The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 12, 1873, Image 5

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?OVStlSMOnATXTASTitH^^ ' ITIM WWIBBOAt KOBJSIS6. "i v. ju li ?;n a. Sc l. ? y ,? ' XDJtOB AHD PBOFBIETOK. ";? ?i?Boe oh aichar?ioii Street, near Taylor rar ?uuk muu Jvm Pf >uuug 0? 0~OTy iOtZTi^ tion promptly and faithfully attended to. SOB80BIP1IO?. ? Daily, Bis months,** 00: Trf-WeeklT. a SCl weekly, t ?o. ? ' ADTSBTiejOXXJITB ' I Inserted in the' Dally aVT?'oenta; pereqitfirr 1 or the first and 50 conte each Subsequent In iertion. Long advertisements by the week, (month or year. |it> reasonable rate?. P?miaia< Sautl and Tbelr Itleaal?g. Franoi? ia truly fair. Bertha ia purely bright, ? Olara ia see, - Luly ia a atar of light. Feliola ia happy aa happy can be, Catherine is pore, ; S trbara from afar, Mabel ia Tory fair. Henrietta is B star, Margaret a pearl thrown up from the a es. Muriel Is sweeteat myrrh, Amelia ia,sinoere, ' Agatha ia very good, . llridgot La snining here, Matilda la a lady of honor true; Buaan ia a Uly, Delia dim of sight, Jano a graceful willow, i ' Beatrice gives delight, ? ?? Elizabeth an oath, pure aa morning dew. Sophia ia wisdom, Letitiaiaajoy, Edelina a princess, - Julia ajewoljQT; Bebeooa ia faithful aa the light of day; - Constance ia resolute, Graoelsfavormeot, ? Charlotte ia nobility, Harriet an odor awaet, Abigail is joyful aa the robin's lay. Sarah ia a lady, - Isabel la fair, ' Luotnda is constant,. Jemima sounds ia air, Caroline ia noble-apirltod and brave; Lydia la well, Judith song of praise, Cornelia a harmony. Prlaoilla ancient of days, Bettnaa nightingale where branches wave. A drowned man, who had apparently' been dead for three hours, was resusci? tated by a Belgian surgeon, by placing | iron plates, heated to a white heat, On the Titel parts of the man's body. The doctor thinks, if he can increase the beat in his plates, he can make an ordinary corpse?one not more than a week old get up on its feet and give the genuine "Essen oe of Old Yirginny" in five mi? nutes after treatment. Flour! Flour!! Flour!!! TTO HUNDBED barrels FLOTJB, consist? ing of Cheine Family, Extra Family, Ex? tra and Super Flour, on hand and for sale low, by JOgg AGNBW A SON. bxohabdson's new method FOB THB PIANO! Unequaled?Incomparable! Bo admitted by the leading Piano-forte Teachers of the country, and ita anneal sale dr 36,000 copies abundantly tes? tifies Cothe fact. The TBACHBR?Cannot use a more tho? rough or efftfctlvo me? thod. . I TU? PBPi k?-Cannot study from a more concise or attractive system. Ttkm , keep in atock a book for which there is surer , and'greater de ' mand. ?' Sold every where. ? Price $8.75. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. OHAS. H.DITSON A CO., 711 B'dway, N. Y. . r^i&m?S2L. Hea^qnarteTs Garden Seed ? . . AT Heinitsh's Drug Store. EARliv CABBAGES For Market and the Table. QARTEB'S BUPEBFTNE EARLY?The ear Heat known, arly Jersey Wakefleld?Standard early for market. " Early Wianingatadt?The beat for ail soils. ' Frenoh Ox-Heart?Very popular early kind. Bchweinfurt Quintal?Earliest of all Drum? heads, Marble-head Mammoth?The largest in the world. Early Flat Dutch -?Approved by Landroth. Early Gone?Better than Early York. Early Sugar-loaf?Highly prized sb early. Early Drum-head, Late Drum-head. Late Flat Dutch, Drum-head Savoy. Green Olazed?Winter Cabbage. EARLY PBAS. EXTBA EARLY?CARACTACCS, earliest. Early Kent, Early May. Early Dan O'Rourke. Early Eugenie, Little Gem. Long Pod Prolific. '. ; All approved varieties, at reduced prices. OaB at -HEINITSH'S Jan 18 %_Drug Store Fresh Family Groceries. PICKLED New York BEEF BOUNDS. Picklxd?Salmon Bellies. North Carolina Mullet, Ac. Smoked?New York Pig Hama and Strips, Nova Scotia Salmon, Beef Tongues, &o. Canned?Succotash, Lima Bcana, Peas, Salmon, Maokerel, Lobstors, Peara. Peaohes, Green-gages, Mushrooms, Truffles, Asparagus. Pbebebveo?Canton Ginger, Peara, Citron,- Pine-applea, Strawberries, Quinces, Blackberries, Baspberrios, &o. Jellies?Guava ana general assortment. Teas?Gunpowder, Imperial, Japan. Souchong, and English Break fas seleoted by an export, and finest any markot. Coffees?Mocha, Laguayra, Rio, O. O. Java, Raw and Roasted. also, The Downer Minsbad Oil, absolute? ly safe as a oandle, brilliant as gas, and cheap as kerosene: nave all the neoossary Burners, Wioka, Chimneys, to fix old lamps. Nov 20 OEO. 8YMMERR. Mocha and Java Coffees. BAG8 Old Government JAVA, 10 pockets Pure Mocha. For salo low bv HOPE h GYLES. 10 100 Western Hay. BALE8 TIMOTHY HAY, for aalo low for cash. HOPE k GYLE9. THE PHOENIX^ .' Book, Job and Newepapei steam printing establishment ?01 i PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPP PPPPPPP THE Proprietor of the Phoenix h?b fitted up and thoroughly furnished hia office with latest improTed materialforexecntion of ail kinds Printing. RRRRR RRRRR BBBBBBBBBB RRRR RRRRR RRRB RRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR BBRRRR RRRRR BBBBBB RRRRR TheT are ) Type, Border, Rule, Ornaments, Cuts.&o of MODERN STYLE and carefully selected rxn n; 111 u 111 in an Ii mmni DiTyiTTT T1I1IMI1 inimn iiiiiimij mnnrj TT1MII11IITTTT of the MOB PATTERNS? and Li ber? ing Platen Cylinder The Presses are APPROVED Hoe, Adams ty?inolod Bed and nnnnnh nnnnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnnn nnn nnnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn Professional Men, Merchants. Manufacturers and Mechanics, supplied with any style work ^vyj/rv|yjyrMT^P_ tttttt t 't/tttttt x* t 'x1 t tt t 'x* tt'xt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttttttttttt tttttttttttt a large stock of Cards,Card Board, Paper, g Bill Heads, Ac. <*; on hand. Ill iiniinnirni I1THTTII TTTTTTTTT IITTTTTII nnimi iiirrnii iiimiii iiiiiiiii TTTTTTimillll nxTinniiiiii With the LARGE AMOUNT OF MATERIAL on hand, the style, quality and cost of work cannot fail to give satisfaction. nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnnn nnn ? nnnnnn nnnn nnn nnnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn Ordersfrom abroad will receive IMMEDIATE ATTENTION,and work promptly forwarded. GaGGwraao GG GGGGGG G GGGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGGGGGG GO GGGGGGGG GG rhhie the only the interior of two, threo and ERS, CIRCUS oan he put up in plain Black or and examine spe J.A.HELBY, eBtahlishmentin tho State whero four ahootPOST BILLS, Ac, &o., goodatylo, either Colorod. jwCall oimens. Proprieti i. OOLTJMBl ? HOTEL, THIB well-known HOTEL, situate ho the centre of the business portion of the city, affords every convenience and comfort to traveler* on business or plea?Mir? The Proprietor, having aeoured the services of polite and efficient assistants, pledges himself to spare no means andpains In its management to suotain tho high repntaiion so long enjoyed by the "COLUMBIA" as a Firm Class Honee. Attached to the House is a hand?nme ItlLLI AltD ROOM, furuithed with three of Phelan A Ooliender's beat and nonet improved Tab! s. TELE'iBAPIl OFFICE in rotunda of the Hou?o. A'so, Bath Rooms, equaled by none in the city. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor, E. T. Bubdeli., late of "Charleston Hotel," and J. F. Gadbdsh, Assistants. Jan 23 WHEELER HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S. 0.1 THE undersigned, for many years (ho hopes favorably) known io the community of Columbia, 8. C, and to the traveling public generally, begs to inform bis friendB and the publio that he has loaBed for a term or years the budding just erected at tho corner of Main and Plain streets, (opposite It. C. Shiver Sc. Co.'sDiv Gtmd* Store.; which will open this day as a first olasB Hotel and Beetaurant, to be known as the "WHEELER HOUSE," and trusts he will receive the patronage of hie friends and the traveling publio in aid of hie enterprise. Neither expense nor trouble has been spare el to provido all modern csnveu lencies, and great paina nave been taken to eeeure the best, most reliablo and courteous help in all the departments, whilst tba general management will be under his own supervision and receive bis undivided attention. A special feature of this establishment will be the opening of a fine auite of rooms for the accommodation e f Ladies, where Meals and Oysters will be served at all hours. Tilko. w. polwjok. Jan 15 GBIAT SMTini HIIHT All MSIIHI WE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. O., TO AND FROM ' ' BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. Three Time? m VVcrU?Tur.ilaj, Thursday and Saturday. ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter, "via Charleston." TOTAL CAPACITY, 43.O00 BALES monthly, The South Carolina Railroad Company, A ND connecting Boads Weat, in alliance with the fleet of thirteen first clasa Steamahips xjL to the above ports, invite attention to the quick time and regular despatch afforded to the business publio in the Cotton States at the FORT OF CHARLESTON, offering facilities of rail and sea transportation for Freight and Paescngers not excelled in excellence and capacity at any other port. The following splendid Goran Steamers are regularly on the line: TO NEW YORK. MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhnll. Commander. GEORGIA, Crowell, Commander. CHAMPION, B. W. Lookwood, Commander. SOUTn CAROLINA. T. J. Beckott.Commander. 1 CHARLESTON, James Berry, Commander. CLYDE, J. Kennedy, Commandor. JAMES ADGEB, T. J. Lockwood, Commander. ASHLAND,-Ingram.Commandor Ji JAMES ADGEB A CO., WM. A. COURTENAY,, HUGER A CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. TO PIULADEIiPlIIA. Iron Steamships VIRGINIA, C. Hincklev, Com'der. GULF STREAM, Alex. Hunter, Com'der. Sailing Days?THURSDAYS'. " WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, 8. O. TO BALTIMORE. FALCON, Hainie, Commander. MARYLAND, Johnson, Commander, SEA GULL, Duttou, Commandor. Total capacity, 40 000 bales monthly. Sailing Days?Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. THEN HOLM, Agent, Charleston, 8. O. TO HUSTON". Steamship MERCEDITA. Sails every otl.. r Saturday. J lMKs ADO ET. & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. Kates guarantoed as low as those of competing lines. Marine Insurance, ouu-balf of ouo per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can bo had at all principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tonncsaec and Mississippi. Stato-Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra charge, by addressing Agents of the Steamships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Radroad Tickets should he exchanged and Berths assigned. Tbe Through Ticket* by this routo include Transfers, Meals and State-Boom, while on ship-hoard. Tho South Carolina Railroad, Georgia Railroad, and tbeir connecting linos, havo largely increased thoir facilities for tho rapid movement of Freight and Pavscngors between the Northern cities and tbe South and WcBt. Comfortable Night Card, with tho Holmes Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on tho South Caioliua Railroad. Fit st class Eating Saloon at Branchville. On tb? Georgia Railroad, first class Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of tho South Carolina Railroad. Closo connection made with other Roads, delivering Freights at distant points with great promptness. Tho managers will use every exertion to satisfy their natrons that the line via Charleston cannot be surpassed in despatch and the safo delivery of goods. For further information, apply to J. M. Selkirk, Superintendent, Charleston, B.C.; B. D. Hasell. General Agent, P. O. box 4. 079; Oftlco 317 Broadwav, N. Y.; 8. B. Pickens, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, South Carolina Railroad. m.vukd i.. TYLE?, Jan SO JGmo Yico-Preeident South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C. Columbia Music Store. ???? LyBrand & Son TAKE pleasure in calling the attention of the publio to an examination of their STOCK OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, con? sisting of Pianos, Church and Parlor Organs, MolodBona, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeous. brass and Silver Band Instru? ments of all kinds. Also, Sheet Music and Instruction Books for every class of Musical Instruments on Land at all times. Sheet Music sent by mail, post paid, on r? cc-ipt nl price; and all kinds of Musical Uooris sent by Express, wheu ordered, to any pnrt of the j State, marked O. O. D. Good Second-hand Pianos and Organs for sale cheap, for cRsh. Pianos, Organh and Melodeons tuned and re? paired in a satisfactory manner; and will give ospecial attention te? racking, Removing and Shipping Pianos for other psrlie t> to any poin doBlrcd, at moderate prices. All orders promptly attended to and satis? faction guaranteed to those Invoring lie with their patronage. Send for our catalogue of Sheet Music and Mnsical Merchandise. Ri? chardson street, a few doors above PnotNix office, Columbia, 8. 0. Nov 7 Building Lot for Sale. SUITABLE for the erection of TWOor more Houses. Located corner of Lumber and Rull stroets. Measurca 108 fret earn way. Terms cash. Apply at this Office. Fresh Biscuits. FARINA, Pearl,Oyster,Wino. nutter, Milk, Pic-tile. Cream, Corn Hill, Lemon, Soda, ice, all fresh. For sale low by Pot 9 HOPE A OYLEB. The Dootors Recommend Seegers'Bccr TK preference to London Porterand Scotch AK-. NV'hvf They knowlS is unadulterated! Stork's Restaurant. Oysters and Other Refreshments. THE undersigned begs to inform hi* friends tliat his SALOON and _ 'RESTAURANT ie ill full operation, and ho is prepared to supply MEALS at all hours. OYSTERS, in and out of thoshol), from Norfolk, Charleston, and Ir.dian Key, when tho weather permits. Imported and dometrtie SEOAltS, BaltimoreLAGER BEER, etc. A. STORK. Ort 20 Look Out for K. KYS!^?r:uiumto" March 28 JOHN C SF.EGEJ B\ Corn Whiskev. 13UKE MOUNTAIN CORN WHISKEY. Also, a lot of four year old MALT CORN WHISKEY. Warranted pure. Jan 23 JOHN 0 SEEGERS. Choice Wines. BASKETS I! KIDS I CK CHAMPAGNE, 10 cases Sparkling Catawba, 10 eases "Vix P un " 10 cases 1 K? Iii ?V' U!?iii! Wir.n. 10 cr.scs "lit.'. :?' 3 oask/4 "HaritiniiY i berry," 2 casks "Amnntilado Shei ry," 2caekp'Mlcsurc Madeira " P..r sale by HOPP. St OYLES. Lawyers, T. ke Notice, rf ini". Mcrotid volume. n< w scrips, of RI X 0!1A15I)80N'8 LAW REPORTS in now ready, and for sale by It. L. BRYAN. Hay! Hay!! Hay!!! {Tf\ BALES Trimo Timothy Uav. Juat r>V / received ami r..r sal,, bv FeMK? JOHN AONEW & SON. 50 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, of . COLUMBIA, 8. C . Present Capital, ' ... . $150,000 Authorized Capital, . . " ? ? . $600,000 OFFICBU8. JOHN B. PALME?, President.' A. O. BBENIZEB,Oasbier. U. N. G. BUTT, AaBistant.Caenier. THIS BANE will Boon occupy Ita magnifi? cent three-story and Mansard Roof build? ing; now in course of construction on the corner of Plain .and Biobardaon streets, but for the present will do bnatneaa at ita old Banking House, opposite Columbia Hotel. A OeneralBanking Business transacted. Cer tificatea of Depoalt, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent; per annum, isaued. Notes, Bills of Exchange and other evidences of debt diaconnted, ana money loaned on col? laterals. Btocka, Bonds, Gold, Silver bought and sold. Drafts on all the prominent cities in the United States bought and sold, i PiBP.crrons?J. ?li Gregg, John B. Palmer, F. W. McMaater, B. D. Benn, (of B. D. genn & Bon,) G. W. Beardeni (of Cop eland & Bear den,) B.L.Bryan, (of Bryan & MeGarter.) W. O. Bwaffield, (or B. & W. C Bw?ffield.) W. B. Stanley, J. C. Seegers: Samuel McGowan, Abbeville; J. H. Binn, Wlnnebpro. . Feb 8 UNION SAYINGS BANK, OF COLUMBIA, 8. C. Authorized Capital,- f?60e,0C0. Subscribed Capital, tH-i.COO. THIS BANE iB now open for the transac? tion of a GENERAL BANKING, EX? CHANGE and BAVING8 DEPOBIT BUBI NE88. DEPOBITB OF ONE DOLLAR AND UP? WARDS will be received, and interest al? lowed at the rate of Seven Per Gent, per an? num on Certificates of Depoaits, and Six Per Cent, on Accoonta; also. General Deponite re? ceived, subject to Checke at any time. COLLECTIONS attended to at all acceaaible points, and remittances mado promptly. The Bank ia located next door to the Caro? lina National Bank, and will for tbe present have the uae of the very superior Vault of that Bank. Thie givca depositors an addi? tional guaranty for tho safe-keeping of their funds. This Bank is also made capable, by ita charter, of acting as Executor, Adminiatra : tor, Guardian, Trustee, Ac, bv appointment j of any person or conrt of competent authori? ty, and ia now ready to accept and execute trusts of tbia character. All funds of this kind will draw Seven Per Cent. Intereat from tbe timo of deposit until paid out. J. P. SOUTHERN, President. G. M. WALKER, Cashier. Dibbctobs?B. O. Bblver, 8. L. Leapbatt, J. H. Kinard, W. B. Gulick, Geo. 8ymmere, A. Cooper._Dec 80 3mo CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH CAWOJ.1NA. Deposits of $1 and Upwards Received, INTEREST ALLO WEE A T THE RA TBOI SEVEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM. ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, AND SIX PER CENT. COM POUNDED EVERY BIX MONTHS ON ACCOUNTS. OFFICEB8. Wm. Martin, Preaident. John B. Palmer. Vioe-Prealdent. A. G. Brenner. Cashier. J. H. Sawyer, in general charge. John 0. B. Smith, Aaaiatant Cashier. Director: Wade Hampton, William Martin, A. O. Has kell.F. W.McMaster.E. H. Heiniteb, JohcB. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia. J. Eli Gregg, Marion. G. T. Bcott.Newberry. W. G. Mayea,Newberry. B. H. Butledge,Charleaton. DanielBavenel, Jr.. Charleston. Meehanica, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Ol? [ phans and others may here deposit their sav? ings and draw a liberal rate of lnterestthere on. Plan tors, Professional Men and Trustee i I wishing to draw intereat en their funds until 'they require them for bnalnesa or other pur* poses: Parents desiring to set apart small inmsfortbeir chUdren.and Married Women and Minore (whose deposits ean only be wit b ? drawn by themselves, or, in ease of their legal representatives,) wishing to lay aaidofundafor fntnre use. are here afforded an opportunity of depoaiting their means where they will rapidly accumulate, and, at i.hoaamo time,bo subjeotto withdrawalwhen teeded. Ana 18 [DOORS, SX.XK.D3, WOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARGE ST00K. LOWEST RATES. ORDER WORK SOLICITED. Send for estimate and price list. KKOGH Ac TIIOHNB. 251 D 250 CANAL STBEET, DC ly NEW YOUE CITT. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines. IllUIIKST PUBMIVM By Committee of Practical Machinists. THE simplicity, durability, caeo of manage? ment and great range of work of this Machine hat* made it tlio universal favorite, and leading family Sewing Machine for more than twenty \ ears, and hence it is no experi? ment lo buy ono. For ualo on monthly instalments, second door below TnoiNix office,Columbia, 8. A.f . PURSLT'Y, i Fen 27 Agent for I'nraley & Trump. Water Notice. A LL persona using city witter are hereby I ' x a. notified that from and after this date tho J ordinance in relation to the riein? of water will bo strictly ami rigidly enforced. All per-. sons leaving their h> dran I a or water spouts i running will bo fined as provided bv ordinance. By order or tho Mayor; CHAM. BARN UM, Dec 31 City Clerk. A whole family cured of hiliouancpa wilb one box of Hoinitsh's blood and Liver Pills This is cheap practice, flow ie it? Whv,t!?? Change of gefceduie. BO?TB OABOUHA BAXXSOAV COHPAKl, / .,. Gpvaif*iAt 8. O., Sept. 26. 1673. and alter Bunday, ?fch Instant: V . KAU. ABO VASSSJWZBTBAIM; Leave Columbia at.........,,....;.. -.9,ats> Arrive at Gbarleatpn at...... ........4.80 p m Leave Ch a rlcat o n a t............. .... 9.3 0 a m A rrive at Colmnbia at................ B.3JI p m niOBT iivbi8b, TBETOHT ABX? AOCOkfBtUMTlCir TBAxif, [Sundays excepted.] '?(?. i Leave Colombia. .7.80 p nt Arrive. ..O.SO a m Arrive Charleston 7.10 p m Leave., .C.4G ? n. Oamden Train will rnn Monday, Wtflnesday and Friday, as foil owe: Leave Camdan at.7.20 A. M. Arrive at Colombia at..11.06 A. M . Leave ftolnmbia at......2.CO P. M Arrive at Oamden at...... -..6.65 P. M. A. L. TXIJ?B, Vbe-Freaident. B. B. Pioaiaa. General Tichts Agent. Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta B. B SUPERINTENDENT'S OFKJCE, ? ' CourawiA, 8. C, Beptcmber M,1673. LZmEMBB ON and after tliie dale, fl?fPBBP3ir?rollowlngBchednlt will be rnn over this road: I- ? ? I goibo south. Train Mo. 1. Train Ko. 2. Leave fharlotto.7.15 A.M. 8.20 P. M . I Leave Colombia.3.29 P. iL S.SO A. m Arrivfc Angnata..... .7.42 P. S. 8.30 A. W . UOING HOBTH. Lea?e Augusta.G.86 A. M. 6.60 P. M. Leave Colombia... .11.68 A.M. 11,1 6 P..M. Arrive Cktrlotte.... ,6.16 r. M. . 6.00 A. ii. Standard Time ten m hinten :?lowet than Washington; six minwtea ahead No. 1 Train daily. No. 3 Train daily, Sun - dayaexcepted. Both trains make cloae con? nection to all points North, Booth and West. Throngb tickets sold and baggage checkt d to all principal points. JAMES ANDEBBON, General Bop. E. B. Dobbbt, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent Wilmington, Columbia and Aug. B. B. Svfebibtbbdbmt'b' Orncx, Wilminotow, N. 0? October 7, 1873. BCBHBKI AFTER tbia dato tbt. S8#*?~f5~K following schedule nil) be ran by traina on thia road: dat expbess IE A in [DAILY.] Leave Wilmington [Union Depot | 3.25 A . M Arrive at Florence. 9?66 A. M. Arrive at Colombia.... 3.40 P.M. Arriv? At Angnata. 7.43 P. M. Leave AngnsTa. 6.86 A. m. Leave Columbia.-11. 25 A.m. Arrive at Florence. 4.16 P. M. Arrive Wilmington [Union Depot] 10.36 P. M. biout bxpbess TEAIN. Leave Wilmington [Union Depot] 5.46 P. m. Arrive at Florence.11.86 P. m. Arrive at Colnmbia. 8.40 A. M. Arrive at August a. 8.20 A. m. Leave Angnata. 5.60 P.m. Leave Colnmbia.10.20P. m. Arrive at Florence. 9.13 A. m. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.00 A. m. Oct 8 JAB. ANDEBBON,Gen'lBnp't. Greenville and Columbia Bailrcad. PABSENGEB _.__TBAIN8 roo daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Traina on Bonth Carolina Railroad op and down; with Traina going North and Booth on Charlotte, Colnmbia and Angnata and Wil? mington .Colombia and Angnata Railroads. up. Leave Colombia at..7.16 a.m. Leave Alston. 9.06 a. m. Leave Newberry..10.40 a. m. Leave Cokeabnry.3.00 p.m. Leave Belton.8.80 p.m. Arrive at Greenville.6.80 p. to. dowb. Leave Greenville at.7.80 a. m. Leave Belton.9.99a. ra. Leave Cokeabory.11.16 a. m. Leave Newberry.3.80 p.m. Leave Alston.4.20 p.m. Arrive at Colnmbia.6.CO p. m. Anderson Branch and Live Ridge DtvMcn. down. trr. . Leave Walhall a. 6.45 a. m. Arrive 7.16 p.m. Leave Perry vUle 6.25 a. so. 6.85p. m. LeavePen die ton 7.10 a.m. 5.60p. m. Leave Anderson 8.10 a. m. 4.50 p. m. Arrive at Belton 9.00 a. m. Leave 8.50 p. xn. Accommodation Trains rnn on Abbeville Brar-h Mondays, Wedneedaj s anO Friday*. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and Ac dereon, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. THOMAS DODAMEAP. Gen. Bnp. Jabxe Nqbtob. General Ticket Agent. ~~B.icb.mond and Danville Bailrosd. rrsenrriTTTTinr condensed time flsS9lflkc=9K7ABLE, in effect on and after Sunday, December 22,1872: ^ GOING NOBTH. BTATIONH. KAIL. EXPBE6B. Leave Greensboro.-2.00 A.M. 11.10 A. M. Loave Danville.4.40 A.M. 1.63 P.M. Leave Burkville.9.44 A. M. 0.S6 P. M. Arrive at Richmond.. .12.45 P. M. 9.80 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Leave Bichmond. 1.C0P.M. 5.10 A.m. Leave Bnrkville. 5.12 P. M. 8 28.A. M. Loave Danville.10.00 P. M. 12.67 P. m. Arrive at Greensboro. .12.26 A. M. 8.80 P. M. Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 P. M., and at 6.10 A.M., connect at Greensboro with trains cn North Carolina Division, for si] points South. Paaeengera leaving RieLxtcnd at 1.60 P.M., connect at Greensboro ?ith train for all pointa East of Greeneboio. I'a t eenger train leaving Raleigh at 6.40 P.M., connects at Greeneboio with Norihein-bc-UEd Mail train, arriving in Richmond at 12 45 P. M. JOHN B. MACMUBDO, General Freight and Ticket Agent. T. M. B. Talcot, Engineer and Gen.Snp't, KOKTII CAROLINA DIVISION. GOING NORTH. stations. mai1.. KiritEf S. Leave Charlotte.7.10 P. M. 6.25 A. M. Loave Salisbury. 9.60 P.M. 8.84 A.M. Leave High Point.11.68 P. M. 10.17 A. M. Arrive at Gretneboro . 12 50 A. M. 11.CO A. M. Leave Greenaboro- 145A.M. 11.10 A.M. Loavo Company Shops 3 SG A. M. 12 20 P. M . Leave HillBboro.4.6SA.M. Loave Raleigh. 8 05 A. M. Arrive at Goldeboro.. .11.(5 A. M. GOING BOUTH. Leave Goldeboro.4.10 P. M. Leavo Raleigb. 7.45 P. M. Loave UillMboro.10.21 P. M. LoaveCompanySbopa 12.05.A. M. 2.15 P. Jl. Arrlveal GreeueboTO. 1.30A.M. 8.80P.M. Loave Greensboro.... 2.15'JK M. 4.OOP. M. Leavo High Point- ? Ol A.M. 4.43 P.M. Leave Salisbury. 4 57 A. M. 6.22 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte.. . 7.20 A. M. 8 30 A. M. Passenger train leaving Raleigh 7.45 P. W., connects at GrecuBboro with Northern honnd train; making quickest time to all Northern cities. Pi ice of tickets, H&iuc^as other rentes. Mail trains daily, both wajB, over entire length oi road. Exprese daily between Com? pany Shope and Charlotte Sundays excrpttd. PullmanPalaccCarsonniphttrainsbetvie( n Charlotte and Richmond, without change. 8. E. ALLEN. Gen. Ticket Agont. W. U. Qukkn, MaBter Transportation. Summer Schedule S. & TJ. B. K., DOWN TRAIN. UP TRAIN Arrive Leave. Arrive. L?av Spartauburg.. 5.30 6.25 IJatoavillo. 6.00 6.00 4.C3 4 .L? I'acolet. 60ft 0.1S 4.41? 4.45 Joneavitlo. 6.43 6.48 4.05 4.10 Unionvillo. 7.25 7.50 3.05 8.21 8antnc. 8.20 8.25 2.80 2.85 Fish Dam. 8.40 8.45 2.10 2.15 Shelton. 9.15 9.20 1.85 1.4r Lylee' Ford... 9.10 9 45 1.12 .11 Strothor. 10.05 10.10 12.60 .65 Alaton.11.00 '108 May 24 THOS. R. JETER.President Seegers' Eeer is Pure. IT dojiM contain Cococnlna Indien?! Fi; R< rrir t< ? ar i ?leepy or header 1 f