rj Oonnoil mot a6 7.80 P. M* Present^-* His Honor the Mayor; Aldermen Cor penter, Thompson, Mitchell, Carroll, Oarr, Griffin Cooper. Taylor, Lowndis ana Young. Absent?Aldermen H?ge and'Williame. On motion of * Alderman Carpenter, the reading of the minutes of the last regular (and special meetings were dis? pensed with. ' A communication from S. Sheridan, for a settlement on acOountof the police force, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. A communication from D. W. Eidier, to -purchase or lease a portion of the city property, embraced in Sidney Park, wie referred to the Committco on Ways and Means. .Aupetltion from the Enterprise Fire Stagine .Company, for the eity to erect . for them an.engine hodse and hall, wac, oh motion of Alderman Cooper, re? ceived as Information. The following bills wore received and referred to the Committee an Accounts: Cooper Sc Taylor, S. W. Hook and John Albzander, water works; Cooper St Taylor, A. Biohardson, J. G. Dial, W. Glaze, W. Steiglitz, Howie & Allen end J. A. Jackson, guard house; Ohas. Mahon, miscellaneous; Cooper & Tay? lor, Fasan,& Bros., (two bills,) indigent p?or; W. fcSlonn, printing; Cooper & Taylor, W. -Glaze, (two bills,) L?. Wil? son; clerk's office; Hopson & Sutphen, misoellaneons; Howie &? Allen, J. D. Starling Sc Co., hospital; J. 0. Dial, W. D. Starling Sc Co., aluiB house; M. Wil? liams, Cooper & Taylor, (two bills,) B. P. Griffin, (two bills,) Jackson Parker, John Alexander, J. C. Dial, .(three bills.) F. W. Wing, street department; 8. D. Swygert, examination pauper lacatioB, A large number of applications for renown! of tavern license were received and referred to the Committee on laaenee. it' The report of the Chief of Police for the mQuth j of December was presented and referred to the Committee on Guard H?nde:f" ; ? ' Amount of fines collected, $47.40. . Tho report of . the Overseer of the Poor ' for the month of Deaember wur presented, and referred to the Commit? tee on Albas House.' , Tho report of tho City Clerk and Treasurer was received, and, on motion, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. ?Alderman Oarpsuter, from tho Com? mittee, on. Ways and Means, spoke on ti^e subject of street lamps, which the .. committee had recommended at a for? mer meeting, and also called the atten? tion of the Council to one on exhibi . iion in the hall, and thought the burner was one preferable to any light he had seep; it beings burner that generated its Own gas from naphtha, and gave a light equal, if hot superior, to the best coal gas;' and as the matter of tbe kind df burners tb bo aeed in the lamps ? ordered by the city had not been deter? mined on, asked of Council to take ac? tion. He also stated that the cost would be about 83,200, with barners and all attachments, including lanterns and posts'. He also asked of Council to heir from John D. Whilden, agent of tbe Globe Gas Ught Company, of Boston, who wag in the hall, and had the before rntihtiorW light on exhibition. Captain Whilden then made a state? ment as to tbe cost of naphtha in the burners offered by his dompany. Also, offered to attach his reservoirs and burners to the lanterns contracted for, and run 200 or more lights? for fivo years, furnishing all material, oil, etc., for $30 per lamp. On motion of Alderman Carpenter, the whole matter was referred to tho Committeo on Wuys and Means. Alderman Carpenter, from the Com? mittee oh Ways and Means, who were requested to furnish a statement of bonds sold and paid for to the city, made the following report: New bonds issued, $250,000; total amount delivered and paid for, $214,750; balance deposit? ed in the banks of the eity, $35,250. ' Ou motion of Alderman Carroll, the report of tho committee was adopted and ordered to bo published. Tbe following resolution was offered by Aldorman Carpenter and adopted: Reso'vad, That, a standing committee of three members of the City Council bo appointed by the Mayor, to be known us the Committee ou Street L imps and Gas LigntH. Tbe Committee on Accounts reported favorably on the following bills, aud re? commended that tho same be paid, which was adopted: John Alexander, Jaokson Parker, B. F. Griffin, Street Department; John Alexander, Guard House; D. O. Peixotto nlway? relinbto. They havs the highiut romiaendatiou jm;n all, anil will ultrars render satisfaction. I'rtee, hi large tkxec-drachui vials, with direct ilies ; Xok. Cures. 1. Fevers, OounmiHon, Inflammation:;, . . .'i0 2. Worms, Wenn Eevcr, Worm Colic, . . 50 5. Cryliiff-Cellc, orTet-thin^ot'Infants, . 50 i 4. I>li?rrh?--ii, ol t'hi'ulrun or Adult. . AO .">. Ityxeiitt-ry, (Sriping, RihoiiHColic, . . .'>0 ! ti. CUolcraojrtorbUfi, *ro:nitiog, . . . . .'>o | T. Coughs, Colds,itmnchitis, *. . . . M : 5?. TVcurnJgln, 'Jootltueho, Fucom . . . !?) j U. IXetidaenesi Si>k llcadnchc, V?.;-.. l'i i 10. Dyspepsia, lilUous Stnmai h.W) 11?; Nuppresseu* or Painful Pcrio&i, . . . .'0 i 11. Whites, too Profuse Periods, . . . .'" I W. Croup, f..e-h, liiHier.lt Rreathin -. . . '?> M. Knit Hhcu:ii, Erysipelas, Emptier.?, . .'?> 1*. Itltcumntlstii, Rh'.-uinatiol'aiu.i, . . . .'?') Hi. ivVrmuil A{Tue, Chill Fever, A?>. 1". riU <, blind or bleeding,.? 11*. OphiUnliuy, an.1 SowlorY.*-V I'jv. . >" ] Iu. Catarrh, Acute or Clirnnio Inllneiuei, . | 2t?. whoopbag-Cougl??%"i??l,,ntCoHg5i , . to | 21. Aotlnun, .Oppressed Brwithine, . . . Mi | 22. Unr Discharges, Impaired Ibum-v . ? ?>; 2.1. Krrofulu.Enlarged Gland*. Swollitw?, . :>" ; 24. ?ienerul Debility, Physical Weakia-m, . .VI 2."?. l?rnpsy and Scanty Seerut ioiw, . . . . m 2i!. t?rn-4?lcUne??, Bickm si hum Jl-lii.,:, ? ??>> 27. Itldnuy-Olscnue, Ontvcl, . . . . . M ?m. NcrrauK J>el?lllty, Seminal Vi i nl:ne?, or Involuntary Iitohargci.I?l> 21). Bor? Jlfoutti,Canker, . . . . . . . W ;i.i Uvlnary Weul.m as, wetting the IJcd, ? ? ? J ;;i: '????"s. M pAllIi Y C Vv* i>-TheKe ien?? ?lh s m e s. in ?>> Jho ; rm? or single ???>* ???V V*?.?f f"J country, free of charge, o? receipt of price. Address Humr\^l^^0?loU,o Co., ! For sulo hy Oeiger it McGregor, Age.n'.s. Deo 17_ +^ily T. M. Wllkes, Attorney at Law, AND United States Commissipm r for Cir? cuit and District Courts for South Ca? rolina. Oflloe over the Carolina National Dank. Colombia, S. C. Dec 30 8. E. STRATT0N, TRIAL JUSTICE, Office on Assembly street, between Lady and Washington streets. DEVOTES sapeoial attention to tho rontal of houses, the collection of rents, and j to those remedies pursued by civil action ; and proceedings, Deo 2S tlmo Save Costs ALL indebted, to the undesigned, bv noto or account, must pay up before tho 1st of Fobruary next, or aettlo with our attor nsys. HOPE & GYLES. Jan 9 _ _ Timothy Hay. I (\ TONS priipo TIMOTHY HAY. for sale k\J low, for cash. HOf;E A GYLES. OL?MBIA, S. 0., FRIDAY M Arrival of Immigrants. PERSONS in nood of HELP?either Farmers or ordinary Laborers?nan obtain them on application to tho under? signed, at the South Carolina Railroad Do pot. EDtiAR FINGOKLiN. Jan 14 S Situation as Teacher Wanted. AYOUNG GENTLEMAN, thoroughly competent and experienced aa % teacher, desires a SITUATION in a healthy, intelli? gent part of the country. References given if required. Address "A.," Jan fi tnfO?_Pomaiia. S. Cfg WM. M. FINE'S State Capitol Saloon. THE best of WINES, LIQUORS, '8EGA1IS, TORACOO, etc, con Btantly on hand. Norfolk OYS TEUS, in and out of tho shell. Give him a call. Jan 10 Breakfast Strips and Hams. -| f\i\l\ LB8. Extra BREAKFART _L,V/U\ ' STRIPS. 3.000 lbB. Sugar-oured 11 A.MS, for sale low for cash. Jan 3_HOPE & GYLE8.__ Feeding Oats. prrvfV BUSHELS prime heavy OATS for Ov/V sale low for oash. I JaulO HOPE&OYLES. HOMCBOPATHY. DU.SCHLEY, nomccopathiat. roapcctfnlly offers his services to the .citizens of Co? lumbia. Cfllce oVer DuQin'a Book Store, op? posite Columbia Hotel. Cfllce hours from 8 to 10 A. M , 2 to 4 and 7 to? P. M. Dec 7 ItaooH $50 Beward. ^ STOLKN from my stable, in Co i^j-g- luniuia, on the night of tho 5th in st int. a medium-sized sorrel IIORKE ttEMn&MULE, with a whitu spot near tho foro-top and one on the right aide Jan 11 g_MAU?ARKT I P.WIN. John E.Bacon, Attorney at Law, loiw ilungc. OFFICE formerly occujiied by Messrs. Monteith A Bauskott. Jan'J Dr3. Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES COMPOUND KXTIIACT CORVDAI.IS, the great vogetable alterative for all diseases arising from impure blood. DU. GURfiNE1? PIT CUHK, for tho euro of Epilepsy, Fits, Spaems, and convul? sions of all kinds. Medicated Honey, for Coughs, Colde, Bronchitis, Croup, and all diseases of the lunga and air passages. Neuralgia Specific, a certain and speody cure for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Nervons Uead-aohe, and all nervous paina. Wabmli Valley Ague Cure. Contains no Quinine. A moat positive remedy tor Chills, Bilious Fever, and Congestions of Liver and Spleen. Acts like a charm. Prepared at the Lahoratorv, Charlotte, N. C. For sale by W. C. FISHER. Noy 20 jly_^ljimbia, S^C. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL 81.000,000,) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. THIS GUANO ia now so woll known in all the Southern Slates, for its remarkable) effects as an agency lor increasing the pro? ducts of labor, as not to require special re? commendation from us. Its use-for eight years oast has established its character tor roliable excellence. The larye fixed capital Invested by the Company in this trade affords | the Hurest guarantee of the continued excel? lence ol this Guano. The supplies put into market this season are. as heretofore, pre? pared under the superintendence ot Dr. St. Julian Uavenol, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, s. C. Heuec planters may rett assured that its quality and composition is precisely the same as thai heretofore sohl. | J. N. ROUSJN, j Selling Agent, Charleston. s. C. i JOHN S. REMSE A CO., General Agents, Baltimore Terms?143cabh; i'>:l lime, without hit" ! rest. j To accommodate nlnntors, they cau ordei . now and have until i -i of April to decide j an to whether.they will take at lime or c?sli ] price. When delivered from the factory by ? the ear toad, no drayugo will he charged. ACID PHOSPHATE. OUANO, BONE, PLAST I II, Ac ,i;lwi;.. on hand, quality cua rantei d. J. N. It ORSON. OeeemhorSO J3mo GOOD RULES. Take Heinitsh's Blood aud Liver Pills. I A PPLY yourself to business snd work! 1Y hard. Save jonr oiiriiings and make i^oo?1 Invest* mentis. Thn beat investment is good health I and long hie. I f you are si-rk. system deranged, Take lleiiiitch's Qai en's Delight. If yon have Peyer. Chills, flendaebe. Take HcitiUsh'a Kina Chill Cure. . a great sav-j lug of money i i'< in knowing | what to buy j ?,-?i d where to ?bnvj Go lo ilKINI I sirs Doctor Shop. A Hioglodoso ..fSTANLKVS COUGH SV N?HMBS m: I- Will cure Coughs Colds, Hoarsi uct-s. and save jou from Consumpliou. The best place is always the cheapest. Good advice, yonr brat ft lend when sick, la ho who cures urn. All kinds of good MEDI? CINES at 11 EIN FISH'S DRUGSTORE, Sept 3d t Opposite PJIUCNIX Office. Notioe. Ot-kick Gnap.NviixE and Columbia R. R., Ooi.umma, f. C, August 2", 1873. UN DE It a resolution of the Bourd of Direc? tors, the Interest Coupons ot the State ! Guaranteed Bonds, and of auch other bonds of this Company as are regularly recorded in ! tho ottico of tho Company, matured between the 1st day of January, 1872. and 1st dav of July. 1873, both inclusive, will bo funded in Bonds having ton years to rnu, as provided for in the Company's pronoaals to the pond holders, of dato Augurt 11.1H73. Holders of the above obligations are re? quested to send in a statement of them toinis olllco, to facilitate the exebango which it is desired tocompleto without delay, aud enable the noceaaary arrangements to bo mado for the resumption of regular interost payments on 1st Janua.y ensuing. W. J.MAGRATII. September 2 !u President m ORNING, JANUARY IG. 1874 Notice. THE firm of WILLING (JAM A BLAIR hau tliis day dissolved copartncrshiu, by mutual consent. Business will bo carried on by W. Mo. BLAIR A CO.. from this dato, s rnoritr.u'H, January 12,1874. Jan 14 :| Dissolution. mHE firm of J. B. GLABNEY A CO., cf| I Monticollo. was dissolved, bv mutual consent, on the 14lh September. 1873. THOMAS BLAIR.. t&~ Cbarleaton Newa and Courier copy three times, and eend bill to this office Jan 14 :\ Postponement. Tsasubeb'8 Office, Riculano County, Columbia. H. O., January 14.1874. BY authority of the Comptroller-General, approved by hia Excellency tho Go- I vi-rnor, the time for collecting the taxes of 1873, without tbo penalty, ia extended to the ! 5ih February, 1874. O. H. BALDWIN, Jan 14 _Treasurer Richland County. Dissolution. THE copartnorehip heretofore existing be- 1 twoen R. W Ii ARN and W. P. HiX, under | the firm name of Wc am A Hix, id this day dissolved, by tho death of Mr. Wearn. Those i indebted to the firm will como forward and . settlo at once. Tho bnaincBB will borerfter bo conducted, | at tho same place, by myself. A continua? tion of Iho patronage of tho public id soli? cited. By at t en Lion and po'iteuoss, wo bope to givo satisfaction to our customers in every Icane. W. P. HIX Jan 13 G ClQAR DEALERS WHO wish to got ouly a few boxes at a i time, or anv one wishing a single box 1 or Cigars, will find that a call at tho INDIAN GIRL CIGAR 81 ORE will com nice Ho m that tho expression among snickers, "The Indian Girl, sells the host Cigars iur tho money," is true; and. whilst property holders threa'.en to complain to Congivis about being so HEAVILY TAXED I they, too, should appeal to this maid to bo relieved from the heavy charges they are. re? quired to pay by those who do not mako a special! y ot the tobacco bu liucsB. The Civil Uichts bill now agitated BY CONGRESS aui that brand of Cigars, (pure Havana,) three lor twenty-five cents, sold by the ' Queen of Luxury," aro the latest sensations of the day; and as tho one is likely to go up j iu gas, the other will go up in smoke. Bo j call early, or you will bo too lato. Jan 14 favorable bI&?InDsT to be had at tue CALIFORNIA SEGAR STORE. IMPORTED. EA ESCKPCION HEINA VICTORIA. Flor do Honry Clay Heina Victoria, Flor de Cuba Reina Victoria, Rosa do Santiago Regalia del Rev. H. Upmattn, Oazadorcs, Carvsjal Cabanas, .Julian Alvr. Henry Clay, Partigaa, Flor, Santiago Opra, Mauio i Garci* Conchas. DOMESTIC. Of our own make: Goldeu Eagle, Flor del Fumar, La Eenanoia, La Palmetto, Pattigas. Yours TruL, Royal Family, Silver Lake Mino is Good, Challenge. I Guess Not, Pleasure Garden. Jan 14 | For the New Year, I am resolved to make new and increasing efforts to meet the trying requirements of the times. Whilst keeping a tall stock and continually opening up Fresh Goons, my expenses are t,o much less! than the other dry goods hr.nses, that j you can save mcney, save lime, and srtv^ patience, by dealing at my store.; * C. F. JACKSON, "ihe Leader oi Low Prices.' lall Ii NEW PUBLICATIONS At Bryan's Bookstore. MP.MOlttS OK MANY MEN AND ROME WOMEN. By MaunsellB. ri- ld. ti '. itoulbruci's Gospel id the Childhood. *1 2.1. Mrs. Baecher's House-keeper and Health* keeper, f I 50. John Stuart Mill'-* Anil hi (graph \. i J C.*?. , Science and Religion. Uy Prot. Joaet.-ti ; Lei'onto, fl 50 Tho Atmosphere, with beautiful chromol plates, llj Cimillu Flatuarion. It> Crocked Places?A Novel. By Edward Garrett. Nancy A Novel. By Author of "Red as a j Rote " 75 cents. I Jos? ph iho Jew ? A Novel. 5l) ci Uls. ;Jf? at Lad) -A Goiiuur. Novel. 73coiits. j And other now books. IU c 30 Lumber and Laths. HAYING a Inrg. quantity of UUJLDING LUMttER ami i.AillS on hand, per. I sons wanting the same r.tn be supplied, at I short police, orde rs lelt nt my KeH le nee Ion Mr.in street, near the lirtw (iOVeiiiieeni Pool Cilice, oi sent t>y mail, will tu.? t prompt attention. Terms cash. Novit". S?>" w LOWRV. To Rent or for Sale THE HOUSE.iu tho comer of Lady | and Assembly Streetz. Possession given immediately. Applv to i Dec 10 It. A W>C SWAFFIEL1). Just Received, c> AN oxtra fine lot of Kentucky ^WA MULES and HORSES, some of which ftlLiiJyi Ut 11 ^roko. they may bo seen at Uu*rlos Logan's Stables, eorn-r Senate and Assembly streets. Novl2 W. S. A L. TAi.BOTT. Mills House Stables. tfa. JUST rece ived at the above 8ta- I Hffltt Ides, twr ntv head fine KENTUCKY ?V.yT-MlTI.EM most or which arc well broku Will bo sold cheap for cash, '.opt 13 J. N. LONG. Agent. Bad Weather, Bad.Coughs, Bad Colds STANLEY'S celebrated COUOH BY**.UP will cure Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Con? sumption. It is t lie remedy, without any ex? ception. Stanley will -av co. (lit it m.|\ at HEINITSH'S Cheap Drug Store Nov IS i (ENIX Event." VOL. IX?NO. 2g4 For Sale, FUBNITUBE and LEABE, with the good will, ol the FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Cam dou etroot, near tho Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad Depot, Baltimore, Maryland. In conn cqucnco of an aflliption, arising from his lato sickness, the undersigned has concluded to dispose of his interest in this desirable and convenient house. This house is pro? verbial for good order, cleanliness, good table and polite attention. It is in guodcon dition, thoroughly and well furnished, equal to any similar bouse in the country, water conveniences and gas upon every floor. This house has a capacity to accommodate 250 gueats. There baa been expended within the last twelve months $2.000 in carpeting, papering, painting, Ac. The bar and billiard room (two tables) and barber-shop have been thoroughly renovated. The reputation and business of this bouse is nu tho increase and a prospect for a large spring trade. A rare opportunity offers to any man of enterpriae, and terms reasonable. For further particulara address or apply te Jan 11 9t B. 8HABE. Proprietor. A CARD. Change of Rase?Gone to the Front. THE subscriber BCBpcctfully informs hie fiiends and patrons, that he has remover! from tho corner of Assembly and Plait strcots to tho brick store immediately oppo site the New City Hall, Main atreet, and re? turns bis grateful thanks for the liberal pa? tronage received wbilo holding forth at tin memorablo old ration bouse of February, 18G3; and hopes, by attention, perseverance and promptness, to merit a continuance ol that confidence heretofore reposed. Ho will bo ploascd to receivo consignments of any and cvory kind of Merchandise, Pro? visions and Heal Estate, for either private oi public sale. Will also attend to the renting of dwell? ings, collection of rents, Ac. His charger shall he satisfactory to all. JACOB LEVIN, Geuoral Auction Jan 1 tC And Commission Merchant. MASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE, COKESBCRY, AlinKVILLK, S. C. . cuanTKBEU 1853. TWENTY-FIBHT annual ses tesion opens WEDNESDAY. 21st ol (January, 1674; closes last Wednes? day in October. Expenses for torm of fort; Primary Department, $25; Academic Department. $35; Collegiate Department $50; Music, $40; Board, $12 to $15 per month. French and Latin free. For oiroulars applj to W. OHBI8TIE BENET, Dec 11 i.} tl f Principal. $100,000 IN FOR CLOTHING Wits, GESTS' FIRSlSniXG GOODS, Si BOUGHT since the great decline, and we ate selling tin m at the very lowest price* for cash. We intend to give, our cus? tomers tho advantage of the LOW PRICKS. Come and nee our stock. We consider it a compliment for persons to call and sen our goods KIN A BD ,1 WILEY. CLOTHING ! DRY GOODS ! i;kmv Kt itMSHtvr; goods: LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS.' fllHr. undersigned, equal to the wants ol 1 hi- Iriends and the public in general, bus re-opened on Mam street, at the stand lormerlv occupied bv John 0 Dial, with n large and well-selefed st. cl> < I DBY GOODS. CLu I ti I Mi an i OI Nlh" 1 UHNISHING GOODS, which he i-tlcis at pi ices that def) competition. Iiim i din:1} m.-:< itiug a sh.m of the patron?u< liiOiinv > xt< nded lo him, ho promt!"'* lud cutirlai'iii it in all that fa? vor him will n call. H. GOODMAN Oct >1 EMERSON'S SINGING SCHOOL. Fitter. ".ri Cxa , on ?7.50 F?ll Doz. I- > t'OMPl.KIK, ( HKAl' AND UsHFIU. Hot K FOB MNOINO SCHOOLS. NOW is the t tine lo use it, as it has all the material to make tho Winter Hinging School uttractive md nsefnl in the highest dogi i. . 15? L. O EMEltsON System for Beginners ON TUR PIANO-FORTE. BY MASON >i" j.11 kinds on the spot. Jan 13 16' V ??? f AMD' WILL Always be Found AT THE GRAND CENT RA I> DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT 'CTSff. D. LOVE &. GO WE would respectfully annonu.'? to our patrons that, notwithstanding our EXTENSIVE BALES during tho past month, OUU SIOOK fa still COMPLETE in ?II the DEPARTMENTS. New Goode received daily. Onatomers are requested to examine our CHOICE ASSORTMENT before purchasing, as wo ALWAYS have a groat mauv GOOD8 needed in every family, at POPULAR PRICES. Preparatory to taking our yearly inven? tory, we will diapose of a great ruauy Goods, at VERY LOW PRICES, at the . The Grand Central i Dry Goods Establishment of WM. D. LOVE A CO., Under the Wheeler House. 1 WM. D.LOVB. Ii. B. MoUREERY. I N. B.?CARPETS Belling very low to re? duce atook. _ Jana I Extraordinary AND IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT I a* tun ,' OF > DRY GOODS ' AT AND BELOW COSTIL THE continued preaeure of bard tines compels ns to make thia MOST ALARM ,ING SACRIFICE, but as wo must have money, in order to pay our creditors, ft? will (give tho public such an opportunity to sup ' ply their many wants aa they have -never be toro had in tho history of this city. I Useful pattcrna DRE8S GOODS at 12,15; '20, 25 cents?worth double. I SILK BALERNAS, BERLIN CORDS and/ EMPRESS CLOTHS. 37 cents?half price. JAPANESE SILKS, 25 cents, (astounding bargain,) 50 and 75 cents?way down. 81LK PONGEES. REPTARRAS, CASH MERES, (all new shades,) 75 cents?worth, fl 25. FIGURED EPINGLES, (a beautiful North- ? ern novelty,) 60 oenta?cost us 75. A large fine of CLOAKS and JACKETS, w* offer at 25 cents on tho dollar. ' ' A fnll assortment of FUR8, at scarcely .Half New York prices. Twenty boxe? or LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS will bo sold at 5 and 10 cents?worth, i(our times the money. I House-furnishing Gooda, aUhonsh quit* ,staple, we have marked BELOW COST. ; They include a line line of LINEN DOYLIES, at 60 cents and 51 00. Also, large Ma wei?es? BED SPREADS, from ?1 50 up. a able and Piano Covers, with' other upholstery essen? tials, we will cloee out at, one-half their original valuo. I Oor entire stock of MILLINERY, R1B IBONS, FLOWERS, LAOE8, Ac , will be of jfered at such pricoa as cannot fail to effect a. clearance. We have only enumerated a few 'ending {lines, but the whole Stock is offered without any reserve whatever. Cash must be paid 'on delivery of goods; from this, there will b* no deviation. Parcels shall bo delivered in ,the order in which they are bought. All parlies owing us money must call an?' settle, or we shall be compelled to resort to lother measures. Dec IB ; J.iH. KINABD &C(X ; CONGAREE IRON WORKS, ? OMUIBIA. S. C. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. MANUFACTU? RE It OP STEAM & ENGINES, SAW AND GRIST MILLS. Gin Gear-N r^ing, and all kinds ?J9 ot Iron Caaliagts tor M aaliinery sod Ornamental Ca stings foi Stores und Dwell? ing?, Pali nt Hollings fos Calden? and Ceme? teries, Iro i Settees an an v North or Puutb. Works ut foi l oi Lady street, and near to ^onth Carolina and Greenville and Columbia Ituilroad Compaides' Pt-pot*. N?v 18 MILLINERY. First Pnzi Awarded nt Fair of 1873, MRS. C. E REED has opened tine assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Child nn> BON jNETS, Hals. Cups, Cloaks, Bed ? ingotes, Furs, Under-wear au? llair of all descriptions; also-. Mis. Moody's sod oi her ?tylet? id Corsets. All of which will be sold at reduced prioen Mrs. Rted was awardeii the bighvrfr premiums at the'State Fa is for the tea*. I MiUtnerv. Oet 23^me Jewelry! Jewelry! Jewelry!' WM. GLAZE, a T his new store, Main street, nearly op A. posite the Central National Bank, han i a large and beantitul stock of tine WAICH 18, .?stein and key winders, from tbo beatrEn , ropeau and American manufacturers, and of-* ihls own importation, in gold and silver caaes. ? Elegant JEWELRY 1 An unrivaled asiort ,'rao?t juat received, and all the latest styles.. 'sterling SILVER-WARE, in sets and cases. Bridal Presents, and a very fins selection oi elated-Ware, Gold Watch and Neck Chains, J Lockets, elepant Seal, W< Idingand Engage? ment Rings, large stock of Spectacles ann iRve-Glasses, Cloeks, Musical Boxes, and ? (great variety of Fancy Articles. My stock ia jtbe largest and best selected in-tho Southern country, and will be sold as cheap as tho owni' article can be bought anywhoie. Pel 24_ Family Flour. ,/sfyTl 100 URLS. Extra Family FLOUR. HnWzstl 100 barrels low priced, but sound. SMBI For sale by HOPE A OYLES