THE PHCENIX Pubhahed Daily and Tri-Wsekly, Every Wednesday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Editor and Proprietor, Office on Richardson St.. near Taylor. ?-??. asrTnE Pamxix ie theoldost Daily Paner n death Carolina, has the laboestcxbcu lation in the upper portion ol tbo State, and has bnon regularly issuod since it?iu oeption? March 21,18G5. 8cb60bipt10n. Daily, six months, $4; Tri-Weekly, 2GO; Weokly, 1 50. ad vebtibe menth inserted in tho Daily at f 1 a squaru of nine lines for first, and 50 cents each subaeciuent Insertion; if not exceeding five lines in length, 75 cents. Long advertisements by the week, month or yoar, at los? rates. Marriages. Funeral Invitations, do., $1. #*- Book and Job Printing ol overy de? scription faithfully attended to. aoents. Julius Poppe, Andoreon. Robert Bryoe,Spartauburg. J. A.Grigaby.Bidgeway. E. A. Scott, Nowborry. H. W. Lawson. Abbeville. Charles Howard, a murdeier, in Des Koines, Iowa, who it was believed would escape the gallows, was attended to by Judge Ly nch and a porAy of masked men, on the night of the lith. It was a very quiet affair, the prison officials say. Howard was taken from i his cell and strung up to n lamp-post on the oorner of the street. The gene? ral opinion is, "served him right." THE GREAT~S0U THERN finnnn nnlTfli What is Fame??Tho Freu oh jour? nals are disputing over the proposi? tion to plaoe the statue of Mirabeaa in the Oonrt of Justice of Aix. The Re? publicans insist that this honor is due to the eloquent champion of the revo? lution. The Conservatives argue that bb Mirabeaa had been impriaoned in this town for heinous offences, and condemned to imprisonment in the very court where it is now proposed to ereot his statue, the honor would bo a bad preoedent. Among the elatues|nl ready erected is that of Portelia, who, in passing judgment on Mirabenu, | Stigmatized him as "a bad son uudj a | bad citizen," It would be a singular illustration of the irony of fame if tho ! prisoner who was thero condemned j and the judge who condemned bim should stand side by side in marble or bronze, FURCIIGOTTT, BENEDICT & CO,, 275 King Street, Charleston, S. C. tue ci1kafest DRY UOOUK, NOTIONS, Oll, ul.otiik, CAKPKTS, MATTINGS, RVO!, Ktv.. THIS SIDE OF KEW YORK. For pricos. boo local. Sept4t6mo A great many people wonder how members of Congress grow rich ho ra? pidly on a salary of $5,000 a year. An incident occurred in tho llou:io of Representatives the other day which 1 will throw bo run light on the subject, j Mr. Beck introduced n hill lo puuisb , members of the Senate aud House w'no j engage as counsel iu suits against tbo Government. It was opposed by Gen. Butler, but was passed. What Latlor's i interest in such matters has been may be judged from the official record of the Supreme Court of tho District of Columbia in the Farragut prize cusea. This shows that he prolited to tho ex? tent of 837,221 by the bill for paying them. This item solves the mystery. Nos. 3 Broad Street and 109 East Bay Street, CHARLESTON, S. C FJ^BIT*-"**?8 First-Class Work OUR SPECIALTY, Over forty families live permanently in A. T. Stewart's Garden City, Now York, and accessions are frequent. Yi.T, nv f . wi: CAN FVBN3 :: utt.\nt:.s f.r Ol WollK. AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. fine fashioIblTstationery, Riries Paper and Envelopes. Redding and Ball Imitations cs t,?? nrsr stock at.d rntsTco in rii: LATEST STYLE. ??? ???? ii ? ?? ?? i ? hi n>ap r. Me|t -1 *?!>? Subacribe for tho PneUNiX. HOSE'S HOTBX., OOLUMBIA, S ROSE, Proprietor c. Another First Class Hotel?FareS2.50 a Day, including Cut tutus Ride. SITUATED NEAR THE CAPITOL and in tho centre- of the busim-fce part oj the city. Rose's Omnibus will convev passengers to and from every Train. The Lahes'i Apartments are complete, with privatccntranceon ABBcniLlydrntt. TV-* BILLIARD uxd BATH BOOMS are all new and superior to any in the city. Aurd Q VIA CHARLESTON, S. C, TO AND FROM 7 BALTIMORE, POMDELPMA, SEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Tliree Tillies H \Y ????!* from New V im h? 1 n t -On j .'I'll n . silu y anil SiitnrUuy. a*-K i? k>> ?>' Stute ltoum Aeeoiuiiiotlatiun* Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston." TOTAL CAPACITY,40,000 BALKS MONI ULY. The South Carolina Railroad Company, A ND connecting Roads Went, in alliance with the fleet ofthirtoeu nr.-u clans Steam-, irV. ships to the above ports, iuvito attention to the quick Mmc and regulai dospatuh afforded to the business public in the Cotton State* at the P?ltT Ol' CHARLESTON. I offoring facilities of rail antl se a transportation for Freight and l'as>i n'gei * not excelled in excellence and capacity .it any other port. The followh g splendid Ocean Steamers regularly on tho line: to NRW VOltK. CHARLESTON-Jas.Berry, Commander. | CHAMPION _P.. \V. Loeliwoocl Com'or JAMES ADOEH...T. J. Lockwood, Com'dcr. | MANHATTAN . M S. Woodhull.Cbm'er JA MKS ADO KU A- CO., AuenU.Chiirh-iUMi. S. C. OEORGIA.S. Crowell.Commander. | SOUTH CAROLINA..'J WM. A. GOURTENAY, WARN KB, HUG ER & CO., Agi m?s Charit ?ton Sailing Darf Wednesdays and Saturdars. TO PtllL.ADKI.PfUA. Iron Steamships ASHLAfrf.Aiux. Huute-j ,Com*r. F.GUATORJC Uiiwkh v Sailing Days?FRIDAYS. WM. A. GOURTENAY, Af-i tit. Charleston to u.\i,tinohr. FALCON.nRlnk'.Omnmandef. | KKA GULL_Dntton, Commander. Hailing Days?Every Fifth Lay. PAUL (LTRENHOLM. Agent .Charleston,S. TO BOSTON. Sdoamahips MEBCEDTTA and FLAG. Rail every Batnrdav. JAMES ADO lilt A CO.. Agents, Charleston, S. .1 Becke tt.Cont'd < t. C. Con S 0 Rat os guaranteed ae low an thoitoof couipctiug lines. Marine Insurance, onr-hallnf one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Gan beprolured at all the principal Railroad Ufllces in Georgia, Alabama, IMoe.-see aud Mississippi. State Rooms may be soenred in advance, without extra charge, by adrin-rtdi u ? l>c Agents of tho Steamships in Charleston, e.t whose offices;, in all cases, the ltsUroad Tickets should be exchanged and berths aesipned. The Through Tickets by tido route include Transfc. a. Meals and Slain Room, while on ship-board. THE SOUTH CAKOLI.NA KAM.ltOAD, UKUItOIA liAlt.ltOAD And their connecting Hum, have largely increased their facilities for the rapid move? ment of Freight and Passengers between the Northern cities and the Booth and West. First Glass Eating Saloon at Branchville. On tho Georgia and South Carolina Rail? roads, first class Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from tbo steaniereto rlny and night trains of the South i Carolina Railroad. Cloee connection made with other Roads,delivering Freights at distant points with greet promptness. The manago-r will use every exert lento satisfy their patrons that the line via Charleston cannot be eurpsssrd in despatch nnclthesafu delivery of goods. i For further information, apply to T. j. Griffin. Western Agent. Atlanta. Oa.; B. D. Hasclx.. General Agent. P. O. I5ox 4 ?79; Office S17 Broadway. N. Y.; S. B-Tickens, General Passenger and Ticket Agfnt. South Carolin a Railroad; or J. al.Sci mits Snper intendont Great Soatborn Freight and Passenger Line,Charleston, s. C. Jsr 30 tly i JUST DECEIVED Another lot of AN I' LATEST STYLES HATS. THESK GOODS uro fully TWENTY PEIt CENT, UN DEI! REGULAR PRICES^ and it is no use throwing away money lor common clothing, when yon can buy for the eamo prico goods selected by ourselves, which an experience ol thirty yeais in the bnsiness in this city enable tin te sulect gooda better adapted tu the -van: .7 of thi- com? munity than those of less cxpuiience. We are. offering bargains in BOYS' CLOTHING, FROM 10 TO 15 YEARS. call an coxvixcejk No one can afford to wear an i!i-:Dth < SFIIRT,when, f>o ;;???(?>.;? u Uiu: ? ?; tri more, ho can purchase a gni re.: nt that ? '.'.i lit and give satisfaction, which au v t per it nci of thirty year.- prove-. CAPE OVERCOATS at all Prices. OCR CUSTOM-MADE GAIIME.VTS ? Cannot he surpassed S >nth o! the Tot- ma* TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET-BAGS Direct trout the manufactory. R. & W. 0. SWAPPISLD. De? 10 CLOTHING AND HATS FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. IT N D 33 R-W EAR! N 23 O K-W i3AR! CELEBRATED STA II SHIRTS! LATEST STYLES ! LOW PRICES ! Broadway Silk Hats. LARGEST STOCK IK THE CITY, AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH. Km ARB & WILEY. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE nnHAT THE LAUGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK: Ol' Mi NV AND JL HOYS IV That ever camo to Columbia can he found at i D. EPSTIN'S, i Under Columbia Hotel, and it being sold at the [Lowest Prices. i livery Department Is replete with tho Choicest Goods >?! ihe si is^u. sn.i '.i 'ai res*1} i for this maibet,and for the Fall and Winter ol P>"1 is::.. ! .? eouviund ol ;his \>\ I tailing Oil KI'VI'IN, Tin- I'opillttr ( InOm i . The Palmetto Line?A New Fact Passcrger Route Between till Points in South Carolina and Charleston. I ^?tvcntW'SVrti THE atttiti>?n <>i the (ravelling pub'.ie I 4^< itvar &,"n? ll" hiw.f the vvil.mixotos. i ciiAtt I tTTCSj^lW^-^ S?a*BSgFT^rTt^I^t3l MffTB, tOl.l \MHIA At t;i xTA KAIL I mf^d^im *wTtt?g?-?HeK?AD?i,-jj-?;a, c.?laniblii. i? iiivllecl to the i speeiat arrangements made for their convenience and aeeoinmodaiiou in visiting Co? lumbia and Charleston, in the shape of DOl'ltLP. DAILY FAST PASSENGER TRAIN'S j I'.etween Columbia and Churl sion e nun "ling closely at Columbia wtiti the Charlotte, (Columbia ,v Augusta and Grflenvilhi and Colmnhia Railroads, enabling the citizens along the line ol thoCheraw A* Darlington. North-f nslein, and Wilmington, Columbia A Augusta Railroadsi to iii-it tho capital ol the State, have ample time In transact busi? ness and return home the same da>. Also, the inerehsfds und hu-iin .-- men of Coluni hia and along Charlotte, Columbia it Augusta and Wilmington, Columbia .V Angus!h Railroads tu visit Charleston and return quickly, in i eomforiable manner and without loss ol time. Tho following is the schedule: GOlNfi KART. Leave Charlotte. S.yo A. M. Arrive at Columbia. 2 12 P. M. Leave Columbia. Sir. P. M 5 00 P. M. S.:lo A. M. Leave Florenco. 12 45 A. M. 1.10 P. M. Arrivo at Charleston.? 0 15 A. M. 7.00 P. M. GOING WEST. Leave Charleston. ? 00 P. M. 7.00 A. M. Leave Florenco....12.00 A. M. 12 50 P. M. Arrive at Columbia. 4 00 A. M. 9.30 A. M. 5.10 P. M. Loavo Columbia.15 30 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte. 6 15 P. M. A. POPE, Dec 4 lmo General Passenger Agent. TO THE READING PUBLIC! If you Want a Thorough Newspaper, suijsoribb for THE PHOENIX, Daily und Tri-Weekly; or IsBued every Wednesday, IN COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLINA The Phuinix is 'be oldest daily paper iu the State, and bn:? beeu regularly issued since M'ircb, 1S05. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, By Telegraph and Mails, from nearly | all part-; ol tbo World; together with f?ll market reports; Besides well selected Miscellaneous aud Rkauino Matter, of interest tu everybody, will be found in theee publi? cation?. The Daily usually contains twelve columns of rending matter; the Tri-wcekly twenty-four, nod tho Week ly forty-eight. THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent wiitei.*; while special utteutiou is given tiil; local department. Taken us a whole, no better or m->ug SAT! -V : roRY investment cuu be made, lly.r.i n stih.-ci iptiou to one or the other ? ; these publications. They uro rvc.tive iu politics, und are devoted ! > the beat interests of tbo j State. Tho i-.Slowing are the TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. D silv Phoenix.Si 00 TrUWi fitly. 2 00 Week'y it leaner (Its columns)... 1 50 These papi rs a-ere the lirst issued in Colnml:: t, iu li?t},>, alter its partiul de structuiu. mid have 1.,'i.n regularly I published ev r since. They LTROULA'I ? EXTENSIVELY ' Tbroaghout utiddli and upper Counties! 01 t!j : Stu ?, itLol :t!t- excellent 1 MEDIUMS I OR ADVERTISING. ; !?:>:.-. has a greater circulhtiou j t;.. uppol part of South C.'aro . ?..;.?>? tlitify pujrr. Mer il hers will liod its columns' d ? meitns Printing clone Honie. KSi'i CIAl.LV W ilEN a nd Isrice are tile Same THE PHOENIX Rook and Job S?te am Printing Office Is thoroughly supplied with POWER I PRESSESoI the Latest Improvement; TYPE oi Various grades aud styles j from one fool to tho littieth part of an inch iu size; HOUDERS, CUTS. Ac.; I Pluck, Colored and Transfer INKS; , PAPER, CARDS. Ae. Work executed at shortest notice, in intest und best stvles and it New V,Gen.Sup. J'.vr.v.:?. Nobton,General Ticket Aun t. The Short Lino Schedule. CllABl.oiik, Coi.lMlitA it AfCVSTA It. R. Cc. Colombia, s. C, June 28, 1S74. ^ kSSSfiS^k TliE following Pas 4^^.fi"JSStfl^\a-4 esngeu Schedule will be operated uu and alter tide date: ooino nobtu J s:n No 2 Train No ~ Leave Augusta.45 a m 4.15 i> m Granitcvilh.*8.13 a m 5.11 i> m Ced'hia Junct'n.32.20 a in tOtSpm Arrtvt Columbia.12 f.Op m 9.17 p m L< ave Columbia. 12.42 a 111 Winnaboro.2 49 p m < h-.-ti-r.J4 29 p m A r'i iveCharlotte.10.45 p m No. 2 Train makes close conned ion, via Charlotte and Uickuiond. to all vointa North, arriving r.! New York 6.05 A. M. N.?. 4 Train makes close connection vie Wiimingtou and Richmond to all poiuts North, arriving st New York at 5 15 I'. 31. ooino south. Train No 1 Train No J Leave Charlotte.8.50 a ui Chester.11.02 a m W innsboro.12 88 p m Arrive Columbia. 2 42 p m Leave Columbia. 2.52 pm 3.40 am Col'bis Junet'n .}3 17 p m 1 15 a m Graniteville . ..17.15 p m "7 48 a m Arrive Augusta.8.05 }> m 8.45 a m * breakfast. JfMnner. tSnppcr. South bound Trains connect at Augnsta for all points Smith and Weft. Throngh tickets Moht and baggage checked to princi? pal points. AV Sleeping cars on all Night Train*. JAS. ANDERSON, Ger.ei al Snji. A. Porn,Gen.PaBsengcrandTicket Agent Summer Schedule S. & U.R.R., CTwaggfjj-: DOWN TRAIN til TJtAlb *iSEiz'sa^ Arrive.Leave Arriv? Lean Spartauburg.. 31.00 2 45 liatcbvilk-.11.82 11 35 2.37 2.5C Pace Jet. 3 1.40 11.46 2.(5 2.It Jonesvitle- 12.15 12.22 1.S8 1.S5 Uuionville. 12.{5 1.10 12 30 12.15 Hantuc. 1.42 1.50 11.45 11.(5 l ish Dam. 2.12 2.10 11.10 11.20 Shcltoi. 2.2S 2.35 10.47 J0./5 Lvlee'Ford... . 2.4? 2.53 10.24 10 ?2 Strothers. 3 07 3.15 10.00 If.30 Alston. 4(0 9.10 June 25 W. W. DAVIES, Sup't. Change of Kcheoule. BoCTU CaUOLINA 1.A1LBOAD Ce>MPANY, Columbia, b. C, October 18.1873. I^fl?HBlEHB?lftt Cl;uu!'1' Schedule jpgjgg W VWTjfig* to k" into e-flecton audaftei Sunday, 19th instant: MAIL a N D PASSt?NO ! :> tb A IN ? j Leave Coiumbiaat. 8.40am ? Arriveat Cbarlostoti at.4.20pm Leavi Charleston at.?.Ot j m > i rivt At Columbia at.6.10 stein Exrnrss,pbeiobi and accojimoda tion, Sunday e c\crt tee! Leav? Columbia.7.15 pm Arrive. .0.31' i m j Arrivt Char ley ton 7.10 p m Leave.. (1.4 5 a m 1 Cainden Trainl rune Monday, Wednesday I and Saturday, as follows: ! Leave Columbia 1.50 pm A i.rive 1150am Leave Camdeu ?.??sni Arrive- 0.35 im S. 1/. PlOKINH, General Tieki I Agei t. _ Piedmont Air-Line Railway. rv* par&x>u,~t, CON DEN sEl> TIM E O^yvSaff^^Sai ^J ABLE, Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R.W.,N. C. Division,ami Noi ih WesteiL N. C. IS. W. GOING NORTH. s?7ATle?ns UAH. EXVBKMl Leave Chariott(.7.10 P M 0 25 >'? Leave Salinburj. '.?M l- Si 8 34 A M Leave-Greensboro. 1 -in A : : f 1 h GMIMI SOUTH. Leavt Richmond. 2 M> P M 6.10A M Liave UurkvHle. 5.341 M h^A J.' Leave Danville. 10 41 P SI 12.67 J' 81 Leave Orrctislori._2.15 A M 4.f0P M Leave Salieburv. 4 57 A M 6.22 I' M Arrive at Charlotte.. . 7 20 A M 8 S( A M GOING EAST. Leav* Greensboro_ 1.45 AM 11 10 A V. LtaveCompanv Kin.)'.- 3 30 A M All2 ?01 M Leave Raleigh". 8 05 A 11 Arrives! Goldsboro.. .11 (5A M GOING WEST. Leave GohLboro.4 t 0 V M Leave Raleigh. 7 45PM I.eaveCompanvShops 32 05 A M 2.16 i M Arriveat Greensboro. 1.30 A M 8.80 P M T^ ave Oreensboro3 40p m Arrive 10.80 a ni Leave Kernersvilk 9 00 a m Auive 5.10 s ni i Mailtrainsidaily.botli ways, overertire longth of road. Express daily between Comnanv Shops and Charlotte. Sntday? excepted.S- E.ALLFN Gen.Ticket Apt T. M.IR.TAIC^t. Rnr?ineerand Gen n Hew Sugar-Cured Hams. 1AASEW YORK sncar-curcd HAMS, IIIU choice quality, junt received and for sale by JOHN AGNEW& 80N.