The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, January 13, 1875, Image 4

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THE PHOENIX, Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, THE (H^AMR, Every Wodnettday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY, Editor and Proprietor, Offloe on Richardson St.. near Taylor, n ti-?- ; ?-THePnasH? ia.the oldest Daily Paper n -loath Carolina, hae. tbo ^ajsqebtgiuou lation in tho upper portion of the State, and has been rogularly leaned since ite in? ception? March Si, 1865. . , BUB80BIPTIO1I. Daily, a it tnontha, ti; Tri- Weekly, 2 50; Weekly. 150. ADVERTIBttMEHTB Inserted In tho Daily at $1 a square of nine linoa for first, andSOoentaeaoh subsequent Inaortion; it not exceeding five line* in length, 75 oente. Long advertisements by the week, month or year, at leas rateB. SSarr'agss, Funsr*-*! invitations. Ac. SI. ST Book and Job Printing o! every de aoription faithfully attended to. AOSHXfl. Jullua Poppe, Anderson. Bo bort Bryoe,8partenburg. J. A. GriKeby,Ridgoway. E. A. Scott, Hewberry. H. W(. Lawaon, Abbeville. Taralnrj oVar ttoo New Leaf. The year begins, t turn a leaf All over writ with good veaolVea; Zaoh ^ fulfill will bo in chiof My aim. whtlo earth it* round revolvea. How many a leaf Pre turned bofore. And tried to make the record true; Each year a wreck on tlme'e doll ahore Prove much I dared, but little knew. Ah, bright resolve! How high you bear The future's hopeful e tan dar don; How brave you etaVt; how poor you wear! How 800*0 are faith and courage gone; Yon point to deeds of eaorlfice, You shun the path of careless ease; Lentils and wooden oho oe? la thia The fare a hnssn soul :t? please? What wonder, then, if men do fall, Where good is ever all austere: While vice is fair and pleasant all, And turns the leaf to lead the yeai? Yet still once more I turn tbe leaf, And mourn to walk tbe batter way; I struggle withpldunbelief. And strive to* reaoh theperfeot day. Why should tho road that leads to Heaven Be all one of aterilo aand? Why not. j not here and there, be givon A rose to deck the dreary land? But why, repine? Others have trod, i With aorer feet and heavier sins, Their painful pathway toward (Jod? My pilgrimage aaow begins. Failure and failure* hitherto, Has time inscribed upon my leaves; I've wandered many a harvest tbroagh, And ??v?i fiVUmU 'gathered sheaves; Yet onoe again a leaf f turn, Hopo againot hopo for once sucaeas, One merit-mark, at least, to earn, One sunbeam In the wildorness. "Papa ia dead." suddenly exclaimed the little daughter of Mr. Jones, a sur? veyor in the Nova Scotia Government employ, tho other day. The mother I hashed the ohild, bat in a few min a tea | the little one repeated the worda an* phetioally. Daring the same day, in? telligence oame that the father had been drowned, while attempting to oross a small lake on the iae. No. 15 W III P0BTBAIT8. PHOTOGRAPHS. STERE? OSCOPES, Ac, Copies from Old Pic? tures made any size and style as cheap as anywhere elae, Gome and see the new I RembrandtorBhftdoTT Picture Something atill more beautiful,'Rembrandt Olaco. Ba tisfaotion guaranteed or no monoy asked. Deo 4_:W.P. HIX. Art Gallery. 107 Hain Bt?,^extto Wheoler House. KSTABtilBbEO IN 1845, AND STILL IK THE FIELD. ? ? '? ? WJTH A'XARQE and well'se 'looted Htook of'first bias FURNITURE, Parlor,Be< room and Dining Room | _F Sets, whiob will be soldval' ?ow as any house in the country for cash. NovlQ ; ' j M. H. BERRY. Cottage Houeo, 1 No. 15_ Washington St., next Masonic Ball. .The undersigned has/ re-opened 'this eatab-' liehment, and informs jtho public that he is prepared to eupuiy mem with the very best of WIN EH, LIQUORS, SEQABS, TOBACCO, etc Oys? ters in every style, aud at all hours. Bo freshments of various kinds. Give a oall. OctSl O. B. FRANKLIN, Bup't. wnp'a otrnav w BAmVvm ? .29*0. 41 Riehardson Street, between Lady I and Oervuis Streets. HAYING replenished my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars, Ac, having also flvea proper attention to my Restaurant, am now prepared to furnish my friends and the pnbllo generally with the best the 1 markets afford. Oct IT_WM. M. FINE. Agent. Springs, Axles and Iron. OUB atook or SPRINGS and AXLES, as I well as IRON of all descriptions, is very large. Purchasers will save money bj \ proouring these goods, as well aa Carriage Material, at the Hardware Establishment of\ Nov28_JOHN AGNEW A BON. Raisins, Primes, &c. OAA PACKAGES LAYER RAISINS, Auw Prunes, Currants, Citron, Almonds. Peoans. Filberts, Walnuts, Cauton Gingor, Minoo Meat, Plum Pudding, Ac . Jnet reoeived and for sale low by Deol_JOHN AGNEW A SON. New Orleans Molasses. K/> BA3BEL8 choice new crop New Or tP\J leaea MOLAHHES, Just reoeived direct from New Orleans, and for sale at wholesale and retain Deo 6_JOHN AGNEW A SON. Imported Wines, Brandies, Eto .Etc SCOTCH WHISKIES, Old Jamaica Bum, Brandies?Otard, Ao., ?=?? ?mt7 Hollaed Gin. mm Wine,Port Wine. Madeira Wine, i Also, a large stock of fine old whiskies, Cigars, Ao. J. O. 8EEQER8. Five hundred barrels ol "Solomon'o J7anoy"flcnr, jriafc received. New is' the time to boy, ea flour ia ohoapb/ than in ten years, at Hnrdy Solomon'e*. TBE CLEARING OUT S?LE , ? i ... OF i BEBIDES BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS, Continued for Fifteen Days Longer, At the same EXTREMELY LOW PRICES At which thoy have boon offered DURING THE PAST MONTH. At ukI" th? original prico. Bargains in Linen Damasks and Towels. A few pair of fine BLANKETS, Tory otaeap. Beet CALICOES, only 10 conte. Beat 8TANDARD LONGCLOTHS. at tesB than regular prioee. Ladies' UNDER-GARMENTS, only half former prioee. "W* ?-?? JILadies' Black SILK BACKS, at IC, $8 and 10. Real LACE SETTS, $2 CO, 13 and f4. Gents' fine DRESS 8BIRTS, lees than you^oan buy them any whore else. Ladies' and Genta' Merino UNDER? WEAR, cheap. Gro Grain RIBBONS, all colors and widths, at half prioe. Great bargains in CARPETS?TAPES? TRY BRUSSELS, $1.25. Ladies', Genta' and Children's fine SHOES are going off rapidly at tho re duoed prices. The Btook is yet vory attractive, notwith? standing the immense sales out of it tho past month. Please call and examine for yonrself at old stand of R. C. SHIVER A CO. Jan 6_C_ THE GREAT SOUTHERN If GOODS HOUSE. FURCBGOTTT, BENEDICT & CO., 275 King Street. Charleston, S. C. TITE CHEAPEST DRY WOODS, NOTIONS, OIL, CLOTHS. CARPETS. MATTINGS. RUGS, Ktc, THIS SIDE OF NEW YORK. For prices, see local._8ept 4 t6mo Nos. 3 Broad Street and 109 East Bay Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. i First-Class Work OUR SPECIALTY, TF.T, BY VaiNO CHXAPCT OBAD 13 OF STOCK, : . WS CAN FURXISH WORE AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. FINE FASHIONABLE STATIONERY, Piries Paper and Envelopes. . Redding and <?aU invitations OH the oest stock and printed in the LATEST STYLE. a?pt 4_My IUAKER A GREAT MEDICINE GIVING INSTANT UELIEP. IT is tho most wonderful MEDICINE ?over known, and possesses a curative power unequalled in tho history of rente* ; dies. For sale onlv at Deo 16 f HEINITBH'S Drugstore. MONEY TO LOAN, On Marketable Collateral EXCHANGE on Now Y uk, Bultim-re, Philadelphia, Boston ami all pimub nent cities of tko United St at en and Eu? rope bought and sold. DEPOSITS received and interest-bearing I certificates isBued. STOCKS, DONDK, GOLD and SILVER [ bought and Bold. ACCOUNTS of morchaute and others from the city and connlry solicited,,and LIBERAL LINES OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK., j Corner of Plain and Richardson htrout b, VURK CALIFORNIA POUT. ~.'Deo 18 J. 0. 8EEOBR8. JUST RECEIVED Another lot of I AND LATEST STYLES HATS. THEBE GOODS aro folly TWENTY PER CENT. UNDER RSGULAR PRICES, and it is no ose throwing away money for common clothing, when yon can buy for the same price goods selected by ourselves, which an experience of thirty years in the business in this city enable us to select goods bettor adapted to tho wanta of thia com? munity than thoBB of loss experience. We are offering bargains in BOYS' CLOTHING, FROM 10 TO 15 YEARS. No one can afford to wear an ill-fitting HHIRT. when, for tho expenditure of a trifle more, he can purchase a garment that will fit and givu satisfaction, which an experience of thirty years proveB. CAFE OVERCOATS at all Prices. Direot from tho manufactory, TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET-BAGS OUB CUSTOM-MADE GARMENTS Cttuuot bo surpassed South of the Poto?r>?c, _R. &. W. O. SWAFFIELD. CLOTHING AND HATS FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. ?NDBR-WE?R! NECK-WEAR! CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS! LATEST STYLES ! LOW PRICES ! Broadway Silk Hats. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH. EiN?HD Sc IaTIXiET. please take notice THAT THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK! OF MEN'S AND ROYS anm. in en in hats, That ever came to Columbia can be found at D. EPSTIN'S, Under Colombia Hotel, and is being sold at the Lowest Prices. Every Department is replete with the Choicest GoodR of tho season, made expressiv for this market, and for the Fall and Winter of 1874-1875. Re convinced of this by calling on D. EFM'IN, The Popular Clothier. VIA CHARLESTON, S. C, TO AND FROM ' BALTIMORE, PUJLADELPU1A, NEW YORK, BOSTON, ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Ttoree Tlmrin Week from New York?Tucntu y .Thursday und Snlunluy. jgg-Kli uunt Hinte Itoom Arconinodatiuni I Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston.") TOTAL. CAPACITY, 40,000 ha AIOKTHLT. The South Carolina Railroad Company, AND connecting Roads West, in alliance with the fleet of thirteen first claes Steam? ships to the above ports, invite attention to the quick time and regnlardeapatcb afforded to the buainoss public in the Cotton Statte at the PORT OF CHARLESTON, offering facilities of railand sea transportation fi?r rrci^ht and Passenger* not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers regularly on tho line: TO NEW VOIIK. CHARLESTON_Jas. Berry, Commander. 1 CHAMPION.R.W. Lockwood,Com'er. JAMES ADQER...T.J. Lockwood, Coin'der. | MANHATTAN... M. S. Woodhnll.Com'or. JAMES ADGER &? CO., Agent*;Charleston,8. C. GEORGIA. S. Crowel!, Commander. | SOUTH CAROLINA..T. J. Beckett.Com'der. WM. A.COURTENAY, WAGNER, HUG ER & CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. C. Sailing Dayf Wednesdays and Saturdays. TO PIIILAOELPIUA. Iron Steamships ASHLAND. Alex. Hunter.Com'r. EQUATOR.JC HinckW y.Com'r. Sailing Dave?FRIDAYS. WM. A. OOURTENAY, Agent, Charletton, S C. TO hai.timohk. FALCON.Hainie.Commandcr. | SEAGULL_Dutton, Commander. Sailing Days?Everv Filth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, 3. C. TO BO?TOS. Steamships MERCEDITA and FLAG. Sail every Saturday. JAMES ADGER A CO.. Agents. Charleston. S. C. Bates guaranteed as low as those of competing lines. Marine Insurance, one-balfof | I one percent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be prolured at all the principal Railroad OfrletH iu Georgia, Alabama,Tennessee and Mississippi. State Rooms may be eecured iu advance, without extra charge, by addressing tho Agents of the Stearnnhipa in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickctssbould be exchauged and Berths assigned. The Through Tickets by this route include Transfers,Meals and State Room, while oil ship-hoard. THE SOUTH CA KOI. IN A KAIUtOAI), OKOltGIA ItAM.ItOAO | And their connecting lines, have largely increased their facilities for tho rapid move* mcnt of Freight and Passengers between tin Northern cities and the South and West. Fitst Class Eating Saloon at P.ranchvllle. Oil the Georgia and Sooth Carolina Rail? roads, first class Hleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred f i ?>ni the ft earners to da;, and night traint of the South Oaroliua Railroad". Clo.^o connection made with nllu r Road*, delivering Freights at distant points with great proniptuete. The manage* * tin- evejy cxertif nto satisfy their patrons that the line via Charleston cannot he surpassed i i ? despatch aiu'.thcsafe delivery of goods. For further information, applj to T. J. G Bin in. Winten Agent. Atlanta. On.; R. D. Habell. General Agent. P. O. P.< x 4 '.)71>. Office !>17 P.roadway. N Y.: S. B.Pickknh, General Passenger and Ticket Agf-nt. South Carolina It nib i ad;c>i J. M.SELKIRK Super? intendent Great Southern Freight and Passenger Liu e, (hi richten. S.O. Jan 3011y rose's hot^7c?i?MBIA, s. c7 WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. tri m Another First Class Hotels-Fare 50 a Day, including Omnibus Ride. ITUATED NBARTHB CAPITOL and in the centre of the bushir no part of tho city. _' Rose's Omnipqf, will convey, passengers to and from every Trafo, Tho Ladles' Apar^nentsirecpmplete.wlth prlvateontranocoh Asscmblystrect, Tho BILLIARD and BATET ROOMS'arc all oew and superior to any in ;he city. April 6 I TO THE READING PUBLIC* ?If you Want a Thorough Newspaper; subsckibe fob the phoenix, Daily and Tri-Weekly; or Issned every Wednesday, IN COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLINA The Phcenix is the oldest daily paper in the State, and ban been regularly issued since March, 1865. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, By Telegraph and Mails, from nearly all parte of the World; together with FULL MARKET REPORTS; Besides well selected Miscellaneous and Reading Matteb, of intereat to everybody, will be fonnd in theae publi? cations. The Daily usually contains twelve columns of reading matter; the Tri-weekly twenty-four, and the Week? ly forty-eight. THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent writers; while speuiul attention is given THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Taken ns a whole, no betteb ob hobe HATISFACTOBx investment can be made, than a subscription to one or tho other of tbeBo publications. They uro Conservative in politics, und aru devoted to the best interests of tho Slate. The following aro the TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. Daily Phcenix.$4 00 Tri-Weekly. 2 5U Weekly GiiRAnbr (-18 coinmus).. ? 1 50 These papers wore the first issued in Columbiu, in 1SG5, after its partial de? struction, and buve beim regularly published ever siuce. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY Throughout middle and upper Counties of the State, and uro excellent MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. The Phoenix has a greater circulation through the upper purt of South Caro? lina than any other daily paper. Mer? chants andotbers will find its columns an admirable means of communication with the peoplo of the entire up-coun? try. Advertising rates are reasonable. Send udvertiBements marked with the number of insertions desired, and tbey will be stopped upon the expiration of the time. Office on Richardson street, between Taylor and Blending. JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor. Have your Job Printing done Home. especially when Style and Price are the Same theIFh?enix Book and Job Steam Printing Office Is thoroughly supplied with POWER PRESSES of the Latent Improvement; TYPE of various grades and styles from one foot to the fiftieth part of an inch in Pizo; BORDERS, CUTS.&o.; Black, Colored und Transfer INKS; PAPER, CARDS, &o. Work executed at chortest notice, in intent and hpnti stylea and at New York nricea. CALL and EXAMINE SPECIMENS of 1.2,3 and 4 Sheet Posters, nand-bills, I Programmes, Circular*!, Pamphlets, Bills of Fare, Briefs, Letter Heads, Dodgers. Bill Heads, Checks. Horso Bills, Receipts, Labels, Railroad Blanks, Legal Blanks, Tags, Cards all kinds and sizes? Wedding, Visiting, Business, Show. JULIAN A. SELBY. Proprietor Prcenix and Glkaneb Establishment State of Sooth Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, State Tbeabtjbee'b Office. Columbia, December 18,1874. TUE Coupons of tbe Consolidation Honda of the State of Booth Carolins, due January 1,1875, will be paid at that date on presentation at the Treasury, and at the Bouth Carolina Bank and Trust Com? pany, Columbia. S. C, and also at the People's National Bank, Charleston. B. and tho National Park Bank. New York. The Coupons duo July 1,1874, on all Con? solidation Bonds, issued in exchange for old bonds, will be paid whenever presented at any of the above mentioned places. Tbo Coupons of the Consolidation BondB ?Ine January 1 and July 1, 1875, are receiv? able for taxes. F. L. CABDOZO, Dec 20 Treasurer B. O. CONGAREE IRON WORKS columbia., 8. C. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFACTU? RER OF STEAM ENGINES, SAW AND GRIST ? MILLS, GIN ^Gearing, and all kinds of Iron Castings for Ma? chinery and Or? namental Cast? ings for Stores and Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens and Cemeteries, Iron Settees and Arbor Chairs; also, Braes Castings of all kinds. Bells for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, Ao. Ouaranteo all my work first class and equal to any North or South. works at foot of Lady street and near to Bouth Carolina and Greenville A Columbia Railroad Companies' Depots._Not 13 The Short Line Schedule. Chablotte, Colombia & Aiousta R. B.Co. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 28, 1874. THE following Fas tftfeBiigerSchodnle will he operated on and after this date: going no jit ii Train No 2 Train No 4 Leave Augusta.9.30 a m 4.15 pm Graniteville... .10 10 a m 5.11pm Col'bia Junct'n. 2.18 p m 19.05pm Colombia. 2 45pm 9.17 pm Chester. 6 34 p m ArriveCharlottc.0.00 pm No. 2 Train makes close connection, via Oharlotto and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 6.06 A. M. No. 4 Train makes clone connection via Wilmington and Richmond to all points North, arriving at New York at 5.16 P. M. going booth. Train No 1 Train No 8 Leave Charlotte.8.60 am Chester.11.02 a m Winnsboro.12 58 p m Arrive Columbia.2-42 p m Leave Columbia.2.62 p m 8.40 a m Col'bia Junct'n 43.17 p m 4 16 a m Graniteville. .. .17.15 p m "7.48 am Arrive Augusta.8.05 pm 8.45 a xa South bound Trains connect at Augusta for all points South and West. Through tick et 0 sold and baggage checked to princi? pal points. aa~ Sleeping cars on all Night \ Trains. JAB. ANDERSON, General Sop. A. Pope. Gen. Passenger and Ticket Agent Wilmington, Columbia and Aug R R GENERAL PASSENOER DEPART., Columbia, S. C, Not. 24 1874. THE following Sche ' dulw will be operated on and alter this date: ,, going kobtu. tbain jto 2 tbain no 4 Leave Columbia. 8 80 am 8.15 pm Floronee.1 10 p m 12.60 a m Arrive Wilmington.... C.45 p m 7.10 am ooino south. thais no 1 tbain so 3 Leave Wilmington. 0.40 am G.lOpm Florence.12.60 p m 11.40 p m Arrive Columbia.5.10 pm 4.00 am Train No. 2. from Columbia, is an accom? modation to Florence,and there connects closely with N. E. R. K., and at Wilmington with W. tt W. R. R. to all points North. Train No. 4 from Columbia is fast Ex? press, makiug tbionghconnections,aUrall, North and South, and water Hue connec loustjtfl Portwontb. Train No. 1. from Wilmington, connecta j closely at Florenco with N.E. R. R. for Charleston, and is an accommodation train thonoe to Columbia. Train No. 3, from Wilmington, is a fast Express, connecting clo'sely from ui.d to all points North and South. Through tickets sold anu baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman sleepers on night trains. Train No. 2 leaves Columbia daily, Bud days excepted. Express No. 4 every night. JAB. ANDERSON, General Sop. A. Pope, Pen. 1'asBonger and Ticket Agent Greenville and Columbia Bagreed CUANOE OP SCHEDULE. *V ' P AS SENGER ^TRAINS run dally, bnndaysexcepted, connecting witL Night Trains on South Carolina Railread op and down;. On and after Friday, August 28, the following will be the (schedule: OP. LeaveColumbiaat. 7.20 am Leave Alston. 9.05 am Le^vfcNnwborry.10.81am Leave Cokosbury... 2.06 pm Leave Relton..8.60 pm Arrivc-atGrcenville.5.80 pm down. LcavcGreenville at.G.80 a m Leave Belton..8.30 am Leave Cokesbury.10.13 am Leave Nowberry.1.80 pm i Leave Alston. .. 8.08 pm Arrive at Columbia.4.?30p m Anderson liranchand Blue Ridge Division down. up. LoaveWalhalla . 4.45 a m Ariive7.15 pm Leave Perryvillo 5 30 a in 0.86 pm LoavoPcndleton 6.10 a Hi 5 60pm Leave Anderson 7.20 a m 4.50 p m Arrive at Relton 8.10 am Ltavo 8.60 pm Accommodation Train? run on Abbeville Branch Monday, Wedncsdaj anc Fridsy. On Anderson Branch, be tween Belton a%id Anderson.Tni.j^ay, Tbnrt-rinv and Satur? day. THOMAS DODAMFAI), Gen. Sop. Jabkz Nobton, General Ticket Agent. Change of Schedule. I South Caboliina RailboadCompakt, u Columbia, S. C, October 18.1878. Change Sohedulo to go into effect on and aftur Sunday, 19th instant: mail and paubknokb tbain. Leave Colombia at....8.40 am Arriveat Charleston at.4.20 pm Leave Chariest on at.9.00 pm A rriviat Columbia at.6.00 pm night express,fbkiobt and accommopa tiow t?*ik, Sundays excepted. LeaveColumbia.7.15pm Arrive..6.80 > ? Arrive Charleston 7.10 p m Leave..6.4 6 ?> n Oamden Trainirnrs Monday, Wednesday and 8aturday, as follows: Leave Columbia 1.50 pm Arrive 11.60 am Leave Daaden 6.60 am Arrive 6.35 pm 8.B. Pipkins. General Ticket Agent. PTJftB OAblFOKNIA ASOKLtCA. Deo 18 J. 0.8EEGEBS.