BY JULIAN A. SELBY The Pulpit Tell.?The habit of shouting bo loud aa to offend the ear is perhaps equally objectionable, while a sudden transition from one extreme to the other is sufficiently artificial to comprehend the evils of both. But there is another and agrowing fashiou, so vicious, so offensive to good taste, so destructive to spiritual emotions, and so repellant to serious contempla? tions, that a public speaker has need only to hear himself as others bear him, to feel conscience-smitten for disturbing public worship. It is the abrupt transition from low to high ?not mere hallooing?that expression is quite too tame, but an instantane? ous, Btartling yell, which would drown the sound of a savage war-whoop. Let no one think this is caricature oi what is 8ometimeB witnessed in public speakers. It would be difficult to se? lect langnage forcible enough to make the description hyperbolical. If there be any who, not having witnessed an instance of this miscalled oratory, are unable to recognize this photograph, let him imagine himself seated in a house of worship in a devout frame of mind, listening with absorbed atten? tion to an instructive discourse, in harmony with his serioas contempla? tions, delivered in a tone of voice adapted to the sentiment and to the awakened feelings of the congregation, when, instantly, as with an electric shock, the speaker uttera a yell that falls painfully on the dullest ear. The rupture of a water-spout would not more surely discharge its contents than such an explosion would empty the mind of all serioos thoughts. [T/te Evangelist. " An Important Meeting.?The mem bers of the Executive Committee of the Tax-payers'Convention of South Caro? lina are hereby requested to meet at the rooms of the Chamber of Com? merce, in Charleston, on Thursday, the 18th day of June, instant, at 12 o'clock, meridian. The main subject of consideration will be prompt und efficient organization of tax uuiols throughout the State. Those mem? bers who cannot attend are invited to send opinions and proxies to the Chuir man or to other members of the com , mittee. JAMES OHESNUT. Chairman Executive Committee, &c. The -newspapers in the Stato are requested to publish the foregoing 'notice, ?8 the meeting proposed to be held is likely to prove one of great importance to the tux-payers ol all classes. It is suggested in an English papor j that smoking bo allowed during divine service, "as a means of increasing the attendanco at church." Hosiery, Ties and Under-wear, AT D. El'STIN'SiUndorColumbia Hotel, . at the lowoxt prices. May HO Hats of Every Variety. JUST received, atD. EPSTIN'S, STRAW HATS in ondleaa variety, cheat), hand? some and stylish. May :t0 Executive Committee Meeting. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Stato Agricultural and Mechanical So . ciotv will meet in Columbia, on TUESDAY, the 10th JUNE, at 8 o'clock P. M. A full at? tendance ia respectfully requested, aa mat? ters of vital importance tu tho Society will bo submitted for their action. Rv order of I T. W. WOODWARD, President. D. Wvatt Aiken. Sec'y. .Tum- (i Summer Clothing. O to D. EPSTIN's, under Columbia VDT Hotel, for Men's and Roy's Spring and Summer CEO THING_May :i0_ CASH. After to day, we will sell goods tori cash only. cope land * b harden. Columbia, s. C. Aoril '2!) 1S7-1 .'lino Furnishing Goods. DEPSTIN has tho largest, handsomest ? and cheapest stock or CLOTHING, HATS and FURNISHING goods in the city. May :J0 Niles G. Paukbb. E do a it Caypi.kss. PABKER & CAYPLESS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ROOM 1 Parker's Block, Main street, Columbia. S. C._ May 10 Notice. SUPERINTENDENT'S 0FF1CJ', SPARTAN BURG & UNION R. It. co.. ON and after June 1. 1871, Tiuins on the Spartanbnrg and Union Railroad will run. making close connection with the GrcenviPo aim Columbia and Atlanta and Richmond Air-Lino Railroads, doing away with tho delay at Alston. The Spartanbnrg and Union Railroad is completely equipped for this business: Road being in line condition, makes good time and suro connections. Paaaongera traveling t hie route will have every attention. If. \V. DAY1ES, May 27 2mo Superintendent. Fresh Biscuits. Z)f\ BOXES Cream. Soda, Milk, Lemon, ?\.f Cracknels, Butter, Farina and Gil ? ger Snips, for sale by HOPE k GYLES. Hay I Bay!! Hay!!! iTTTV. THE SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE BMgmNCOMPANY has slwavs on hand the ""?"??l?rgeal stock 61 HAY in Columbia, comprising both Eastern and Western, which will bo delivered anywhere in the City, free of charge lor dtaytigo, and at the very lowest rates. Our facilitiesfor purchasing and handling lire such as to'onahle uatdcompeteaucceaa* Inlly with any other house, and parties in need will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewuero, tor ice cannot be un? der sold. Particular attention is called to our atock of Eastern HAY, which is the best in the market. May C Suro IF, DAE Governmental Directory. Government of the United States. President?Ulysses S. Grant, of Illi? nois; Yice-Presideut?Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts; Secretary of State? Hamilton Fish, of New York; Secreta? ry of the Treasury?W. R. Ricburd sou, of Massachusetts; Secretary of War?W. W. Belknap, of Iowa; Sec? retary of the Navy?G. M. P.obeson, of Now Jersey; Secretary of the lute rior?C. Delano, of Ohio; Po>lmaster General?John A. J. Cretwell, of Ma? ryland; Attorney-General?George 11. Williams, of Oregon. President of the Senate?Henry Wilson, Yioc-Pre sident, ex officio; Secretary?George O. Gorham, of California. Sneaker of the House of Representatives?James G. Blaine, of Maine; Clerk?Edward McPherson, of Pennsylvania. Con? gress meets aunually the first Monday in December. The present Congress (the 43d) terminates March 3, 1875. Tue Supreme Court.?Chief Jus? tice?Morrison R. Waite, of Ohio; Associate Justices?Ward Hunt, of New York; Nathan Clifford, of Maine; Noah H. Swajne, of Ohio; Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa; David Davis, of Illi? nois; Stephen J. Field, of California; Wm. M. Strong, of Pennsylvania; Jos. P. Bradley, of New Jersey. The Su? preme Court holds ono session an? nually, in Washington, beginning on the first Monday in December. United States Courts in South Carolina.?Circuit Judge?Hugh L. Bond; Circuit Clerk?James E. Hn good; District Judge?George S. Bryan; District Attorney?David T. Corbin; Clerk?Deniel Horlbeck; Mar? shal?It. M. Wallace. Terms for hold? ing United States Circuit Court?First Monday in April, at Charleston; fourth Monday in November, at Colombia. United States District Court?Firet Monday in January, May, July and October, tu Charleston, for Eastern District; first Monday in August, ut Greenville, for Western District. [The gourt held at Greenville exercises ircuit Court powers.} Government of South Carolina.? Governor?Franklin J. Mosen, Jr.; Private Secretary?C. J. Houstou. I Lieutenaut-Govemor? Richard H. j Glenves. Secretary of State?Henry E. Kayne; Chief Clerk?H. B. John ? ston. Comptroller-General?Solomon .L. H?ge; Chief. Clerk?J. L. Little. Auditor's Clerk?J. S. Fillebrov/u. Treasurer?Francis L. Cardozo; Chief Clerk?F. McKinney;Book-keeper?T. L. Minton. Attorney-General?Samuel W. Meltou; Chief Clerk?Harry Noah. Adjutant ami Inspector-General?Hru ry W. Purvis. Superintendent of Ed? ucation?J. K. Jillson; Chief Clerk? H. Jillson. Superintendent of Peni? tentiary?John B. Dennis. Superin? tendent of Lunatic Asylum?Dr. J. F. Ensor; Assistant Superintendent?Dr. Thompson. Legislature.?Tho Legislature meets annually on the 4.1h Tuesday in November. President pro (em. of the Senate?Hon. S. A. Swails; Clerk?J. Woodruff, Charleston; Reading Clerk ?R. A. SisBou, Barnwell. Speaker of tho Houao of Representatives?Hou. ] Samuel J. Lee, of Aiken; Clerk?A. O. Jones, Charleston; Assistant Clerk? W J Etter, Columbia; Reading Clerk ?W A Hayne, Marion. Supreme Court, South Carolina.? Chiof Justice?F J Moses, Sumter; As? sociate Justices?J J Wright, Summcr ville; A J Willard, Columbin; Clerk? A M Uoozur, Lexington; Reporter? J S G Richardson, Sumter. Circuit Courts.? First Circuit? Counties of Charleston and Orango htirg. Second?Aiken. Barnwell, Col letou and Bean fort. Third?Sumter, Clarendon, Williumshnrg and George? town. Fourth?Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion and Horry. Fifth ?Kershaw, Kieblnud, Edgotiold and Lexington. Sixth?Chester. Lancas? ter, York and Fairhold. Seventh? Nowberry, Lanrens, Spartuuburg und Union. Eighth?Greenville, Ander? son, Ocouee, Piokens and Abbeville. Circuit Judges.?First?R F Gra? ham, Charleston. Second?John J Muber, Blackvillo. Third?Johu T Green, Sumter. Fourth?C P Town send, Bennettsville. Fifth ?R B Car? penter, Columbia. Sixth?TJ Mackey, Cheater. Seventh?M Mopes, New berry. Eighth?Thompson II Cooke, Greenville. Solicitors.?First?C W Buttz, Charleston. Second?P L Wiggin, Beaufort. Third?Samuel T Atkinson, Georgetown. Fourth?D D McColl, '.Bennettsville. Fifth?J H Runkle, Columbia. Sixth?WHBrawIey, Ches? ter. Seventh?W M Fleming, Spartan burg. Eighth?Ab Blythe, Greenville. County Government, Richland.? Commissioners?E M Weston, W E Havue, U Portee. Clerk of Board? D B Miller. Sheriff?J E Dent. Judge of Probate?S D Swvgert. Clerk of Court?D B Miller. School Commissioner?D Salmoud. County Treasurer?J L Nengle. County Au? ditor? A L Solomon. Jury Commis? sioner?John B Dennis. Coroner?I II Coleman. Senator?W B Nash. ! Representatives?S D Thompson, An? drew Curtis, J F Gil more, Charles Minort. Trial Justices?W B Nash, S B Thompson, S E Stratton, Treze vant Sill, Geo A Richmond and I H Coleman. United States Officers ?Post 11 Let oi C GL nr Just Censures IOL?MBIA, S. C., SUNDAY master?C M Wilder. Deputy?John S Leaphesrt. Commissioners?A M Boozer and T M Wilkes. Collector Internal Revenue?C L Anderson. I Gauger?C A Darling. j City Government.?Mayor?John Alexander. Clerk and Treasurer? Walter R Jone*). Aldermen? First Ward?Augustus Cooper, ? P Davis, Ii F Griffin. Second?C J Carroll, John A Fngh, W A Carr. Third? Adam Thomas, S D Swygert, II W Purvis. Fourth?L L Brows, D Wells, Win Siuious. The committees are: Ways and Means?Aldermeu Cooper, Grifliu and Carroll. Account?? ?Aldermen Carroll, Carr and Swygert. Streets?Aldermen Pugh, Thomas and Wells. Market aud City Scales?Al? dermen Carr, Brown and Cooper. Guard House?Aldermen Simons, Davis and Pugh. Water Works?Al? dermen Thotnus, Cooper aud Griflin. Alms House?Aldermen Swygert, Si- j mons and Davis. City Schools?Al? dermen Purvis, Swygert and SimouB. Sydney Park?Aldermen Davis, Car? roll and Thomas. Licensee?Alder? men Griffiu, Pagh and Brown. City Clock?Aldermen Brown, Wells and Purvis. Fire Department?Aldermen Wells, Purvis and Carr. City Lamps? Aldermen Carr, Brown and Davis. New City Hall and Public Buildings? Aldermen Griffin, Simons and Carr. City Attorney?J D Tradewell. City Physician?A S Hydrick. Clerk of Market?J H Pickett. Commissioner of Poor?Charles Schnitze. Overseer of Streets?J Trice. Chief of Police ?M F Nixon. Sergeants of Police? ? Williums, J Blizzard. Lichaky Agency fou tue Purchase of Books.?Mr. P. B. Glass, o[ this city, who is possessed of ample facili? ties ond experience, makes it an im? portant part of his business to Oil orders for books of all kinds for public or private libraries or for individuals. Orders for American and foreign books of every description, whether for whole libraries fir single books, will be promptly und carefully filled at the lowest publishers' prices; and works not published in this country will be imported from abroad. Any informa? tion as to the price of bonks, styles of binding, number of volumes in sets, Jcc. will be prom ply riven to Corres po'udenfsi Copies of new hooks em. t;o sent immediately on publication. He will ulho mrei go for subscriptions to any home or U reigu runguzirc All orders should he uccorupuuied liy the money, ond will then be sect froe of expense to the purchaser, or they can be sent by express C. O. D. Cat-h re? mittances should bo made either by draft or P. O. money order, or in a registered letter. Newspaper Advertising. ?News? paper advertising iB now recognized by business men having faith in their own wares, as the most effective means for securing for their goods a wido re? cognition of their merits. Newspaper advertising impels in? quiry, and when the article offered is of good quality and at a fair price the natural result is increased sales. Newspaper advertising is a perma? nent uddition to the reputation of the goods advertised, becauso it w a per? manent influence at work in their in? terest. Newspaper advertising is Ihe mo? I energetic and vigilant of salesmen; ad dressing thousands each day, always in tho advertiser's interest, tiud cens lessly at work seeking customers from all classes. Newspaper advertising promotes trade, for even in the dullest time-i ad? vertisers secure the largest share of is being done. ? ?> Hints to Letter? Winters ?The postmaster at New York has issued a circular which contains many valuable hints to letter-writers. Considering the fact that there are always two par? ties to n correspondence, these hints will bo useful to persons in the city and out of it. The substance of the rules are, therefore, given for the benefit of all concerned. They arc ns follows: 1. All mail matter directed to mini bercd boxes will be delivered through those boxes. 2. Letters directed to city addresses, street and number, will, if recognized by tho assorting clerks as intended for box-holders, be delivered through the boxes. If not so recognized, they will bo delivered through the. carriers. .'J. Mail matter addressed without box number or street number, will bo de? livered as expeditionsly as possible, either through boxes, general delivery or carrier. Correspondents should direct their letters plainly, correctly and fully, and those who reut boxes would greatly facilitate the busiuess if they will print conspicuously on their letter headings, airculars, bill-heads, curds and enve? lopes a request to correspondents to address letters to their respectivo box numbers, and if those who receive mail matter by carriers would direct their correspondents to includo in all cases tho proper streets and numbers in tho addresses of all letters. Now is tue Time?To advertise, at our summer rates, and while there is leisure to read the papers. PH Attend the True Excursion Season of 1674 via Atlan? tic Coast and Midland Lines. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AU? GUSTA RAILROAD. AND WILMING? TON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. COLUMBIA, S. C, Mar 20, 1874. ROUND TRIP TICKETS to* all promi? nent Virginia Spring? and Western North Carolina Excursion Points, good until November 1.1871, will he on sale at the Coiiipiny's Ticket OHice in this city, lj.iih tin Charlotte and via Wilmington, ou and after after Juno I, 1874. Tickets to New York, Philadelphia, Bal? timore, via Bay Line, at reduced rates, also ou sale. A. POPE, jlnue_7 General Passenger Agent. Official Order, No. 1. IWANT all Smokers to know that there are still plenty moro of the celebrated I 5 cont PARTAGAS on baud. I guarantee tbat they contain moro and a better quality of Tobacco than any other 5 cent Cigar 1 sold in this city. Special Order, No. 2. All Smokers of Pressed Cigars will please take notice that they can get a bunch con? taining 25 Cigars lor $1, and all other popular brauds at equally low priccB, at tbo CALIFORNIA CIGAR STORE, (Sign of the Indian Chief,) 3d Door Below Whcelor Houso. June 6 NO FAMILY SHOULD, at this season, bo without bottle of HEINITSH'S BOSE COR? DIAL. It cures ail disorders of the Rowels, Stomach and Summer Complaints. AT THIS SEASON No family should be without a box of HEI? NITSH'S GREAT BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS. Cures all diseases of tbo Liver, Hcadacho and Constipation. SHOULD BE WITHOUT A bottle of MOTHER DARLING'S INFANT I CORDIAL, tor Children Teething, Restless I liens, Bad Bowels. For sale at Hcinitsh'a Drug Store. HEINITSH'S MEDICINES Are, without exception, the beet remedies ever offered ta the people, and at a price within the reach . Numbers 1 to 519. inclusive. Numbers 521 to 1,130. inclusive. Numbers 2.451 In 2.475, inclusive. denomination 11.000, ni'MllKKKD in BLUE Numbers 3.271 to 3,490; inclusive. Number :i P.?S. denomination f.'OO, NIMH! tiKli IN It KU. Numbers 1 to 237, inclusive. Numbers 1 001 to 1 200 DENOMINATION fltO, nl'MhElil 1> IN ltH> Number? 1 to 120, inclusive, j The Legislature has declared that the remainder ol the'.'Conversion Bonds wire put upon the market without any aulhoiity ul law, AUii arc absolutely null and void." The funding law referred to above re? quires thai the holders of the above Bonds and Stocks should exchange them, with the accrued interest to January 1, 1871 tor ''Consolidation Bonds and Stocks," at fifty per centum of thnuary 1,1874. Tbo interest duo July 1,1871, will he. paid at the Treasury in Columbia, S. O, and the Na? tional Pink Bank, New York. Parties desiring to make exchanges must effect them in person or by agent. Parties who desire copies ot the Funding Act can obtaiu them bv applying at the Trcastity. P. L. CARDOZO, mh.v2ti 25 Treasurer South Carolina. HOPE & OYLES A RE just in receipt of : A. PICKLED BEEF TONGUES, Pickled TBIPE, Pickled PIG'S FEET, Pickled Fulton Market BEEF. Also, one barrel oxtra BAUJt KRAUT. Food for Infants. CONDENSED MILK, Eaglo Brand, Pa poma, Phosphatic Food, Ncstle's Mo thers Milk Substitute, Bormuda Arrow Root, Farina, Broma, Cocoa, Corn Starch, always fresh, at June 12 HEINITSH'S DltUG STORE. (KMX Event." vo $500 Reward. milE National Board of Fira Under A writers hereby offera a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for tho detec? tion, conviction and punishment of parties charged with the crime of arson, in firing tho prcmhiCB situate at Cotnmhir., S.C., being the dwelling house ot Mrs. Harriet Andrews, on the 21th of May, 187-1; aaid reward will be paid only on duo proor being furnished the Executive Committee of the conviction and actual punishment of said criminals, llv order oT tho Executive Committee. * STEPHEN CROWELL, Chairman. Nlw Yo?k, June:), 1871. Information relative to this matter will bo furnished by tho Local Board of Under? writers, of Columbia. J. B. EZELL, President. S.'L. LEAPUART,Secretary ani Treasurer. June 11_ 3_ ;King's Mountain Military School, VOKKV1LLK, S. V. THE leading features of Hub in? stitution aro long established merit, fall collegiate course, able ! and experienced faculty,complete equipments, and singularly healthful location. Second o???ion of 1874 begins JULY 1st. For catalogue, address & Con. A. COWARD, May 31 lmo_Principal. Low Priced Music Books. Attractive, Useful and Very Popular. -? ? CLAUSE'S DOLLAR INSTRUCTORS, | fob Reed Organs, Piano and Violin. RIVER OF LIFE. 35 cents. Best Sab? bath School Song Book. CANTATA OF ESTHER. Dramatized. 50 cents. Immeneoly popular. Father Kemp's Old Folks' Tunes. 40 cents. Much enlarged. Sung every? where. RIVER OF LIFE. 35 cents. Beat Sab hath School Song Book. WINNER'S NEW SCHOOL for Piano, Cabinet Or^au, Guitar. Banjo, Cornet, Accordcon, rife, Flute, Flageolet, Clario? net. Price of each Bonk, 75 cents. LIVER OF LIFE. 35 cents. Beat Book for Sabbath Schools. WINNER'S BAND OF FOUR. ?.00. 1st and 21 Violin, Cornet oi Clarionet and Bass. H-.-ut post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Ol IVER DITSON & CO., Boston. OHAS. H. DITSON & CO., June 5 ws*.i 711 Broadway. N. Y. First Installment Upon Capital Stock. OrKi-t.Bi'AUTAsncno A- Amii:\illp.R.R. Co., Cuaulestox, S. C, May 23,1874. WITH a view of pushing forward the aur vi ye on this Road, tho Board of Directors have ordered thai an installment of five dollars ($5) per sharo upon tho Capital Stock bo called for on tho first dav of June next. Payment of the aanifrmust bo mado to Mr. A. U. KAUFMAN, Treasurer, at the office of the Company, 25 Broad street. In cases where subscribera reside beyond I Charleston, remittances may be mado by drafts or post office money orders, as the Company cannot b? responsible for those j made iu any other way. Upon payment of the f::-.-t installment,the usual scrip will be issued. Punctual payment is requested. C. (1. MEMMINGER, President. A. C. K.viTM ?x, Secretaiy and Treasurer. May 2? l|G19 Montgomery White Sulphur Springs. THIS famous Watering Place will bo openi d tor the reception of visitors on tho I _1st JUNE. The Buildings have liue.ii i ell tied and fni nieliod iu the most elcitaut uiaderh style, and there is every appliance for the comfort, conveni? ence and amusement of our Guests, such a-< Express, Ticket. Post and Telegraph Offices.. Ac. tie. Music by the Naval Aca dctiiY Band front Annapolis, Md. Visitors !i ave the A. M A O. Railroad at UigTunnel, and thence by branch road l.J miles t i the Spring*. Address COLHOUN A COWAN, M*i\ 22 2ill'1 Proprietors A Delightful Summer Resort. CHEROKEE SPRINGS, hi'i'i! Miles Xorth nf Spirtanburg Court //?.?(.?r, S. C CLIM ATE?Mountainous, braci'ig and healthful, WATER?Contains iron, _ _nitre, magnesia and buI piuir, and is not only a Hue appetiter, alter? ative and rent tralive, but is unsurpassed for diseases of tho kidney*, bowels and liter, and for all diseases of children, BATHING HOUSES. BOWLING AL? LEYS. BILLIARD ROOM, CROQUET GROUND and MUSIC. Every ??ort will bo made to give t Utiro satiataction. Terms MO pur mouth. Children and ser? vants halt price. Special contracts mado with families. Hacks at depots in Spartan burg. 'NO. B. BLACK, May 24 lmo Resident Manager. Cieaveland Mineral Springs, ( Formerly \V IIhoii'i, ) XearShefty, 55 Mite* West of Charlotte, X. C. THIS FAVORITE WA? TERING PLACE will be open for the reception of _ Ivisitors on the 10th et JUNE. Passengers coming on tho Central Railroad will be met by hacks, and convoyancea sent to tho Air-Lino Railroad and other pointm, whenever denirod. Cold and Warm Baths. White Sulphur, Red Sulphur and Chalybeate Water. Bund of Music and j other sources of amnsoment. Fare first class. For further information, address T. W. BREVARD, Proprietor. I June 4 tlmo lume x?number 73. TlYIi DB WOB?S I or charleston, s. c. WORK8 and general office. EAST BAY AND 1'IUTUHARD BT BEETS: Trea? surer's office, at CAROLINA {TATINGS BANK. Church, near Hsj-no street; P. O. Box 529. DISECTOBS. G. W. WILLIAMS, F. J. PELZER. J. C. MALLONEE, D. 0. BBAUGH. C. A.CHI8JLM, A. A.GOLDSMITH. officers. JOHN F. TAYLOB, President. FRED. BROTHERHOOD, Superintendent. W. H. PBIOLEAU, Secretary. W. E. BRAESE, Troasnrer, at Carolina Savings Bank. H. BUIBT, Solicitor, forcings and castings' of every description. House Fronts, Engines, Boilers, &c. Marine, Stationary and Portable STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, Tanks. Hoisting Enginos, Saw Mille. Bice Threshers and Milla of every do scription. Shaftings, Pulleys and Gearings. IRON FRONTS for Buildings. CASTINGS of every kind in Iron or Brass. Forgings of all descriptions. Phosphate Washers. Phosphate and Ore Crushers. STEAM FITTING8, Wrought Iron Pipe,. Sheet Rubber and Gaskets, Water and Steam Ganges, Belting, Packing, Ac. ? MANtTTACTC rees of 1 TAYLOR'S Patent Direct Acting Steam & Hydraulic Presses. ALSO manufacturers of SAMUEL J. CHAPMAN'S I* ATEST Tit AP STRAINER. For Bilge Pumps, Bilge Injections, Ac. M&v '23 stuOmo DEVOE'S BRILLIANT OIL! safe bet0nd all chance. TAv Finest Hluminator in the World ! DEYOE'B BBILLIANT. OIL is now uni? versally recognized as the best burn? ing Oil which can be made. ' Recommend? ed by the Fire Insurance Companies Tor its safety, and by all consumers for the brilliancy of its light. In purchasing this Oil, the buyer insures, himselt and bis property against all chance of a kerosene accident. Fdr sale bv JOHN C. DIAL, . Importer and dealer in Hardware, Cut lory, etc., wholesale and retail, at the Sigu of the Golden Pad-lock, Columbia S. C._June 0 C Drs. Greene, Lmdley'& Bentley's Great Family Medicines. COMPOUND EX TRACT CORYDA l-is, the gioat vegetable alterative for all disoaaea arising from impure blood. DR. CKEKNK'S FIT CURE, (or Ihe euro of Epilepsy, Fits.Spasms, and convul? sions of all kinds. It1nlit:at<-tl Hour} . for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, and all liseases of the lungs and air passages ;v emu lulu spi?i lie, a cf rtuiu and speedy cure for Neuralgia, Bheumativm. Neivous Head-ache, and all nervous psin ? Wabaili Vallry Ague. Care. Contains no Quinine. A most positive remedy for Chilis, Bilious Fever, and Congestions of Liver and tspleen. Act? like h charm. Prepared at the Labnmtoiy. Charlotte, N.C. For sale by W. C. FISHElt, Nov 20 tly Columbia. 8. C. 8 300.000 MISSOURI STATE LOTTERIES! Legalized by 6tate Authority, e.i d ItliA IP.V IN PUBLIC IN ST. LOUIS. Grand Single Number Schern?- ol 50,000 Number*! DB a WS Til e last DAY of each month capital prize, $50,000! 10.3MI Prices, Amounting 10 $300,000. Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, 5; Quarter's, 2.50 The t!real Combination Scheme, with d CAPITAL PRIZE OF $32,500! and 82,890 Phizes, Amounting to 1578,1771 Drains Eoery Saturday During the Year, Whole Tickets. $10; Halves,5; Quarters, 2.50 Address, for tickets and circulars, MURRAY. MILLER A CO.. Managers. P. (). B..x 2,llt5 St. Louis, Mo. April 7 _$my c0ngaree iron works, COLUMBIA. S. C. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFAOT? BER OF STEAM ^ ' jg| [jggg 5^DNEG B8IBT ?Gt.arlng, and all kinds of Iron Caatings for Ma? chine ry and Or? namental Cast? ings for Stores and Dwellings, Patent Bailings for Gardena and Cemeteries, Irou Settees and Arbor Chairs; also, Brass Castings of all kinds, Bells for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, Ac. Guarantee all my work first clats and equal to any North or South. Works at foot of Lady street end near to Sonth Carolina and Greenvillo A Columbia Railroad Companies' Depots. Nov 18 Look After Yonr Hones. SPRING time is the time to give the GER? MAN HORSE POWDERS. For all dis eases to whichtho horso isanbjoot, no better medicine can be given. Get it only at March 5 t HETNITSH'S Drug Store.