb lSfOfS Money Saved', Monet Made.?-It is no longer necessary to pay two and .three profits. Messrs. Furchgott. Benedict & Co. beg to draw attention to their immense closing out aale of 8500,000 worth of dry goods, carpets, furs, etc., which takes place annually between January 1st and February 15th, prior to purchasing their spring stock, at 275 King street, Charleston, S. C, 54 White Hall atmet, Atlanta, Georgia, Bay street, Jacksonville, Florida. Samples sent ou applica? tion. Itemit per express or post office ordor, or goods will be sent C. O. D. All retail orders over ?lt) will be sent from tbe Charleston brauch free of charge. F12f Two Monsters.?A mounter cono;*rt accompanies a monster drawiug at the Public Library, at Louibvillo, Ky., ou the 27th of this month. Almost every note of music will represent a bank note. Tbe plaudits of tbe audience will be given alike to Gilmore and the gainer of a great gift. It is safe to say that tbe applause which greets the luckiest man will oat-weigh even that which Gilmore'a music will inspire. Sniffles brought his two weeks' spree to a close on Thursday night. He lay on n lounge in the parlor, feeling as mean as sour lager, when some? thing in the oorner of tbe room at? tracted bis attention. Raising on bis elbow, he gazed steadily at it. Rub? bing his eyes, he stared again, and, as he stared, his terror grew. Calling his wife, he asked hoarsely: "Mirandy, what is that?" "What ia what, Likey? ' Sniffles' name is Lycurgns, and his wife culls him Likey for short and sweet, "Why, that?that?thing in the oorner," said the frightened man, pointing at it with a hand that shook like a politioian. "Likey, dear, I see nothing," replied the woman. "WhatI You don't see it!" he shrieked. "Then I've got 'em. Oh, hesvensl Bring me the Bible, Mirandy, bring it qaiokl Here?here, on this saored book, I swear never to touoh a drop of whis? key. If I break my vow, may my right hand cleave to the roof of my mouth, and?" Here catching an? other glimpse of the terrible object, he olotched bis wife and begged in pite? ous tones: "Don't leave mo?don't leave your Likey;" and burying bis face in tbe folds of her dress, he sobbed and moaned himself into a troubled sleep. Then his wife stole gently to tbe corner, picked np the toy snake, snd threw it into the stove. I New Brunswicker. At the instance of Bergh a men hi been sent to the penitentisry for tbret mootbs, for killing his oat. Tbe mm bed a wife end three children depend ent upon him for support, but tbe on bad nine lives. Thought it Must bb Twins.? Pit? man was iu Williamsport the other day, and whife attending, to his busi ness there be had a strong premonition thaisomwthiug ?salbe matter st home, so, in order to seiisfy. J?mself, be de? termined to, rqo 4pwnit0' t?5iW?delpliia oh tue next train. Iu tfco meantime, hie mo/tber-in law seut him a despatch tff jot: "Another daughter has cd. H*uueh Is poorly; some at unco " The lines wtiro down, however, aud the de^patoh was held over, and m*n\>while Pitman arrived home, and found Ins wife doing pretty well, and . the nurse walking around with au infant a day old. After stay? ing twenty-four hours, and fiudiug that everybody w~a tolerably com? fortable, he returned to Williacusport without uny thing being s-ud about the despatch, his motber-ia-law supposing, of course, that be had reoetved it. The day after bis urrivul the Hues were Used, and that uigbt be received a de? spatch from the telegraph office dated that vary day, uud conveying the fol? lowing intelligence: "Another dsugu? ter bus jant urnved. Hannah is poor? ly; come home ut once." Pitmau was amassed und bewildered. He couldn't understand it. Uu walked the floor of his room all night trying to get the hang of the thing, aud the more he considered the subject the more he became alurmed at the extraordinary occurrence. He took the early traiu for the oily, aud during bis journey was in a ?t?te of bewilderment. When he arrived he jumped iutoacab, drove (urioosly to the house aud soared his mother iu-law iuto convulsions by rushing in in a frenzy aud demanding what ou earth had happened. He was greatly relieved to find that there were uo twins in the nursery, aud to learn how the mistake occurred. But he is looking uow for the telegraph operator who changed the date of that de? spatch. Pitmau is anxious to meet him. He wants to sen bim about sometbiug.?Danbury News. Effect of Nervous Influence on the Heart.?Experiments made with muoh care and precision, show that the circulatiou of the blood is accele? rated or retarded by nervous influenoes in a manner which before was ouiy vaguely suspcoted. More recently, the investigation of this subject, made by M. Marcy, in relation to the beatiug of the heirt uud its connection with rnusoular exercise, fever and the vio lent emotions of anger, fear, joy, ?fco., all of which, bo says, exercise a duect action ou the peripheric circulation, have cxoited peculiar interest. M. Marcy does not consider variations in the beating of the heart, to be due to any change in the activity of tbo heart itself, bat says it is certain that changes in the general circulation take plaoe under the influenae of moral emotions, the face becoming red or pule, eto. These well-known changes rnnut entail variations iu the frequenoy of the beating of the heart, a~ that the power which moderates or acoeleratea the contractions of the heart, be thinks, can be no other than the oon tractillity of the vessels of the whole body by nervous energy. Doomed and Desperate.?Joahu.i Fraser, who is under seutenco to be banged in Camden on the 26th of March, recently tried to commit sui? cide by strangling himself. He pre viously maJo uu lutffcctual effort to escape by working through the ceiling iuto the garret, and theuco out of the ton of Hie jf Johu R Lyuub, assistant sur? geon iu the United States army; bat removed to Charleston in 1818, where he ha* ever sines resided. Three sisters of Dubnque are so set iu tbeir temperance principles, that they raako the hired girl smell the. breath of every youog gentleman caller" and report the result before admittance to the parlor can be obtained. Pardoned.?William James, con? victed at the August term of the Die* trict Court at Greenville S. C, of sell? ing liquor without paying the special tax, aud sentenced to six months im? prisonment and to pay a fine of 81,000. has lieou unconditionally par? doned by Prctddout Grant. "C. O.gD."?A youog lady trans? lated, "Call On Dad." The tdamp of otvilizitiou?Tbo postage stamp. Enclose the postsgo with your Biib ?usriptiou?Duilv, six mouths, 25 cents; j Tri-Weekly, 15; Weekly, 10 cents. I Perry & Slawson's HALF DIME CIGARS! i I nAVE 5 oents and got a better Sruoko thau hoi t luturc fur 10 ccnte. Bold ?xolusively by PEtlhY AHLAWSON, r*el) 10_Columbia, 8. C. Naphtha Lamps. Gr A S LIGHT. AUA8 LIGHT at much less expense. T?ese LA Mt*H are in different styles and wnll adapted for Stores, Offices, Entries and Koonia. Each Lamp ieof itself a gas manufactory. The oil is fad through a tnbe or pipo, at the end of which the burner oonverts it into gas, which burns with a brilliant white dame nearly equal to the heel coal gas, and surpassing many coal gas lights. Fur sale t>y M. E. CAHR, . Feb 1?; :):in? 57 Bridge street. Chicora Tribe, No. 2, Improved Order of Red Men. AltEDULAK COUNOIL FIRB of Ohi cora l'rilie will be kindled at their Wigwam, (odd Follows' Ball,) 7th Ban, tilth M. . D, Know Moou, Q. 8. D. 384. By ordern', the Sacliam. A. n. HALLADAT, Fnli 111 1 Chief of Records. Acacia Lodge, No. 94, A. F. M. Sk AN EX Tri A Communication of this ?/%r Lodgn will be held at Masonio Hall, ^|7\TiIlK (Tuosday) EVENING, at 7 o'clock. Tbo K. A. Degree will be conferred. Uv order of the W. M. Fob IG 1 F. M. I)BENNAU, Ja.. 8ec'y. ?S^SES?TV lSIBBPENDENT Mgk THE regular month raraS E?3ly meeting will bo held T?"^HHHE\at| evening on,<7 wy^^^^^^^|o'olock^ Border: irtjo itt l_ _Secretary. Capital Building & Loan Association. TU K fortj-sixth monthly meeting of the S took holders of this Association will be held at the Hibernian Hall, THIS (Tues? day) EVENING, at 7J o'clock. Dmea re ooived and money loansd aa usual. > W. B. OATHGABT. Fab 1C1 Secretary and Treasurer. Bacon, Flour, Ohetat.