The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, August 22, 1874, Image 3

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Tcle?raptitc?Forelnn arralru. Paris, August 20.?Marshal Bazaine bus written a letter to tho Minister of the Interior, in which ho says that neither Oollerllette nor any of the other prisoners now in custody are responsible for his escape from prison. He deolares that he hud no accomplice in the fort or elsewhere except his wife and nephew, Marshal Derclaes. In oonclnsion, he says: "Besontiug the humiliating prison regulations, I felt justified in making tho attempt to re? cover my liberty. I was not tried by my peers?my sen to ace was illegal." Paris, August 21.?At a meeting of the permanent committee of the Na? tional Assembly, to-day, M. Chaubaud Latour, Minister of the Interior, in reply to an inquiry by a member of the Left, promised that judicial pro ? coedings in relation to the escape of Marshal Bazuine should be vigorously prosecuted. The Duke DeOazoB, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated, in regard to the recognition of Spain, that the Government was anxious to act iu accordance with other powers, and would proceed in unison with the British Government, which had com? municated its views on tho subject. No power had yet aooomplisbed the act of recognition. The delay is caused by a question as to the exeat form in which that step shall be taken. The members of the extreme Bight expressed disapproval of the conduct of Duke DeOazas, hut a largo majority of the committee, including Republi? can members, sustained his course. The French Government reminds newspapers in an official note, that the publioation of articles signed by those deprived of oivil aud political rights is prohibited by law. |The despatch from London, attributing the above to the British Government was incorrect. | The German men-of-war Nautilus and Albatross sailed from Plymouth, ?to-day, for Spaiu. T eleu rauhte?.1 me ? ich ??! 1?! u i ( r rk. Washington, August 21.?Colonel Mosby hau been arrested, on uccount of an apprehended duel between him? self und Oupt. Payu,e, but wus released on 85,000 bail. Col. John S. Barbour is his bondsman. Probabilities ? During Saturday, over the South Atlantic, and Gulf .States, lower barometer, high tempe? rature, South-west to South-east winds, partly cloudy aud in the latter occa? sional rains are probable. Over Ten? nessee and the Ohio Valley, lower ba? rometer, high temperature, South to West wiudB, partly cloudy weather aud occasional rains. Over the upper Mis? sissippi and lower Missouri valleys and the North-weat, higher barometer, lower temperature, winds mostly from North-west to North-cast, and partly cloudy weather. Gai/vbston, August 21.?Tho San" -Jaointo is loading for Liverpool, with breadstuff* from Kansas. Indianapolis, Augost .21.?A bro? ther of General Buruside hanged him? self. The daughter of Geo. C. Harding, of the Indianapolis Journal, suicided to-day. Her father killed Sol. Moritz, who is accused of being the cause of tho girl's troubles. Savannah, August 20.?Charles H. Ritters, of Philadelphia, who has a wife and family, committed suicide by Jumping from the fourth-story window of a residence and striking on an iron railing at the Bteps, crushing in his abdomen. He was unconscious up to the time of bis death, which occurred four hours after the fatal leap. Alexandria, Va., August 21.?A special from Warreuton says Capt. Payne aud his secouds were on the ground at noon, to-day, to meet Col. Mosby, near Bucklaud, Prince Wil? liams County; but the latter was pre? vented from keeping his appointment by his arrest in Washington, by an or? der from Judge Keith. The weapons were to have boon riflue, at fifty puces. The affair will not be permitted to go farther. Montgomery, August 21.?The Re? publican convention elected L. ?. Par? sons President and made a number of nominations. There have been many angry scenes in the convention. Bus teed and White are the leaders of fac? tions in the contest for Congressman at large and over the platform. Telegraphic?Commercial lleportx. New York, August 21?Noon.? Cotton quiet; sales 9G3 ? middling up? lands 16%; Orleans 17}?. Sales of futures: August 15%; September 15 13-10, 15 15-16; October 15 19 32, 15 11-16; November 15 15-32, 15 17-32; December 15>?, 15%; January 15 11-32, 15 27-32; February 15 13-16; Maroh 16, 16 1-16; April 16 1-16, 16>^. Pork firm?mess 23.00. Lard heavy ? steam U@UJ?. Gold 9%. Ex? change?long 4.87>?; short 4.01. Go? vernments strong but dull. 7 P. M.?Gross cotton receipts 693. Futures closed steady, at a deoline; sales 24,600: August 15%; September 15 11-16, 15 23-32; Ootobor J5>?, 15 17-32; November 15 13-32, 15 7-16; December 15 7-16, 15 15 32; January 15 7-16, 15 15-32; February 15%, 15 21-32; Maroh 15 1516; April 16 1-16, 16)^; May 16^. Cotton quiet; sales 1,347, at 16%@17)i. Southern flour heavy and deolining?oommon to fair extra 5.50(3)6.20; good to ohoioe 6.25@9.25. Wheat heavy, nnsottled and 2@4o. lower?holders generally strongly disposed to roalize, at 1.15(a) 1.22 Western corn opened steady, bat dosed scarcely as firm; holders rather more disposed to realize?81@ 81^; whito Western 93@95. Coffee y, lower and fair demand?17@20 for Bio. Sogar firm and less doing?8@ 8%. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Pork dull and heavy?now meBS 23 00. Lard firm, at 14)B. Whiskey 1.03. Freights to Liverpool heavy aud lower ?cotton, at earn Money in abund? ant Buppiy and easy?2l.?@3. Ex? change quiet?4 87^. Uold 9%. Governments dull and strong. States quiet and nomiual. Louisville, August 21.?Flour un? changed. Corn quiet ami uuchanged? 74@82. Pork unchanged?24.00. Ba? con firm?shonlders 9%; oleur rib 13J?; clear 13%. Lurd 16@16%. Whiskey 96. New Orleans, August 21.?Cotton quiet and unchanged?middling 16%; net receipts 236; gross 304; sales 20U; stock 1,585; weekly net receipts 885; gross 114; exports coastwise 2,022; sales 1,600. Auqubta, 21.?Cotton easier ?middling I51-4; receipts31; sales 76; stock 6,137; weekly receipts 247; ship? ments 525; stiles 376; spinners 201. Charleston, August 21.?Cotton quiet?middling 15%; net receipts 138; sales 125; stock 4,326; weekly net receipts 590; exports- coustwise 1,368; sales 800. Norfolk, August 21.?Cotton dull and lower?low middling 15; net re? ceipts 114; exports aoastwise 110; sales 40; stook 445; weekly net reoeipts 813; exports coastwise 883; snles 295. St. Louis, August 21.?Flour dull and unchanged. Corn offerings smull and market very tirm??7Ja asked; sales No. 2 mixed 56%@67. Whiskey firm, at 98. Pork firm, at 24.00. Ba? con strong aad advancing?0% ehoul ders; clear rib 13jkJ@l3.Ji?'; clear 13%. Lard higher?11. Cincinnati, August 21.?Flour dull. Com tirm uud Hoarce?6S@70. Pork firm, nt 23.?0. Lurd tirm?summer held 14%. Bacon firm?shoulders 9i6'; clear rib 13ju'; clear 13^0313;.^. Whiskey lc. lower?96 Mobile, August 21.?Cotton quiet and unchanged?middliug 16; exports coastwise ?l); stiles 50; stock 4,05*2; weekly net receipts 80; exports coast? wise 337; shIls 400. Savannau, August 21.?Cotton dull ?middliug 16%; sales 17; stock 5.179; weekly receipts 033; exports to Great Britaiu 2,062; coastwise 662; sales 80. Boston, August 21.?Cotton quiet? middling 17)<C; gross receipts 339; sales 15U; stock 8,000; weekly gross receipts 1,403; exports to Great Bri tain 241; sales 9?0. Baltimore, August 21.?Cotton quiet?middling 16%; sules 11; ex? ports coastwise 66; sules 79; stock 2,692; weekly uet receipts 3; gross 400; exportH coastwise 387; saleH 630; spinners 25G. Floor dull aud nomiual; market favors buyers. Wheat dull and demorahz??d5r-1.10@l .38. Coru dull? white Southern 90(?}92; yellow 80@ 82. Baoou?shoulders 10; clear rib sides lill4@13; sugar-cured hams 16)?@17. Lard"?refined 14%@15. WhisEoy nomiual, at 1.01 >?(u}L.02. Sugar more active, at 10;?J. Comparative Cotton Statement? Not receipts at nil Uuited States ports for the week 5,625?same week laat year 10,657; total to date 3,754,343 ? to.Bume date last year 3,586,010; ex? ports of the week 9,333?same week laet year 13,254; totul to dato 2,793, 753?to sumo dato last year 2,569.335. Stook at all Uuitod States ports 124, 584?last year 130.495; at all interior towns 20,159?last year 16.740; at Liverpool 910,000?last year 796,000; American afloat for Great Britain 41,000?laut year 46,000. Weekly Cotton Statement.?Mem? phis?quiet und unchanged?low mid? dliug 16; receipts 71; shipments 230; stock 6,300; weekly receipts 319; ehip middliOg H}.<; weekly receipts 23; sales 4; stuck 54 Macon?quiet aud tirm?low middling 15; weekly re? ceipts 25: Bhipmeuts 37; stock 1874, 1,966; 1873, 1,536. Nashville?nomi? nal?low middling 15)b. weekly re? ceipts 145; shipments 68; stook 1874, 3,685; 1873, 4,331. Provideuce?week? ly sules 3.?U0; stock 10,000. Colum? bus?choice scarce and in demand? low middliug 155a; weekly receipts 45; shipments 157; sales 42; spinners 26; stock 937. Galvestou?nominal? good ordinary 14}^; net receipts 88; stock 2.42D; weekly uet receipts 400; exportst to Great Britain 1,371; coast? wise 196; etiles 15. Indiano la?weekly receipts 6; shipments 6. Wilmington ?dull?middling 15%; net receipts 2; stock 225; weekly net receipts 22; ex? ports coastwise 293; sales 58. Mont? gomery?slightly better?low middliug 14%; weekly receipts 31; shipments 16; stook 1874, 600. City Point weekly receipts 247; shipments 525. Philadelphia?quiet and tirm, with very light stock to operato with?mid? dling 1678@17; low middling 16(3 lOJb'; gross rooeiptB 111; weekly uet receipts 402; gross 2,078. Paris, August 21.?Rentes 63f. 60c. Liverpool, August 21?3 P. M.? Cotton a shade easier?uplands 8%; Orleans 8^@8>.j'; sales 12,000, includ? ing 5,200 American; 2,000 for export and speculation; reoeipts of the week 92,000, including 14,000 American; nales of the week 72.000, of whioh 9,000 were for export aud 6,000 for speculation; actual export 12,000; stock 910,000, inoloding 359,000 Ame? rican; stook at sea bouud for this port 387,000, including 41,000 American; sales, on basis of middliug upland*, nothing below good ordinary, deliver? able August, yiy'; Hales, on basis of middliug Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable August, 8 5-16; sales of shipments of new crop, on basis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, 8^; nothiug be? low low middliug, 8%; sales, on basis of middling uplands, nothiug below low middliug, deliverable August, 81h A House Blown Down.?Daring a storm of wind and rain, lust Thursday night, at?ocioty Hill, the residonoo of Spoucor Wilson, Esq., was lifted from its foundation and completely demo? lished. He and his mother being asleep were thrown out of bod, but wero taken oat of the ruins unhurt. The lightning burnt u largo patch of growing oottou in an adjoining field. i It is aaid by the New York corres? pondents that Mr. Beecher is so da? maged that he will have to retire from tho pulpit, and that his name is pro? minently mentioned in connection with the editorship of that new puper they all the while are tulkiug about over thoro. The corollary thut a muu not good enough to teach the public from tho platform is yet good enough to teach it through the press of Gotham, is rather rough on the other editors of that city. But perhaps it is justi? fiable. These correspondents for ;ho conutry press know pretty much everything. Ex-Governor Perm*.?This gentle? man is out in u letter denying that tho Bepublican party desires reform. He advises whites, aud blacks to join to? gether upon a platform of houesty to oust tho common enemy, und, in order to do so the more effectually, thinks tbey should deuliue to hire any ouo who will uot vote with them. The ex Governor further thiuks there is no hope from the Federal Government, aud thut tho white people of this State must rely upou their coinmuuity of iutercst with, aud influence over, the colored people. The ladies appear to have been more enthusiastic tbuu the men when Gold? smith Maid made her astonishing time ut Saratoga. A goutlcmuu states that ou turning around he saw a womau uear him waviug her handkerchief with all hor might; but on looking dowu ho saw her baby lying at her feet and be? ginning to cry. "Madame," said he, "your child," pointing to it. ."Uh," said she, "I forgot all about my baby, but it makes no difference; 1 expect to havo several babies, but I never expect to see another Goldsmith Maid." Promptly following the statistics ol Northern Presbyteriauism, those of tho Presbyteriau Church iu the South havo appeared. Tho number of its synods is 12; of Presbyteries, 154; mi? nisters, 1,0515; churchen, 1,701; com? municants, 105,950; members added, 12.000; the total of contributions for 1873, iuoludiug ministerial support, is Sl,lll,101. This would make South? ern Presbyteriauism numerically about ouc-fourth as strong as Northern. All tbo items, however,, iudica e pros? perity. Arrest of tiie Bern* Murderer.? The Savannah News says that a negro named Lewis, supposed to be the mur? derer of Mr. Thomas Behn, at Gra humville, S. C , some time since, uud for whoso apprehension a reward was offered by tho State of South Curoliuu, was lately captured by the Sheriff of Beaufort County, and lodged iu the jail at that place. Thu watch, a twenty dollar gold piece aud other property, recognized as thu effects of tho mur? dered gentleman, wore found ou the person of thia negro. Mr. David Wiley, of Abbeville, was killed by tho accidental discharge of his gun, on the 16tb. He took the guu, cocked it, placed the butt ou the floor and put his month over the bar? rel of the gun, to blow into it und see I whether it was loaded. The gun was discharged in some way?the whole load entering Mr. Wiley's mouth, fear? fully maugling his head uud killing him instantly. Mr. Wiley was about sixty years old, and was much respect? ed by his neighbors. He left a large family. Withdrawal of Insurance from Chicago.?The Phconix, of Hartford, Menden. Conn., JEtua, Brewers' and I Malsters'. Firemen's Fund, und Stand? ard, of New York, are named by the I Chicago Times as having withdrawn from business in that city, generally cancelling outstanding policies. The Lycoming, of Philadelphia, will limit its risks on the West side to $200,000 A? tho English companies except the Liverpool and London, aud Globe aud Royal, add fifty per cent, to regular rates for Chicago risks. New Use for Postaue Stamps.? ! Under thu postal laws, postmasters iu little villuges have their salaries graded according to the amouut of j postage stumps sold. With considera? ble ingenuity some of those poorly paid officials are turning an honest penny by paying their debts aud mak? ing all their purchases with postage stamps. They get credit for all the stamps disposed of, aud their salaries are increased iu proportion. Destructive Fire in Horry.?Tho two valuable steam saw, planing und! finishing mills of Capt. H. L. Buck, on the Waccamaw Biver, Horry Coun? ty, together with over 1,000,000 feet lumber, were destroyed by fire on the night of the 0th. Loss $30,000; no insuranao. A schooner and brig nar? rowly escaped. The fire is supposed to have been accidental. Capt. Buck goes North in a few days, to arrange for rebuilding. A despatch from LaCrosso states that Minnesota is over-run with har? vesters unable to got employment. One steamer brought -100. und every vessel adds to the number. They swarm from tho cities to the country, und, failing to procure work, rob and steal. Geottleib Kntz, tho proprietor of q I drinking saloon in Philadelphia, was found dead from a pietol shot wound. A pistol was|fonnd ou tho mantle-piece where tho wife of deceased Says ho plucod it ufter firing it. She is held to await the icquest. Tho Philadelphia correspondent of tho Now York Tribune states that ar? rangements havo boen quiotly going forward for some months past for tho opening of a new railway liuo between New York and Philadelphia. Last Thursday, at Polktou, N. C. Mary Haley, colored, shot aud killed Elms Smith, colored. The jury of in? quest brought iu a verdict of guilty against the woman, who was arrested and lodged in jail. From a recent camp-meeting sermon: "Be not content with the hope of mere!; getting into heaven?of being drivon ou to the heavenly shore, like u battered old hulk; but strive to go in like a grand vessel, with every eail sot, the colors of your Rodeemer flying nt the main-mast, aod freighted with a preotuus cargo." A four-year-old at East Poultuey re? cently went to a blacksmith's to see his Lit tier's horse shod, and watcbud close? ly the work of shoeing until the black? smith commenced paring tho horse'B hoofs, when, think this was wrong, he Haid earnestly, "My pa dou't wuu't this horse made any smuller." "You are a good little boy," said a Sunday school teacher to a sturdy lad, "you uever use uuuguty words." "No, I dou't," was the bouest reply, "but when my big brother takes all the gravy uud leaves me the crubts, 1 think a good dual, I tell you." Home aucieut philosopher says it seems like a waste of time to spend live years at West Poiut for tho pur? pose of acquiring the title of lieutenant, when a boy can be called "colonel" by simply addressing a few words to nuy thirsty congregation iu a bar-room. A Blood signed Contract.?A Grceu Bay, Wis., lover drew blood from his arm to fill out the marriage certiticute, but this won't prevent him from mauling her around with a stick of ?tove wood before next fall, und his tnother-iu-luw says it wou't. A uiuu who lately committed suicide loft a memorandum for bis wife, say? ing, "Good-bye, yuu old scolding, red? headed heathen." Ou reeding it, the widow wua heard to mutter, "I should like to have got hold of htm for one minute." Mr. Amiduu has hceu made u^uotary public in Massachusetts. Wheu be bus ?uished his arduous work for the day, he puts bis name iuto tho form of uu intcrmgutiou, auswers iu the uilirmu tive, and goes to supper. C. A. I) u ling, better kuowu iu the up-couutry its gun boat Darling, bus been uppointed Deputy Collector of internal Ruveutio for the t-eooud di? vision of tho third district of South Carolina, ofhee at Greeuville. Capt. Lett, fltg captain of the Ca? nard hue, has had a paralytic stroke iu Euglaud. Capt. Lott has crossed the Atluutic ofteuer perhaps than any other living muu. Prof. John McCrady, of Charleston, has recently been appointed to the chair of Geology itt Harvard Universi? ty, Muss., formerlfilled by the greut Agassiz. Dockeruy has been sent to the Isle of Piues for teo years. Tho Cuban authorities have thus rid the people of Florida of oue of the most unscrupu? lous carpet-baggers thut ever infested the State. Tho body of uu nukuowu colored boy was found on the Air Liue Rail road, near Seneca City, on the 13lh. The supposition is that ho wus steuliug a ride ou the trucks and fell oil'. A widower compares marriage to a besieged fortress. Those who are out? side would like to be within; those who ure inside would like to be with? out. A well kuowu minister declares thai his choir bus given him so much trou? ble on earth, that the idea of music iu the world to come is wholly repugnant to his ideas oi eterual peace aud rest. Bazaine.?The popular verdict is that Madame Buz-iiue is a greater general than her lord. What a pity she wus not in command of the army that was shut up in Metz. At a recent marriage ceremony at Jevingtou, East Sussex, England, tho wedding-ring was placed ou the third too of tho bride's left foot?because she had UO handy. Landon proper had 3.251.2G0 inha? bitants at last census. The population of Pekrn, China, in ruted ut u little over 2,000,000. By order of the Court of Commou Pleas for Newherry, July term, 187-1, James W. Btooknian, J r., was divorced from Josephine E. Stock muu. At fifteeu Ibe average hoy siogs gaily, "1 want to be tin angel." At thirty he wants to live as loug us he cau. St Louis has nu alderman named Hogshead. SUo thus beats Chicago iu a great measure. Mr. Pius Miller, of Spartanburg, died suddenly oo the 18th. Just Received AT r. & w. c. mmwt i Very desirable FALL STYLES of FELT HATS! AFULL Id NE OP l.ATKSi' SI'YW.a UIA'.'K CbO PI I Vtu ?CK.H, III o-k DOESKIN PAN PS, (Hack ?LO I'll VESTS. Black French Cl.Ol'll ami POF.SKISS for Custom Trade. A Ii? 22 It. A. VV. 0 NWAPPIELD. New, New, New! HAMBURG EDGINGS and INSERT-1 INGS, for 10, 15, 16^, 20, 25 and u? to $1 per yard. KUFfc'LlNGS, all new etylos, from 25 cents to $1.00 pur vi'.rd. BEAU TRIMMINGS, SHIRT FRONTS, at C. F. JACKSON'S, Auer 21 Loader of Low Prices. To Rent. A COTTAGE HOUSE on Blanding atreot, between Bull and Pickeus. For terms, apply to Auk 15 JOHN AONEW ,fc rov. For Rent, MTIIE earomodiona Brick and Metal Roof STOREHOUSE, No. G9 Main Mlrf>f.h. T?irmfl Tiirv low Annlr In street. Terms very low. Apply to S.EIUELS &. EZELL or to BOONE & MUL | LER. Attorueya-at-Law. Aug 5 t Steam En?ino For Sale. AN bborao stEAM ENGINE, in nrat rate order, for sale; suitable for a cot? ton gin or griit mid. Price, $500. Apply to RICUAUU TOZCR. _Ang 12_ Steelyards and Scale Beams. A COMPLETE anaortment of PATENT I A. SCALE BEAMS aud STEELYARDS ]uat raeoived aud for Halo at reduced pricoa, by JOHN AGNKW & SON. Oestral Hotel, 2fTO CANAL atreei, corner of Elm, OO New York, one block Eaat of Broadway. Centrally located, in the imme? diate vicinity of mercantile business. Good Hooiuh 75 cents aud (1.00 per day; $4 00 to "(j 00 per week. Auk 17 lmo* AS MOSES DELIVERED tbo children of Iaraol out of the liDiHu of bondage, ho has the "INDIAN GIRL" delivered amokers from the extravagant pricoa of those who deal in I Tobacco AND Cigars. If we had an Emperor, hia CHAMBERLAIN Would supply the royal benso from the tine stock aold by this M&id of Luxury, i since wo HAVE WITHDRAWN Everything from our Hhelves except brands we can Kuarauteo. As tho health of ATTORNEY-GENERAL MELTON la much improved by his visit to the Springs, ao will thu man who IS NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR Improve his chances by gotting his supply for tho campaign at the INDIAN GIRL CIGAR STORE, Ang 21 Columbia, S. C. FRESH fTmILY GROCERIES JUST TO HANOI EX I'RACHOICESUGAR-CURED HAMS. Extra Choice Sugar-Cured Bacon strips. b'luval Chicago Smoked Beef. Fiuest New York Smoked Tmigues. New Mackerel, No. 1 aud Mesa, in kits ' and at retail?cheap. I Gilt-Edge Butter. Cream Cheese. Parcbod Java Ooffce. I Fiue aaaortinout of Freah Crackers aud ' Eaucy Grncerisa. Good Brown Sugar 12 lbs. for a dollar. Rest KeroHone Oil 25 conla per gallon. For aale by GEORGE SYMMERS. Kerosene at 25c. BESTqualityKEROSENE.llO fire test, at retail, at 25c. per gallon, and vvhole aalu at 20c. tier gallon, at the caah sto:e of Aug Iii JOHN AQNEW&8QN. Flour! Flour!! Flour!!! 1 f\(\ BARRELS FANCY FAMILY lU' * Fl.OUR, ground from selected new Wheat, juat received and for sale at reduced price* by JOHN AGNEW &. SON.irt P. B. ORCHARD & CO., oealkbs is l)B\' GOODS, NOTIONS, SC. WE beg leave to inform our friends, that wo h&vo on baud & largo and woll-anaoried atoek of LADIES' HATS, which we will close out for the next ten dava, at HALE PRICE, varying from 25 cetita to f 1.50. also, LACE STRIPED FIGURED LAWNS, At 25 centa?coat 50 in New York. We have also just received a largo lot of LONGCLOTHS and SHIRTINGS, which we are aelhng at prieea that defy competition. Aug 12 _ F. B. ORCHARD AjCO. GREAT MUS GRAND CENTRAL Ulli GOODS ESTABLISHMENT ok W. D. LOVE & CO. i (\( \ PIECES yard-wide PERCALES at 1_' "\ " l-'Ac a vard?half prico. 21)0 piees? PRINTS at 10c. 200 dozou LADIES' HOSE at 12Jc? worih double. 200 .lozou Gonts' HALF HOSE at 10c. and I2}c. a pair?the beat goods over of? fered tor tho price. A nice lino of BEADED BELTS for Ladies?now styles at low prices. BOO I S and SHOES ot tbo very boat makca, at prieea to snit.. All i he other departments have been EULLY REPLENISHED with the beat in iliert of goods, and aro offwred at the LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH. Angus113 WM. D. LOYE A CO. "The Georgia Gin," ! We again call the attention of thoBe without GINS to the above Gin. Wo have I sold them for seven years, and tho univer? sal aatiafaciiou the* have given and the largely iucreaied demand and salo oach 1 yo'ir, is the heat evidenco of their merits. I We belli ve they willGIN FASTER, MAKE I I A RE P l'ER LIST, RUN LIGHTER AND j GIN CLEANER, than any other Gin in tho j market. Order early, of L?RICK A LOWRANOE, I July 2:i Agents for South Carolina. mr\ rn-ry-TTi TjtiiimTfffl "DTTTlT.Tr?? If you Want a Thorough Newspaper, 8udscribb for the phoenix, Daily and Tri-Weekly; or Issued every Wednesday, IN COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLINA The Phcenix is the oldest daily paper in the State, and has been regularly issued -since March, 18G5. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, By Telegraph and Mails, from nearly all parts of the World; together with full MARKET REPORTS; Besides well selected Miscellaneous and Reading Matter, of interest to everybody, will be found in these publi? cations. THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent writers; while special attention is given THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Taken as a whole, no detter or more satisfactory investment can be made, than a subsc . i'oo to one or the other of these puoiiuuUons. They are Conservative in politics, und are devoted to the beat interests of the State. The following are the TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. Daily PnajNix.S4 00 I Tri-Weekly. 2 50 Weekly Gleaner (-18 columns). .. 1 50 These papers were the first issued in Columbia, in 18G5, after its partial de? struction, and have been regularly I published ever since. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY I Throughout middle and upper Counties of the State, and are excellent MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. Tho Pdxenix has a greater circulation through the upper part of South Caro? lina than any other daily paper. Mer? chants undothere will find its columns an admirable means of communication with the people of the entire up-coun? try. Advertifiing rates are reasonable. Send advertisements marked with tho number of insertions desired, and they will be stopped upon the expiration of the time. Office on Richardson street, betweeu Taylor and Blanding. JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor. Have your Job Printing done Homo. especially when Style and Price are the Same theIFhoenix Book and Job Steam Printing Office Is thorn igtily supplied with PO \. ER PRESSES of the Latest Improvement; TYPE of various grades and styles from one foot to the fiftieth part of an inch in size; BORDERS. CUTS.&o.; Black, Colored nud Transfer INKS; PAPER, CARDS, &c. The proprietor is a practical printer and employs the most skilled men in the profession; work executed at short? est notice possible, in latest and best styles and at New York prices. GALL nnd EXAMINE SPECIMENS of 1. 2, 3 and 4 Sheet Posters, Hand bills, .Programmes, Circulars, Pamphlets, Billsof Furn, Briefs, Letter Head?, Dodgers. Bill Heads, Checks; Horse Bills, Receipts, Labels, Railroad Blank?, Legal Blanks, Tags, Cards all kinds and sizes? Wedding, Visiting, Business, Show. JULIAN A. SELBY. Proprietor Phcenix and Gleaner Establishment.