The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, August 23, 1873, Image 1

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Is CnBATTNa with Cards Gambling? A gambler in New York on Thursday, was convicted and senteneed to two years imprisonment and $1,000 fine, and the New York papers are congratu? lating themselves that at last justice has begun to exert herself in that city. In the report of the case it appears that the counsel for defenoe, to get his client off, nsed the ingenious argument that the game whioh was being played was with "marked oards," and, therefore, cheating and gambling are two different things, and that the offenoo was there? fore not within the statute, beoanso, in? stead of men playing at a "game of chance," they played at a "dead sure thing." This failed to effect either court or jury, for tbo gambler, as a. ready mentioned, was convicted and sentenced. We caution our cotemporaries against publishing advertisements from A. .Mo? net, Park Bow, New York. He does not pay up. We can Soripturally say, he has beim "weighed iu the balance and found wanting." liow oil, Pet ten gill, Carleton and Ooe & Wetherill we have always found reliable. Our advice to" publishers is to demand partial ad? vance payments. Mail Arranoements.?The Northern moil opens6.30 and 10..30 A. M.; oloseo 8 A.-M. and 6.30 P. M. Charleston opens 7 A. M. aud 2.30 P. M.; closes C.15 and 8.30 P. M. Wostorn opens 6.30 aud 9.30 A. M.; closes 0 and 6.30 P. H. Wilmington opens 4.30 P. M.: closes G A. M. Greenville opens 6.45 P. M.; oloses 6 A. M. On Sunday tbo office is | open from 8 to 4. P. H. Nattans' Crystal Discovery positively! restores gray and faded hair to its na? tural color in three to ten days. Re? moves dandruff and imparts to the Lair | an elegant and youthful appearance. Warranted to contain no poison. It produces n pleasant and cooling effect on thascalp. Oivo it a trial. You will not regret it. For sale at C. H. Miot's. _A15f6 _Tke "Morris Cotton Gin." HAVING enlarged my business, I again offer the above Gin to tbo planters of South Carolina. Having been thirty-eight years in tho business, I feel continent I can please the most fastidious. My Gins are war? ranted to please, or no sale. Thoy run lighter, gin cleaner, make more lint from the same quantity of sood cotton, than any other Gin made. The prioo toicer than any Gin in the market. Planters wishing these Gins, will please order early, to avoid delay. Price, $3.50 per saw. WOOD TURNING of every stylo dono with neatness and despatch, and cheaper than Northern work can be brought here for. Ad- j dresB E. MORRIS, July 15 3m_Columbia, S. C. The Georgia Gin. ON entering our fifth season with those GINS, we have only to eay, that in EVERY oaso parties who have bought thorn or seen them used have been DELIGHTED with them, and prononnce them tho BEST they have any knowledge of. We GUARANTEE them to gin as clean, run as LIGHT, GIN as FAST and turn out as GOOD SAMPLE as ANY GIN THAT IS MADE. Please order early, so as to avoid disappointment. Catalogue and reference forwarded on application. L?RICK ?fc LOWRANCE, June 21 Solo Agents for South Carolina. Mooha and Java Coffees. BAGS Old Government JAVA, 10 pockets Pare Mocha. For sale low by_HOPE & GYLEij. Revised Statutes State South Carolina. COMPLETE in one volume, 10. ACTS of the Legislature, 1872-73, U. For aale at R. L. BRYAN'S Bookstore. Hams! Hams!! AVIS' Diamond HAMS. Just received and for sale by Aug 0_JOHN AGNEW & SON. GILT EDGE BUTTER! ALWAYS fresh on hand, ind although in procuring this extra quality wo havo to pay more, still we sell at same prioe as the inferior grades usually retailed in Columbia Our grades are all first class. Aug 17_GEO. SYMMERS. Corn Whiskey. IIURE MOUNTAIN COHN WHISKEY. Also, a lot of four vear old .MALT CORN WHISKEY. Warranted pure, Aug 13 JOG NC. SEEG EPS. Western Hay. BALES TIMOTHY HAY for sale low for cash. HOPE & GYLES. Finest EW Extra Mess MACK EBEL,- just ar? rived at HARDY SOLOMON'S. 10 D 100 N Smoked Meats. IVE tiercoa "Davis" Diamond HAMS, 500 pounds Sugar-Cured Shoulders, 500 pounds Sugar-Cured Bacon Strips, Smoked Tongues and Beef. All fresh to hand. GEO. SY.VMERS. F Printers' Ink, STRONGLY believing in tbo virtuo of this article, our customers shall bo regularly posted in our business arrivals. It is often difficult to enumerato tho items on hand, but we can say without egotism, that our stock is the best assorted, and all goods puffed by any house in our lino are on baud and sold on tho most favorablo terms. Moro anon. GEO. SYMMERS. Aug 17 _ j. Q MARSHALL, Attorney at Law. /-\sc..? j.. r-Ti-.. - . , business entrusted to hii ?oroptly attended to. Aug 19 New Rooks! New Books!! A FOODS," by Edward Smith, M. D. $1.75. "Critiques und Addresses," by Thos. Heurv Hnxley. $1.75.. "Old Kensington," a Novol,by MisaThack? eray. $1. ? , , _ ?'London's Hoai t," a Novel, by Fayoon. $1. "Innocent," a Novel, by Mrs. Oliphant. 75. Balwer'e last Novel, "Kcnclm Chillingly." 75 Aud other lato publications for salo at Aug 19 R. L. BRYAN'S Booketoro. For Sale. A HOUSE and LOT in Greenwood. Apply to 8. DONNELLY. Jnly 23 Hi Greenwood, S. C. Just Received, FRESH supply of CRACKERS, assorted ^ CANDIES andTOYS. For good BREAD and CAKES, call at KRAFT'S Bakery. A BY J. A. SELBY. CC THIS unrivalled Southern Remedy is war? ranted not to contain a einglo particle ol Mercery, or any injurious mineral anb stance, but ia I'l UHLY VEGETABLE, Containing thoae Southern Roots and Horba' which an All-Wiao Frovidenco has placed in oountrios whore Liver Diseases most prevail. It will Cure all Diseases cause?! by De? rangement of tUc I.Ivor. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taato in tho mouth; Pain in tho Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Sour Stomach; Loss of Ap notite; Bowels alternatelycoslivo and las: Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do somothlng whioh ought to have been done; Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appoaranco of tho Skin and Eyea, a dry Cough, often mis? taken tor Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend tho disease, at others very fow; but tho Liver, tho largest organ in tho body, is generally the seat of tho disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. This Great Unfailing SPECIFIC will not be found the Least Unpleasant. For DY8PEPS1A, CONSTIPATION, Jaun? dice, Bilious Attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colio, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STO? MACH, Heart-Burn, Ac, &c. Simmons'Liver Regulator or Medicine Is the Cheapest, Pnreet and Best Family Medicino in the World! IIAXCFACTCBETJ only ey J. II. ZEILIN Hi CO.. Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Price, f 1. Sold bv all Druggists. July 12_[Sept 16]_jiriy OBSTACLES TO AIARUIACE_Happy relief for young men from tho effects of errors and abuses in early lifo. Manhood re? stored. Impedimenta to marriage removed. New method of treatment. Now and re? markable remedies. Books and circulars Bent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa.?an institution hav? ing a high reputation for honorable, oonduct and professional ekill._July C 3mo ON the Breakfast, Luncheon. Dinner and Supper Tablo, LEA & PERKINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE is indis?enea ble. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. New York, Oct 29 tly Agenta for the United States. THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST nmplfl experience, nn ontiro success. Simple, Prompt, Efficient and Reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use?so simple that mistakes cannot bo made in usini? them; so harmless as to bo free from danger; and so efficient n* to be always reliable. They nave tho highest commendation from all, and will always reniU-rsutisfaction. Price, inlargethree-drachm rials, with directions: N?>*. Cures. Cents. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 iknoi HO ml 1. Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations, . 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, . . Cry ing-Collc, ovTeetliingof Infants, ?1. Dliirrhcxfi, of .Children or Adult*, . 5. I?>???? nti ry, Griping, Bilious Colie*, . I. Choleru-Morbtis, Vomiting, . . . 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ? . c. Neuralem, Tootliaehc, Fnoeaehe, . . t'. llendnches, Sfrk Headache, Vertigo, 10. iiy?p, juiu. Kilians Stomach, . . . 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periode, . . IS. Whites, too Profuso, . - . 13. Croup. Cmizh, Difficult Bn'aihiti?, . W. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Kruptiou*, 15. RheuntHttsm, ltUetiiimlie Pinns ? ? IC Fever nnd Akhci < hiU Fever, Ague i<- Piles, blind or btecdtiur,. IS. Ophthnlmy, and Soreor \v< nfc Eyes, 19. Catarrh. Acute or Chronic Intliicii/n, SO. IVhooplng-Cough, Vii.!-t.t Couchs, 21. AH hum, Oppressed Breidliltnr, . . 22. Ear Discharges, impaired Heimng, 21. Scrofula, Euh.ive.l ?aiiiKSweUin^, 21. General Debility, Ph> weal vs eatawss, 25. Dropsy and Beuiiiy tieeieii''iw, .. . 2?. S?!n?Slckn?s??Swknesd from Riding, 27. Kidney-Disease, Univel, . . 2i. Kvryotti I?el?IIlty> Seminal v. or Involuntary llUchrirgw, ? 2<?. Sore Mouth, Cauk. r, . . . . . . . ?in vrliiary WenUueaaiWcttinjr tlio B*d, 3l! Palufu'l Periods, with KlKihia*, . . ;>2. Suffering* id Change ot Lifo, . . . . 33. F.pll<P*?y, Hl.ism-. SLA itW Dime,, . St. Diphtheria, I l Bore [Iiroilt,. . 3'? Chronic Congestion* and Eruptions, FAMILY CASKS. Cn?e iMororao) with above 05 large vials Manual of Irtwrtinn?, ? ? ? ? ? Case (Morueci i of 5?? h?m vi i ? an U?** J ? KsTThcse remedies are suit bj the ens* or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address Hu^fiSr?^ Co., And by QE10ER & McGREOOR. Columbia, S. C. , _April 1* fffly Heinitsh's Queen's Relight, The Great Hood Purifier. FOR the cure of all Chronic Diseases. S'cro fula, Ulcers, Chronic Rheumatism, Ery? sipelas, Kidney, Bladder and Liver Com? plaints, Dvspepoia, AfToclionB of tho Lungs and Throat, Female Disorders. Purifies tho Rlood, Restores to Health and Vigor, Clears the Skin and Reautifles tho Complexion. Get tho real Queens Delight, at HHINlTtiH'd, (none other genuine,) Columbia, S. C. July 29 J _ Bonds, Stocks, &c. IBUY and SELL on COMMISSION and my own account, at current rates: BONDS and HTOCKS of RAILROADS, Ronds and Stocks of States and United States, Ronds and Stocka of Cities and other corporations, Bank Notes, Coupons, Gold ana Silver Coin, and approved Claims against tho Uuitod Statee, State and County. D. GAMBRILL, Broker, Main street, Ang 10 *Gmo 21 door South Wheeler House. "Let our Just Censure >LUMBIA, S. 0., SATURDAY Select School for Girls. Standing Street, Columbia, S. C. conducted by tue misses martin. CLASSES formed in Latin, .French, German and Callisthe ioics. Music?Prof. Plate. Modern Languages?Prof. De Hedemann. Begin FIRST DAY of October. Aug Gw Richland School for Boys, Lanvale street, near Park Avenue, BALTIMORE. MD. Both Boarding and Day I'upi-.x Jtecetced, INSTRUCTORS: \Vm. D. Martin, A.M. Graduate University 6t South Caroliua, Principal?Englich and Latin. W. Cary Robixson. Gradnato University of Virginia?Mathematics,Greek and English. IIenky R. Carter, Graduito University of Virginia?Applied Mathematics, Natural Sci? ence and Enginocring. M. Luonce Rabillon?French. M. Lucien R. Peet?German. Mn. A. J. Carnes?Commercial Arithmetic and Book-kooping. PUPILS carefully prepared for collego or for business pursuits. iTho seventh annual session, com Fmeucing September 15, will bo bold in the now and commodious school building, which has just been orectod. For further particulars apply to tho Principal, or consult the Catalogues, which will be sent by him to any address. Aug 10_lmo Williamston Female College, WlIiLIA.MSTO.V, S. C, Will Open Us Third Col'eniatc Year October C, 1873.* Among its claims aro high, healthy climate, pure water, the ^celebrated Mineral Spring, unex jcoptionablo board, mild govern? ment, rigid scholarship, liberal premiums, oauy access, quiet sur? roundings, non-sectariau Christian intln ences, freedom from church and State con? trol, absenco of interruptions inseparable from largo towns, aud the following low ratos for twenty weeks, fn advance: Board, exclud? ing washing and lights, $70; regular tuition, HO to $25; piano, organ or guitar,$20; Latiu, Greek, French aud singinr, gratis. Minis? ters' daughters pay no regit' ir tuition. For a catalogue, address REV. SAMUEL LANDER, A. M., Aug 3 t2mo_President. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA OPENS OCTOBER 1; continues through nine months. It is organized in schools on tho elective system, with full courses in Classics, Literature, Science, (with practice in Chemical and Physical Laboratories,) in Law, Medicine, Engineering, Teaching and Agriculture. Apply for Catalogues to JAMES F. HARRISON, Chairman, P. O. University of Virginia, AI-1 bemarlo County, Virginia. Aug 10 lmo The State Auxiliary Joint Stock Co. Offer the following Speed Premiums, TO bo competed tor during the FAIR to be held Novcmbor 0th, 10th, 11th, 12:h aud 13th of this year: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11. First Race, for 3 year olds, j Mile, best 3 in 5; $200 to first Horse; $50 to second Horse. Second Raco, 1 Mile and Repeat, $200 to first Horse; $100 to second Horse. Third Race, j mile, 3 in 5, for Trotting] Horses who nover beat 2,-15; $250 to first Horso; $50 to second Horse. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12. First Race, 24 Milo Heats, for citizens' purso of $1.0C0; 1750 to ilrst Horse aud $2501 to second Horse. Second Raco for Trotter, ? Mile; host thrco in five for a citizens' purse of $500; $100 to first and $100 to second. Open to tho world. These two purses promised by the- citizens to bo raised aro likely to bring Horses from tho whole United States, aud, as an invest? ment, will Ining twice the amount back, W< look for some gallant liveri from tho North, East and West hero to contend tor these pre? miums. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13. First Rae?, 3 Mile Dash, $250 to lirat; $7: to second. Second Race, j Heats, $100 to first; $23 to second. Third Raco, j mile, 3 in 5, r<>r Trotting Horst.? who never beat 2.5), cl5) to lit Horse; $25 to second Horse. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 First Raco. open to ail, l j Miio Dash, 110 pounds tip; $200 to winner. Second Race, Consolation Purse tor boat< t: Horses only, lj Dash, rbu first; $50 second. Third Raco, .j mile, 2 in 3, for Trot tin.; Horsen who never beat 3 minutes, $100 to llrst Horse; $15 to second Horso. There will be about f1,000 given in Trotting Purses, but the officers will not name the Races till they get an idea ot what Horses ate likely to bo here. Auk IS > Columbia Agency. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., Colombia, 8. C August o, 1S73. EXCURSION TICKETS are on salu irom this point to New Yotk and return, rin Charleston and steamer, at THIR'x Y-FOUR DOLLARS. Good to return until 15th ol October. A. L. TYLER. Vico-Prtsideut. 8. ?. Picken?, General Ticket Agcut. Aug C Oats and Corn. 1f\f\f\ BUSHELS piimo white CORN. ?UUli 800 bushels heavy OATS. For sale low for caBh. HOPE fc OYLES. Harrison, Bradford & Co.'s STEEL FENS. Special attention called to tho well-known numbers, 505?75??8?)iO unit ii. Factory, Mt. Vernon; Ojlice, 75 John street New York._Aug 7 3roo Bagging and Ties. ?3 000 gings uoavy sl*nuaru uag also, Arrow Ties and Baling Twino. Juht re eeived and for sale by AuK_L _ JOHN AG NEW & SON. Cow Feed. TON* SHORTS and WHEAT BRAN, fo sale by HOPE ? GYLES. 5 Attend the Tru MORNING, AUGUST 23, 187 Heinitsh's Great Blood and Liver Pills PERFECTLY tasteless, olegantly coatod, for tbo euro of all Disorders of tbo S to run cb. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Ner? vous Oisoascs, Head-ache,Constipation, Cos ptivoness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inllamma tion of the Bowels, Bilious Fever, Biliousness, Piles, and all Derangements of tho Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Price, 25 cents a box Sold by E. H. HEI NIT5H, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Co lumbia. 8. C. July 29 t Fulton Market Beef. CHOICE Fulton Market BEEF. Juet opened and for sale by AiirJ_JOHN AGNEW & SON. Summer Wines and Fall Stock HOCKS, Ciaret??, Burgundies, Sherries. Port and Maderia Win08; Brandies of Vintage 1S05, 16G0, 1S58 and 18J5. Choice Mellow Whiskies of various brands, ioo'.uding our exclusive specialty, MARY? LAND CLUB?finest extant. jJuly_2t)_GBO. SYMMERS. Choice Wines. pf (\ BASKETSBHEIDSICK CHAMPAGNE, t_}KJ 10 cases Sparkling Catawba, 10 cases "Vix Bara," 10 cases "Red Seal," 10 casos "Kelloy's" Island Wine, 3 cask* "Harmony Sherry," 2 casks "Amontilado Shei ry," 2 caskB"Resere Madeira." For sale by_HOPE &GYLE8. The Cheapest Place in Columbia to Buy HA^' Oaie, Corn, Brun, Cow Feed, Salt. Is at_HARDY SOLOMON'S. Family Flour. 10d BBLS. Extra Family FLOUR. 100 barrels low priced; but sound. For salo by HOPE.v. GYLES Shingles. WE aro now prepared to furnish our first clase CYPRESS SAWED SHINGLES in any desired quantity and upon tho shortest notico. For economy, durability and supe? rior finish, they cannot be excelled. Ship? ments mado to any part of tho country promptly. McMASTER, MONTEITH &. ROATH. March 10_0mo_ Threshing Machines, IAN MILLS, Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, _ 1 Engines, Belting, Smut Machines, Porta? bio Mills, Agricultural Implements and Ma? chinery of all kinds, for sale at manufac? turers' prices by L?RICK A LOWRANCE, Juuc 25 Columbia, S. C. A Manual for County Officer?, FOR Cb-rks, Sheriffs, Trial Justices, Pro? bate Judges, Auditors, Ac, for sale at June M_R. L. BRYAN'S Bookstore. Cheese. -j f \ BOXES primo Dtiry Cutting CHEESE JL\J 2 oases Edenn Cheeee July 29_IGEO. SYMMER8. The Cheapest and Best Place in Colum? bia to Buy CRACKERS, Biscuits, Butter, Cheeso, Lard, Beef, . Tongues,Bacon, Hams, All of the best quality, ie at Juiy^4_ HARDY SOLOMON'S. Columbia Music Store LyBrand & Son 11AKE pleasure in calling the attention of the public to an urtaniii.uti u ?.?! their j STOCK of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, c.?n? eiating of Pianos, Church and I'urloi Organ", Mclodcons,Violins, Guitar*. Banjos, Plates, Accordcon?. Brass and Siivtr Rand Instru* mcnts 61 ?11 kind*', .'.Is , :? bet: Music n:d Instruction Hooks ? : every ..t.,f M-t.-ical Instruments on l>ai <1 t.t :.i t:hn - We in Sole Agents for the Stan of South Carolina of f.stey .v Co's CO IT AG I) ORGANS. She? t Music sent ty mail, 'punt paid, n r< I j t * - : price;and all hinds o| *?!?:?. a!G ? issei.tby Express, w!,< u ordered, to .>?:? ? 1 [State, marked C. t>. D. <i < .'; Seconfi-hai 1 Pianos ind Organs lor sa!< ? heap, lot cash. Pianos; Organ* ami Mo'odeons '!' :; i and Repaired in a satisfactory niatmtr:and will give especial attention to Packing. Removing and Shipping Pianos for othi r parlbs toany point ?h'-ind. at moderattpiiri -:. j All orders promptly attended to and satis I f t>:tioii gnaraulccd to thoac tavorin? us with their patronage. Send fcronr catalogneol Sheet Music and Musical M-reliandif? . Ri? chardson street, a few doo? i tbbvo Piior.sis office. Columbia. S. C._S''"' 7 I HEINITSH'S :. STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINES. 11HE reputation of DR. HEINITSH'S ME? DICINES is becoming world-wide. Our old friend, Mr. Eilhardt, has Introduced BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS in Europe, and s*ys they are the boot medicine for the Blood aud Liver. This is what ovorjbody says. Tho Blood and Liver Tills for" tho Liver, Queen's Delight for the Blood, Rose Cordial for Bowel Complaint, Quaker Liniment for PainB and Aches, Kiua Chill Cure for Chills and Fever. Are for salo at HEINITSH'S Auer 3 1 Cheap Family Drm; Store._ Teas and Oott'eo. ESPECIAL attention paid to the excellence of tho80 domestic luxnriOR. TEAS from 5ft cents to choicest imported at 12.00 per pound. Our PARCHED J\\ A COFFEE is genuine; also, Mocha; stock of P.AW COFFEES varied and sold at low prices OLO. SYMMERS. J.Event." 3. VOL. IX?NO. 13& MORTON, BLISS & CO. HAVE, through their attorneys, endea? vored to establish thoir claims. The ? INDIAN GIRL," by means of printer's ink will trv to show hers. And whilst they ARE GOING TO SELL Tho property of tax-payere, or get tho amount they say is duo them by THE STATE, She wiill prove their friend by colling them SEGARS and TOBACCO at less price than they would bo willing to bid for tho same _AT AUCTION._ CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, OF C O L U M It 1 A , S . C. Present Capital, .... $150,000 Authorized Capital, .... ?500,000 OFFICERS. JOHN B. PALMER, President. A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. O. N. G. BUTT, Assistant Cashier. THIS BANK will soon occupy its magnifi cont thrco-Btory and Mansard Roof build? ing, now in course of construction on the corner of Plain and Richardson streets, but tor the prcecnt will do business ut its old Banking House, opposite tho Columbia Hotol. A general Banking business transacted. Cer? tificates of Deposit, bearing Interest at the rate o? h'evon por cent, por annum, issued. Notes, Bills of Exchange and other evidences of debt discounted, and money loaned or col? laterals. Stocka, Bonds, Gold, Silver hot lit and sold. Drafts on all the prominent eitles in tho United States bought and sold. DittECTons?Jas. E. Black, JohnB. Palmer, F. W. McMaster, R. D. Senn, (of R. D. Senn St Son,) G. W. Bcardcn, (of Copoland & Uear den,) R. L. Bryan, YV. O. Hwafheld, 'of R. i W. C. Swafiield,) W. B. Stanley, J. C. Seegcrs; Samuel McGowan, Abbeville; James H. Rion, Wiuusboro. Feb 8 CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Deposits of SI and Upwards Received, INTEREST ALLOWED AT THE DATE OF SEVEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, AND SIX PER CENT. COMPOUNDED E VEli r SIX MONTHS ON A CCO UN TS. OFFICERS. Wm. Martin, President. John B. Palmer, Vice-Prceident. A. G. Brenizer, Cashier. J. H. .Sawyer, in general charge. John C. B. Smith, Assistant Gabbier. Directors. Wado Hampton, William Martin, John B. Palmer, A. C. Haskcll, F. W. McMaster. E. H. Hcinitsh, T. E. Gregg, James E. Black, Columbia. G. T. Scott, W. G. Mayea, Newhcrry. B. H. Rutledge, Danic) Ravenel, Jr., Char CBton. MECHANICS, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Orphans and others may hero deposit their savings and draw a liberal rate of inter? est thereon. Planters, Professional Men and Trustees wishing to draw interest on their fnnde until they require them for business or other purposes"; Parents desiring to set apart small snms for children, and Married Women and Minors (whoec deposits can only be with? drawn by themselves, or, in case of death, by their legal representatives,) wishing to lay aside funds for future use, are hero afforded an opportunity of depositing their means where they will rapidly accumulate, and, at tho samo'time, be subject to withdrawal when needed. Aug 18 DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, tVOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. BLAROE 3T?CK. LOWEST RATES OiiDF nd !? i WORK ? t hiiat. OLICITF.n. ! prio< lirt. iv gllGII ?>; I'll '.H<.% K. '2.1J an:, f ?Ii. '.n.'.i. sTUtr.T, n i >. v. i;k riTl I KE WARREN HOE. W Tl. havi'jusl received another supply ct ? the-e .--ip r:nv HOLS. They operate >!? an entirely iitierelit principle Irons the ioinmoi) Hoe, !?iid me llio tret Gabdks,CoT ros ANbC.itN Aok m ute. (tire thttti a trial i,rh.c,d. JOHN AG SEW A SON. New Mackerol. F / \ KITS Mess Riid No. 1 MACKEREL. 0\r 50 Hall and Whole Barrels, Is. 2^.Ss. DO Roses Scaled Herrings. fUtQ t\..,,rttn~ l"n lti-b For nah- Vow by HOPF its GILES. SEND for ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, and examine our oricfK, befbro purehas? I ing, as we claim to Veil lower* than any other establishment in the city. Remember the number. 1,-. V. Ri'Ji?< June 2~i - Jin .vi uuci Philadelphia. pppppppppp pppppppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp pppppppppp ppppppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp PPPPPFP ppppppr Tili. Troprietorof llio Piken ix has. tho? roughly fittodnpand rurniehod bia office with latest improved matcrialfor doing all idnds of Printing.!*** RRRRR RRRRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRRRR RRRRRR RRRRR The Type, Herdtr. Ornaments, Cute,Ac., are o' MODERN STYLE and carefully selected. iiinirnimii TTTTTTTTTTTTJII Iliililll inimii iniiini iiiniiii iiiiiiiii iiittttii iiiiiiiii iiiinmniiii iuiimiumi The Presses are f the MO BT APPROVED ?jBHL PATTERNS, B Hoe, Adams J-SBj^KnL and Liber? ty? includ "S^iP^ffia in g Platen Bod aud Cylinder NNNNNN NNNNN NNN NNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNN NN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNN NN NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Professional Men, Merchants and Manufac? turers supplied with any style of work. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT TTTTTTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTT'i TT TTTTTTTTTTTT \ large stock ol every Kind Cards. Card Hoard, white and colored Paper. ,\c.,. ?Ulirt'u.l. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II111I1I11IIII1 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII iVithlhe LARGE AMOUNT OE MATERIAL on hand, the style, quality and com ol work cannot fail tc> give sati.?faction. NNNNNN NNNNN NNN N N N NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNN N N NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Ordere from abroad will receive in mediate attontion, and work promptly foiwardld. GGGGGGGQ GGGGGGGGG GGGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG GG GGGGGGGG GG This is the only jfiHtfak establishment in tho interior of qTT|V tbo Btale whero two, three ami w|Ia^ four sbeot CIR? CUS and SlIOW BILLS, Ac,Ac, can be put up in <fpM*?& good fltyle, plain Black or Color /jog); \ od. ?a-Ccllaod ^pcim LBY. / examine spociiu V"*J*Ww'Y ens of work. J.A. SELBY. jr^** V Proprietor.