The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 28, 1874, Image 1

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. ......... ? ? BY JULIAN A. SELBY. 1 Qerritt Smith thinks that the Civil Bights Bill will fail, and that its failure will be the death of the Bepublieau party. On the other hand, many Re? publicans thick that if it passes, its Saesage -will be the death of the party, o it wonld seem that some of the politicians are oonfonnded by their own BohemeB. They feel like the man who had an elephant on his hands. GnEEiiEY.?We are pleased to learn that Horace Greeley's estate will prove much more valuable than haB been sup? posed. Instead of being worth but 325,000 or $30,000, as was thought a ehort time after his death, it probably represents ? value of about $125,000? quite enough to render his daughters comfortable. Tho Emperor of Morocco is to visit England next summer. He has become infected with the spirit of progress and wants to see the marvels of European civilization. A firm of London engin? eers are now negotiating with the Em? peror in reference to the introduction of railways into Morocco. ?Much Smoke.?A distinguished gen? tleman still living in one of our Western Counties, for the past forty-two years consumed twenty-five oigars a day, making a grand total of 383,250, costing the magnificent sum. of $19,162*50, at an average price of five cents each. "Good young men," who stay away from saloons, avoid all wicked places, keep aober, and go regularly to ohurch, complain that the ladies don't seem to care ao much for them as they do for "the other fellows." Herr Faul Lindau, editor of the lite? rary periodical Die Gegenwart, of Ber? lin, was recently sentenced to four weeks' imprisonment for blasphemy, the charge being justified by an article contributed to his journal. IMPORTED PARTAG-AS! $10 Per Box, at . Indian Girl Cigar Store. FOB the information of revenueeemcors, the Indian Girl begs leave to state, that those CIGARS are not smuggled goods; so there is no chance for them to make any money, but a good opportunity for those ? who smoke to save money. March 26 . Tb Rent, AGRIST, FLOUR and CIRCULAR RAW MILL, with 3d-Borae Power Engine. All in good running order. Address J. R. 6LAWSON, Indian Girl Cigar Store, Columbia, S. O. March 27_;_6* Notice. EXTRA FINE WESTERN BEEF can be had at Nos. 12 and _14 Market, and corner Hender? son and Taylor streets. All orders promptly attended to, Patronage solicited. J. M. DENT, March 21 5 . JOHN PONDER. Now is the Season A-Z*2k TO 8ot V01" HOUSE PAINTED, ?52?5PAPERED and KALSOMINED. If v*0"-,*^5'you have an old House, it can be made to look like new. * Work done at as low rates as can !><? had in the Stato for cash. Apolyto WM. CLOTHIER, March 20_10 Washington street. Sweet Potato Slips. RUSH ELS YAMS and REDS, in iVJv/ duo order, for falo by March 15 HOPE & GYLES. Just Arrived. TIERCES Davis' Diamond HAMS, tjyJ Thomas' Orange HAMS and Morri son's Star HAMS, which I am offering cheap for cash. Parties desirous of securing nice Hams for their Summer ueo had better call at once before prices advance March 21_HABDY SOLOMON. Flour! Flour!! QAA BARRELS fresh ground FLOUR, OV/" all qualities, from Super to Fancy Family Flour, and at greatly reduced prices, jiiHt received and for salo by March 10_JOHN AG NEW & BON. Removal. MRS. S. A. SMITH Las removed her DRESS-MAKING ESTABLISHMENT to the etoroof J.H. Kinard, whore sho will be pleased to meet all her former customers, and all others who racy fool disposed to Eatronizo her. Thankful for past favors, sho open, by strict attontion to business, to merit a continuance of the same. -Spring styles will bo opened on the 10th of March. March 4_lmn EDWARD EGG, : Watch-maker and Jeweler, , An old resident of this city, has returned, and is prepared |to repair Watches huu Jewelry ?in his usual faithful style. Can befonnd at tho Howo Sewing Machine Agen? cy, nAirly opposite Columbia Hotel, MarcM 2_ 6? Spartanburg and Asheviile Railroad. fTHHE following gontlomon have bocn ap X pointed by tho President of the Colum? bia Hoard of Trade, by virtuo of a resolution adopted at an extia meeting, hold on tho evening of 12th instant, a Committee to so? licit subscriptions of Stook to tho Columbia, Spartanburg and Aehevillo Railroad, vi/.: James E. Black, E. Hope, It. O'Ncalo, Jr., J. H. Sawyor, J. S. Wiloy, IS. \V. Seibels. JOHN T. SLOAN, Jn ," Secretary and Treasurer Hoard Trade. March 15_ A Letter to E. H. Heinitsh, Columbia. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE. ?I havo beenaflliotod with Rheumatism for tho last eighteon months, entirely holplcsB. I have tried your QUEEN'S DELIGHT, and am happy to nay tliat I have received groat benefit from it. lean recommend it as an alnable remedy to tboso afflicted. March 10 t H. D. "Let CO! Special Notioos. OBSTACIiESTOMARRIACE ?HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from the effocts of errors and abuses in early life. Manhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage, re? moved. New methud of treatment. Now and remarkable remedies, Books s-ad Cir? culars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad I ur?sa, HG'." A Iii' ASSOCIATION,, No. 2 Suulb Ninth Street, Pbiladelpbia, Pa.?an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduot and professional ?kill. Feb 10_jj* :hno_ Excursion Tickets SOUTH CAROLINA. RAILROAD COMPANY, CnAUEXSTON, 8. 0., March 23,1874. EXCURSION TICKETS to Charleston will be Bold from date lor ONE FIRST CLASS FARE to MerMiantB and Traders, and will be good to return until May 10,1871. S. 8. SOLOMONS, March 25 ws Superintendent 8. O. R. R. Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders - of the South Carolina Railroad Com? pany and of the South-western Rail? road Bank. CHARLESTON, 8. C, March 10.1874. THE Annual Meeting or the stockholders of the South Carolina Railroad Com Bauy and of the South-western Railroad auk will bo held in this, city, in the Hall of the Bank of Charleston, North-east corner of Broad and State streets, on TUESDAY, April 14, proximo, at 11 o'clock A. M. On the day following an election will be beld be? tween the hours of 0 A. M. and 3 P. M.. for fifteen Directors in the Railroad Company and thirteen Directors in the Bank. A com? mittee to verify proxies will attend. Stockholders will be passed over the Road to and from tbe meeting free of charge. J. R. EMERY, Secretary. March i8.21,23,25.28,30,Ap2,4,6 9.11,13.14 Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Railroad Company and of the South? western Railroad Bank. CHARLESTON, 8. O., March 10, 1874. STOCKHOLDERS having Proxies intended to be used at the meeting to be held on the 14th and 15th of April proximo, are re? quested to lodge them with either of the fol? lowing Committee, who will be in attendance at tbe Hall of the Bank of Charleston, dur? ing the morning of tbe 14tI. April, for tbo purpose of verifying Proxies. On the follow? ing day, during the electioo, other datieB may prevent tbe Committee from examining batches of Proxies before the hour for clos? ing the polls. L. O. HENDRICKS, C. P. AIMAR. T. M. WARING, I Committee on Proxies. March 18 18 30.A2 4 C 9,11,13.14 CANTATA OF ESTHER, THE BEAUTIFUL QUEEK! DRAMATIZED!! DRAMATIZED by Prof. Seager, who has brought cut the Cantata in a large number of cities and towns, always to large, enthusiastic and profitable audiences. In it h new form, Esther presents a spectaclo ot uncommon beauty, and even of splendor, with its brilliant Lantern dresses, Ac. Music simple but spirited. Dresses and decorations easily procured. Price 50 ceute. $4 50 per dozen. RIVER OF LIFE, best Sunday School Song Book. Enlarged Edition of Father Kemp's OLD FOLK'S CONCERT TONES. Father Kemp's "Old Folks" have bung to 000 audiences, and other organizations to at least as Many more. These tunes, are sure to attr.ict both old and young. The present edition is enlarged to 90 pages, and a num? ber of favorite "old" anthems, patriotic pieces, Ac, are added. Price li couts. 54 per dozen. CHEERFUL VOICES. Beat Common School Sung Boek. S.nt, post-paid, on receipt of re-ail price. OLIVER DITSON .t CO., Boston. CHAH. H. DITSON .t CO.. Mar 21 swV 711 Broadway, New York. 10.000 PRIZES! $250,000Currency tobe Given Away'. For the Benefit of the Masonic Relief Association, Of Norfolk, V?. UNDER authority of a special Act of the Legislature, passed March 8, 1873, con? ferring corporate privileges upon tho Ma? sonic itclief Association, tho Directors now have the ploasuro to annouueo that a GRAND GIFT CONCERT will ho given at the Opera House, in the city of Norfolk, on TUESDAY, the 5th of MAY, 1874, [No Further Postponement Guaranteed,} For the purpose of proonrintr funds iiocoh sary for tho completion of the Masonic Tem? ple, now in course of erection in the city of Norfolk. Directors OFTnu Association?John L. Roper, President; John B. Corprsw. Treasu? rer; James Y. Leigh, Walter H. Taylor, Goo. S. Okhiold, John A. Reason, Daniel Husled, Wm. H. Wale?, M. H. Slovens, 8. Weil, John T. Redmond. Aovisory Boaro.?nis Excellency f x-Gov. Gilbert C Walker, Col. Kader W gtce, P. 11. P.; R?hn R. McDaniol, P.O. Commander; J. J. Burroughs, Capt. Samuel L. Watts, Virgi? nia Legislature; Robert E. Withers, G. M. G. II. P. and D. G. C. of G. C; Col. Thomas F. Owens. P. G. M.J John B. Whitchoad, Esq., ex-Mayor. Col. W. If. Taylor, State Senator; James G. Baiu.G. C. G. G. C. List of Gifts.?Ono Grand Cash Gift, $50,000; ono Grand Cash Gilt, 25,000; ono Grand Cash Gift, 12,500; ono Grand Cash Gift, 10,000; one Grand Cash Gift, 5,000; ono Grand Cash Gift, 2 500: 24 Cash Gifts, $500 each, $12,0GO: 50 cash Gifts, 250 each. 12.500; 80 Cash Gilts, 200 oach. 10,000; 100 Cash Gifts, 150 each. 15,000; 150 Cash Gifts; 100 oach.T&.uGO; 500 Cash GirtB. 50 each, 29,500; 9.000 Cash Gifts, 5 oach, 45.000, Grand total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, (250,000. Whole Tickets, $5. Half Tickets, $2 50. Club Rates?11 Tickets for $50, 22 Tickets for $100. HENRY V. MOORE,Secretary MAKOiiie Relief Association, Norfolk, Va. * B. I. BOONE, Agent, Feb 3 i3aio Columhia, S. C. our Jnst Censures LiTJMBIA, S. 0., SATURDAY Municipal Election and Notice to j Electors. 4 LH porsons failing to KEGISTER will ?X. be aebarrcd iho privilege of voting at the election ior Mayor and Aldermen, to bo hold on TUESDAY, April 7,1874. Eciriatra tion will commenco on Friday, the 3d. ami] continue to Saturday, the 4th, and Monday, tho Cth of April, in thovarions Warda, viz: AiSiowartia Hail?ward No. 1. At Court Houbc?Ward No. 2. At Vigilant Engine Company's Hall?Ward No. 8. At Minort'a Hall?Ward No. 4. The following named persona arc hereby appointed Managers of Registration anil j Election: Wabd No. 1?James Kcnnody, James Wash? ington, James Davis. Ward No. 2?John McCord, Theo. Inglids, Wm.M. Hajne. Wabd No. 3?Benj. F. Goodwin, William Mooney, Daniel W. Eidior. Wann No. 4?Lewis H. Trevet, John Thompson, James Bamfleld. Tho books will bo open lor registration on tbo days above mentioned from (j o'clock A. M.until G o'clock P.M. Tho polls will bo open on the day of election above named from G A. M. until 0 P. M. A, L. SOLOMON, C. D. LOWNDES, TUEZEVANT SILL, March 25 Commissioners of Election. Grand Excursion To tho Great AGRICULTURAL FAIR OF TEXAS! Atlanta. Memphis, Texarkana HIE ONLY ALL RAIL LINE! ROUND TUIP IlaTRi Atlanta to Houston, Texas, and Return flSaT" ONL Y $50. ~?u TICKETS good from April 25 to June 10, 1874. The Fair opone In Hoaiton on the l'J.h of May. For particulars as to rates, time, etc.. address D. W. WRENN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent Western and Atlantic Railroad, Atlanta, Ga. New Books at Bryan's Bookstore. EUROPE Seen Through American Specta? cles?by Editor of Baltimore American. tl.75. Autobiography and Memoir of Rev. Dr. Guthrio; a very interesting and amuung vo? lume. $2.00. Pou-Piclurca of Europe?by Elizabeth Peake, with Plates. Willow Brook?by tho author of "Wide, Wide World." $1 25 English Psychology?by Ribot. tl .50. Mr. Alcott'a School. $1.50. Yesterday with Anthora?by Fielda. $2 00. Tho Conaervation of Energy?by Halfour. Dr. Kohbrauech on Physical Measure? ments. $2 50. Helps to a Holy Lent. $1.25. And other' new Books. Also, a variety of new NOVELS, by popular anthora. cheap'._March21 R, & W, C. SWAFF1BLD. COLUMBIA "3L CLOTHING AND A HAT HOUSE ! RE opening dailv a choice lino of FRENCH and ENGLISH COATINGS, CASSIMERE3. VESTIHQS. Having recently rc-orgauized onrCUSTOM DEPARTMENT, and scenred tho services of a Stylish and competent CUTTER and lirst claas TAILORS, we aro now prepared to suit the taute of tho most fastidious. We aro now receiving now styles HATS -tlmoit daily. Give us a call. Office City Treasurer, COLUMBIA, B. C, Di:<u vitFit 27, 1873. r|Hi K city of Columbia will, on the 15tli ol JL January, 1874, commence pavhijj the PAST DUE COUPONS ol her BotlVs. They will be paid at the Carolina National bank; also at the South Carohuu Bank and Trust Company's Bank, in this citv. _OHAS. BARN UM. City Trea* lire r. QBNUINB IMPORTED WINES, BRANDIES, &c SCOTCH WHISKIES, Old Jamaica Rum, Brandies?Otard, Ac, tsas aatf Holland din, hliorry Wino, Port Wino, Madeira W ine. Also, a large st? ck ol fine old Whiskies Cigars. Ao.__ J. C. BEKGKRB Hay, Oats, Bran and Shorts. nf^i RALES PRIME TIMOTHY HAY, Ol ) ?OObushnla Heavy Oal?, 300 bnahelB Bolted Meal, 10,000 pounds Wheat Bran and Short?, For sale low, for cibh, by Fi 1.2(1 HOPE A GYfcES. A Venison Hams. NEW SUPPLY juBt received at Feb 2(5 HOPE A GYbF.JV. Look Alter Your Horses. SPRING Umo ia tho timo to give tho QB1I MAN HORSE POWDERS. For all die eases to which tbo horso ia subject, no bette medicine can bo given. Get it only at March 5 t IIEINITSn'S Drug Store. MORNING, MARCH 28, 187 THE PORT ROYAL Docks, Warehousing, Trans'n Chartered Febrxtary 13,1374. CAPITAL, 5TOOK ?3,000,000. UQOHK OF SUBSCRIPTION to the Stock AJ of 1 Liu Company aro open in Columbia, ?. C, at the Carolina National Bank and at the Central National Bank. One per cent, only paid on application, to eecuro the stock, aud tho first regular assessment of twenty per cent, to be paid only when ofticia?v cal'od for._Feb 25 THE SEGrARS CALIFORNIA SEGAR STORE HAVE crown so popnlar that nobody thinks of buying anywhere tl-e, as the best SEG?.RS, from 5o. to 25c, eold in this city, aro to be had at this establishment. Tho reason everybody patronises tho Cali? fornia Scgar Storo is, that all their Domestic Scgars aro made by Factory No. 9, on the premises, and our citizens ?ro awaking to the importance of patronizing honie.Manu? facture. Everybody chews tho celebrated CABLE COIL, put up in tin foil. Sold onlv bv tho Cali? fornia Sogar Store. M. SULZB?CHER. March 20_ Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Through Tickets to Charlest on MERCHANTS and dealers visiting Charleston for tho purpose of purchas? ing goods are informed that ROUND TRIP TICKETS, to go and return for single first class fare one way, can be procured at all the principal Stations on the line of the Road, on application to the Agents, coon to be turn until the 1st day of May next. THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. Jabez Norto:;, General Ticket Agent. March 22 G $100,000 IN FOR CLOTHING GENTS'- F?RMSniXti GOODS, BOUGHT since the great decline, and we hi e selling them at tho very lowest pries* for cash. We intend to give our ens (outers tho advantage of the LOW PRICES. Conic s.nd um! nur stock. Wo consider it a complin i nt for persons to Call and seo our goods KIN ARD A_ WILEY. INSURANCE. H.W'INw resigned tho agency i>r the Southern Life IuBnrauce Company, we connected ourselves with the Cotton States Life Insurance Company OF MACOS, ft CUll Gl A. W. B. JOHNSON, s. G. O?EA :;. Prssidcul. SccrctatT. Capital.$590.000 State Deposits. 150,000 ThoCompanv innm h e ;? oi< s i>n both the STOCK AND MUTUAL PLANS, giving to non-participating policy holders the advant? age of premiums li;ss by twenty per cent, than mutual rates. It will establish BOARDS 01' ADVISORY TRUSTEES iu (bo principal cities nl the State, and will contract with said Boards to invest In Baid cities seventy per cent, of the net premiums taken there, thus making it a Home Company in Each Locality. We confidently recommend this staunch Southern Company to our friends'and the public, and bespesk a continuance of kind patronage heretoforo extended to us. BLACK & WARING, General Agents for South Carolina. Active and reliable canvassers wanted w ith whom we will make liberal contracts. Feh 2J ?ino GUANO. T)T7|lK PERUVIAN, imported direct, and J. -;iie nt Government Prices. LAND PLAN I1R also for sale. R.G.LAY, M.evi io lino Agent, Savannah, Ga. 0QNGAREE IRON WORKS, con n: it i a . S. C. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. M A NUFAOTU REIt OF STEAM - * .( . LMIINF.S,^ SAW .log, and all kinds *9 of 1 ron Castings lor M cell i ncry und Ornamental 0 :i stings lor Stores and Dwell? ings, Patent Railings foi Onnh u> and Ceme? teries, lco.i Settees and Arbor Chairs; also, Brass of all kinds. Bells for Churches, Schools, Work-shops, Ac. Gua? rantee all my work fust claes and i (jual to any North or Sonth. Works at root ot f.adystreet, and ncrr to South Carolina and Greenville and Columbia Railroad Companh s' Depots. Nov is Planting Potatoes. PA BARRELS, in fine order, EARLY Oil It -sr.. EARLY GOODRICH, PINK? EYE and PEERLESS, f'jr sab- low for green? backs. HOPE A GYLES. (Mil. Event." CHIT BXCTTBIiTI GRAND RUSH FOR HARDY SOLOMON'S! TO secure ome of those fine C?.S YASED HAMS, which every one talks about aud everybody buys. How delicious! what a ?no fiavoil ' lie beat I ever alel is the exclama? tion of all who try those cefeorated Hams. They are the finest in the market; sell rapidly, and, therefore, to secure them, you must call early. That new lot of FLOUR is also going off very fast, and pleases every one. Made from tho best quality of white wheat and bought from first hands, it is better and can be sold cheaper than by any other house in the city. You need only to purchase it once, to always buy it again. Those fine California APRICOTS, PEARS and JELLIES sell at sight. Also on hand and constantly arriv? ing, the largest and best selected stock of CANNED GOODS in the city, contesting in part of Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches, Pine Apples, Peas, Strawberries, Asparagus, Salmon, Lobster, Sardines, Tnrtle, Terrapin, Vermicelli and Mulligatawney.Soupe, Potted Meats, Ac. Old Government Java and Rio COF? FEE, TEAS, SUGARS, SPICES, Dr. Price's BAKING POWDER8, Toilet and Laundry SOAPS. OLIVES, Mixed, Extra and Mofus til PICKLES; Tyler <fc Brother's and Peek, Frean &, Co.'a CRACKERS, CHOCOLATE, COCOANUTS, Lemon aud Vanilla EXTRACTS, Ac. Ac. To mako a long matter short, I have everything that is usually kept in a FIRST CLASS FAMILY GRO CERY STORE, which I will sell at i>iices that will eclipse am house in tho city. Look to your own interest, and buy goods where yon will nave b ith mciiny and time. HARDY SOLOMON. March 10_ Read and Be Wiser. 500 Dixon Steel , Sweeps. 100 Twisters. 100 Scooters. 100 Shovels. The largely increasing demand for these goods each year, with iinndrcda of teotimo niala in their favor, is tho beet evidenco that Ihoy arc choaper and better than can h6 made by ordinary country ami:ha. ALSO, 23dozen H AMI'S. 100 pair TRACES. 1 dozen Dow Law 03TTON PLANTERS. 150 dozen Plantet b' HOES, at roduced prices. L?RICK A l.OWRANCE. March 13_ OUR STOCK ok CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES IS now complete, comprising an assort? ment which, in VARIE1Y, quantity, quali? ty ANO low I'BICES, is not SUltr-ASSt o llY any HOUSE in TIIK CITY. Wu are determined not TO BE UNDER-E?I.D. Without quoting prieoa, WILL MEET ANY COMPETITION ok tuohf. in the TRADE. Our atook compriaes, with other choice goods, a full supply of CORN, HAY. OATS and BRAN, Planting Potatoes, Liverpool Salt, Flour, from Super to Fancy Family, Refined, Crushed, Powdered and Raw Sugar, * Coffees?-Rio, Laguayia, Java and Mocha. Teas?Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong and Young Hyson, Davis' Sugar-cured Cinvasod Hams, Breakfast Stripsand Baoon, Choice Cream Cheese, Gilt Edge Butter, Pure Leaf Lard, Canned Goods, Cakes, Crackora. Ac. With a complete assortment of Corn and K\c Whiskies. Brandy, Giu,Wines, Liquor?. Cigars, Ac, which will bo delivered Ireo ol cartage at tho depot*,or at the residences ol our city customers. JOHN AO NEW ,V SON. Fresh Biscuits. i~)f\ BOXES Cream. Soda, Milk, Lemon, Ct\ 7 OraeKnala;Buffer, Farina and Ginger Snaps, for sale by HOPE A GYLES. VOLUME X?NUMBER 7. MONET TO LOAN, On Marketable Collaterals. EXCHANGE on Now York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and all prominent cities of the United States and Europe bought and sold. . DEPOSITS received and interest-bearing certificates issued. :>, svflVBi GGL ACCOUNTS of mcrcbants and others from tbc city and ooontrv solicited, and LIBERAL LIN ES OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, Corner of Plain and Richardson streets. Feb 2? Jewelry! Jewelry! Jewelry! WM. GLAZE, AT his new store, Main street, nearly op? posite tbe Contral National Bank, has a large and beautiful stock of fine WATCHES stem and key winders, frrm the best Eu? ropean and American rrr^viactufors, and of his own importation,in and eilver cases. Elegant JEWELRY I An nnrivaled assort? ment JuBt received, and all the latest styles. Sterling SILVER-WARE, in sets and eases, Bridal Presents, and a very fine selection of Plated-Waro, Gold Watch and Neck Chains, Lockets, elegant Seal, Wedding and Engage? ment Rings, large stock of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, Clocks, Musical Boxes, and r. great variety of Fancy Artioles. My stock ia the largest and best selected in tbe Southern country, and will be sold as cheap as the ume article can be bought anywhere. Oct24 Baltimore & Wilmington, N.G* Semi-Weekly Steamship Line, Composed of the first-elaes Steamships D. J. FOLEY.Capt. D. J. Pbiob REBECCA CLYDE.Capt. D. 0. Childs LUCILLE.Capt. j. 8. Behkstt RALEIGH.Capt. j. 8. Oliver WILL hereafter sail from BALTIMORE every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and from WILMINGTON every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Connecting at Wilmington, N. 0., with the Wilmington, Colombia and Augaata Rail* road, giving Through Bills of Lading to and from aU points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Connecting at Colombia, 8. C, with tbe Greenville and Columbia Railroad and Char lotto division of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. Connecting at Angusta, Ga., with Georgia, Macon and Augusta and Central Railroads. Steamers of this line, on arrival ia Wil? mington, stop at Railroad Depot, and the Railroad Freight, being stowed separately ia Steamer, ia transferred, under sovercd sheds, direct to Cars, without delay, and forwarded by the fast Freight Express that evening. No drayago in Wilmington, and no transfer from Wilmington Sonth. Rates guaranteed as low as by any other route, and all losses or over-charges promptly paid. Mark all Ooods via Steamship to Wilming? ton, and forward Bills of Lading to Railroad Agent, Wilmington, N. 0. For further information, apply lo cither of undersigned AgentB of the line.* ANDREWS & CO., Agents B. A W. Steam? ship Line, No 7U Smith's W herl, Baltimore. A.D.CAZAUX. Agent B. A W. S'c-amship Lino. Wilmington, N C. ? A. TOPE, Gen. ral Fn i^ht Agent. F. W. CL VhK, Wt Gen. 1 r< ight Ag't. Wilmington, N. C. ILM COTTINGHAM, Gtniral Western A gout, Atlanta, (ia. Ni v 23 Mmns Columbia Music Store LyBrand & Son fTV\.K.E pleasure in calling the attention of JL the public to an examination ot their STOCK of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE,con? sisting of Pianos', Church and Parloi Organs, Hftloueons, Violins, Guitars. Banjos, Flutes, Aoeordoous.Brass anil Silver Band Instru? menta ol all kinds. Also, Sheet Mnsic and Instruction Books foi every eines of Musical Instruments on hand at all We are Solo Agents for the State of Pontb Carolina of Estcy A Co.'s COTTAGE ORGANS. Sheet Mnsic sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price; and all kinds of Musical Goods sent by F.xpross, when ordered, to any pnrl of the State, marked C. O. D. Good Second-hand PianoB and Organs for sale cheap, for cash. Pianos, Organs and Mclodeons Tuned and Repaired in a satisfactory manner: and will giveospocialattention to Packing, Removing and Shipping Pianos for other pnitii s U any point desired, at modcratepiices. All orders promptly attended to and satis? faction guaranteed to (host favoring us with their patronage Send for our catalogue of Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. Ri chardeon streot, a few doors ibovc PncaMX 'ifllco.Colombia. R. O._Nov7_ L?RICK & LO WR?NGE, Wholpsalo and Retail Grocors and Provision Dealers. OUR etock is oompleto in overy respect. Wo sollst tho very lowest pricos, and warrant nur goods pure. We do not publish prices, but fool satisfied that none of our patrons will leave dissatisfied. Wo pay the highest market price for COTTON, either in goods or currency. We havo an excellent WAGON YARD in roar of mir establishment. Look out for the sign of tho plow and tho carriage wheel, Richardson streot, a fow doors below tho PitcBSIX office. Oive us a call, and in *t>?ct our goods and prices. Nov 28 WM. M. FINE'S State Capitol Saloon. /~S THE best or WINES, LIQUORP, W\ifr?EGARS, TOBACCO, etc., con *d?cX ftantly\ u hand. Norfolk OYS? TERS, iu ar.d out foahc ehtll. Givo him a call. Jan 10