Indians, from Mexico; at the ranohe of Mr. Martin, In Wabb CJonnty, thirty mileo North of Laredo, on fche evening Ol the 7th inat., Gaadalope Eliaardo and Carloa Garxa; alao, on tho morning of the 8th inat., by the same parties, Felipe Gonsales, at the ranohe of Captain Oal laghan, in this County." " .'.I "The judge said: 'Mr, Sheriff, fill up the pauel, thero is one juror required.' The two professionals started for the vacant oheir, and one of' them, a Ger? man, get there ahead of his brother American; who foil back towards the oiurk'a deals, ?uu said, soiio vocc, to the clerk: 'Did yon see" th'rt d?d Dutch? man beat me out of my situation?'"1 The railroad traveler will find a reme? dy that ia pleasant and perfectly harm? less, and a sure preventive of the evil ef? fects, from aonstipatioo or . change of water and diet, by. using Simmons' Liver Regulator. - M10j3^l . The latest styles wedding and visiting cards and envelopes, tastily printed, can bo obtained at tho Phcbnix office. New Orleans I lUUforcaeh. HOPE A GYLES.'f Sponges, Sponges, Sponges. BATHING, GLOVE, Carriage, Beef.Ooaoh, Toilet, Grass, Wool, Slate, Zemodra SnonceB, in every variety, for Bale cheap at May 3 j HEINITSH'S DRUGSTORE. Nothing ia great unices it be good. Tho "Queen's Delight" is good; therefore, it la Kreat. Queen's Delight is great, but Heinltsh is greater, because be makes a good and a great medicine. May3t BY J. A. SELBY. OBBTACLKB TO KARRIA?BJ.?Hfcppy I relief for young men from the effeotp of errors and abuses in early life. Manhood restored. ?Impediments to Marriage removed. New me? thod of treatment. New and remarkable re? medies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWABD ASSO? CIATION, No. 3 South Ninth streot, Philadel Iihia, Pa.?an institution having a high repu ation for honorable conduct and profeaaional 1 skill. Mar 2G 3m REC;U L?T0R IF OB OVER FORTY YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLE LIYEB MEDICINE has proved to bo the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for LIVEB COMPLAINT aud its painful off? spring. DY8PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun? dice, BiBous attacks, SICE HEADACHE, [ Oolio, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STO? MACH, Heartburn, CHILLS AND FEVER, Ao., Ac. After years of careful experiments, to meet a great and urgent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine Powders I TUB PREPARED. a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REGU? LATOR, containing all its wonderf ul and valu? able properties, and offer it in ONE, DO I. Li AII BOTTLES. The Powders, (prioo as before,) 11.00 per' package. Sent by mail, $1.04. j JS3-.CATJTION 1 -E? Buv no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR unleeB in our engraved wrapper, with Trade mark, Stamp aud Sigua turo unbroken. Nono other is genuine. f J, II. 7.KILIS & CO., MACON. GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Sold by all Druggists. Jan 30, [Sept. 14] ^Tt ly._ ON tiic Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner and Supper Table. LEA A PEBBINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE is indispenea ble. JOHN DUNCAN'S BONS,New York, Oct 20 jly Agents for the United States. Tax-Payers, Take Notice! EXECUTIONS for CITY TAXES will be is? sued immediately after May in. All de? linquents will, therefore, notice, that to avoid the cost of executions, payment muet be mado before that date. By order the Mayor. CHABLES BABNUM. City Treasurer. To Consumers. 1,000 bushels OATS, ' 2,000 bushels CORN, 80 barrels FLOUR, 75 barrels SUGAR, just received and for sale at lowest prices. L?RICK A LOWRANCE. to Planters. Kf\f\ DIXON STEEL COTTON SWEEPS. 0\J\J 100 Twisters and 6hoveIs. 10 Dow-Law Cotton Planters, from factory. 100 pair Traco Chains. 40 dozen Plow Hames. Whloh we offer at popular pricra Apr 25 L?RICK A LOWRAXCE. For Sale. A HOUSE and LOT, on Taylor, be? tween Henderson and Barnwell atreet?; .fronting on Taylor street 73* feet, run? ning back 155 feet, more or loas. Tbe houae contains four rooma on the firat story and four unfinished rooma ou tbe atcond-story?a very convenient reftidcoce. For particulars, inquire at G. CIEROKS*. April 22_ gardner Hook & Ladder Truck Equip't. ?-??? Absolute Protection from Fire! THE GABDNERia unequaled in portability, simplicity, convenience and efficiency, it Is in use all over tbe ccontry, and baa aavi-d millions of dollars worth of property. Send for Descriptive Circular. JOHN AGNEW A SON, AgentB. March 23_mw*2mt> ?Hands Wanted. ALL LAUORING MEN willing to cut lim? ber will find steady wnr.-i and rcgul&i pay on application to us. McMASTEU, MONTE1TH & ItOATH . March 15_j3mo What is Life Without Health 7 fl^HE buoyancy of youth, the frcahneaa ol JL spring, the luxuriance of tuwmer, the ripeneea of autumu, the maturity ol age, and all the pleasures of life, youth and beauty, spring from this one fountain?Health. I HEINITbll'S QUEEN S DELIGHT la the I great panacea. It is the greatest medicine I evor invented. It cures more diseases than I any other medicine known. Everybody should use it. It is the lamp of life and way to boaltb.. Buy no other medicine. It is the I beat prescription any ono can use. Get it only at Heinlteh's Drug Store. April 17 X K. H. HE1NITBH, Prop'r. Helnltah's Greut Pill, the Liver Pill? Purities the Blood, cures Liver Complaint, [Siek Headache, Bilious Complaints. Try them. Don't suffer any more._May 3j Goofs Medicine is Always appreciated. Everybody speaks in highest pr&ieo of Hein j iteh's medicine. Reasonable in price, good in quality, perfect as remedies._May 8j Klclnltsli'a (Lucca's Delight?A remarks ? bio medicino lor curing all kinds of disoaaea of the blood'. Better than Sarsaparilla. All skin diseaaes, 8crofula, Humors cured. May3t COLUMBIA, S. C. THURSDi ALL GOODS AT 1.1. mm k wi CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAP! \ SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of tho VA ?JL HIOUS LINES WE JJtAL IN.aiprioes to euit every one. B. 0. SHIVER A CO. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS are offered by ae from this dato. R. O. SHIVER A CO. Our largo etock being CONSTANTLY RE PLENISI1ED with POPULAR GOODS. R. C. 8HIVER A CO. The moat COMPLETE STOCK we over owued. R. C. SHIVER A CO. An array of merchandise seldom seen South, and at pricca to euit the public. Call and examine. Pollto salesmen in atteudanco. May 14_It. C. SHIVER A CO. BUILDERS' DEPOT, No. 04 Cliurcli Street, Threa doora North of Broad,Charleston, S. C. E. M. GRIMKE, Proprietor. Lime, Laths, Slate, Garden Vases, Pressed and Fire Bricks, Cement, Hair, Shin? gles, Hangiug Baskets, Flag Stones, Land and Calcined Plaster, Hails, Tile, Chimney Tops, Brain Pipe, die, Mar? ble and Marbleized Mantels. P. O. Box 374 Charleaton, S. C., April 15,1873. THE undersigned bega leave to inform hia friends and customers, that ho has been appointed Agent for tho sala of Messrs. CARLTON, NORWOOD A CO.'3 celebrated brand oPROCKPORT LIME, formerly repre? sented in this market by Messra. Olney A Co.; and now offers for aale a cargo of superior quality, which will be disposed of on the moat reaeonable terms. Orders for any quantity, from one to one thousand dollars, hllcd with promptnean. and eatiefaction guarantied. E. M. URIMKE. April 24_jl3 Southern Warehouse Company, Gervais streit, near Greenville and Columbia Jfcailroad, IS prepared to receive COTTON and other property upon Storage, and to make ad vancea upon the eame. Cotton thipped to thia houae will be stored subject to the order of the owner, and the lowest rates charged for Btorage. All property so atored will be inaured in good reliable companies, if insur? ance is deaircd; and advar.ees will be made at tho lowest banking rates. Our storehouses are so located that dr&yago ia not necessary, and no chargo fur handling will be made. *ir All budineas communications should be addressed to the Treasurer. EDWARD HOPE, President. Edwin F. Gaky, Treasurer. March 3 3m 2 o 0,0oo Iu great varittiea. JtiN"v SLOPS SI GRAND arrival of new and improvcdStaple aud Fancy STATIONERY! Also, due CUTLERY and FANCY ARTI CLES. suitable h r Ladies and Gentlemen. A visit to this n?>u.e ma* amuse andinduce }?>u to pnichate. THE BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY BOOK BINDERT Is in full operation. State. County. Bank and Railroad Cmees and Business Ilona.:? oi all kinds supplied with Rooks, Ruled to any pattern, with printed Ileadii.g, when re? quired, iu h!1 stylce of Biuling, at shortest uotico and living prices. E. R. STOKES. Nor 21_Main stric t. Columbia. K C. Corn Whiskey. I 13URE MOUNTAIN CORN WHISKEY. Also, a lot of four year old MALT CORN WHISKEY Warranted pure. Jan 23_JOHN C. BEEPERS. Seed Corn and Potato Slips. J)K BUSHELS SEED CORN, carefully se iJtJ h-cted fur thirty years, and well adapted to this section. 50 bushels YAM POTATO SLIPS. Maroh30_ L?RICK A LOWBANCE. REMOVAL. GEO. BR?NS begs to inform hia friends, and the public general? ly that he has removed' to the large store formerly occupied by W. D. Lovo A Co., under tho Co Llnmbia Hotel, where he may bo found with a select stock of Watches, Ciocks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Spectacles, fiic. Repairing done in all its branchea. Tricea moderatoand despatch guaranteed. Peb 15 -r3rt)0B Lung*, Coughs, Colds, C >ninmpttnn? All ourod by using Stanley Celebrated Cough Syrup, prepared by Uein?sh, at hia drug (Store. May 3{ Attend the Ti lY M?BNING, MAY 15, 1873. Attractive Goods^ ATxiiiB Grand Central Dry Goods Establishing of XVai. D. LOVE dt CO. WE have added to our stock tho past few dajB, some choico goods, as well as bargains. Will open TO-MORROW, (Monday,) April 28, 1873, 1.000 yards Foulard Silks; beautiful goods, in the new shades. 8,000 yards 4-4 Printed Crotone, at 16} cents a yard. Cheapest goods sold this season. 250 nieooa Dress Goods, from 25 cents to f 1 a yard, in the new colors. Two-Button Elds, at 75 cents a pair. looked Skirts, at 75 oents each. Ladies' Whito .aprons, from 25cents to $1.25 oach. _ Yard-wide White Milling, at 25 cents a yard. Lace Collars, at 25 cents each. Printed Linen Lawns, at 80 and QT* oents a yard, in fast oolora. White Piques,' at 25 cents a yard; fine goods. White Nainsook, at 12? cents a yard. Plain and Lace Striped Victoria Lawn. Embroidered Sots, at 60 cents a set. Club-handle Paranoia. Our Lace and Embroidery department com? prises a Very choioe soiection. Hosiery, in allsizeB and makes. A full lino of Prints and Domestice. ? All aro invited to call and inspect our at tractive stock. Customers will find whatever advertiecd, at tho Grand Central Dry GoodB establishment of W. D. LOVE A CO., " Under Whoeler HOueo. W. D. Love._B. B. McCbeeby. DANCING! Prof. G. T. Sheldon, of Washington City, D. C, WILL give DANCING LESSONS in this city, iu tho hall over thoatore of tho Messrs; L?rick A Lowranco, commencing MONDAY, May 5, 1873. Ladies' and children's classes in tho after? noon?gentlemen's class at night. Persons deairous of joining the classes, can do ao by leaving their names at Prof. Ly Brand's muaic store, whero terms can be ob? tained._?? Apr 24 MILLINERY. Mils. O. E. BEED has opened a fine assortment of Ladies' and Chilflren's DRESSES. UNDER? WEAR, HAIR of all descriptions, Bazaar Patterns, etc., all of which will be sold at reduced prices. Tho public in general arc invited to call and boo for themselves, Mrs. Bced was awarded the highest premiums for Millinery at State Fairs of 1871 and 1872._April 18 3mo C LARETS, ETC Summer Stock of Wines and Liquors, IN FULL V A III KT V . WE beg to enumerate some of our leading brands: CLARETS.?St. Gervais, quarts. St. Estephe, pints and quarts St. Julin, pinte and quarts. Margaux, pints and quarts. Poutet Cauot, quarts. La Hose, quarts. HOCK8.?Lanbenheimer, Hochhoimer, Deidesheimer. These from house of Henckel A Co , Mainz. WHITE WINES.?Latour Blanche, Chateau Yquem, Haute Sauterno", I Brandenburg Froree. CHAMPAGNES_Moet A Chaudou, Pommery A Greno, Obano A Duchatel, And "Imperial" California. BRANDIES.?Brandenburg Freren and James Henneaey, vintages 1SC5,58,35. GIN.?Prince of Orange. I Our stock of DOMESTIC WHISKIES. GINS, RUMS and other LIQUORS AND CORDIALS, not enumerated above, will be found in full cuppiy and at lowest market rates. Our celebrated brand of "MARYLAND CLUB" WHISKEY?for which wo are sole agent*)?always on band. Ita purity, strength and exquisite davor hare made it the favorite brand wherever introduced. Order* toiicitod and satisfaction guarau teed. GEORGE SYMMLBS GREENFIELD'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. THE CARRIAGE stock at tho corner of Lady and Maiu streets has been LARGELY INCREASED Within a few days past, and is now more com? plete than ever before, embracing, in every variety, all the leading styles and quality ol vehicles in demand in this market. The stock of BARN Er S is aleo complete. Prices very low. W. K. GREENFIELD. _FVb2C_ CARRIAGES BUGGIES! C1ALL at the Factory East of the J Post Oflice and examine quality, workmanship and prices before pur? chasing auction goods. Wc c.iftMOf b>: undtrsoOl in good vehicles. M. J. OALNAX, Agent. JOHN AG NEW, Proprietor. .Ian 11 Shingles. WE arc now prepared to furnish our Oral class CYPRESS SAWED SHINGLES, in any desirod quautity and upon the shortest notice. For economy, durability and Bupo rior finish, they cannot be excollod. Ship monta made to any part ui the country promptlv. McMASr&B; MONTEITH A ROATn. March ltl f>mn DR. V. P. CLAYTON OFFERS Ilia professional services to the citizens of Columbia. SO-Ofrieo at CENTRAL HOTEL. Maroh 25_ CHRISTOPHER HAYNESWORTH, HAll 11 KR AM) HAIK-DItKSCKIt, INVITES hie friondn and all persons who are deairous of receiviug a good snAVE or SHAMPOO, to pay him a call at his new rooiiia, in the Wheeler Hone.-. HAIR-DRESS ISO, DYEING, etc., attended to In beet fctjlo. rue Event." VOL. IX?NO. 47. Ahead as Usual! SPB1SG AND SUMMER M ? GOODS! B, & W. C. AREnowexhibiting the LARGEJ3T, BEBT and CHEAPEST STOCK of [MINE, UTS AND GESTS' FL-BNISHIXG GOODS Ever brought to tbia city. Our Custom Department la reple te with a choice and elegant aesort ment of CASSIMERE3 AND VE8TINGS. We are atill taking ordere for thoae PEB FEOT-FITTINO SHIBTS. March 19 New Attractions! New Attractions! The Cry Is Still, They Come ! Every Train brings HI in FRESH HIS tob th? COLUMBIA HOTEL CLOTHING EMPORIUM! JUST arrived a ?ne line of FRENCH. CAS S1MEBE PANT8?the handeomeet lot over acen in Columbia. The colebrated "Webater" DBESS SHIBT, warranted a perfect fit?being ont low in the neok. The "Czar," "Brignoli" and ?'Crown Priuce" COLLARS, in Linen; "Juniata," 'Bon Ton" and "Iron Age," In Paper. STRAW GOODS and NEW NOVELTIES of every description in my lino, at EPSXIN'S, April 4_Under Columbia Hotel. Spring Clothing and Hats'. KIN ARD & WILEY, DEALERS IN GLOTIHXU, HATS, UMBRELLAS, O Alf KM, Gents' Furnishing Goods, CEliEUKATGD HTAlt SHIRTS. Spring Clothing and Hats, NEW STYLE. N1 WE have made special arrange ment a with one of tho largest Shirt manufacturers I to supply our trade with WHITE and FANCY SHIRTS at the annexed pricea, for cash per half dozen; the quality and number of Linen I and Workmanship, we guarantee a perfect fit: A GO, New York Mills. 2,200 Linen, f 10. h 50, W&itiauU, 2,100 Linen, JIG. B Cf>. Tuscora, 2.0C0 Linen, $13 50 O R 63. Masonvillo. 1.800 Linen, $11 50. B 53. Forrcstdalo, 1.GO0 Linen, $10. B 13, Boya' Shirt8,1,700 Linen, $8. A splendid line or Cloth Goata and Do" Pants. Fancy Caasimcro Panta, a beautiful line of White style._Mar 10 New Publications. *EW JUVENILE BOOK8. London odi? . tions, illuatrated. Now standard works for llbrariea. New Novels, in oheap binding. Alao, a froeh atook of WRITING DESKS, Portfolios, Gold Pens, Pen-Knives, Tocket Books, Photograph Albnmsof all sizes, Fanej Brackels and Rook shelves, and a general variety of Letter, Note and Cap Papora, En. volopos and Fancy Stationery, for aale by Nov5_R- L. BRYAN. New Family Grocery. THE undersigned rospcclfn)l5 inform their friends and the.pnb lie generally, that 1 hey have open od a FAMILY GROCERY 8TORE _at the old stand of Campboll A Jones, and would respect fully solicit a por? tion of their pat ronago. Our goods are fresh and will be sold at loweat market pricea. BOWEN A LaFAR. Jons H.Bowen. M, LaFau. Match 11 TTffiPHCrWiX Bo ok .Job a nd Howapa pe j STEAH PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT pppppppppp pppppppppp '?> 1 . ppppp ppppp* ? ppppp ppppp pppppppppp ppppppppp ppppp ppppp ppppp ppppppp ppppprp TLL Proprietor of the PfloniixbM fitted op and' thoroughly furniehed ' h'ia. ofSeo with latest improTed material for execution - of all kinds Printing. BBBBBRRRRB BBBBBBBBBR gBBB BBBBB . BBBB BRBBB BBBB BBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBB BRRR BBBB BBBB BBBBBB BBBBB BBBBRR RRRBB The Type, Berder.Rule, Ornaments, Gute.Ae are of MODERN STYLE andcaref ully selected. TTTTTmriHTTT iniLmi iinmii inniin ramm ittttttti nimm! mrnni inniniiimi TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT mm The Presses are APPROVED Hoe, Adams ty?includ Bed and nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn ? ?nnnnnn of the MOB PATTERNS? l and Liber Ling Platen , Cylinder nnnkn nnnttn nnn nnn nnnnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nnnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnn.nnn nnnnn nnnnnn Professional Men, Merchants. Manufacturers and Mechanics, supplied with any style work TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTITTTTTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT A large stock of Cards,Card Board, Paper, BillUeads.Ac. on hand. iiininiiiiin iimimiiiiii iiiiiiiii mnim iiinim innini iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii IIIIHIIIIILTIl iiniuiiunii With tho LARGE AMOUNT OF MATERIAL on hand, the style, quality and cost of work oannot fail to give ?atisfaction. NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN N NNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Ordert from abroad will receive IMMEDIATE ATTENTION,and work promptly forwarded. . GGGGGOGO GGGGGGGGG GGGGG GGQGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GG GGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG GG GGGGGGGG GG rhUi e the only* tho intorior of two, three and EBB, CIRCUS can be put up in plain Black or and examine apo J.A. SELBY. establish men) in the State where four sheelPOST BILLS, etc., Ac, goodstylo,either Colored. JWOai; cimens. Proprietor.