The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 13, 1873, Image 1

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THE DAILY 'Let our. tust Censure* BY J. A. S&LBY. COLUMBIA, S. C.^ THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 1873. VOL. VIII?NO. 303. The Hew York World says: "An ex-; emplary but impecunious oharoh-goer in' Houston, Texas, put his revolver on the plate last Sunday." Then the Houston Telegraph says:' "Why, what an ass yon are to think a pistole to be a revolver. It1 is a Spanish ooin of the valuo of $3.60, which we presume yon graenbaok Go thamltce know less of than of revolvers, under the light of your late experiences." The patient soon feels as if he, had taken a new lease of life, and is over* Joyed to find the depressed feeling dissi? pated, the oostive habits o or reo ted, and new streams of health coursing througt his veins, by using Simmons' Idves* Re? gulator. "M8t3tfl A New York editor was rendered in? sane while going home the other night', by hearing the following words oome from a dark porch: "Oh, John! I won? der if that moustJaohe feels as good on jonr lips as it did on" mine?" John's an? swer he did not wait to hear. An* exohange tantalizes its readers! with this alaority: "Have you heard of j the man who got shot?" "Got shot? No; how did he get shot?" "He bought them." Old newspapers for sale at Phcenh offloe, at fifty cents a hnndred. Beeohersays "cheek" in better than $50,000; and he knows. Apples! Apples! 5BARRELS PRIME NORTHERN APPLES, , [the Baldwins,] lust received, which I will soil low for oaah. ' JOHN D. BATEMAN, Mar 12 2 At the Columbia Ice Honae. London Porter and Scotch Ales. OASES Hibbert'a London PORTER and I Youoger'e Sootoh ALE, far aale by March 12_HOPE A GYLES. -Eating* and Planting Potatoes. A NOTHE? freah lot JoBt reoeiyed and for | ?\. sale at reduced prioea by M?r12 _JOHN AONEW A SON. Booms to Kent. OUR ROOMS, amiable for offices, over the Citizens' Savings Bank._ Appby^to 10 F Maroh 12 4 JOHN O. DIAL. 10 F Wanted, PLOUGH HANDS and ten HOE HANDS. One-third orop of ootton, corn, Ao., given. Anply to Mar 12 0_' D. B. DeSAUSSURE. To Bent, THE FARM adjaeent to the city, known aa the "STARK FARM." Apply to LAM AR STARE, Mar 12 6 Agent of B. Q. Lam&r, Trustee. Wanted, OUR LOG CUTTERS and 8IX MEN, to | work in saw mill, Apply to March 9 3_W. LOWRY. Notice. THIS day, the firm of WILLINGHAM A ] BLAIR has, by mutual consent, been dis? solved. Farther tr?ne actione will be conti? nued by Mr. WILLINGH AM, and not by me. Maroh 11 8f ,_A. P. BLAIR. Wanted. AFEW MACHINISTS, (Tumors and Fit tors;) also, BLACKSMITHS and BOILEB I MAKERS. None but firat olaes workmen [ wanted. Apply to JOHN P. TAYLOR, Phoenix Iron Works, March 12 3_Oharloston. B. O. Remarkable Corn?Cooley's Early - White Field Corn?Certificate. ICERTIFY that I planted COOLEY'S EARLY CORN In April, 1872, finishing about the 18th. On the let of August, the Corn Hoomod onred; and on the 5th of Au? gust, I'examined very carefully, and found it dry enough to aend to mill for meal. WM. E. YANOEY, Alabama. For aale at E. H. HEINITSH'S Maroh 111_ Drugstore. BECOND ANNUAL. GRAND BAL HASQUE of GAZA LODGE NO. 168.1. 0. B. B. on Thursday Evening, March 13, 1873. SENIOR COMMITTEE.?Jacob Sulzbaoher, P. Enstin, Maj. Harry Noah, Iaaao Sulz? baoher, Joseph Goldsmith. JUNIOR COMMITTEE.?P. 8. Jacobs, B. A. Koonan, W. G. Book, John Morrison, R. B. McKay. The Committee reserve the right to unmaak J anv person. Tickets for sale by the Commit? tee^_;_March 4 13114 Notice to Tanners. FOB aale, a firat class LEATHEB SPLIT-] TING MACHINE, from the house ot Edward Godfrey A Bona, of Now York. Per? fectly new. Never need. Bill of aale will be exhibited and half-price takon. Apply atthla I office._Majrobjg 12* Medioal and Surgical. DB. A. 8. HYDRIOK offers his professional aervicea to the community. Office, for the present, with Dr. Gibbes, on Plain street, near Bnmtor._Mar 4 tlmo Oats and Corn. 1AAA BUSHELS prime white CORN. ?UUvi 800 bushels heavy OATS. For sale low for cash. HOPE A GYLES. To-Day, OF allothera, iathotimeto apply a remedy. If you are siok and suffering with Head? ache, Dullness of Poolings. Constipation, Disordered Stomach, Biliousness, HeinitBh'a Blo?d and Liver Pills aro wonderfuloorroctora of the Liver and Btomaoh. For sale only at Fab 25 j_HEINITSH'S Drug Store. A New Era in Journalism. All the News and Full of Pictures. THE DAILY GRAPHIC. THE DAILY GRAPHIC is tho only illus? trated daily newspaper in the world. It ia an eight-page paper, published every after? noon, and contains all the latest news, be? sides a great varioty of correspondence, gos? sip and othor froah and interesting matter. Ita great featnro conaista in the faot, that by the aid of newly-discovered and wonderful processes, it presents dally fonr pages of beautiful piotnres, illustrating tho leading and striking events of the day. Theao illna trationB aro oxecutod in tho highest stylo of the art, and constitute a complete and gra? phic panorama of our times and progress. They are prepared by tho loading artists of tho country, and without regard to expense. These illustrations are accompanied by gra phio descriptive matter and ablo editorials, which combine to mako The Daily GnAPmo a uowspapor of surpassing and permanent in? terest to evory man and every family. In politics, Tub Daily Guaphio is strictly non partisan and independent; and whilo It dis? cusses all topics of puhlio interoit, it deala fairly and impartially with all aecta and par? ties. It will always he high-toned, and will contain nothing to offend any tanto. Terms, $12.00 per year. Bend for it. Addrosa The Daily Graphic, Now York city. March 11 Spoolal Wotlooe. To SKxrnoa.?The almost daily receipt of voluntary testimonials from every part of tho country, from physicians, clorgymen, old and young, male and female, ia sufficient to con? vince the most skeptical that Dr. Tutt'u Ex peotorant ie the moat valuable Long Balaam of the age; m?n; wonderful enree h?vo been performed by it,?s may be seen by hundreds of certificates in tho hands of the proprietor. Try it and yon will donbt no longer. B&rnBBmoz, Oa., September 24,18G0. i Mr. L. H.M. Mc'Djre -Dear Fbunp: En I oloaed please find post office order for live dollars, and I shall have to apologise for not '-riting to yon before. I have been qnite eick, and very misy when well, therefore neglected it. Yon will please Bond mo per ex ?reas two more bottles of Tutt'a Expectorant, t ia certainly a splendid thing for a cough; it haa oured me effectually of my cough, ana also several others to whom I gave it. "With a thousand thanks for the medicine you acut mo, I remain your sincere friend, R. O. SCOTT. Dr. Tutt'a Hair Dye it Easily Applied Mil_?_ L/AU AXV/JLl IWorcestersh'eSaucel Buyera are cautioned to avoid the numerous | Counterfeits and imitations offorod for salo. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Now York, Pot 29 jly Agenta for the Unltod 8tatea. PROMENADE CONCERT. AT MRS. hinr.icii80n'? ?TORE, Opposite L?rick & Lowrance'a, March 18 dfc 19, j rilHE Ladies of tho Baptist Congregation JL will give an entertainment for the benefit | of their Churoh on the above datea. Hot and Cold Supper an u. BefreBbmenta of I all kinds. A fine Band of Muaio in attendance each night. Dinner on 19th from 12 to 4 Admission 25 oents. Tickets can be proonred of Mr. Winthrop I Williams, at B. 0. Shiver A Go/a, or at the [ door._Mar 12 Patriot. CHESTNUT HORSE, foaled in 1864; bred by O. B. Tucker, Newberry, 8. 0.; aired by Bill 1)earing, dam Emily; bred by 1 the late Col. Wade Hampton, of Columbia, S.O., by imported Glencoe: grand dam by imported Monarch; great-grand dam imported Emily, by Emiliua: great great-grand-dam, Elizabeth, by Rainbow; fifth dam, Belvoirina, by Stanford; sixth dam, aiater to Silver, by Mercury; seventh dam, by King Herod; eighth dam, young Hag, by Skim; ninth dam, Hag, by Crab; tonth dam, Ebony, by Ohildus; eleventh dam, Ebony, by Basto. Bill Dearing was aired by imported Albion; first dam, by imported Leviathan; aecond dam, Morgianna, by Faoolet; third dam, Black Sophia. This horso will make the Spring Season of 1873,' oommenoing March 15, and ending June 15, at Ma. DALY'S Stablea. _;_March 11 i4 DEXTER STABLES, Assembly Street. I HAVE just returned I from the West with a car load of fine Stock, consisting of Match, Saddle and Buggy HORSES. Partiea wishing to purchase would do well to apply at tho above Stablea. Mar 9 6_O. H. PETTENQILL. Tax-Payers. Take Notice. AFTER the ICth of March, the PENALTY I OF TEN PER CENT, will be added to all delinquenta, aa by torma of Ordinanoo. No extension of time will in any case bo allowod. [ Also, all DOGS without collars, aftor that I date, will be impounded. OHAS. BARN UM, City Treasurer. March 0_ To Liquor Dealers. Chablotte, N. 0., February 28.1873. , HAVING learned that sundry iparties are selling an inferior! Iquality of CORN WHISKEY ip 1 [south Carolina and Goorgia, irepresenting it as my make, this ia to certify that Messrs. W. H. H. Hous? ton A Co., of this oity, havo the exclusive control of all my whiskey, and I sell none ex? cept through them. 0. A W. H. MOTZ. Attest: W. 8. Pearson, United States ] I Ganger for Motz's Distillery. MoD. ARLEDGE, I General Traveling Agent for W. H. H. Hous? ton A Co. _Mar 8 lmo* To-Day. THE "Queen'a Delight" ia the popalar Blood Medicine for romoving all Skin I Diseases and Purifying the System, strength I ening and renewing tho wasted powers of the body, giviog tono to the diseased organs. ! It ia the modioine of the day. For aale at Feb25t_HEINITSH'8 Drug Storo. Wearn & Hlx's New Art Gallery, Main street, Columbia, 8. O. FINE Card and Cabinet PHOT08 from rc touohed Negativea, Oil, Crayon and Paatol Portraits; fine Miniature Work, all stylos; and Photo Coloring, in Water and Oil, at lowest New York rates for same quality { work. Minute Photographs. f>2 60 per dozen; j Ferrotypes from 50 cents to 15.00 each. A lady in attendance on the Booeption Boom._Fob 26 Boynton's Lightning Saws. BOYNTON'3 LIGHTNING 8AW8?a?e? time and labor, enabling one man to do with oaso the work of two. Ono Man Cross Cut, two Men Cross Cut, Hand and Wood Saws, Just roceivod and for Bale by_JOHN AQNEW A SON Buffalo Tongues, NEW sugar-cured HAMS, Breakfast Stripe, smoked Beef, for sale low. HOPE A GYLES. Sanders Home. THIS HOUSE, aituated at Ninety-Six, Groenvillo and Columbia Railroad, has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished, The traveling pubiio may reat assured that they will be mrnishod with accommodationa seoond to nono in the Stato, at reasonable rates. SANDERS A URO., Jan 9_ Proprietors. TO PLANTERS. PCrifi DIXON STEEL COTTON SWEEPS. PJUU 100 Twisters and Shovels. 10 Dow-Law Cotton Planters, Just from fac? tory. 100 pair Trace Ohaina. 40 dozen Plow Hamaa. Which we offer at popular prices. Feb 22 L?RICK A LOWRANCE. F OH OVER FORTY YEARS thia PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE has proved to bo the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for LIVER COMPLAINT and its painful off? spring, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun? dice, Unions attackB, BIOK HEADACHE, CoUo, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STO? MACH, Hoartburn, CHILLS AND FEVER, Ac, Ao. After years of oareful experiments, to meet a great and urgent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine Powders THE PREPARED, a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REGU? LATOR, containing aU its wonderful and valu? able properties, and offor it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powders, (prico as before,) $1.00 per package. Bent by mail, $1.04. CAUTION I -Cft Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade mark, Stamp and Signa? tur o unbroken. None other is genuine. J. II. ZEfLIN & CO., MACON. OA., and PHILADELPHIA. Hold by all Druggists. Jan. 30, [Sept. 14] TTj ly._ Land for Sale. IOFFER MY PLANTATION, situatod near the town of Greenwood, S. C, for Bale. It coutaiuH 000 aores, about one-half of which is woodland, well timbered, and partly in the corpora to limits of tho town. Most of the open land is vory good, containing thirty or forty aores of well-drained bottom, in a high Btate of oultivation. On the place is an excellent Dwelling of eight rooms, well finished, and all necessary out-buildings; a large Barn, [six rooms,] with Thresher attached. The Gin House is fitted up with a fine Gin, in good running order. The buildings in the yard are nearly all brick, and in good repair. Terms easy. Applications must be addreBBed to FRANCIS ARNOLD, Greenwood, B. C. Or to F. A. ABNOLD, Columbia, 8. C, of J. H. Kinard A Co._Maroh 4 lmo Southern Warehouse Company, Gervais street, near Greenville and Columbia Itailroad, \ IS prepared to receive COTTON and other property upon Storage, and to mako ad? vances upon the same. Cotton shippod to this house will be stored subject to tho ordor of the owner, and the lowest rates oharged for storage All property so etorod will bo insured in good reliable companies, if insur? ance is desired; and advances will bo mado at the lowest banking rates. Our storehouses are so located that drayago is not necessary, and no charge for handling will bo made. ara~All business communications should bo addressed to the Treasnror. EDWARD HOPE, President. Edwin F. GAnv, Treasurer. March 2 3m NEW DRUG STORE, Four Doors Above Colombia Hotel. Ii. T. Silliman & Go, HAVING just returned from tho North, {with a complete, stock of DRUGS, MEDI? CINES and FANCY ARTICLES, all of the boat quality, wo are prepared to furnish everything in our lino with promptness and accuracy. Our drugs were all soleoted under our own personal supervision, bo that wo oan warrant everything we sell to bo of tho very beet. An experience of many years in the drug and obemioal bnsinoss in this city, with thorough knowledge of tho samo, will ena? ble us at all times to supply the wants of this community in our line; and wo hope, by a strict attention to buBinoss, to soouro a sharo it tho patronage of ouf citizens. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS carefully and'promptly compounded, at all hours of the {day or night. FANCY ARTICLES of all kinds, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Per? fumery, Hair Oils and Cosmetics of every kind, constantly on hand. Patont ModhdnoB, Lnbin's Extracts, Gor | man Cologne, fino Soaps, Spongos, Ao. Landreth's Garden Seed, a full supply. Feb 25_,_lmo Palmetto Lodge School, 1.0. 0. F. P. A. CUMMINGS, A.B., Prin oipal. TERMS FEB MONTH. jPrimary English.11 00 'Advanced English. ?} 00 Languages and Mathematics 5 00 This Sohool is now open for the reooptiou j of atndenta._Fob 20 lmt Musical. ?^?Ug-^i 8. A. OLLEVER, Profoasor of RWWpw Musical Comp -aitioo and tho Law IIS I 11 of Harmony, will give instruction on any instrument desired. Musical Compo? sition a specialty. The abovo named ran bo found at the Musio Store of W. II. LyBrand A Son. BbfkbKMOks?W. H. LyBrand, Columbia, 8. O.j O. G. Jaeger, Esq., Newborry, 8. C. Feb 5_ 13mo To-Day. EWARE of tho Maroh winds and tho blustering, lnolement woather of to-day. It produces Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat. A sure proteolion will be found in Stanley's Cough Syrup. It cures all affections of tho . Lnngs and Throat, To be had only at Feb 25 t HEINITBH'B Drug Store. B OPENING OF SPRING GOODS at tub GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods Establishment of W. D. LOVE & CO. WE have on hand, and daily opening, fall lin?? of SPRING GOODS, whioh wo are I now offering below regular prices. All the departments Sre replenished with fall linea of Goods. 25 dozen Ladies' White APRONB, rufilod, at 25 oenta each. Bargains received daily. W. D. LOVE & CO., j Corner Main and Plain streets, ander Wheelor Hoase. W. D. Love, 1 B. B. McCbkebt. f_Mar 9 GO TO C. F. JACKSON'S ??CHEAP" HI goods noil ' - AND PURCHASE J 80ME OP HIS NEW GOODS FOB. SPRING, JUST RECEIVED. Feb 15_ REMOVAL. GEO. BRUNS begs .to inform hia friends and the publio general? ly that he has removed1 to tho large atoro formerly occupied I by W. D. Love <fc Co., under the Co? lumbia Hotol, whero he may bo found with a aolect stock of I Watches, Clocks,' Jewelry, Plated | Ware, Spectacles, die. Repairing done in all its branches. Prices | I moderate and despatch guaranteed, Feb 13_13mos JAMES Z, ST?CKES, Commission Merchant! and dealeb in Lime, Cement, Calcined and Land Plaster, Hair, Laths, eto. Nos. 9 and 11 Vendao Range, Fob 4 13m_CHARLESTON, S. C. FOR SALE at the CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK seven feb cent. COUPON BONDS of the CITY OF COLUMBIA, Secured by a Sinking Fund. Coupons secured by an Annual Tax and Receivable for City Taxes. Bonds non-taxable by the City. Bond Debt yf the City Limited by Law to $600,000. Taxable Property of the City $7,000,000. THE BONDS offered are authorized by an Aot of Assembly approved March 13, 1872, for the construction of tho new City Hall. Their final redemption is, by the terms of said Act. eooared by a "sinking fand," to bo accumulated from the annual rente of the building. These ronte will reaoh from $8,000 to tlO.Ouu per annum; and tho Carolina Na? tional Bank holds a lien of tho building for a term of twenty years, as trustee, with powor to collect the rents aod hold tho same invest? ed as a fund for the redemption of tho bonds. By said Aot a special annual taxis required to bo levied to pay the simi annual coupons, and tho Carolina National Bank is made the trustoo of the city to receive the taxes when collected and to pay tho coupons. Tho cou? pons aro also receivable for city taxes. Tho taxable property of tho city is at pre? sent asBossed at S7,00O,0G0; and by said Act tho bond debt of the oity cannot bo increased beyond $(100,000 whilst these bonds aro out itandiog. Tho bonds aro exempt by law from city taxation. These bonds are offered to tho publio at eighty nett, with intorest from date of pur? chase to January 1, 1873, allowed in settle? ment. After that dato, the accrued intorest to bo addod. To oitizona of Columbia these bonds will give an income of 12} per cent., aa may bo aeon from tho following statement: Soven per cent, bonds, at 75, annual interest.9j per cent . Nineteen years to run, averago inoreaaeper annum.1J percent. City tax saved. 2 por cont. Avcragn annual income.12j| Deo 11_ New Mackerel. KITS Mobb and No. 1 MACKEBEL. D\/ 60 Half and Wholo Barrels, Is, 2s, Ss. 50 Boxes Soalod Herringo. 500 Georgo'a Codfish. For sale low by JIOPE A OYLES. Thorbnrn's Garden Seeds, FRESH and good, for salo by Jan 23 HOPE ft GYLES. 51 Cow Peed. TONS snORTSand WHEAT BRAN, for ale by HOPE A GYLES. D. F. Fleming. S. A. Nelson. Jm. M. Wilson. 1.FJLBMIKE&C0., WHOLESALE DKALEBB IK BOOTS, S'HOES TRUNKS, So. 3 HAYNE 8taeet, (Corner of Church,) CHARLES T.OTf, g. C. mm No pains have boon spared in endeavoring to rondor onr largo assortment of Goods at? tractive and desirable; and nothing has boon left nndono that long experience and assidui? ty could suggest, to desorvo a ehare of your patronage Having perfected arrangements by which wo receive our Goods direct from the manu? facturers, ensure our customers tho great ad? vantage of purchasing them at the very low? est rates and of the most desirable sizes. In prices ard quality, we believe thoy will comparo favorably with any other stock in the city or elsewhere. Wo shall bo pleased to offer those Goods for your inspection, at any time you may favor us with a call. All orders will have our careful and prompt attention. Youtb, respectfully, Feb 12 2moe D. F. FLEMING & CO. WITH THE VIEW of closing out our entire stock of Winter Goods, we offer the following articles at less than the regular prices: BLANKETS, OAS SIMERES, JEANS. FLANNELS, UNDER-SHIRTS, FURS, &c. The stock of DRESS GOODS, Boulevard Skirts, Knit Woolen Goods and Millinery, at less than cost. R. C. SHIVER & CO. Jvn 5 SELLING OFF ! WINTER STOCK) THE GREAT CLEARANCE SALES WINTER GOODS! COMMENCES MONDAY, January 13,1873, and continues for thirty days. All WINTER GOODS will bo sold without regard to cost, FOR CASH ONLY. Jan 12 lmo J. H. KINARD. GREENFIELD'S . CABBIA6E REPOSITORY. ' THE CARRIAGE stock at the corner Of Lady and Main streots has been LARGELY INCREASED Within a few days past, and Is now more com? plete than ever beforo, embracing, In every variety, all the reading styles and quality of vehicles in demand in this market. The stock of HARNEHB in also oompleto. Prices very low. W. n.. GuEENIIEliD. Fob 26_ ? '_ CARRIAGES BUGGIES! CALL at the Factorv East of the Post Office and examine quality, workmanship and pncee before pur? chasing auction goods. Wo cannot bo undersold in-good vehicles. M. J. CALNAN, Agent. JOHN AGNEW, Proprietor. Jan 11_._ ? '_ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING HATS, OAFS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS 1! 1 WE are receiving and will continue-to re? ceive, through the season the best ; Ready-made Clothing That oannot be surpassed, if equaled, by any Custom-made. We have the very latest fashions in Meltons, Diagonals, Cheviot Beavers, Tricots, Black Dress Frock, Black Doe Pants, French and American Dress I Yeats, Cloth, Bilk and Bilk Velvet. * ' A apendid line of Men's, Youths' and.-Boys' UNDER-CLOTHING, White andFanc$?bb?ts? Cheviot and Negligee Half Hose;' TJnder-wear, Cardigan Jackets, Neck Wear, Suspenders, SUk and Linen Handkerchiefa, Bhawls, Car , pets and Traveling Bags. SILK HATS?FALL STYLE. irWo have marked our Goods for notoash. EINARD & WILEY. Octl 1 & w. c. RE daily receiving additions to their ale . gant stock of CLOTHING, HATS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. An entirely now line of MEN'S,BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, Just received. 1 In onr Custom Department wo are exhibit? ing the choicest patterns of foreign and do? mestic G?SSIHERES AND TESTINGS. Give us a call. R. & W. C. 8WAFFIELD. Dec 19_ 2 O 0,0 0 0 In great varieties. ENVELOPES! RAND arrival of new and improvedStapIe VUT and Fancy STATIONERY 1 Also, fino CUTLERY and FANCY ARTI? CLES, puitable for Ladies and Genthmen. A visit to this House may amuBO and induce you to purchase. THE BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY BOOS BINDERT Is in full operation. Slate, County. Bank and Railroad Offices and Business Houses of all kinds supplied with Books, Ruled to any I pattern, with printed Heading, when re? quired, in all styles of Binding, at shortest notico and living prices. 1 E. R. STOEE8, Nov 21 Main street, Columbia, B. 0. New Publications. NEW JUVENILE B00E8. London edi? tions, illustrated. New standard works for libraries. Now Novels, in oheap binding. Also, a fresh stock of WRITING DE8E8, Portfolios, Gold l'ons, Pen-Knives, Pocket Books, Photograph Albums of all sizes, Fanoy Brackots and Book Shelves, and a general varioty of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, En? velopes and Fanoy Stationery, for sale by Nov 5 K. L. BRYAN. A Certain Cdbrvob Cnirxs andFsvas? First tako the Blood and Liver Fills, to work off tbo bile and purify the blood; three or four will be sufficient. Then take a table? Bmnful of HEINITBH'B CHILL CUBE. II b boentried; wo know it*