THE FB?JIX. Published DaUy and Tri* Weekly,' Every Wfldnoflday Morning, i BY JULIAN A: SELBY<, Editor and Proprietor, Office on RicharddonSt., near Taylor. w ? ??? . ? ? ?, ' 49-The Phojiox Is the oldest Daily Paper n douth Carolina, has the x^naxsT oinou lation in tho upper portion of the State, and haB been regularly iaauod since its in? ception? March 21,1865. MW Book and-Job Printing of ever; de? scription faitbfaUy attended to. ;,,'. dvj'BoOBIPTION. Daily, aix months, Hi-Tri-Weekly, 9 50; Weekly, 160. ... anvwiTisF^iEHxa ., . . Inserted in the Daily at $1 a square of OlhO/ lines for first, and 50 cent a each subsequent insertion; if not excesdlns W? Uneaukt length, 75 cents. Long advertisements, by the week, month or year, at less ritte a. Marriages. Funeral Invitations, ?0., $1. AO EN TS. Julius Poppe, Anderson; . . Robert Bpyoe, Bp artanb.urg. J. A.OriReby, RidReway. E. A. aoott, Kewborry. : .. f--i H. W. LawBon, Abbeville. > , Mail AbBanoements.?Northern mail opens 6.80 A. M., 8 P. M.; closes' IIA. M., 6 P.M. Charleston opens 8 A. M., 5.30 P. M.; closes8 A. M., 6 P. M. WeBt?nr:.b^oxiB:r6 A^Mv,. 1 P. M.; olosoa 0, 1.30'P. M. Greenville opens 0.45 P.M.; olosee 6 A.M. Wil? mington opens 4 P.M.; closes 10.30 A. M. On Sunday open from 2.30 to ?.3p.F. M. 1 "A Republican" requests! US to pub Aliab-the following ticket: For Governor?Jadge F. Mahcr, oi "Bajpnwelli 'f Lieutenant-Governor?JaUgc John T> Green, of Sumter. Senator?John O. Seegera. Representatives?W. K. Baobmr.n, Col. Wra. Simons,.B. D. Senn, Joseph McMillan. 1 /' .', V . A colored- man. named" Seaborn J. Peaoook, of Atlanta? Qa., baa a patent fly-brash. Ii is attached to.the table and is moved by the foot, which keeps it going regularly. He has already sold nineteen in that city. Wanted?A ' few more advertise? ments, to enable as to.publish a paper j for the good of others as well as oar selves. "A gem of purest raise serene" is | the St Louis Journal parlance for go? ing a few better at draw poker. There is but one way to obtain busi-1 ness?publicity; bnt one way of gain? ing publioity?advertising. Subsobujebs?Obtain the latest news | by mail and by telegraph in the Daily Phoenix. Advertising is to business what steam is to machinery?the.grand propelling power. '/'ill * / Now is the Time?To advertise, at our summer rates, and while there is leisure to read the papers. Qrimault & Co.'s GURANA POWDERS, FOB Siok He ad-a oho ana Neuralgia, for sale at L. T, SILLIMAN A (JU.'B June 21_ Drug Store. P. B. GLASS, Accountant. TILL attend to Opening, (Hosing or Seeping Sets of BOOKS OF AC? COUNTS for Merchants, Bankers, Me? chanics, Professional Mbn or others, and to any business pertaining to the Counting Room. COPYING or WRITING of any de? scription executed promptly. Office at Oo lumpja Hotel, first floor._June 0 BLOOD ABB LIVER PILLS, Prepared only by E. H. HEINITSH, ABE the beat LIVER PILL8 ever offered I . to the people of the South. For all diseases of the Liver they go ahead of any ether Pill known. They have been tried and found worthy of general acceptation and use. J They ours all caeca of LlVer Complaint, Biliousness, FtiVers, Chili?, Headache, Ooativeneis, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Biliona Headaohe, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Dizziness, Fullness, Oppression Of the Head, Rush of Blood to the Head. June 16_% Drs. Greene, Lmdiey & Bentley's Great Family Medicines. COMPOUND EXTRACT CORY DA? WS, the great vegetable alterative for all dieeaaes arising from impure blood. DR. GRBBNB'8 PIT CURB, for the oure of Epilepsy, Fits, Spasms, and convul? sions of all kinds. Medicated Honey, for CouRbs, Cclds, Bronchitis, Croup, and all diseases ol the 1 lungs and air passages. Neuralgia Specific,a certain and speedy enre for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Net vous Head-aohe, and all nervous pains. WabsiU Valley Agas Cure. Contains no Quinine. A most positive remedy for Chills, Bilious .Fever, and Congestions of Liver and Spleen. Aota like a charm, , Prepared at the Laboratory, Charlotte, N.C. For sale by W. O. FISHER, Nov20ily Columbia. S. C. $300.000 K Legalized by State Authority, and DBA WN IN P UBLIG IN BT, LO UIS. Grand Slngla Number Scheme of .50,000' Numfc?M,l DRAWS TUE LABT bAY'Or'EACH MONTH. CAPITAL PEIZE, $50,000! ><>.3SO Prizes, Amounting to suno.ono. WholeTiokets^tlO; Halves, 5; Quarter's; 2.50 37ie Great Combination Scheme, with a CAPITAL PRIZE OF $32,600! and 32,396 Poizes, Amoustixo to $378,1771 Draws Eoery Saturday During the Year. Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, 6; ft.aartor4,'2,50 AddroBB, for tickets and circulars, MURRAY, MILLER & CO.. MauaRCn?; P. O. Rox 2,110. St. Louis. Mo. April 7 If you Want a Thorough NeWapaper, ' . BUBSCIUBE ! ,, jjj THE PHOENIX, Daily and Tri-Weekly; or ' ^ WWW* Issued every Wednesday, IN COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLIN A. The Phowix is the oldest daily paper in the State, and haa been regularly issued since Maroh, 1866. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, By Telegraph and Mails, from nearly all parts of the World; together with full ' 1 MARKET REPORTS; Besides well selected Miscellaneous and Reading: Matter, of interest to everybody, will be fonnd in theBe publi? cations. , THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent Writers; while special attention is given \ THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Taken as a whole, no butt tit or. ' MORE SAXISPACTORV INVESTMENT Can DO I made, than a subscription to ono or I tho other of these publications. They are Oonservativo in politics, and aru ; devoted to lue host interests of the plate. The following are tho TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. Daily Pnaixix.00 Tri-Weekly.2 50 Weekly Gleanee (18 columns)... 1 50 TheBe papers veto the first issncd in Columbia, iu 1SC5, uftor its partial de? struction, and have been regularly published over since. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY Thronghout middle and upper Counties of the State, and are excellent MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. The' PnxBNrz has a greater circulation throngh the upper part of South Caro? lina than any other daily paper. Mer? chants andothers will find its columns an admirable means of communication with the people of the entire up-coun? try. Advertising rates are reasonable, Send advertisements marked with the number of insertions desired, and they will be stopped upon the expiration of the time. Office on Riohardson street, between Taylor and Blending. JULIAN A. 8ELBY, Proprietor. Have your Job Printing done Home. | K8PECIAIiIiV when Style and Price are the Same THE^HOENIX Book aud Job Steam Printing Office Is tborooghly supplied with POWER PRESSES of the Latest Improvement; TYPE of various grades nnd styles from one foot to (ho fiftieth part of an inch in size; BORDERS,. CUTS. &o.; Black, Colored and Transfer INKS; PAPER, CARDS, &c. The proprietor is a practical printer and employs the most skilled men in the profession; work executed at short? est notice possible, iu latest and best styles and at New York nrices. CALL and EXAMINE SPECIMENS ofj | l. 2, 3 and i Sheet Posters..Hand-biU?; Programme?, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bills of Fare, llrief-s, Letter Heads, Dodgers. Bill Heads, Checks, Horse Bills. Receipts. Labelc, Railroad Blanks, LegaV BlankH, Tags, Onrds i\ll kinds and sizes? , I.Wedding, Visitiotr. Business, Show. JULIAN A. SELBY. Proprietor Pfuexix and Glranei: Establishment. Goh&mbiaHotel II -.01 -r~o?, . ,. . , . 1 .; KfR?T CLASS HOVJ8K. r.i rj<-. ? ?ro^-rr Lt I A CHANGE of management, and'm'auy consequent improve*1 meme; enables tho proprietors to offer to tbe traveling pnblib more comforts and conveni? ences than can be obtained at any of ber bonso iu the city. TELTEGRAPH OFFICE. BIL? LIARD and BATH F.OOMfc ia tbe house. Every attention guaranteed. GORMAN &? CALNAN, March 4 Proprietors. ROSE'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. O. . . WH. E. ROSE. Proprietor. Another First Class Kctel in the City?Fare $2.50 a Day. (INCLUDING OMNIBUS HIDE.) SITUATED NEAR THE CAPITOL and in thooentreof tho bueinees part of the oity. Roae'n Omnibus will conyey paeeongers to and from every Train. Tho Ladies' I Apartments areoomplete, with private entrance on Aasemblystreet. The BILLIARD und | BATH ROOMS aro all hew and superior to any in tho city. April 5 VIA iL CHARLESTON, S. C, TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, SEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Tlircc Ti tur ? ii Week from New Yorlc?Tuesday,Thursday I nni it % InlM-raled Coccnlus Indieus and mix v-.inun nturud largely into its composition J, (J. HFKOER8 gnarantoeB his boer to be pure and reliable. Ho does not adulterate it, but brows trom tbo best barley, malt and hops. Jan 23 GENUINE Imported Wines, BrandicB, Etc , Etc. SCOTCH WHISKIES, Old Jamaica Hum, Brandies?Olard, Ac., _ HollrndGin, bhorry Wine. Port Wino. Madeira Wine, Also,?largo Hlrc\ of fine old Whiskies, Cigars. Ac. J. 0. REF.GERB. LyBrand & Son fllAKK pleasure in calling the attention | X ol tho public to au examination of their STOCK of MDSICAL MERCHAN? DISE, consisting of Pianos, Church and Parlor Organs, Melodeous, Violins, Gui? tars, Banjos, Flutes, Aceordeous, Ernes aud Silver Rand Instrument* of all kinds. Also, Sheet Music ami instruction Books for overy classof Musical Instruments on band at all times. We aro Sole Agents for the Stato of South Carolina of Estev tc Co.'s COTTAGE ORGANS. Sheet Music sent bv mail, pout pa d, on receipt of price; and afl kinds of Musical Goods eont by Express, when ordered, to any part of the State, marked C. O. D. Good Secon?-hand Pi? anos and Organs for sale cheap, for cash. Pianos. Orgaus and Molodeon* Tuned and Repaired in a satisfactory manurr: and will giveospeeialattentlon to Packing, Re? moving and Shipping Pianos for othei par ticH to any point desired, at moderate prices. All orders promptly attended to undsat lsfaeti<>i< guaranteed to those favoring us nith *ti.'dr natronace. Send for our cata? logue ??' Sheet Musical,d Musics'Mercb" i lis". i'.ifliiirdson street, a fewdoor^nbnvo PlltKMix ?llleei O-dnnibia H. 0. Nov 7 A TtOTi bargniu Hosiery, Ties and Under-wcar, T T>. EPSTiN'S, under Columbia Hotel,. at the lowest prices. May 11(1 | Inmbi* Hotel Family Flour. HiO '?RLS. *.xtr:i Family FLOUR Hmrhhh lOie'iHrrel- low ericed. bnt *onnd, S?HE? Fernalcbv HOPE A OYLES O. Paukkr. Eiui.vit C.vrri.f.s8 PARKER & CAYFLE3S, Attorneys and Counsellors nt Law T>OOM 1 rarker's Block, Main street* IV Columbia; ft. O. May 10 I Bargains in Suits. Business und Pre sri IS. go to !>. EPSTIN'S, under Co May !10 Bummor Schedule 8. & U.K. R., i pnHKj DOWN TRAIN UP TBAIM SSK^HBr Arrive.Leave Arrive.LDave Spsrtanburg.. 11.00 u2.46 H1i Batesville.11.82 11.85 2.17 2.20 Paoolet. 11.40 11.45 1 3.05 2.10 JonesviUe. 12.16 12.22 1.28 1.36 Unionville..... 12 ?5 1.10 12 30 12.55 Santuc. 1.42 1.60 11.46 11.16 Fish Dam. 2.12 2.1G 11.10 11.20 [Shelton... 2 28 2.35 10.47 10.f6 Lyles'Ford_ 2.48 2 63 10.24 10.82 Btrothera. 3.07 3.15 10.00 10.10 llxtoa. 4.00 . I 9.10 June 25_W. W. DAVIE8, 8np't._ The Short Line Schedule. Cbablotte, Columbia & Augusta R. B. Co. (Columbia, 8. 0., Juoe 28, 1874.' Ig^CggMBto TUE following Fhn flEEBfiJaK^KT?1 oangerSchodule will bo operated on and after tidB date: goino nobtu ' Train No 2 TrainNo 4 Leave Angnata..7.45 a xn 4.16 p-m Graniteville....*8.13a m G.lluxn Col'bia Junct'n.12 20 a m f'JOOpm ArrivoColnmbia.12 SO am 9.17 pm Leave Columbia.12.42 am Winrmboro. 2 49 p m Chester.1429 p m i Arrive Charlotte.|G.45pm . . , No. 2 Train makes close connection, via Charlotte and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York 0.05 A. M.1 No. 4 Train makes clo^e connection via Wilmington and Richmond to all points North, arriving at New York at 5.151'. M. noiNo south. Train No 1 Train No 3 Leave Charlotte.7.00 am Chester.9.68 a m Winnsboro.11 43 a m ArrivoColnmbia.2.C3pin Leave Colombia.2.13 p m 3.40 a m Col'bia Jvtnct'n. 12.48 p m 4 15 a ru Oranitevillo ...17.15 p m ?7.48 am Arrive Angusta.8.05 p m 8.45 a m 'Breakfast. 4Dinncr. iSupper. , Bouth hound Trains connect at Angnata for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to princi? pal pointh. met bleeping care on all Night Trains. JAS. ANDERSON, General hup. A. Pope. Oen. Passenger aud Ticket Agont Wilmington, Columbia and Aug R R GENERAL PASSENGER DEPART., Columbia, B. C, Way 18 1874. fTTZ X3SS PSifelitaC* - THE lollowing Kobe- ! 4ffll3i^K=fe^duloaiIl be operated on and alter this date: GOING KOUTH. train SO 2 THAIS NO 4 Loavo Columbia. Ii (ID a m 8.45 pm Florence.312 25 p tu 2.10 am Arrivo Wilmington.... 7.15 j>m "7.15am going SOnn. Tit A ik NO 1 TBAIN no 3 Leave Wilmington.tU'Oam tG.lOpxo Florence.4.0Upm 11.37 pm Arrive Columbia..9.65 p xn 4.00 am Train No. 2, from Columbia, is an accom? modation to Florence, and there connects closely with N. E. R. lt.. and at Wilmington with W.db W. R. R. to all poiutu North. Train No. 4 from Columbia ia fast Ex? press, making through connections, allrail, North and South, and water line connec? tions tin Portsmouth. Train No. 1. from Wilmington, connects closely at Florence with N. E. R. It. for Charleston, and is an accommodation train thence to Columbia. Train No. 3, from WilmiDgton, is a fast Express, connect ing olosely from and to all points North and bouth. Through tickets sold ana baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman palace sleepers on night trains. ^Breakfast. IDinner. tSnpper. Accommodation Train No. 2 leaves Co? lumbia daily, Sundays excepted. Express Train No. 4 leaves Colombia every night. JAS. ANDERBON, General Sup. A. Pope, Gen. Passenger and Ticket Agent Greenville and Columbia Railroad rr-.mrrmnrnm i'A^s e n g kr WHSfiBSZ'TllAlNB run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina ltailn ad np aud down; with Trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augutta and Wilmington .Columbia aud Augusta Roads up. LeaveColnmbiaat.7.15 am Leave Alston. 0.05 am Leave Newherry.10.40a m Leave Cokeubury. 2.00 pm Leave Kelt on.8.60 pm Arrive at Greenville.5.SO pm DOWN. LeaveOreenvtlle at._7.80 a m Leave Helton.,.9.30 am Leave Cokeebury.LI.16 a m Leave Nowberry.2.30 pm Leave Alston.4.20 pm Arrive at Columbia. 6 00 pm Anderson Brauciia}td Blue Ridge Dioision down. dp. Leave Walhalla. 5.45 a m Arrive 7.15 pm Leave Perryville 0.25 a iu 0.35 p m Leave Pendleton 7.10 a m 5.50 p m Leavo Anderson 8.10 a m 4.50p m Arrive at Helton 11.00 a m Leave 8.50 p m Accommodation Trains run on Abbeville Branch Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Anderson Branch, between Helten and Anderson. Tnesdav, Thnrrdsy and Satur? day. THOMAS DODAMF.AD, Gen. Sup. Lure Norton. General Ticket Acent. Change of Schedule. South Gaiiolika Railroad Com w n y . Columbia, K. C, October 18. 187?. ?S?l%EBS?gfr, C????? Schedule 6t?aKSt*?Bc^3fri,v to go into effect on andafter Sunday,19th iuatant: mAlt. AND PABbLNGI l( TBAIN. Leave Columbia at. 8.40 am Arrive at Charleston at.4.2hpni Leave Charleston at. 9.01 pm I rrivcat Columbia at. 6.(0 pra wight extrehs, fbeioiit AND accommoda? tion tbain, Sunday*, excepted. LeaveOolnmbia.7.1.r> y ni Arrive. .0.30 > m Arrive Charleston 7.10 y to Leave..0.45 stn Camdon Train| rut s Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, as follows: Leave Columbia at. 1.50pm Ariive at Camden at. 0.35 pm Leavo Catnden at. 0 50 am Arrive at Columbia at.1150 am S. IJ. Pick ins, General Ticket Agent. Piedmont Air-Line Railway. rT?"i?PiflKavL ??? CONDENSED TIME SrMK^sk^%?% J ABLE, Richmond and Danville, Richmond aud Danville lt. W., N. C. Division, and North Weitem N. O. R. W. GOING NORTH. STATIONS MAIL, EXPUESS Leave Charlotte.7.10 P M 0.25 A M Leave Salisbury.9.60 PM 8.84 A M Leave Groeusboie. 1.40 AM 11 It1 AM Leave Danville. 4 :r.i A M 1.D2P M Leavo Hurkville. 9.44 A M 6.4?F M Arrive at Richmond.. .12.45 1* M 9.30 P M GOING SOUTH. Leave Richmond. 2 80 P M 6.10 A M Leave Hurkville. 5.34 P M 8.28 A M Leave Danville. 10 41 P SI 12.67 P M Leave Greensboro-2.15 A ?I 4.00P M Leave Salisbury. 4 57 A M 0.22 T M Arrive at Charlotte.. . 7.20 A M H.30AM GOING EAST. Leave Greensboro-1 45 A M 11.10 A M Leave. Company Shops 3 30 A MArl2.20PM Leave Raleigh. 8 05 A M . Arrive at Gnldsboro.. .11 15 AM. GOING WEST. Loavo Goldehoro.4.C0PM. Leave Raleigh.7.46 P M. LoavoCompanySbops 12.05 A M 2.16 P M Arrive at Greensboro. 1.30AM 8.80PM IVorilt-ivrxtrni IV Ii H IC.KulfiM Rrnctt Leave Gr000sboro3.40p m Arrive 10.30 & m Leavo Kernersvilh-9.00 a mAriive 5.10 nm Mailtrainaidaily, both wa> s, over entire length of road. Express daily botweon Company Shops and Charlotte. Sundays excepted. S. E.ALLEN. Gem Ticket Agt. T. 31. It. Tai.cot, Engineer aud Gen. Sup THEYPHeENi'^::, Book, Job aqd JJowoyaper Steabi \\ rf I ?tn ppfrini ?an?B?wm n\ > I 11VU .LolADLlMlfflfift'l ppPPPPPP PF pppppppppp, PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP ppppp PPPPPPP PPPPPPP nil ?I I.. ?10 ? .; ?i-.i TITE Propriotcr' of Inn <&; olikrdd. loll, flpeoinjona Proprietor.