COLUMBIA, S. C. Saturday Morning, March 14 1874. Prevention Better Than Care. We have more than once made ac? knowledgment of the interest taken in affairs in this State by the Northern Re? publican presB. It hau beoomo eon Tinoed that our aondition is well-nigh hopeless, because the very fountains, of our publio life have been poisoned. It baa read lectures to those who have po? litical oontrol; it has expatiated upon the virtues of honesty and moderation; it has even launched threats against them of being execindad from the na? tional party, if tbey do not mend their ways. Tue Administration at Washing? ton has also at last realized what a dis? grace to republican institutions has grown up here under its wiog. Elliott's mission to preach repentance and to in? culcate a purer political lifo upon the Legislature of the State and the offioials of the State Government, was inspired from "these headquarters." But all that Elliott can suggest, ull that the Radical Northern pr^ss can advise, a'-l that the National Administration can threaten, nil tbe pleadings tbut may be uttered from every quarter of tbe cuun- j try in favor of uuloading and in favor of reform, is but souud aud furj, signify? ing nothing to the organized aud un-? scrupulous South Carolina robbers. It is like whistling jiga to a mile-atone. The louder the voico of remonstrance, the stronger the denunciations of dauger ' to themselves and the party to which tbey would like to hang on, tbe more rascally is their conduct, the more un? blushing their legislative and official lar? cenies. Of course, there are exceptions; but tbe bulk of the lenders act uow as if they saw the end upproaching, aud were determined to make the most of their present opportunities. The Philadelphia Press recognizes the fact that "terrible corruption" exists in South Carolina. It speaks plainly to the ctrruptiutiists. It tells them tbut the struggle with them is for existence, that they are in imminent danger of feeing ground to dust between the upper aud nether mill-stones of Northern indignation and Southern hatred. They must hasten to reform, to unload, to prove their personal honesty, and to de? monstrate their capacity for solf-govorn tnent, &c. The Press coolly proposes this impossible oonditiou to men, every one of whom will laugh iu his sleeve when be reads it. What verdancy, what imffable twaddle! Parson Prim? rose had tome success iu reforming criminals by the example of his own pure life und the force of his humane teachings, but he hud tbe advantage of pre,;ching to them while iu prison, uu UOrgOlUg puiuauuicuii iUi Luit*? MAllUCcH Circumstances alter cases. Fellows who _?_ _ 3 _.1..... -.? ?-.. ? ? ? iii.uu i.. I n nr.ilMii V ,fl, .? '>utur f I bing it with both hands, who are borne along ou tbe wave of a power more ab? solute and arbitrary than a despotism, conscious that nothing can balk their greed or euro tbeir will, ure not likely to regard moral suasion. Not until they are first made to disgorge and account for their stealings; not until, like Tweed, they look through prison bars upou the outside world, which they have defrauded, will the thieves of South Carolina be amenable to repentance. Yon might us well expect purity iu a bagnio, or ordar iu Paadomouium. The Press discourages the South Ca? rolina memorialists in thoir application iu Cougross for redress. "Too late," it Buys. It says, further, that "t'uero is neither excuse nor authority for such interference at this time." Ou the con trury, there are abundant grouuds, gtuno of which wo have shown, and nlhartt wo shall present at another i.iruo V/e du not despair of finding tho Press take \ difiVronl view, when itu informa? tion h.?s become more full and exact. What will it suy when its udvica b'uull be i Mitenmed, and tho evils which exist hure, und which it imperfectly neoa, bavo increased, us they must, an buu dred fold? The present effort of the tiouservativo people of the State springs from no passion and has uo party objects. The troubles whiob nfil.ct them ure great and grievous. If not chocked or counteracted in time, they will gather strength aud volume as they go and sweep like an uvulnucho over its liberties aud civilization. Will not the Press lend its aid and influenoo to pre? vent so diro a cutustrophe? -4 -? Tito Now York Commarciul Advertiser deeply regrets that tho education of so many public ofiiciulu was neglected in iheir youth. Arithmetic, particularly, s'-i'ins to have been htuliounly over nked, aud tho curious manner iu which i onic of tho people's KOtvanta get their figures mi>:''d, in "shocking?posi? tively shocking." Now it is t?u City .Treasurer of Fort Wajns, Indiana, who oaunot "bifnnce" his books by about $10,000. '"ii..v..c th<> it, dnstrious immigrant will be>able to find a comfortable homo. He refers to tho rotations between hituself auu his em* ployer us beiug of a very piousant cha? racter, and says next year ha will start life for himself, having been promised land to cultivate on his own account. Ten Mexican bandits recently attacked la stage uear Guadalajara. The passen? gers resisted. A reinforcement of thirty baudits arrived, when the gens tVarmes who wore escorting the stage fled. The passengers continued to defend the stage. Tho bandits killed Westfall, a German physician, who formerly resid? ed at Havana, and Birtholy, a German merchant, and wounded two Mexicans. They also maltreated Hart holy's wife and tho rost of the passcugors, and oboppud the bodies of tho two dead Germans. Tho Governor of Topic lias sent out .men lo search for the bandits. Andres Castro, the celebrated Sau Luis Potusi bandit, has been captured nud executed. The journals refer to Sau tu Anna's return as without political tsigni dcance. -*?<* Exrccunvu Ci.emkncv.?Homo lime ago President Grant, at the solicitation of Senator llobcrtson nnd others, par? doned JohU F. Ilightowur of go much of n Bcntoucoof thu United States Court for Ka Klaxism as relaloJ to his impri? sonment, ou condition that ho would pay thu line imposed. Further execu? tive clemency lias been shown the pri? soner through tho inlluenco of the samo persons, who have induced tue Presi? dent to remit tho lino. The prisoner will bo releasod an soou us tho supple? mental pardon can bo forwarded. An Important Decision.?In the bankrupt court, on Tuesday, tbo 10th, tu Iho uuso of T. M. Friday, bankrupt, upon the application of a creditor claim? ing under an agricultural lien and cre? ditor;! claiming undor judgments prior to the umoudmeut of tbo bankrupt Act of March, 18713, it wan bt Id by Judge Bryiui that tho bankrupt was not en? titled to his homestead exemption against buid claims. IlcooD Monkv.?Tho County Trea? surer of Lancaster, under iutttruutious ?'rom the Attorney-General of tho State, paid It* tbo widow of Isaac (Joins, last week, whoso husband it is alleged was murdered by the Kti Klus in 1871, tho half mill tax levied under Act of tho Le? gislature for the support of widows und orphan**, over $GD0. Tho coming punts wilt bo worn very largo in the legs, nnd overlapping to a fearful degree tho boot, and will be known as peg top. Closing Houits of the Louisiana. Lk GISTj&TUBB.?The Now Orleans Times has the following regarding the last hoars of the Legislature: Tbe closing scenes of tbo session were marked by tumultuous excitement, which, opening vigorous strength early in the evening, grew iu force as the hour of adjournment was neared, and onlminated in a. finale of such up? roar and oonfuaiou, tbut Bedlam broke loose, or a multitude of bowling wild beasts could not, by tho remotest possi? bility, have offerud the slightest ap? proach to the bewildering effect pro? duced by thesa Salons of the nineteenth century. Iu the House, from tho hour of tbe opening of the evening session, at 7 o'clock, tho work was lively, and Pandemonium stood revealed on earth. Never by any uhaucu were there less th-in twenty members speaking at, once; and by t'.iu same rule, not moro i>uuu ouo iu twenty protended io mdntuiu any familiarity with his scat, but, iu a prooiisoooui jumble, all bauds roam od through space, at times shouting like mad t?) secure the attentiou of the Speaker; at others rising-to a point of order to make a motion, or do a hun? dred other things which no one but u Louisiana Legislature' would think of. Tho uvuuiug Picayune editorially nays it is tho concurrent declaration of the leuding and most hours', member.; of the Legislutnve, which terminated its career last night ut 12 o'clock, that the appropriation lull, under which all tue disbursements of tho .State must be made, was never passed, was never sub mittcd by the Speaker, nor voted ou by tbo members. The reporters of ibo press, all spectators, tho officer.*? ? the House, and, in faot, every crea.table witness who was present during tho ses? sion, bear the. same testimony. Wheu it was repeatedly nuggestud that the bill had not been voted on, the reply of members was shouted, "Oil! it dou't make any difference; wo will have it entered in tho journal; that will do as well." Tliero were many other bills iu tbe dame predicament, which were never passed, and were nover even submitted to tbo House, but which it is proposed to have entered in the journal aud pro? claimed as luw.". Hiuh-Handeu Outr.vo?.?List Mon? day, as tbo construction traiu Was at work ou the Charlotte, Columbia uud Anguita Railroad, beyond tho Dead Full, at the hour of noon or thcreuboutn, a posse of negroes, headed by a few Himburg onus tables, arrested Conduc? tor Robinson, iu charge of the train; also, the engineer und all tbo hands, ?rumbering about tbirty-threo men, und carried them to Hamburg. Tiicy were kept there iu dtirunco vile for about two hours or more, without uny proaeas of law, as fur as can bo beard of. Tbe cause of the arrest seoms to have been because tho construction train was performing the duty assigned it?viz: tho tilling up of tho Hamburg trestle. The filling up of this trestle seems to have bud tho sanction of the compauy'a attorney iu South Carolina, but the authorities across tbo river think it unlawful. Honoe tho work is stopped at preseut, uutii a definite settlement by both cor? porations. Wo uro informed by tho Road Master, Mr. B. F. Burns, tbut tho I mob at Hamburg threatened to cut the trestle, and burn it, if required, so as to show their power. Tt is irerwiriillv iiiiiImi*. stood that two whito mou Were at the bead of this crowd, aud boasted 'but they would make something out of the matter. It certainly seoms to us a most high-handed outrago. If the company has no right to fill tho trestle, tho usual process of law should have been ob? tained to stop tho work. This mob business will not answer, und tho sooner it is stopped, tho better. [Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel. Tho New York Sun has some queer notions about obituary notices. Ou Tuesday it announced the death of the Hon. Henry Smith, President of the police board of that city, in a half column obituary, which closes as t'ol fuw.s: "Mr. Smith was a sociable com? panion. His favorite dtveriion was .draw poker, a gjnae of chance and .skill in winch he excelled. Il is said by one who saw him that a recent forty-eight botilV Mtting ut tlu? game so ?-xh lusted him that it led to h:s fatal sickness." It i3 rolutcd of tbo lato Senator Wig fall that on the collapse of tho Confed? eracy, while crossing tho Mississippi to make hift way into Mexico, iu tho us turned character of an ultra Union mau, he wii:* informed by a Federal soldier, who was iOU board tho ferry boat, of tho intense satisfaction ho would expe? rience if ho ould fall in with uud hang to tbo topmoat limb of tho tallost treu tho Toxun arch-traitor. "Yos; I, too, would be pulling ut ono end of the tope," voi.cuieutly remarked Wigfull. A Nevada judge, after the jury had been cmpauuled and counsel ready to proceed, pulietl cut a revolver and jti-1 diciously rcmurked: "If any mau goes frolicking around tho court room dur? ing tbo trial of this case, I shall inter? rupt him iu his career." Tho strictest decorum prevailed. A band-mastor iu the Loglish urmy for a period of forly-nino years has just retired, and has been awarded the mu? nificent pension of ton cents o day ? Kc. Tbis shows tho appreciation by foreign governments of our muuificeut pension to Mexicau veterans?right dollars a month. Frcuideul Grant cau now say 'oat to ono mau iu all this glorious lu:i<:, "Yon j kuow how it is yourself." Andrew John? son?the penultimate of the Vr -si.IL-ntial lino?is tho individual. Why in Rock Hill liko n spiudlf? Bo-; oausu Uubb( ird) is always around u with j hisfellotcs (Yankees) that tire us. [Rock 11ill Gran jr. Micou, (5a , bus btarted a Indies'calico church club, the members of which biud tbumsulvos to altoud church iu plain calico dresses. Tub Temperance Wab in Ohio.?At Dayton, Ohio, on tbe lOtb, tbe cru? saders marchod in three detaohments of twenty each, and stormed thirteen sa? loons, on Fifth and West Third Btreets. A great taibnlont rabble followed them from place to plaoe, and tbe turmoil at times was almost deafening. The voices of prayer and song wore frequently iu audible. Ribald jests were bandied by the mob, und orowds passed into tbe invested culoom and drank as fast as they could, mocking tho praying women with loud blasphemy and loader songs, Even women joinod in thu ribaldry, and ?ung out bits of bologoa and crackers among the orusaders, who-meekly bore tueao galling insults and persisted in prayer. Thu band whioh wunt to West Third street wero subjected to the most shameful insults, by bummers who ap? peared to delight iu being as vulgar as pohiiutu. Tu la li^iug outside mo corpo? ration, tho women were not protected by the police. At night, temperance miss ineetiugs wero held. The people crushed into tho First Froiby toriau Church until thero was uo standing room, then filled up the large Sunday school room, and then the largo lecture room. Many went away disappointed, being unable to see or hear. The police labor heroically to protect the women und preserve tbe peace. At Columbus, sixty-two ladles, iu four sqnads, visited forty saloons, but they ubtatued uo pledges. At several places heretofore visited, tbo women were told that, their visits wero getting to be a nui since and must be stopped. At some places, they wero refused permission to pray ou tho sidowalk. A telegram from Greenville, iu Dark County, unuounoCu the complete oapitu luliou of ull the saloons?nineteen?so that no liquor of uuy kind can bo pur? chased. At Steubcnvi'.te, tbe temperance cru sude coulinuen to run high. Three more saloons surrendered ou the lUtb. The entire league visited the saloon of Michael Gaudy, received bis full stork of liquors, and emptied them iuto tho street, amid loud cheers from the large crowd present. Tho City Council has adopted au ordinance prohibiting all tippliug houses alter April 1. At LuFayette, Indiana, there are daily prayer meetiugs in church, but no ealoon rani. There is a big fight before the commissioners, who, so far, ruiuse to graut permits. Tho saloons whose per? mits have expired are closed. Parties ure soeu on the street drinking beer from bottles. ? ???. Fate of the Presidents.? An extra? ordinary circumstance in the history of the country occurs on the death of Mr. Fillmore. Never before since the admi? nistration of Jefferson has it happened that only one person was alive, except tbo incumbent, who had filled the Presi? dential office. Andrew Johnson is now the only ex-Prcsident living; nnd oven he was not elected to that office, but came to it as Vice-Preeidout ou the as? sassination of Mr. Lincolu. While the youugor Adams was President, the elder Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe wero living. When Rucbauuu was elected, Van Daren, Tyler, Pieicc aud Fillmuru were alive. When Lincolu was inaugurated, Van Buren, Tyler, Pierce, Pillniuro aud Buchanan wero living. Within the past thirty-seven years, seven Presidents have been elected bo C:^',? it is an extraordiuury fact that not ouo oi tho no.?: i? now alive. Less than in) days ago, Texarkana, in Toxut, was a howling wilderness. It now numbers over 2,UDO bona fide citi? zens, und some 200 buildings going up. There is a general ticket office, two rail? roads, two express companies, two tele? graph liues and forty saloons. It is called tho enchanted village of the Lone Star .State, and expects iu a short time ?o rival ull its neighbors. The comple? tion of tbo Southern Pacific Railroad will exhibit the same astonishing results, and soatter hundreds of flourishing towus and cities all along the lino. From the fact that when tho body of a man of average sizo is reduced literally to usbes by lite, only about' tou pounds of said ashes remain, it is shown thai tbe Immun syt.teni contains seventy por cent of water. La the remaining thirty per cent, twenty is otrbou, which dis? appears in gas at tho burning, even as thu watery seventy evaporates. Thus your "solid tu tu" possesses really about tun pouuds of solidity. A man iu Indiana has bad lots of fun nut of a valentine, in which he was de? picted na "mothor's pet." This set him in a rage; ho gut drunk, abused his mo? ther, whipped his wife beciuso be thought she knew something ol it, was discharged from his place in the mill, m tdo a disturbance in the streets, was arrested, fined about thirteen dollars and sent to jail. When a lovely woman stoopH to office holding, she may bo suspected tho same us any other ptiblio sorvant. Miss Belle Murray, who bus been aoting as deputy Clerk of tho Circuit Court of McLeuu County, III., is charged with embezzle? ment, und her trial is in progress at Bloomiugtou. Tho Dieppe police, warned by several receut calamities, have issued a notice to persons, requesting them, wliou a lady is iu diugcr of drowning, to neizj her by tbo dross, and not by tbo hair, which oftentimes remains iu their grasp. Sum huie baa departed forever from New Orleans. That is to say Corporal Frederick William Sunshine, of tho Metropolitan police, extinguished him? self u few days ago, by blowing bis bruins out with a pistol. "Aud did yon hear him call her my dear or any thing liko that?" asked the lawyer. "No, : it! of course not; she was bis wife," unsvurcd thu lady wit? ness. Not Bad. ?The Washington Chnmi e/e calls tho re out duel near Augusta, a sketch "after the old masters." City. Matters.?Subscribe for the Phoenix. SQPay your city taxes to-day, and save the penalty. March took possession of his throne, yesterday, aud exercised his authority with a vim. Mr. Brissenden gives bib scholars a-'?v, .soiree dansanle on Mouday evening next, Fin Parker's Hall., Jasper?signifying courage?is the ju.vel emblematic of this roaring, blus? tering month. The Governor has appointed Mr. Ger. S. Barr, of Kings!roo, and William H. G^odlett, of Sandy Plat, Notaries Pub? lic. A malicious person says that ootton sheets aud uowspuper sheets are alike in tbe rospect that a great many people lie in them. The odor exhaled by bags of com? mercial fertilizers don't put one much in mind of the fragrauoo of the lily und honeysuckle. The trotting mitch between General Smallb* und Colonel Johnson's nogs comes off this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, ut the track of the Auxiliary Joint Stock Association. The fourth grand gift oonoert for the benefit of tbo public library of Ken lucky comes off on 31st Maroh. Tioketa oau be had through Mr. D. Gambrill, up to the 20th iostaut, after which date all unsold will be returned. Messrs. E. E. Davies & Co. have re? ceived another shipment of those fine Northern turkeys and chickens; likewiso a flue lot roe shad and Wilmington oysters, aud a few barrels of select seed potatoes; whioh will be Gold low for cash. The day appointed for the meeting of the committee appointed to lay before Congress the memorial of the tax-payers of South Carolina has been postponed from Thursday, Maroh 19, to Thursday, March 26, when tbo committee will, without fail, meet in Washington to dis? charge the important duty entr'.jied to tbem. Every head of a family should possess a policy in a good life insurance com? pany, like the Brooklyn, of New York, which is as sound as a silver dollar. ? Dr. J. W. Parker, at the Carolina Na? tional Bunk, is tbo General Agent for South Carolina. In view of the un? certainty of life, call on him and secure . protection against so terrible an evil as that of leaving a family unprovided for. A countryman, with a wagon load of ?lacks, attracted considerable attention ou Main street, yesterday. Some wag bad painted on the thin-looking animal, "Oals wanted?inquire within," and on tbe body of the vehicle, "Draixx for saile," "Duxx for saile." He was in? formed that turpentine would remove tho paint, and was about to give it a trial, wheu he received the horrifying lUIUImauuu tuun tue uuu nuuiu lunun tho paint. Phcesixiana.?Tbe top of the morn? ing is it epin-nacle, of course. A horse- may be quieted by pressure on tho hips. Some girls are only quiet? ed that way. The favorite shirt collar now ap? proaching will be of the standing order, with falling cars. It is very ruinous to move, but- espe? cially expensive to move iu tho best oir cles. Tbe iuventor of a fire-escape says there's nothing like getting down in the world. Jones says that tho difference between his wife aud tho Popfe is, that she pos? sesses tempar-ull power, and his Emi? nence doesn't. Small scarfs will be fashionable, the drop of tho scurf being scoured noar the bmv with a gold ring. Closing Sale?Something Novel on tub Tapis.?The sale of pictures, which has been continued from night to night for the past two weeks, nt the storo of Messrs. D. C. Peixotto & Sons, closes this evening, when a nnmber of attrac? tive subjects will be disposed of. Some? thing norel is proposed, to whioh the proprietors invite ono and all to look after. Among tbo collection are dry scenes and wet sconou; city life and country life; representations of things at home and abroad; historical as well as imuginary snl jeota. The walls of I tho lonoly bachelor's domicile, or tho happy home of tho contented benedict may be tastefully ornameated by being j on band early and keeping a sharp look i out for barg i i i: i, Ken) ember, this is tho j closing i-ale. j Supreme Couut Decisions, March 12, j 1874.?John C. Cochran, executor, ap ! pollaut, vs. Michael Darcy, respondent: ! Michaol Darcy, respondent, vs. Jobu O. I Cochran, appellant. Motions granted laud cases remanded to Circuit Court. I Opinion by Moses, ?. J. List op New Advertisements. J. W. Parker?Life Insurance. Seibels A Esoll?Private Sale.