The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 21, 1873, Image 6

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{By Soii?HT.n aiui a Washington, March ?ld.^Er-S<j?at?r' Sawyer will not rWrne the dtflfocl bis new of^(?a; uotU Monday, There iaJbut one vacant ?eat in the Senatei now, and that belongs to Louisianas Pthohbaok has been elc^tod, bat ^ The le^ing' Sdhatore , arer anx\oae to oIobo the session as soon as possible j and on motion ol Anthony, this* morning a resolution waa adopted that the Senate hereafter meet at 11 A. M. daily, so that business may be brought to. a close. ?*?r?i?n Affairs. V ' ' MADRID, ASroH 10--E raning.?Fran oisoo Salme >n waa to-day elected Presi? dent of the National-Assembly, and $ar doal and Lopez Secretaries. Car list bands are becoming more numerous and troublesome in Andalusia. -' t - London, March 20?6 A. M.?Glad? stone will announce in the House of Commons, to-night, (Thursday,) that he has decided to remain in pffioe, with all of his colleagues. . London, March 29.lt2Iu . the House of Commons,, this afternoob. which was crowded to suffocation, Gladstone an? no uuaed that tho opposition having de? clined to form a ndw Government, he and his'oblteaguea would resume office. The announce men t was received ,with oheers. ; . '.* i ., ;< ? f.. i Amarioan .natters. _ WASfliNOTok, 1 Mason, .20t-,Tha\ new Secretary of the Tr^oaaury? Mr. Biohard son, says he will "haVe; little or no news for journalists!..' These,"gentlemen, are referred to-the President for news of the operations of the'Treasury Department. Despatches from Chicago and Maine report heavy ?now. { ..' News from the Modoa war. ant. Gsft.'Oanby's plan- is to starve Captain Jaokout; 600-troops are around the lava beds; Co?ipa?y A, of the Fourth Artillery,";has been .ordered'tp. .the Iron t. The Tennessee Legislature passed a bill allowing, localities : t? -decide the question, of tippling houses.",. The G? vor nor w?\l SJgU tlie.b?U.-! " Iii.i it. New ?ork, March. .20.? Thomaa J. i Blaokwollj^a dry ? goods ? merchant ol Elbortqn, Go,, while- -en rotUe' .toTHeij York, left'his friedds'e train was at Wilmington, Delaware, :Tueaday, to go in tbe;smoking^Br:~Bnd, has' not BtnoB" boon- .beard. of. ^?s ,b?d' considerable monejr iu-pis, possession^ &^?3fe3 !| Bloodgood & Ostemore's el^UoDelting factory, in: Brooklyn; was burnedSo-day. LoBs,'^00,O00i <i-?? -,;!-' ? The adyance'. lp '.pnrk is attributed toj the demand1 from Europe?, to make bacon for army. food.. t. .J The sohoOuer Joseph- Garland, report: ed lost,' wj?i ill aboard, is safe .ajj Bj'bek iand,;aAh?:.;:^...a?*wa The j?ittehurg, Pa., post office, was robbed before 5 o'clock''this morning, Gver 6%00? worth of stamps were stolen'.' St. Ljtois, March 20.?The affairs.: o? the St.tfcq^rei:K?ns?s and Northrwoatein Railroad are quieting.. Tho metropoli? tan police and local authorities seem ample to prevent farther damage or in? terruption to travel. ... tii-.i A guard, with 1,000 packages for the Vienna-exhibition, sails to-day. Cincinnati, March 20. ? Six St?res, the post office and twenty dwellings in Lake City, Chariot City County, Ark., were burned to-day. ?'? 1 New Yobx, March' 20.?The Raited States fleet has. left' Bio Janeiro, on ac? count of yeUpwVfaTpjr,; where1 seventy I cases of yellow fever are reported daily. The epidemic had, extended to Balm and | Pernambnoo, where it. was confined to the shipping. The cholera is very fatal at Para. The United States school ship Meroury was at St. Thomas on the 14th. Two of this crew hod died from yellow fever. .". ; The car-hook murderer Foster's fa? mily left by to-day's steamer for Europe. His children, at his own request, have not been allowed to see him since his'in? carceration. Foster's oonnsel is making a final effort to delay the execution, upon the ground that a ropriovo requires a re sentence. - ?.: x , - , : ? A heavy defalcation in the Bull's Head Bank is reported. Its capital was 82,000, 000. It had no' direct oonneotion with the The bank is closed, under charge of' the polioe. Crowds of depositors Burround the building. A person named McDonald was ar? rested upon the arrival of the Th?ringer, as a forger upon the Bank of England. MoDonald had money, diamonds or other valuables, but alleges there is a' gross mistake. Montbbaii, March 20.?The remains of Mr. Hyatt, a commercial traveller, were found in the ruins of the St. James Hotel. Trenton, N. J., March 20.?The Se? nate passed, nuanimously, the general railroad bill, already passed by the House. The local option bill has been indefinitely postponed. Washington, Maroh 20.?Mrs. John? son, mother of the Senator, died at Ab ingdon, Va., to-day, aged 70. Richardson regards the letter of the President to Boutwell as mandatory upon him, to pursue Boutwell's policy. Probabilities?For the Eastern Golf States, rising barometer, North-wost winds, partly olondy and olearing weo thor. For tho South Atlantic States, South-west winds, veering to North-west and increasing to brisk for a short time in North Carolina. Financial and Commercial. London, Maroh 20?Noon.?Consols 92%@92%. Americans, nothing do? ing. LrvBRTOOii, March 20?3 P. M.? Cot? ton opened firm?uplands 9i?; Orleans 9%; sales 14,000 balos; speculation 3,000; from Savannah or Charleston, deliver? able in February or Maroh, 9J?; same ports, deliverable in April, 9 1-16. Liverpool, Maroh 20?Evening.?Cot? ton olosed firm?uplands 9Jjj(3>9>?; Or? leans 9%@9j.;; sales inoludo 10,000 American. ? New York, March 20?Noon.?Cotton Opmioslly unchanged. Lard very quiet and firmly held?Western steam $H?&X. Freights quiet. Stocks heavy. Gold drm, at 15#.t Money firm, at 1^32 to 1-16 per ^eatj.j^ohaiiife^Io^B;' short H}i, .Go7erumeat8a'ud State bonds dull boi steady. , * > : .;<??. hi 7 P. M.?Uotton no changed; sales 2,003 bales; . \FTonVqoJet. .Whjekey A Wheat very qoiot and firmly held; little prime offering; shipper and millers bidding l@2o.- under asking rates. Corn a trifle firmer. Bioe 8@8&. Pork un ? settled and irregular?hew 16.25. Lard firm, at 8 7-16i@83?v Freights a trifle firmer? Money olosed at 7, gold. Ster? ling dull, at 8t?8&.- Gold 15)?@15& Governments dull but steady. States dull. Bales of. futures 11,450 bales: Mar oh 18 K, 18^; April 18#, 18&{ May 18U-J6,' 18%; June 181516. July,19M,19X. ?iucrNNATi, March 20.?Flour dull and unchanged., dorn 'steady; Provisions stronger. Pork nominally 15.25; sales at 15,50, buyer in- April. Lard firm? steam 7K@7>?: held at 8; kettle 8??. Bacon btoady? shoulders QH(d^G}4; clear rib sides 8>^@8^; clear sides 8>?@8%. Whiskey aotive, at 86. Louisville, Maroh 20.?Flour weak and easier, but not qaotably lower. Coin in fairv demand and nnohaoged. Pork Bteady, at 15.50(2)10.00 for round lots. Bacon in fair demand and steady. Lard?tierces 8#@8%; kegs. 9%@9&; steam small - order lote }>i(?%o. higher. -Whiskey -active, at ?6(q)b7. Tobacco firm; no change; sales 250 hogs? heads. " ' '. . St. Louis, Maroh 20.?Flour steady. Corn firm, at 82, East side of track; 3i}? (&3? in elevator. Whiskey dull, at 87 Pork quiet, "at .15.75. ,'Bac?h easier, at 6^@9; dear:.aides 10, in August; 10>4' on Spot. Lard .quiot, at 7%. ' . Mobile, March- 20.?Cdtton quiet and sieadj?middlipg low mid? dling 17>^i; i receipts 41)1 bales; sales 6,000.; etoca 42.?3L - ;* ??? yj > , liAi.TTMon a, March 20 ?Cotton dull middling '10; receipts 169 bales; stock 9,853. . ..: i?j BoSxon, Maroh .20.? Cotton quiet? middling 19receipts 717 bales; sales 200; stock 11,090. ' '*'Jil _jWjTMTNaTOiT. March 20.?Ootton qoiet -~-middllhc:l8>^; receipt* 62ba!ea; stock 5.22L - Norfolk, March ^20. f? Ootton?low middling 17J^;. receipts. 1,205'Jo?fes; Bales 100; Btock7i693. . ? , ; ..-.CHARLESTON,'March-20;?Cotton quiet ?i-imiddlipg, 18,*?;.'. receipts 785 fcalea: , Savanhahy Macuh 20.--Cottqr? quiet and steady?;middling ? 18J&; receipts 1,760 bale*; sW$b?9: stock 88,080." "f V;AnaWrA._ J^ph'20^,C?tton: in mode; rate demand?middling ' lift;. receipts ij^l ^SSlSS 2 iO (I .'i ? - Gar,VHJfrojr, March 20.? Cotton firmer and in fair demand?good prdinary l?j^; tocsipta 83i baleq; aale?"jl',200; stock 66,688.. ? .?'-",.. ?? - ' l. * . Philadelphia, . March 20.?Cotton quiet?middling19>?:' " Nsw OaniiAifa, 'March 20.?Cotton demand notivo?ordinary 15}?; good or? dinary 16; low middling 17%; middling 18>^; receipts 11,521 bales; sales 10,500; stock 218,115. An Ohio sohool-master having hud occasion to administer to one of his pupils the gentle chastisement which forms an essential feature of Western eduoation, the father of tbe culprit paid a vengeful visit to the academy during recess, and?directing bis son to lock the door on the outside?"went.for" the pedagogue with a chair, which he used in anything but a chary manner. Tbe only thing the poor teacher bad to de? fend himself with was a pen-knife with a blade not more than eight inoheslong; but with this insiguifioant weapon and the consciousness of reotitade he was enabled to go on with his afternoon classes as soon as tbe pieces of his assail? ant had boon swept up and taken to the hospital in a wheelbarrow. . Getting a License.?A bl ashing maiden of forty summers entered the town olerk'a office in Wheeling, West Virginia, recently, and asked, in a voice trembling with agitation, for a license. The clerk took down the name and the address of the visitor. "Name and ad? dress of the party?" asked the clerk. "Faithful, and be lives with me." replied the fair one. The clerk looked at her a moment, and blushingly completed tbe filling in of the document, whioh be handed to the lady. He was astonished at her conduct; she gave one glance at the license, hoarsely whispered, "Mon? ster!" and swept majestically ont of tho office. Tbe olerk had presented her with a marriage license, when it was a dog license she wanted. Senator Pomeroy is reported to have been heard declaiming in Shakspearean langaugo to Caldwell as follows: "Alas! that Yorkel I knew him altogether too well, Caldwell. Ho was a fellow of infi? nite cheek and of most serviceable quality. He bath borno mo through, tight places a-macy times; but now how abhorred in my imagination ho is I My gorge rise at him. Now got you to an? other Seuator, and tell him, let him bribo a foot deep, to this favor must he come." At tho Ames dinner tho following poem was read: My text is, "Lo! how great ado Is kindled by a little fire;" Or, olearer, possibly, to you One truth exposes many a liar." So few are fonnd the truth to tell, So many seem the truth's dooiers, That Credit Mobilier is woll Translated, "Credit more big liars." Twelvo years ago this month, Mr. John B. Walsh began to soli stationery in a little shop iu Chicago, and to day he is President of the Western News Company, whioh, in 1872, did a business of over 81,500,000. The Lawi of Bouth Carolina. ? * A4** i ??* Joint RcMlHtlom Puiif*. ?jr, 1879?73. . ' AS ACT TO REVISE and AMEND AH ACT EN - TrljGED "AN ACT to ?KDUO?> AXiL. AO^ AND PARTS OF ACTS TO DETJtakWHLAK?' f?RT etuate the HQUB31BAD I STD COT - ACT AND TO AMEND tiih SAMB." " jSju: i*<? t< enacted by the Senats and Bous?\cf. Representatives of the State of South. Caro* Una,'now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same:' . ? Section 1. The family homestead of the head of eaoh family residing" in this State, saeh homestead consisting of dwelling house, G?t-buildiugs ,u<i lands appurtenant, not to ezoeed the value of one thousand dollars, and yearly product thereof, shall be exempt from attach? ment, levy or sale, on any mesne or final process issued from any oourt upon anj judgment obtained upon any right of action, whether arising previous or sub? sequent to the ratification of the Consti? tution of the State of South Carolina; and it ?Iiall be the duty of the Sheriff, or other officer, before executing any Erooess against the real estate of any ead of a family resident .in this State, to cause a homestead, as above stated, to be set off to said person in the manner following, to wit:-Be shall cause three appraisers to be appointed, one to be named .by the creditor, one by the. debtor and one by himself, who-shall be discreet und disinterested men, and in nowise related to either1 -patty,' resident in t,he County, uud wh&BualL bo aworp by a Trial Justice, .qr,'.?th*>* !4T?pf i<; au? thorized by law to administer oaths, to impartially npprdis^:^!^s*9jt .riff;- by metes and bounds, a '-homestead, not to exceed in value o do,, thousand" dollars; and said appraisers filiall"make return of their actioo in tho premises* ..under their bands und heals, to the Sheriff or other officer, withiu ten days after the assign? ment.and set off is made for record iu court, giving the metes and bounds, ds wtdl,as thu value of the homestead so set off, for which purpose they shall be au thorized to call in the aid of a surveyor, if thqy, or n majority of them, deem it necessary-;. And if uo complaint shall be made by either party, within thirty days after tho return of the appraisers has been filed, Vbe 'prpoeadiags in tho case shall be' fiual: Prodded,, upon good cause shown, withiu thirty days after filing-the- return of said appraisers, the oourt opt tit which the process issued may order- a-VtV nppraisemnnt and re assignment of tho homestead by other appraisers appointed by.the court; And provided, further, That sboiu 1 d the credi tb'r oe debtorTiegtect or *refuse,\after ten' days'' notice from the officer in whose hands the process is lodged, to nominale an appraiser, then the said officer shall ^pbinttTOifrMe.'OV " T. Sec. 2. That, when thirty- days shall have elapsed after the filing 1 the return of said appraisers,.setting off a home? stead to any. .debtor* according tor the provisions of Section 1 of this Act, and no good '-cause has' been ! shown, or ex? ceptions filed, against' auch return, euch debtor may have snob return recorded ; in the office of. the Register of Mesne Conveyanee Of the County in which the same is located; and, npon suoh return being so recorded in thirty-three days after the proceedings have become final, the title to the homestead so set off and assigned shall be forever discharged from all debts of said debtor then exist isting or thereafter contracted. Sec. 3. That whenever in the assign? ment of a homestead, as provided in Section 1 of this Aot, the appraisers shall find that the premises, including the dwelling house and out-houses, exceed the value of cue thousand dollars, and that the same cannot be divided without injury to the remainder, they shall muke and sign, under oath, au appraisal thereof, and deliver the same to the Sheriff, who shall deliver a copy thereof to the bead of the family claiming the homestead, or to some member of the family of suitable age to understand the nature thereof, with a notico attached that, unless the person so claiming the homestead shall pay to said Sheriff the surplus of the appraised value over and above one thousand dollars within sixty days thereafter, such premises will be sold; and, oa failure to pay suoh surplus in the time Umited, the Sheriff shall ad? vertise and Bell the said premises, and oat of tho proceeds of such sale shall pay into the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court bno thousand dollars, which shall be applied, under tho order of the Ciroait Judge, upon the applica? tion of the head of tho family, iu the purchase of a homestead of that value. The residuo iu tho hands of the Sheriff, if any, after paying all expenses inci? dent to tho appraisement and salo of the* property, shall bo applied by him to any exeoutious iu his hands, according to law: Provided, That no sale shall be mado unless a greater sum tbau one thousand dollars shall bo bid therefor: Provided, further, That if, after notice, the party claiming the homestead pays, or causes to ho paid, tho surplus over ouo thousand dollars, ho shall, upon re? cording tho return and rooeipt of the Sheriff for such surplus, endorsed on said return, as providod iu Section 2 of this Aot, hold tho property so appraised aud set off freod, and discharged from all debts and demands then existing against such party; but, as to such surplus, not from debts thereafter contracted, like proceedings to the foregoing being in such case allowable for tho recovery of nil after contracted debts. Sec. 4. If tho husband bo dead, the widow and children; if the father and mother bo dead, tho children living on the homestead, whether any or all such children bo minors or not, shall be enti? tled to have the family homestead ex? empted tn like manner as if tho hasband or parents were liviug; and tho home? stead so exempted shall be subject to partition among all the children of tho head of tho family in like manner as if no dobts existed: Provided,. That no parti^bU^V^tUt o*W shall be made antik the youngest ohild becomes of age, uclessj? upoa proof satisfactory t? the court hearing the case, such sale is deemed beat - for the interest of snob minor or minors.- ' 8?o.d3- Ho waiter of the right of however solemnly executed, ?hall be binding upon the head of tbe family; or, in &*? of hia or her death, bis or her heira, sp as to defeat tho home? stead heroin provided for. : Sko. ,0w The personal proporty of tho head': of > any family, residing in this State; consisting of the yearly products of his or her homestead, and of the pro? perty Bubjeot to exemption under the Constitution, ehali be exempt from at? tachment, levy or sale: Provided, That in oase tbe right of sooh exemption be disputed by tbe creditors, the offioer in whose hands tbe process is lodged shall oanse the same to be as ear tain od and ap? praised, and all exempted property so aaoortained and appraised, by appraisers appointed and sworn for that purpose, as provided for in Section 1 of this Act, shall vest absolutely in the party, freed from all debts of tbe debtor then exist? ing or thereafter contracted, whether such debtor retain or sell the property: Provided, further, That a debtor being the boad of a family, aa hereinbefore stated, and not being the owner of any homestead, shall be entitled to a like ex? emption of personal property, as herein allowed to the owner of a homestead, to he asoertainod in the same manner.. Sec. 7. That the exemptions contained in the preceding sections of this Act shall not .extend to an attachment, levy or salo oq auy mesne or final process is? sued to secure- or enforce the payment of taxes or obligations'coutraoted for the purchase of said homestead, or obliga? tions eontfdoted,for. the erection of im? provements; xhereon: Provided, The court ui authority issuing suoh prooess shall certify thereon that the same is is? sued for some one or more, and no other, of said purposes: Provided, further. The yearly product of said homestead shall be subjoct to attachment, levy and sale to secure and enforoo the payment of ? obligations contracted in the production of tho same, but the court issuing the process therefor shall certify thereon that tbe same is issued for said purpose, and no other. Sec. 8. Whenever tho bead oi auy family, widow or children shall bo enti? tled to an estate or right of homestead, as hereinbat ore provided, and no prooess has been lodged with any officer against suoh homestead, the party or~partie8 en? titled to .Mich homestead may apply at any tib^*,"by V.petition, to the Judge of tbo Probate Court, to have the anme *p praised und eet~bff. The Tudge of Pro? bate shall, thereupon, after giving pub? lic notice by advertising the iutention of such party or parties to have his or their homesteads set olT for thirty dayB in a ?paper published in ? the County where the land lies, and in case no paper is published in the County, (post? ing tho notioe An the door. Of his office, I and iu three other public places, for a like length of time, appoint three disin? terested poisons, resident in the Couuty, who, having been duly sworn, shall pro? ceed to appraise and set off, by metes and bounds, suoh homestead, and make return to him. If no complaint shall be mado by auy creditor, or other person interested, against said appraisal and netting off of the homestead, within thir? ty days after tbe return of the appraiseis, the sumo shall be confirmed by tbe Judge and ordered accordingly: Pro? vided, That no appraisement shall be made or return filed until the notice has expired. Personal property, to tbe ex? tent and of tbe kind hereinbefore stated, muy bo exempted and set off iu like manner. Sso. I). That one third of tbe yearly products of every person, not being tho boad of a family, of every avocation, without regard to valuation, character or condition of products or earnings, shall be exempted from attachment, levy aud sale, except to euforce tbe payment of taxes. Sec. 10. That no sheriff, oonstable or other officer, whoso duty it is to enforce executions, shall proceed in any other manner than is prescribed in this Act; and should auy officer sell any real es? tate, or sell or removo any personal pro? perty, in violation of tbe provisions of this Act, and of Section 32 of Article II of tbe Constitution of tbe State of South Carolina, be shall be guilty of a misde? meanor, and, on oonviotion tberoof, shall, for the first offence, be fined in a sum not less than five hundred dollars, ($500,) nor more than one thousand dol? lars, ($1,0110,) and upon conviction for tbe Bccond ofience, his office ahull be deemed vacant; and in either case, he shall bo liable, in damages, to tho parties injured, for all injuries, by reason of hia wrongful levy or sale. Sec. 11. Appraisers appointed to sot off the homosduad undor this Act shall receive as compensation for such service two dollars euch per day, and five cents a mile for every mtlo of necessary travel. Tbo sheriff shall receive fivo dollars for nil services incidental to netting off the hotnesleud, but exclusive of ull uuces.sury disbursements. The Trial Justiuc or other ofilcer who qualities the appraisers shall receive for such sorvioo seventy-five cents, and fivo cents a inilo for every mile of nocossary travol. Tbo foregoing fees shall bo paid by the officer executing the process, out of tho property of tho debtor, or, iu case of tho homestead set off to tbo widow or minor children, out of tho estate of tho deceased, by tho executor or administrator tberoof: Prooided, That tho offic.r, beforo setting off the homestead and exemption, in any case, shall - bo en? titled to demand and receive from the plaintiff iu execution, iu advance, a sum of money.sufficient to cover the neces? sary fees und costs heroin allowed. Whenever u hoiaoatead is set off, as pro? vided iu Section 8 of this lot, tbe Pro? bate Judge shall receive an compensation fivo dollars for all services, including the record of thy proceedings, bat excluding I shall be paid iu advance by the party claiming the homestead- and exemp|ifn. Sab. 12. AU Aetsaudparfo of Actaln oonaietent with or supplied by this Act be, and the sane are hereby, repeal ed. Approved February 38, A. D.T873. am aot to amend section 8, chapter oxi, of the a en ee ad statutes? Be it enaded{by thm Senat? and House of Representatives of the State of South Caro? lina, now .met and General-As sembly, and by the authority cf the same: Section 1. That Section 8, of Chapter CXI, of the General Statutes, which re? quires that the Board of Jury Commis? sioners shall prepare a jury hit in raeh County, in the month of January of each year, be so amended as to make it lawful for the said board to prepare the jury list for the Counties of Lexington, Spartanbnrg and Edgefleld, during the year. 1873, before the 10th ol March of said year. ? Approved February 26, A. D. 1878. an aot TO AMEND SECTION 17 OP CHAPTER xlv of the GENERAL STATUTES OF THE 8TATE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Caro? lina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority, of the same: . That Section 17, Chapter XLV of the General Statutes of the State be amended by striking out the words "," and insert, in lieu thereof, the words "fifty-five." ArpROVED February 22, A. D. 1873. an act to amend an AOT ESTTTZiBD . "AN act to grant, renew AND AMEND tile charters OV CERTAIN towns AND Vllr lages therein mentioned." Be it entrdeidiby< the~Senate aiid House bf Representatives, of. the State , of South, t Carolina, now pict <md sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same*c Section 1. That Section-ii of an Act entitled "Au Aot to grant; renew and amend the charters of certain towns and villages therfeia mentioned^' approved' March 9, gjflHjjt?frnlg Ihn ?ano is jbere? by, amended-by striking out, on the fifth line, the words "fourth Monday in March, 1871," and insert the words "on the fourth Monday iu April, 1878." a il Approved January 29, A, D. 1873. ?' ?;. i _ # '?. v'. ~ an act concerning (school funds. ' 7 j 'Be it enacted by the Senate and House qf > Representatives of the State of South Coro Una, now met and silting in General-As? sembly, .and by' tlie authority of-the sattle: ' > Section 1. That the.?Qnera^Aaaembly shall levy, at each regular session there? of, an annual special tax, to .be known and designated as the shhool tar, on. all taxable property throughout the State, fur the suppbrJrand maiht>enaijcb 0f fff"S common sckpjOts, which yrjQDan b"eV cdl lected at tho samo time, aad/^a^he same manner, and by the Bame?;?fc|&te-i? the general Statu tax, and whlcn^^iblall be pa\3 into tbe trensury of ?hc Slata. 1 Seo. % That it bo decU^/S IWIsde meanor on tbe part of the StaW. T/oa surer to apply or approprfate any funds or moneys derived from, or collected, or received on account of, said school tax, for any purpose or purposes whatsoever, except that of froe common schools; and, on conviction thereof, he'shall pay a fiue of not leas than five thousand dol? lars, (85,000,) the same to be need for school purposes, and shall be imprisoned at the discretion of the coutU Sec. 3. That the State Treasurer shall furnish to the State Superintendent of Education, annually, on or before tbe first Tuesday of March of each year, ex? cept the present year, whiob shall be the first day of April, a certified statement showing the amount of moneys ooUected or received by him on account of said j school tax Sec. 1. That it shall be tho duty of the Statu Superintendent of Education to I apportion, as the law specifies, the free common echool funds of the State among J the several CounticB thereof. '. Sec. 5. That it shall be the duty of euoh Couuty School Commissioner to ap? portion, according to law, tbe freo com-' mon school funds of his County '? among the several school districts thereof: Pro? vided, That any school district, believing itself wronged by such apportionment, may appeal to the State Superintendent of Eduoition, whose decision shall be final. Sec. C. That it shall be the duty of eaoh County Treasurer to report month? ly, on tho 10th day of eaoh month, to tho County School Commissioner of his County, tho amount of collections and disbursements made by him fur the mouth ou account of poll tax and all other school funds; and it shall be a mis? demeanor on the part of any County Treasurer to neglect, fail or refuso to make such report; aud, on conviction thereof, ho shall pay a fiue of not loss than live hundred dollars, (8500,) the ! same to he med for school purposes iu his Couuty. Sec. 7. That all moneys disbursed by any County Treasurer on aoaouut of school funds or taxes, or poll tax, shall be paid ou tho order of Boards of School Trustees, oountersigued by tbe County School Commissioners: Provided, That aecouuts or claims of School Trustoes Lr enumerating school ohildroa shall be paid on tho order of the County School ! Commissioners. Sec, 8. That eaoh County Treasurer shall make out and forward to tho State Superintendent of Education, annually, on the flrot day of November, a certified statement, showing by school districts the amount of poll tax and tho amount of local or school district taxes collected j by him for the fiscal year ending on tho 31st of October next preceding; and should any Couuty Treasurer fail, ue gloct cr refuse to make and forward the statement as herein required, the State Superintendent of Edacation shall make out a written complaint to the Cir? cuit Solicitor for the County iu which the said Treasurer resides, who shall prosecute tho said County Treasurer for tb&aarne^^ Bftfai be Bubjeet^te^flntf Of fire hbodred W0BBSfmSsW. County. >1& ?/ il.n-Hibi'i" \v.>VH ? Dr. Mary Walter atterapted, the other . day, to enter the' lady's gallery in the : building where the" legislation is done) . for Louisiana by the Kellogg folk., 8he * was stopped by the door-keeper, whoi* told her the seats were reserved 'for hv ; die?. "Well, I aus a lady," said Dr; Mary. "I don't know about that,". re- .. tortod the door-keeper; "I shall Ijato to i examine"? He didn't finish tho seu tenoe. for Mary struok ont straight from.. ! the shoulder, like a pri^a fighter, and planted a blow on the door-keeper's po? tato trap. He didn't like that sort of , argument at all, baft refrained: from ra? tal iati ok in kind, though he warned the belligerent doctor not to strike him again. "Then get out of my way," ex? claimed Walker, brandishing her arms about wildly; and so she marched on triumphantly, and -took a seat with the , ladies. ill . A man in Maine now makes good m er- ' ohantable oysters out of floor paste, ta- " pioca, salt and water. These are placed - in second hand oyster shells, which arc ; carefully glued around the edges. When a hungry, half inebriated.' individual oemes into the saloon and oalls for a"' ' dozen raw on the half shell, ho receives '* the above described delicacy. : The mother of the Qrachii being asked where her jewela were, pointed to hpr sons. A young man being asked the same question, pointed to the: near*' eat; pawn-broker's shop. . ? -Rev. Dr. David Winters, "of Dayton^ Ohio, baa solemnized 8,825 marriages,. The last couple made -happy was a wealthy farmer, aged ? seventy, and' a ; mahlen of fifty years. ~ ' ' v; A Minnesota paper vaunts the rapid Jojtfeaso of ita circulation, having "taken ineeventy-flve cents, bash,' and a bushel l of potatoes bn subscription this week." ? What? between; its iiam? and a viaita tion of email-pox, business is altogether '. Ruepeudod at Colfax, Iowa^ "r . !. If the whole world were' %o ,?gree tor', speak nothing but., the truth, 'what an .abridgement; pf. speech thero yfduld bo, v ? Greenwood Cemetery, N. had 151,876permanent residents oh the 10th. ... i\ ???-? ? ?0? jHotbl, Arrivals, March 20, 1873,? JBmdrid) House?W? F:Tutner/wlfcr.and'' J three children, ?l?hland; J W tief ton, "/ Md: M D Bailey, NO; H DHsfh^y^S^ O; T rHendersSh, N O; &^m&conT Ga; M Cooper, Mo; K N PoterfloOrCity; H P Stark, N Y[ W W Jones,; Cokes- - bury; J aSeay. Kjngville; W g'Finofc N.-C; A E Cohen, Charleston. " '^Gbtumbia Hotel-r^O JfcJ?d.cS"Oj- J S Browning, Charleston; C C Dawsen, N J; J jT Darlington, wife and."three .ehf>; n dron, Benhettaville; J J Murrell;':JT " Newman, Charlestoct^A; AI Gilbert? Sum tor; HD Gilbert, N<Cj A H Waring, S O; W H Evans, Ga; -J E Beab, W J' Croaswell, S C. *V..:? ?' ^k ' Wheeler Hows?W F Cutbbertson, Charlotte ?Miss A<M Ballone, Ind; S B , Hodges, Greenwood; B J Newton and lady, B F Moore, A-Newton, Marlboro; Mrs J C Spro?la, Mise Sproals. t}a; Gflp Tapper, city; John A Barker, M D, Eagefleld; K Straus, Phila; J M Ward, Newberry. -:.: lv.r- *> TREZEYABT SILL, Trial Justine. < Office on Plain street, fcrsefly occupied by A. L. Solomon. Business promptly attended to._ March 20 2mo First Annual Ball Of, ... Phoenix Hook and Ladder Co., ... I w o. i, . ' On TMUllBDW KVKWIITO, March 97. AT PARKER'S HALL ! J '. coxbittbb of ABHANG tillEnth. J. A: Jackson. K. J. Bookniouv, W. E. Hibth. ( aaoxPTioN committee. . ?' P. J. Veiohax, J. Jeans, J. L. Little, J. Btbllxko, E. Enole. eloo'b oomnTTee. J. Konkmajt. B. 8tha?s, John Moobison, ? ? -i M.-Habxn-iohv, G. H. Dtjhme. Mombora'oftha Steam Fire Engine Compa? nies will pleaaffwear the .'uniforme of their respective organJaatioas. . Tickets oan be procured from the Commit-' tee of Axraagemsnts. . ,\ Supper tri it be provided by Captain John McKenzie, tickets for which can be had fro? any or the above Committees on the night of the Ball, t ? -v^.. , i Hareb21 0 PR0QLAMATI0N. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA: IN oontormitv with Hection 60 of Chapter LXII1, l'ago 318. of tbo General Statutes, I do hereby name Messrs. William E. Earlo, Alexander MoBee, Thomas M. Cox and G. W. Taylor, Jr., CommiBaionora (o receive sub? scriptions fur the capital atock of the "Greenville and Gap Creek Turupiko Compa? ny,'! chartered at tho last session of the Gen oral Assembly, and do appoint the first Mon? day in April next bb tbe day on which said Commitsbioners shall open enbsoription books at tbo law office of Meaars. Earlo L Blythe, at Grconvtllo, H. C, for the purposo of reoeivmg ?Hibecriplionu to 'the capital atock of said company. Now, tbereforo,oach and ovory of tho Oom mtarinnora abovo uamed iro hereby required, with strict regard to tbe lawa of tho State, touching their duty iu each case, to cause tho said subscription nooka to bo opened at the time and placo above named, Iu testimony whereof, I have horennto set my hand and canned tbe great seal to bo affixed, at Columbia, this 20th day of 'a Mai oh. A. D. 1873, and in tbe ninoty j_, aovcntn year of tbe indopondonco of tho United Statoa of America. By the Governor: FUANKL1N J. MOSKri, Jn. H. E. Hatnf Sorrotary of State. Much 21 1