THlT PHG3Nlxr pQbUBhW B'srflrftnd Trf-Weekly, . Every Wedjw?^ BY JUU A*l ^:SELBY> Editor and Pir'pgrietor, ? ,, Offloe on Richardson 8t?, near Taylor. | tw Book and Job '-Printing- of every de? scription faithfully attended io.O fC * ? ' fcioUj j '"'' ? BOBSOBlPXlOHi) . '/?'? ?''?'..?" Daily, ili month", I* 00; Tri-Weekly, a 80;! Weekly, 1 50. - ?.. ,, . ?jDvhutibkments %. Ineortod in the Daily at' 75 con ts, per '/square,] for the flrat and 60 cents each anbaeqnent in-1 sertlon. Long advertisements by the woek, month or year, at roaaonablo rates. ??Wtovre, B%*ll'tb^-sieai' Find B???v Tell me, ;ys wmged? winds, that ronnd my ?> pathway roar,11 kdM.AtfW/lu.a* f.JJ\ Do yo not know some ?r/ot wh^e'mortals ? -weepMfmore?'-wjjb < Some lone- 'and ploaaaht ^rlell, eomo valloy if^ WHom! toe from toll and paln'tbW wfeary eonl ' i?xn?yrsstfi JWmWP?"?HJi i?JT The loud wind dwindled to a whisper, low1 ?1111 And Bfghod for yivy aaj it anawarkf "fffaV1- : 0 Tell me,' thou mighty deep, Itrhoeo billows round, ? '.? Know'at thou aomofatoiodepot, some island ---faraway, i.?r ' * - - Where weary man3msyl*nd the bliss for whioh he sighs, - . Where sorrow never lives and friendship never dies? tm; set face. Dost look upon the earth asleep, in night's embrace. Tell me, in all thy round, haut thou not seen some spot. Where miserable man might Ond a happier lot? Behind a cloud tho moon withdrew in woe, And^vojfcg ?^oi.'bur ead, r^ponfied^NoVt | Tell me, my seorot soul, oh, tell me, Hope and Faith, Is there no resting-place from sorrow, Bin and death? 'K - < Is there no happy spot whero mortals may he bleat?? Wherejjrief may find a balm andwoariness Faith,1 Hope afi?"f,?Vo, beat boons "to mbrtals given, Waved their bright wings, and whispered, "Yes, in Ho&you," . ?? tf -fttaa a?'?jii If we are not to have a universal lan? guage, the world ia at least to have a universal dress. The bond of a dress coat between nations .is as, strong as a bond of tonguo. ' The King of the Sand wich Islands wears the garments of Paris, and tho untutored North Ameri? can Indian the hair of somebody else. The last inatanee.vofi.anis blending of habits oomes from Constantinople, where the polioe exclude from the thea? tres and other, plaoes of amusement eversbody , who weers a turban. It is thought that the Sultan wants to intro? duce in its place that herald of civiliza? tion, the stovepipe hat. It la a shagp. What would Aladin, or ?indbad, or Giafar be without his turban? Would there hate been' any Arabian Nights, if Ilaronn Alrasbhid , hid.' worn a hat.! Think of Sobehereaade in a Prenab bon? net I ii One by one, old traditions and customs are dying, and all our dear, ve? nerable romahdea aro, remorselessly crashed beneath the j heel of tho -tailor and the milliner. ???!:HB GARDNER FIRE EXTIN G?IBHER , JL has nyr hearty approyal, a.nd I recfm m&aa Its general introduction as a Bifo and offldacfouB protootion against the risk of fire. She great benefits it baa oonferrfid in saving, property, Juatify tho confidence reposed in it," 1 MarohBS - ftffit&vl ' ?wV2nrt XO^ay, sono, uUliuobb l - c com i'-: a . v 1 'JoiibBtf?BV; Disorder od Suomaoh, -Btuoasness; Heini tab's' Blood and X4yer. FUla efe wcmdesf oj correctors r.',p^i'.j. ? i. a*jH: '? i ? . ;'r..-< -. ..??! utfdw TorDaj.,: .. i?,?.*, "Queon's . Delight" .is the ,popular. fTtHE. "Queen's Delight" ia the,,popular 1 BIpou Mo'dlclne for removing all Skin DiBeasetrarid Pttriryingt*?System, etrenjith ??ic? *od'bedewing' the wasted power*>of the body, giviag tone to the diseased organs., It is the mpdiolne of the day. For sale at ?-Peb23r>r Trr HETnIT8H'8 DrugStore. >^mmmmmm hi '. Full Weight Soap. ?pROOTOR &, GAMBLE'S- E X TU A aWtf?no\T'%oIght^ box. ir yoti-upo thoee Soaps,'you pay mOuey for, what you do not receiye. Can yon afford' to do bo? Bu v l'roclor, A gam? ble's Full Weight Brand.' Sold by Gro corfl in your city. ? :' *' ..< ' ' ' X'<- '"?< J. A; HENDRIX&BRO.. "7 Apr ?Stn- ? ?." ? -? -Wholesale'Agents. * Bank of Charleston. NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION. ' CHlatEst?ft? B. 0., February 20,1873. ON and after the 1st" day of March next,' this Bank will be prepared to Consolidate the Stock of tbo Bank of Charleston into that of the present organization: One whare of the'latter,- par value [tlOO] ono hundred' dollars, will bo isBued for five [5] whole or ten [10] half of tho former. lj'ator?-dividends-will be paid upon the Consolidated 8tock only: those accruing upon the unconaolidated wiliueTeeerved until con? solidation of the same shall bo effected.^-" ' The Books of Transfer will be closed flfom March ! to April 1. -} Feb 23 mSmo WM.B. BURDEN, OjBShjwEff OFFICE OF THE ?v S, CENTENNIAL; COHMISSIOX. | STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. City of Ph?adelphia, March 10.1878. CALL FOR A MEETING . TO XLHOT a 11 CENTENNIAL BOARD OF FINANCE. IN accordance with the Act of Congress, ap? proved Juno 1st, 1872, the United States Centennial Commission hereby iueue a call tor ! a meeting of tho Corporators, and all others [who may thon have subscribed for Stock of [the Oenletinial Board of Finance, to be held In Concert Hall, on tho North side of Chestnut stroot, between Twelfth aqdTbfrteenth stroetu, in the oily of Philadelphia, aforesaid, on the 22d DAY OP APRIL NEXT, at 12 O'clock, NOON, for the purpose of electing a Board of Di? rectors, to consist of twonty-flve Stockhold? ers, whose term of office shall bo one year, and until their BuoooBsora shall havo been qualified as prescribed in said Act. At this meeting each subscriber for stock will be entitlod to oast ono vote, in person or by proxy, for each ehare of stock thns repre? sented. And under mlo ninth, tho following form of proxy may be used: "I do hereby authorizo and empower ? ' , for mo, and in 'my name, to vote upon - Bbare of Btook 'in said corporation held by me, and repro "??nted by subscription certificate No. , "at the meeting of the corporators and sub? scribers for said etock called by the United "States Ceatennial Commission, and to bo 'held at Philadelphia, State of Pennnylvauia, 1 "for the purpose of eleotiog tho first Board of j "Directors of said corporation." Witness at) "(Name of subscriber)" signing) "(Address)" f>U* ' i ? - .Ir1^.^?:?03Bl,PfpprietOr.; ;. . . .. MV, l Dl stt r .'V': '; ? ">a.h 1 . tin :oi h.;/ .1 ; Ltiiiiiii ilM! <1 7/ SITUATED n*ar the dipi^WA^in the cehtre of the buaincaejyrt of IUA?. Jf^Th? RBAflONABL^^^^ paeeoDgera to atfd from every Ti/dh. The :-i porno. Ifiodv .>n;-.lJ .\Ju;f-.-- I.tin i .l-JOil-l Lv.l fejup' iljjioi OhHIflVelf-tnown HOTEL, eitoatcio the contra of the busioces \ urtiou of the oily, affords X" every oonvonienpo and comfort to travelers on business or pleasure. The rroprietor, harineBecured tn'e aerviceB or^oHte and'efflclnut assistants, pledges himaelf to aparono raoacB and paina in ita management to flu?t*in the high reputation ao long enjoyed by the '?COLUMBIA" as a Firpt Clasp Hone*. , Attached to the Houae.'le a handaomo BILLIARD ROOM, foraiehed with three of Phelan A Oollender** bYst and most improved Tubl a. '.,t< t TEbEIBAPfl OPFrOBin rotunda of tue Houao. Also, Bath Rooms, eqnalod by nono in tbeSfty v?.? eooi^Yovl . WM. GORMAN, Proprietor, ?B,..^. jtyapBUvlato of VObailealon Hotel,", ar.d J. P. Gadse-e^, Aeaiatar.ts. Jan 23 ';' WHEELER HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S. 0. ?L THE undersigned, for many years (he hopes favorably) known to the community of Columbia, 8.C, and to the traveling, public generally. 1>c?h to inform hin friends and the public that he has leaeed for a term of years tho building jind erected at the corner of Main and Plain streets, (opposite B. C. Bhiver A (Jo.'a Dry Uundn Ktoro ) which will open this day as aflretolaea Hotel and Beetanrant, to be known ?b tho "WHEELER HOUSE." and trusts he will receive the patronage of hie friends and the tiaveliug public. In aid of hit enterprise. Neither expense*nor trouble has been apsr? d to provide all modern conven> ienciea,and great pains nave been taken to acenre the beat, most r tillable and courteoua help in all the departments, whilst the general management will be under his own supervision and receive his undivided attention. A apfcial featnre of esUblichment will be the opening of a fine unite of rooms for the accommodation rf Lndw r. where St*?-als and Ovstera Wjjj be served at aU honre. tiif.o. M. roLLO?K. Has been before the American public OVER TniRTY ycare. It htu never yet foiled to give perfect satirfnetion, and has justly been Btylod the panacea for all ex? ternal "WoundB, Cuts, Durna, Swelling*. Sprains, Bruises*, &c, &c., for Man nnd Beast. No family should he a fiiugli day 200,000 In great varieties. RAND arrival of new and improveddtaplo Of and Fancy STATIONERY! Also, fino ODTLERY and FANCY ARTI? CLES, suitahlo for Lad ion nnd (lent It nun A visit to this House ma\ biuubc at;d indoce you to pnrohaae. TOB BLAH BOOK MAMJFMTOBV and BOOK BIN2>?RY Is in full operation, dtate. Conntj. Bank and Railroad Offices and BnaiiitBH Houses of all kinds supplied with Bo tha, Ruled to any pattern, with printed Headh g, when re? quired, in all styles of Hin Iii:?, r\t shortest notice and living prices. E. B. 8T0KEH, Nov^l_Main street, Columbia, 8 O. Sweet Potato Blips. S)tnC\ BUSHELS Yama, Spanish, and ?vJV/ Red, in fine order. For salo by IK)PR & OYLES. without this liniment. The money re? funded unless tho Liniment Is ns repre? sented. Bo sure and get tho genuine MEXICAN MOSTANO LINIMENT. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores, at 25c., 60c. nnd $1.00 per Bottle. Notice si vie, rIzc of bottle, &c. ~H AO AST'S Magnolia Balm A rnw /.rrucAiinJfs xfAsr a ; Pure? ?ioomi.'i^ Complexion. It la Partly Vogcttbie, nnd Ur (^r-r.tlmi la p??n and felt at onco. It.dooii aw-.iy .vitii tho 1'luahed Appearance cau?od l>y > <:. i utiicuo 1 andExcitement, llealuaud rer.iot? * d! *?' ntehwi I and Hmplea, dispelling dark r.nt m.f' ?'?t!y I spots. Drlv?ta away Sin, Froel.l-* a:itit puwtrfu;. . >.co mantles tho faded check with YOUTHFUL BLOOM AND ir'AMl Sold by all r>ruRp':i'r-i-'il t*. / ;? .\- . i>t. iot 83 Park It-4 Old uewspapiTs f.>r aale at 1'hcknix oflico. ul flf'v cents a hundred. TfiB WABBEN HOB. t?f JO ?? : ...f..'-, j-.'-rt - . . Bt? eieyiT sa5ttp?i > i ml. ?* 'J? ?n. Wir ;-/: c vn MAin Ami PASSING*B TB AW, --,w Lo?tb Colombia at/.. tj axn ArriveatCharlestonat _4.SO p n DeaVeCharlestonat.... ? i. 1:.: 19.8b a ? A rrive at Colombia at.:..>&f.'*i,..i'.*?: 6,20 p n HIQHT ZXTOKBf. miOBt AN? : ACOCBKODAUcr , iij -?afi;>,[32BdayB a*captea.l : a i Leave Columbia. .7,80 -p m Arrive. J.6.8C a V Arrive Charleston 7.10 p in 'Lette ...G '4b b it Camden Traib'wHl Tun M\)n?8y; Wednesday and Friday, as follows: ? 1 ' '? ? Leave-Ga?ulen et....?*v...?.7.20'A;M. Arrive at Colombia. st,.f. }SM Leave Columbia at......i 2.00 Arrive rtOainden tA^.^i. eibUt.?. MC isifs a: L. T$M3R, Vice-president. ?BjB. ttoarnre,GeneralTic^et Agent,; Charlotte.Colnnibia and Angb.ta K.B ? : SUPERINTENDENT'S. OFFICE. ' EEsaa?HaaaHBEt ?" and after thiu date; flKSa?B!^BW?folIoi?ingsohedntewillbe run over this roadv nw< ; t-fab?*l*L ' . OOIMOfQPXH. , . .. . ' . 'iraintloTi, Tram No.'?. Leave ObaVfotte.... .7.164*. ?V 1 ^?T??. Leav??olumbia... ..filS9 Pl lfJ 8.80 a. W Arrive Augusta......7.42 Pi Ms..; 8.20 A. M. :. , , . aoxaaaoBOT, ?,?, ^ Leave Augusta..... .,G.85 A. M v. 0.60 E. M. Leave Columbia... lp| P. "M. Arrive charlotte.. ,v.6M p.m. e.oo A: m. Standard Time ten .minute? *????> Washii daysc_. nectlonto ail points North, fiontfi' and v?esf. Through tickets sold and baggagc^heckt* t0 ftllpr^A^jE^|teEB^6^rG'eneraJ ?np. ER. Doaskr, Gon.Freightan'd f feiet A'^ent AFTER tbie dale 4t?e 'following BQbedule Leave Columbia .??WX?? Arrive at Florenco...............^'^iflSf": if\ Arrive Wilmington fUnion Depe?] 10.26'P."M'. .i i .juoBT Bzrazss zbaim. - - 0 Jo Loavo Wilmington [Union Depot J 6.45 F?21. Arrive at Florence....'. 11.86 P.-M. Arrive at Columbia., i........ 8.40 A. M. Arrive at Augusta...-....' 8.20 A.M. Leave Augusta ..?'.. 6.60 P. M. Leave Colombia.t.10.20V. M* Arrive at Florence. 2.12 A. Mi Arrive at Wilmington. 8.00 A-M. Qct 8 , JAS. ANDERSON .'GenMEnp^. UreenviUe and Colombia Bailioajt*. P AB 8 ??G.tJt _TB AI NB inn daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina Railroad iup and down; with Trains going North and South en Charlotte, Columbia and Augutta and Yti\~ mington,Columbia and Angnala Railroadq. ?P? ri"*; < ^ Leave Columbia at.......>.,.l...... 7.16 a. im: Leave Alston. .?..'. 9.C5a.:rh. Leave Newberry.10.40 a. m. Leave Cokesbury....... ...... ..... 2.00p.m. Leave Bel ton..8.00 p. m". Arrive at Greenville.. 5.20 p, m. sown, " Leave Greenville at/.M...7.80a.'m. Leave Bel ton.. 9.~80 a. m. Leaye Cokeabury...11,16 a..m. Leave Newberry... 2.30 p. m. Leave Alston.i. 4.20 p.m. Arrive at Columbia. 6.CO p.m. Anderson Branch and Blue Bidge Bivieicv. bowk. TJt. ? Leave Walhalla. 6.45 a. m. Arrive 7.16 p.m. Leave Perrjville 6.26 a. to. - ' 0.85 p. m. LeavePendleton. 7.10 a. m. 5.50 p. m. Leave Anderson.8.10 a? m. . ? 4,50 p.m. Arrive at Belton 9.00 a. m. Leave 8.60 p. m. Accommodation Trains run on Abbeville Branch Mondays, We'dnesdkj a ana Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and An? derson, Tuesdays. Tburedaja andBatnrdays. THOMAS DODAMEAD, Gen. Sup. yAnrz Nob tow. Genera^ Ticket Agent. Richmond and Danville Eailrced, after Sunday, December 22,1872: 1 GOING NORTH.. stations. mall. F.XPHEfiS. Leave Greenabore,...'. 2.Q0 A. M. 11 10 A. M. Leaye Danville........ 4 40 A. M. ? l:02P; M. Leave Burkville. 0.44 A. M> .6 86P. M. Arrive at Richmond.. .12.46 P. M. 0.80 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Leave Richmond:...... 1.60 P.M. 6.10 A.M. Leavo Burkville. 0.12 P.M. 8^8.A.M. Leave Danville ....... 10 00 P. M. 12.67 P. M. Arrive at Greensboro. .12.26 A. M. 8.801\ II. Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 P. M., and at 0.10 A.M., connect at Greensboro vltb trains1 on North Carolina Divieicn, for all pointa 8outb. Paeeenger a leaving Rieb need at l.CO P.M., connect at- Gveenaboro with train for all pointa East of Greentboro. Fas. aenger tiain leaving Baleigb at C.40 P. H.. connects at Greensboro with Northe>i)-bcnrd Mail train, arriving in Bicbnlortd at 12 45 p. M. JOHN B. MACMDBEO, General Freight.and Ticket Agent. . T. M. B. T at?, Engineer and Gtn, Sup't. NORTH CAKOLISA DIVISION. GOING NORTH. BTATIOKS. KAlt>. EXFBEpS. Leave Charlotte....:. 7.10 P.M. 6.25 A-.M. Leave Salisbury- 0,60P.M. 8.84 ATM. Loavo High Point.1168 F. M. 10.17 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro. 12.60 A. M. 11.00 A. M. Leave Greensboro- 1.45A. M. 11.10 A. M, Leave Company Shops 8.86 A. M. 12.20 P. M. Leave Hillsboro.4.63 A.M.. Leave Raleigh. 8 06 A. M. . Arrive at GoldBboro.. .11.05 A. M. GOING SOUTH. LeaveGoldeboro...... 4.10P.M. . ........ Leave Raleigh.; 7,46 P. M. . Leave Hillsboro.10.21 P. M., LeaveCompany 8hops 12.65^A. M. 2.16 F. M. Arrive at Greensboro. 1.30 A.M. 8.80 P. M. I Leave Greensboro-2/15 A.M. 4.00 P.M. Loave High Point.... 3.04 A.M. 4.43 P.M. i Loave Salisbury.i 67 A. M. 6.22 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte... 7.20 A.M. 8 80 A. M. raBBongor train leaving Raleigh 7.46 F. M., oonneote at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making quickest all Northern cities. Price of tickets aam,o as other rentes. Mail trains dally, both wavs, over entire length of road. ExpreaB daily between Com? pany BhopB and Charlotte Sundays excepted. PullmanPalace Carson night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, withunt ohange. S. E. ALLEN, Gen. Ticket Agent. W. H. Gbxek, Master Transportation. Bummer Schedule 8. & U. ?. B? s?| I DOWN TRAIN. UP TRAIN jHPTlw? Arrive. Loavo. Arrive. Leavi Spartanbnrg.. 6.80* 6.25 Batoaville. 6.00 6.00 4. ?8 4.58 Pacolet. 0.08 6.13 4.40 4.46 JoncsviUe. 6.48 0.48 4.06 4.10 Unionville. 7.25 7.60 8.06 8.21 Santnc. 8.20 8.26 2.30 2.88 FiahDam. 8.40 8.46 2.10 2.15 Hhelton. 9.15 9.20 1.85 1.4* Lylea'Ford... 9.40 9.45 1.12 .17 Strotber. 10.05 10.10 12.50 .56 Alston .11.00 J^.0? May 24 TH08. B. JETER.President Seegera' Beer is Bure." [TdonM contain Cococulns Indinutl Fls Bfrrie tt ^ j t { sleopv