THE FHCENIX, Pabllahed Daily and Tri-Weekly, THE GLEANER, Every Wednesday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY, Editor and Proprietor, offlcs on Richardson St.. near Taylor, ?3-Tiii: Puojnix ia lib o oldest Daily Paper n South Carolina, lias tho largest cmou IjAtion in tho upper portion of tho State, and has boen regularly issued sinco ita in-1 ception?March 21, 18G5. tar Book and Job Printing o( cvory de scription faithfully attended to. I BCBSCRU'TION. Daily, six months, $4; Tri-Weekly, 2 GO; Weekly, 1 50. abveutisements Inserted in tho Daily at ?1 a square of nine lines for first, and 50 cents each subBoquent insertion; if not exceeding five linos in length, 75 cento. Long advertisements by the week, month or yoar, at leas rates Marriages, Funeral Invitations, Ac, $1. f\t'\ AOiEXTS. Julias Poppe, Anderson. Robert Bryo?, Spartanburg. J. A. Grigaby, Ridgoway. E. A. Scott, Newberry. H. W. Lawaon, Abbeville. MuBTXiiiO Copied in Marble.?There can be seen at White's marble works, in Meeting street, Charleston, a ore ditable pieoe of marble work, done by Mr. Oroton Fletcher, an employee of the establishment. On a piece of fine statuary marble, 24 by 30 inches, he haB wrought a faithful oopy of Murillo's Immaculate Conception. The figures are in relief, and features and drapery olearly brought out. Mr. F. learned his trade at White's. Under the new law in Illinois, hus? band and' wife may bring civil suits againBt one another. Good plaoe for lawyers, and fair chance that neither husband or wife will have anything left when they get done with lawyers. An aristooraHaf Boston woman, who lives in a 925,000 house .and drives out in a ooBtly carriage, ie the boea of 100 sernb-women, and got her start in life >???* ?5rft"?l)ini*' **eF employees are not so rich % WesttmbBtPv Abbey is a great ren? dezvous on Sunday afternocu, for Americans in London. During service they employ their time by copying in? scriptions from grave- stones. A boy in Burlington, says tho HhvK' eye, wants to bet a dollar and a half that he wears bis mother's slipper on his jaoket more hours per day than she. wears it on her foot. Gen. Erwin baa donated a lot for a Oatholio Charon in Walhalla. The deed ie in the name of Bishop Lynch. $6,000,000 BfflWiSTSfMME! FIFI? AND I43T CONCEET | i? aid OF the Public Library of Kentucky;-! JULY.31, 18T4. g . fig IN announcing the fifth and last or tho1' aeries of Gift Concerts, given for the benefit of tho Public Library of. Kentucky, the Trustees and Manager refer with pride and pleaauro to the four which have been already given: The first, December 16.1871'. the second, December 2, 1872; tho third, July 8, 1873; and the. fourth, Maroh 31, 1874. Under their charter, granted by a special Aot of the Kentucky Legislature, March 16, 1871, the Trustees are authorized to give OSE JIOKE.aiidO.VLV ONK MORE Gift Consort. With tho money arising from this liiftb and .last Concert, the Li? brary, Museum and other departments are to be enlarged and endowed with a fixed and certain annual, income. Such an en? dowment fond ia desired, as will secure, beyond peradvonture^ not only tho meinte nance of this magnificent establishment,1 but its constant growth. THE FIFTH GIFT CONOEBT, For the purposes mentioned, and whioh is positively and unequivocally announced as THE LAST WHICH WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AND BY THE PRE8ENT MANAGEMENT, will come | off in the Public Library Eall, at Louisville, Kentucky. FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1874. At this final Concert everything will be! upon a aosle corresponding with its in? creased importance. The music will be rendered by an Orchestra consisting of 100 perforators, selected for their fame in dir ferent lands, and tho unprecedented sum of j $2,500,000, Divided into 20,000 Gifts, will be distributed among the ticket-holders. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Oaah Gift.$250,000 One Grand Cash Gift. 10o,00C I One Grand Oash Gift. 75,000 One Grand Caeh Gilt. 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift. 25,000 | 5 Oash Gifts,-20.000 each. 100,000 10 Cash Gifts, 14.000 each. 110 000 . 15 Cash Gifts, 10,C00 oach.150j000 '20 Cash Gifts, B.OOO oach. 100,000 25 Oash Gilts, 4,000 each. 100,000 30 Cash Gilts, 3 000 each. '.10,000 50 Cash Gifts, 2,0(0 each. 100,000 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each.100.COO 240 Cash Gifts, 500 oach. 120,000 500 Cash Gifts, KM) each. 50,000 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each.050,000 Grand Total 20.000Gifts, all cash, $2,500,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets. $50 00 Halves . 25 00 Tenth,-or each Coupon. 5 00 11 Whole Tickets ror. 500 00 22J Tickots for. 1.000 00 .tickets aro now ready for sale, and orders accompanied by oash will be prompt? ly filled. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisfactory agents. Circulars containing full particulars fur? nished on application. THO 8. E. II It A ill LETT K, Agent and Manager, Pablic Library Build? ing, Louisville, Kentucky. May 10_tnfj _ Food for Infants. CONDENSED MILK, Eagle Brand, Ta poma, Phosphatic Food, Ncntlc's Mo? ther e Milk Substitute, Bormuda Arrow Root, Farina, Broma, Cocoa, Com Starch, alwavs fresh, at June 12 HKISITSH'S DRUG STOKE. Hosiery, Ties and Under-wenr, AT D. EPSTIN'S, under Columbia Hotel, at the lowest prices. May 30 TO THE READING- PUBLIC! If you Warnt a Thorough Newspaper, subscribe tor THE PHOENIX, Daily and Tri-Weekly; or 3 M2 VN ?3 M ? xa ^-i "-?d ? i Issued every Wednesday, IN COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLINA. The PiitHNix is the oldest daily paper in the State, and hau been regularly issued since March, 1865. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, By Telegraph aud Mails, from nearly all parts of tho World; together with full MARKET REPORTS; Besides well selected Miscellaneous and Reading Matter, of interest to everybody, will be found in these publi? cations. THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent writers; while special attention is giveu THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Taken as a whole, no better ob more satisfactory investment Can be made, than a subscription to one ox the other of these publications. They are Conservative in polities, and are devoted to the best interests of the State. The following are the TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS Daily Pnoisix.$4 00 Tri-Weekly...:. 2 50? Weekly Glf-anrr (4.8 columns)... 1 50 These papers were the first issued in V Oolumbia, in 18G5, after its partial de-1 Btruction, and have been regularly published ever since. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY Tbroaghout middle and upper Counties of the State, and are excellent MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. The Phozxix has a greater circulation through the upper part of South Caro? lina than any other daily paper. Mer? chants andothers will find its oolumnB an admirable means of communication with the people of the entire up-coun? try. Advertising rates are reasonable. Send advertisements marked with the number of insertions desired, and they will be stopped upon the expiration of the time. Office on Richardson street, between Taylor and Blauding. _JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor. Have your Job Printing done Home. especially when Style and Prioe are the Same THE PHOENIX Book and Job Steam Printing Office Is thoroughly supplied with POWER] PRESSES of tho Latest Improvement; TYPE of various grudes and styles I from one foot to tue fiftieth part of an inch in eize; BORDERS. CUTS. Ac;] Black. Colored aud Transfer INKS; PAPER, CARDS, Ac. The proprietor is a practical printer and employs the most skilled men in the profession; work executed at short? est notice possiblp, in latest and best' styles and nt New York prices. CALL 1 and EXAMINE SPECIMENS of| ?T.t. ^r,'g.'tjli 1. 2, ? and i Sheet Posters. Hand-bills, Programme?, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bills of Fare. Briefs, Letter Heads, Doilger.^. Bill Heads, Cheeks, HorBC Bills, Receipts, Labels, Railroad Blanks, Legal Blanks, Tags. Cards all kinds and sizes? Wedding, Visiting. Business, Show. JULIAN ?. SELBY. Proprietor Piia"K!x and Gleaner Establishment. JllElilElilllllin C olumbia Hotel FIRST class HOUSE. A CHANGE of management, and ?iany consequent improve? ments, enables the proprietors to offer to the tra moling public mom comforts and convoni . _ ences than can be obtained at ;~z* any olli* r house, in ibe city. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. BIL? LIARD and HATH ROOMS in too houHO. Every attention guaranteed. GORMAN & OALNAN, March 1 Proprietors. ROSE'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. .*jri=*JS?;, .ruffs*,. ^r?\ Western Ag an examination ol their STOCK of MUSICAL MERCHAN? DISE, consisting ol Pianos, Church and Parlor Organs. Molodcons, Violins, Gui? tars. I'.anjos, Flutes, Accordeohs, Rr:i-s and Silvei ;-.^.n receipt et price: and all kitids of Musical Goods seiii by Express, wh< !i ordered, to any part ol the State, marked (?. o. D. Good ScconrY-haiid Pi anos und Organs for sale cheap, for cash. Pianos Organa iind Mtdodeoiis Tuiied ami Repaired in a satisfactory nianuer: and will ?.;?'?{ . <|.(.ci;.lattention to Packing, lie movine. :i!.,l ship] int: Piaiioh f?o oth< i par :i>^ ??? ar.v ii??ir.t desired, at niodcrati I'?'' ? ??? , All??rdei"? proni] tly .?11< roei t<.1 ?nt isf. Itii'b.-irds :..:.?< i. :? f< -\ , '.....?? -aLovi I'IMKSIS >IVice. C?'Tinib .1- (' Nov 7 GKM'i.M! Imported Wiii'js,Brandies. Etc . Etc nratidu Hold : .1 Gin, ?, Vi'TX WilM . M ad? itY Sir! \ ol .;i , old Wli ki< a J. C. SFKGERS, j Summer Schedule S.& U.R.R., gmgSMp DOWN TRAIN UP TRAIN z9K=!9Er Arrive.Leave Arrive.Leave Spartanburg.. 11.00 2.46 Batosvillo. 11.32 11.85 2.17 2.20 I Pace-let. 11.40 11.45 2.05 2.10 Jonesvillc. 12.15 12.22 1.28 1.35 Uniouvillo.... 12. ?5 1.10 12 30 12.55 Bantuc. 1.42 1.50 11.45 11.55 Fierh Dam. 2.12 2.10 11.10 11.20 |Sholton. 2 28 2.35 10.47 lO.tS : LyieBT Ford.... 2.43 2 53 10.24 10.32 ! Strothers. 3.07 3.15 10.00 10.10 Aluton. i.CO 9.10 1 .Tuue2r)_W. W. DAVIES, Snp't._ The Short Line Schedule. CnAULOTTE, Columbia Si A kgcsta R. It. Co. |Columma, 8. C, Juno 28, 1874. ?S*iaaa?2gfc TuK flowing Pan BKBHi Wosngcr Schedule will he operated ou and after this date: qoino KOIiTll Train No 2 Train No 1 Le^vo Augusta.7.45 a m 4.15 p m Grauitcvillc....*8.13 a in 5.11 pm Col'biii Junct'n.12 20 a m P.) 05p m Arrivo Columbia.22 30 a m 9 17 p m Luavo Columbia.11.42 am Wiuusboro. 2 49!p m Cheater.44 29 p m Arrive 45 p m No. 2 Train makes closo connection, via Charlotte and Richmond, to all uointa North, arriving at New York G.C5 A. M. No. 4 Train makes close connection via Wilmington and Richmond to all points ] North, arriving at New York at 5 15 P. M. OOINOBOUTU. Tr^ainNol Train No3 Leave Charlotte.7.CO a m Chester. 9.58 a m Winnsboro.11 43 a m Arrive Columbia.2.03 pm Leave Columbia.2.13 pm 3.40 am Col'bia Junct'n. $2.48 p m 4 15 a m Qranitcvillo .. .f7.15 ]? m "7.48 am Arrivo Augusta.8.05 pm 8 45am ?Breakfast. JDinncr. fSupper. South bound Trains connect at Augusta for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to princi? pal points. *?- Sleeping cars on all Night Trains. JAB. ANDERSON, Qenei ul Snp. A. Porr.,Gen. Passenger and Ticket Agent Wilmington, Columbia and ?ug R R GENERAL PASSENGER DEPART., Columbia, S. C, May 18 1674. on und after this date: UOINO NOIITU. Tit AI N NO 2 TRAIN NO 4 Leave Columbia. G 00 a m 8.45 pm Florence.?12 25 p m 2.10 am Arrive Wilmington.... 7.15 pm *7.15am ooing south. tiiain NO 1 TRAIN no 3 Leave Wilmington.3.00 am to.lOpm Florence.4.00pm 11.37 pm Arrive Columbia..9.?5 p in 4.00 am Train No. 2. from Columbia, is an accom? modation to Florence, and there connects cluselv witli N, E. H. It., and at Wilmington with W.efc W. R. R. to all pointB North. Train No. 4 from Columbia is fast Ex preee, making through connections, all rail, North and South, und wuter line connec? tions via Portsmouth. Train No. 1. irom Wilmington, connects closely at Flor'nee with N. E. R. It. for Charleston, and is an accommodation train thence to Columbia. Train No. 3, from Wilmington, is a faet Express, connecting closely irom and to all points North and South. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman palace sleepcrB ou night, trains. 'Breakfast. IDinner. +Supper. Accommodation Train No. 2 leaves Co? lumbia daily, Sundays excepted. Express Train No. 4 leaves Columbia everv night. JAS. ANDERSON, General Sup. A. Poi-h, Gen. Passenger andTicketAgent Greenville and Columbia Railroad @fll?a^^R,AIN|runN^f,y1: Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina p.aiir- ad up and down; with Traius going North uudfouth on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta aud Witmiugtcn,Columbia und Augusts Roads cp. Leavi'ColuniLikitt.7.15 am Leave Alsion. 05 urn LeaveN< wherry.10.40 a m Leave Cokesbury. . St .00 p m Leave Reiten ...".8.B0 p m Arrive at Greenville.5.30 p m down. LeavcGrcenvillo it.7.30 a m Leave lh-lio;:. 9.30 am Leave Ciikesbnry.11.15 h m LoavnNewberry.2.80 pm Leave Alston.4.20 p m Arrive at Columbia. UeOpm Ander* .,? l;iiln Abbeville Branch Monday, Wednesday tun Friday. On Anderson branch, between Belton and Audcrrnn, Tuesday, Thursday and Sa>ur day. THOMAS DODAMEAD, Gen. Sup. jabkz Nobtom. General Ticket Acent. Change of Schedule. Soctb Carolina Railboad Company, Columbia, i>. C, October *.b. Ib73 CSflBBHlS^S^ Change Schedule aWcgftW jggaB? to go into effect on and aft er Sunday, 19th instant: mail and passlnceb train . Leave Columbia at.8.40 am Arrive at Charleston at.4.20 pm LcaveCharleeton at.IMM pm I rriveat Columbia at. 5.(0 pm xiout UXPBESfi, FRKIOIIT ANI> ACCOMMOPA TION TRAIN, Sunday s excepted. LeavrColuinbia.7.1." p ni Arrive. .0.80 m Arrivi Charleston 7.10 i> m Leave;.0.45 * m Caniden Train! runs Monday, Wednesday and Satiirdav. as follows: Leave Columbia at. 1 50pm Arrive-at Caniden at.??tSpm Leave Cnmden at. G fid am Arrive at Columbia ut. 11 50am s. B. PieniNs. General Ticket A pert. Piedmont Air-Line Railway. r^Z am raw^uMi CONDENSED TIME jfi?SSafcrSB i '1 ABLE, Richmond and lif.iivillc, t.ielitiie'iid and Danville R. \\ ., N. t' Division and North WeHeri. >.. C. B. W. GOING NORTH. I S.V. hons MAIL express Leave Oharlotl. 7.10 P Id ti tfl A M i Leave SalisLui J. 9.60 r M s.; i A M i Leave Greein-bi h-. 1 40 A M 11 It1 A M Leave Danville. 4 32 A M 1.L2P M ! LeaveBurkville. 9.4 1 A M Ii 4UP M I Arrivo at llichuiouil.. .12.46 1 M 9.3M M OGINO SOUQ II. Leave Richmond. 2 SO P M 5.1(1 A M Leave Uurkvillc. .r'.!<4 P M 8 28 A M Luave Danville- 10.41 Mi 12.57PM Leave Oreensboro? 2.15 AM 4.00 PM Leave Salisbury. 4 57 AM 6.22PM Arrivi at Chsilotte... 7.20 A M S.JtAll GOING PAST. I Lean Or. < n.d i>ro.... 1.45 A M 11 10A M Leave CoBipsny chops 3 5!? A IdArl2.20PM : Leave Raleigh. 8 05 A M . 1 Virivrat (lohs.-hcm.. 11 (5A'M . GOING V\ ?:ST. i t.,.ave Gi Idrl ..in_ 4 10PM., I Leave Rab igb ... 7.45 P M .! ! LeeveCoinphiiy shops 12 06 A M 2.16 P M , ! Arrive at Grci nal <>io. 1 30A M 8 80PM i \ortIi?\v ??*!?? N <: K It., Sit Iran Rrtarli j ; .cave Ore < risbpro 3.40 p in An iv< lO.Efl n hi ? I.euvo Kernoi ?villi ;i 00 a m Ai i ive fi.10 n m Mail! raiusjdhlly; both ^ a>s, ov< r ?'iitire j length et ruatl. Express daily hot wood C nii'.ii \ Shops ami Chmhitte*. SundaysI excepted. S E.A V.LKN. Gen. Ticket Apt., j T. M R. Tai.? oi. Ei gii rci ard G< n.Snp | THE PHCENIX Book, Job and Newer aper Steam PRINTING ESTABUSBBENT! PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPP P P P PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPP PPPPPPP THE Proprietor of the Piicekix has thoroughly fitted hie office with tho Lateat Improved Material for doing all kinds Printing. RRRR RRRRRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRR ERRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RR P.P. RRRRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRR RRRRR Type,Border.Ornamente, Cute, &c.,are oS MODE It N STYLE and carefnllv selected.; ninmiiiiiii iiiiiinnniii iiuinii iniinn iiiinni iiiuiiii irniini iiiihhi iimmi nniHiiiiiui iiiiiniiuiiii The Presses are of tho mot t approved patterns?Adams, Hoe and Liberty?inclnding Platen, Bftd and Cyliudor. and are properly madaged. NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN N NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN N NNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Pr< fosfcional Men, Merchants and Msnr. t.n.turere supplied with anv uivlf ol w?lk! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTIT'ITTTTT TTTT IT TT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTI'T^E1 TTTTTTTTTTTT Large stock, every kind Cards, Card Board, etc.,. >white and ; colored Pa? per. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIII1IIIIIIIII iiiuiiii iiiiiiiii ininiii iiiuiiii iiiiiiiii iiiuiiii iiiuiiii miirmnini ? imiiiiiiiiiii A'ith the large amount ->t material -in hand, the style, quality and cost of work cannot fail to give eatisfaetion. NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN N NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Order? from abroad will receive iraUM dir.; o attet.tien.and work promptly forwardtd. GGGGGGGO GGGGGGGGG GGGGG GGGGG G GOG GGGG OGGG UGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GO GOG GGGG GGG GO GGGGGGGGG GO GGGGGGGO OG This is the only in tho interior where one. t wo, sheet OIKOUS, iVC., en ti he put plain Black nr nufl examine J.A.8EI BY. EHtrthHsdimc lit, ol the State. * hree and four SHOW BILLS, ni> in style, Colored. \ ??peeimei:e, Proprietor.