The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, June 11, 1874, Image 6

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THE PHXENIX, Published Daily and Tri-WoekJy, Every Wedneuday Horning, BY JULIAN A. SELBY, Editor ,ap.d Proprietor, Office on Richardson St.. near Taylor, 49*Ths Phcesix is the oldest Dailv Panel n South Carolina, baa the jLABOEST circu? lation in the udper-portion of tho Stato, and has been regularly iaeaed Biuce ite in? ception?March 21,18C5, . Book and' Job Printing'ol every de? scription faithfully attended to. if] l ?srrt)8cmirTioN. > .? ??> Daily, six montbe, $4; Tri-Weokly,-2 50; Weekly, 1 60. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted in tbo Daily at $1 a square of nine lines for first, and 50 cents oach subsequent insertion; if not exoeoding five lines in longth, 75 cents. Loqg advertisement* by tho week,'.mOatuxfrrijear,tat.less rates; Marriages, Funeral Invitations, 4c., $1. AU8NT3. Julius Poppe, Anderson. Robert Brvco, Spartanburg. J. A. Grlgsby, Rldgeway. E. A. Scott, Newberry. 11. W. L-a.Treou, Abbeville, ? ? Judge Cooke has sustained the re? cent decision of Judge Green, to the effect that legal notices and advertise? ments paid for from private funds may be published in any paper selected by the person advertising, notwithstand? ing snob paper ? may dot be one desig? nated as an "official" paper by the State authorities. "Official" papers apply only to snoh advertisements ae aro paid fori from Btate and County funds. Lawyers may, therefore, order all estate notices, referee Bales and sheriff; eajes to bo published in this paper, Blionld they prefer it. ' * MAIL Ar range m ektb.-Northern mail opens 6.30 A. M., <3 P. M.; olosef 11 A. M., G P. M. Charleston opens8 A.H., G.30 P.IT.; closes8 A. M.,G P. M. Western openB 6 A. M., 12.30 P. M.; cloaea 6,1,80 P. II. Greenville opens 6.45 P. M.; closes 6 A. M. Wil? mington, opens 4 P, M,; closes 10.30 A. M. j On Sunday,ppen from 2.30 to 3.30 P.M. Newspaper Advertising.?News? paper advertising is now recognized by business men haviu? faith in their own wares, as the most effective means for securing for their goods a wide re? cognition of their merits. Newspaper advertising impels ih-j qniry, and when UjeJ-articlo offered is of good quality and n't a*f air price the natural result is increased sales. Newspaper advertising is a perma? nent addition to the reputation of the goods advertised, because it is a per? manent influence at work in their in? terest. Newspaper advertising is tho rnofd lessly at work seeking customers from all classes. Newspaper advertising promotes trade, for even in the dullest times ad? vertisers secure the largest share of what ft being done.' ' -"VJir^ QLiuitAiiv Agency*^ the Purchase of Books.?Mr. P. B. Glass, of this city, who is possessed of ample facili? ties and experience, makes it an im? portant 'part 'of his business to fill orders for books of all kinds for public or private libraries or for individuals. Orders for Amorioan and foroign books of every dosoriptibn, ' whether for whole libraries or single books, will be {iromptly and carefully filled at the owest publishers' prices; and works not published in this country will be imported from abroad. Any informa? tion as to the price of books, styles of binding, number of volumes in sets, &o? will be proruply given to corres Eondents. Copies' of new books can e sent immediately on publication. He will also arrange for subscriptions to any home or foreign magazine. All orders should be accompanied by the money, and will then be sent free of expense to the purchaser, or they can be Bent by express O. O. D. Cash re? mittances Should be made either by draft or P. ?. money order, or in a registered letter. ?rajtt't?i??? Wanted?A' * few more advertise? ments, to enable ns to publish a paper for the good of others as well as our selves. XX) LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals. EXCHANGE on New York, Baltimore Philadelphia, Boston and all promt nont cities of tho United States and En rope bought and sold. DEPOSITS received and interesl-bearini certificates issued. STOCKS, BOND8, GOLD and SILVE1 bought and sold. ACCOUNTS cf merchants and othen from the city and country solicited, am LIBERAL LINES OF D1HCOUNTB granlet by tho CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, Corner of Plain and Richardson streets HOPE oVGYLES HAVE for sale? 500 bushels OATS, 2,000 bushels BRAN, 2,000 bushels BHORTB. ALSO, Fresh Saur Kraut and Mince Meat, 100 boxes Raisins, 50 half-boxes Raitine, 25 quarter-boxes Rafsine, 50drums Smyrna Figs, Do8sicatcd Cocoanut, 100 pounds SocdloBB Raibins, 500 Heads of Cabbage. Hosiery, Ties and Under-wear, AT D. EPSTIN'S, under Columbia Hotel at the lowest prices. May 30 |T0 THE READING PUBLIC! If yon Want a Thorough Newipaper, J subscribe ;bor ; ? v, THE PHOENIX, } Daily and Tri-Woekly; or Issued every Wednesday; IN COLUMBIA,^OUTH CAROLINA. The Phoenix is the oldest daily paper :u the State, and ha:? beeu regularly issued since March, 18G5. ' THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, jBy Telegraph and Mails, from nearly all parts of the World; together with full I MARKET REPORTS; .Besides well selected Miscellaneous and Reading Matter, of interest to 'everybody, will be found in these publi? cations. I THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent writers; while speoial attention is given THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Taken as a whole, "no better ok more satisfactory investment can be made, than a subscription to one or the other of these publications: .They are Conservative in politicK, and are devoted to the best interests of the State. The following are the TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. Daily Phosnix.U 00 Tri-Weekly.2 GO Weekly Gleaner (48 columns)... 1 50 These papers were the first issued in Columbia, in 1865, after its partial de? struction, and have be on regularly published ever since. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY Throaghout middle and upper Counties of the State, and are excellent MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. The Phoenix has a greater circuhi'tiou through the upper part of So?ih <3aro? Una than any other daily paper. Mer? chants andothers will find its columns an admirable means of communication with the people of the entire up-coun? try. Advertising rates are reasonable. Send advertisements marked with the number of insertions desired, aud they will be stepped upon the expiration of the time. Olllco on Richardson street, between Taylor and Rlnudiug. _ JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor. Have your Job Printing done Home. especially when Style and Price are the Same THEPHOE NIX Bobk aud Job Steam Printing Office Is thoroughly supplied wilh POWER! iPRESSES of the Latest Improvement;1 TYPE of various grades and styles from one foot to the fiftieth part of an |mch in size; BORDERS. CUTS. &o.; .Black, Colored and Transfer INKS; PAPER, CARDS, ko. I The proprietor is a practical printer and employs the most skilled men in the profession; work executed at short est notice possible, in latest and best 'styles and at New York prices. CALL and EXAMINE SPECIMEN8 of 1.2,3 and 1 Sheet Posters, Iliind-bills, Programmes, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bills of Fare. Briefs, Letter Heads, Dodgers. Bill Heads, Checks, Horso Bills, Receipts, Labels, Railroad Blanks, Legal Blanks, Tags, Curds all kinds and sizes? 'Wedding, Visiting, Business, Show. S JULIAN A. SELBY. Proprietor ' Phoenix and Gleaner Establishment. Columbia Hotel.1 KIBVr CLASS IIDI'SE. L CHANOE of management,! and Diany consequent improve meats, enables tbe proprietors to, offer to the (raveling public more comforts and couveiiitncee tbanl can bo obtained ?t aiiv other; tmo?? in tlic eitv. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, BATH and BILLIARD ROOMS it) the- bouse. Every at-, tvution guaranteed. GORMAN .V. (TALNAN, Mr.roh 1 I'roprictOtfc. ROSS'S HOTEL, C? XalT&EBI A, S. C. WM, E. ROSE, rrrpriotcv. j&m&i Wife P-?r ? iv ! Another First Class Hotel in City?Fare S2.50 a Day, including CmnibusRide SIT DATED NEAR THE CAPITOL. AND IN Til E CENTRE OF TUE BUSINESS PARTI of tho city. Rose's Omnibus will convev pactengeis to and from every Train. The La lies'Apartments are complete, with private entrance on Asectnblyatreet. Tb?.> BILLIARD and BATH ROOMS are all new and superior to any in the city; April 5 ? UMAI1AA MUVa??i?? ?mm?mm* "2? 15 Ell CHARLESTON, S. C, I TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, P?IL?DELPIM, SEW VORK, BOSTON, j AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUPACTDEIHG CITIES. Tlirec Times a AVeele from NtW York?Taettlilyn.Tliu'SllO?? und Saturdays. j)c Kh ^uni Stute Huom Aeeoinmuilatlong Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston." TOTAL. ca PACIT V, 40,000 BALES MONTHLY. The South Carolina Railroad Company, AND connecting Roads West, in alliance with the fleet of thirteen first cists Steamhhipe to the above ports, invite attention to the quick lime and regular debj>Hieh afforded to the busincsspublic in the Colton States at the PORT OF CHARLESTON,ufferint facilities of rail and eta transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled in excellence ami capacity at an\other port. Thefollowitigsplcneiid Ocean Steamer* aiercgnlai hon thellne: TO X E IV V O R. K . CHARLESTON.. .Jan. Berry, Commander. CHAMPION... .15. \Y. Lockwood, Confer. JAMES ADOER..T. J. Lock wood, Comder. MANHATTAN ..M.S. Woodhull, Confer. JAMES ADOER A CO., Agent*,Chailet-ten,S. C. GEORGIA. .S. Crowell,Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA. .'1 .J. Beckett.Commander. WM. A. COURTENAY, WAGNER, UUUER A CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. TO i' 11 I L A o E L 1? II i a . Iron Steamships ASHLAND.Alex. Hunter, Cnnuiianth r. EQUATOR.CUiurlslev, Coinmaudi r Sailing Days?FRIDAYS, WM. A. CuUlt'J LNAY, Agent, Charit -tel..; ... TO bal T i si o it k .,Commander. KF.AGULL.1 ?luon.t nifr.aiider. . -. Sailing Days?Every Filth Day. PAUL C. TRENIiOl.M, Aq< < ha: 5< >i- : S. i . T O II O S T O "V . Steamships MERCEDITA urn! FLAG. Sail every Satunlav. JAMES ADGUI: A- CO., Agi ? ??.( i arl ,:t t C. Ratesguarauh e.l as low uicotupe'iug lim .-. Marine lusur&ucu, < if-l alioioui pe-rct^nl THROUGH BILLf. OF LADIKG ?2ilJ THROUGH- T1CKLTS Can bCjhad at principal Railroad Olllces in G< nriria, Alabama,Tennessee and ;'-i--i;<~i. Stat u-Rooius may be bceurcd in udvauce, without extra uliarge, bj addressing Agi nlsol tbe Steamships in Charleston, at w lioso oftiei ?< in :iil ea.ith. ; he Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berths assignee!. The Through Tiektis bj ti....- ruuu iuuludc Transfers,] Meals and State-Rooni, while on ship-board. THE SOX TII C.\ltOLl\A KA1I.KOA1). CKOUO-IA liAlLUOAIl And their connecting lines, kavolargely increased their facilitiofc Tor the rapid movement of Freight and Passengers between the Nont < i:. ??i-ii aii<i tin- South and Y\'e?t. i-";11>t Class Eating Saloon at Brnnchville'. On the Georgia and South Caioliua Railroads:, first class Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from ?teanu 11<> day and night train.- el the South Carolina Railroad. Clo.-o connection made with nthei Roads, delivering I'l t-ightt at distant points! with great promptness. Tlie manager r Will ute ever} exei lie n ie> eatisly thiii pat ion> that i tho line rm Charleston cannot besurpapped hi despatch mid (hi sali ileliveiy id e.ieds. For lurthor informatinn, apply to T. J. GitirriN. Wf stt i n Agent, Atlanta,Ga.; B. D. Habell. General Agent, P. 0. Box l :t?70: Office :.17 Broadway. N. Y.:8. B. PlOKKKM, Genera. Passongor and Ticket Agent. South Carolin? Railroad; ui'.j. M. Si i.i.iuk.Superintendent Great Southern Freight and raMeenge.r Line,Charlestun, S. C. an liu Uy Jewelry! Jewelry! Jewelry! WM. GLAZE, AT hia new etoru, Main Btrcet, nearly op? posite tho Central National Bank",has a large and beautiful stock of line WATCH: E8 etem and key winders, from the best Eu? ropean and American manufacturers, and ol bis own importation, in gold and silver cases. Elegant JEWELRY I Am unrivaled assort? ment just received, and all tho latest styles. Sterling S1LVEH-WAHE, in eets and cases, Bridal Presents, and it very fine selection'of Plated-Waro, Oold Watch and Neck Chains, Lockets, elegant Seal, Wedding and Engage? ment Bings, largo stock of Spectacles and Eye-Glasecs, (.'locks, Musical Boxes, and it great variety of Fancy Articles. My stock is I the largest and best selected in tho Southern country, and will be sohl as ( heap as the1 samo article can be bought anywhere. Oct 24 Seegers' vs. Cincinnati Beer. 11HE Cincinnati Gazette makes the ast"-' . nietiing announcement that Cincinnati beer is no longer pure, but adulterated wild molasses, sugar of starch, fusel oil an-l the poisonous coichieum. The Commissioner el Agriculture, in his report for lM'?. says that Prof. Mapes, of New York, analy zed the beer from a dozen different breweries, and found iill of it adulterRtod. CocnnluH Imlieus and DUX vomica entered largely into its compost tion. J. C. SFF.OEUS guarantees his 1 . < ?? to be pure and reliable. He does not adulterate it,; bnt brews Irani the best barley, mall and bops. -t:i<. ?.):; LA W VKIts' OKI"I? K.S : I.VSUI?\y* h. IIKKK KM ItllOMs KOK PAMIL1 K ?: j SINGLE niCll-KOt'.MM t ? let in Tili: nf.w i Central National Bank Building. Pi:n 7: S CO SUIT THE TIM KS. Bod-lloonis from $3 per month upwards; Family Booms from SO per mouth upwards; j Lawyers' Oflices from jo" per month upwards. W \TER, GAS, WATER CLOSETS, WOOD CLOSETS and othe r modern improvements i inaido the building. Xo buck room*, all fronting on tho street. Good ventilation. A Janitor in charge of the building. Apply ta Central Bank, or to Meeers. SEIDELS A EZELL. April 2 COLUMBIA MUSIC STORE. LyBrand & Son fllAKE pleasure in callinR tbuattention X ol Ihu public tu ku examination oi tli.ii STUCK of MUSICAL MERCHAN? DISE, consisting of Piauoe, Church ami i l'arlor Organe, Molodcons, Violins, Gui ' tars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Uran? laud Silver Band Instrument.? ol all kinds. Also, Sheet Music and Instruction Book? for'every claeeof Musical Instruments on liHinl at all times. We arc Sole Agents for the Stute of South Carolina of Estcv.V Co.'s COTTAUE ORGANS. Sheet Music sent by mail, post paid, on receipt ol pried; and all kinds ol Musical (loods sent by Express, when ordered, to ?ny pari 61 the State, marked c. O. P. Good Second-hand Pi anos and Organs for saleohcap. tor cash, i'iiiuos,?u gans slid Jl. 'o.l. .<e? Tum d aud Repaired in n satisfactory manner; and will?iveospeeiaI attention to racking. He-' moving <md Shipping Pianos !. i < tin i par? ties to any point desirid, . : moderate Pli',<?'- . All irderspromptlj atic-n . I to:;] .u-at isfaetion guaranteed to those lavoriiie. us with their patronage S* tid for out etta login ol Sheet Musicnnd 2!usi.'alM("*ohaii disc, liiehnrdsnii ?treet, k lewdoor- hove Pi: :v.\ .filer. Columbia S. Nov 7 i im: [mportfid Wines, BrnudisF. Etc . T'tc. ^y^^^j l-K^ld^e'--' 't.tMi.l.'A ?.. oiu-m Win' . ''oi ? Wine, "i oleii a Wim. \ ?? . I iige ( ? (.1 in- ..V. Whiskies, ? itrins. vc .7 t . SI'EOEItH A Letter to E. H. Hcinitsh, Columbia VNOTHER WONDEHFU LCDREl Ihavo been sill cted with Rlicumatieni for tin I last eighteen months, entirelv helpless. I hav< tried your QUEEN'S DELIGHT, and i ain happy to sny that I have received great I benefit from it.' I can recommend it us an I Invaluable rcicetlv t< '.'..i u ; lil ftcd. ! March 19 i H.D. The bhort Line Schedule. Charlotte, Columbia Si Avoubta It. B. Co. i Columbia, 8. C. May 17,1874. 1 gOBBfe THE following pat-; cHE^BS?* esnger Bchodule will be operated od aqd after this date: going south Train No '2 Train No 4 Leave Augusta.0.30 a ru 4.15 pm Graniteville-*7.33aru 5.11pm Col'bia Junet'n.11 3b a m t!) 05pm An IveColumbia.1140 am 0.17 pm Leave Columbia.11.58 a m Wiunaboro.2 00 p m Cheater.U CO p m ArrivcCbarlottc.+'"?.-15 p m No. 2 Train makes eloaii connection, via 'Jbarlotti and Bicbmoud, to all points North, niTivitig m New York 6.15 A. M. No.-1 Train makes close connection i fa Wilmington and Richmond to all points North, arriving at New York nt 5 15P. M. tsotNo south, Train Nu 1 Train No 3 Leave Charlotte.7.(0 a m Chester.'.'.5S a in Winnsboio.11 i" it m Arrive Columbia. 2 f"! p in Leave Columbia.2.13 pm 3.40 a ra Col'bia Junet'n.}2.48 p ni I 15 a m Urauiteville ... t7.1S ji m "7.48 a m \rri\ e Augusta.8.05 p m 8 45 a ni, "Breakfast. J Dinner, tSupper, south brand Trains connect at Augnsta for nil points. South and West. Through: tickets sold and baggage ein eked to princi-j oalpoiuts. 03T Sleeping cars on all Night Prams. JA8. ANDERSON, General Sup. I A. Poi'E.Geu. Passenger and'ticket Agent' -j Wilmington, Columbia and Ahg R R; GENERAL PAfcSENGER DEPART., J CqLUMUlA, S. C, May 18 lt>71. Q THE following Scbc (rdulowill be operated ? u and after this date: <iOi>o nohtu. thain no 2 thain so 4' Leave Colombia.. K 00 a m s.45pmt Florence.112 25 p m 2.10 a m' Arrive Wilmington.... 7.15 pm *7.15am ooino 80cth, TltAIN no 1 thais no 3 Leave Wilmington.8.00 a m -tt!.10 p m Florence. 4.00 p m 11.37 p m Arrive Columbia.lUSuoi 4.00 a mi Train No. 2, from Columbia, is an accom-, modation to Florence, and there connects closelvwith N. E. It. It.. and at Wilmington! with W.ii W. It. R. to all points North. | Train No. 4 front Columbia is fast Ex* press, making tbiough count ctions, all rail, North aud South, and water line connec? tions n'a Portsmouth. 'train No. 1. trom WilmingtOD, connects, closely at Florence with N. E. It. R. for Charleston, and is an accommodation train thence to Columbia. Traiu No. 3, from Wilmington, is a fast Express, counectiug closely and to all points North and South. Through tickets dold ami baggage cheeked to all principal points. Pullman palace fkepcrs on night' trains. ^Breakfast. IDinner. tSnpper. ', Accommodation Train No. 2 leaves Co? lumbia daily, Sundays excepted. Express i'raiu No. 4 leaves Columbia tverv night. JAS. ANDEhSON, General Hop. ' A. Pope, Gen. Pa seen ger and Ticket Agep t Greenville and Columbia Railroad PASSENGER ?TRAINS run daily, Sundaysexcepted, couuectinp with Night; Trains on South Carolina Railr? ad up and, down; with Trains going North and South: im Charlotte, Columbia and Auguttat-nd Wilmington Colombia und AugustaRoadt CP. Leave Columbian!.7.15 am Leavt Alston.0.05 am Leavi Newberry.10.40a m' Leave Coki sburj.2.0Op m Leave Belton ... .3.50 p hi Arrive u.t Greeuviile . . 5.30 p m down. Leave-Greenville *t . 7,S0am Leave Belton. Sl.SO a m Leave Cokes bury.11.15? m Le?vp Newberry.2.3(1 prii Leavt Alston...... .4.20 p m \nive m Columbia..O ttiptn Ahtitrsoi i;'r<;.-.'/,.7i /. .-? H?i'je liiiinion down. * cr. '.???.vi Walhalls . 1 !" ?. m Arrive7.15 r u' Leavt' I'erry viKc 0.25 rt p: 0.35 p in Leave Peudleton 7.30 a m , 5 f?fl n n. Lernt ?nderst n 8.10 a m 4.50 p m Arrive at Belton 0.GO a ui Leave :a \ n. Accommodation 'J raiiie inn on Abbeville Branch Monday, Wednesday sr.n friday. On Anderson Branch, between Reifen arid Anderson.Tuesday, Thnrsdsv mid Satur? day. THOMAS DODAMKAI), Ci. d.Sup. , Jaitz Nouton, General Ticket Agei t. Change of Schedule. South Cakoi.ina Hah : o.u> Coair? > \, Columbia, s. C, October 18.1873 and alter Sunday, l'.Hh instant: MAIL ANO I'ASM.NUKll T1..WN. Leave Columbia at. S.-lOam Arrive at Charleston at.4.20 pm Leave Chariest on at.<).()( pm i rriveatColumbia at. 5.(0pm niout KXPnESK, FltF.ioht and accommoda-. Tio? TuiAiN, Sundays excepted. LeaveColumbia.7.15 p ui Arrive. .0.30 in ArrivrCliarloston7.10 p. in Leave..0.45 an. Camdou Train I runs Monday, Wednesday' rind Saturday, as follows: Leave Colnnibiaat. 1.50pm Arrive at Camde-u at... . 0.35 pm Leave Camden at. 0.50 am Arrive at Columbia at. 11.50 am K. B. Pickins. General Tickt t Agent. Piedmont Air-Line Railway. ?tw**> CONDENSED TIME < t? J ABLE, Bicbmoud autl Danville, Richmond and Danville B.W., N. C. Division, and Nin th Western N. C. B. W. GOiNU NORTH. stations mail lxi'llESS Leave Chariott<. 7.10 PM ii.v5 A M Leave Salisbury.0.50 r M 8.34 A M Leave Greensbci t.... 1.40 AM 11 KAM Leave Dauville. 4.32AM 1.52PM Leave Bllikvillc. 0.44 A M ti H P M Arrive at Richmond.. .12.45 P M 0.30 I'M GOING SOUTH. Leave Richmond. 2 30 P M 5.10 A 51 Leave Burkville. 5.34 P M S 28 A M L< ave Danville.10 41 V M 12.57 P M Leave Greensbon- 2.15 A M 4.(0 P AI Li ave Salistnii v. 1 l", A M 0;22 I X Ur.vt at Charlotte. . 7.20 A M 8 31 A M GOING EAST. Leave Greensboro_ 1.45AM 11.10 AM LeaveConipani Shops 3 30 A MArl2.20PM Leavt Rah igh.".S 05 A M . irrivcat Goldel oro. ..11 (5AM_ ... GOING \\ EST. Leav< Goldsboro. 4.(01 M. Leave Raleigh. 7.45 PM . . LeaveCompanj shops 12 05 A M 2.15 I' M Vrrivf.ii Gicciirhorn. l 30AM 3.30 PM !*orlli?*.vestrrn N C ii lt., Siilmi Itrncli Leave Greensboro3.40p in Arrive 10.30 :i m I ; uve KemersvilleO 00 u m An ive 5.10 a m Mai'.trains,daily . both i\a>s, over entire lengili of road. Express dallj between Conipam Shops n l Charlotte, Sundays xcepicd.S. P. ALLEN.Gen.TicketAgt. I'M. H. 'Lim i t, Fncinen nnd Ofn Sun Summer Schedule S. & U.R. R.. i'OWN '1 RAIN T P TRAIN Arrive;Leavt Arrivi Leavt Sparta nt Rateeville. 7.(3 7 15 0.47 ?".5n Pacolel. 7.2:J 7.f0 (5.!1 0.40 Jouceville.. S.01 s.K E fl 0.0(1 IJuionville_ S ".(t- i {8 f?.18 Santuc. f?4:t 0.?8 4. if. 4.26 Pish Dam... .10.20 10.55 3.44 :;..r0 3holt( n. . in 40 10.4? S 10 :;.27 Lyles' Ford. . 11.0.7 11.33 5.'7 "..03 Streitbcr. 13 35 :: ! '." 2.8f Matci. 32 40 1 3f THE PHOENIX Cook, Job and Newspaper Steam PRINTING JSTABLISBIIEXT! ppprpppppp. * pppppppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp pppppppppp ppppppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp ppppppp ppppppp THE Proprietor ot the Phoenix has Thoroughly fitted bis oflice with tho ? Latent Improved 1 ==? Material for doing all kinds Printing. RRRR RRRRRR RRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RR RR RRRR RR RR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRR RRRRR Type, Border.OrnamentH, Cuts. &c., are o J MODERN STYLE and ciarefnlly ecleottd. nnininimi immiiimii iiiimn immn nmnii iirnmi iiiniin immn inrlnn iiinmirnin iiiinlniinii The Presses areof tLemost approved patterns?Adams, jtf Hoe and Liberty?including ? Platen, Bed .and Cylinder; and axe properly madaged. NNNNNN i KNK.KNK NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NTOMN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNXKNKNNSN NNN NNNNNNN ? NNN NNNNSN NNN NNNNNN' ? NX NNN NNN NNN NNNNN NNNNNN Profoasiimal Men. Merchants Rnd Mar\n ? t: U ureie uupplieo' with aiiy at vie ot woif . TTTTTTT ST TTTTTT T TTTTTTTITTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TTTT TT TT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT LargCBtock every kind Cards, Card Board, etc., whito and St?colored Pa? per. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii nmiiiiiiiiii nmuii niiiiiii iiiiiiiii Iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii ininmmm iiiiiiiiiiiiiii kVith the large amount ot material on hand, the style, quality and cost of wors cannot fail to give satisfaction. NNNNNN NNNNN NNN N N N NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN N NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Onic ri f roni abroa? will receive immediate attention, and work prompt 1} forwarded GGG GOQGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GG GGG G G G G G GG G G GGGGGGGGG G G GG GGGGGG GG This is the only tn the interior where one. two, lancet CIRCUS. ''Ac., can be put plain Black or and exa J.A.SE amino vyjKA JLBY. 7~ Establishmt i i, ot the State, t hr< e and fear SHOW BILLR, up in sty-le. Colored. Call ppecimens. Propriet?t