The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, October 15, 1873, Image 1

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WniKiB CoLiiTNS.?Somebody de 1 scribes Wilkie Collins, the noveliBt, now i*S ?fe? York; ?a the Ii ?in? image of that old, rooater whose figure-head adorned our fifty cent script for eo considerable a period?the gentle Staunt?n, whose flowing beard and apedtacles endeared the foar-shilling stamp to us, and whose efforts in Mrsv Qn rratt's behalf, ehould never be forgotten, by any one^ who wears .a'pet.&c&.. '. : ,*,v The Mobile Register eaya of Victoria I Wo od hull's ad drees in Chicago: . "Neve? in thetysiory 9? the world? not even in the lowest days of Roman depravity, when poota arid 'artists Tied with each other in the dissemination of the most odious vices?has pen, pencil or chisel reached ouoh a depth of ob? scenity," . , The editor of a new pager in Nebras* ha begins his introductory article with the following sebtonce: "The object in view in the eatabliahment of this paper, ia the procuring c-f maana wherewith to -boy bread and potter and good clothes." It is estimated' that the cost to Eng? land of the Ashantee war will be from JE?jOOO.OOO; 08 a minimum, to ?10,000, 000, orevea ?12,000,000, as a possible maximom. r .. Charleston Oysters. JUBT received, a lot of fresh Charleston OYSTERS, which will be served' up in any style. If the weather is favorable, will keep tbem regu- I larly hereafter, . - - - ? A'. STORK. Octl_. n _ Private Roarding. MR8.WYATTis prepared to accommodato severaL BOARDERS with meals and lodging; also, provide for a number of Table Boarders. Rooidenco on Plain, between Bull and Pickena streets'. _8ept 9 Roasted Coffee. 1 A BARRELS FRESH ROASTED JAVA L\f abd BIO COFFEEB, for sale by ?Bept21 ?_HOPE A GYLES. Ratter and Cheese. 1 {* EBGB ohoiee TABLE BUTTER, XV/ 20 boxes GOSHEN CHEESE. Sept 21 _HOPF A GYLES. "The Atmosphere," BY OandUe Flammauon, illustrated with ten Ohromo Lithograph a and eighty-six Wood Outs. 16.00. , "The Fair God; or The Last of the Tzins," by Lew Wallroe. $2.00. "Lombard Street," a description of the Money Market, by Walter Bagshct. $1.75. "Arthur Bonnieaatle," by J. P Holland. "What the 8wallowB Sat , ?"Leisure Hour Series"?by F. Speilbagen. $1.25. ,vRomauco of Old Court Life in France," by Francis Elliott. $1.60. '?Nina's Atonement," by Christian Readc, author of "Valerie Ajjmer." $1 00. "Artiole 47," aBomance, from?tho French of Adolphe Belot. 75 oents. Charfos Reado'a last novel, "A Simpleton.'. And other new publications received somi weekly for eale at ' ' 8epfla5 ? R.X,:BRYAN'S BOOKSTORE. Beed Rve and Barley. BUSHELS NEW BEED BYE and BARLEY. HOPE Sc. GYLES. 100 i Viewa for the Million. IHAVE just reeeived a tine a-sortmont of ' STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, English and American, colored and plain. Also. ILLU? MINATED ones. R.L.BRYAN. BeptSO ? _j_ fancy Groceries, Spices, Condiments. fTlHESE in full Supply: PRESERVES, Fruit A Jellies. Imported English Sauces and Pickles, Canned Fruit a, Fish and Vegetables, assorted; Mushrooms, Truffles; Curvy Pow? der, Penang Cloves. Mace, Ginger, Red Pep? per: Haina. Smoked Beef and Tongues. Pickled Salmon, new Mackerel, and full stook of Staple Goods, at aa low prices* as any one, and full weights always guaranteed, lag 8ft GBO. SYMMER8. New Mackerel. PA KITS Mese and No. 1 MACKEREL. OVJ 50 Half and Whole Barrels, Is, 2s, Ss. . 60 Boxes Sealed Herrings. 500 George's Codfish. For sale low by . HOPE A GYLES. EXCHANGE HOUSE. /V^) THK undersigned have put, ^kUlf this popular establishment inj 'ay complete repair, and are pre-l pared to accommodate one and all with' eboioe LIQUORS, CIGARS, OYBTERS, FISH and GAME. We have excellent BILLIARD TABLES; private LUNCH BOOMS; FDRNI8HED ROOMS. We em? ploy tbe best cooks and feel I confident of our} ability to satisfy one and all. Pot 8 SOUTHERN A BR AM LETTE. Mocha and Java Coffees. 1 f \ BAGS Old Government JAVA, 1U 10 pockets Pure Mooba. Fer sale low by HOPE A GYLES. T. P. BTOVAXL. < O. Q. HUIX. Flour Made by the Kew Process. . Proprietors of 8 to vail's Exoelsior Hills, 853 - BROAD STRKKT, AUGUSTA, OA. AMONG late improvementb in the [manufacture of FLOUR, by far tbe I i most important is tbe recently-dis 'coveredmethod of PURIFYING MID? DLINGS. This wonderful Invention is des? tined to revolutionize the entire Milling sys? tem in this country. By it a more thorongh separation is effected between the outer husk and the farinaceous portion of the grain, and a Flour is produced of greater and more uni? form purify and sweotuess than oan bo mado In tbe old style, and with no incroaBo in cost. We have, at heavy expenso. introduced this "NEW PROCESS" into our Mill, and are pro pared to offer Flour greatly improved in color und quality over corresponding grades mado in the usual method. Liberal deduotione made on car-load lots. Aug 26 Smo_BTOVALL A HULL. GEORGIA COTTON mn. THE above PBE8S is tbe most SIMPLE, STRONG and DURABLE in the market. Prico, complete, $126. 8end for circular. PENDLETON A BOABDMAN, Patentees and Manufacturers, Foundry and Maohino Works, Kollock street, Augusta, Georgia. Aug 26 Srnoa I f BY J. A; SilLBY. COL The Hewest Goods. ?>?*t THE subscriber begs leave to inlorui %h the citizona and public generally, that -JUL he has j?at returned from the North, with as fine an assortment of FALL- and WINTER GOODS as ever has been offered in this city, via: Fine WOOLENS, Coatiugs, Vostings, Doeskins, Cloths, Causimcres. Ac. His friends and customers aro respectfully invited to examine bis stock, its ho guaran? tees to pleaso the most fastidious. AU suits ordered will bo guaranteed to fit and bo of the best workmanship. Bopt 25_?. D. EBERHARDT. MME.O.?a SILVA and MRS. ALEX. BRADFORD'S (FORMERLY Mas. OGDEN HOFFMAN'S; English, French and German Boarding ami Day SCHOOL for young Ludiosund Children, 17 West 38th street, New York, ro-opeus Sep? tember 24. Application may bo mado by let? ter or personally as above. Sept 12 2mos A Fall Assortment of Crackers At Wholesale Prices. HAVING been appointed agent for the salo of the celebrated Biscuit ami Cracker Manufactory of Tyler Brothers, I am prepared to supply the trade at factory prices. A fnll assortment of those- choice goods now on hand. HARDY SOLOMON. ficpt 28_ THE WARREN HOE. WE have just received another supply of thoso buporior HOE8. Thoy operate on an entirely different principle from the common Hoe, and are the best Gauden, Cot | ton and Cohn Hoe in nae. Oive than a trial and Be convinced. JOHN AQNEW <fc SON. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, WOOD MOULDINGS, 9TAIR RAILS, NEWELS AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARGE STOCK. LOWEST RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. Bend for estimate and price list. KKOOH Si thou mc. 251 AMD 256 CANAL STREET, DC ly" tjiw vor.k city. Just Received, AFRESH anpply of CRACKERS, assorted CANDIES and TOY8. For good BREAD and CAKES, oall at KRAFT'S Bakery. August 8_ CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH CAROL.IRA. Deposits of $1 and Upwards Received, INTEREST ALLOWED AT TEE RATE OF SEVEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, AND BIX PER CENT. COMPOUNDED E VER F SIE MONTHS ON A COO UN TS. OFFICERS. Wm. Martin, President. John B. Palmer, Vice-president. A. G. Brenizer, Cashier. J. H. Sawyer, in general charge. John C. B. Smith, Assistant Cashier. Directors. Wade Hamilton, William Martin, John R. Palmer, A. C. Baskcll, F. W. McMaster. E. H. Heiuitsb, T. E. Qregg, Columbia. G. T.Scott, W. G. Ms.>es, Ncwberry. B. H. Rntledge, Daniel Ravonel, Jr., Char oston. MECHANICS, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Orphans and others may here deposit their savings and draw a liberal ralo of inter eat thereon. Planters, Professional Men and J Trustees wishing to draw interest on their funds until tboy require tbcm for business or other purposes; Parents desiring to set apart small sums for children, and Married Women and Minors (whoee deposits can only bo with? drawn by themselves, or, in case of death, by their legal representatives,) wishing to lay aside funds for future use, are here afforded an opportunity of depositing their means where tbey will rapidly accumulate, and, at the same timo, be subject to withdrawal when needed. ^ng 18 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANE, of COLUMBIA. S.C. Present Capital, .... 1150,0(0 Authorized CapUal, ?. . . . f500,000 OFFICERS. JOHN B. PALMER, President. A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. O. N. G. BUTT, assistant Cashier. TBIS BANK will soon occupy its magnih cent tbreo-story and Mansard Rocf build | ing, now in course of construction on tbo corner of Plain and Bicbarlaon streets, but for tbo present will do business ut its old Banking House, opposite the Columbia Hotel. A general Banking business transacted. Cer? tificates of Deposit, bearing Interest at the rate of Seven per oent. per annum, issued. Notes, Bills of Exchange and other evidences of debt discounted, and money loaned on col? laterals. Stocks, Bonds, Guld, Silver bought and sold. Drafts on all tbo prominent cities in the United States bought and sold. DiBEOTons? Jas. E. Black, John B. Palmor, F. W. MoMaster, R. D. Senn, (or R. D. Senn <fc Son,) G. W. Bearden, (of Copoland A Bear den,) R. L. Bryan, W. O. tjwafllold, (of R. & I W. 0. Swaffleld,) W. B. Stanley, J. C. Seegers; 1 Bamnol MoGowan, Abbeville; James H. Rion, Winnaboro. _._Feh 8 Timothy Hay. 1 fi T0Na CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY, for 11\J sale low by HOPE A GYLES. '?Let our Ju3t ^er.snre ?MBIA, S. 0.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 15, 18 LENT AULA ST! THE NEW SENSATION FOR THE SOUTH! FIRST G?ATil? cO?THERN TOUR OF LENT'S RA ILROAD LEVIATHAN!! TJ V (VSR SA I. 1, I VING B X P O 5 I T 1 ? M CR EAT USD ONLY X B\V YORK CIRCUS AND METROPOLITAN KUSI< BRIGADE'! Which will give TWO Gmnd Holiday Exhihitin-in nt Columbia, Wednesday, October 15. THE Heran Wonders <f Ihe World in b gas-lit. city of t?.? i>t?! An army or ram, ? ii^mn of horsr-a, a nantinent of canvas, I he ^U.bc in c?ptiviu! Two moneiti special expreea trains of MHNAGKKIK, MUSEUM ?nd AUKaIO MARYLLV. $1,000,000 Permanently in7o*ted in osUMiahod '/. toloicioal Gardens, with 500 Animal Captives in thirty double delta, in separate vast and brilliantly illuminated AmpLhht atre, with sate and equally eligible seats for over 5.CC0 spectators, the tl ree steadfast Star Arenas of THE GREAT CIRGUS OF THE GREAT CITY! For the pant sovto suci^ssive winter*, the only triumphant cq lonti ian competitor with the most aristocratic and nopnlar metropolis amusement, ana the one and only continuous legitimate Circus, with a local habitation aud New York name. AIwujn presenting, in un? divided rivalry, the most distiognished Physical Beauty and Equestrian and Muscular Genius and Heroism of two continents. Thofive funniest Pull-crowned Fobl-I A WORLD'S HO US]'. FAIR of Pricc>lKss Thoroughbred Steeds and atomic Ambiaii and Shetland Ponies, unparalleled in presence, spirit and educated action. MEMNON'S MUSICAL JUBILEE! By the Iweuty-live -%ol? Masters combined in Hand and Operatic Orchestra, ltd by Mr. 11 UN Hi" PAGE, the Cornot King. Tin- Master Manager's oriuinal EQUESCURRICULUM AND HIPPOZOONOMADON! Including a Colossal Qoadi npedal Company of Performing H?r???? Titdest Prick Ponies, Educated Fhihant*. Elk. Conti-, SWifTaln, Antelopes mid Ape*, ami :t Canine College of Wonderful Biding and Acting Logs A PLATE GLASS DSN OF TWENTY MAMMOTH 3ERFEXTS! Festooned in whose nrusbtng fohlt? appear, in both performance and psradc, the nnsttri ous mnil iutr? pid ZA N< i a, Stallt?} "e African Interpreter. While if the opi n ri n of Monster Man-Eaters, HERR LEO performs his huge and savage Uongal '1 in? r IVU. I o bive und impartial proof of tho uroportions. re-source and merit <>f lUi* greatest <>! cii ? tin ??, is furnished in the unnnimous praises of the: prt>m< and public; and let joni ? ?i ?>?.- slid . ni h hear witness, at the morning HUGE HIGHWAY HOLIDAY PARADE! Wiln the thrilling Tubbau nl HERR I.KO sn the terrible Tij:i it-" 1 air. si d '/AN(IA in tho awful Pvthmis' Don. Circulate lheg< od nnvc ti nt tl ? CHEA'1 Ks T SHOW ON KA111 II iH coming, and note Mio liberal lact that ONE TICKET, for the- usual price, adnits to the seven distinct Won dor-World Departments. MOT Doors open at 1 and 7. New Yoik Circus Giftbd Enir? r crc-l.r.l' 1 our later. Oct 4 stu4 Hf. : ison, Bradford & Co.'s ST ?.jSXi FENS. Special attention oalled to tho well-known numbers, 500?75?98?90 and %%. Factory, lit. Vernon; Office, 75 John $treet, Nttn York._ Any 7 3mo If Yon Want to Save Money, BUY your GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at HARDY SOLOMON'S. Threshing Mochinos, FAN MILLS, Cotton Gins. Cotton Presses Engines, B. Ring, Smut Machines, Porta hlo Mills, Agricultural Implements and Ma chinery of ?11 kinds, fur sale at mannfac turers' prices bv L?RICK A LOWRANCE, Juno 25 Columbia, B. C. Seniors' Beer is Pure. Tdon'11- Cocolur- lndicus, Fisb.Ber ries, t) . . . ?:? one sleepy or headachy. I (Event. 73. VOL. IX?NO. ffif. 18 Pall and Winter 73. CLOTHING, HATS i AND GENTS' F'JRNMO GOODS!! KIN ARD & WILEY ARE receiving the largest ,aud beat Block of GLOT1I1NG |that has over been offered in this market, and at prices- to sun the times. Wo aro headquarters for FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING. GENTS' FINE UNDER AND NECK WEAR. We sell: THE BROADWAY SILK HAT. Tho colebrated STAR SHIRT, that is uucqualcd for qualitj and fit. We have the latost etylcB, tho best Cnetom-made CLOTHING, and at the most reasonable prices for cash of any house in tho Sta'e._Sept 25 ARRIVAL OF FALL & WI1T1 MS AT It. & W. C. SWAFFIELD'S 3. M CLOTHING AND HAT HOUSE! TEE best and largett stock in tho city. Every garment well mado. It will cost no morotohuy a GOOD SHIRT from this House than it does to buy an inferioronc elsewhere. SHIRTS. DRAWERS, TRUNKS, VALISES, SHAWLS, LUGS, DRESSING GOWNS, AS, etc., etc. Onr CUSTOM DEPARTMENT is in ch.trge ol a first class artist, recently with one ot the best Houses In New York. Wo aro exhibiting a choice eeleotion of CA9HIMERE8 and VESTING8. Sept 21 IL A W. O. 8WAFFIELD.? TO THE FR?NT! Full Assortment Of New and Fresh FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND ??%%\MhVMi AT TilR Clothing Emporium D. EPSTIN. I7UNE DRESS and BUSINESS SUITS in ; every variety; Youths' and Bojb' Cloth? ing; Dress, Colored and Negligee Shirts; Silk, Folt and Wool Hats-latest out; Ho? siery, Gloves and Collars; Ties, Scarfs uud Bows; Trunks, Valises und Umbrellas, and everything that tends to make up a perfect stock. The stj !?-s of Clothing were never s ? hand? some an this season, and we never had bo I complete a st'jck, nor never seid them at ?u small profit. B ing detoimtucd to sustain onr reputation for selling goods at low prices, wo have selected ai;d bought onr stock with groat care, and feel assurt d that every one can be satisfied hv giving us. a call. No trouble to ?bow goods. 1). EPSTIN. Sopt 11? Under Columbia Hotel. The Georgia Gin. ON entering our filth hoason with these GINS, wo hive only to say, that in EVERY case parties .vho have bought them or seen them u*< d have bet U DELIGHTED with them, an I pronounce theui tho BEST thev have any \.< .vledge of. We GUARAN ILL tin ui login us clean, run as LIGHT, GIN us P'.sT and turn out as GOOD SAM I'LL us ANY (HN THAT IS MADE. Please order ? irly, eo as to avoid disappointment, Catalogue and reference forw arded oil application. L?RICK A LOWRANCE, Jane 21 Sole Ag< nt? h>r South Carolina. The "Morris Cotton Gin." HAVING enlarged my business, I again offer the above Oin to tho plautcrs ol South Carolina. Having been thirty-eight years in the business, I fool confident I can plon-4? the most fastidious. My Gins aro war? rants ! to plouse, or no salo. They run lighler, gin cle?riertmake move Hid from the same quantity of seed cotton, than any other Gin made. The price lower than any Gin in tho market. Planters wishing thceo Gipn, will ploaso order early, to avoid delay. Puce, $3 50 per saw. WOOD TURNING of every style done with neatness and despatch, and cheaper than Northern work can bo brought here for. Ad? dress E. MORRIS, JjilyJO^m_Colombia. H. O. dorn Whiskey. 13URE MOUNTAIN CORN WHI8KEY. . Also, a lot of four year old MALT CORN WHISKEY. Warranted pure. Aug 13 JOHN C. BEEGEBS. I INFORMATION FOB ALL! i . ' ? ? > v..t I ft 1 i ? If you Want a Thorough Eewsjaper 8UB80HIBB FOB the phoenix, Daily and Tri-Weekly; of leaned every "Welfaesday, IN COLUMBIA. SOUTH CABOJilKA. in the State, and has been regularly issued since March, 1865. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE; By Telcgrnpb and Mail?, from all -parts i of tho World; together with Commercial akd Market Reports; Busides well selected Misoetjuaiteous and Reading Mattee, of interest to every? body will be found in these publications. THE EDITORIALS Are carefully prepared, by competent writers; whileBpccial pitention is given THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Taken as a whole, no better invest? ment can be made, than a snbscription to one or tho other of theso publications. The following are the TERMS FOR SIX MONTHS. Daily Pncesix..'.. ;$4 00 Tri-Weekly. 2 50 Weekly Gleaner (48 columns)... 1 50 These papers were the first issued in Columbia, in 1865, after its partial de? struction, and have been regularly pub? lished ever Binee. They CIRCULATE EXTENSIVELY Throughout the middle and upper Coon ties of the State, and aro excellent MEDIUMS FOR ADVERTISING. ThePHtEunc has a greater circulation through the opper part of South Caro? lina than any other daily paper published in the State. Merchants and others will find its colomnB an admirable means of communication with the people of the entire up-cocutry. Advertising rates are reasonable and equable. Send adver? tisements marked with the number of times they are to be inserted, and they will be stopped upou the expiration of the lime; and not continued 'to fill up.' Office on Richardson (or Main) street, between Taylor and Blending. JULIAN A. 8ELBY. Proprietor. Have your Job Printing doce at Home! ESrECIAIXY WHEN Style and Price are the Same. the I^hoenix Book and Job Steam Printing Office Th thoroughly supplied with POWER PRESSES of* the Latest Improvement; TYPE of vnriooB grades and styles from one foot to fiftieth part of nn iuch in size; BORDERS. CU I S; Black, Colored and Transfer INK; PAPER. CARDS, &c The proprietor is a practical printer, end employs the mo^f nkilled men in the profession; all woik executed at abottest notice possible, in the latest aud best styles, and at 1? cw York prices. CALL and EXAMINE SPECIMENS of 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sheet Posters, Hand-bills. Programmes, Circulars, Bills of Fare, Pamphlets, Brirf*. Dodgers, Flyers, Letter Heeds, Bill Heads, Checks,. Horse Bills, Receipts, Labels, Railroad Blanks, Legal Blacks* Tag*, Cards of all kinds and sizes? Wedding, Visiting, BnsinesB, Show.