?THE PHOENIX* Every WadndBday Morning, ' BY JULI AN A. SELBY, Editor and Proprietor, Office on Eiohardson St., near Taylor. , ,. . *?? ' ? tar Xaa Phouox is the oldeat Daily Paper in ?o utb Carolina, haa tbo lauokst c mo Option in the upper portien of the State,, and has been regularly iBsned since ita inception? March 21,1805. HOT Book and Job Printing ol every de? scription faithfully attended to. r '.'' TV, 8ubsob1ftiok. Dally, alt mbnthB, $4 CO; Tri-Weekly, 2 50; Weekly, 1 50. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted In the Dally at $1 per square of nine lines for flret, and 50 cents eaoh subsequent insertion; not exceeding five line a in length, 75 cents. Long advertisements by tho week, month or year, at less rates, Marriages, Funeral Invitations, i.e., $1. aobkts. E. H. Bates, Union. Julius Poppe, Anderson. H. W.Lawaon, Abbeville. Robert Bryoo, Hpartauburg. D. D. Moore, Book HH1. J. A. Qrigaby, Bldgeway._ . How the Baby Cams. The Lady Moon came down last night? She did, you needn't donbt it? A lovely lady dressed in white ; I'll tell you all abont it. They hurried Len and mo to bed, And aunty said, "Now, maybe That pretty moon up overhead Will bring u8 down a baby. "You lie as quiet as can be ; Perhaps you'll catch her peeping Between the window-barn, to see If ell tho folks are sleeping. And then, if both of yon keep still, ' And all the room is shady, She'll float across the window-sill, A bonnie white moon lady, " Across the sill, along the floor, You'll see her shining brightly, Until she oomea to mother's door, And then she'll vanish lightly. But iu the morning you will find, If nothing happens, maybe, She's left us something nice behind? A beautiful atftr-baby." We didn't just believe her then, For aunty's always chaffing: The tales she tells to me and Len Would make you die a-laughing. And when she went out pretty soon, Leu said, "That aunty's humming; There, ain't a bit of lady moon, Nor any baby coining." I thought myself it was a fib. And yet I .wasn't oertain ; So I kept quiet in the crib, And peeped behind the curtain. I didn't mean to sleep a wink. Bub all without a warning, I d ropped right off?and don't you think, I nover waked tili morning 1 Thea there was. annty by my bed, And when I climbed and kissed her, She ^Iaaghed, aid said: ''You ?loep y - You've got a little sister! What made you abut your eyes so soon? I've half a mind to scold you? For down aho oanie, that lady moon, Exactly as I told youl". And truly it Was not a joke, In spite of Len'a denying, For just tue very time she epoko, We heard the baby crying. The way we jumped and made a rush For mother's room that minute I But aunty stopped us, crying: "Hush! Or elae you shan't go in it." And so we-bad to tip-toe in, And keep as awful quiet. As if it was a mighty sin To make a bit of riot. But there wa9 baby, anyhow? The funniest little midget! I just wish you could poep in no w And seo her squirm nud fidget. Len says ho don't believe it's true (He isn't such a gaby) The moon had anything to do With bringiug us that baby. But seems to me it's very clear, As clear as running water? Last night there was no baby here, So something mnst have broocht her! [Mary E. Bradley, in Christian Union. -. ? - Mrs. Livermore is onr authority for saying that thousands of women are married to men for. whom thoy don't care a copper, that they may get a home. Columbia Music Store LyBrand & Son TAKE pleasure in calling tho attention of the public to an examination of their STOCK or MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, con? sisting of Pianos, Church and Parlor Organs, Melodeons, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, AoccrdeonB. Brass and Silver Band Instru? ments of all kinds. Also, Sheet Music and Instruction Books for every class of Musical Instruments On hand at all times. We are Bole Agents for the State of South Carolina of Estay & Co.'a COTTAGE ORGANS. Sheet Mnsio sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of prioe;and all Kinds of Musical Goods sent by Express, when ordered, to any part of tho Htftto, marked 0, O. D. Good Second-hand Pianos and Organs for Bale cheap, for cash. Pianos, Organs and Molodcone Tuned and Repaired in a satisfactory manner; and will give especial attention to Packing, Bemoviug and Shipping Pianos for other parties to any point desired, at moderate pi ices. Ail orders promptly attended to and satis? faction guaranteed to those favoring ns with their patronage. Send for our oatalogueof Bheet MubIo and Mnaioal Merchandise. Bi ehardson street, a few doors ?bove Phosnix office, Columbia, B. O._Not 7 Oorn Whiskey. 13URE MOUNTAIN OOBN WHISKE?. . Also, a lot of roar year old MALT OOBH WHISKEY. Warranted pure. AnglS JOHN O. SEEGEBS. Change of Eoheduie, THiU^flT?Iaoiy^ CoM)wm, motet IB, 1878. Obspgeef Sohcaale to go into effect os n?l?nt: b tbain, .v.T. v.v. .8.4$ an ;tr...^......:.4.20pn> Leave Charleston at. (v............. 0.00 am A rrive at Colombia at.600 pm nxqhtexpresb, frbioht and accomsodation tbain, [Sundays excepted.] Leave Columbia. .7.15 p m Arrive. .6.80 c m Arrive Charleston 7.10 pm Leave.. 6.46 in Oamden Train will run Monday/Wednesday and-Saturday, as followb: Leave Columbia at.. 1.50 pm Arrive at Camden at. 6.85 pm Leave Oamden at.6.50 am Arrive at Columbia at.11.60 am 8. B. Piokins, General Ticket Agent._ Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta R GENERAL PABSENGEB DEPABT., Columbia, 8. C, October 24 1873. THE foHowing Bchednlo will be operated on and after Bunday, October 26: qoiho nobtu. tbain no. 2. tbain no. 4 Leave Columbia.11.40 a m 0.06 p m Florence.14 40 p m 2.10 k m Flemington.18 60 pm 6.27 am Arrive Wilmington.10.45 p m ?7.15 a m No. 2 Train m&keB close connection, via Richmond, to all points North, arriving Now York 6.40 A. M. No. 4 Train makes cloeo connection, via old Bay Lino and also Rich? mond, to all points North, arriving New York 4 25 P. M. goino solth. tbain no. 1. tbain no . 3 Leave Wilmington.4.60 am fO.lOpm FlemiBgtou.*6.60 a m 7.40 pm Floronoe.10.40 a m 11.37 p m Arrive Columbia.18.10 n m 4.00 a m Making olose connections at Columbia for all points Senth and West. Through tickets sola and baggage checked to all prinoipal points. Pullman palace simper eon all night trains. 'Breakfast. IDinncr. fSnpper. E. It. DORSEY, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. JAB. ANDERSON, General Sup't. The bhort Line Schedule. charlotte, COLOMBIA A acoobta R.R. Co., Columbia, B. C, October 24,1873. THE following Paseen nfgor Schodulo will boopc rated on and after SUNDAY, the 2Gth inet : ooino nobth. Train No. 2. Train No. 4 Leave Auguata.6.80 a m 4.15 p m Granitevillo.*7.33 a m 5.11 p m Batesville.9.43 a m 17.22 p m Columbia.11.58 am 0.37 pm Chester.14.28 pm 2.28 am Arrivo Charlotte.17.08 p m *5.15 a m No. 2 Train makes close connection, via Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York at 6.40 A. M.; also, ria Raleigh and Old Bay Line, arriving at Now York at 4.25 P. M. No. 4 Train makes cloeo connec? tion, via Richmond, to all potato North, ar? riving at New York at 4.25 P. M. ooino sooth. Train No. 1. Train No. 3 Leave Charlotte.*7.00&m 0.10 pm Chester.9.54 a m 11.38 p m Colombia.12.48 pm 3.40 am Batesville.4.57 p m 5.43 a m Granitoville.17.15 p m ?7.48 a m Arrive Augusta.8.05 p m 8 45 a ni 'Breakfast. JDinner. tBupper. South bound Trains connect at Augusta for all pointa South and West; Through tickets sold and baggago checked to all prin? cipal points. MS" bleeping cars on all Night TrataB. E. B. DORSEY, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. James Anderson, General Sup't. Piedmont Air-Line Railway.' CONDENSED TIME '-TABLE, Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W.,N. O. Division, and North Western N. O. B. W. GOING NOBTH. stations. vail. express. Leave Charlotte.7.10 P. M. 6.25 A. M Leave Salisbury.0.50 P.M. 8.34 A.M Leave Greensboro.1.40 A. M. 11 10 A.M Leavo Danville.4.32 A.M. 1.52P. M Leave Burkville.9.44 A.M. 6.40 P. M Arrivo at Richmond.. .12.45 P. M. 9.30 P.M GOING SOUTH. Leave Richmond.2 SO P.M. 5.10 A.M Leave Burkville. 6.34 P.M. 8 28 A. M Loavo Danville.10.41 P. M. 12.57 P. M Leavo Greensboro_2.15'A.M. 4.00P. M Leavo Salisbury. 4 67 A. M. 6.22 P. M Arrivo at Charlotte... 7.20 A.M. 8.30 A.M GOING EAST. Leavo Greensboro_1.45 A.M. 11.10 A.M Loavo Company Shops 3.86 A. M. Arl2.201'.M Loavo Raleigh.8.05 A. M. Arriveat Goldsboro.. .11.05 A. M. GOING WEST. Loavo Goldsboro.4.C0P.M. Leavo Raleigh.7.45 P. M. LoavoCompanyShops 12.05 A. M. 2.15 P. M Arriveat Greensboro. 1.30 A. M 8.HO P.M North-western N. C. It. lt.,SuItiii Brncli Loavo Greensboro_. 3.40 P.M Arrivo at Kernersville. 5.10 P. M Leavo Kernersville.9.00 A. M Arrivo at Greensboro.10.o0 A. M Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire iongthof road. Express daily between Com? pany Shops and Charlotte, Sundays excepted S. E.ALLEN, Gen. Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Tai.cot, Engineer and Gen Knp't. Greenville and Columbia Railroad PASSEN a E It _STRAINS run doily, Sundays excepted, connectmg with Night Trains on South Carolina Railroad up ?ml down; with Trains going North and Hbutl no Charlotte, Columbia and Augufcta rid Wil? mington,Columbia and Augusts Iiailrcads. vp. Leave Columbia ill. 7.15 a. ni Loavo Alston. 9.06 a. in Leave Nowbcrry. 10.40a. in Leavo Cokeabury. 2.00 p. in Loavo Bolton. 3.60 p. ci Arrive at Greenville.5.30 p. in down. Leave Greenville ?t.7..10a.m Leave Bclton. .? no R\m Leave Cokesbury.11,15 a. ni Loave Nowberry. 2.80 p, in Leavo Alston.4.20 p m Arrive at Columbia. 6 (Op. tu Anderson Brauch and Blue Bidye Bitinioi, DOWN. Iii'. Leave Walhalla. 5.45 a.m. Arrive 7.15 p. m Leave rcrrjville 6.25 a. m. 6.35 p. m Loave Pcndleton 7.10 a. m. 5 CO p.m Leave Anderson 8.10 a. ni. 4.50 p. di Arrive at Bolton 9.00 a. m. Leave 3.60p.m| Accommodation Trains run on Abbeville ! Branch Mondays, Wednesday s annFridars. I On Anderson Branch,bet ween lielton and An- j doreon,Tuesdays, Thuredava and Saturdays. ' THOMAS DODAMEAD, Gen. Hup. I Jabez Norton. General Ticket Agent. SummerSchednle S.& U.R.R., DOWN TRAIN UP TRAIN Arrive.Loavo Arrive Leave | Sp&rtanbnrg.. 5.30 5.25 Batesville. 6.00 6.00 4.?8 4.631 Pacolet. 6.08 6.IS 4.40 4.45 |Jonesville. 6.43 0.48 4.06 4.10 Unionville. 7.26 7.60 8.06 3.21 Santao. 8.20 8.26 2.30 2.85 FiehDam. 8.40 8.46 2.10 2.15 8heUon... 0.16 9.20 1.86 1.4C Lyles* Ford... 9.40 9.45 1.12 1.17 Strothor. 10.06 10.10 12.50 12 55 Alston. 11.00 1<).0? Choice Wines. K/1 BA8KETSIHEID8IOK CHAMPAGNE, tJ\J 10 cases Sparkling Oatawba. 10 eases "Vix Bara."10 oases "Red Seal," 10 oases "Kelley's" Island Wine. 8 casks "Harmony Sherry," 2 oasks "Amontilado Sherry," 2 oasks"Resere Madeira." For sale bV HOPE & OYLES. BUT SiT8l8tfHMTffl?I681ffl ?-:fi oi ?RtiRifb pri iteiiam ?At r.'i $iiifefd; -tv/rvf- .? ? '. t?i I ?' oi iItjIo n ,????!??] elniirflA; .Iii.t: ? ' ? i l-?rti?-ii'> .??Mji ,/'(: ::Ti>i I /??-?!!- j .1 : v. ?? i&f > STON, S. O, > t t. ; tcd'A^b FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, SEW YORK, BOSTON AMD ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANTJF?CTTJB.1K0 CITIES. Tiirte Times a Week from Ntw YoiIt?Tatidsyi,Thnndtyi and Ssiurdayi. 43-KIeg.ant Slate ltoom Accommodation*. Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Honrs Shorter, "via Charleston." TOTAL CAPACITY, 40,000 HAl.KS MONTHLY. I The South Carolina Railroad Company, AND coDDectiDg Roads West, in alliance with the fleet of thirteen first clasB Steamships to tho above ports, invite attention to the quick time and regular despatch afiurded to the businesspnblio in the Cotton States at the 1'OltT OF CHARLESTON, oiTeiing facilities of rail and sea transportation for Freight and Paasc-nttii* not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other port. The following splendid Ocean Steamc-ie are regular)} on the line: TO SEW YORK. MANHATTAN.M. S. Woodbull, Commander. CHAMPION.B. W. Lockwood. Commander. CHARLESTON.Jaiuttj Berry, Commander. JAMES ADGER.T. J. Lockwood, Commandi r. JAMES ADGEB St CO., Agents, Charleston, 8. C. GEORGIA. S. Crowe II, Commander. SOUTH CAROLINA.'J . J. Beckett.Command) r. WM. A. COURTENAY, WAGNER, 11UGER A CO., Agents, Charleston, b. C. TO P H 1 L A O K L 1' It I A. Iron Steamships ASHLAND.Alex. Hunter, Commander. t . EQUATOR.C ilincklev, Commander. Sailing Dbvb?FRIDAYS. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BALTIMOKK. FALCON.Hainic, Commander. SEA GULL.Dntton, Commander. SailiDg Days?Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BOSTON. Steamships MERCEDITA and FLAG. Sail every Saturday. JAMES ADGEK it CO.. Agents,Charleston, S. C. r.at.cti guaranteed as low as those of competing lince. Marine Insurance, one-halt of one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AKD THROUGH TICKETS 3an bo had at all the principal Railroad OfJlct-b in Georgia, Alabama, Tcnncescc and Mississippi. Stato-RooniB may be secured in ndvar.ee, without extra charge, by addreseing Agents of j ho Steamships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all castir, tin J.ailroad Tickets should he ?xclmnfied and Berths apeicncel. The Through Tickets 1 v ;Lit? tcute include Transfers, Heals and State-Boom, while on 6hip-board. THE SOUTH CAfC.OI.INA RAILROAD, GEOIIO'IA h.nutOAl) Vnd their connecting lines, have largely increased tbeir facilities for the rapid movement] >f Freight and Passengera between the Northern cities and the South and West. First Jlaas Eating Saloon at Branchville. On the Georgia und South Carolina Railroads, first :lass Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred fiom steame r to day and night traiiiH of the South Carolina | lailroad. Close connection made with other Roads, de-live 1 .Lg Fl eighth at distant points vith great promptness. The managers will use every exe-rlie n to satisf} their pain us that bo lino vi* Charleston cannot he surpass d in despatch and the safe deliver; of goods. For further information, apply to T. J. Gnims, Western Age-nt, Atlanta. Ga ; B. D. fl ahkll. Oeneral Agent, P. O. Box 4.979; Office 317 Broadway, N. Y.; S. B. Pjciunb, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. South Carolina Railroad; or J. M. Sil kibk,Superintendent jrettt Southern Freight and PauBengor Line, Charleston, S. C. Jan 30 4 ly Wheeler House?Prices Not Reduced! THE PROPRIETOR OF THE WHEELER HOUSE would respectfully inform tho traveling public, that, in order to maintain the character of his Hr.use as a First Class Hotel, he will continue his prices as heretofore, and guarantees to give that ?atiifaction which has lecnred to the Houee the reputation it now has. July 30 T. HI. POLLOCK, Proprietor. RETURN OF T Columbia---One Day Only?1 THREE GRAND PERFORMANCES, A TOWERING GIANT j TIB EMI 12 CENTRE-POLE TIM GREAT EASTERN MENAGERIE, Museum, Aviary, Circus, Roman Hippodrome, D EGYPTIAN C A R A VAN! ITS augmentation the past winter makes it four tiim-.s larger than last year, and then it was confessed the- Monarch Mastodon ol the road. Ovei :1 HOO.OCO bavu be. n expended to make this the meet stupend?n? and greatest Wot hi ! >.;- .-tin.n rvcr attempted; and an immense Twelve Centre-Pole Pavilion, covering ove-r letir iiom-h ol grotid, are! measuring 168,000 vardsed canvas, is required to exhibit its thirty-one dens ol living Wild Beast*, breathing Se? Monsters, Flumaged Birds, 1- I? r h-< ?atinu !?? |Ull??, and the colons a 1 DUAL CIRCUS EXHIBITION! marino IT a Grand Combination More Than Equal to 12 Shows in One! To transport tili? G-. i*' .? ? ????? ! < ? i> .1? ?? ami Inr.i e ngines are brought in.i n?tt ?I. ?n i tiir ?i-n. ?? - ell* i ? ?? ? : i are necessary to tli e auccesa of tin- unprecedented enter pi u*. A GRAND TRIPLE MENAGERIE, In four separate Tents, combined with the COLOSSAL MU8FU.M AVI VI. V (>V TROPICAL BIRDS and Caravan of Elophants, Camels, Dromcdari"-*, f Iks llutTnloe*, etc , e-lc Grand Rouble Oircus Performance, IN THE LARGEST HIPPODROME TENT IN THE WORLD! THE ONLY FIRST CLASS HOTEL NOW IN THE OITY?PRICE $4 AiDAY Corner Main ar.d Plain Streets. T. M. POLLOCK,rProprietor;-' ; ROSE'S WM. E. ROSE, Proprietor. HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. O. k ' J ? t V'f i.-JV CIUtOTi .') U tu til ? .1 ... > >>: it'.tUuat n AN Ol HER 1IRST CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY. FARE $2 50 PER DAY, (JAVI I'DJNO OMNIBUS FARE.) SITUATED NEAhTHK OAlTloL. AND IN TUE GENIRE OF THE BUSINESS PABT of the city. ltoseV Omnibus will convey passengers to and from every Train. The La-HoB'Apartments arft complete, with private entrance on Asscinblyetreet. Tbo BILLIARD and BATH BOOMS m o all new and superior to any in the city. April 6 4|ptj$i mm:^W>^ AUGUSTA FLOUR BILLS, Augnitv, On, HAVING thoroughly repaired our MILL, we aro now prepared to offer to tho Trade cur well-known Brande FLOUB: Gilt Edge, A No. 1, Exit a, Tir-Top and OK; MEAL, QBI8T and' FEEDS of all kinds at the very loweBt prices, and invite the attention of buyer*. JOHN M. CLARK A CO., Aug 23 Proprietors. i mo HE FAVORITE! Monday, November 24,1873. AT 10 A. M. AND 2 AND 7 P. Ml ITS FELLOWS! I In Two Rings at tho Same Hour, Under One Grand Pavilion I A DonideGratid >.ntree, two Studs of Ring Horses, Di.al Corps of Equestriennes, Hale Riders, Acrobats (Sjniiiaatif, Clowns, etc. I-re a test Achievement in Arenic Annals Ever Witnessed 1 Ev, rv iUv, at 0 o'clock A. M., an unparallolod PAGEANT AND PR0?E88I0N, OVER TWO MILES LONG, i With cocci .iId t iiti.t-ni. .ii?d D?-ub. Ihre? brais and reed Rands, grand Steam Piano 1 and a lull Muiiil itsii I in Hie Day* or '70; twenty beautiful Women, and 100 horsemen I ami pages, nmno'eii and I .Mowed i?y'the Cavalcade, with their lUgs, banners add para IihtiuaUu, iii'diiii n m. mi i >l iKilnis iooi c in the afreet*. Before esLhin.obidou. a GitAND BALLOON ASOKNiTON will bs given. All i tie lUiiri>*dn itinning into IIa? eiiv luve been arraugeu with to biing people a. .,?.......; f-... f en Mr ... i gieHtlT teduced fai ?. Admission, 75 Cents; Children Under .Tan Yeara, 50 Cents. or A Ticket Wagon will to open On the street from 9 A. M. to 12 M.,when tickets can be purohased thus avoiding tbo tusti on thd grounds after the oponing of the doors. t&~ Doors open mi 10 A M and 1 and 7 P. XI. Perfof nuance sjnimenoes an hour after WNov5 " f "? LKBCH, ageai