THE PHOENIX, Published Dally and Trl-Weekly, ?m GLEANER, Every Wednesday Morning, BY JULIAN A. SfcLBY. Editor and Proprietor, Office on Richardson St.. near Taylor, ? ? ? ?5-T11 e Phojnix ie tho oldcet Daily Paper in South Oarolina.has tho labokst ciuoulation in the upper portion of the State, and hau been regularly i8auod Binou ite inception March 21,1805. Book and Job Printing of every de? scription faithfully attended to. sunscrur-tjon. Daily, Bix months, $1 00; Tri-WeoVly,2 50; Weekly, 1 50. advertisements Inserted iu the Daily at $1 per ?quarc of ninn lines for firat, and 50 cents cju subsequent insirtiou; not exceeding five lines In length, \ 75 cents. Long advnrtiBemeuts by the week, month or year, at Iobb ratce. Marriages, Funeral Invitations, &c, $1. agents. Julius Poppe, Anderson. Robert Bryce, Spartanburg. J. A.QrigBby.Ridgcway. A.Scott, Nowberry. H. W.Law?>on, Abbeville. Bine anil Culil. Grizzly-bearded, swarthy and keen, Sits a jeweler, onuuiug and cold; Spectral-eyed, like a Bedouin, Counting hiB gems and gold. Counting his chaplets of Syrian jet, An odorous amber steeped in the sun, The golden circlets, turquoiso Bet, A dowry every one; Blood-red rubies, pearls like grapes, In dusters of purple, black and white; Cameo girdles for exquisite Bhapes; Diamond drops of light; Jeweled masks and filligree fans, In carved cases of tropical wood; Aspic bracelets, buckles aud bands, Clasps for mantle and bood. Dreaming a dream of sordid gain, The merchant, keen-eyed, cunning and eold, Smiles in thought of a yellow rain, Ducats and Boqnims of gold. Trailing her robes cf velvet aud lace, Through the luminous dimness glows Viola's form of girlish grace, And face like an Alpine rose. She comes to look at tho baubles new, To look at the rubies and strings of pearls, "With light iu her eyes of turquoise bine, And light in her goldeu curls. She fans herself with tho filligree fans, Opal-handed, with flame und dusk? Giving the palms of her slender hands The scent of attar aud musk. She tosses the chaplets of Syrian jet And amber by, with a oareless air, And looks in vain for a jeweled net For her beautiful golden hair. Grizzly-bearded, with spectral gleams In th9 merchant's keen eye, cunning and bold, Through the long day he sits and dreams Of mingled blue aud gold? Counting his wealth and baubles and roy?, Of the hoarded coin which his coders hold, A snare for the eyes of blue turquoise And net for the hair of gold. "How muoh bettor it would have been to have shaken bauds and allow it was all a mistake," said a Detroit judge. "Then the lion aud tho lamb would have lain down together, and white-robed peace would have fanned you with her wings and elevated you with her smiles of approbation. But, no, you went to olawing and biting and rolling iu the mud, and here you are. lt'NDS, GOLD and SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchants and others from the city aud countrvsolicited.aud LIBERAL LINES OF DISCO?NTS granted bv tho CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, Corner of Plain and Richardson streets. Notice. -T JAMES T. WELSMAN, Executor of the J.? will of James Wolsman, deceased, of i tno city of Charleston, South Carolina, do horeby givenotice that I have this day filed a petition to tho City Council of Columbia, braving to have Bonds Nob. 37, 38,42, 54,55, 11J&120, 2CG@208, 25?, 257, of the town and city of Columbia, $500 each, interest at, six per cent per annum, coupons payable epiar-' terly, renewed, by the iaauo of new bonds of tho said city of Columbia in tho placo of those above described, which wero lost in Columbia, South Caroliua, when General Sherman passed through that city. In obedience to tha regulation of tho City Council in such caso mado and provided, this notice, upon the tiling of the petition as aforesaid, is hereby given. J. T. WELSMAN, Executor. March U0, 1874. City Hai.l, City or Coi.cainiA, March 30,1874; I, Charles Rarnnm, City Clerk, do hereby certify thai: the petition and affidavit of Jas. T. Wulaman. as above slated, haa been this day tiled in the office of tho City Clork, the same to bo laid beforo the City Council at ita next regular meeting; the said petitioner be? ing represented by Porter & Conner, of the city of Charleston, and Pope A Haakell, of tho city of Columbia, as his attorneys. Witness my baud as City Clerk and the seal of the city, this 80th dav of March, 1874. CHARLES BARNUM, Maach 31 |;Gfl8 City Clerk. aa~ The Charleston Nt'icxand Courier will publish daily for one week and tri-weekly for six woeks and send hill to J. T. Weleman. J. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, (OJjia in Carolina National Haul:,) OFFERS for Bile tho moat oligiblo REAL ESTATE no vin market, among which is that fine Mansion and six acres of improved Ground, known as the Eluioro property. Tho ACRE LOT on which Chriat Church atood. Several VACANT LOTS on Richardson etreet and elsewhere in the city. also, Several valuablo FARMS, near Columbia, including his Dairy Farm, so remarkable for ita fertility. As Fire Insurance Agent, Ho representa tho LIVERPOOL AND LON? DON AND GLOBE, with assets amounting to ?21,000,000, and now doing as largo and prolitablo business as any Company in Europe or America. In the Life Department. He is General Agent fur the BROOKLYN, OF NEW YORK, with $2,500,000 asssots and a deposit of old State Bonds for $50,000 with tho Comptroller-General of South Carolina. Tho "Brooklyn" invites rigid scrutiny into tho management and condition of tho Com? pany, and aro prepared to prove, through their Agent, at the Carolina National Bank, in Columbia, by facts and figures, why the Comoany may* ho relied on as worthy the confidence aiid patronage which is being turned towards it by the well-informed, who know where and how to invest for the future benefit ut those they love and desire to pro? vide lor. We beg to mention but one of many ad? vantageous features in lids Company: That of cudorsing the surrender value of its policies on en eh for tun consecutive years. This feature has met with unqualified praUo from the moat oi lobrtted American actu? aries, us also from the press North. South and East. March 27 till FOR REED ORGANS! THE ORG-AKT AT HOME ? T l;< ed Organa should ho at homo wher? ever there ih a lined Instrument. Nothing that is not oi the very b(>st quality has been allowed in the hook, which has more than 200 attractive pieces, compactly printed on largo pages. Nothing difficult, Everything nicely fitted to the popular taste. Price in boards, $2 50; cloth, }.); gilt, M. New Method lor Reed Organs! PltlCK f2 50. By Wit. H. Cl.AUKB. A thorough Method, containing not only abundant directions and exercises, hut a huge quantity of the beat Reed Organ Music, arranged and liiied with Mr. Clarke's well-known ? xquisito ta^te and skill. Sells Immensely. CLARKE'S DOLLAR INSTRUCTOR I?'UIl itKKU O .KUANS. An < xee'li nt sin 1 attractive instruction |,.i!i|< i ? t!i ..... wha iiu?-d a whorl and easy eon s-.-r Sent porti-ii'dd, '? on ri ci-ipt X0UUSlON TICKETS 16 Charleston v i'l 14 be sold from date lor ONE FIKST OLAFS FAItE to Merchants and Traders, an,', will bo good to return until May 10,1^71. S. S. SOLOMONS, 1 March25 ws Superintendent S. C. lt. R, THE CELEBRATED FERTILIZERS for Corn, Cotton, Wheat and Tobacco, PHOENIX GUAlNO! A Natural Bird Guano,from Phoenix Inland, WIHJX.G1BkCO/5 I?NF?UTN HO! THESE celebrated FERTILIZERS are too favorably known by tbo planters of this State to require comment. Those who have used them know bow to appreciate their I value; thoeo who have rot Hb yet, will Und, on fair trial, that their liberal uee will pay on present crops, beeidet) being of futtirc bi ucOl to their lands. For further infotmatiou, apply to SEIBE7.S A EZELL, Agents. Jan 10 t May 1 Columbia, ?. C. Columbia. 2HoteL MfflWMjW I'J I' V .Ii ? li it ISMIIlEfllM HS FIRST CLASS HOUSE. A CHANGE of management, antl many consequent iraprove * mr-nts, enables the proprietors to Offer to the traveling public moro comforts and conveniences than can be obtained at anv other house in the citv. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, BATH and BILLIARD ROOMS in the house. Every at? tention guaranteed. GORMAN A CALKAN, March i Proprietors. ROSS'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C, WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. Another First Class Hotel in City?Fare $2.50 a Day, including GmnibusRide SITUATED NEAR THE CAPITOL. AND IN THE CENTRE OF THE BUSINESS PART of tho city. Rose's Omnibus will convey passengers to and from every Train. The I La lies'Apartments aro complete, with private entrance on An8ciubly?strett. The BILLIARD I and BATH ROOMS are all new and tupcrk.r to any in the city. April 5 SOUTH CfflUNA SANK AND TRUST COMPANY, COLUMBIA, S. C. HARDY solomon, PriKliWnt. s.. .V. 7.EALY, Acting Cafclitcr. ESTABLISHED IN 1870. Faid Up Capital, $106,000. Authorized Capital, $500,000. THE financial panic of the past year, fraught with vo much diaaatrr to all business inte reetH, has lett our Bank intact, and our capital and facilities unimpaired. As hereto? fore, we continue to draw Sight Drafts on all tho principal cities of the United State?? and Europe Wo receive all claeeea of deposits?individual, banking and uorporatc?subject to Bight Check. Alee, istue Certificates of Depotit, and, by special agreement, allow a liberal rato of interest on the same. Wo make collect ions on all accessible points of the United States aud Europe, giving credit on account, or remitting on inimediato receipt. Wo pledge ourcelvea to 1 he same prompt and faithful attention in tbo duo oxecution of all orders cuti tinted to our care that ban characterized our Bank lor the past four yeara of its business career. Wo further beg leave to lay the following statement of the condition of this iustitution before the public: Quarterly Statement, Tuesday, March 31,1874. Published in Conformity with Act ff General Asst mb'.y. HKSOl'UCKS. 1.1 AIllI-lTlKS. Loans and Discounts.$152.070 18 Capital Stock.IICO.703 00 Stock aud Bonds. -1,215 31 Coin. 452 3? Furniture aud Fixtures. 2,059 23 Profit and L?hs. 17,357 31 Charter. 25,0X0 fie Deponits Treasury State South Claims vs. State, provided for b.: Carolina. 100,712 21 law. 33,928 10 Individual Deposits. .$183,850 21 Duo from People's National Bank, Certificates of Depo Charleston. .7.1,068 11 nilf. 33,218 85? 222.000 06 Duo from National Pafk Hank, Due Banks. h7 09 New York. GG.OOI 17 Due from other Bank?. <;7I 72 Cash. 101,807 91 ?513 501 t"'. $513.501 00 STATE GF SOUTH CAROLINA, i ^s COtTN'lV OF BlCUI.AM). I ' S I, Hardy Solomon, 1'rceident pi the Smith Carolina Bank and Truet Company, do so lenmlv swear that the above statement ic true, to the bebt uf in} knowledge and belief. HARDY SOLOMON. Provident South Carolina Bank and Trust Company. Subscribed and Sworn to befoie me, i 1 fi day of April, 1^71. L. -N. ZF.ALY, Notary l'ublic. Co u inter -- Attest 1). H. CHAMBF.RLA1N It. 3. DONALDSON, LEWIS LEW. April ."? lino CONGAREE IRON WORKS. Columbia Music Store COM'.MUIA, S. V. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor M A SUFACTU ltKIt OF SI !? AM HNO I NEK, SAW AND (i R I 8 '1 ! MILLS. Gin (leal ?i?V/viiig. ???d .ill kinds ?V! of Iron dialings Bfaft lor Machinery! and Ornamentul Ca f t in t; h lot StOI I S Mill I ?'.V< lb Inge, Putin! Bailings fni Gnrdt iih r.tul ( i nic teriou, Iro'i Settee.- and Aibor Chnii>: uli-o, Braes Cablings of all kind*. for Churches, Schools, W< il;-ib<>|Cun ratiteo iill my woi k firm !'! A GYLES'. LyBrand & Son riLVKE oleaeiiii in calling llu attintioi ol J tie paldic to rn vxaiiiinatitfU bl their STOCK o( MUSICAL X1ERC11 ANDlSE.con .-intin;: ol l'ianoh, Church and Par!' i Organs, MelodeoiiM, Yi?.li;itj, Guitnrf, Itarjot?, Flutos, Accordeone, Brass aud Silver Band Instru? ments ol all kindn. Aleo, Sheet Music and italruct ion Booki> lor (% cry clasf of 51 uidea! I ii st rum en Id on band ill all tin < .-. Wo are Sole A^etitn for IheKtsleol South Carolina of F.Btey A Co.'u CO'lTAGE ORGANS. Sheet Mus ic HMit by mail, post paid, on rceeiptol price;and all Kinde ol Musical Go? dh tent by Express, wlw u anj part of the State, maikrdC. o. D. Good Soconn-hand Pianos and OrgaiiH fi?i-salechenp.for cash, Piano.-. Organ? and Melodeons Timed i:inl lb paired in a uttisfactory manner: and \yil g| ye especial?tlentioii to Pack inj.-. Bemovhif; and Shippii y. Piaiiod foi "t In t ) tu Iii t ? i an> point desired. :? t moderate pi ic< n. Allnrdt rt proaiptl) at I ended t o and? at ?;?? faction gimrnutei d tin l bone lavi i :-i >. in willi tin irpatronagc. Send for our eiitslotiu o .''In i i Sluhio and itnait'til Merc! ? i ehuii xlreet, a f< w doors ?? b< \ ?ifllpr.C himbia.H. C. 1.1 PltOtN . > \ov 7 50 ; r.YF. hacks. EARI/\ PINK Plaiitinc PotaiGEG. !VBP?i:LS. in fine order, i: im', f VRLY GOODBICII i! PEERL1 KS, for i?ftlo low for green HOPE A OYLES. Hay, Oats, Brnu and Shorts r*f\ BALKS PRIME TIMOTHY MAY, \ ) V / 500 hindu Is Heavy 0:;t;, :t'M busliolH Bolted Meal, 10.030 noun.ld Whoal Brail and i horle. IVV HOPE & GYLES. Greenville and- Columbia Baiiroad P ABSENGE It ISffS*>TRAINB run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Traisa on South Carolina Railroad up and down; with Trains going North and Soutbon Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta and Wi). mington,Columbia and Auguata Railroads. cp. Leave Columbia at. 7.15 a. m Leave Alston. 0.05 a. m Leave Newberry.10.40 a. m Leave Cokcsbury.2.00 p. m Loavo B?lten.8.50 p. m Arrive at Greenville.5.80 p. m down. LeaveGreenvllle at. 7.80 a. m Leave Belton.0.80 a. m Lcavo Cokesbury.11.15 a. m Leavo Newberry.2.80 p. m Leave Alston..-.4.20 p. m Arrive at Columbia.6.CO p. m Anderson Branch and JJlut Jtidge Divition down. up. Leave Walhalla. 5.45 a. m. Arrive 7.15 p. ra 6.86p. m Leave Pendleton 7.10 a.m. 5.50 p. ni Leavo Anderson 8.10 a. m. 4.50 p. m ...Hu; tiu ./..iL/u 0.00 ??? m. J.CaTu 3.60p. at Accommodation Trains run on Abbeville Branch Mondays, Wednesday s ana Fridays. On Anderson Branch .between Belton and An? derson, Tuesdays, TLurcuavn atiu Saturdays. THOMAS DODAMfeAD.Gen.8np. Jabez Norton. General Tickot Agent. The bhort Line Schedule. charlotte, columbia &, AUGUSTA r.r. Co., Colombia, S. 0., March 30,1874. THE followisg Pasccn 1 ger Schedule will bo ope? rated on aud after this date: ooino NoiiTii. Train No. 2. Train No. 4 Leavo Anguata.G.80 a m 4.16 pm Granitevillo.*7.33 a m 5.11pm Ratesvillo.9.43 am 17 09 pm Columbia.11.68 am 9 37pm Cheater.44.24 pm 2.28 am Arrive Oharlotte.-fG.46 p m *5.15am No. 2 Train close connection, via Richmond, to all i oints North, arriving tt New York G.05 A. M. No.4 Train makeeclcee connection via Richmond to all points North, arriving at New York at 5.15 P. M. no:so boctu. Train No. 1. Train No. 3 Leave Charlotte.*9.05am 9.10 pm Chester.11.20 am 11.38 pm Columbia.12.49 p m 3.40 am Batosvillo.4.57 pm 5 48 am Graniteville.17.15 p m *7.48 a m Arrivo Augusta.8.05 pm 8.45 a ni 'Breakfast. ^Dinner. fSbpper. South bound Trains connect at Augncta for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all prin? cipal points, jsar bleeping cars on all Night Trains. JAS. ANDERSON, Genet al Snp't. A. Por-e, Gen. Passenger and Ticket Agent. Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta K GENERAL PASSENGER DEPART., Columbia, S. C, March 30 1874. THE following Schedule : will be operated on and after this date: ooino north. thais no. 2, tbain no. 4 Leave Columbia.....11.20 a m 8.45pm Florence.14 40 pm 1.63 am Fleming ten.18 47 p m 5.24 am Arrive Wilmington.10.28 pm *7.16am No. 2 Train makes clone connection, via Richmond, to all points North, arriving New York G.?5 A. M. No. 4Train makes close con? nection, Via old Bay Line and Richmond, to all points North, arming New York 5 15 P. M ooino south. train no. 1. tbain no. 3 Leave Wilmington.4.60 a m 16.10 p m Flemingtou.*G 50 a m 7 40pm Florence.10 40 am 11.37 pm Arrive Columbia.13.23 pm 4 10am Making close connections at Columbia lor all points 8outb and West. Throogb tickets sold ana baggage checked to all principal points. Pullman palace alec person all night trains. "^Breakfast. iDinner. ISupper. JAS. ANDERSON, General Snp't. A. Pope, Gen. Paeaenger and Ticket Agent. Change of Echedule.' South Carolina RailroadCompant, Columbia, S. C, October 18.1873. act. Cbangeof Soheflale sflrto go iuto ofleet on ard after Sunday, 19th inataut: mail and passenger train. Leave Columbia at. 8.46am Arrive at pm Leave Charleston at.9.00 ?n 2 rrivoat Columbia at.5.G0 pm ni (I nT express, freight and accommodation train, [Sundays excepted.] LeaveColnmbia. .7.15 p m Arrivo. .6.80 ? ra Arrive Charleston 7.10 p to Leave;.6 45 * m Camdon Train will run Monday,Wednetday and Saturday, as follows: Leavo Columbia at. 1.50 pm Arrive at Camden at. G.S5fin Lcavo Camden at. G.eo&m Arrive at Columbia at.11.CO cm r. B. Piceins, General Ticket Api yt. Piedmont Air-Line Bailw?y. ftm-. CONDENSED TIM IS - 'J ABLE, Richmond atid Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. 0. It; w. GOING NOhTH. STATIONS. mail. EXPRESS. Leave Charlotte.7.10 P. M. G V5 A. M Leave Kaliabun.0.50 P.M. 8.84 A. M LeavcGreeiisbon. 1.40 A. M. 11 10 A. M Leavo Danville. 4 S2 A. M. 1.621?. M Leavo Burkvillo.0.44 A.M. 6 40P. M Arrivo at Richmond.. .12.45 P. ?1 U Ii) 1 . M GOING SOTJvl H . Leav? Richmond. 2 SO P.M. 5.10 A. M Leave Burkville. 5.84 P. M. 8 28 AI M Leave Danville. 10 41 P. M. 12.67 P. M Leave Groeneboro_2.15-A M. 4.00P. M Leave Saliaburv. 4 57 A. M. G.22 P. M Arrive at Cbarlclte.. . 7.20 A.M. 8.30 A. M GOING EAST. Leave Greensboro.1.45 A. M. 11.10 A. M Leave Company Shops 3 80 A. M. Ai 12 SOP.M Leave Raleigh. 8 05 A. M. \i rive at Goldsboro. . .11 t 5 A. M. GOING WEST. Leave Ooldebon. 4 ( 0 P. M. Leave Raleigh. 7.45 P. M. LeavoOompanyShops 12.05 A.M. 2.16P. M Arrive at Greensboro. 1.80 A. M 3.80 P. M Nor I li-wvKt ern N . C. It. 11;, > n 1< in III n< )> Leave Greensboro 3 10 p ni Arrive 10.80 a in Leave Korncrsvillo" 0 00 a m Arrive 5.10 a m Mail trains daily, both ways, over entile lengthoi road. Express daily bet ween Com pai vShops and Charlotte, Hur>claj>cxccptc d s. E.ALLEN, Gen. Ticket Agent. T.M. R.'Xaix'ot, Engineer arid Gin. Snp't Summer Schedule S. & TTlt* iCT" mm tv&n d o w n train ux- tb a j k Hik Arrive. Leave Arriv? Lean Hpartanburg.. 0.80 7 :0 Bateavillo. 7.(3 7 15 ?.47 G.f.6 Paeolet. 7.23 7.10 R.fl G.40 .lonesvillo. 8.01 8.1 <> E.fl G.t'O Unionvillo. 8 13 0.(8 4 f8 6.18 Santitc. 0.43 9.63 4.1G 4.25 l'i.-h Dam. 10.20 10.26 3.44 S.fO Khrlton. 10 10 10.49 3.19 3.57 Lvli a' Ford... 11.07 11.13 9.17 8 (3 Strother. Ii 35 11.45 2.23 2.31 ?M ?tili. 12.40 _%JM ~ hope & QYLilS HAVE for sale? 500 bushels OAT."3, 2.000 bushels BRAN. 2 0< 0 bushels SHOIt I'S. also, l't h Saur Kraut and Mince Meat. It I) boxes Raieiua, CO half-boxes Raisins, 2;1 quarter-boxes Raisins, 50 drums Smyrna Fi^s, Dessioated Cocoanut, 100 pounds Seedless Raisins, ,'iOO Heads of Cabbage. Thorburn's Garden Seeds A ND ONION SETS, warranted rrosh, for I A. sale by HOPE & GYLES.