THE PHOENIX, Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, tm GLSANSR, Every Wednesday Horning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY, Editor and Proprietor, Office on Richardson St.. nearTaylor. <9?-rnE Ph?sn'IX is the oldest Daily Pauor d South Carolina, haB tbo laugest cibo? lation in the upper portiou of tbu State, and has been regularly ieauud aiuce its In? ception?March 21,18G5. tO" Book and Job Printing oJ ovory de? scription faithfully attended to. KUBsonir-TioN. Daily, eix raontha, $4; Tri-Wcekly, 2 50; Weekly, 1 50. AnVERTIBEMENTS Inserted in the Daily at $1 a square of nine lines for first, and 50 cents each subsequent insertion; if not exceeding five lines in length, 75 oents. Long advertisements by the week, month or year, at leas ratoa. Marriages, FunoralInvitations, -to., $1. AOKMTS. Julius Poppe, Anderson. Robert Bryoe, Spartanburg. J. A.QrigBby, Rldgoway. E. A.'Hoctt, Nowborry. H. W. L&waqn, Abbeville. Tired Mother*. A little elbow rests upon yonr knee? Your tired knee that has so much to bear; A child's dear eyes are looking lovingly * From underneath a thatch of hair. Perhaps you do not feel the velvet touch Of warm, moist fingers holding yours so tight; You do not prize this blessing over? much? You are almost too tired to pray to? night. But it is blessedness! A year ago, I did cot see it as I do to-day; We are too dull and thanklesB, and too slow To catoh the sunshine till it slips away. And now it seems surprising strange to me, That while I wore the badge of mo? therhood, I did not kiss more softly and tenderly The little ohild that brought me only good. And if some night, when you sit down to rest, ! You miss this little elbow from yonr knee, This restless, ourly head from off yom breast, & This lisping tongue that chatters constantly; If from your own the dimpled bands had slipped, And ne'er would nestle in your palm again; If the white feet into their grave had tripped? I could not blame you for your heartache, then. I wonder so that mothers ever fret At little children clinging to their gown; Or that the foot-prints when the days are wet, Are ever black enough to make them frown. If I could find a little mnddy boot, Or cap or jacket on my chamber floor; If I could kisB a rosy, restless foot, And hear it patter in my home once morel If I could mend a broken cart to-day, To-morrow make a kite to reach the sky, There's no woman in God's world could say, She was more'blissfully content than Bat, ah! the dainty pillow next my own T- never rampled by a shining head; My singing birdling from its nest has flown? The little boy I used to kiss is doadl Spimtuaij Phenomena.?At a private party, given at his London House dur? ing the past week, Sir Charles Wheat stone exhibited some curious electrical experiments for tho amusement of his friends, which would seem to throw some light on certain so-called "spirit? ualistic manifestations." In a dark room, by a stamp of his foot, Sir Charles produced a brilliant crown of electric light in mid-air, while musical instruments seemed to be plajed by invisible hands, whereas the sounds really came from an adjoiniug room iu which the player sat, and were made to appear to bo produced by tho instruments before the spectators by an ingenious contrivance. A contest between science und the ??spirits" in their own chosen feats would be almost as memorable as the celebrated compe? tition between Moses and the magi? cians. The ethereal mildness of some men in the face of domestic infelicity is as? tonishing; but sometimes tho mildest get mad. Tho other day. a quiet New York man suddenly found the lion in kis botom aroused, und ho thrust his wife into the street, and wus arrested. The record of the incident says: "She had loft him three times, and each time she came buck she brought him n baby." ?????im?min im in im in in mi in ill iimwiiri Notice to Chewers of Good Tobacco. CAL.IIOUN! CA 1.111)1 \: CAbilOUNI AFRESH sunplv of the uelebratod CAL HOUN CHEWING TOBACCO, just re? ceived and f 3T aale at, July 18_JOHN C. BEEPERS'. Niles O. Parker. Eooar CAYrnnss. PAEKEIt & CAYPLESS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law< ROOM 1 Parkor'a Block, Main street, Columbia, 8.0. May 10 Apple Jnck. - ALOT of puro mountain APPLE BRANDY; t-.vo and three year* old. A genuine urliclo. JOHN C. SEEGbHtS. TO THE -READING PUBLIC! If you Want a Thorough Newspaper, subscribe for THE PHOENIX, Daily and Tri-Weekly; or Issued every Weducsduy, IN COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLINA. The Phcenix is the oldest daily paper in the State, and haa been regularly issued since March, 1865. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, By Telegraph and Mails, from nearly all parts of the World; together with full MARKET REPORTS; Besides well seleoted Miscellaneous and Reading Matter, of interest to everybody, will bo found in these publi? cations. THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent writers; while special attention is given THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Taken as a whole, no better or morh satisfactory investment Can be made, than a subscription to one or the other of these publications. They are Conservative in politics, and are devoted to the best interests of the State. The following are the TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. Daily Phcenix.81 00 Tri-Weekly. 2 50 Weekly Gleaner(48columns)... 1 50 These papers were the first issued in Columbia, in 18G5, after its partial de? struction, and have been regularly published ever since. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY Throaghont middle and npper Counties of the State, and are excellent MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. The Phcenix has a greater circulation through the upper part of South Caro? lina than any other daily paper. Mer? chants andothers will find its columns an admirable means of communication with the people of the entire up-coun? try. Advertising rates are reasonable. Send advertisements marked with the number of insertions desired, and they will be stopped upon the expiration of the time. Ofilce on Richardson street, between Taylor and Blanding. JULIAN A.SELBY, Proprietor. Have your Job Printing done Home. especially when Style and Price are the Same THE PHOENIX Book and Job Steam Printing Office In o ? Jghly supplied with POWER PRESSES of tho Latest Improvement; TYPE of various grades and styles from one foot to the fiftieth part of an inch in size; BORDERS, CUTS. &o.; Black, Colored and Transfer INKS; PAPER, CARDS, ?c. The proprietor is a practical printer and employs the most skilled men in the profession; work executed at short? est notice possible, in latest and best styles and at New York prices. CALL and EXiMiNE SPECIMENS of 1. 2, :i and I Shoot Pont era. Hand bills, Programmen, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bills of I'iH", Briefs, Letter Heads, Dodgers. Bill Heads. Cheeks, Horse Bills, Rec-ipts, Labels, Railroad Blank*. Legal Blank", Tups, Curds ?II kinds and size.-? Wedding, Vb-itir.c, Business, Show. JULIAN A. KELTjY. Proprietor Phcenix nod Gleaner Establishment. Columbia Hotel Fl It.ST CLASS IIOISK. A CHANGE of management, aud many consequent improve? ments, enables the proprietors to offer to tbo traveling pub'ic oiuro comforts and conveni? ences than can bo obtained at iSE ain otbvt hi nee in tbe eity. fflft. TELEGRAM OFFICE.BIT. J LlAltD and BATn ROOMS in gtho boaio. Every attention ~ guaranteed. GORMAN & CALKAN, March 4 Proprietors. ROSS'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. ? v^|g^7^ ^ ... Another First Class Hotel?Fare s2.50 a Ray, including Omnibus Ride. SITUATED NEAR THE CAPITOL and in the centre of the bueincoe part of tho city. Roue's Omnibus will convey passengers to and from every Train. Tho La-Res' Apartments are complete, with private entrance on Asaomblystreet. Tbe BILLIARD and BATH ROOMS are all new and auperior to any in tho city. April 5 VIA CHARLESTON, S. C, TO AND FROM 7 ' BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, ROSTOX, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Three Tiniest*. Week from Sew York?Tuesday,Tliurn<1nj. and Saturday. ??-Elegant slate HuoniAccommodaduiu Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston." TOTAL, CAPACITY, 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. The South Carolina Railroad Company. AND connecting Roads West, in alliance with the licet of thirteen tirst class Steam? ships to tho above ports, invite attention to the quick timo and regular despatch afforded to tho business public in tho Cotton Statee at tbo PORT OF CHARLESTON, offering facilities of rail and sea transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellence and capacity at auy other port. Tho following splendid Ocean Steamera arerogularlyon thcline: TO NEW YORK. CHARLESTON-Jas.Berrv, Commander. | CHAMPION.B. W. Lockwood,Com'cr. JAMES ADGEB...T.J. Lockwood, Com'der. I MANHATTAN ...M.S. Woodhull.Com'er. JAMES ADGER &. CO.. Acents, Charleston, S. C. GEORGIA. S.Crowell, Commander. | SOUTH CAROLIN A..T. J. Beckett.Com'der. WM. A. COURTENAY, WAONER, HUGER &. CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. TO PHILADELPHIA. Iron SteamshipB ASHLAND.Alex. Hunter,Commander.1 EQUATOR.C. Hincklev, Commander. Sailing Days?FRIDAYS. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S.C. TO BALTIMORE. FALCON..r.Hsinie,Commander. | SEAGULL.Duttou, Commander. Sailing Days?Every Filth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, CharUtton.B. C. TO BOSTON. Steamehios MERCEDITA and FLAG. Sail every Raturdav. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. Kates guaranteed &e low ag thoso of competing lines. Marine Insurance, oue-ballof I one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be prolured at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama,Tennessee aud Mississippi. Statu Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra chaigo, by addressing the Agents of tho Steamships in Charleston, at whose offices, in nil cases, the Railroad Tickets should bo exchanged nnd Berths assigned. The Through Tickets by tl i.- route includo Transfers, Meals aud State Room, while on ship-board. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA RAILROAD And their connecting lines, have large)} increased their faeilith s for the rapid move? ment of Freight and Passengers between the Northern cities aud the South and West. First Class Eating Saloon at Branchville. in the Georgia aud Sooth Ca? olhia Rail? roads, first class sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred freni the btcamera to tfay and night trains ot thcSouth Carolina Railroad*. Closo connection made with oilier Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptnees. The niaiiugCTi will n>? every exert in. to satisfy their patrons that the line via Charleston cannot beturp&SMd in tU si sttb redtho safe dcl'vo^y of goods. For further information, applyfoT.J. 6r.irviK.Wi stem Apen' Atlanta. Gn ; B. D. Habell. General Agent. P. O. Box 4.970; Office 817 Broadway.N. Y.; S. B.PlCKl'.NS, General Passenger aud Ticket Agent, South Carolina Railroad ;oi J. ftl.SEi kuik Super? intendent Gres . Southom Freight and Passenger Line, Charleston, K C. Jan 30 lly CONGARLE IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA, S. C. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFACTU? RER OF STEAM ENGINES, SAW AND GRIST 'MILLS. GIN ^Gearing, and all kinds of Iron Castings for Ma? chinery and Or namontal Cast? ings for Stores and Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens and Cemeteries, Iron Sottces and Arbor Chairs; also, Brass Castings of all kiuds, Bolls for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, Ac. Guarantee all my work first class aud equal to any North or South. Works at foot of Lady street and near to Houth Carolina and Greenville & Colnmbia Railroad Companies' Depots. Nov IB MONEY TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals XCHANGE on New York, Baltinioro, Philadelphia, Boston and all \ E COLUMBIA MUSIC STORE. LyBrand & Son fTHAKK pleasure in calling thcattontion 1 ot the public to an examination of their STOCK of MUSICAL MERCHAN? DISE, consisting of Pianos, Church and Parlor Organs. M?lodoons, Violins, Gui? tars, Banjos, Flute?, Accordouna, Brass and Silver hand Instruments of all kinds. Also, Sheet Music ami Instruction Books for every class of; Musical Instruments on hand at all times. We are So!.- Agentn for tho Slate of South Carolina of KstevA' Co.'s COTTAGE ORGANS. She*! Mnsle sent bv mail, post paid,on receipt .?f price, aud ail kinds of Musical Good* -eet i>y Express, when ordered, to any part ..f tho State, marked C. O. D. Good S'jcou?-hat.d Pi IA I'linaiieipnia, noaiun ami an pruini- ?????.' ~-.,. . :. ml cities of the United States and tu- J,""" Organ*.for saloeheap.for cash po bought and sold. pianos. Organ-an? M.dodoon* I nnr-i: am DEPOSITS received and inttrest-beariug Bepaired in ?> satisfactory manner: ant certificates issu STOCKS, B 'Nf S. GOLD ard SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS ot lac-rcbaiils and uthors from the citv aud connlrv solicited, and LIBERAL LIN I- H OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, *Coriierot Pliin and Itichr.idsi n streets. OKKIINE Imported Wines, Brandus, Ftc . Etc. SCOTCH WHISKIES, Old Jamaica It urn, ii/ji Brandies? Otatd, Ac., Holland Gin. Sheiry Wine, Porl Wine, Ma.iura Wine. Also, a largo Pto?'< of Sue old WMsHee, Cigars, Ac. J. c. SF.F.GKRS. Seegers' vft. Cincinnati Beer THE Cincinnati (tUtette makes tin n-i.> uishing that Cineini.ui. t eer is no longer pure, but adulterated w ith j iuo!r.frtC8. sugar of starch, fiu r< port for 18415. say* t that Prof. Mui es, of New York, analyzed the beer from a dozen different breweries, and found all of if adulterated CoccnltlS I Indiens and mix voniic* entered largely i into its composition. ! J. tl. SFEGERS guarantee f his 1 ocr lobe j pure and r< liabh He does not adultoraie it, but brews Ii the best barley, malt and Imps. Jan ?2 Catawba Wine. 3JURE Kelley Island C ATA Wit A,? on hand aud for sale low l>v Juh 1 JOHN aON'EW A -jON. will giveospoeinl at tent ion 11 moving ami Sliipi lag Pi?.in ?? ; tic* to any -.. ittt desired, : prices. All orders inoniptl} >-.:tt irtfa. t iiui i'linraiitei ?111? t b'??>< with their patn nage. Send t Ingue of Sheet Mitidealtd Mnsii diso. Richard-- i, street, a fe.ydoorsnbov Pmu.tix ifllre, Oo'.uinbia.S. C. Hoes! Hoes'. i i king. Be t <>i hi ; par i : mde ra'.f . fi u d.-?at tnvoriiig \\f >? mir cat a alMerehan l!.f \TrE Meats'! geuir r?>r ' VV WARBEN R')E, ah .-ii'-'li general i?a:iBtaciioii tt.i and have al.-?o a fn.i u-nortt.n i t of t'rwwii lit>.-;.?;. Handled im : ?> G?idi n RA l\ I rt. 'onoi Ii IT.i SPADES, ?HOVELS, SI '-.DING ! Manure I . rks, Canal d <;.?: !. : banoxv.-, Ac., A -..I":-- !i t <"r;.. price4i f(x!* N AG S i \\ .'. ?:, trat? t.- give t in .1 HI ioiv: i; i ?UK: .'Id. THE PHOENIX BooK, Job and NewspaperSteam PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPP PPPPPPP TIIE Proprietor of tho Pucenix has thoroughly fitted hiB cflice with tho Lateat Improved Material for doing all kinds Printing, RRR R K RRRRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RItRR RRRR RRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRR RRRRR Typo,Le>rder,Ornammts, Cuts. Ac,arc of MODERN STYLE and carefully selected. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiihiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii TTTTTTTTT iiiiinn iiiiiiiii iiiiinn iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Presses areof the niott approved pat t erus ?Adams, Hoe and Liberty?Including Platen, Led and Cylinder,, and arc propi rly madani d. NNNNNN NNNNN~ N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN K NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NN N NNN NNNNN NNNNNN Professional Mcu, Merchants and Manu? facturers supplied with am stvleof work. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTl'TTTTTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT T T!X T T T T T T T T T Largostock every kind Cards. Card Hoard, etc., ttf?&white and ;'^jJcolored Pa /j2T per. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII iiihi11i IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII iVith the inrgo amount ol material on baud, the style, quality and cost of work cattt-ot fail to give satisfaction. NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NN N NNN NNNNN NNNNNN Urderefrom abroad willreeHve immediate attention,aiid work promptly forwarded. OCia GGGGG G c; GGGGGGG GGGGG GGGGG TTTT G G GG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG 0 (: (; (; GGGG GGGGO G GG G G (IG (i G GGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GG EstabUshnn i t, wi*nnwBMC PAS8ENGER HfeffiMat^St^TRAlNSrun dad), Sundays excepted, connecting with NigLt Trains on South Carolina Itailrc nd tip and down; with Trains grdug North and toutb on Charlotte, Columbia and Auyutta and YVifniiugton,Columbia and August* F.oace vp. Leave Columbiaat. .7.35 a*m Leave Alston. 9.05 am LeaveNewberry.10.40a m Leave Cokesbury. 2.10 p ni Leave Bolton. 3.50 pm ArrivcatGreenville. 5 30 p m down. Leavt Greenville at.7.SO a ni Leave Reiten.9.30 am Leave Cokesbury.11.15 am Nowberry.2.30 pm Leavo Alston.."..4.20 pm Arrive at Columbia.6.00pm Anderson Jiranchnn? lUve Hidge Division DOWN. cp. Loave Walhalla. 5.46 am Arrive 7.16 p m Leave Perry vilie 6.25 a ru 6.85 pm Leave Ten Leave..6 4f> h c. Camden Train! rni:sMonday, Wednceday and Saturday, as Leave Columbia at. 1.50pm Arrive at Camden at.G.86 pro Leave Cam den at. (if.Oam Arrive r.t Columbia at. 1159 am S. !L Pickins, General Tickt t Ag< m_ Piedmont Air-Lire Fflilwr-v ! Pi-j. . . - CONDENSE!? J 12.E gg.# SET HSfiC'? SkK i ABLE, Itichmci c: and Danville, Lichmuiidand Danville R.\?., N. C. Division,and NorthWi*uix. N. C. 1. \V. Hi UNO'NOLI ?. stations mau. express Leavv Oharluu. 7.11?I' M ti.l & A *i Leave Salisbury. 9.69 J 21 fc.t'4 A 24 I.oavt Greensboro,.... L4U A M 31 It A M Leavt. Danvilb. 4 !ni A M 1.62 P TU Lesve Burkville. 9.44 A 3! C 40 I* M Arrive at Richmond. .12.45 I'M 9 SOI M GOlNli SOt 'JH. Leavt Richmond.2 30 P 21 5.19 2d Leavi burkvilh-...5.84 I' M 8 ?S A Ai Loavt Danville.10 n r 21 12. 71' 31 Leave Greensboro? 2.15 A 2t 4.00P 2i Leave Salisbury. I 57 A M <: :'_> P M Arriv. at Charh.tts. . 7 20 A 2) H M A 1.1 GOING EAST. Leave Grrensbort_ 1.45 A M 11 V A M f.enve Crtn>rai>v Hhojis 8 86 A 2T Arl2 20PM Lcav. italeighl.8 (?5 A 24. Arrivcat Gbldsboro... 11.05AM. OOINO WEST. Leave Ooldt-boro. I t o 1 21. Leave ltalcigh. - 7.45T 21 .. T.eav< GompanySbcps" 12 05 A M 2.161 21 I Arrive at Grcrritborot l .'? 2; f! Of 1 M Ai'iili-wi >.iri a ."V ('? U It. Sab u. r.t itch Leave GrccnsbOro8.40p la v. 11: v < )' fO'n m 1 i ave E< ri < n vi!b ft ( 1 : A.. ;\ ? ?"? IC u n I >T?iltrain? dally, t oil. wii>s. < v< i entin length