The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 27, 1874, Image 1

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BY JULIAN A. SELBY. ?-t7-~~~ 7 T^tely a company of ninety five Eng? lishmen went to Gaprera to visit Gari? baldi, but belogt; indisposed, he was I able to receive only two delegates of tho j party, to. whom be made his acknow icdgincsis fcs t!is ?Ep?9i%?ftf,B of affec? tion and sympathy which they oamo to offer. During the last three years, 13C | steamers have landed at the island of | Gaprera. Before it became the resi? dence of Garibaldi, not a vessel touched there. Fonlr Neapolitan ships now bear the name of Garibaldi. In tho past three years, he has received presents to the value of 1-1,000 to 16.000 Italian liro (francs-) These are instrumenta of agriculture, coming, for the most part, from America. Moreover, he has re fused in the same period other offerings | in money and objects of value amount? ing to nearly a million. Garibaldi ia an honorary oitizen of ninety cities, bo? roughs and villages; honorary president of 120 societies and the possessor of twenty-one swords of honor, eleven of which have come from foreign lands. Since 1871, there have beon presented to him 5,000 addresses of - homage and devotion. In oonseqnenoe of the supe? rior jneans of cultivating the soil pos? sessed at Gaprera, his annual income I may be estimated at about 3,000 lire. Revenue Officers on a Drunk.? | About the 13th, a party of revenue of? ficers from Anderson made a raid, through the lower edge of that Conuty, npon the whiskey wagons. They even went so far as to intrnde upon Abbeville territory and made a number of seizures, and! imagined that they were doing themselves and their country good ser? vice. So thinking, they grew happy, and took a little too muoh improperly stamped whiskey. It made the drunk .come just hb well as if it had been stamped by President Grant himself? in fact, they got awful drunk, and, while oblivions to all earthly surroundings; they suffered the prizes they had cap-I tared t? make good their escape. Such officers should be tried by a drum-head court martial and sentenced to do penanco for thirty days. Barred shirts would bring them to tbeir Bensen. [Albeviile Medium. Lieutennnt H. H. Berner, o! the poet at Yorkville, has been making It pretty j lively for the violators of interna.1 re? venue laws in. the up-country. Within a few days be has aided in tbo destrnc-1 tion of about a dozen stille, a large quantity of inash, and captured a nnm ? ber of the law-breakers. IMPORTED PARTAGAS! $10 Per Box, at Indian Girl Cigar Store. FOR tho information of revenuo officers, tho Indian Girl begs leavo to state, that those CIGARS aro not smuggled gondv; so thero is no chance for them tu miko any monoy, but a good opportunity for thoto who smoke to auvo money. March 20 Notice. EXTRA FINE WESTERN | BEEP can bo bad at Nos. 12 and _14 Markot, and corner Honder eou and Taylor streets. All ordora promptly < attended to. Patrousgo solicited. * I J. M. DENT. March 2t S_J0JL^J1(^ D : Dissolution. THE copartnership berotoforo existing hc twoen W. K EVANS ? CO. has been this day dissolved, M. EHiiblOH isautnoiized to settle tho accounts of tho late dim. M. EHRLICH, ! F. N. EHELICH, W. K. EVANS. Mabck 23,1871._March 24 S Now is the Season /5v-?a TO got your HOUSE PAINTED, ftggtfPAPERED.and KALSOMINED. if ^?~^Pyou havo an old House, it can be mado to look liko now. Work done at as low rates as can be had in tho State for caeb. Apply to WM. CLOTHIER, March 20_19 Washington street. Sweet Potato Slips. 1AA RUSH ELS YAMS and REDS, in l.v/v_/ flno order, for ?ale by March 15_ _HOPE & GYLES. Removal. MRS. S. A. 8MITH has rcm.vod her DfiBBS-MAKING ESTABLISHMENT to tho store of J. It. Kin ml, where sho will bo pleased to meet all her formor customers, and all others who may feel disposed tu patronize her. Thankfnl for past favors, she hopes, by strict attontinu to business, to merit a continuance of tho samo. Spring sty lea will bu opouodon the 10th of March. March 4_Into New Garden Seeds. . FORTY-FOLD PEAS, Koye'u Extra Eailv Prolific Tomato, Black Pokin Egg Plant, Canada Victor Tomato, Arlington i omato, Gannon Rail Cabbago, Marolo-hoad MAramoth Cabbage, Early Adams Corn. For sain at E. H. HEIMITSH'S Fsbaa.t;_Drug and Seed Store. Cannon Ball. FlOUd CABBAGE-SEED. Just received Cannon Ball Cabbage, ? MCrblohead Mammoth, Eotler'sEarly Drumhead, Carter's Extra Early Cabbago, ? Winningstadt, Bohuionfust, French, Ox Heart and other kinds. also, Key's Extra Early 1'rolifio Tomato, Extra Early Poa?, Corn, Orion Bets. All warranted and cheap, at headquarters, for gof?d *eed. E. II. IIEINITSH'S JiiuO?i Drugstore. "Let Special Notiooi ODSTAOIiKB TO MARRIAGE ?HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from ttao effdots of errors ?nd ahn*?? In early lifo. Manhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage re? moved. New method of troatment. New and remarkable romcdlos. Bonus and cir? culars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad? dress, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.?an institution having a high reputation for | honorablo oonduet and professional chill. Fob 10_ |)T3mo THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVE PROVED, FROM TTIE MOST ample experience, nn entire success. Simple, Prompt, Efficient andReliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use?no eimplo that mistakes cannot bo made in using them; so harmless ot to be free front dancer; ana fo efficient as tobe always reliable. They have tbu highest commendation from nil, and will always render satisfaction. Price, in lursju lkreo-drachui vials, with directions : Nor. Cure*. Cent*. 1. Fevers. Conpxstion, Inflammations, . . SO 2. Worms, Worm Fever, "Worm Colic, . . SO 3. Crylua-Col tc, orTeetLingof Infanta, . SO 4. niiurrliaen, of Children or Adult.--, . . SO !>. Rysentery, Griping, Biliou* Colic, . . 10 t>. Cholera-Mortms, Vomiting;, .... SO 7. Coughs* Cold*, Bronchitis,.SO fc. Neuralgia, Toothache, Fnceache, . . . 50 9, Hendacnes. Pink Headache, Vertigo, . SO 10. l>v?jjcpsln, H. SuitureSseOfOr Painful Tciioili, . . . SO 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, ... SO 13- Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathin.-, . . .'0 14. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Krnptfoa*, . SO W? Rheumatism, Rncumnue l'aiu<, . . . SO 1C. Fever 0.11 <l Ague, Chill Fever, Aruct, SO I"- Plies, blind or bleeding,.5.) 15. Oiihtnnbny, and Sore or Weak<, . SO 1?. Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Influenza, . SO 20. Vt'hooplng-Cough,Violent Coughs, . to St. AithnM, Oppressed Breathin?, ... 80 22. Ear DUchnrgci, Impaired U< :aing, . SO 23; Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swelling*, . SO 84. (ieneral Dobility, Physical Weakness, . SO 2:>. Dropsy and Scanty Secretion . 20. Scft-StelcnesSf Sickners from Riding, . SO 27. ltld?e>-nuenne, Gravel, , Xcrvoai ?eblllty. Seminal Wenknos*, or Involuntary Discharges,*.100 29. Sore Month, Canker, . . . . . * . M 30. Vrinary Wcnlmess, Wettiuff the 1W, 45 SI. Painful Vcrlous, with Spasms, . . SO SO. Suffering* 1 '.? linn're p? lift* ? ? ? ? }?0 53. EpUepury. ft iirtn-. k?? ? nu.-, . iw 54. Diphtheria, t ! " "?""A Bore Throat,. . M S3. Chronic Congestion* awl Eruptions, 50 FAMILY CASES. Cane (Morocco) with above tt* large vi a!* and Manual of Directions, . . . . Case (Morocco) of 20 largo TtftW and Tinol:, 0 00 OST These remedies sore sent uy the case or single box to any part of the connUy, tree of charge, on receipt of price. Xddresa ^"^^BVBKfettedloln. Co., O JIieand Depot, No. 5C2 Buoadway. NrwToni. For Sale hy ull Druggists. For oule by Geiger A McGregor, Agents. May 20_-PTTly_ Neuralgia, Piles, Eoadaohe, Diarrhoea, Boils, Old Sores, Lameness, Burns, Soreness, Toothache, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulcers. V/oun&s, Sore Throat, Colic, Bruises, Rheumatism, Hemorrhages, Etc. Take Notice, ^Ll. in want ol DRY GOODS and NO TlONSi cheap, will call at C. F. JACKSON'S and purchase, as he will sell ; ft' h;< stork at greatly reduced pi icon before going North to lay in a new stock of SPRING and KUMMER GOODS. Remember, O.F.JACKSON, Leader of Low Prhes, 128 Main st. N. R.?Ou hand, SPRING and SUMMER GOODS at erirajow prices.' C. F. J. ' NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! HAVING recently icniovi <] my estab? lishment to the new building, opposite 11 lie Citv Hall, and received an entirely ?newand fresh?t?ck ol HPltl-SG GOODS, I cordially iuvito an inspection. My htock embraces French, Euutish and Aie.eriean CASSIMEREB, of tho latent do-igns, which I will mako up on renaon? blr. terror*. C. D. EBERHARDT. March 1_lmot Office City Trensurer, COLUMBIA, S. 0., DEOKSiniJi 27, LS73. TOE city of Columbia will, on the 15th ol January, 1874, commence paving the PAST DUE COUPONS ol her lionis. They will be paid at the Carolina National Rank; alao at the South Carolina Bank and Trust Corupanv's Bank, in this citv. CHAS. BARN UM, City Treasurer. Dic28| A MEDICINE WORTH HA VINO. HBINXTSH'a q,CKl?N\S pt.Mdlir, ITtOR 8ick Headache, Bilious Attacks. Con ; utipation, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia', In? digestion, Scrofula, Jaundice, Pain in tho Back, Nonralgin, Dropev, Skin Dinoascs, Lojs of Appotitc, Depression of Spirits, Hourthurn, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Me? lancholy, Bilious Fever, Conti von ess. Ask for HeinitshV Queen's Delight; none ithor in genuino. For sale at 1 Dec 191 K.H. HEINITSH'S Drugstore, Venison Hams. ANEW SUPPLY Just rteoived at Feb 26 HOPE A- GYLES'. our Jost Censures IOLUMBIA, S. C, FRIDAY . I Municipal Election and Notice to I Electors. ALL porsons failing to REGISTER will bo debarred the privilege of voting at the election tor Mayor and Aldermen, to be held on TUESDAY, April 7,1874. Registra? tion will on Friday, lha 3d, and continue to Saturday, the 4th,"and Monday, the Gtb of April, in the variooB Warda, viz: At Steward a Hall?Ward No. 1. At Court Honae?Ward No. 2. At Vigilant Engine Company's Hall?Ward No. 3. At Minort'm Flail?Ward No. 4. The following named persona are hereby appointed Managers of Registration and Election: WabdNo.1?Tames Kennedy, James Wash? ington, James Davis. Wabd No. 2?John McCord, Theo. Ingliss, Wm. M. Hayne. Wabu No. 3?Benj. F. Goodwin, William Mooney, Daniel W. Eidicr. Wabo No. 4?Lewie H. Trevet, John Thompson, James Bamfleld. The books will be open for registration on tho days abovo mentioned from G o'clock A. M. nntil G o'clock P. M. Tho polls will bo open on tho dav of election abovo named from G A. M. until G P. M. A. L. SOLOMON, O. D. LOWNDES, TREZBVANT SILL, March 2.7 Commissioners of Election. A T THE Grand Central DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT W. D. LOVE & CO. W ILL bo opened, on MONDAY, the lGth instant, an elegant assortment ot Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Dress Goods, Embroideries, Huff*, Linen Sets, Tics, Belts, &c, &c? Comprising some of the choicest produced this season. A big line of CASSIMERES and TWEEDS, for boys, at 37A cents a yard?half price. We aro daily receiving fresh additions of [ new and seasonable goods, which will be offered low for cash at the obaxo CEJtTBAL DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT of WM. n. LOVE & CO . Uuder Wheeler House. Marob 15_ THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE F. B. Orchard & Go. C.VUEIt IllWf.1?9 U A T.I.. WE wou'd respectful!} inform onrfrionda and tho public generally, that wo are now in receipt of one of the nicest assorted Stocka of DRY GOODS; HOSIERY, NO? TIONS, Ao., and at as low prices as they can he bought in tho city. Among our stock will ho found: 75 dozen KID GLOVES, In oiip and two buttons; all Bhadee and oolurs, at popular pi ices. DRESS GOODS, in tho moat desirable ahadea for btrcel and evening wear. PERCALES. ORETONS and OALIOOES. A good aseortmcnl or CARSIMEKES, TWEEDS, COTTONAlIBS and JEANS. Best SHEETINGS and LONGCLOTUS iu tho ottv for tho pric.^. EMBROIDERIES. It UFERING, COLLAR? ETTES, TIES. A-o., in jpeal varioty. To which wo call tho attention of all before purchasing elsewhere . F. 15. ORCHARD A CO. ' N. B.?Connected with our atoro ia a tirat class Dross-making establishment, conduct? ed by MUS. UU Ii WELL, lato or lt. C. Shivor A Co.. where she will he pleased to aeo her trieuds and ctietouiera. March S It, & W. ?. COLUMBIA 1 CLOTHING AND HAT HOUSE ! i RE opening daily a choice lino of L FRENCH and ENGLISH COATINGS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS. Having recently re-organ!zod our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, and scoured the services of , a stylish and competent CUTTER and first clase TAILORS, we aro now prepared to suit tho tasto of tho most fastidious. Wo aro now receiving ucw styles HATS ilmo.jt daily. Givo na a call. Attend the True MORNING-, MARCH 27, 1874 THE POET ROYAL Docks, Warehousing, Trans'n and b '?V^ W? ^ 2 Chartered February 13.1371. CAPITAL STOCK 83,000,000. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION to tho Stock of tbi? Company aro open in Columbia, ?. C, at the Carolina National Bank and at tin Central National Bank. One per cent, only paid on application, to secure tlie stock, and thu first regular assessment of twenty per cent, to be paid only when oniciallv cal'ed I >r._Feh ?5 " THE SEOARS CALIFORNIA SEGAR STORE HAVE grown eo popular that nobody [ think* ot buying anywhere oi-e, au tho best SEGAlts, from 5c. to 25c, sold in this city, are to bo had at this establishment. The reason everybody tho Cali? fornia Sogar Storo is, that all rheir Domestic Segars are mado by Factory No. 0, on the promises, and our oitizens arc awaking to the importance of patroniziug homo manu? facture, i Everybody chows the celebrated CABLE COIL, put up in tin foil, Solel onlv bv the Cali? fornia SesrarStore. SI. SULZBACUER. March 2d_ Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Through Tickets to Charleston MERCHANTS and dealers visiting Charleston for tho purpose of purchas? ing goods are informed that ROUND TRIP TICKETS, to go and return for single first class faro one way, can be procured at all tho principal Stations on the lino of the Road, on application to the Agents, good to re tubs until the 1st day of May next. THOMASDODAMEAD. General Superintendent. Jaulz Norton, General Ticket Agent. March 22 C $100,000 IN FOB CLOTHING GEMS' FURX1SUIXG GOODS, ijp f'JOUGHT since tho great decline, and wc 1> nti?.selling them at the very lowest priest* for cash. We intend to give our cus? tomers tho advantage of the LOW PRICES. Conto and see our stock. We consider it. a compliment for persona to call and nee our t;oods KINAEDA WILLY. INSURANCE. FT AVI NO reigned tho agency of the ! JLjL :> ?utliorn Lifo Insurauoo Comp.n y, w? i have ? innectfd onrselvtB with tho j Cotton States Lifo Insurance Compan? OF MAI ON', tJF.'.JKGF t. W. P.. J >HNSON, S. G. GBEAR. Pre-si lent. Secretary. Oapilr.l . .M0O.I <>n Stato Deposits. i."?jiu;ti The Coiupanv Rianes policies ? u both th. STOCK AND MUTUAL PLANS; giving to non-participating policy holders the advant? age of premiums I.ESs by twenty per cent, than mutual rates. It will establish BOARDS OF ADVISORY TRUSTEES in the principal citips of the Stato, and will eontract with said Boards to invest In said cities seventy per e< nt. 61 the net premiums taken there, thus making it a Rome; Company in Each Locality. Wo cnntldcutly recommend this staunch Southern Company to our friends and the public, and bespeak a continuance 61 kind patronage heretofore i xteuded lo u?. BLACK .t WARING, General Agents for South Carolina. Active and reliable canvassers waned with whom we will make liberal coutracts. Feh 21 :into jmsMKsaMKmmmmaim ?m gocr??ag? GUANO. I>UH1" PERUVIAN, imported direct, and i ?( Goverumout Prices. LAND I : i ,\. . ; R also for sale. R. (1. LAY, j Man Pi Into Agent, Savannah, (5a. CONGA REE IRONWORKS, COLTJJUUIA, S. C. JJII1\T ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFACTU? RER OF STEAM ENGINES, SAW A N 1) 0 R I S T MILLS. Oin Ooar itig, and all kinds 0! 11011 Castings lor Machinery und Ornamental J v 0 a u t i n g a foi Stores nnd Dwell, ingn, v ? i cut Railings for Garde ns and Ceme? teries, Iroi Suttees and Arbor Chairs; also, Brass Castings of all kinds, Bella for Church 1 s, Schools, Work-shops, A-c. Gua? rantee all my work fust clara and ?<jnal to any North or South. works at foot of Lady street, and noar lo South Carolina.and Groonville and Columbia Railroad Companies'Depots. N< v is Planting Potatoes. BARRELS, in tino order. EARLY 50 EYR and PEERLESS, fur sale'low for green? backs. HOPE & OYLES; Event." CHEAT BXCiTUlT! GRAND RUSH FOR HARDT SOLOMON'S! TO eonie of those (toe CAN? VAS ED HAMS, which every one talks about and everybody buys. How doliciori!-! what a tinn flavor! the beat I ever alel is tho exclama? tion of all who try thoso celebrated Hums. They aro tho finest in the market; sell rapidly, and, therefore, to secure them, you must call early. That new lot of FLOUR is also going off very fast, and pleases every one. Made from the best quality of white wheat and bought from firBt hands, it is better and can be sold cheaper than by any other houao in tho city. You need only to purchase it once, to always buy it again? Thoso Hue California APRICOTS, PEARS and JELLIES sell at sight. Also on hand and constantly arriv? ing, the largest and beat selected stock of CANNED GOODS in the city, consisting in part of Tomatoes, Corn, Peaohes, Pine Apples, Peat, Strawberries, Asparagus, Salmon, Lobster, Sardines, Tnrtle, Terrapin, Vermicelli and Mulligatawooy, Soups, Potted Meats, Ac. Old Government Java and Bio COF? FEE, TEAS, SUGARS, SPICES, Dr. Price's BAKING POWDERS, Toilet and Laundry SOAPS. OLIVES, Mixed, Extra and Mofua sil PICKLES; Tyler A Brother's and Peek, Frean & Co.'s CRACKERS, CHOCOLATE, C0C0AKUT3, Lemon and Vanilla EXTRACTS, Ac . Ac. To mako a long matter short, I ha7c everything that is usually kept in a FIRST CLASS FAMILY GRO? CERY STORE, which I will sell at puces that will eclipse anyhouso in the city. Look to your own interest, and buy goods where vr.u will eavo b th mon? y and tiuio. HARDY SOLOMON. March 19 Read and Be Wiser. 500 Dixon Steel Sweeps. 100 Twister*. 100 Scooters. 100 Shovels. ?Tho largely increasing demand for those | goods each tear, with bnudmls of testimo? nials in their favor, is tho best evidence that they aro cheaper and better than can be mado by ordinary country #n.i'hn., 25 doz:n HAMES. 100 pair TRACES. 1 dozon Dow Law CTTTON PLANTERS. 150 dozon Flauten,' HOF.3, at reduced | prices. L?RICK ALOWRANCE. March lit _ OUR STOCK of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES IS now comploto, comprising an assort? ment which, in vabie1y, QUANTITY, quali? ty and now rnicts, m not bunrABSF.n by any house in tue city. We are determined not to hb iinheh-som). Without quoting prices, will meet any competition ok tuohb it? tue tu ade. Our stock comprises, with other choice goods, a full supply of CORN, HAY. OATS and BltAN, Flanting I'otatoes, Liverpool Sa't, Flour, from Super to Fancy Family, Befitted, Crushed, Powdered und Raw Sugar, Coffees?Bio, Lagnayia, Java and Mocha, Teas?Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong and Young Hyson, Davis* Sugar-cured C.invasod Hams, Rreaktast Strips and Baoon, Choico Cream Cheese, Gilt Edge Butter, Pure Leaf Lard, Canned Goods, Cakes, Crackers. Ac. With a complete assortment of Corn and R\o WhiskieB, Brandy, (lin.WiDee, Liquors, Cigars, Ac, which will ho delivered freo of cartage at tho depots,or at tho residences ol our city customers. March fl_JOHN AONEW &.80N. Fresh Biscuits. R?XES Cream, Soda, Milk, Ltmon, tU\J Crackuals, Butter, Farina and Ginger Snaps,for sale by HOPE St GYLEtf. VOLUME X?NUMBER 6. jux \? m ju x *, \? li is a, iS , On Marketable Collaterals. T^XOHANGE on New York, Baltimore, ?Ti Philadelphia, Boston and all pronlfnent cities of the United States and Europe bought and sold. DEPOSITS revived and feierest b?: feg certificates iesuod.. STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD and 8ILVEB bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchants and others from the city and country solicited, and LIBERAL LINES OF DISCOUNTS granted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK. Corner or Plain and Richardson streets. Fob 2T>_ Jewelry! Jewelry! Jewelry! fa WM. GLAZE, AT his new store, Main street, nearly op? posite the Central National Back, baa alarge and boautifnl stock of fine WATCHES stem and koy winders, frcm the best Eu? ropean and American mrr*-? * ctntino, and of bis own importation, in rl... and silver cases. ; Elegant JEWELRY I An unrivaled assort? ment juBt received, and aU the latest styles. Sterling SILYER-WABE, In sets and caeee. Bridal Presents, and a very fine selection of Plated-Ware, Gold Watch and Neck Chains, Lockets, elegant Seal, Wedding and Engage? ment Kings, large stock of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, OlockB, Musical sozes, and a great variety of Fanoy Articles. My stock is tho largest and best selected in the Southern country, and will be sold as cheap as thru tame article can be bought anywhere. Oct 2*_? Baltimore & Wilmington, N. C, IS m Semi-Weekly Steamship Line, Composed1 of the flret-clags Steamships D. J. FOLEY.Capt. D. J. Pbioe BEBEOOA CLYDE.Capt. D. C. Childs LUCILLE.Capt. J. 8. B eh nett RALEIGH.Capt. J. S. Olives TSnLli here after -sil fr?m BALTTMOBE VV every TUESDAY and FBIDAT, ami from WILMINGTON every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Connecting at Wilmington, N. C, witb the Wilmington, Co'nmbia and Augusta Bail road, giving Through Bill* of Lading to and from all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Connecting at Colombia, 8; C, wilh the Greenville and Columbia Bailroad and Char? lotte division of tho Charlotte, Columbia an'* Augusta Railroad. Connecting at Angneta, Ga., with Georgia, Macon and Augusta and Central Railroads. Steamers of this line, on arrival in Wil? mington, stop at Railroad Depot, and the Railroad Fn lght, being stowed separately in Steamer, is transferred, under covered sheds, direot to Care, without delay, and forwarded by the fast Freight Express that evening. No drayage in Wilmington, and no .transfer from Wilmington South. Bates guaranteed as low as by any other route, and all losses or over-charges promptly paid. Mark all Goods via StoamBbip to Wilming? ton, and forward Dills of Lading to Railroad Agent, Wilmington, N. 0. For further information, apply to either of uudcrnigned Agents of the line. ANDREWS A CO., Agents B. A W. Steam? ship Line, No. 73 Smith's VSh?rf, Baltimoie. A. D. OAZAUX. Agent 0. ft W. Steamship Lino. Wilmington. N. C. A. POPE, Gen- ral Fn inbl Agent; F.W. CLARK, Aso't Gen. Fnlght Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. H. M GOTTING BAM, General Western A cent. AOanta. flu. NVv 23 Brno* Columbia Music Store LyBrand & Son rpAKE pleasure in calling the atte-Ltioi ol X the public to an examination ol their STOCK of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, con? sisting oi Pianos, Churi'liaod Parloi Otgans, Melodeons, Violins, Guitar*. Ranjce, Fluten, Aocordeons. Bi ncs and Silvei Band Instru? ments of all kinds. Also, rheot Mneic and Instruction Books tor every class of Musical Instruments on hand at all times. We are Bole Agents for the State of South Carolina, of Estoy A Co.'e COITAGE ORGANS. Sheet Music soul by mail, post paid, on rectdplof price; and all'kinds ol Musical GoodB sent by Express, when ordered, to any part of the State, marked C. O. D. Good Secor.d-hai.u PianoB and Organs for sale cheap, for cosh. Pianon, Organs and Melodeons Tuned and Repaired in a satiefactorv mavner: ai.d will giveeapecialattontion to Packing. Removing and Sbippibg Pianoe for other partie, i< ony point desired, at modern tepi ices. All orders promptly attended to and satis? faction guaranteed to tlioee favoring nt witb their patronage. Send for onr Catalogue of 8hoet Music and Musical Merchandise. Ri? chardson street, a few door* tbove Pucrnii office.Columbia. B. 0._Nov7 L?RICK & LOWRANCE, Wholesale and Rotail Qrocer3 and Provision Dealers. OUR stock is ?cnmpleto in every j respect. We sell at I the very lowostl iprices, and warrant li&SSlililStT <?nr goods pure. Wo do not publish prices, but feel satisfied that nnnn of our patrons will leavo dissatisfied. Wo pay tho highest market price for COTTON, either in goods or currency. Wo bavo r.n excellent WAGON YARD in rear of onr establishment. Look out for the ?ign of the plow and tho carriag? wheel, Richardson atreet, a few doors below the PncBNix office. Givo us a call, and in? spect our goods and pricen. Nov 58 WM. M. PANE'S State Capitol Saloon. /""l THE beat of WINF8, L1QUORF, 'SffVl?KSEGAnS, TOBAC00, etc, con ^tLi^y stantly on band. Norfolk OYS TEKS, in and out of the ahcll. Give him a call. Jan 10 r