THE PHCENIX, Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, Every Wednesday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. ' Ed 1 tor and Proprietor, Office on Biohardson St.. near Taylor. ?orTHR Pbwntx id theoldoat Daily Paper n South Carolina, ha* the ToABOKSToruoc uihok tn tho upper portion of tho Btato, and has bnen regularly issued since iteiu oaption?Mirob ill; 1865. BUBScuirnot;. . Daily, at\ months. W; Tri-Wookly, 250; Weekly, I ISO. " \. i: &nTEnrrsEaiK5T?i Inserted Ln,Ujo Daily at M a square ot nine linos for first, ami CO cents each uubaequont inttervlon; If not cice-edins five lines in tesgih, ??oeuts. Long advertisements by the week,, month or year, at less rates. Marriage*. Funeral Invitations, Ac, $1. SW Book and Job Printing ot everyde Hcri^tien faithfully attended to. AORKTH. Jqiius Puppe, Anderson. Robert Bryoe.Spartaabnrg. J. A.Grigaby,P.ldgoway. R. A- Scott, Newberry. IL W. Lawson, Abbeville. nagnanlmllF rnOM TRK ABABIC, BT BAOHEL r?SmOT. Outside his oamp, one day. Asleep the Prophet lay. Sudden he woko, and fol Above him stood his foe Stood Dorther, with drawn blade: "Who is there now?" ho said, "Mohammed, thee to save From Dorther and the gravel" or pnnud. Cvgare, from $20 to f?0 per thousand. PERRY & 8LAWBON, Indian Girl Cigar Store, Dec 1 Columbia, K. C. Springs, Axles and Iron. OUR stock of SPRINGS woli ae IRON of all descriptions, is uarjf large. Purchasers will save money b3 prooorlug Ihese Roods, as woll as Carriage Rkaterial, at/?e Hardware KttaMishmenl of Nov28 _ JOHN AGNEW A SON. MONEY TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals EXCHANGE on New York. Haiti more, Philadelphia, Boetoii mol all promt neut cities of the United Hiu!?-s and En rope bought and sold. DBP08ITS received and inUrest-bearing fiuHifioatcs lesucd. STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD and SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchant* and others from the olty and country solicited, and LIBERAL LINER OF DISCOUNTS granted by the ORNTRAL NATIONAL BANK, Oerner of Piain and R[ol^?rdeon streets. Subscribe for the Vaavsix. THE PHCKNIX Book? Job ?od Nnwapapei Msain i PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! PPPPPPPPPJ* i PPPPPPrPt* P PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP I PPPPPPPPPP I pppppprpp PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP ppppppp ppppppp i THE r rojii i?:ior I of (h? J' has ihoronghly fit tod I lue onicc with tho t.Rfoet Improved Material for doing all kinds Printing. RRRR RRRRRR ?RRRRRRRRR RRRR RKRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RR RR RRRR RR Bit RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRR RRRRR Type, Border,Ornament?, Cnti". A of MODERN STYLE and carefnlly mImm d. niimiiraiii inniimiiiii ininni uiimii nnmii ininin innnn nirnni nirnm iniiuiinnii IIILIITTTTinil The Pr teeoe are of t b e moi t approved patterns?Adame, Hoe and Liberty?including Platen, Bed and Cylinder,j and are properly maduRcd. NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NN NN N N NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Professional Mou, Merchants and Mnun facl tirors snpplli-'i w it h > nj at yli of wor k. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTITTTTTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT T TTTTTTTT IT T TTTTTTTTTTTT Large.* lock every kind Cards,Card Hoard, utc., . whito and *eolori-d Ta IIIIIIIHIIIIJI in mini urn IIUIIIII IIIUIIII iinimi nimm [IUJIID iininii iiiiiim iriniiiiiinn niiniiiniui >Ytth the large amount id mat trial on hand, the styie, quality und coet or work cannot failto give hatislaction. NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Ordartf t omabroad will receive immediate attention, and work promptly f or w a xh il GGGGQGGO GGGGGGGGG GGGGG GGGG<; GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GUGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG GO GGGGGGGG GG Thih is the only in the interior where one, two, aboot CIRCUS. Ac, can be pat plain Black or and examine J.A.MBLRT. Establishment, of the State, threo and fonr SHOW BILLS, up in style Colored. apneimeuf Proi?r!*lri. The Palmetto Line?k New Fast Paaaenger Route Between all Pointein SoBth Carolina and Charleston. TBE attention of the travelling public alona the lino of the WlkUlN?T?!*, CO A.TJMAIA 4i AD?UBTA AND CHAII bU*lTE,CObtJMHtA&At(iUhT.\ HAlLr koads, and at Colombia, ie invited to tbe special arrangements made for their convenience and accommodation iu visiting Co? lumbia ahd Charleston, in tho shape or DOUBLE DAILY FA?T PASSENGER TRAINS Betweon Colombia and Gharlaetoo?connecting closely at Columbia wtth the Charlotte, i Colombia A Augusta and Greenville and Columbia Railroads, enabling the citizens I along tho lino of the Cheraw & Darlington, North-eastern, and Wilmington, Colombia i A Augusta Railroads to visit the capital of the State, have amplo time lu transact bnsi i nese and return home the samu day, Ainu, tho merchants aud butiness men of Colum? bia aBd along Charlotte, Columbia A Augusta, and Wilmington, Columbia A Augusta ! Railroads to visit Charleston and return quickly, in a comfortable manner and without l loss of time. The following is thoschedule: GOING EAST. Leave Charlotte. _8.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia . . 2 42 P. M. Leavo Colnmbia.? r !,5 v" ?.3U A. M. ( 5 DO I. 31. Leave Florence.12 43 A. Bf. 1.15 P. M. Arrive at Charleston. ti 30 A. M. 7.ou r. 31. GOING WHSf. Leave Chai ieston. 7 00 P. H. 7 CO A. 3*. Leavo Plorenco.12 00 A. M. 13.C0 P. M. Arrive at Columbia ...) 4 00 A.M. 5.10 P. 31. < 9.30 A. M. Leavo Colnmbia.12 30 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte.ti 45 P. 31. A. POFE, Dec 4 1 mo Omer?. Favstneor Agent. CLOTHING AND HATS * loi; MEN. YOUTHS AND BOYS. ?NDER-WEAR! NECK-WEARI CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS! LATEST STYLES ! LOW PRICES ! Broadway Silk Hats. LARGEST STOCK IK THE CITY, AaD AT THE LOWEST PRICES, FOB CASH. EINARD fit WILEY. T PLEASE TAKE NOTICE RAT Trill LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF MLX'S AND JiOYti CL8TK. nHMIK CQQOa All HATS. 1) Li ever raise to Columbia ca,u be L-utoi at D. EPSTIN'S, iUne+1 ?.'t-.onvi'ih Hotel, ?r.:: le being bold at tlit Lowest Prices. Every Department is replete with tho Choi.eet Ooode of tbe e*s*oti. made expressly for this market, and for tbe Fa.ll Mid Winter of 1P74 if?7G. Be oonvinofd of thin by I calling on I?. KPS.TIH, Tlae Popular OtoUtlrr. ROSE'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA. S. O. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor Another first Class Hotel?Pare $2.50 aDay.incinding Cmnibve Bide SITUATED S li Alt THE CAPITOL aud iu the centre of the businnes part ol the city. Rose's On. libua will couvev passengers to aud from every Tram. The Labea j Apartments are complete, with private? id ranee on Assembly* tr? tt. TI ?? LII J.fARD ai d i LATH ROOMS are all new ami rupetior to any iu tbe city. April 5 VIA CHARLESTON, S. 0., TO AND FROM baltimore, philadelphia, sew york, bostw, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Tlirn Tlni. i,n Wrrk frolll ittW "V cm I-1' u ? ?O it > . '1' 1) n ? niMi > iiml Milunlu) . 4?'Klr(:uMt Ntttt? Itnuill A? ? Oil) modi* I tu n? Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston." TOTAL CAPACITY, 40,000 HAI.ICS MONTHLY. The South Carolina Railroad Company, j AND connecting Roads Wist, ill a I lit- nee Hilh the licet ol thirteen brut class Steam I ships to the above ports, invite Mtt?* to the quick lime anil regulardespatch I afforded to the bns.t other port Tbe follow Um splendid Ocean steamer? [regularlyon|tli?line: ' TO.WKW voiik. CHARLESTON... Jas. Bei i y. (Voiunander. | CHAMPION ... B.W. I?ockwood,0om'i r. JAiMEH ADOEB.. .'J . J. Luck wood. Com'det. ! M AND AIT AN .. M.S. Woodbull.Coru'er. JAMES ADO EI? .*. CO .Agents, Charleston, S. C. ?GEORGIA. S. Croweil, Commander. | SOUTH CAROLIN A..T. J. B?cket t.Com Vier. WM. A. CO ?BTEN AY. WAGNER, LTD ER A CO.. At:r ntf. Charleston, S. C. tailing Dayf Wednesday* und Saturdays. to PIULAOKI.PIIIA. Iron Steamship; ASHLAND. Alex. Hunter, Com'r. 1-gUA'i OR.JC- Hint Lb \ tNini. s*iiiiiX Da>?- -FRIDAY*. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent,Charleston,* < . TO UAbTINOKK. FALCON.Ualnie,Commander. 1 SEA G ULI.button, Commander. SatUiig Days- Every Fill li Day. PAUL O.TP.KNHOLM, Agrnl,ChaiUstrtt..S. C. to UOhTOn. Steamship* 3IEBCF.DITA rn ' flVi > ill Georgia, AihbflDift .Tci.litssee mid Mississippi. staU> Booms may be. secured in i.*'.v?o, i ion.' i;' iiirs ihaij/e, b; addressing tlif ! Agents of tho Steamskips in Charleston. ?i when muIcoh, in all eases.thu ttailroad Tickets should bo exohatiK^d ahd Borths asri.-tu i?. 1 he Thront-h J'ieliets 1>> u,> r-oute inelude Transfere,Meals and Male Boom, ?bi l< Of A UAIL1IOAI? Audtlu^r oonnecting lines, have largely iocieasxi il.c ii tsrililii .-f. i th< rapid move mont of Freight and PassenRers betwen ibe ^-ottlurii eiiiessnd th?. WeMcrn Ag?nl. At laid a. Gh.; B. D. ' Ha.kk.ll. General Agent. P. o! Boi 4 07'.*; Oflion .'.II Broadway. N. Y.; S. B.Picseks, General Paseenger and Ticket Aueut. Kotitli Orelins }thilt/ s<':ei J. M. Hit i tnx Super ' .e(ej Jen (tin: K< i '1 en Freipht Paetr; {>? i t.iM Ct arjf-f ?.. i.. J- (' ^arSOity TO THE READXN8 PUBLIC! ? ~?? ? If yon Want a Thorough Newspaper, HtlBSORIBB YOU THE PHOENIX, Daily and Tri-Wetkly; or Issued every Wednesday, IK COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLINA Tlie PnutKlx is the oldest daily paper j in the State, aud La i been regularly issued sineo March, 1865. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, 1 By Telegraph and Mails, from nearly all parts ot tbo World; together with' FULL MARKET REPORTS; Besides well selected Miscellaneous and Reading Mattes, of interest to everybody, will bo found in these publi? cations. The Daily usually contains twclvo columns of reading matter; the Tri-woekly twenty-four, and the Week? ly forty-eight. THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent wi itere; while special attention is given THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Tukou us a whole, no nnTTEn on atom; FATisrACTonx investment can be made, than a subscription to ono 01 tin* other of these publications. They aro Confcorvntive in politics, und aro devoted to tbo best interests of the State. The following uro the I TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. Daily Plkkkix.81 OU Tri-Weekly.2 50 Weekly glean!!]! (48 columns)... 1 50 These papers were the first istmed in Columbia, in 1805, alter its partial de? struction, and have hewn regularly I published ever since. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY jlhroaghont middle and upper Counties I of tbo State, and are exoelient MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. The I'iukmv baa a greater circulation j through tho upper part of South Oaro I lina iJum any o?vr daily paper. Mer? chants andothers will find its columns un admirable means of oommnnication j with tho peopio of tho entire np-conn try. Advertising rates ore reasonable. I Sund advertisements marked with the number of insertions desired, and they will bo stopped upon the expiration of j the time. Office on Richardson street, i between Taylor and Blending. JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor, j Have your Job Printing done Home. I ESPECIALLY when Style and Price are the Same i THE PHOENIX Hook and Job Steam Printing Office . Is thoroughly bupplied with POWER j PRESSES of the Latest Improvement; TYPE of various grades and styles j from one foot to tho fiftieth part of an I inch in size; BORDERS, CUTS. Ac.; I Black. Colored und Transfer INKS: ; PAPER, CARDS, fco. Work evented ?ut shortest notice, iu latest and best I styles and at Now York prices. CALL and EX A MI NE MPKCJ M ENS of 1, *2, ;l and 4 Sheet Postern, Haud-billn, i Programmes, Circulars, Parnphlots, j Bills of Fare, Briflfn, Letter Heads, I Dodgers. Bill Hnuds, Checks. Horso Bills, Receipts, Labels, I Railroad Blanks, Legal Blanks, I Trrr, Cards all kinds and sines? Wedding, Visitinpr, Bnsiness, Show, i JULIAN A. SELBY. Proprietor ? Phxknix and Gi-VAjewi Katoblisbment Wilmiagtan, Columbia and Aug B B GENERAL P/ r skNGEli Dkl ABT., CoLmBu, b. 0., Nov. 24, 1874. TU K following Bcbe dolu will bo operated on and after tbie date: GOIKO XORTH. TRAIN JTO 2 1BAIH MO 4 Loavo Columbia. 8 80am 8.16 pm Florence. 1 10 pm 12.50 a m . Arrivo Wilmington.... C.45 p m 7.10 am OOINO SOUTH. TBAIN NO 1 TBAIN NO 8 Lravo Wilmington. 6 40 a m C.lOpm Floronce.12 CO p m 11.40 pm Arrivo Columbia.?.lUpm 4 00sm Tram Mo. 2. from Colombia, ie an accom? modation to Florence, and tberc connects closely with N. E. lt. lt., and at Wilmington with W. Leave Porrjvillc 5 30 a to (5.35 p n. LeavePendloton 0.10 a in r> 60 p n. Leave Anderson 7.20 a ni 4.50 pm Arrivo at Belton 8 10am Leave 3 50pm Accommodation Trainp rnn on Abbeville Branch Monday, Wednesday ten Fridav. On AndcraoD Branch, between Belton and Anderson.Tueedav. Tbnrtday and Satni day. THOMAS DODAU FAD, Gen. hup. JABgg Nqbtox. General Ticket /sent. The Short Line Schedule. COASLOTTR, Coi.ClIBIA &. ACOCaTA K. R.Ce. Coldkbu, S. C, June 28, 1874. THE following Pas 'canger Schedule will be ! operated on and after this date: CSQIBO NOBTii Train No 2 Train No 4 L?i?ve Augusta.7.45 am 4 16pm Granitevillo_'8.13 am 5.11pm Col'bia Junot'n.12.20 a m 49 (5pm ArrlveColnmbia.12 80 pm 9.17 pm Leave Columbia.12.42&m Winnaboro.2 49pm Chester.14 20 p m Ar rive Charlotte.fG.46 p m No. 2 Train makea cloao connection, vi* . Charlotte and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 6.05 A. M. No. 4 Train makea oloae connection rla WilmingtorJ and Richmond to all point* North, arriving at New York at 5 15 P. M. going aooTif. Train No 1 Train No il Leave-Charlotte.8.60 a m Cheater.11 02 a m Winnaboro.12 38 p m ! Arrive Columbia. 2 42 pm 1.4 &ve Columbia.2.52 p m 3.40 a m Col'bia Junct'n. 13 17 p m 4 15 a id GraMiieville ...?7 15 p m *7 48 a m i Arrivo Augusta.8.05 p m 8.45 am ! "Breakfast. ^Dinner. tSnpprr. South bound Trains coni-cct at Augusta . for all points South and West. Through ; tinkrta Hold and baggigo checked to princi? pal points. ?r Sleeping carp on all Night I 'liains. JAS. ANDERSON. General Sep. I A.Popx.Gen. Passenger and Ticket- Agei.t Summer Schedule S. & U.E. E., agSBBE DOW^ TitAiN ?r trau gMi rW Arrive.Leave Arrivi I.eavi Spartanbr.rj:.. 11.Of1 '1 45 Bateaville.Ji.t'j n -2.17 2.i-o Pace let- 11.4P u.if, %u> JoncsviUe.... V2.16 12 iv l.Sh 1.-.' 1 Unionviile-... li'fft 1.10 12 3c- 12?5 Hantuc. 1.42 1.60 11.4b 11.'C Fish Dam... . 2.12 2.1? 11.10 11.2? Shelton. 2 28 -J 35 it.47 10.15 I Lylep'Ford .. . 2.46 2..'.:; JD.2-; 10 f 2 Strother?. "07 :;.15 ib.w if-1?' ?.lnton. 4 10 9.10 June 26 _W. W. DAVIEB, Kiip't. Chance of Schedule. SOCTII llAUtiUNA it.Ml KOAJiCoMI AM , Columbia, S. C, October )8. )873. QkaHfflnlffit Change Sohedul* 4fiSfSt2!S!3Kzi52Z5 to g;; ;uto Lr.? ,; 1 (, 1, anoailei .Sunday, l'Jtli instant: M AIL AND PAH.Sr.JCOVh T11AIN. Leave Columbia at.s.+Oaiu Arriveat Gharleatoi) at. .4.20pm Leave Charleston at.9.?I pm A rriveat Columbia at.u-eOim MOUT KXPBltSS, FKEIOHT AM; ICCOMVPPA rtos train, Sunday* excepted. I LeaveUolumbi? .7.15 p m Arrive, fs.3f' > >? j ArriveCharleatoii7.10 p m Leave..?1.45 ? n. i Camii&d Traini runs Monday. Wt oner dn j j and Saturday, an follow*: 1 Leave Columbia 1.50 pm Aitiyt 11 60aui ? I.esvoCamdrn i:60am Arrive 6.86 pm S. B. Pipkins. Uonoral Ticket Agent. Piedmont Air-Line Hailway. r* 'J ABLE, hichmond am! Danville, Bichmond and Danville R. W.,N. C. Division,and North Wetten. N. C. 11. N\ . GOING NORTII. STATION.? MAIX. I Xl'Kl P> Leave Charlotte. 7.10 P M ? 25 A >i Loavo Sallahnr>. ? 6H i' il H ?4 A > Leave Greensboro. 1.40 A M 11 luA h Leava Danville. 4 '.\2 A M l.t<2 P i. Leavo Bm kville.?.44 A JI C 10 T W Arriveat Richmond.. .12-45 P Bl 1'30 I ?i GOINU SOUTH. ' Leave Richmond. 2 30 P Al 5.10 A 51 ' Leave Burkville. 5.34 P ?I 8 28 A Al Leave DanviUo. 10 41 T Bl 12.67 V K ! Loavc Oreenaboro_2.16 AM 4.00 P JO ' Leave Salisbury. 4 67 A M fi.22 P W Arrive at Charlotte.. . 7.20 AM 8 80 A BT j GOING EAST. I Leave Greensboro_1.45 AM 11-10 A > Leave Company BUope 0 3C A BIA112 r.v] hi . Leave Raleigh. 8 05 A M i Arriveat Goldeboio.. .11 06 AM I GOING WEST. Leave Gcldtbcro. 4 to ?' J1 Leave Raleigh. 7 45 1' Bl LeavrCumpanyShopt> 12 05 A M 2.1.. P V Arriveat Oreenaboro. 1 30 A M 8 SO P ? ; Ticave Oreenaboro3 40n m Arrive ltl.HO a n ! Leave KerneravilleO 00 a m An ive 6.10 a 11 i Blsiltraine daily, both ways, overontiii : length of road. Exprepi- dally betw?r i Companv Shopa and Charlotte. Sunday ? 1 cxcepte>ri.H. R.ALLEN Gen.Ticket Agt T.M.PR.'rAJon'r. KnminnerartdGe?. 11 Flour! Flour!! Flour 1 i! ilAA BARRELS FANCY PAMILJ 111" FLOUR, ground from aeleoted uew Wheat, iuat received and for aalj s? redneed price* bv JOHN AGHBW 4 SON.