The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, May 10, 1873, Image 1

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'.' ' "' -Let our ja** Oeii?ur?^,ffi^ Attend the TrueJBvent." " . BY J ^ SEtB^ - ufS COLUMBIA., S. O., BAflURfiffr AtQR^lRa, MAY 10,1873":' 70L. IX^NQj 43 . ._jfrMtmwa&k.-1 Tb? recent investigation of ? Ih? barn! ofc<5olanjbl?^dn?iog tile Ww, fcasgjve rise to tome very extraordinary atyte mente," To QO? wind the evidence o General Wade HaEploh isatonftedireoW irteeleUblo and obno1o*lV0,!iri^rinlg tbo damning, bet dpon the F?deral1 soldiery ol generalHomers, WP?\ it?&^tt Sherman did not give positive orderan? that 'prev effect, ho, at least, took ho p?irifc to ?preye?tJ>what he knew had been ? onani-j 4mdualy. threatened. Notwithstanding General Hampton produces the exploit' conversation, that his corps 1in b Triilitaty'wfly,1 to' that? amafcing band of "Christians whose oivio oropping -outfhas produoed a Col fax and, a Wilsc 'what their aaorament la worth all JL,_ ' vf?rtd h^dW8 through tho ihscrutablo nn ttaekittg of 'Oakoa ^Ameei'and-patdoii it?eo?nianction?Divine Psovidenoeii I > 1? inoa i- u ? . XCkftrlsstaiKJS?v)8s Throughout the South generally there aeeteeto 'be W expectation that'the inj ? ooming cotton crop will be the most iValuAhlo . euer raised . in .the United jBtatee, . The , Montgomery Advertiser intnas (hat the money paid font in its : rawitatd wM not fail shbrt Of $330,000, ? 000." Of "this- sum, about $35,000,000 have gone to the speculators and first . purobasors, leaving $205,000,000 to the producer a. 7 aOaig iii- mm I 'n t 1 i nw?ia 'J(' Eitra Fine French Confections. ti ... ? t . - TV ~arun jtygT received;' a fine selection of BON-BONS. FBUIT8, CARAMELS, CHOCOLATE and CHO? COLATE CUE AMU, BOASTED BURNT AL? MONDS, PI8TAOH* GOODS, Ac, Ac. - - BPHiaO GOODS. . CROQUET SETTS, RING GAME, Ba,ttB and 1 Balls, MARBLES. TOPS and TOYS of all kinds. | Something 'entirely. _ new, the MAGIC MOOR-1 1 ? INO-blAu. ?' r lOBBERO SODA, Pure. Syrups. tICE, CREAMS moulded.and pot up for . hotels ap\I private families. : ' OAKEB and CANDY manufactured daily. {fijIHi ?? ?MoE*5SZIE,Bll Main street, !'t -Jlay.T) 3 ?/ jflgQ , i ? ColOmMa.a.O. ;^ ;w7xLBV?fr$f& Ctf.' ? ? -; Y*Jf7 BJ nVpreJare'a (o erect.EIGHTNIUG l'iVM?th(r'itt'(!llT .or'couhtry, upon JabxJrt, noticeJ i Ordere promptly attended to. U .WajtB.j Mi \r ,i ,< ' 8mot 4altu , psS J3 '''?^W'anted ' ; ' f AA TONS OAST IRON*, at GOLDSMITH 1 ??>'? lUU A RIND'S Fonndrv, for which the ; ? figfoaat market price will be paid. May 8 1m irTrOR sale ? OTbtJ?TO ^BIOEB, ' at O. X HAMBERG^ near the Charlotte, Co folablA'and Aogntla Railroad D?poU . fhMajrJ??.:,!...: ?. j ,. , ,, _ i:. Td, Holder? of Bine Ridjje Bonds. 1 ' A' 'ME?TINO of the' holders of tW.mort JQl gage bonds of the Blue Ridge Railroad ?.l?^HWt/rf^W^Mi^^ ?ng, Jarno? A dg ei and James Rode were the original l&rtWosa, is rtqUeatad 'at Columbia, B. Ol, on <> WJ&&NJ5BDAY, th* Wib daoot May. A full ,ifr?5rWWM desired, W^. TB^OOT.f? H ttrfcT. .Kil? .5, ? 1! J 9->/?lMa* 1 ?Ut8 ? ? 'I' rJ>.i??. erl?TJ!?Jtses. ??<?? zpM^teM; Mqdoq dar ? ??rn^^rbn^e^eS 'tils; dame'. notorious., '^e^dfan^irl.^y Wpafcsing all o^osltion in the Cigar Trade, has gained unbounded repnUtlonM^AnrUalHoo/thia treacherous chief ? ..^ir- ?.. HA3 ASSASSINATED ' ? ?u'mieuspebti?gMetimj thus raising tho cry, "Death te th? ModooM^thlsQuoen ot Luxury ? m& been,isellmg UiBrMaoiila- Cigars,famous Tor theirt Perve-alleviatine qualities; also,, those brands at three fori? dents, that are tho subject of conf oraation among judges of I I 'tho weed?thur proving that sho iti not ono of UtAattribei Anomi ?]/. t: L- - \ ;fU GENERAL G1LLEM 1. J ' 'Finds the Uvk boclsibafd to take, so smokers | , iflnd the Manilla; Princess, and the 11 a? Im pgrted Qigars bard: jo beat. ?_May 8 ' "' Oats and Corn. 1AAA BU8HELB pilme white CORN. AJUU 800d>ushels heavy OATS. . . For aale low for, ofteb. H?pE A QYLE8. Sponges, Sponges, Spongea BATHlHo, OL?YE.' Carriage, Reef.Ooacb, ?'Tollet, Graes, -Wool, Slate, Zemodral Boonges, in every variety, Jor sale cheap at I ?,r,Mj?y 8t ,? HEINirSH'S DRUG 8TQRE. 1 CHEAP ?OODS FOR CASH! ?at the Grand Central . pry Goods Establishment or W. D. LOVE & CO. With 1 7lew of giving onr castoniers better BARGAINS in future, we have CLOSED ALL BOOK A00OUNTB, and will sell no more goods In future oxoept for CASH! May 7 6_WM. D. LOVE A CO, Notice. OFJTOE OP O. G. PAR8LEY A CO., _WinnrworoH. N. O.j May 1.1878. M T^BOM and after this date, our OOAL BUSf. ,jn NESS in Columbia will be oondootedby , Mr. T. O. JAMES, and he alone is authorized to tranaaot any business frtr ns and In our name. O. G. PARSLEY A CO. The undersigned oan be found for the pre-! sent at the store of Messrs. Bowen A LaFar, (three doors North of Pnozmx office.) where all orders left for COAL will receive prompt attention. AU kinds of Coal constantly on hand and delivered in auy part of the oity, at lowest cash prices. T. 0. JAMES, May 6 6?_ . . TREZEVAN! SILL, Trial Justice.' Office on Plain street, formerly occupied by A. L. Solomon. Businesa promptly attended to. March 24 2mo ?P<ooi?1 ?rotio es. robot" for young men'fronx the effects oterrora and abuBOB in early lire. Manhood roatoroa? lapedimonts tp M?niage remov?d..Newimei thod of treatment. Kqw and remarkable re midien.' Bcoke and-Circular* ?mit free, in pbifc'. Pa.-^kn l?atitntio? hailngiahiKhxopn pbifc, Pa.-^?H Institution having.a hiRhropu JgjJW? '?T J^Wthle coodncj and j^0^8^??1 E OR OVER FORTY YEARS thia PURELY VEGETABLE1 LITER MEDICINE has proved to be the QBE AT UNFAILING 8PE0IFI0 for LIVER COMPLAINT and ? its painful off apring.DY8PEP8IA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun? dice, Bilious attacks, BICE 11K AD ACHE, Odile,- Depression of. Spirits, SOUR STO? MACH, Heastbum, CHILL8 AND FEVER, Ac., Ac. I After year a of oarofnl experiments, to meet a groat and,urgent demand, wo now prpdhce from onr Original Genuine Powders the prepar.ko, ' a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REQU- ] LATOU,containing all its vonderf a) and valu? able proper ties', and offer" it in '! 7 1 ' 'owe dollar BDtTLKS. The Powders, (price as' borore,) $1.00 per | package. Sent by mail, $1.04. u .. j^ifeAUTioiit nea ? ? '? Bay no Powdera or PREPARED SIMMONS' LITER REGULATOR rm!sssin'bur engraved wrapper, with Trade mark,1 Stamp audBigna tore unbroken. None otber.lagenuine. J. H. ZK1L.1N A CO., MAOON, GA?ao<L PHILADELPHIA. Jan, 80. [8apt, r*t*>9 U4VfWMkAA???i???/J and Sapper Tabla. LEA k PERRINS' WORCESTER*} HI BE BAUC? is indispenna ble* ? JGH? DUNCAN'S SONS,New York, Oct 88. My,; Agents for the United States., 'NEW, GOODS ;it?oo v. e ? i-f., ,. i ]. 1 (j ., Idgil '? ?? '':! nodw haw !i ,? -j -vll O: P. 3 ACKSOISJ'SI ,ti -tl U01 .- J u IUI !,!.t Hn r> ,v.'' ?i OKM Y'tfllllrfl?i? i* ????;?r?r :. " PRINTS a?d DRESS QOCjp?,. Now LEA TilER RBLT?. | New stylo of VEIL8, with Fringe. FANS, in all styles, cheap, . OLUB-idaN'DLE'PARASOLS. SASH fltp'BONS, extremely low in price, i ''PRINTED and BUFP PiQ?ES: SPRINQ 0A98IMERK9 and TWEED3. 'Rornember.T aeltat'SMALL PROFITS, and ' purchasers' aro Bure 'of getting ttbeiri full v*lno fnr .'their money.- O. F. JACKSON. .May 4: _J_ , MilJs House Sale Stables. jax_ . THEundorsignid.havingpurchasedl jBtelthe DEXTER STABLES, Would ' gTjlform their friends that I bey still koep I ' , . on hand ftrst clasa Biu^.e and Doublo Harness Horaea, Saddle Horsea and Mules, which they aro prepared tp sell on most rea? sonable terms. R". GRAHAM A CO. 1 Jostw N. Long, Agent._May 4 TO PLANTERSp Ptf\fi DIXON STEEL COTTON 8WEEP8. OVFV/ 100 Twisters and Shovels. 10 Dow-Law Cotton Planters, from factory. 100 pair Trace Chains. ?to dozen Plow Hamea. Which we offer at popular prices. Apr 25_LQR1QK k LOWRANCE. To Consumers. 80 000 j"38, BA00N in *lore *nd iQ 1.000 bushels OATS, ' 9.000 buahelaOORN, ? 30 barrels FLOUR. 76 barrel b SUGAR, Joat received and for aale I at lowest pricea. L?RICK A LOWRAHOR. Far Sale. A HOUSE 4nd LOT, on Taylor, bo 1 tween Henderson and Darn well streeta; i fronting on Taylor atreet 73 feet, ran-, niog back 155 feet, more or leaa. The house oontaina four rooms on the first atory and four unfinished rooms on the second atory?a very oonvenlent reeidenoe. For particulars, inquire at G. CIEROK8'. April 22_ Sweet Potato Slips. \7%f\f\ BUSHELS Yams, Spaniab, and ?\JU Red, in fine order. , For sale by _ HOPE A GYLES. To Bent. THE COTTAGE HOUSE South-west I corner of Assembly and Pendloton ?streets, containing eight rooma, bath? room, water oloaet. eto. On the piemieee ia a fine Stable. In fact, there la every con vo nlenee about the place. Possession givan on the 1st of May, For terme, apply to April 11 JOSEPH TAYLOR. B. F. QBIFFIN, DKAI.v.a IX Groceries and Prpvisions, ??AAN STAKET, HALF square in rear of State House. <ar COUNTRY FRODU0E a specialty. April 15_ oooa Medtelac is always appreciated. Everybody speaks in highest praiae of Hein i'ah's medloine. Roaaonable In price, goad in quality, perfect as remedies. May 8J Ale ana Porter. n f"(\ bOZEH MoEwsD^Sdiafcurgh ALH. UV 50 d0J5?n Younger "a Edinburgh Ale. 60 dozon Bass A .Co.'a Pale Ale. DO dozen Barclay, rerklnB & Co:la London (iParter. ? , ,, ,. . . . . 50 dozen Guinness' Dublin Btont." All genuine imported, anil ioc aalelon by y Apr 17.: , , , ? J.QBH^AONEW, A.BQN. Grand Annual Excursion LOR IDAI The Splendid Steamer CITY POINT, CAPTAIN FllZtiKUALI), WILT, leave Cliarlceton on TUESDAY EVENING, 13th instant, at 8 o'clock, oc an Eicm .-ion to Florida, Arriving at 8AVANNAY early WEDNES? DAY MOIINING. and remaining there nntil tho afternoon, affording ample time to Bee the CITY, visit BUENA VENTURE, and other points of interest. Leaving SAVANNAH WEDNESDAY AF? TERNOON, at 3 o'clock, will arrivo at FEU NAN DINAfiamo night, JACKSONVILLE oarly THURSDAY MORNING. Then passing up 8T. JOHN'S RIVER by daylight, stopping at all points of interest, affording a rare oppor? tunity of seeing tQ> the best advantage the moat beautiful of Southern rivers. ' FRIDAY will be feel aside for visiting ST. AUGUSTINE, where, a most agreeable time may be apont inspecting the ancient Spanish FORTRESS,' tho CATHEDRAL, and other relics of the first settlement on the.continent; in Bailing on the BAY,, or visiting the ORANGE GROVES of the neighborhood. Leaving JACKSONVILLE on SATURDAY, will arrive at FERNANDIN A time afternoon, SAVANNAH early SUNDAY MORNING, and CHARLESTON same afternoon. i Fare for the Hound Trip, $20.00. Including Meals and State-rooms. ' HAVENEL A CO.. Agents, ' Corner Vanderaoret Wharf and Eaat Bar. May 4 7_ What la Life Without Health? THE buoyancy of youth, the freshness of spring, the- luxuriance of summer, the ripeness of autumn, tho maturity of age, ana all the pleasures.of life, youth and beauty, spring from this one fountain?Health, i I ti i HEINITSH'S QUEEN 8 DELIGHT is the great panacea. It is the greatest medicine ever invented. It cure* more idisessea than any other- medicine known. Everybody should nse'It. It is the lamp of life and way to health. ' Buy no other thedieiocu 1 It is the best prescription oan . une. Get it only at Hoinitah'a Dru'g'Bttire. ' April 17 t ; B>fl> HBIN1T8H. Prop'r. GARDNER FIRE IXTiUlSiE, awn Hook & Ladder Truck Equip't, Absolute Protection from Fire! I THE GABDNERisnnequalcd in portability, simplicity, convenience and efficiency. It is In use all over tha country, and has eavtd millinisol dollars worth of .properly. Bond for Descriptive Circular. '? JOHN AGNEVV A.SON,.Agents. . March 23_mw>2mi> ?Hands Wanted. ALL LABORING MEN willing to cut tim? ber will find steady work and regular pay on application to um. Mo MASTER, MONTEITH A ROATH . March 15_?_ . j3mo iicinitHii'i <iu?rn*? Dellgbt?A remarka blu medicine lor curing all kind* of diseases of the blood. Better than Sareaparilla. All skin diseaaes, Scrofula, Humors cured. May 31_>_ Seed Corn and Potato Slips. S)K BUSHELS SEED CORN, carefully se At) looted for thirty years, and well adapted to this section. 60 bushels YAM POTATO SLIPS. Maroh 30 L?RICK A LOWRAKCE. Southern Warehouse Company, Oervais street, neur Greenville and Columbia Hailroad, 8 prepared to reoeive COTTON and other . property upon Storage, and to make ad? vances npon the same. Cotton (hipped to this house will be Btored eubject to the order ot the owner, and the lowest rates charged for storage. All property so stored will be insured in good reliable companies, if Insur? ance is desired*, and advances will be made at the lowest bankiug rates. Our storehouses are so located that dray ago is not necessary, and no charge for handling will be made. w AU business communications should be addressed to the Treasurer. EDWARD HOPE, President. Bqwin F. Gary, Treasurer. Maroh 3 3m Agents Wanted, FOR MoCLELLAN'S OOLDEN STATE, tho first and only complete History of the Paoifio Slope; Desoriptiens of the Seasons, Prodnots, Mountains, Scenery, Valleys, Ri? vera, Laken, Forests, Waterfalls, Bays and Harbors. 700 pages, 200 illustration* and maps. Illustrated Circulars free. WM. FLINT A 00., Atlanta, Ga. Maroh 12_Wl8_ MaslllBtcis great upleas it be good. The "Queen's Delight" is good; therefore, it is ?;reat. Queen's Delight is great, but Hoi nit ah a greater, beqause he makes a good and a I great medicine._May 3t Cow Feed. TON8 SHORTS and WHEAT BRAN, foi saloby HOPE A GYLES. 5 May Butter. CHOICE MAY BUTTER, last received and for aalo, by JOHN aQNEW A 8QN. IiQngi, Coughs, Colds, O niuiiipllnn All oured by ualng Stanley Celebrated Congh Syrup, prepared by Helnitah, at bis drug et ore. May 3} ; u" Attractive Goods Grand Cantral Dry Goods Establishm't XVMl. 1>. LOVE ?t CO. WE hare added to our stock the past few dayak -aomo choice goods, as well as \*vlfl?l Open TO-MORROW. (Momdat.) April 28, 1878, ? ! s 1,000ijatds Foulard B?ke; ibeautiful goods, iu the oqw abadee v. . _ 3,500 yards i-1 Printed Cretpns, at 16] conta a yard. Cheapest goods sdid this season. ?' 250 piccesDrsss Goods, from 26 cent* to II a y Rjd, in toe. new colors. Two-Button Kids, at 75 conts a pair. Tuckod Skirts, at 75 conts each. Ladies' White aprons, from 25Cents to f 1 25 each. iii Yand-wlde White Matting, at 25 conta a yard. | Lace Collars, at 25 cents eaoh. Printed Linen Lawns, at 30 and 37 A einte a yard, in fast colors. White Piques, at 25 conta a yard; fine goods. White Nainsook, at 124 cents a yard. Plain and Lace 8 tripe a Victoria Lawn. Embroidered Sots, at 50 cents a Bet. Ctnb-handle Parasols. Oar Lace and Embroidery department com pribGH a very choice selection. Hoaiery, in all sizes and makes. A full line of Prints and Dometttics. All are invited to call and inspect car at tractive stock. Customers will find whatever advertised, at the Grand Central Dry Goods establishment of W. D. LOVE A CO., Under Wheeler House. W. D. Love!_B. B. McCnuEBY. DANOINGI Prof. G. T. Sheldon, of Washington City. D, C, WILL givo DANCING LE8BONS in this city, in the ball over the store of tho LlIoKero. L?rick A Lo wraueo, commencing MONDAY, May 5,1873. Ladies' and children's classes in tho after? noon?gentlemen's class at night. Pennns desirous, of Joining tho olasses, oan do bo by leaving their names at Prof. Ly Brand'a ninaic store, where terms oan be ob? tained._Apr 24 MILLINERY. MBS. O. E. BEED has opened La fine assortment of Ladies' and (Children's DRESSES. UN DEB 'WEAR, HAIR of all descriptions, Bazaar Patterns, etc., all of which will be aold at reduced prioes. The publio in general are invited to call and see for themselves. Mrs. Beedwaa awarded the highest premiums for Millinery at State Fairs of 1871 and 1872._April 18 8mo OlaABETS, ETC Bill ' hi 1Suinmer Btoek of Wines and Liquors, ? XK VtILt VAUIKT Y. XJCTB B6ff*? enumerate some of our leading V V brands: CLARETS_St. Gervaip, quarts. St. Entopho, pints and quarts. ' Bt. Jnlin, pinh? and quarts. Margaux, pints and quarts. PoutetGanet, quarta. La Rose, quarts. HOCKS.?Laubenbeimer, Hochheimer, Deideaheimer. These front bonso of Henckel A Co , Mainz WHITE WINES.?Latour Blanche, Chateau Yquem, Haute Sauterne?, Brandenburg Fr?re?. CHAMPAGNES.?Moet A Ohaudoo, Pommery A Grcno, Ohitno A Duchatcl, And '?Imperial" California. BRANDIE8.?Brandenburg Freren and James Huuneaay, vintages 1S65, 58,35. I GIN.?Prince of Orange. Our stock of DOMESTIC WniSRTES.GINS, RUMS and other LIQUORS AND CORDIALS, not enumerated abovo, will bo found in full Bupply.and at lowcei market rates. Our celebrated i ' and of "MARYLAND CLUB" WHISKEY?fur which wo aro solo ageuta?alwayH on baud. Its purity, strength and oxquiaito*flavor havo made it the favorite brand wherever introduced. Orders solicited and (satisfaction guaran? teed. _ GEORGE SYMMLRK GREENFIELD'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. THE CARRIAGE stock at the corner of Lady and Main streets has beeu LARGELY INCREASED Within a few days past, and in now more com? plete than ever before, embracing, in every variety, all the loading at vie a and quality of vehicles in demand iu this market. The stock of HARNESS is also complete. Prices very low. W. K. GREENFIELD. Pebge_ CARRIAGES AMD BUGGIES! CALL at the Factory Eaet of the Poat Office and examine quality, workmanship and price* before pur? chasing auction goods. We cannot bo undersold iu good vehicles. M. J. OALNAN, Agent. JOHN AGNEW, Proprietor. _Jan 11 _ Shingles. WE are now prepared to furnish our first olasa 0YPRE8B SAWED SB INGLES, in I any desirod quantity and upon the shortest notice. For economy, durability and supe? rior finish, they cannot ho excelled. Bbip ments made to any part of tho country promptly. Mo\l ASTER, MONTEITn A ROATn. Mareh_16 _Bmo . ? DIL V. P. CLAYTON OFFERS his professional servioos to the citiaens of Columbia. aarOffloo at CENTRAL HOTEL. Mar oh 25_ CHRISTOPHER HAYNEBWORTH, BARBKR AND UAlIt-DRKSSKK, INVITES his fr tends and all persons who aro desirous of receiving a good SHAVE or SHAMPOO, to pay bim a call at bis new rooms, in the Wheeler bouse. HAIR-DRESS? ING, DYEING, etc., attended to in best style. ==F= Ahead as Usual! ? ti4t ? I . . :. M.ii Jin!;-. ? il | _' ? ???);? it.,:.r>'.' ? <;:?? RVili uU !l vjH SPBING AND SMB Vi'af nlui ? fi tin rvJ .on GOO D 8 ! : .it viibvrod P u.l\ ?-4 + '?-. It. & ? C. SWAFFIELD ARK now exhibiting the LARGEST, BEBT: and CHEAPEST 8TOCK Of CLOTHING, HITS AND GEMS' FIRMING GOODS fiver brought to this city. Our Custom Department . Is replete with a choice and elegant assort? ment of CAS3IHEBE3 AND VEBTIHGB. " |?l ? n i lit <\: ' ? Wo are still taking orders for those PER 1 FEOT-FITTINQ SHIRTS. ' M arcbT9 Hew Attractions 1 Hew Attraction? I _? .:. > it j a. The Cry Is Still, They Come ! Every Train brings Milt Mll< ?7 h .If roarna ?..,, u OOLXJMlBLA. hotel emporium! JUST arrived a fine Uno of FRENCH CAH B1MEHE PANTS?the haudsoaest lot] ever aecn in Columbia. "l The colobrated "Webster" DRESS SHIRT, warranted a perfect fit?being ont low neok. The "Czar," "Brignoli" and "Crown Prince" COLLARB, in Linen; "Juniata,*'. Bon Ton" and "Iron Ago/1 in Paper. STRAW GOODS and NEW NOVELTIES of | ovcry description in my line; at ? EPSTIN'S, April 4 Under Colombia Hotel, Spring Clothing and Hats. KINARB&WILEY, DEALERS IN tJL0TH1XG, DATS, UMBRELLAS,! OAVES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS, ? ?*?? ? Spring Clothing and Eats, NEWJTYLE. WE have made apeolal arrangementa with one of the largest Shirt manufacturer* to supply our trade with WHITE and FANCY SHIRTS at the annexed pricea, for eaah per half dozen; the quality and number of Linen and Workmanahlp, we guarantee a perfect fit: A 60, New York Mills, 8,200. Linen, $1?. B 59, Wa&*nt*.. Q.lrV) Liften, $15. B 06. Tueoor a, 3.0C0 Linen, 118 60. O B 65. MasonviUe. 1,800 Linen, $11.60. B 63. Forreetdale, 1.GG0 Linen, 110. B 43, Hoys' Shirts, 1,700 Linen, ?8. " A splendid line of Cloth Costa and Doe Pants, Fancy Cassini era Pants, a beautiful | Una of White Yeats, new atyle. Mar 19 Hew Publications. EW JUVENILE BOOKS. London edi , tiona, illustrated. i . New standard works for llbrarlea. New Novels, in oheap binding. AIbo, a freah atqck of WRPTING DESKS, i Portfoiloa, Gold Pens, Fart'Kntvea, Pocket Books, Photograph Albnmsof all aize6, Fancy Brackets and. Book Shelvea, and a general variety of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, En volopes and Fancy Stationery, for sale by Wot 6_ B. L. BRYAN. Hew Family Grocery. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the pub? lic generally, that they have open? ed a FAMILY GROCERY STORE _fat the old stand of. Campbell A Junes, and would 'eepcctrully solicit a por? tion of their patronage. Our goods are fresh, and will be eold at loweat market prices. BOWBN A LaFAB. Johh H. Bowx?. M. LaFab. March 11 N 1-BOTL?EBfr-DH*?*r-~ C) 2&&?tM M" i $ > Three door a North of Broad, Char lea ton, 8, CL ' E. M. GEIMKE, Proprietor. ?<:. ? * It \-TIT?. J4Ki Xt'me, X^Zui, Slal?SGarden.fates. Pressed and Firs Bricks, Cement, Hair, Sh'in gles, Banging ' Baskets, ? i*7w Stones, Land and Calcined Plaster, Waits,' 2Kiff, I Chimney Tops, Drain .Pipe; &c,, Mar I Me awf Marbleized Qfantels. v i-'*' Lp. O. Bojl 374 ObarlestonYs. 0,, April 15,187?. THE uhdorslgned begf leave to inform hla friends anaeviiomers, that he has been appointed Agent Joe-the .sals of Messrs. OABLTON, NOBWOOD. A CO.'S celebrated bra ad ?f BOGKPOBT LIME, formerly repre? sented in this market by iteiara.OLNBi.Av*>.: and novr ofTers for sale a cargo of Buperioa* quality, Whiofcf will be disposed of.on themo??' reasonable terms.; ? di ovdoVl vlJiL'i'r n Ordere for any qaanijty, from one to one thousand dollafH; fiHodlitb prompteeee.and satisfaction g uarantced. E. M.. Ayenfs Cherry Pectorai, For Diseases of 'the Thrdat andLungk^ Wibh as Ckjngbs, Colds, WhoopinB . . . i ux COu?b,.Broooliitis, A^tbxufc, .... and Consumption. Probably never before" In the whole history*oI medicine, has any thing won bo widely ajwi. so - deeply upon tho continence of mankind, as this excellent - remedy for pulmonary complaints. Thrpugh,along scrica.of ycors,and among-motl t>f the races of mcti It rras risen nigher and higher in iheir estimation, pa It baa become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the3 va Tiona affections of the. lungB and throat,' hakte . made It known as a reliable protector ananat ' them.' Wiille adapted to milder forms of disease i and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that ein be given for incip? ient consumption, ami lue-dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. "As a provision against sudden attacks of-<7rdt?n, it should bo kept en hand in every family, and indeed ab nil arc some? times subject to coins and rhuph*, all 'should be provided with this antidote k - ...em... ,. . Although settled Consumption Ts thought In tiirablo, atlU great ouimbers 6f cases where: the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, nml the patient restored to sound, healik by Uio Cherry Pectoral. . So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, thnt the most obstinate of them yieldtoat. When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry 1'eetoral they enbeide and disappear. Singers and 1'ublic Speakers Una great protection from it. ; .Asthma- is always relieved and often wholly cured by It; ? ' ?' - ?< ? Bronchitis la generally cured by hiking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent 'doecB. So generally are its-virtues known, that we need not publish the certificates of them here,or do more than Aixrare the public that ite qualities ore luUy maintained. . - , dyer's Ague C?re, for Favor and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever,- Dumb Ague, Feriodioal or; Bilipus, F?verr, &o., and indeed all tho affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. As its name implies, It doea Cure, and does not fall. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine,. Bis muth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, It in nowise injure* airy pa? tient. . The number and Importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and web chore without a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Our pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected ra obstinate cases, and where other rem? edies tid wholly falte??'-- ? ? -?; Cnacoibnataa persons, either resident, in, or travelling through miasmatic localities: win be protected by taking- the A.Q VS CUBJS dalkf. For-Wf?- Conimta-int*, arising from torpid? ity of the Llrer, It is an excellent resneriyilssinrn- ? I?ing tho Liver into healthy activity. . . For Binous Disorders and-Liver Complaints, It Is an excellent remedy, producing rnany, truly remarkable cures, where other rAe4ieines'l%aa failed.- . i ?.:???..?. i l:* tn ; '.t^. si ihn oL , .Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ateu A Co., Practical and Analytical Chomists,-Lowell, Ma38?i?nd sold aU round the,.world;. t^i PRICE, '} ? ANDREW CRAWFOBO,r^T 'Attorney at Llavr, Ko. 3 Lav Range" Columbia, BPtf. COLLECTIONS PUNCTUALLY HADE. : April 10 2m i . ?{j \ ... Ayer's For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon' restored to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick? ened, falling hair chocked, and- bald? ness often, though not always, cared by its use. Nothing can restore"* flu? hair where the follicles are destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. But such s3 remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair witb a pasty sedi? ment, it will keep it clean ana vigorous. Its occasional uro will prevent the'hair, from turning gray or falling off, and eonsequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make gome preparations dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the ? Vigor can only benefit but not barm it. If wanrod merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else enn bo found eo desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not. soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ton tho. hair, giving it ft rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Pbactical and Analytical Chimibta, LOWELL, MASS. ' _PRICE ?1.00._ j it. n?NXLi. JSSs a. nusaaa, Solicitor Fifth Circuit. BUBBLE & DUBBAB, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Offloe Law Bange and State House, Kar 38 COLUMBIA, 0. o.