Tornatjo. ? Wo. learn that a very du aatroaeibraadonitkpt through the lower p?rtlon 6ravenport ting. It does not touch a hair of his head, says his friends and all lovers of fetood govern? ment; While this clamor is going on, serene * i that possession which is nine! points-of the law,acd,rwhen bached by money, is apt to be the tenth also, Mayor Havemeyor performs his duties, signs warrants and continues at least aating Mayor' of the city. An EDdEPiBXiD Hobsb in New Or? leans and Memphis.?At the races in Memphio during the past week, Col. Bacon's Frank Hampton was the winner in two important oontests?a two mile single dash on Thursday, t'and . Kalt Bheum, Erysipelas, Eruption?, . 50 !*? Itheumatlsm. Rheumatic Pains, . . . 50 16. Fever mid Agnt, Chill Fever, A :ue->, 50 1>. Piles, bbnd or bleeding, .. . . . . 50 IS. OpMhnhny, and Bore or Weak Eye?. ? 50 10. Catarrh, Acute or Chronio Influenza, . 50 20. TTnoopUig>Cough|ViolciitCoughs, . (0 21. AsthmoTOppres^-d Breathing, . . . M 22. Ear Discharges, Impaire-uHonrinjr, . 50 2S. Scrofula, Enmrsc<101unds,8wUiiiir*, . 50 24. General Debility, Physical Weakness, . 50 25?Dropsy and Scanty Secretions, . . . . 50 ?0. Sca-Slclcness, Bieknesa from Bidmg, . 50 27. Kidney-DUease, Gravel, . . ... to ?t). Nervous Debility. Seminal Weakness, or Involnntai y Disrhurges,.I TO 29. SoreI?IouthiCank?r, . . ... . .Mi . 30 Frluary Weakness, Wetting tho Be l, 31. Painful Pertod?, with Spasms, . . 50 S2. Sufferings nt Clmngo of I.U.?, i . . .1 W S3 EnllCUBe-y, Sraanns St. > itus' Dance, . 110 st DtphXvft, Graed Bore Throat.. . M 35. Chronic congestions uud Eruption*, ro ?* F?3ULT CASES. Case (Morocco) wita above 33 large vi.-.:-, an I Manual of Directions,. .? ? t?" Case (Morocco) of 20 birga vial* a:-.-i B?.?ob, <>0 nar These rcmediti are ?at hy case or etnglc bqx to ?4?y port t>f th* country, rice of charge, on receipt of price. Address Huf^fiS^^ And by QEIOEB & McGREGOR, Columbia, ?g. 0. . _ April 14 ITtly NEW GOODS O. P. JACKSON'S! . PBIN^S apd'DBESS GOODS. ' New LEATHER BELTS. New stylo of VEILS, with Fringe, .j FANS, in all ety^os, cheap. OLUB-HANpLE PARASOLS. SASH RIBBONS, extremely low in price. PRINTED and BUtF B1QCE3. SPRING CA8SIMEBKS and TWEEDS. Remember, I e ell at SMALL PROFITS, and purchasers are sure of getting their full value for their money, i . 0. F. JACKSON. May 4 . , . _ Mills House Sale Stables. THE undersign<-d, having purchased the DEXTEB STABLES, would in? form their friends that they at?l keep on hand flr?t class Siugle and*Double Harness Hors>ee; 8addle Horses and Mules, wb'sh thev are prepared to sell on most rea? sonable terms. R. GRAHAM A CO. John N. Loko, Agent._May 4 TO PLANTERS. RAA DIXON STEEL COTTON SWEEPS. OKJ\J 100 Twisters and Shovels. 10 Dow-LaW Cotton Planters, from factory. 100 pair Trace Chains. 40 dozen Plow Hames. Which wo offcur at popular prices. Apr 25 LORICE & LOWRANCE. S& 'To Consumers. 80 000 fjBS,BAC0^ln blore aDd iB 1,000 bushels OATS, ' 2.000 bushels COHN, 80 barrels FLOOR, 75 barrels SUGAR, jus! received ?iiJfoi ealu at lowest prices. L?RICK k LOWRANCE. For Sale. A HOUSE and LOT, on Taylor, be? tween Henderson and Barnwell streets; ? fronting on Taylor street 73 feet, run? ning back 155 feet, more or loss. The honeo contains four rooms on the first story and four unfinished rooms on the atoond story?a vuiy convenient residence. For particulars, inquire at_O. CIEBCKS*. Sweet Potato Slips. i)f\(\ BUSHELS Yams, Spanish, and *L\J\J Bod, in fiuo order. For sale by HOPE & GYLES. cow Feed. 5TONS SHOUTS aud WII EAT BRAN, for aale by_HOPE & GYLES. Notice to Contractors. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. Columbia, S. C, May 2, 1873. SEALED PBOPOSALS will bo received at this ollice until MAY 13, to Lath and Plaster the Hall of the new Bcok and Ladder Uoubo, in tho Park, comer of Taylor and As? sembly streute. By order of Council. May 8 OHAS. BAltNUM, City Clerk. Family Flour. 100 BBL8. Extra Family FLOUR. 100 barrels low priced, hut sound. For sale by HOPE A GYLES. B. F. GRIFFIN, DEALLB IX Groceries and Provisions, MAIN STREET, ALF square in rear of State House. H SS- COUNTltY PRODUCE a speoialty. April 15_ Seed Corn and Potato Slips. 6)K BUSHELS SEED CORN, carefully so cj looted for thirty years, and well adapted to this seotion. 50 bushels YAM POTATO CLIPS. March 80 L?RICK & LOWRANCE. COLUMBIA, S. C, FKIDA Buyers, Remember I OUR STOCK HAS TO BE REDUCED. PBIOB TO THE Fxoiration 'of Cur FartECithip HENCE BARGAINS AND lKDl'CEllENTS Aro Cffered iu EVEEY LINE AND EACH DEPARTMENT. Call and prico OUB GOODS, and eeo the advantages offered. R. C. SHIVER & CO. May 3_ OFFICIAL. HEADQUABTEB8 NATIONAL GUARD, State of Sooth Carolina. Columbia. S. C, May 6,1873. SPECIAL ORDERS, NO. 25. ?a THE following Special Order, having A,, been reoeived from the Adjutant, and In? spector-General's Office, i8 hereby promulgat? ed for the guidance and information of all concerned: Heaequabtebs South Cabolix a Militia, Adjutaxt Ann Ihsfbctob-Gebbral's Office, Columbia, S. C, May 6, 1873. SPECIAL ORDERS, NO. 25. 1. On recommendation of the Major-Gene? ral commanding the National Guard of this State, the following appointment is hereby made in the Second Bcgiment, N. G., S. S. 0., vir: Dr. J. F. Ensor to be Surgeon Second Regi? ment, Third Brigade, Seoond Division, N. G., 8. S. 0 He will be obeyed and rcspeoted accord? ingly. L By order of his Excellency the Governor and Commander in-Obief. (8igned) H. W. PUB?8, Adjutant and luenector-Goneral, S. C. Bj command of Msjor-Goneral R. R. Elliott. JAMES KENNEDY. Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General. May 7 2 Ale and Forter. DOZEN McEwen's Edinburgh ALE. 50 dozen Youuger'a Edinburgh Alo. 50 dozen Bass & Co.'s Palo Ale. 50 dozen Barclay, Perliins & Co.'s London Porter. 50 dczan Guinness' Dublin Stout. All (reuuine imported, and for Balo low by Apr 17_ JOHN AG NEW A SON. ANDREW CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Aro. 3 Laio Range, Columbia, S. C. COLLECTIONS PUNCTUALLY MADE. April Id 2m_ Southern Warehouse Company, Gervais "Street, ntur Greenville and Columbia Ra iiroa d, IS pripaied to receive COTTON and other property ution Storage, and to make ad? vances upon tho aame. Cotton thipped to thia house will be Btored subject to the order ol the owner, aud the lowest rates charged for storage. All property so stored will be iuourcd in good reliable companies, if insur? ance ia dceired; and advaicia will bo made at tho low?st hanking rates. Our storehouses so located that .0rBys^o is not nece22arv and no charge for haVdliug will be made. atyAll business commuuicatione ehould he addreeaed to tho Troaanror. EDWARD HOPE, Pretddeut. EnwiM F. Oabv, Treasurer. March 33m 2 O 0,000 In grtat varieties. ENVELOPES! RAND arrival of row and IwprevcdStaplc VX *ad Fancy STATIONERY! Aleo, fine CUTLERY and FANCY ART1 CLES, suitable for Ladied and Gt nllemi n. A visit to this House nmv atnubsandinduco you to purchase. TUB BLANK BOOK ll.AM'FACTORY AND boob; bindery Ib in full operation. Slate, County. Bui.k and llailroad OQiccs and DtieincBS liouaesof all kinds supplied with Books, Ruled to any pattern, with printed Heading, when re? quired, in all etyloB of Binding, at sbortesi uotico and living prices. E. R. STOKES, Nov 21_Main street, Columbia. S. C. Mocha and Java Coffees. BAGS Old Government JAVA, 10 pockets Tore Mocba. For sale low by HOPE A GYLES. Attend the T Y MORNING, MAY 9, 1873. Attractive Goo ? AT THE Grand Central Dry Goods Ebtablishm't or WAI. p. LOVE & CO. WE have added to onr stock Iho past few days, Homo choice goodB, as well aa hargains. ? I Will open TO-MORROW, (Mosdat.) April I 23, 1873, 1,000 yards Foulard Silks; beautiful goods, iu tho now Bh?doa, 3,500 yards 4-4 Printed CretonB, at 10} cents a yard. Cheapest goods cold this season. 250 pieces Drees Goods, from 25 cents to 31 a yard, in the now colors. Two-Button Eids, at 75 cents a pair. Tucked Bkirte, at 75 cents eacb. Ladies' White A prune, from 25 cents to 11.25 each. ?Yard-wide White Matting, at 25 cents a yard. Laco Collars, at 25 cents oach. Printed Linen Lawns, at 30 und 374 cents a yard, in flat colors. White Piqaos, at 25 oentB ayard; fine goods. Wbito Nainsook, at 12} cents a yard. Plain and Lace Stripod Victoria Lawn. Embroidered Sots, at 50 cents a eot. Club-handlo ParaBols. Our Lace and .embroidery department com? prises a very cboico selection. Hosiery, in all sizes and makes. A full line of Prints and Domestics. All aro invited to call and inspect our at tractive stock. Customers will find whatever advertised, at tho Grand Central Dry Qooda establishment of W. D. LOVE A CO., Under Wheeler Houee. W. D. Love._B. B. McCkeerv. DANCING! Prof. G. T. Sheldon, of Washington City. D. C., WILL givo DANCING LESSONS in this city, in the hall over the btore of tho kMoasrs! Loriok .t Lowranco, commencing MONDAY, May 5,1873. Ladies' and children's classes in the after? noon?gentlemen's class at night. Persons desirous of joining tho cIsbbcb, can do eo by leaving their names at Prof. Ly Brand'* music store, where terms can be ob? tained. _Apr 24 MILLINERY. MRS. 0. E. BEED has opened La fine assortment of Ladies' and (Children's DRESSES, UNDEB ' WEAR, HAIR of all descriptions, 1 Bazaar Patterna, etc, all of which will be sold at reduced prices: The publlo in general are invited to caU and see for themselves. Mra. Heed was awarded the highest premiums for Millinery at State Fairs of 1871 and 1872._April IB 8mo OLARETS, ETC." Summer Stock of Wines and Liqnors, IS full. VARIETY. WE beg to enumerate some of our leading brande: . . CLARETS.?St. Gervaia, quarts. St. Eatephe, pints and quarts . St. Julin, pint- and quarts. Marganx,- pints and quarts. Poutet Oanet, quarts. La Rose, quarts. HOCE3.?Lanbenheimer, ,9 Hoohheimer, Deideaheimer. Those from honae of Henckel & Co , Mainz. WHITE WIN.Ee.?Latour Blancho, Chateau Yqnem, Haute. Sauteriifa?, . Brandenburg Frerca. CHAMPAGNES.-Moot &. Chaudon, Pommcry ? Grono, Obuno & Duebatel, And "Imperial" California. BRANDIES..?Brandenburg Froren and James iZonucsey, vintages 1S?5, 53,35. GIN.?Prince of Orange. Our stock of D0?1 B.HT1C WHISKIES,GINS, RUMS aud other LIQUORS AND CORDIALS, not ennmeratod abuve, will bo found in full , supply and at lowest market rates. Our celebrated brand of "MARYLAND CLUB" WHISKEY?for which we aro ao'.e agents?always on hand. Its purity, strength and exqniuitc llavor have made it the favotite. brand wherever introduced. Ordern doiicituJ aud satisfaction guaran? teed^ GEORGE SYMMKKS. GREENFIELD'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. THE CARRIAGE tteck at tho corner o? Lady and Main etreets has been ? LARGELY INCREASED Within a few days patt, and is now more com plcto than ever before, embracing, in evory variety, ail tho leading styles and quality ot vehicles in demand iu this market. The stock ot HARNESS is also complete. Prices very low. W. K. GREENFIELD. Fcb 2G_ CARRIAGES and BUGGIES! CALL at tho Factory East of the Poat Ofllce ar.d examine quality, workmanship aud price* before pur? chasing auction goods. We cannot b? undersold iu good vehicles. M. J. CALNAN, Agent. JOBN AGNEW, Proprietor. Jan 11 Shingles. WE arc now prepared to furnish our first cIsbb CYPRESS SAWED SUTNGLES, in any desired quantity and upon tho ehortest notice. For economy, durability and supe? rior flnidh, they cannot be excelled. 8hip monts mado to any part of tho country promptly. McVlASrER, M?NTEITH k ROATn. March 1(5 fimo DR. V. P. CLAYTON OFFERB his professional serviced to the citizens of Columbia. AJ-Ofiico at CENTRAL HOTEL. March 25_ GHRISTOPHER HAYNESW0RTH, BAKBER AND HAlIt-DRKSSKH, INVITES his frlonds and all.persons who aro desirous of receiving a good SHAVE or SHAMPOO, to pay him a oall at hie new rooms, in tho Wheeler House. HAIR-DRESS ; ING, DYEING, etc., attended to in beet style. VOL. IX?NO. 42 Ahead as Usual! SPRING AND SUMMER M 1 GOODS! B. & W. G. SWAFFIELD ABE bow e xhibiting the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST STOCK of AND GESTS' FINISHING GOODS Ever brought to tbiB city. Our Custom Department la repleto with a choice end elegant assort? ment of CASSIMERE3 AND VESTINGS. Wo are still taking orders for those PER? FECT-FITTING SHIBTS. March 19 New Attractions! New Attractions! The Cry Is Still, They Come ! Every Train brings IW Mil FIBSE HE ?i. ? tob she COLUMBIA HOTEL OLOTHING EMPORIUM! JUST arrived a Sne line of FRENCH CA8 81MEUE PANTS?tho handsomest lot evox seen in Columbia. The celebrated "Webster" DRESS SHIRT, warranted a perfect fit?being cut low in the neck. Tho "Czar," "Brignoli" and ''Crown Prince" COLLARS, in Linen: "Juniata," ?Bon Ton" and "Iron Aeje," in Paper. STRAW GOODS and NEW NOVELTIES of ovcry description in my lino, at EPSTIN'S, april 4_Under Columbia Hot?d. Spring Clothing and Eats, j KIN1 ARD & WIIsEY, DEALERS IN GLOTMG, HATS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, ?4sWK> m CELEURATED STAU Sil HITS. Spring Clothing and Hats, NEW STYLE. W'E have made special arrangements with one of tho largest Shirt mannfacturera to Bupply our trade with WHITE and FANCY SHIRTS at tho annexed pricca, for caah per half dozen; the quality and number of Linen and Workmanship, wo guarantee a perfect fit: A GO, New York Mills, 2,200 Linen, SAG. B 50, Wamtuta, 2,100 Linen, f 15. B GG, Tuscora, 2.0C0 Linen, 113 50. O B C5. MasonvUlo, 1,800 Linen, (11.50. B 53, Forrestdalo, 1.000 Linen, $10. B 43, Boys' Shirts, 1,700 Linen, 18. A splendid lino of Cloth Coats and Doe Pants. Fancy Cassimero Pants, a beautiful line of White Yeats,new atyle._Mar 10 New Publications. NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. London odi tions, illustrated. Now standard works for libraries. Now Novels, in pheap binding. Also, a fresh stock of WBITING DESKS, PortfolioB, Gold Pene, Pon-Knives, Pockot Books, Photograph Albums of all sizes, Fancy BraoketB and Book Shelves, and a general variety of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, En? velopes and Fancy Stationery, for sale by Nov5_K. L. BRYAN. New Family Grocery. THE undorsigned respectfully inform their friends and the pub? lic generally, that they bave open? ed a FAMILY GROCERY STORE _Tat tho old stand of Campbell & Jones, and would respectfully solicit a por? tion of their patronage Onr goods are fresh, and will bo sold at lowest market prices. BOWEN A LaFAR. John H.Bowsy. M. LaFab. March 11 ? The Splendid Steamer CITY POINT, CAPTAIN FITZGBRAIiD, ' Jit . . _^;J c . i V.r.. WILL leave Charleston on TUESDAY EVENING, 13th instant, at 8 o'clock, on an Excursion to Florida, Arriving: at 8 AV ANN AI v. early WEDNES? DAY MORNING,- and remaining there until tho afternoon, affordine ample time to see the CITY, visit BUENA VENTURE, and other points of interest. ^ , ' Leaving SATANNAH WEDNESDAY AF? TERNOON, at 8 o'clock, wiU arrlTo atJTBR I NAN DIN A same night, JACKSON YILLScariy TB?B8DAY MORNING. Then passing up ST. JOHN'S RIVER by daylight, stopping at all points of interest, affording a rare opporr tunity of seeing to the beet advantage the most beautiful of Southern rivers/ . a FRIDAY will be set a Bide for visiting ST. AUGUSTINE, where a'most agreeable tune mav be spent inspeotinr the anolent Spanish FORTRESS, tho CATHEDRAL, and other relics of the first settlement on the continent; in sailing on the BAY, or visiting the ORANGE GROVES of the neighborhood., j Leaving JACKSONVILLE on 8ATUBDAY, will arrive at FERNANDIN A same afternoon, SAVANNAH earlv 8UNDAY MORNING, and CHARLESTON same.afternoon. Fare for the Round Trip, $20.00. Including iteals and Sf<.tt rooms. BAVENEL 4. CO.. Agonts, Corner Yanderhorst Wharf and East Baa. May A 7_? ? i - : ' Time is Money!' Cheap, Oulck and Sure Route of Travel, by WaUi'jdia, S. C-, to Atlanta, Georgia, and Return. __;PDBLIC, who arein tereetea in saving time and money, are in? formed that ON AND AFTEB MONDAY, the 21stinstant,we will run.a DAILY LINE.'of HAOKS from Walhalla to the terminus of the Air-Line Railroad, making connection with the train running to Atlanta, Ga.t and a re? turn Uno to Walhalla, leaving (he railroad for Walhalla immediately after the arrival oT' the train from Atlanta. Fen-oca can now leave Walhalla and arrive in Atlanta the same day; I or, leaving Atlanta, will arrive in -Walhall? on a regular aonneoting line. ?. , Apr 20 tlm' THOMPSON ?fc STEELE. BUILDERS' DEP?Ta So. 04 CJ&nrcU Strctt, I Three doors North of Broad, Charles ton, S, O. E. 3ML. QRIBLKE, Proprietor. Lithe, Laths, Slate, Garden Vases. Pressed and Fire Bricks,. Cement, Hair, Shin? gles, Bangiua Baskets, Flag Stones, Land and Calcined Plaster, Nails, Tile, Chimney Tops, Brain. Pipe, tfcc, Mar ble and Marbleized Mantels'. T. 0. Box 374 Charleston, 8.0 , April 15,1873. THE underslgnetf begs leave to inform bis . friends, and mutomers, that he haa been appoiuted Agent for the sale of Messrs. CARLTON, NORWOOD Sc CO.'S eel*brated brand of BOCftPOBT LIME, formerly repre? sented in this market by Messrs. OiartrdJCo.; and now' offers *for"aale a cargo of superior I qua'ity, which will bo disposed of on the nioet I reasonable- tot ma. Orders for any quantity, from one-to one , thousand dollars, filled with,promptness, and satisfaction guaranteed. E. M.'URlMKE. April 24 _ : . .:? $18 Champagne Charlie at BarhatrivilTe. CHAMPAGNE OH AB LIE. sired by Charlie Ball, out of dam i Bailie, (a Rayford mare;) whOee sire was Monarch, roared by Jno. ?J. Richards,-of Unio i, owned by Milton Lcvcrett, of Colmnbia,-'will'stand a aeaaon, commencing kpril 1, at Barhamv?le. I This horse it an elegant chestnut s> rreletal lion, aoven'years old, fifteen hands high, and I near 1,000 pnnnds weight, working capitally in harnest) er under saddle. He is a sure foal getter; and to all cavh parties, this condition will be granted, that their mares,in caac they "fail to prove" the firBt season, will he al? lowed the extra privilege of standing the se? cond 'season free of charge to said horae.' Terms fifteen If 15] dollars a season, each. Anniv at Barhamville. March 26 2m+ NEW TRIUMPHS ! The 'r?INGER" Again Victorious}!! THE statistics from eworn returns of the sales of Hewing Machines in 1872, (re? ported in 1873.) show that the SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY sold over forty-Hoe thousaitd more Machines than ariu other Company, and over one quarter of all , Machines sold during thai ear. Nine out of ten of said Singer Mae-Huee wert? for family use?provinjr. the great popularity of the , Singer in the household. Annexed are the sales of the leading makers: The SINGER Manufacturing Company sold 219.758 Machines. Wheeler A Wilson Mannfaotnrieg Company sold 171.038 Machines. Howo Machino Company (eetimatcd; so'.d 145.CC0 Machines. Grover & Baker Machine sold 52.010 Ma? chines. Domestic Sewing Machine aold 40,551 Ma? chines. Wilson Sewing Machine seid 22,666 Ma? chines. Call and see tho SINGER, bofore bujing. Office on Main street. Columbia, 8. O. SINOER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. April 20 tl2 ALEX. OAMPFIELD, Aget t. REMOVAL. GEO. BRUN'd begs to inform his friends, and the public general ly that he has removoer to the large store formerly ocenpied by W. D. Love A. Co., under the Co -.lumbia Hotel, whero ho may be found with a seleot stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Spectacles, die. Repairing done in all its branches. Prices moderate and despatch guaranteed. Feb 15_fSmoa J. U. RVhKLX, JAMES A. EUMBAU, Solicitor Ftfth Circuit. RTJNKLE & DTJNBAR, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Office Law Range and State House, Mar 28 COLUMBIA, 8.0._ TREZEVANT SILL, Trial Justice. Office on Plain atreet, formerly occupied by I A. L. Solomon. Business promptly attended I to. March 28 2mo