The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, December 02, 1874, Image 6

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THE PHOENIX. PublUhsd Da?y and Trf-WaeUr* Every Wednesday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Editor and Proprietor, Office on Richardson St.. near Taylor. svThePboisix is the oldest Daily Pauor n South Carolina, has the labqestcircu i??tion in the upper portion of the Statu, and has been regularly issned since its iu ooption?March 21,1805. subscription. Daily, six roontha, $4; Tri-Weekly, 2 50; Weekly, 1 00. A D Vi.KT I f l:M ests Inserted in the Daily at $1 a square of nine lines for firat, and 50 cents eaoh subsequent insertion; if not exceeding five lines in length, 7? cent a. Long advertisements by the week, month or year, at less rates*. Marriages. Funeral Invitations, Ac, $1. SOT Book and Job Printing of every dc goription faithfully attende d to. agents". Juliaa Poppo, Andoraon. Robert Bryco.Spartanbnrg. J. A. Grigbby, Ridgoway. E. A. Scott, Newberry. U. W. Lawson, Abbeville. Special Meeting Ctty Council. Council Chamo eb, Columbia, S. C, Nov. 30, 1874. Counoil met at 8 o'clock P. M. Present?His Honor the Mayor, John Alexander, and Aldermen Brown, Carr, Carroll, Cooper, Davis, QriQln, Pugh, Purvis, Simons, Swygert, Thomas and Wells. The Mayor stated that the meeting was called to consider the bond of Richard Jones, City Clerk and Trea? surer elect, Arc. The Committee on Ways and Means presented the bond of Mr. Jones, ac? companied by a certiJcato from D. B. Miller, Clerk of the Court, that the sureties thereto were amply sufficient. On motion of Alderman Pngb, the bond was accepted. The committee also reported the re? port of the City Treasurer for the month of November, 1874, examined and found correct. Confirmed. Alderman Griffin moved to make all approved claims receivable for all past due debts to the city, except special in? terest and water rents; which, on mo? tion of Alderman Purvis, was laid on the table. Ou motion of Alderman Thomas', the City Attorney was directed to no? tify the contractor for city water to tnrn over to the city, in good condi? tion, the old Water Works, which re? verted to the city November 23, 1874. The City Clerk and Treasurer elect appeared and was sworn in. On motion of Aldermau Brown, Connoi! adjourned. WALTER R. JONES, City Clerk. Meeting at Edgefield, S. C.?A large and enthusiastic meeting was held in Edgefield, S. C, yesterday. Indignation was expressed at the base charges against tho white people and the arbitrary arrest of citizens. Speeches were made by prominent citi? zens, among whom was General M. C. Butler, who said the charges of out? rages in Edgefield County were utterly false and without the smallest founda- ! tion, and showing that more intimida? tion had been practiced by tho colored than the white people. ? committee was appointed to report at a meeting, to be held next Monday, with instruc? tions to obtain all the facts in regard to the intimidation of voters on elec? tion day by the Radical party, find out how many gin-houses, dwellings nud barns had been burned since the elec? tion, and other matters. [Auyustu Constitutionalist. The great St. Bernard pass over the' Alps, at which place the loss of eleven lives is reported by telegraph, runs from Martigny to Aosta,"forty-seven miles, and attains an altitude, of 6,770 feet. It was crossed in 1800 by Napo? leon, with 30,000 men, and is well known for its hospice and dogs. Tho Alpine passes have been the scene of many serions fatalitiee. Nearly a hun? dred of McDonald's troops were buried by avalanches while crossing the Splu egen in December, 1600. ^?????????????? JOHN AGNEW & SON, WHOLEHALK, LIO,t'OK DEALERS, CALL the attontion of purohasers to their large stock of tine Bye and Bour? bon WHISKEYS, from the colebratod dis? tilleries cf John Gibson, Sou A Co. and the ?annil Distilling Company, together with a large assortment of Rectified Whiakoys, New England Rom, Doaioctic Gin, Old Holland GIN. Jamaica RUM, Rarusay's Old Scotch WHISKEY, tilierr* and Madeira WINES, CaUforniaand Imported CHAMPAGNES, Imported ALES, PORTER, Ac. For sale at low prices by Not 20 JOHN AGNEW A SON. Drugs, Paints, Oils, &c. WINTER BLEACHED SPERM OIL, Pure Linseed Oil, Neats Foot Oil. Olive Oil, Sweet Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil. Wholesale and retail at Oct 31 E. H.^EINITSH'S Drag Store. Look to Your Blood, There is Life in it Tet! ^TfTITHOUT pure Blood no flesh is froe f*f from disease. The "Queen's Dfdighf'is the greatest Mood Purifier. If your blood is poor, watery, full of linmora?use the "Queen's Delight." If you r health is declining, wasting of vi? tal force?use the "Queen's Delight." If yon have Rheumatism, Swellings of the Joints?use the "Queen's Delight." If you have Chills. Fever and Agne, Bil? iousness? use the "Queen's Delight." If you have Siok Headache, Nervousness, Weakness -use the "Queen's Delight." If you have Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Yellow Skin?Ut6 tbe "Queen's Delight." If you have Dyapopsia, Fluttering about I be Heart?use the "Qaeon'u Delight." If you have any Cutaneous Eruption, Itching Humors, Carbuncles, Ervsipelae or King's Evil, Goitre, nothing will' remove it hut the "Queen's Delight." If von want a Summer Tonic and Winter Jnvigorator?use the "Queen's Delight." Oall and gat a Circular, and road it. Prepared only by K. H- GB1NIT8H, BeptSO t Pharmacist. Mansion House, 130} Xain Street, Columbia, S. C, THIS house having recent? ly been enlarged, is now j . openod by the undersigned _~ae a tirat class boarding house, or hotel. Transient and permanent boarders accommodated. Terms for tran? sient borders, $2 ?er day. Good rooms and , excellent fare, MRS. C. ?. B DAZE ALE. NovS lmo Cottage House. No. 15 Washington St., next Masonic Hall. The undersigned has/ re-opened this estab-v lishment, and informs _ltbo public that Ii? is prepared to supply mem with the very best of WINES, LIQUORS, SUGARS, TOBACCO, etc. Oys? ters in every style, and at all hours. Re-1 froshnients of kinds. Give a cab. Oct 31 C. It. FRANKLIN. FINE'S SALOON. _Vo. -II ttlchar?soit Street, between Lady and Gercuis Streets. HAVING replenished my putircf stock of j Li'inors, Cigars, Ac, having also given proper attention to my Restaurant, j I am now prepared to furnish my fi lends J and the public generally with the bent the markets afford. Oct 17 WM. M. FINE. Agent. Just Fubl;6iied: piano ?lT home: A large coliectiot. of the best FOUR-HAND PIECES For tUe Ptano-Furtc. N'O book is better fitted lor "Gome" Mu? sical entertainment than this. Be? ginners can play the easier duets. Ad? vanced players and teachers need not to be told that practise with four hands is tho very best to acquire * time" and "certain-1 Ly." Practice in tno "Piano at Hume' is j nothing bnt a continual pleasure. '250 paces, full sheet music size. In hoards, f2 50; cloth, $3; full gilt. ti. For Choirs?I'HELEAOE It. Price, ?1 ds. For Singing Schools?TUE SONG MO? NARCH. 75 cents. THE EMEIISOX .IIKTHOD FOE HEED ORGANS. By L. O. Emerson and W. S R. Matthews. Easy and progressive lessous, scales, Studies, voluntaries, interludes, quartets, songs and othor pieens in profusion. All well arranged by ekiiifu! hands. Price, *2 50. For Choirs?PERKINS- ANTHEM BOOK, tl 50. For Qnartct Choirs ?THOMAS' QUAR? TETS. t2 50 BSpecimen copies sent, post-paid, for re? tail price. OLIVER DITSON & CO.. Boston. CHAS H. DITSON & CO., Nov 2S swV 711 Broadway, N. Y. I UCY O.M.I THK Genuine Fairbanks' Scales. 6 FAIRBANKS. STOCK SCALES. r.oKl Scales. Hay Scale?, Dairy Scales, Counter Scale?, Ac.. Ac Alto, milks ALAtl.1I VILU iJO *s ALARM CASH DRAWER. EVERY Kerch and snort.n I'M Tlu iu^y IPJ_4 l ' JH H7i:v??Vd. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, Now York, ltii! Baltimore street, Raltimor< . 5 ; Camp str<;et, New Orle::ne. FAIRBANKS BROWN fi CO.. ?K Milk street, Boston, FAIRBANKS A EWINO, Masonic Hull. Philadelphia. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. Aug 2l5 wa4tui> A Kerosene That Will Not Explode! A LADDIN SECURITY OIL ie e>flc-i. il ifV. with the conildenuo that it will prove itself equal, if not superior, lo any nam? ing oil that has Leon offered to tho public. This oil ia prime white in color, :'a deodor? ized to tho highest extent achieved in the mannfautnre of burning oils, und is war? ranted to stand a lire tie, of l.'.O degrees Fahrenheit. It is perfectly safe tor use in al! Coal Oil or Keroseno Lamps, and a- its name indi? cates, will give all who use :t perfect "?ecurily*' in doing so. Aladdin Security O.l will bnru longer, have much less smell, and not crust the wick, ami will be tound '<> he very economi? cal, to say nothing of the entire "security" in its use. For side at L. T. SILLIMAN A CO. S Or; 11 Drue Rt?re. PORTRAI TS. PnorOGRAPHS.KTF.Ri: OSCOPES. Ac, Copies Irom Old Pic? tures made any size and style as cheap as anywhere else. Come and see the new Glace Picture. Mr. Coftin. the liiiesl photographer in New York city, will asfriet in the Photo? graphie department. ART GALl.KItY Ut II.D1XU. Oct 18 3mo COLUMBIA. H. C. Coal' Coal*. Coal'. THE undersigned beg leave to state that thoy have constantly on hand all kinds of COAL, and will furnish consnmers in asy qn intit ?, delivered, at lowest cash prices. BOW EN A LA PAR, Agents. Sept? :;roo Beegerg' vs.Cincinnati Beer. THE Cincinnati Qaiette make* H i- asto? nishing announcement t hat ? >inusti beer ia no longer pare, bnt adult* ?! with molasses, sugar of starch, lusel oil and the poisonous cotchionm. Tho Commissioner of Agricnltnre, in his report tor lNvi.eavs lhat Prof. Mapes. of New York, analyz.'-d the beer from a dozen different breweries, and fonr.d all of it adulterated. Cocculus Indiens and uux vomica entered largely into its composition. J. O.SFEOER8gnaranteeshiH beer tobe pare and reliable. Be does not adulterate it, but brews from the best barley, malt and hope. Jan 23 Genuine Corn Whiskey. FROMCatawba County, N. C, selected by myself oat of United States Bonded Warehouse. Wr.rranted pure. Soldat Not 22 i. C. 6ERGKR8'. OLOTH.NG AND HATS F?R MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. UNDER-WEAR! NEC K-W EAR! CELEBRATED STAR SKIRTS! LATEST STYLES ! LOW PRICES ! Broadway Silk Hats. I I LARGEST STOPX IN THE CITY, AJsD AT THE LOWE-sT PRICtiS, F?R CASH. EIKfAED & WILEY. PJLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT TUE LARGEST AND MOST COMTLKTH STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS Tit at ever came to Columbia can bo lound at D. EPSTIN'S, Under Columbia Rote!, am". is being sold at tIvo Iiowest Prices. Every Department replete with the Clearest Good* of the se&s'iu, m;i<le r-xpr.'ssly for this market, hi..I t?.r the Fall and Wmlei of 1^74 1S7G. Ho convinced nf this by cilliug on u- KI'^TIN. TU? Popular Clot It In-. ROSE'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S7c. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. Another First Class Hotel?Fere S2.5? a Dny. inducing Omnibus Ride. SITUATED NEAR THE CAPITOL and iu the centre of the bueinec*pal 1 of the city v Ti i. Tl S Apart men la are complete, wil h prit at <? entrance on Aeanmblyatri RATH ROOMS are all new and rttp< i ior to any in the city. RILLIAHD and Anril 5 VICTORIA HOTEL. CliitrleNlon, s. f.. HAS been entirely reiu? vated and r e t it r n i a h ?? d throughout, it ii- mo.-tcen _ Itrslly situated, in Kit g in ar Market ?-i ??<-.?:, lor tin- I raveling public. They .solicit Iheii patronage. Board per day, i2.30. MRS. MARIA OFIIKBEECK, Oci 1'- 2m>i l'r >pi ietre** THE GREAT i:0GTHEK2..T : BY HE HOUSE. COLUMBIA MUSIC STORE. LvBrand & 5IHCT & CO., 275 Kir^ Street. Charleston, C. UJlY tiOHMS. SlYl I I ?'i;. cloth*. t A Ht'k.ts. i mattings, j KCliS, Kit:. j 77/7.5 SIDE OF NEW YORK. For prices. ace, 'meal. Sent 1 tdnm Nos. 3 Broad Street and 109 East Bay Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. ST?TIOIEIS PB^g^-pERS First-ClassWork OUR SPECIALTY, vrs. bv t>rvo riiEAPrj; <tiwo.? or siiik. WK ' AN ll'IlMMl \UIUK AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. FINE F AS H10 NABLE~STAT 10 N E R Y, Piries Paper a. ti Envelopes. Wedding and Ball Invitations CS "K? DCST ?TCC' ?M; ' R S'fO H iMf LATEST STYLE. hupt j -My New Orleans Syrup and Buckwheat. N'F.W ORLEANS UUP, White Sugar blip?, G olden Kvrut . Ne.w Bulled Rr.< '..wheat. Just received cud f.>r aale by Nov 25 JOHN AO NEW A SOX Subscribe for the Fna'su rT^AKK pleasure in calling the attention _L ??! the public to an examination ol their STOCK of MUSICAL MKRC11AN D1SE, consisting of Pianos. Church ami j Parlor Orgaua. Molodeoua, Violins, Gui? tar*. Ranjoa, Flutes, Accordeoua, Hrass and SiKcr Rand Inatruntents ol nil kinds. IAIhO,Sheet Music and Instruction Rooks for every class of Musical (uatrnmonts on hand at all lime*. Wo are Solo Agcnta for the State of S:.ut!i Carolina of Eatey A Co.'a COTTAGE ORGANS. Sheet Mtiaicsentbv mail, poet paid,on reeeipt of price: and all kiudaof Musical Oooda sent by Express, when ordered, to any part ol tho State, marked C. O. 1). Omul Second-hand PL ' anoa and Organa for aale cheap, for caah. j Pianos. Organa and Molodeona Tuned and Repaired in a satisfactory manner; and j willgiveoHpceialttteiition to Packing.Re inoving and Shipping Piatini- for otheipar | ties to any point desired, at moderate ' prices. All orders promptly attended to andaat isfaction guaranteed to t hone favoring ue with their patronage Send for our cata? logue ol Sheet Muuirand MusicalMerchan dieo. Richardson atrect, a few door*-?.hove Fho'.ni\ '?fllcp.Columbia .S. C. Nov 7 CONGAREE IRON WORKS* columbia. s. t". JOHN ALEXANDKIl, Proprietor. MANUFACTU? RER OF STEAM ENGINES, SAW i A S 1> G R IST I fefifr.MILI.s. GIN MFt). Gearing, and all / kinda of Iron Caatinga for Ma* chin/ry and Or nauittlltal Caat? inga for Stores and Dwelling", Patent lti;iliii|(HforOardeiiB and Cemeteries, Iroi Setteos and Arbor Chain*; also, Brara Caatinga ot all kinda. Rolls lor Churches, Schools, Wotk-abops, Ac. Guarantee all my work lirat class and \ eipial to auy North or South. Works at foot ut Lady street and near to I South Carolina and Greenville A Columbia ! Railroad Companies' Depots. Nov 18 i MONEY TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals. EXCHANGE on New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and all promt* I nent eitiea ot the United States and Eu I rope bought and sold, j DEPOSITS received and interest-beating ; et tificale* issued. 1 STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD and SILVER ? b,night and sold. ? ACCOUNTS of merchants and others 1 f 1 (.in tin- cit\ ami couiitrv solicited, und i Mil ERA LEINES OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL RANK. 'Cornerot Plain ami Kinhaidsoti streets. Imported Wines. Brandies, Etc . Etc SCOTCH WHISKIES, Old Jamaica Rum, Riandies?Otard, Ac., ???hsusv Hnllmid Gin. snorry Wine, Port Wine. Madeira Wine, Al?n, a large atct 'i of line old Whiskies, dears. Ao. J. C. SKEGKJIS For Sale. ALIGHT ROCK AWAY and a pair of small HORK1.S. For particular*. ?p j plv et Puo?nn office. Oct 10 VISITORS Will So Well by (Jailing at Lfcl.lSIIHUl CLOTHING I I I I AND I HAT HOUSE! ? * * They keep die LARGEST ami best made st city. j An experience of 30 years in Lhc city of Columbia, ena-J ]>\o< them to of Vor their cus? tomers goods just suited to their wants. .1 Our stock of HATS Is entirely now. embracing sill the late styles. BOYS' CLOTHING Is a specialty with us. and our Custom-made Garments can? not he excelled. Examine them on exhibition at the Fair Grounds- and be con? vinced. We keep a lull line of the celebrated Diamond ]).. per feet lilting Shirt*.. (Jive us a call. R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD. Nor 10 Wii&?Sgttli, Columbia and Ang B B GENERAL PASSEN GEE DEPART., Colckbia, B. O., Nov. 24, 1174. - T?E following 6?be dnl* will be operated on and after this date: ooino noHin. TBAJS VO 2 TB ALB ko 4 Leave Columbia.8.80 a m 8.15 pm Florence. 1.10 pm 12.50 am Arrive Wilmington.... 6.45p m 7.10am ooino B?l'th. tuain so 1 TBAIS BO 3 Lcavo Wilmington.0.40 a m C.10 p m Florence.12.60 pm 11.40 pm Arrivo Columbia.5.10 p Li 4.00am Train No. 2, from Columbia, is an accom? modation to Florence, and there connects cloaelv with N. E. lt. B., and at Wilmington with \V. rt W. B. n. lo all points North. Train No. 4 from Columbia ia fast Ex? press, making through connections, all rail, North and South, and water line connec? tions via Portsmouth. Train No. 1. from Wilmington, connect* closely at Florence with N. K. It. R. for Charleston, and is an accommodation train thence to Columbia. Train No. 3, from Wilmington, is a fatt Exprees, connecting oloscly Ircm mzd to ?11 points North and South. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman aleoperB on nigbt train*. Train No. 2 leaves Columbia daily, Sun? days excepted. Express No. 4 every night. JAS. ANDERSON, General Sap. A. Pope, Gen. Passenger apd Ticket Agent Greenville and Colombia Bailrcsd CIIANGK UP htlllCUULK. PASSENGER ? Tit AI N 8 ran daily, Sundays excepted, connecting wilt Ni^Lt Trains on South Carolina Railroad np and down;. Gn and after Friday, August 2fc, the following Will be the .Schedule: VP. Leave Columbia r.t.7.20 am Leave Alston.*.... 9.05 a m LeaveNowberry.10.31 a m Leave Cokesbary. 2.1/5 p m Leave Belton.3.50 pm Arrive atGrccuvillc.5.SO p m DOWN, LeaveGrecnville at.C.80 a m Leave Belton.8.80 am Leave CokeBbury.10.13 a m LeaveNewberry.1.30 pm Leave Alston. 3 08pm Arrive at Colombia. 4.50pm Anderson Branchand Blue Ridge Bixition down. tjp. Leave Walhalla. 4.45 a m Arrive 7.15 pm Leave Perry ville 5 30 a in 6.85 p m Leave Pendleton 6.10 a m 5 60 p m Leave Anderson 7.20 a m 4.60 p xo Arrive at Belton 8.10 am Leave 3.50pm Accommodation Trains run on Abbeville Branch Monday, Wednceda> ano Friday. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and Anderson.Tuesday, Thnreday and Satur? day. THOMAS DODAMFAD, Gen. Sap. JABEZ Nobton, General Ticket Agent. The Short Line Schedule. Charlotte, Columbia 4 Auotjbta B. R. Cc. Coluiibia, S. C, June 28, 1874. LS 1 MfeaWBLi THE following Pat aWB?ar'fisDeer Schedule will be operated on and after this dato: opino north Train No 2 Train No 4 Leave Augusta.7.45am 4.15pm Graniteville-'8.13 am 5.11pm Col'bia Junct'n.12.20 a m *9C5pm At rive Columbia.12 80pm 9.17 pm Leave Columbia. 12.42 a m Winnsboro. 2 49 p m Chester...44 29 p m ArriveCharlotte.fO.45 p m No. 2 Train makes cloao connection, . .? Charlotte and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York G.05 A; M. No. 4 Train makes close conneotion ric Wdmingtou and Richmond to all points North, arriving at New York at 5 15 P. M. OOINOSOCTB. Train No 1 Train Nc - Leave Charlotte.8.60 am Chester.11.02 a m Winnsboro.12 88 p m Arrive Columbia. 2 42 p in Leave Columbia. 2.52 pm 3.40 a ia Col'bia Junct'n.{3.17 p m 4 15 u re Graniteville .. .fV.l? p ra *7 48 & m At rive Augusta.b.OSpm 8 45am 'breakfast. {Dinner. -fSupper. South bound Trains connect at Anguetn for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to princi? pal points. Sleeping cars on all Night Trains. JAS. ANDERSON, General Sup. A. Poru,Gen.Passenger and Ticket Agent Summer Schednle S. & U.K.B., DOWN TRAIN UP TRAIN Arrive.Leave Arrive.Leavt Bpartannnrg.. 11.00 2.4.J Bateaville? 11.S2 1135 2.17 2.50 Pacciet...'. 1 1.40 11.45 2.15 2.1? Jonesville- 12.15 12-22 1.58 lift Unionvilk.... 12.L"> 1.10 12 30 12.?5 Santuc. 1.42 1.50 n.45 11.J5 Fieh Dam... 2.12 2.1C 11.10 11.20 Shelton. . 2 28 2.35 1C.47 10.f,r. Lvlea'Ford_ 2.4* 2.53 10.24 1032 Strothers. 3 07 3.15 10.00 10.1,0 Alston. 4 (0 fUO June 2 r,_W. W. DA VIES, Snp't. Change of Schednle. SOCTH CAROLINA liAILUOAD CojU'am , Coluiibia, S. C, October 18.1873. Change Scheutde 'to gointo effecttn and alter rinuday , l'Jtn instant: MAIL and pahsknolb tkain. Leave Columbia at. S.4.0 am Arrivcat Charleston at.5.20 pm LeaveCharleston at.9.01 pm i rriveat Columbia at.5.CO ]pni KIOBT EXrREHB.FBZIOnT and accommoxa tion train, Sundays excepted. LeaveColumbia.7.15 p m Arrive..6.30 > xo ArriveCharleston7.10p m Leave..0.45 am Camden Trainl runs Monday, Wednei-duy and Saturday, as follows: Leave Colum'bia 1.50pm Arrive 11.50am Leave Camden 0.50 am Arrive 0.35 pm S. B. Pickins,General Ticket Agent. Piedmont Air-Line Railway. SMdf?SiHHP CONDENSED TIME fkigg^gg rj E< Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W.. N. C. Division, and North Weetern N. C. B. W. GOING NORTH. btation8 mail EXFBiM Leave Charlotte.7.10 FM 0.25 AM Leave Salisbury.9.50 t M H.34 A M Leave Greensboro. 1.40 AM 11 1< A U Leave Danville. 4 32 A M 1.52 P M Leave Burkville. 9.44 AM 0.40 PK Arrive at Richmond.. .12.45 P M 9 .10 P M GOING SODTH. Leave Richmond. 2 30PM 5.10 AM Lcavo Burkville. 5.34 P M 8 2b A M Leave Danvillo.10 41 P M 12.57 P II Leave Greensboro_2.15 AM 4.OOP II Leave Salisbury. 4 57AM C.22 P M Arrive at Charlotte.. . 7.20 AM 8.80 A If GOING EAST. Leave Greensboro_1.45 AM 11.10 AM LeaveCompany Shops 3 3C A M Arl2 20JM Leave Raleigh. .. 8 05 A M Arrive at Goldsboro.. .11 (5AM GOING WEST. Leave Ofddfboio. 4.f0PM Leave Raleigh. 7 45PM LeaveOompanyShops 12 05 A M i \ *j Arrive at Greensboro. 1.80 A M 3 so I'M Leave Greensboro8.40p m Arrive 10.80 a m Leave KernersvilleO 00 a m Arrive 5.10 a m MaiUraine:dailv.both ways, over entire, length of road. Express daily tctwe* i Company Shops and Charlotte. Sunday* excepted B. E JtLLFN.Oen.Ticsel Apt T. M.PR-Taio/it. Fno*r>eeran?i Oen v Flour! Flour!! Flour !1! 1AA BARRELS FANCY FAMILY IUII FLOUR, gronnd from selected ?ew Wheat, just receivod and for reduced prieVt by JOHN AGNBW a SON.