THE PHCENIX, Published Bail* and Tri-Weekly, THE GLgANgR, Every Wednesday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Editor and Proprietor, Offico on Richardson St.. nearTaylor. . -?i 49-ThePugbsix is theoldest Daily Paper j n South Carolina, has the lahoest cnton xj1tiom in the upper portion of the Btate, and has been regularly issued Binoeite in? ception? March 21,1865. stjbbobiption. Daily, six months, $4; Tri-Weekly, 2 50; Weekly, 1 50. ADVEnnOEMENTS t Inserted hi the Daily at tl a square of nine linos for first, and 60 cents each subsequent lnoortion; if not exoeeding five lines in' length, 70 conio. Long advertisements by I the TTGok6 month or year, at less ratos. MarrioKPe, Fanorol invitationa, &o., SI. MW Book and Job Punting ol every de- ] ?erbation faithfully attended to. ?onrrs. s Juliuo Poppe, Ander sou. H. W. Lawson, Abbeville. MaxTj AHB arguments.-?Northerc lopons G.30 A. M., 8 P. M.; oloees H.A.:M..6P.M. Charleston opens8 A. M., 5.30 P. M.;olos6B8 A. M.,0 P. H. Western opeUB 6 A. M., 1 P. M.; closes 6,1.30 P. M. Qreenville | opens 8.45 P. M,; closes 6 A. M. Wil? mington opeos 4 P. M.; oIobos 10.301 A. M. On Sunday open from 2.80 to | tm Tho Hon. Daniel Elliott Hoger died othia rssidonco, in Georgetown, on 25th nit. He. was the son of Daniel Elliott Hoger, who commanded the foroes in South Carolina in the war of 1812, and was afterwards made Judge of one of the State Circuits, and subsequently elected to. the United States Senate. Mr. Thomas Bradford Welsh, a na? tive of Charleston and an artist of some notoriety, died in Paris, last month. Dr. ? Tiotor- Fourgeaed, an? other . native, of Charleston, died in San Franoisco, on tbe 2d. John Bull is so jealous of our recep? tion of the King of Hawaii that tbe Svkan of Zanzibar is to be cleaned np and clothed for a visit to England. Supplies for City Institutions. OCTTKOTT: OHAHBEII, S, CoLUzmrA, 8. Ui, January 2,1875. CtJBALED proposals to tarnish the Oily O Alms House and Hospital with sup loo, for three months, will be received at e City Clerks' office, np to 12th inst. Any information relative to said supplies can be obtained from Alderman Swygert, Chairman of Oommittee on Alms Bouse. . also, ' Sealed proposals for furnishing froah beef. ,. ? Bids must be sealed and marked on the cover,''Proposals for furnishing supplies, Ac," or Vproposals to furnish fressb beef." BIOHAKD JONES, Jan 8 ? _City Clerk. Hew Books, at Bryan's Bookstore. XTfTOBKIHO'tO Win, a story for giv.B, VV ; $1.75... Hiatreoo of the Maneo, by Dr. Holland, author of Arthur Oonnycaetlo, $1 50. A History of Germany, from tho Earliest Times, by Onarlton Lewis, $-2 60. Manual of Mythology, Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindoo, Egyptian and Old German, by Mtirray, Prairie "and Forest, tho Game of North America, with adventures in their pursuit, by Gillmore. $1 50. Health and Education, by King hi ey, $1.75. Hogarth's oomplete works, in throe vo? lumes. The Wild North Land, by Major Butler, with plates, $2.60. History of Clubs and Club Life, London. Book of Wonder? ful Characters, with portraits. Tho Slang Dictionary, historical and anecdotal. Homes and Haunts of the British Poets, London, and other new books. Nov 1 CAB LOAD CALIFORNIA Wine, Brandy & Champagne JUST RECEIVED direct Jttom California. These Wines and Brandies are made of de , lioions grapes of California. ? Por sale by Deo 18 j. O. SEEGEBB. LOOK! LOOK 11 f1,200,000 IN PHIZES! mEE GRANDEST SINGLE NUMBER jL SCHEME ON RECORD, will be drawn in public in Bt. Louisen march 81,1875. ?ApitAL prize, ????.?u?: Missouri State Lotteries? Legalized by State Authority. VTTRRAX vn&B& & CO.. Mana'rs. _ ST. LOUIS, MO. ' 1 Price of..$100,000 1 Prise or. 50,000 1 Priseof. 22,600 1 Prize of. 20,000 5 Priesa of.. 10,000 10 Prizes of. 6,000 20 Prizes of. 2.600 100 Prizes of. 1,000 And 11,451 oiher Prizes Of frsm $1,500 to $50. Amounting in the aggregate to $1,200,000, Whole Tickets, $20; Halves, $10; Quar? ters, $5. Prize payable in full and no postpone? ment of drawings take plaee. Address, for Tiokota and Circulars, MURRAY, MILLER A co.. p. o. Box 2,446, St. Louis. Mo. Jan 5 _jsramo . ; Vew Orleans Molasses. KA barrels choioo new crop New Or? ?U leans MOLASSES, just reoeiyed direct from Neu Orleans, and for sale at wholesale and retail. Dec* john aonew A SON. Lnnk Aftar Yr.^r BtnmaCh. TIB finest Medlolnal Confeotlon In the world is at:Hetnlteh'e. Chocolate for lunch, Chocolate for tab)?. Walnut Nougat, I Piotaohe Paste, Cocoa Caramel, Cream Chocolate, Althoa and Mallow Drops, Solu? ble Gam Drope, Oongb Confeotions, Gin ';. gjerr Drops, Eng. Mini Drops, flnoot Extract VanUla, finest Extract Lomon, forealo at HEIMITSH'S Drag Store. Dr o 221 Subscribe for the Paauax. Payment of Coupons. TBEAS??EB'S OFFICE, , Cnarlotte, Colombia A Augusta r. R , Colombia, B. O., December 27,1874. THE Coupons of the booda of thle com? pany, trbioh becomo due on let Janu? ary, 1875, will be paid on that day at the Central National Rank of this city, or at the office of Mosers. M. K. Jesup, Paton & Co., New York, or at the First National 1 Bank ot Charlotte. N. C, or at the bAukina | house of Messrs. John J. Cohon & Sons, in Augusta, Qa. C. RODKNIOHT. Deo 2910_ Treatsror. City Taxes. CITY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE. Columbia, S. 0., December 1G, 187-1. NOTICE is hereby given that the books are now open rot the returns of the Tax-payers of all property taxable by the City of Columbia for 1875. Property-hold? ers and all othors interested are notified that their returns must be made before tho 15th day of January, 1875. Blank forms can be had on application to Deo 17 RICH. JONES, Oily Aascaeor. City Licenses. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK,T. & A.. Columbia, S. O., December 29,1874. NOTICE is hereby given that tho City Olerk and Treasurer in prepared to issue LICENSES for the year 1875, and the attention of all parties concerned is called to the following, viz: An ordinanco to con? solidate the office of City Clerk, City Trea? surer and City Assessor into one office, &e. Extracts: "Section 4. Be it farther ordain? ed. That it shall be the duty of the eaid City Olerk, Treasurer and Assessor, aa City Treasurer, to collect the taxes levied thereon by the Mayor and Aldermen of the ?aid city, according to tho ordinances thereof, for the support of its government, and ahall oolleat and reoeivo tho entire revenue of the aaid city, derived from whatever sources." No licenseor permit of any kind will be recognized unless issued from this offioe. All licenses muet be ap Slied for and paid on or before the 6th of anuary, 1875. RICH aRD JONES, Dec 29_City Cle rk and Treasurer. Notice to Holders of Olaims Against j the State ox south Carolina. Offices of Clebks of Senate and House of Refbebentatives, _ Columbia, 8. O., December 23, 1874. puiiouAflx to cuuuuucui resolution, XT adopted by both Houses, the under? signed hereby give notioo to holders of all olaims against the State, other than Rluo Ridge Scrip and Rills of the Bank of the State, to present said olaims at their of fioea, or at tho offioe of the Attornoy-Gene ral, in the citv of Columbia, on or before! tho 19TH DAY OF JANUARY. 1875, for registration. J. WOODRUFF, Olerk of Senate. A.O.JONES, Clerk of House of Representatives. Dec 24_ 107 Main St.. Next to Wheeler House. KSTABLISHKD 15! 1815, AND STILL IN THE FIELD with A LARGE and well se- I I lee ted stock of first class FURNITURE, Parlor, Bed? room and Dining Room Sets, which will be told us low as any house in the country for cash. Nov 10_M._H. BERRY. Imported Wines, Brandies, Etc . Etc SCOTCH WHI8KIE8, Old Jamaica Rum, Brandies?Otard, 4 c., Holland Gin, Sherry Wlne.Pori Wino, Madeira Wine. Aleo, a large stock of fine old Whiskies, Oigara, Ac. J. C. SEEGERS. ft? PORTRAITS. FHOTOGRAPH8. STERE? OSCOPES, &o., Copies from Old I'io-1 tures made any size and style as cheap as anywhere else. Come and see the new HetnbrSttdtor Shadow Picture Something still more beautiful, RembrandtGlace. Sa? tisfaction guaranteed or no money asked. Dec 4_W. P. H1X. Art Oallcry. Cottage House, ! No. 15_ Washington St., next Masonic Hall. The undersigned haa/ re-openod this estab? lishment, and informs _j the public that he is prepared to supply iuem with the very beat of WINES, LIQUORS, SEGAR8, TOBACCO, etc. Oys? ters in every stylo, and at all hours. Re? freshments of various kinds. Give a call. Pot31_O. B. FRANKLIN, Snp't. FINE'S SALOON. No. 41 Ricliardson Street, between Lady and Gervais Streets. HAVING replenished my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars, &o., having also fiven proper attention to my Restaurant, am now prepared to furnish my friends and the public generally with the beat tho markets afford. Oct 17_WM. M. FINE, Agent. MONET TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals. ITtXOHANQE on New York, Baltimore, !i Philadelphia, Boston and all promi? nent cities of the United States and Eu? rope bought and sold. DEPOSITS received and interest-bearing certificates issued. STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD and SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchants and others from the city and country solioited, and LIBERAL LINES OF DISCOUNTS granted by the OBNTBAL NATIONAL BANK, Corner of Plain and Richardson atreote. Springs, Axles and Iron. OUB stock of SPRINGS and AXLES, as well aa IRON of all descriptions, fa very large. Purchasers will save money br procuring these gooda, aa well as Carriage Material, at the Hardware Establishment of Nov 28 JOHN AGNEW A SON. Raisins. Prunes, &o. Oftfl PACKAGES LAYER BAIBIN8, ?t\J\J Prunes. Currants, Citron, Almonds, Pecans. Filberts, Walnuts, Canton Ginger. Mines Meat, Plum Padding, Ac. Just received and for sale low by Deol_JOHN AGNEW & SON. New Bugar-cured Hanu. 1 (\f\ NEW YOBK suRar omred HAM8, m\j\J choice qual?u,]a?i received and ior Swlc by JOHN AGUEW & "O*1 Wanted, Agents, Male and Female, TO sail Pictures everywhere. 14,000 re? tailed by one. Another writes: "I oan make more money in this business than I ean on a 810,000 farm, all otookod." WHITNEY A CO.. Norwioh, Conn. DooO ?? 8mo P ?B.BJ OALtFOEtmA. PORT. ' Deels " f. 0.8EEGEUS. JUST RECEIVED Auen hfl1 lot ot AND LATEST STYLES HATS. -o :o nr\HE8E GOODS are fully TWBNHt Pt?KOENT. UNDER R'.GULAR PRICES, and it _L is no uso throwing away money for uommon clothing, when you can buy for the same prioo gooda selected by ourselves, wbioh an experience of thirty years in the business in thi* city enable as to select goods hotter adapted to the wantB of this com? munity than thoBu of less cxporiouco. W . are nflVring bargains in BOYS' CLOTHIN?, FROM 10 TO 15 YEARS. No one oan afford to wear an ill-fitting SBIRT. when, for the expenditure of a trifle more, ho can purchase a garment that will tit and givu satisfaction, which au experience of thirty yearo proves. OAFE OVERCOATS at all Prices. Direct from thomanufactory, TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET-BAGS our (Moy-ihDE garments Caunot be surpassed Houih ot the Potomac. ?- Sl W. Qe SWAPPIELD, CLOTHING AND HATS FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. UNDBR-WEAR! NEGE-WEAR! CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS! LATEST STYLES ! LOW PRICES ! Broadway Silk Hats. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, AND AT THE LOWEST PBICEB, FOE CASH. SICTARD & WILEY. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE 8TOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS C10TIIE. FIMSHIK HB Mill HATS, That ever came to Colombia nan be found at D. EPSTIN'S, Under Columbia Hotel, and is being sold at the Lowest Prices. Every Department is replete with the Cuoicost Goods of tho season, mado expressly for this market, and for ihe Fall and Winter of 1874-1875. Qo convinced of this hy calling on D. KPnTlN, The Popular Clothier. M CHARLESTON, S. C, TO AND FROM ' baltimore, philadelphia, new yoiik, boston, ALL THE NEWENOLANDNMANtJFAClUHI?G CITIES. 'r Iiot Tluirin W'tfU from New 1 or U? j uckii u y , i ii u > mi u y untl Kuturilay 0?' K Irnnni Stule It ontn Accommodallon? Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston." TOTAL CAPACITY, 40,01)0 BAL.KB MONTHLY. The South Carolina Railroad CompaDy. a ND connecting Road* West, in alliauce with the fleet of thirteen lirst class Steam A. ships to the above ports, invite attention to the quick time and regular doapat eh afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at the PORT OF CHARLESTON, offering facilities of rail and sea transportation fur Freight antl Passengers noi excelled in excellence and capacity at any ot her port The following splendid Oceau Steamers regularly on tho lino: TO NEW YORK. CHARLESTON_Jas. Berrv. Commatid.-r. I CHAMPION.B.W. Lockwood, Com'cr. JAMES ADGER...T.J. Lockwood, Com'der. | MANHATTAN.. M 8. Woodhnll.Com'er. JAMES ADGER if CO , Agents. Cbarleetnn, S. C. GEORGIA. 8. Crowell,Commander. | SOUTH CAROLINA..T. J Beckett.Com'der. WM. A.COUBTENAY, WAGMKIt. HUGElt & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. Sailing Davf Wednesdays ami Samrdavs. TO PHILADELPHIA. Iron iSteameliipe ASHLAND. Alex. Hunter. Com'r. EQTJATGIt,[0 Hinckli y.Ccm'r. Sailing Days?FRIDAYS. WM. A. COU UTEN AY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BALTIMORE. FALCON ..Hainie,Commander. | SEAGULL_Button, Commander. Sailing Days?Every Fitth Day. PAUL O. TRENHOl.M, Agent,Charl?eton,8. C. TO BOSTUN. Steamships MERCEDITA and FLAG. Sail bvery Saturday. JAME8ADGERA CO., Agents. Charleston, S. C. Rates guaranteed as low as those of compoting lines. Marine Insurance, one-half of one per oent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be prolured at all the principal Railroad Ofiicea in Georgia, Alabama,Tennessee and Mississippi. State Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing the Ageuid ?1 the Steamships in Charleston. ?*? whimn offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berthe assigned. The Throngh Tickets by this route iuolnde Transfers,Meals and State Room, while on ship-board. j TUB SOUTH CAROLINA It A I L 51 OA P. OKWItOlA BAlLKOAD Andthoir connecting lines, have largely increased their facilities for the rapid move? ment of Freight and Passengers between the Northern cities and the South and West. FitstClasB Eating Saloon at BrAnchville. mills, gin 'Gearing, and all kinds of Iron Caatings for Ma? chinery and Or? namental Cast? ing* for Stores and Dwellings, Patent Bailings for Garden* and Cemeteries, Iron 8etteea and Arbor Chairs; also, Braaa Castings of all kinds, Bella for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, <5so. Guarantee all my work first olaJs and equal to any North or 8outh. Works at foot of Lady street end sear to Sonth Carolina and Greenville A Columbia Railroad Companies' Depots._Not 18 The bhortLine Schedule. Ohablottz, Colombia A AbousTA r. R. Co. Colombia, S. C, Dec. 28, 1874. the following >Pas 'eanger Schedule will he operated on and after this date:... < ooiNO hobtb Train No 2 Train No 4 Leave Auguata.9.80am 4.15 pm Granitovillo-10 20 a m 6.11pm Col'bla Junct'n. 2.13 pm -10.06 pm Columbia. 2 45 p m 0.17 p m Cheater.6.84 p m Arrive Charlotte.9.00 pm No. 2 Train makes close connection, via ?Cuarlotto and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 6.05 A. M. No. 4 Tram makea cloeo connection via Wilmington and Richmond to all points North, arriving at New York at 6.15 P. M. ooino south. Train No 1 Train No 3 Leave Charlotte.8.50am. ? Cheater.11.02 am Winnsboro.... .12 88 p m Arrive Columbia.24zpTU Leave Columbia.2.62pm 8.40 am Col'bia Junot'n.43.17p m 4 16 am Graaiteville ... t7 l5 p m ?7 48 a m Arrive Augusta.8.05" p m 8 45 am South bound Trains connect at Augusta for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to princi? pal pointa. SGT Bleeping cars on all Night Trains. JAB. ANDERSON, General Bup. A. Pope, Gen. Paaaeoger and Ticket Agent Wilmington, Columbia and Aug B. B GENERAL PASSENGER DEPART., Columbia, S. C, Nov. 24 1874. THE following Sche dnlo will be operated on and after this date: ooino mouth. tu ain ko 2 tbaib bo 4 Leave Columbia. 8.80 am 8.15 pm Florence. 110pm 12.50 am Arrive Wilmington.... 6.45 pm 7.10 am ooino soctb. tk a in ko 1 tbain no s Leave Wilmington.6.40 a m 6.10 p m Florence.12.60 p m 11.40 pm Arrive Columbia.5.10 p m 4.00 a m Train No. 2, from Columbia, is an accom? modation to Florenqa, and there connects cloaelv with N. E. r. R*., and at Wilmington with W.d; W. r. r. to all pointa North. Train No. 4 from Colombia is fast Ex? press, making through connections, all rail, North aud South, and water line connec? tions via Portsmouth. Train No. 1. from Wilmington, connects closely at Florence with N. E. B. r. for Charleston, and is an accommodation train thence to Columbia. Train No. 8, from Wilmington, is a faet Express, ooncecting cloutJy from and to all points North and South. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman sleepers on night trains. Train No. 2 leaves Columbia daily, Bun days excepted. Express No. 4 every night. J AH. ANDERSON, General Bup. A. PorE.Oen. Passenger and Ticket Agent Greenville and Columbia Railroad CHANOK OF BCHKDVLB. PASSENGEB ?trains run daily, Sundays excepted, conntctinf. wnL Night Trains on South Carolina Kailioad up and down;. On and after Friday, Auguat 28, the following will be the Schedule: up. Leavi Columbia at.7.20 a m Leave Alston......9.06am LeaveNewberry.10.81am Leave Gokesbury.... 2.06 pm LeaveBelton. 8.60pm Arr<7" at Greenville.6.80 pm dowh. LeaveGreonville at. 6.3fL>m Leave Helton.8.8? m Leave Cokeabury.lO.lSC m LeaveNewberry. 1.80 pm Leave Alston. 8,08 pm Arrive at Columbia.4.60 pm Anderton Branohand Blue Xidgt Division down. nr. LoaveWalhalla. 4.45 a m Arrive7.1B p m Leave Pern vi lie 5.80 a w 6.36pm Leave Pend let on 6.10 a m 6,60 p Bi Leave Anderson 7.20 a m 4.60 p m Arrive at Belton 8.10 a m Leave 8.50 p m Accommodation Trains run on Abbeville Branch Monday, Wednesday ano Friday. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and Anderson,Tuesday, Thursday and Satur? day. TH0MA8 DODAMFAD, Grn. 8np. Jabt.z Nqbtoh, General Ticket Agent. Chftwge of Schedule." Sobtb Oabouba RailboadComfaft, Colcubia, b. c, October 16.1873. Change Schedule : to go into offooton aud after Sunday, 10th instant: hail and passkbobb tbaix. Leave Columbia at. 8.40 am Arrive a t Charleston at.,4.30 pm Leave Charleston at........09.0tpm irriveat Columbia at. 6.00 pm biobt KxrnKD?, PBKianx and acoomboda tioj jukis, ouudaju excepted. Loave??lumblo.7.15 p m Arrive,.8,30 > a.rrlvs0hatliston*.10pi? Leave..6.45 ? u. Oamdeo Train! runs Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, aafollows: 'L. Leave Oolnmbia 1.60 pm Arrive Jfl.BOam Leave Oamden 6.60 am Arrlvejr 6.85 pm B. B. Pro Bins. General Ticket Agent ? B0KB cAuiroRNiA ahobiiIoa. IP Deo 18 J. 0. 8EEGER8.