BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Port Royal Dock, WAnEiidtosE, Transportation and Banking Compa? ny.?By invitation bf Mr. Peter Papin, the chief mover in and promoter of the above named eotupauv," chartered by the Legislature of South Carolina, a number of gentlemen assembled at the Augusta Exchange, Thursdays to discuss matters connected with the en? terprise. On motion of .Mr. J.. .J. Pearoe, Mr. W. F. Herring was re? quested to,act as chairman. Mr. Her? ring said : "In consenting to net hs chairman of this1 meeting, I iusist on it being- 'distinctly understood that I. do not ag4eo. to act, as a director, to whioh position I have been informed I have been elected. This determina? tion on my part is owing to a want of sufficient Knowledge of the chief pro? moter or promoters of the enterprise, bat chiefly to an indisposition to either invest or induce others to invest in property in the State of South Caro? lina. Besides, I am not willing that any pretext should be afforded to the authorities of that State whioh the use of my name as director in an enter? prise might afford for litigation, claims, &o. It may be that I and others who have been named would run no risk of black mailing; I am assured that wo would not; but under the circum? stances I prefer to run no risk. The heavy'taxation in South' Carolina ib. in my opinion, the only thing tlaU pro vents Port Royal from sptiup like magic. Under the OoV dilution of that State the taxation must hu uni? form, and no less rate can be assessed npon one thing than anothery so that, therefore, the enterprise need ,not ex? pect to enjoy greater privileges in that respect than others." Civile ? Rights.?A Washington de? spatch, May 27, says: The unexpected opposition whioh has been developed toward the Civil Bights Bill has been a matter bf some surprise to such of the Republican Senators and Repre? sentatives as take the trouble to make themselves acquainted with the views of the prese and the people. A Re publican Senator remarked to-night that in perusing a large number of Republican journals he had found but a small proportion which endorsed the action of tlie Senate in passing the bill. Condemnation of the Senate's ucticrfj is also indulged in by not a few Republicans, both among visitors and residents. In feet, among thosu thus expressing their opinions are not a few in official, position, who are more or less dependent upon the breath of Con? gress!" v .We regret to announce {be death of I ulsior N. J. Vail, caused by injuries received on the' rail road1 while return? ing to Chicago from the Charleston Railroad Convention. Hoanade many irfon da in, Charleston. , ,( 'H$??sd&&iR^ by mail and by telegraph'lb ibe'D^ftY Phcbnix.' ' Now is Ti^y'TiME?To' advertise, nt our summer rates, and while there is] leisure to react the papers!'' ' 1 Wanted?A few moro 'advertise? ments, to enable us to publish a paper j for the good of' others n9 well as our. selves. " This office lucks nothing of being a first class job office. Any style of work desired we can do, and that at j low figures ami on short notice. The Pucenix job office is complete j in every respect, and cards, posters, pamphlets, programmes, bill-heada, etc., are turned out with alacrity. Breakfast Bacon, BUFFALO TONGUES, MESS MACKER? EL, LEAF LARD, FIGS' FEE 1", tor aale low by_?P_P?_& OYLES. HOPE & OYLES A RE jnnt in receipt of: A. PICK LED BEEF TONGUES, Pickled TRIPE, Pickled PIG'S FEET, Pickled Fulton Market BEEF. Also, one barrel nrtr* SAUK KRAUT. 1 Fresh Biscuits. #>/\ BOXES Cream, Soda, Milk, Lemon,, Cracknals, Butter,'Farina and Gin? ger Snaps, for sale by HOPE A GYLES. Business police. ? LL NOTES ANp ACCOUNTS due u* .. must bo paid at unce, or they will be collected by our attorneys. May 6 HOPE k GYLES. MONEY TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals. EXOHANQE on New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and all promi? nent cities of the United St&tca and Eiir rope bought and eold. DEPOSITS received and interusLbeai ing certifioates issued. STOCKS, BiNDS, COLD and SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of l-.orchants and '.others from the city and country aoliritpd, and LIBERAL LINP.8 OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK. Corner ofI Fiji a and Richardson atmete. CASH. PTES TO-DAY, we will sell gdotlsfor CASH ONLY. COPELAND & REAROEN. .CoLVKBIA^g. fl^ April 211. vpu. ilmo Summer Wines. AFINE lot of CLARET and HANTEPh'E 1 WINES, f ji sale by the bottle br gal Ion. by ? HOPE 4 GYLES. A1 A! "Let o Governmental Directory. government of tue united STATES. President?UlyaBes 8. Grout, of Illi? nois; Vice-Presideut?Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts; Seorotnry of State? Hamilton Pish, of New York; Secreta? ry of the Treasury?W. R. Richnrd sou, of Massachusetts; Secrotury of War?W. W. Belknnp, of Iowa; Sec? retary of the Navy?(Jr. M. llobesou, of New Jersey; Secretary of the Inte rior-7-C. Deluno, of Ohio; Postmaster* General?John A. J. Crcswol!, of Ma? ryland; Attorney-General?George H. Williams, of Oregon. Presideut of the Senate?Henry Wilson, Vice-Pre? sideut, ex ojjicio; Secretary?George C. Gorham, of Californiu. Speaker of the House of Representatives?James G. Blafhe, of Maine; Olork?Edward MaPherBon, of Pennsylvania. Con? gress meet* auunally the first Monday in December. The present Congress (the 43d) terminates March 3, 1875. The Supreme Court.?Chief Jus? tice?Morrison R. Waitje, of Ohio; Associate Justices?Ward Hunt, of New York; Nathan Clifford, of Maine; Noah H. Swayne, of Ohio; Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa; David Davis, of Illi? nois; Stephen j. Field, of California; Wq. m. Strong, of Pennsylvania; Jos. P. Bradley, of New Jersey. Tho Su? premo Conrt holds one Bession an? nually, in Washington, beginning on the first Monday in December. United States -Courts in South Carolina.?Circuit Judge?Hogh Li. Bond; Circuit Clerk?James E. Ha good; District Judge?George S. Bryan; District Attorney ?David T. Corbin; Clerk?Deniel Horlbeck; Mar? shal?R. M. Wallace. Terms for hold? ing United States Circuit Court?First Monday in April, at Charleston; fourth Monday iu November, at Colombia. United States District Court?Firet Monday in January, May, July and October, in Charleston, for Eastern District; first Monday in August, at I Greenville, for Western District. {The Court held at Greenville exeruisee Circuit Court powers.) I Govermen! of south carolina.? Governor?Franklin J. Mo6os, Jr.; I Private Secretary?C. J. Houston. 1 Lieutenant-Governor ? Riohnrd H. Glcavcs. Secretary of Slate?Henry E. Hayne; Chief Clerk?.H. B. John? ston. Comptroller-General?Solomon Li H?ge; Chief Clerk?J. L. Little. Auditor'? Clerk?>-J. Si Fillcbrown. Treasurer?Francis L. Cardozo; Chief Clerk?F. McKinney; Book-keeper?T. L. Minton. Attorney-General?Samuel W. Molton; Chief Clerk?Harry Noah. Adjutant and Inspeotor-Generul?Hen? ry \V. Purvis. Superintendent of Ed? ucation?J. K. Jjllson; Chief Clerk? H. Jillsou. Superintendent of Peni? tentiary?John B. Dennis. Superin? tendent of Lunatic Asylum?Dr. J. F. EuBor; AsBiatBUt Superintendent?Dr. ! Thompson. Legislators.. ? -.Tho Legislature ( meets annually on the 4th Tuesday iu November.' President pro tern, of the Senate?Hon. 8: A> Swuils; Clerk?J. Woodruff, Charleston; Roadiog Clerk ji?R. A. Sjssoo, Barn well. Speaker of tho Honso of Representatives?Hon. Samuel J. Lee, of Aiken; Clerk?A. O. Jones." Charleston; Assistant Clerk? W J Etter, Columbia; Reading Clerk ?W A Hayne, Marion. Supreme Court, Sown Carolina.? Chief Justice?F J Mosch, Sorator; As? sociate Justices?J J Wright, Summer ville; A J Willard, Columbia; Clerk? AM Boozer, Lexington; Reporter? J S G Richardson, Suinter. Circuit Courts. ? First Circuit? Counties of Charleston and Orange burg. Second?Aiken, Barnwell, Col letou and Beaufort. Third?Sumtcr, Clareudou, Williumbburg and George? town. Fourth?Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion and Horry. Fifth ?Keratinw, Rtchland, Edgoheld and Lexington. Sixth?Ubeitur, Lancas? ter, York and Fairfield. Seventh? Newborry, Lau re us, Spartanbnrg and Uuion. Eighth?Greenville, Ander? son, Oconee, Pickens and Abbeville. Circuit Judges.?First?R F Gra j ham, Charleston. Second?John J M?her, Blackvillo Third?John T Green, Sumter. Fourth?C P Towii send, Beuuetlsville. Fifth?R B Car? penter, Columbia. Sixth?TJ Mackcy, Chester. Seventh?,M Moses, New? berry. Eigli'b?Thompson 11 Cooke, Greeuvillo. "Solicitors. ? First- C W Bnttz. Ohorleston. Senoud?P L Wiggiu, Beaufort. Third?Samuel T Atkinson, Georgetown. Fourth?D D McColl, Benue(tsviile. Fifth?J H Runkle, Columbia. Sixth?W H Brawley, Clus? ter. Seventh?W M Fleming. Spartan ' burg. Eighth?Ab Blytho, Greenville. County Government, Richland.? J Commissioners?E M Weston, W E 1 Ilayup, U Porte?. Clerk of Board ? ID B Miller. Sheriff?J E Dent. Judge of/ Probate?S D Swygert. j Clerk of Conrt?D B Miller. School ? Commissioner?D Salmonil. County : Treasurer?J L Ne'figlc. County Au ! dilor?A L Solomon. Jury Commis leioner?John B Donnis. Coroner?I | II Oolemnn. Senator?W B Nash. I Represen tali VfB?S 1* Thompson, An , drew Cnrtis, J F Gilmore, Charles Miiinrt. Trial Justices?W B .Nash, I S B Thompson, S E Stratton, Treze l vant Sill, Gen A Riehmond auO, I H 1 (loleman. United .States ?rrtriK?H Poft ur Just Censures COLUMBIA, S. 0., SUNDAj master??C M Wilder. Deputy?John S Leapheart. Commissioners?A M Boozer und T M Wilkes. Collector Iutorual Boveoua?O L Anderson. Ganger?C A Darling. City Goveuniient.?Mayor?John Alexander. Clork and Treasurer? Walter R Jones. Aldermen? First Ward?Augustus Coopor. S P Davis, 13 F Griflln. Second?C J. Carroll, ? John A Pugb, W A Curr. Tbird? I Adam Tbomss, S D Swygert, Ii W j Purvis. Fourth?L L Brown, D i Wells, Wm Simons. The committees Inre: Ways and ideaue?Aldermen I Cooper, (Jriiiiu and Carroll. Accounts ?Aldermen Carroll, Curr und Swygert. Streets?Aldermen Pogb, Thomas and Wells. Market aud City Scales?Al? dermen Curr, Brown aud Cooper. Guard House?Aldermen Simons, Davis and Pugh. Water Works?Al? dermen Thomas, Cooper and Griflin. Alms Houbo?Aldermen Swygert, Si? mons and Davis. City Schools?Al? dermen Purvis, Swygert and Simons. Sydney Park?Aldermen Davis, Car? roll aud Thomas. Licenses?Alder? men Griffin, Pugh and Brown. City Clock?Aldermen Brown, Wells and Purvis. Fire Department?Aldermen Welle, Purvis aud Carr. City Lamps? Aldermen Carr, Brown and Davis. New City Hall und Public Buildings? Aldermen Griffin, Simons and Carr. City Attorney?J D Tradewell. City Pbyaioiau?A S Hydrick. Clerk of Market?J H Pickett. Commissioner of Poor?Charles Schnitze. Overseer of Streets?J Trice. Chief of Police M F Nixou. Sergeants of Police? E Williams, J Blizzard. State Bonds.?State Treasurer Car doza has put forth the following "cir? cular:" The Treasurer of the State is now prepared to fund, at the Trcueury, in Columbia, S. C, the bonds and stocks of the State authorized by the Legis? lature under the funding Act, ap? proved December 22, 1873, into th8 consolidation bonds and stocks. The following classes of bonds aud stocks are authorized to bo funded: Stock.?Bevolutionary war claime; Charleston Fire Loan; construction State Capitol; funding past due interest and principal; oonv. State securities. Bonds.?Charleston fire loan; con? struction State Capitol; aid to Blue Ridge Railroad; funding past due in? terest nud principal; redemption bills receivable; payment interest public debt; funding hills Bank of ?t?te; re? lief of Treasury; Laud Commission. The following bonds issued under Act of March 231, 1809, entitlrd "loan for the conversion of Statu securities," are also authorized to be. funded into 'consolidation bonds;" they having j been duly exchanged and represented by bonds on file: Denomination $1,000 Numbered in Red.?Numbers 1 to 519 inclusive; numbers 62L to 1,130 inclusive; num? bers 2,401 to.2,176 inclusive. Denomination $1,009 Numbered in Blue,?Numbers 8,271 to 8.4'J? inclu j sIvp; number 3.498. Denomination $500 Numbered \>i Bed.?Number a 1 to 237 inclusive; numbers 1,001 to 1,200. Denomination $100 Numbered ?.i AW ?Number 1' to 120 inclusive. The Legislatur? has declared thai the remainder of t|iu "conversion bonds were put upon tin* market without any authority of law, ,. * * ' * aud are absolutely null aud void." The funding law referred to above requires that the holders of the above bonds and stocks should exchange them, with the necrnod interest to Jan? uary 1, 1874, for "consolidation bonds aud 6tocks" nt fifty per ecu tum of their face value. The '?consolidation bonds aud stocks" bear interest from Januarv 1,1874. Interest due July 1, 1874, will be paid at Treasury, iu Columbia, aud National Park Bunk, New York. ... ? -. - Hints to Lettbu-Wiuteuk.?The postmaster at New York has issued u j circular which contains many valuable limits to letter-writers. Considering i the fact that there are always two par I ties to u correspondence, these hints I will he useful to persons in the city aud lout of it. The substance of the rules ?are, therefore, given for Ibe benefit of I all oouoerued. They arc us follow*: j 1. All mail mutter directed to nutii I bered boxes will bo delivered through i those boxes. i 2. 'Letters directed to city ?ddruMe?, street and number, will, it recognized j by the assorting clerks as intended for I box-holders, bu delivered through thu ? boxes. If not so recognized, they will I be delivered through the carriets. 3. Mail matter addressed without box ! number or street number, will be de? livered as cxpediliously as possible, [either through boxes, general delivery ] or carrier. j Correspondents should direct their [ letters plainly, rorreclly and fu4ly, and 1 those who rent boxes would greatly I fnoililate the business if they will print 1 conspicuously on their letter bondings, circulars, bill-heads, cards and eove-1 lopes u request to cot respondents to j address letters to their respective box | i numbers, and if those who receive mail I mutter by carriers would direct their ! correspondents to include in ull cases! I the proper streets and numbers in the1 ['addresses of all letters. Attend the True I MORNING, MAY 31, 1874 Kcurd?ia, Piles, Headachy t Liarrhcca. Boils, GldScre; j l-r.c:ices, Evimc, Screnesc, Tscthtcfcc, Scalds, Sprain:, Ecarscr.c:c, Ulcers. WptinSs, Coro Throat, Colic, Braisc-i:, P.hc'iEiatiEra, Hei?orrhaffcs, March 1 tV3mo Montgomery White Sulphur Springs. I TU IS famous Watering i Place will ho opened for the reception of visitors on the _:1kt JUNE. Tho Buildings have been refitted and furnished in the! most elegant modern stylo, and thero ia every appliance for tho comfort, conveni? ence and amusement of our Guests, such as Express, Tickut, Post and Telegraph Offices. Ac. Ac Mu'ic by tho Naval Aca? demy Band from Annapolis, Md. Visitors leave the A. M. & ?. Railroad at | Big Tunnel, anil thence bv brauch road ll, miles to the Springe. Address COLIIOUN a COWAN, May'22 3mo Proprietor* A Delightful Summer Resort CHEROKEE SPRINGS, Eighl Miles North of Spartatiburg Court ] House, S. C CLI M ATE? Mann(n incus, bracing and healthful, WATER.?Contains iron, 'nitre, niagncria aid sul? phur, aim its uot only a line uppetizir, aiter atice and resin-alive, but is unsurpassed for diseases nf the b:?ee!s and liver, and for all diseases nf c-4 ildren. BATHING HOUSES. HOWLING AL? LEYS. BILLIARD LOOM, CROQUET 0ROUND and MUSIC. Every effort will be made to give eutire satisfaction. Terms 140 por mouth. Children and ser? vants half price. Special contract* made with families. Hack? at depots in Spartan bur?. JNO. B. BLACK. May 2i Imp _H? ruderst Manager. Kay! Hay'.! ~ Riy\\\ '." \VVVW THE S'lTJTBKaN WAUr. LOUSE ?'iiijtiii AiMI' AN Y fins ?i a .1;.Oil baud the ??"""largest sioclc pi HAY lr. Columbia, comprising bo*h Eastern and Western, which will bo dwliven-d au> where in the city, tree of charge lor di.ayage, und at the very Iowent rates. Our facilities f^r pil r.-.hasinj; atiYI handling are sueh as t,o'en?ioleiis tocompete?noeo*?i l'f?lly uith any other honse, m.d parties in lined will do well to e <%' a call heloie piircllllpriig e'suwhei v, Iff >rt catm%d be Mil di:i m *'(/,, Particular atu nti> n e.ilted tu our stock of Kasten? HaY, wbieh iatihe lo st in tho m-u May (i ton^ iiors! Hoes! WE are rttiil uK'mtK fix the i.ilebrs.ttd W Alt REN a /Jt.. which lit* itiven Blich itiltU .?cUuli tin puH ramm, aud have also .-, full ?>?h oiuiei.i ei Stade'* Crown IfOtts. H.mdle.l Garden HOES, Garden ItAKis. Garden TROWELS, HPADLH, SMuVELS, ((PALING 1<>RKS, Manure Pork*, Canal and Oantuti Wheel barrowii. Ac, Ac, ! >r *:ile a: our usual low price*. JOMN AG NE W a SON. OONGAREE IRON WORKS, (ol.iiaiuia, s. 1'. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. an '. Dwelling's p., t, j and Ciir.eten:-*. fro Chair*: 'ilso, itra*.? Uoll* for Churches, manufactu? re f. 0 V steam engines; saw a N D G 111ST n& MILLS, GIN Qearhig, and a'l ? kind.- nf Iron Can tings :'er Ma? chine! y and Or? namental Cii.hi. mg;} foi Stores ilit'tps for Oaideiis t Settees and Arbor Castings of kinds. Hchoola. Work-shops, tl a:. J j Gur.rautee all.Vi^ woiUlirsi cla I ? q'til to any North or Pouth. ?,'ork.i at foul of Lad) street, nnd near to ! >" Carolin*, and Greenville it Colnuibia ? Ihiiiroad Compinieh' Depo's. N??v is Blacksmith Tools. BESTEnglish ASVlLS; BNefcsatlfh BF.L LOe.s, Soli I Rox Y{. lit ? j G. M. WALKER, Cashier., ' Cdr i'.iua National Bank. I O. J. IRL DELL, Cashisr. ? Central National Bank. . A. G. BRENfZER, Cashier 1 t Sjuth Carolina Bank aud Com? j panv. L. N. Z ?ALY, Actiug Cashier. May 9-1 tt Who Wants? " 1 f 1 f\f\{\ FEET seasoned LUM-! I 1UU.UUU ?ER for sale-l,H?ud 2 inch PLANK, WEATllEU-liOARDIN'G 'and FLOORING. Apply to E. Stkhuochk. t A lot in hia yurd now; " ISAIAH HALTIWANGER. ' Ma? 21 lmo* Kii.ksO. Parker. Edoak Oavplus. PARKER & CAYPLE88, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ] OOM 1 Parker's Block, Main street, Columbia, S. C._M?y 10 R oc o p es zlC s x r* Mfllff* I8* 3 S S " slsirflli3s- a .J |l x,cc~rjg3 v e L ? ? 5 5 _ 2 E b h, e - ? r n 5 J w -? ? ? _ t S ?g = 2 n 8 ** " ? 2 * S U I?sre^:3 v. * 2 s Ej^r ~ c ? c c ^ ff ij es ^ o ?r t la -Z S - S .o t= m 3 s n - r - :r ~ n. ? - 2 r 5' 5- - 5 f- ~ " ?- 2. r ?* HOPE & GYLES , HA VF for Bale? fi00 bushels OATS, 1 Z,000 bushels BRAN, ? 2,000 bushels SIIORTF. AT.Po, I Fre-O? Sanr Kraut am! Mir"' 'In.:. | I 100 boxes Kahina, 5(- hali-i ?. s? a Raisins, I 25 n.u*i ter-boxos Raisins, .ri0drums Smyrna Figs, . i Dedicated C tsoanut, ' RiO pounds Seedless Raifint, I .r)IUl Head* of Cabhago. A Letter ?o E. H. Heitiitsh, Columbia \ A NOTHERWONDERFULCUtlF! Th&ve, J\ heeuailllot? d with Rbentnatlsm for the hetoighlccn months.entirely hulpless. Ii have tiiod your ?U??N)d D?LIGllT, hud am hanj y to say fh it I have rrceivcfl greal b lirfltfromit. T can re'eommond it as an ilnable remedy to those artlicted. March !?? i I?:.P.' Family Floar. J0OBBLB. Nstra PamilyFLOU,It.? 100 barrelelow nriued, but sound J i Forsalebj '3OPE? GYLE8 ?ggaete i ,-m-^? LU'ME X?NUMBER 61 $5,000,000 Flifjtt.AW IA8T C^CEBT Publio Library of Kentucky, iti i , vldUbX 31. 18T4t Ik announcing (be fifth and la?t of the < '' eeriea or Gift OoncertB, glveb for the benefit of tbo Public. Library of Kentucky,., the Trustee's and Manager refer with pride and pleasure to'the foupwhioh have been*' already given: The first, December 26,1871'. the second, Decomber 2,1872; tbo third,. July'8,-'1873; ant] the fourth, March 31, 1874. * u-w Under their charter, granted by a special Act of .he Kentucky Legislature, March 16, 1871, the Ttnateea are authorized to - give OHE HORB, and ONLY OIH MOHKQ K Uift Concert. With the money arising i from thia fitfth and Iaat Concert, the Li? brary, Museum and other departments are - to be enlarged and etukvud vntbaifitxed > and certain annual inoome. 8noh an en? dowment fund is decired, aa will secure-,-, beyond peradventure, not only the mainte? nance of thia magnificent establishment, but its constant growth. THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT, For the purposes mentioned, and which is 5ositiveiv and unequivocally annowoed ts> HE LABT WHICH WILL ET' H BE GIVEN UNDER 1 HI8 CHARTER -uS D BY' THE P&EUBNT MANAGEMENT.^.cms off in the Public Library Hall, at ; .???!*. ville, Ketttnckv, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1874. At this final Concert everything will be upon a seals eorrtoppuding with its in* oreaeed importance. The music will be rendered by an orchestra consisting of 100 performers, selected for their fame in dif? ferent lands, and the unprecedented anm or $2.500,000, Divided into 30.000 Gifts, will be distribute d among the ticket-holders, 1 L.IST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift...'.. ?250,000 One Grand Cash Gift. lOO.QOO One Grand Oash Gift. 75.000 One Grand Caeh Gift.....:. 50,000 One Grand Gash Gift. 25,000 0 Cash Gift?, 120.000 each. 100 000 ?'?"lOOash Gifts,' 14000 eadh. 140 000 15 Cash Gifts,. JO.C00 each. 150 000 20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each'."_ 100,000 25* Cash G if te, 4.000 caeh 100,000 . 30 Gash Gilt?, 3 000 each. 00,000 .")() CaHh Gitta, 2,0(0 each._ 100.000 lOOCash Gifts. 1,000 sach..... 1?S.SGO 240.Caah GiRe, 500 each. 120,000 500 Cash Gifts, ' 100 each... 50,000 10.000 Cash Gift?, ? 50 each..., i 950,000 Grand Total 20 COO GiftV, alt cash, ?.'600,000 I tu it PlilGS OK TICK ITS. ti Bit . I Ttnih.or each Couponing. ! .000 11 Wholo Tjckota for.500 00 2? Tickets for.. IV......'.... .'1,000 08 xiokats are now ready .for t-alo, and orders accompanied by oash will be prompt ly filled. ' r. u :Liberal aonAmiationf will bo allowed to satisfactory agents, Oit^lars'ooelalniog-fall pa. Uc-arats tnt, Agent a^? Manager, iBabHe Librarr Bailed ing.jLoqisv^lla, Kentucky. May 19 MHACTIilllXG COM bun .? foil 1 ;. .i- ii i.i ' qBAatie^?N. s. c: XTTOHKS and general office. EART BAY W AND PIUTCHAttD STREETS: Trea? surer's ?fiiee, at CAROLINA SAVINGS RANK. Church, near Hayne stnei; P. O. Box 629. . tin,, waECToaa. G. W. WILLIAMS, F. J. PEXZER. J. C. MAr/LOWEE, 1 ?. C. EBA?GH. - I C. A. CUIS JLM, . A. A. GOLDSMITH. officers; JOHN V. TAYLOR. Pretidont. i FRED. BROTHP.RHOOO, Superintendent. I W.'H. PRIOLKAU, 8eofe?arv; j W. E. BUAESE, Treasurer, at Carolina Saviuga Bank. II. BUIST, Solloitor. F0RGINGS AND CASTINGS of every description. House Fronts, Engines, Boilers, &c. Marino, Statlonarv and Portable STEAM ENGINES, Roiltra. Tanks; Hoisting EugitiOH, Saw Mille. Rice Thrtahcrs and Mills or every de? scription. SiiaftiuKH. Pullevs and Gearings. IRON FRONTS far Building?, i CASTINGS of every kind in Iron, or Brass. Forgings of all descriptions 1 Phosphate Washers. Phosphate and Ore Crushers. HTEAM EITTINGS, Wrought Iron Pipe, Mieot Rubber and Gaakots, Water and .>uani Gauges, Belting, Tacking, Ac. I , m, \ n l' ra c t 1.' m: 11 s of TAYLOR'S Patent Direct Aactlng Steam & Hydraulic Presses. also UAbCFAOTCBEM of S A M U ? Ii J. OIIAPMA S'S PATENT THAP NTH AINTCIt., For R?g? Pump*, Bilge Injections, Ac. M*y 23atuGoio Look After Your Horses. SPRING time is the limn togivo the GER? MAN HORSE POWDERS. For all dip r>a*eH to Which the horse i? subject, no hotter no'Uiutnn can be given. Got it onlv at March s i HEINITSfl'S Drug Store.