BY JULIAN A. SELBY. The Pulpit Yell.?The babifc of shouting bo loud as to offend tho car is perhaps equally objectionable, while a suddeu transition from one extreme to the other is sufficiently artificial to comprehend the evile of both. But tbero is another and a growing fashion, so vicious, bo offensive to good taste, ho destructive to spiritual emotions, and so repellant to serious contempla? tions, that a public speaker bus need only to hear himself as others hear him, to feel conscience-smitten for disturbing public worship. It is tbe abrupt transition from low to high ?not mere hallooing?that expression is quite too tame, but an iustaatane oub, startling yell, which would drown the sound of a savage war-whoop. Let no one think this is caricature of what is sometimes witnessed in public speakers. It would bo difficult to se? lect language forcible enough to make the description hyperbolical. If there be any wko, not having witnessed an instance of this miscalled oratory, are nnable to recognize this pbotograpb, let him imagine himself seated in a house of worship in a devout frame of mind, listening with absorbed atten? tion to an inetraotive discourse, in harmony with his serious contempla? tions, delivered in a tone of voice adapted to the sentiment and to the awakened feelings of the congregation, when, instantly, as with an electric shock, the speaker utters a yoll that falla painfully on tbe dullest ear. The rupture of a water-spout would not more surely discharge its contents than snob an explosion would empty the mind of all serions thoughts. [The Evangelist. ?-^ - " An Important Meeting.?Tho mem bers of the Executive Committee of the Tax-payers'Convention of South Caro? lina are hereby requested to meet at tbe rooms of the Chamber of Com? merce, in Charleston, on Thursday, tbe 18tk day of June, instant, at 12 o'clock, meridian. Tho main subject of consideration will bo prompt und efficient orgauization of tux uuiols throughout the State. Those mem? bers who cannot attend are invited to Bend opinions und proxies to tho Chair? man or to other members of the com , mittee, JAMES CHESNUT. Chairman Executive Committee, &c. The -newspapers in the Stute uro requested to publish the foregoing 'notice, as the meeting proposed to be held is likely to prove one of great imporluucu to the tax-payers ot ull classes. It is suggested in un English paper | that smoking bo allowed duriug divine service, "as a means of increasing the attendance at charch." Hosiery, Ties and Under-wear, ATD. El'STIN'B, under Columbia Hotel, at the lowest prices. "May UO Hats of Every Variety. JUST received, at D. EPSTIN'K, STRAW HATS iu endless variety, cheao, hand? some and stylish. May .'10 Executive Committee Meeting. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ot tho Stato Agricultural and Mechanical So ciotv will meet in Columbia, on TUESDAY; thelGth JUNE, at 8 o'clock P. M. A lull at? tendance is respectfully r* quest od, an mat? ters of vital importance to tho Society will bo submitted for their action, Kv order of| T. W. WOODWARD, President. D. Wyatt Aikkn. Sec'v. June (S Summer Clothing. O to D. EPSTIN'S, undt r Columbia \JC Hotel, for Men's and llbv'n Spring and Bummer CLOTHING May :iu_ CASH. AFTER TO-DAY, we will sell goods fori OAtill ONLY. GOPELAND ,V REXRDEN. Ooi.hmuia. s. C Annl 2!) 1S71 Slmn Furnishing Goods. DEP8TIN has the largest, handsomest .and qlinapeat stock <>r CLOTHING, HATS and FURNISHING GOODS in the city. May 30 NiLtsG. Pahkku. Eikiak C.uti.kss. PARKER & CAYPLESS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ROOM 1 Parker's Mock, Main street, Coltimbin. S. C. May 10 Notice. SUPERINTENDENT'S ?FFICJ-, SPA RT AN DU R G & UNION R. R. CO.. ON and aTter June 1. 1871, Trains oti the SpHrtanbnrg and Union Railroad will run. making elo./~\ R?XES Cream. Soda, Milk, Lemon, *mi\J Cracknals, Kutter, Farina and Gil Ki r Snsjia. for sab- by HOPE A GYLES. Hayl Hay!! Hay!!! fA \\T\ THE SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE MQhNCOMPASY. ha? alwA\s on hand the ???""largeel stock oi IIAY in Columbia, comprising both Eastern and Western, which will lie delivered anywhere in tin; city, free of charge lor diayago, and at tho very lowest rates. \ Our faciliticsfor purchasing and handling are such as to'enablcuHtocompetesiicccss tr.lly with any other house, and pafrties in need will do well to give us a nail-before purchasing elsewhere, tor tr< cannot be un? dersold. , Particular attention is called to our stock of Eastern HAY, which is the best in the market. May ('? 3pio \ Let 01 c Uowriimcntul Directory. Government of the United States. President?Ulysses S. Grant, of Illi? nois; Vice-President?Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts; Secretary of State? Hamilton Fish, of New York; Secreta? ry of the Treasury?W. B. Richard sou, of Massachusetts; Secretary ; uccomj uiued by the rao.m'y, and will then be seel free of expense to tho purchaser, or they can bo sent by express C. O. D. Cntdl re? mittances should bo made cither by draft or P. O. money order, or in a registered letter. Newspaper Advertising. ?News? paper advertising is now recognized by business meu having faith in their own wares, as the moat effective means for securing for their goods a wide re? cognition of their merits. Newspaper advertising impels in? quiry, aud when the article offered is of good quality and at a fair price the natural result is increased sales. Newspaper advertising is u perma? nent addition to the reputation of the goods advertised, because it is a per? manent influence at work in their in? terest. Newspaper advertising it the mo?t cuergetic und vigilant of salesmen; ad dressing thousands each day, always in the advertiser's interest, and ceus lessly at work seeking customers from ! nil classes. Newspaper advertising promotes trade, for even in the dilllest limes ad? vertisers secure the largest share of wh it is being done. . Hints to Letter-Writers ?The postmaster ut New York has issued li circular which contains many valuable hints to letter-writers. Considering the fact that there are always two par? ties to a correspondence, these hints wilt ho useful to persons in the city aud out of it. The substance of the rules are, therefore, given for the benefit of all concerned. They uro us follows; 1. All mail mutter directed to iiutn berctl boxes will be delivered through those boxes. '2. Letters directed to eily addresses, street und number, will, if recognized by tho assorting clerks as intended for box-holders, be delivered through the boxes. If not so recognized, they will be delivered through the carriers. 3. Mail matter addressed without box number or street number, will be de? livered as expcditiotisly as possible, eil her through boxes, general delivery or carrier. Correspondents should direct their letters plainly, correctly and fully, und those who rent boxes would greatly facilitate the business if they will print conspicuously on their letter headings, circulars, bill-beads, cards and enve? lopes a request to correspondents to address letters to their respectivo box numbers, and if thoso who receive mail matter by carriers would direct their correspondents to includo in all cases the proper streets and numbers in tho addresses of all letters. Now is the Time?To advertise, at our summer rates, and while there is leisure to read the papers. Attend the True MORNING, JUNE 14, 1ST J Excursion Season of 1874 via Atlan? tic Coast and Midland Lines. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AC-! OUST A RAILROAD, AND WILMING? TON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. CotXMiti.v, S. C, Slay 2)5, 1S7-1. ROUND Tltll* TICKETS to' al! promi? nent Virginia Spring? and Western | North Carolina Excursion I'oiuts, good until November 1,1871, will be on sale all the Company's Ticket Office in this city, i ! both tin Charlotte and via Wilmington, on j and after after June 1, 1874. Tickets to New York, Philadelphia, Bal? timore. vtVi Bay Lisi:, at reduced rate?, also j on sale. A. POPE, Jiiuo 7 General Fa'scnger Agent. Official Order, No. 1. IWANT all Smokers to know that there aro still plenty more of the celebrated 5 cent PABTAGAS on baud. I guarantee that they contain more und a better quality of Tobacco than any other ."i cent Cigar aold in this city. Special Order, No, 2. All Smokers of Pressed Cigars will plea?o take notice that they can get a bunch con? taining 25 Cigar* tor 51, and all other I popular brands at equally low prices, at the CALIFORNIA CIGAR STORE, I (Sign of the Indian Chief.) Gil Door Below Whcelor House. June I! KO FAMILY SHOULD, at thirf eeaaon, bo without a bottle of QEINITSU'S ROSE COR? DIAL. It cures all disorder* of tho Uowelu, Stomach and Summer Complaints. AT THIS SEASON No family should be without a box of HEI NITSH'S GREAT BLOOD AND LIVEH PILLS. Cures all diseases of tho Liver, Headache and Constipation. SHOULD BE WITHOUT A bottle of MOTHER DAHLING'S INFANT CORDIAL, ror Children Teething, Restless liCf-H, Bad Bowels. For sale at neiuitsh's Drug Store. " HEINITSH'S MEDICINES Are, without exception, the heft remedies ever ofLsrod to tlm people, aud at a price within the reach <>t all. May 28 ? Who Wants? If\/\ f\f\r\ FEET seasoned LUM * M. t,\ tyfX) HER foi Palo?1, It and la inch PLANK, VVEAT'HER-itOAUOlNG and FLOORING. Apply to E. Stkniiousk. ; \ h)t in his ^ ard now. " ISA [All II ALTI WANG ER. May 21 Ine.' Blacksmith Tools. BEST English ANVILS, Him fcsniH'i DEL fit) ?VS, So!:il liox XU ES, S I OCRS and DfFS, FILES, hasps. Ac., comprising a tud r s: ur.iucut in this line a nd lor sale low, bv JOHN AGNKW A SON. Notice. CoTXJtlUA. S. ft., June 1, IS7L rflllE ua 't r-lt{ i'Hi beg l?nv? ' ? inform I ilii-ir f.binds and luatonierj that on and alter thia tu t e wo \uii sell tiood* for CASH. All past dim notl' Bonds aud Stocks an- aulhori/.i il to be funded: STOCKS. Revolutionary War Claims. Charleston Fire Loan, i Construction state Capitol. Funding Past Dne Interest a-el Principal. Convention State Securities. BONDS. I Cliarh stnn Fire Loan, i Const!uctimi State Capitol, j Aid to Ulue Ridge Railroad. Funding Past Due Interest and Principal. Redemption Bills Receivable. I Paviueiit Interest Public Debt, i Funding hills Baxikol State. Relief of Treasury. Lam! Oomt'jissioii. 'I he following bonds, is-m-d under Act ol M'irch 2:1. IStiO, lit ill* d "Loan lor the Con vi-r.ii.-u ul Stale Securities," arc also au? thorized to be landed into "Consolidation Bonds," Ihey having been dhlv exchanged a ltd represented liy hoods on file: l>l.NOMINATION UU, Nl'MIll !U:i> in iiei>. Numbers 1 toil'.l. inclusive. Numbers 521 t<> I IHO. inclusive Numbers 2,451 to 2.475, Inclusive. DENOMINATION II cod, NI'MIIKUKO is bi.i:i: Numbers 3.271 to 3,4%, inclusive. Number:! 4'."s. DENOMINATION f."?00, Nt'MtlUll'.lJ IN IIKI?. Numbers 1 to 237, inclusive. Numbers 1 tioi to 1 200 DENOMINATION fl< U, NlMliKltl i> IS IIIII Number? 1 to 120. inclusive. The Legislature hits declared that the remuindei id the "Conversion Ronds wrro put upon th>- market without any nuthniity nl law, ? * * * * and are absolut? I) null and void." The funding law referred to above re? quire* that the holders of the above Honda and Stocks should exchauge thorn, with the accrued interest to January 1, 1^71 lor "Consolidation Roods and Stocks," at fifty per centum ol th'ir face value. I ho* "Consolidation Pond* and HtoeW hear interest from January 1,1874. Tho interest due July 1,1874, will bo paid at the Treasury in Columbia, S. O., and the Na? tional Putk Hank, New York. Parties desiring to make exchangee must effect i hem in person or by a cent. Parties who desire copies ?l the Funding Act can obtain them bv applying at the Treasniy. F. L. CARDO/O, Mhv2|] 25 Treasurer South Carolina. HOPE & GYLES of: TONGUES, RE just in receipt of . PKKLED BEEF Pickled TBIPE, Pickled PIG'S FEET, Picklod Fulton Market BEEF. Also, one barrel extra SAPK KRAUT. Food for Infants. (CONDENSED MILK, Eaglo Brand, Pa j poma, Phosphatic Food, Nestle's Mo? ther's Milk Substitute, Bermuda Arrow Boot, Farina, Brom a, Cocoa, Corn Starch, always fresh, at June 12 IIEINITSII'S DRUG STORE. (KM X Event." YO $500 Reward. ! rpiIE National Hoard of Fira Under JL writers hereby offers a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for tho dotec lion, conviction and punishment of parties charged with the crime ot arson., in tiring this premises situate at Colnmbir., S.O., being the dwelling homo ot MrB. Harriet Andrews, on tho 2-Ith of May, 187-1; said reward will be paid only on due proof being furnished the Executive Committee of the conviction and actual punishment of said criminals. Uv order of the Executive Committee. " STEPHEN CROWELL, Chairman. Ntw Yoiik. Juno 3, 187-1. Information relative to this matter will bo furnished by tho Local board of Under? writers, of Coliimbia. J.B. EZELL, President. S.'L. Leapuart,Secretary aniTreasurer. June 11 ; King's Mountain Military School, VOHK.VII.MC, S. C. THE leading featurea of this in? stitution are long established merit, fall collegiate course, able and experienced faculty,complete equipments, and singularly healthful location. Second Suasion of 1S74 begins JULY 1st. For catalogue, address ?*B Col. A. COWARD, May 31 lmo_Principal. Low Priced Music Books. Attractive, Useful and Very Popular. CLARKE'S DOLLAR INSTRUCTORS, fou Reed Organs, Piano and Violin. RIVER OF LIFE. 3.r> centa. Best Sab? bath School Song Book. CANTATA OF ESTHER. Dramatized. 00 cents. Immensely popular. Father Kemp's Old Folks' Tunes. 10 cents. Much enlarged. Sung every? where. RIVER OF LIFE. 33 cents. Best Sab? bath School Song Hook. WINNER'S NEW SCHOOL for Piano, Cabinet Organ, Guitar. Banjo, Cornet, Accordcon, tiin. Flute. Flageolet, Clario? net. Price of each Book, 75 cents. I.IYER OF LIFE. 33 cents. Beat Book for Sabbath Schools. WINNER'S BAND OF FOUR. fl.OO. 1st and 2d Violin, Cornet oi Clarionet and Haas. Hunt post-naid, on rece ipt of ret ail price. Ol IVEL DITSON & CO., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., Juue 3 ws'.i 711 Broadway. N. Y. First InstallmentUpon Capital Stock. 1 OfficeSPAiiTANUi'ito A Amikville R.R.Co., Cuaiilestos, S. C, May 23, 1874. WITH a view of pushing forward the aur vi ys. en t'i:^ Road, the Board of Directors have ordered that an installment of live dollars ,i">) per share upon tho Capital Stock be called for on the drat dav of June next. Payment of the samfrmust bo made to Mr. A. C. KAUFMAN, Treasurer, at t'ae office of the CVupany, i'.'i Broad Btreet. In canes where subscribers reside bevond Charleston, remittances may ho mado by dratts or post office money orders, as the Company cannot b" responsible for those made in any other way. Upon payment of the lh .-t installment,the usual scrip will be Issued. Punctual payment is reque.-ted. C. (i. M EM MINCER, President. A. C. K irrai >x, Secretai v and Treasurer. Ma* 'Ji! i;r,}9 Montgomery White Sulphur Springs. THIS l.uuous Watering Place will be oponi-d lor the ? . T- ? - ..Mm recent ion of visitors on the g-gSgaBE 1st JUNE The Buildings I have it,.-,-ii i etil ted mid furnished iu the (most elegant malern style, and there is I every apoiianee for the comfort, conveni? ence and amusement of our Guests, such a* Express. Ticket. Post and Telegraph I Oflices. iVc Ac. Music by tin; Naval Aca I demy Band fnun Annapolis, Md. j Visitors i< ave the A. M A O. Railroad at ! Pig Tnhnet, and thence by branch road l\ ; miles t ? the spring- Address COLHOUN A" COWAN, I May 22'2ui5 Miles West of Charlotte, S. C. THIS FAVORITE WA? TERING PLACE will bo open for the reception of _ visitors on the 10th ( I JUNE, j Passengere coming on the Central Railroad will he met by hacks, and oonvoyancoa sent to tho Air-Lino Railroad and other points, whenever detiired. Cold and Warm i Baths. White Sulphur. Red Sulphur and Chalybeate Water. Bund of Music and other sources of aninsoment. Faro first class. For further information, address T. W. BRRVARD, Proprietor, j JoDe4 time LUME X?NUMBER 73. ni l mm laoWUto ooiif.m of CHARLESTON, S. C. WORKS and general office. EAST BAY AND BR1TOHARD STREETS: Trea annr'rt office, at CAROLINA SAVINGS BANK. Church, near Hsjno ttreet; P. O. Box ?20. DIKECTOI13. G. W. WILLIAMS, F. J. PELZER, ? J. C. MALLONEE, D. C. EBA?GH. C. A. CHIS JLM, A. A. GOLDSMITH. OFFICERS. .tnnv F. TAYLOR, President. FRED. BROTHERHOOD, Superintendent. W. H. PUIOLEA?. Secretary. W. E. BRAESE, TroaBurer, at Carolina Savings Bank. H. BCIST, Solicitor F?RGINGS AND CASTINGS' of every desoription. House Fronts, Engines, Boilers, &c. Marine, Stationary and Portable STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, T&Dks. Hoisting Engines, SawMille. Rice Threshers and Hills of every de? scription. Shaftings, Pulleys and Gearings. IRON FRONTS for BuUdings. CASTINGS of every kind in Iron or Brass. Forgings of all descriptions. Phosphate Washers. Phosphate and Ore Crushers. STEAM FITTINGS, Wrought Iron Pipe, Sheet Rubber and Gaskets, Water and Steam Ganges, Belting, Packing, Ac. MANUFACTCREBS OF 5 TAYLOR'S Patent Direct Acting Steam & Hydraulic Presses. ALSO MANCFACTCREBS OF SAMUEL J. CHAPMAN'S I'ATEST TttAP STRAINER. For Bilge Pumps, Bilge Injections, Ao. May 23 stuGrno DEVOE's BRILLIANT ?!lT~ SAFE nEYOND AI-L CUANCE. The Finest Illuminator in the World .' DEVOE'8 BRILLIANT OIL in now uni? versally recognized as the best turn? ing Oil winch can bo made. Recommend? ed by the Fire Insurance Companies /or its safety, aud by all consumers for the brilliancy of its light. In purchasing this Oil, the'buyer inaurea himeelt ana bis property aglimit all chance of a kerosene accident. For sale bv JOHN C. DIAL. Importer aud dealer in Hardware, Cut? lery, etc., wholesale and retail, at the Sigu of the Golden Pad-lock, Columbia H. C. _ _ June 0 G Drs. Greene, Lindley'& Bentley's Great Family Medicines. COMPOUND KX TRACT CORYDA L.IS, tho gi eat vegetable alterative for all diseases arisiug Horn impure blood. DR. GKBKIVK'S PIT CURB, lor the care of Epilepsy, Fits. Spasms, and convul? sions of all kinds. Jixitniiui Xloiiry. for Coughs, Cclds, Bronchitis, Croup, and all liseases ol the lungs and air paHsuges KeuralglM Spt-elfie.a c? rtainar.d speedy euro tor Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Neivou* I Head-ache, and all nervous pain* \'ni!? Aga*-. Cur?-. Contains no Quinine. A most positive remedy lor Chilis, Bilious Ft ver. and Congestions of Liver aud bplecn. Acts like a charm. Prepared at the Laboratoiv. Charlotte, N. C. For sale bv W. C. FISHER, Nov20il> Columbia. S. C. $300.000 missouri state lotteries 1 Legalized by State Authority, and DliA M'.Y IN PUBLIC IN ST. LOUIS. Urn ml .Single. Number Srlieme of .10,000 Number* I DIIAWK Tn e LAST DAY OK each MONTH CAPITAL PRIZE, $50,000! 10.3S0 Prizes, Ainnnnttnu to S.'iOO.OOO. Whole Tickets, 510: Halve?,"); Quarter's, 2.50 The Great Combination Scheme, with a CAPITAL PRIZE OF $32,500! and 32,890 Phizes, AMOUNTING to {373.177 1 Draws Eoery Saturday During the Year, Whole Ticket?. $10; Halves,5; Quarte?, 2.G0 Address, for tickets ami circulars, MURRAY. MILLER A CO.. Managers. P. (). It.ix2,-lld St. Louis, Mo. April 7 _ C0NGAREE IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA, s. c. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFACTU? RER OF STEAM ? ENGINES, SAW AND G RI8T ? MILLS, GIN Urnring, and all 'kinds of Iron Castings for Ma? chinery and Or? namental Cast? ings for Stores and Dwellings, Patent Railings for Gardens and Cemeteries, Iron Settees and Arbor Chairs; also, Brass Castings of all kinds. Bells for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, Ac. Guarautee all my work first claes and equal to any North or South. Works at foot 61 Lady street snd near to South Carolina and Greenville A Columbia I Railroad Companies' Depots. Nor lb Look After Your Hones. SPRING time is the time to give the GER? MAN HORSE POWDERS. Foralldis eases to which tho borso issnbjeot, no better medicine can be given. Get it only at March 5 t HEINITSH'SOrug Store.