COLUMBIA, S. C. Saturday Morning, July 11,1874. Tbe Cause YVny. Before out neighbor ""passed into -asftber hands," it was addioted to the _L?&e of saying, frequently, that wo ? ?rtltrag eously abused Mr. Chamberlain ?imd bated him "bitterly." This joke ? like the utory of "Grouse and tbe '?Saa Room," end served the purpose -vrftickling its inventors hugely, with hurtiug os. Since the ohange, the jteSce has somewhat changed, too. ?;s'? what we have said about Mr. 0. zemnre courteously styled an "attaok," ..?*md is attributed to the tronble which ^sbo/mention of hie name for Governor &a?-caused ns. We think that vre have ?anffiaiently disonssed Mr. O.'s preten > iL We are.not conscious of tbe slight? est objeotion to htm personally, or -'?fceuause he is a.Northern man, or a .: Jlepublioan. Oar objections ate ? afisogether different, and have been s feaukly expressed If he had v?r.hibitau tho essentials of a .arfiformor, in traits ?f character such ns 1 firmness, resistance to corruption, pa /oijovro ^efforts to stem Ue tido iu tbe ?. reeponsible positions be has filled, or ' -2&-'?hk -past and present attitude to v .-varda questions of vital importance to 1 oav people,-wo should have thought it v ?tisp>\in ' his ?paity and promising of vj^ood 'to the State for them to have nominated him. What-Gov. Walkor ."did.lor Virginia, a prudent, capable, .kur'cninolod Northern man might have ???,ouh for as; South.. Carolina as well .-?9 .Virginia needed an interpreter to tbe ZXToriuern poople add to the national A,3tQaiuistration, after the confusion of .-t.eirguofi aud ideas, and the loss of the .'-sfarii of. juBtioe and fratenal feeling ^flseed by the civil war. Sach interme? diate would at one time have been of -erce?t advantage to her. But tbe time ft past. We have the ear of the conn Icy already, and we shall soon, with ??it-the aid of a middle man, command *&? attention of the General Govern aaeut. Mr. Chamberlain 'comes too ?ate-toplay this-part, even if he were -aftdapted to it, whioh he is not. He is c exceptional good pointit in his ct tractor for commendation, and cha a&ably panning by the bad and fanati ?**SL We never think of dead issnes; -cherish no animosities. The issue ??-Vit- ranke with yon is not one for poli ?&a& power. It is for tolerable and ?ioseut govern mem, it is for the right ?ite iivo and enjoy our own; it is for the safo-ftBtagea of odnoation, for the pro -.?ctfoss of civilization, for tho sanotity of -.ifro-ad morals. That looks to ns like a ?b?q issue. We have asked you to meet ??B&&airly, to recognise it by placing (as ?J3V. have the majority of votes) good jootsa iu oflloo. Yon, have not done it. 3*7? ask yon for bread, and yon give ns ,-jsi .?tone. -?? .. An Unfoanded ObJeotJon. "But we do objeot to this style of -ssgament, that, bucanse an offioor was tn* of a board composed of three or ?f'jpo pereoua, he must necessarily be Saaffii responsible for the action of the -Trjtolo board."? Union-Herald, 10th. We do not ohar^e that he (Mr. I'brunbatlaiu) is solely responsible for ??MMos-wlth whioh ho was oonneoted, ?*43t 'ne most shoulder his proper share ...?f this responsibility.? FHCBtrrx, 9th. Tax Union?. A meeting of the citizens of Rich laud County will be held in the Conrt House, at Columbia,!ou' Monday, the 18th instant, nflll o'ot?ck A. M\, for. tho purpose of orgauiajug Tax-tJoionB.' All ard requested to attend who favor the protection of property, the ad? ministration of justice, the ouubq of morality, and who have the maulioesB and virtue to make still another effort to rescue the State from those influ? ences which have made its Government a mockery and a crime, and which, if unchecked, must inevitably reduoe it to a oondition of barbarism. WM. WALLACE. Chairman Richland Delegation of Tax-Payers. United States District Court, Charleston, July 9?Judge Bryun presiding.?The petitions for fluni dis? charge in baukrnptoy of Theodore G. Snowden, Henry D. Lowndes and Theodore Stoney, of the firm of Sto? ney, Lowndes & Co., were referred to Registrar Carpenter to report, and the 29th of July set for final hearing. It was ordered, in the petition of Theo? dore G. Barker for payment of claim, in the matter of Stoney, Lowndes & Co., that the nsBiguee pay the net pro? ceeds to the petitioner, und that the petitioner have leave to proceed for the remainder against the bankrupt estate. The following equity busiuesB was dis? posed of: The case of Charles H. West, Jr., assignee of J tunes R Pringle Sc Co., against Robert Adger, O. A. Boweu and H. K. Sillimau, under the firm of James Adger & Co., a bill for relief, came up for bearing, und it wub ordered that, upon Robert Adger cre? diting 83,000 on tho note of J. R. Pringle & Co. for $1,246, dated March 19, 1873, end paying all oo*te andj expenses, the assignee turn over to Robert Adger tho title and possession of the property described iu the bill. In the petition of J. P. Murshall for the involuntary bankruptcy of Hope Sc Gyles, it was ordered that the petitiou be dismissed and the injunction here? tofore issued bo dissolved. Iu the petition of Airs. E. F. Pringle to prove debt, in the case of James R. Priugle & Co., bankrupts, it wus ordered that the report of Registrar Carpenter be continued, and the petitioner named be inscribed as a creditor against the estate of the bankrupt for 6098 56 100, with interest from June 1*1, 197 i. The Transit op Vends.?The cur? rent year will become a notable one in the unDals of science, because of the phenomenon occurring on the 9th of December, which is known to astrono? mers ns the transit of Venus. More than 100 yearn have elapsed siuce tho laut occasion of this transit. Another will happen iu 18(32, for, according to the laws which govern the respective motions of Venus and the earth, the transits, when they do happen, occur in couples at comparatively short in? tervals; but there will then be uo other transit until the year 2004. The phe? nomenon alluded to is the paasaga of the planet Vuuns between tho earth and the sun, in such a position with regard to tho earth's orbit that Venus is seen to move like a round black spot over the sun's fuco. The importuuue of tbis phenomenon, iu o scientific poiut of view, may be judged from the fact that it ufforda astrono? mers the best means of measuring the distuuuoH of the heuVeuly bodies, und of ascertaining their weight und di? mension*. New York Liquor Sellers.?Many liquor dealers iu New York persist iu selling without license. Strenuous and substantial efforts having failed to indnce the Legislature to reduce the license fee, the Liquor Dealers' Pro? tective Association, by advice of coun? sel, nuited iu refusing to take out licenses, being assured of tho existence of flaws iu the law that would render its enforcement impossible. Tho Ex? cise Board will test the mutter by suit against tho refractory seilen*. What? ever may bo tho result of the suit, the people will bo gaiuers?u conviction insuring a rctoedy of the present laxity of the law, while the reverse eveot will procure better legislation. There are said to he 4.000 dealers selling without liooDse, against 3,900 who have re? garded the law. In case of conviction, the penalty will be $250 fine or ono year's imprisonment or both. --?. A very late number of Hull's Journal of Health contains an articlo in which the writer says that "early rising, iu civilized sooioty, always tends to short on life." Prom the earlier days of our country tho idea has come dowu of "early to bed, early to rise." This doubtless oncu held good, but now a large part of our work is done in the eveuing, and with many it iu the only time for social opportunities, und with others for montul recreations; this be? ing the case, early rising is oat of the question, and is really unnecessary. By setting up lato and rising early, is often, as Hall states, followed by nerv? ousness, hasty temper, und other things which injure tho stamina of life. Loss by Fire.?We regret to learn that the Peyton residence, belonging to Mr, R. P. Gant, at Boiling Spring*, was entirely consumed by fire on Mon? day morning last, about 8 o'clock, and, but for the timely information given by a trusty colored man, named Geo. Jones, his entire family would have perished in the flames, as be discovered it in time for them to make their es? cape. His store was also consumed, but we believe ho suooeeded in saving most of his stook. The fire, it is sup? posed, originated from some defect in a stovo-pipo attached to hisoook room. [Barnwell Sentinel. Licenses. Officb City Treasuber, Columbia, S. O., July 11,1874. . The following ordinances-are pub? lished for the ioformatiou of all. con corned. The penalties therein ' pro? scribed for exercising, conducting or carrying ou any trade, business or pro? fession, without first obtaining a li oeuse therefor, will be imposed on and after the 20th instant: An Ordinance to Beoulate Licenses for the Year 1873 Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Co? lumbia, in Council assembled, That every person, firm, company or corpo? ration, engaged iu, or intending to be engaged irj, any trade, business or pro? fession hereinafter mentioned, shall obtain, ou or before the Gtli day of January, A. D. 1873, a license there? for, iu manner provided; those com? mencing business ufter tho Gth of Jan? uary, shall obtain a lioense before en? tering upon that business. Sec. 2. Every person, firm, company or corporation required by this ordi? nance to obtain a license to engage iu any trade, business or profession for which a license is required, shall re? gister with tbe City Clerk aud Treasu? rer?first, his or her name or style, and iu case of a firm or company, tbe names of the ? persons consti? tuting such firm or company, und their pluces of business; second, the trade, business or profession for which n li? cense is required; third, the place where such trudo or professiou is car? ried on; if a wholesale or retail dealer in goods, wares and merchandise, the amount, extent und value of business intended to be carried on, excluding distilled spirits; all of which shall be given under oath. Sec. 3. If aoy person or persctus exercise or curry ou uuy trade, business ; or profession, lor tlie; exercisiug, tar? rying ou or doing of which u license is required by this ordinance, without first register]uk uud taking out sush, as iu that behalf required, he, she or they shall, besides being liable to tho payracut for the hen use. be sub? ject to a penalty of $40, ou couvictiuu before tho Mayor or auy court of com? petent jurisdiction; one-hull of the penalty, ufter Deducting expenses of the prosecution, to be paid to the per? son who first! luforois of the niutte7s and things whereby tbe penalty is re? covered, and the other half to tbe city. Sxc. 4. Iu every license to be taken out, under or by authority of this or diuuucu, shall be contained and set forth the purpose, trude, business &r professiou for which such license is grauted, aud the name aud place of business of the person or persons taking out the sutm-; if a wholesale or retail deuler iu goods, wares and mer? chandise, tbe umouut, extent or value of the business intended to bu carried on. The City Clerk and Treasurer shall prepare a proper form of license to bu issued in each cane, which license shall be posted up or kept by the per? son reeeiviug the name, us tbe City Clerk ahull direct. Any evasion oi the provisions of thia section aboil, on con? viction before the Mayor, be punisha? ble by fioe of $20. Sec. 5. Tho hcer.aes grauted under this ordinance shall not authorize the pur.sou or persons, or firm, company or corporation mentioned therein, to ex? ercise or carry on thu trade, business or professiou specified iu such license iu any other place than that mentioned therein, unless permitted so to do by tho Mayor. A license grauted ou aud after January 1, 1873, shall coutiuue iu force until the 1st of January fol? lowing; uud all licenses grauted after the 1st of Juuuary, A. D. 1873, shall be issued upon payment of a rateable portion ci tho whole umouut of money imposed for such license: Provided, however, That no lioeuse shall bo grauted lor less period lhau three months, though the time to the end of the year be lean thau that. Eich li? cense grauted shall be dated on toe first day of tbe month in which the liubility therefor accrued, and thu amount to be puitl therefor shall be computed therefrom until the cud of tho year, except as hereinbefore meu-1 tioued: Provided, That after a license is granted by the city, no portion thereof will be refunded. Sec. G. Upon tho removal of any i person or persons from the house or premises at which the trade, bnsiuess or profession men tioued in such license was authorized, it may and shall be lawful for the Mayor to authorize, by endorsement of auch license, the per I son removing as aforesaid to any other I place to carry on tho trade, business or i professiou spi/cified in such license at tho plucj to which such person may have removed. Sec. 7. For a license to carry on any trade, business or profession herein? after mentioned, tho sums hereinafter I mentioned ahull be paid into the City Treasury: Astrologers and clairvoyants, $100; apothecaries, retail, $25; architects or surveyors, 25; auctioneers, 100;agents, reul estato, aud collection brokers, 25; agents, selling by sample, at retail, per year, 50; agents, seSiiug by sample, at rotail, per day, 1; attorneys ut law, 25; banks and bankers, 200; billiard, baga? telle, or other gaming tables, for the first table, 50; for every additional ta? ble in the sumo establishment, 25; bowling alleys or pistol galleries, for each alley or gallery, 25; builders nnd master mechanics, 20; butchers, for eaoh stall hired, 10; blacksmith shops, first forge, 10; each additional forge, 5; brokers, commercial, cotton or pro dace, 50; brokers, money aud dealers in exchange, 75; brokers, pawn, 100; brokers and dealers in horses ai d mules, who keep no sales stables, per month, 8; and it shall not bo lawful for any trausient dealer iu horses or mules to offer his stock for sale until he shall have taken out a lioense, to expire at lue end of one month, for which he shall pay the sam of $8; but such li? cense may be,renewed at the same rate. For each and, every violation of, this artiole, tile .party offending ehajl be flb'ea in the earn of 825 for es? and every offence. Barbers, for eaolrchair, 85; book-bin dors, 20; boot autKahoo making establishments, whero 'hired labor is employed, 10; bakeries, bread, pie or cake, 25; bill posters. 5; board? ing booses, capable of accommodating 6 to 25 persons, from 10 to 25; coul or wood yurdH, 25; coufectiouery or fruit doalers, 25; contractors, other thau builders, 20; cottou factors, 50; cotton press. 15; cotton gin manufactory, 10; cotton gins, ginning for toll or pay, 100; chiropodists, 25; carriage reposi? tory, 75; cock pit, 200; dealers, retail, in goods, wurHH and merchandise, ix cludiug distilled Spirits, whose annual sales do not exceed 65 000, 810; deal? ers, retail, in goods, wares and mer? chandise, excluding distilled spirits, whose annual sales exceed 5 OOO, but do not exceed 10.000, 25; dealers, re? tail, in goods, waren nnd merchandiM", excluding diatillod spirits, whose an mud sales exceed 10,000, but do not exceed 20.000, 40; dealers, retail, in goods, wares and merchandise, exclud? ing distilled spirits, whoso auuuul Bales exceed 20.000. but do not exceed 30, 000, 50; dealers, retail, iu goods, waies and merchandise, excluding distilled spirits, annual rules exceed 30, 000, but do uot exceed 50,000, 100; and every additional 1.000, per 1,000, 2; deutists, 20; express companies, 250; exhibitions, uitciiHCH, per day, 100; ex? hibitions, theatrical, minstrel, or exhi? bitions of uuy kind for gain, 10 per day; foundries, lO; guN compauies, 100; gas machine r.ianuluctoriea, $25; gas titter* and plumbers, ?25; gift store, $100; botuhs, capable of .?CCUIU UUjdlltttlg 100 persons, $200; hotels, capable of ue coiuu)ndulitig less than 11)0, ami more than 50 persons, ?100; bonds, capable of accommodating over 115, aud lens than 50 persons, "550; hucksters, 810; ice houses aud tannufactnrors of ice, 850; insurance companies or agencies, (the HUtue for each and every ageuoy,) 850; intelligence office, 810; junk shops, (application to bo made to (Jity Council for license,) S150. Liquor?for a license to retail eptritouub or malt liquors iu quantities less thuu a quart, per annum, (payuble quarterly iu ad? vance,) 8200; for a license to sell spirituous or malt liquors iu quantities of a quart or more, pur annum, (paya? ble quarterly iu advance,) 8100. Thu receiver of each license card to pay into the City Treasury the sum of 50 center >l7?f/ proctiled, further. That tbe granting or withholding of li? censes, in each particular case, will be ut the discretion of the City Council. Li'.imber yards, 825; murble yards, 810; millinery or dress-makiug establish* mentH, first class, 850; second clans, 810 to 825; manufacturers aud bottlers of soda water, 825; machine abopu, 810; merchant*, commission, 850; mills, grist, 810; mills, fljiir, 810; mills, planing, 850; mills, sawing, 825; job printing offices, where, more than three bands are employed, 850; where less than three hands tire employed, 825; photograph, ambrotype or da? guerreotype galleries, 820; painters uud paper hangers, (musters.) S10; ped? dlers, local, per month, 85; peddlers, itinerant, per mouth, 850; peddlers, per day, 5; physiciaus, 20; restaurant or euliog saloon, first class, 50; second class, 25; cigars?every person eu gagud iu sei lug cigars at retail, 6 to 10, according to ealo?; cigars?every person engaged in selling eigere at wholesale, 50; soda water, where sold from fount, from 10 to 25; stahlen, livery aud sale, 100; stage or omnibus, 25; telegraph companies, 150; tailors, merchant, 10 to 20; tiudortukers, 50; warehouses, (itoruge.) 50; wagons, drays, carts and hacks run tor hire, one horse, 8; wagons, drays, carts and bucks run for hire, two horse, 1G; wagons, dray ., carts und hacks run for hire, four horse, 05; wagon, dray or cart, private, store or business, fur haniiig. it'j., into City Treasury, for budge, 50 cents; aud for uuy other l)U9iuess or profession not other wise provided for, a liceone tax of 10. No j person shall let or hire any wagon, I cart, dray or other carriage or vehicle, : for tbe transportation of goods or pas? sengers, within the limits of said city, ; without having first obtained a badge l from the City Cltrk, paying therefor I into the City Tieasury 50 cunts, to bo I placed on some cou.-picuous part ef I the vehicle, under u penalty of 85 for 1 euch and everyday that such vehicle ! shall bei so run, to be recovered by in? formation boloro tho Mayor: Provided, That nochiog herein continued shull be construed to exteud to wagous, curls <>r other vehicles going to or from market; and for uuy other busi? ness or profession uot otherwise pro? vided for, a liceuho tax of 10 to 820: I Provided, furlJter, That where two or j more branches of business, not neces? sarily oonneotad, are conducted iu one estublishmont, a liceuse shnll be charged und collected for each brunch of business flo couduoted, us specified iu this ordinance. Dogs?upon euch aud every dog, to bo paid by the person or persons on whose premises the dog is kept, 82; aud tho police of tho oity of Columbia are hereby authorized aud required to Bieze and confine every dog fouud running ut large, aud not having on the city badge or collar for tho current year; und for every dog bo taken up by tho polioe, 81 additional shall bo paid for tho same. Sec. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances, conflicting with this ordi? nance, are hereby repealed. An Okdinanck to Rkoulate Licenses Fon tub Yeah 1874. Section 1. He it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Columbia, in City Council assembled, Thut every per? son, firm, compauy or corporation, engaged iu, or intending to be en [Concluded on Third Page,\ Citt Matters.?Subscribe for the] Phoenix. Judge Thompson H. Cooke is at tbe Wbeclor House. Tbe oomet goes under now about 10 o'clock. j t' Don't spend 350 a year for tobacco uud rum, uud Bay "can't afford to take u paper." Wutermelous aud cuntelopes are now a little more plentiful iu market, but still high iu price. TmX Uuious arc beiug formed in nearly every County in the State. Let the good work go ou. There was a capital ruin, yesterday afturnoou, which cooled off tho utinos phere nicely. It is uow said that Col. C. C. Puffer, ex Receiver of tho Bank of tho State, is tho purchaser of the Union-Herald. Next. No decision will be rendered in the ma>?/