1 ''Lnt our inst OsriBTire? ^^S^^fy^^^^^fe|^. Attend the True Evont." BY J. A. SELBy. . COLUMBIA, S. C, TUESDAY CORNING, MARCH 4, 1873. VOL. VIII?NO. 295. fleer to the' vill?hr-t?hiob ; ha? . been >hj? homo ''for many yeare?oa Mor^y^loat, .and wilf rhako bis future home *t Tjaskogoo. Ala.; where lie. intends to engage fa the bupi ness of planting.- Previous to the-war, Qen. Law filled a professor's chair in the Kiog'a Mountain Millitary . School,, which positiou he resigned, removing to, Alabama, and at the commencement of hoBtillities entered' the serviae of that State as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fonrth Alabama Regiment, and by pro? motion, attained the rank of Brigadier General. Returning to a people with whom he has been heretofore bo inti? mately associated, Gen. Law requires no word of commendation, while for bin future prosperity, he has* the well wishes of his many friends in South Carolina. On the 29th ulL, Mr. G. 15. Skipwortb, Barrister at Law, of Oaistor, Lincoln? shire, and the Tichborne claimant, were charged'in the Queen's Bench with con? tempt of court in their speeches, de? livered at meetings in London, Liver? pool and Brighton: Atter hearing an affidavit by the former defendant,, and a statement by. the claimant, the court sentenced Mr. Skipwortb to a fine of ?500 and three' monthB* imprisonment, and ordered the claimant to give securi? ty, himself in ?500. and one surety in a like Bam, to be of good behavior for three months. ? Dr. Attwood, his medi? cal attendant, entered into the required security, and he was discharged. Mr. Skipwortb. was removed in custody. . ? j. ,???.,- .; Swktho Fund OoinDBSioN.?This body met at the ?Uto House on tho day after the adjournment of the Legislature, and organized by the eleotion of Sena? tor Robert Srrialle, from Beaufort, as 0 hair man, and AWord Williams as Secre? tary. A complete and careful investiga? tion of the books and papers of the com? mission Will be made at an early day, bo that a detailed report may be made at the next meeting of the General Assem? bly. ! Old type, equal to Babbitt metal, for a varioty of purpoBSB, oan be purchased at the Phoenix offioe at a much less figure than is charged for the latter. Accounts due the Phoenix office must be settled promptly, as further indulgence oaonot be given. We mnst have money to oarry on business. Citizens' Savings Bant: of 8. C. ALL BAVIN GS DEPOSITS' made in this , Bank on or before tho 5th day of each calendar month wiU boar interest for that month as if deposited on the 1st instant. March 15 J. O. B. 8MITH, Ass't Oasbier. Lost, / \ N the South Carolina Railroad train, be VJf tween Columbia and Charleaion, on the night of the 27th February, 1873, a RED RUS? SIA-LEATHER WALLET, containing papors of no value to any one except the owner. A liberal reward will be given for ita recovery. A. O. JONES, March 1C Clerk House of Representatives. IRWIN'8 HALL 1 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 3, 4 and 5. 1893. CHARLES UaoBVOY'S ORIGINAL HIBERNICON! Illustrating the Scenery, Music and Antiqui? ties of IRELAND. Now and appropriate Songs. Scenery, Music, Dances, Character Sketches, Violin and Piano Solos, etc. . The new Dramatic Episode, entitled Irish Hearts. Will be rondered by the HIBEBNICON COMEDY COMPANY. Admission 75 cents. Reserved Seats $1.00. For aale at LyBrand's MnsioHouae. GRAND MATINEE, WEDNESDAY, at o'clock, at reduced prices. Feb 28 4 To-Bay. BEWARE of the March win da and the blustering, inclement weather of to-day. It produces Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat. A sure protection will be found in Ft:.nley'e Cough Syrup. It cor et all affection* of the Lungs and Throat. To be had only at Feb 25 ?_HEINIT8H'S Drug Store. To-Day. THE * Queen's Delight" is the popular ] Blood Medicine for removing all Skin Diseaaea and Purifying the Syatem, streDgth enlng and renewing the wasted powers of the body, giving tono to the diseaaed organs. It is the medioine of the day. For sale at Feb 25 j_HEINITSH'S Drng Htoro. To-Day, OF all others, ia the time to apply a remedy. If yon are aiok and Buffering with Head? ache, Dullness of FeelingSt Constipation, Disordered Stomaoh, Biliousness, Heimteh'e Blood and Liver Pills are wonderfulcorrsctora of tho Liver and Stomach. For ealo only at Feb 25 j_HEINITSH'S Drug Store. For Sale or Rent. DESIRABLE property, situated between Winnsboro and Aejlum lloads, one mile from Columbia. The Tract contains 33} AcrcB. On the premises, a comfortable Cottage House and necessary out-buildings. Apply to G. W. SMITH, Jr., at L?rick A Low ranee's, or to J. O. Bv SMITH, at Citizens' Savings Bank._ Feb 22 j Palmetto Lodge School, I. 0. 0. F. P. A. OUMMLNGS, A. B., Prin? cipal. I TERMS Iin MONTH. (Primary English.$3 on Advanced Englieh.4 00 Languages and Mathematics fi 00 This School is now open for tho reception of Btudonta._ Feb 20 lmj Boarders. "B8.R.NKWHOM, residing on Richland streut, between Lincoln and Gates, is now prepared to accommodato six steady hoarders including a lady and gentleman. Fol? -i Bran! Bran!! Bran!!! C AAA POUNDS Wheat BRAN, just UtvwU received and for salo by _; Fob 28_JOHN AG NEW A SON. . Blacksmiths' Tools. A ISYILH, /\. BELLOWS, VISES STOCKS and DIES, a . FILES, RASPb, Ac. Just received and for sale low by I eb 27 JOHN AONEW A SON. M' Special ?Totioes. Mothers, eb Advised.?Always hoop a bot? tle of Dr. Tutt'o celebrated EXPECTORANT in tbo house. It is a certain and pleasant cure for Group, Coughs, Colds, etc It is agreeable to the taste, and obltdren tako it readily. Go to your druggist and get it at | onoe; it may save; the life of your little one. Mobile, Ala., May 97,186?. Dr. W. B. Tutt?Dbab Sib: I should be pleased to advertiao your medicines, and will cheerfully giro you a good notice of your Ex? pectorant, as I nave personally need it with great satisfaction, very respectfully, w. D. MANN, Proprietor of the Mobile Register. The Barters prefer Dr. Tatt's Hair Dye. March 4 tSUl F OB OVEB FOBTY YEABS this PURELY VEGETABLE1 LIVES MEDICINE has proved to be the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for LIVEB COMPLAINT and itapainful off apriog, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun? dice, Bilious attacks, HICK HEADACHE, I Colic, Depression of Spirits, sour STO? MACH, Heartburn, CHILLS AND FEVEB,1 Ao., Ac After years of careful experiments, to meet a great and urgent demand, we now produoe I from our original Genuine Powders THE PREPARED, a Liquid form of SIMMONS' liver REGU? LATOR, containing all its wonderful and vain able properties, and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powders, (price as before,) $1.00 per| package. Sent by mail, $1.01. M?T CAUTION I -C? Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR unless in nur engraved | wrapper, with Trade mark, Stamp and Signa? ture unbroken. None other is genuine. J. H. ZKILIN & CO., MAOON. OA,, and PHILADELPHIA. Bold by all DruggtstB. Jan. 30. [Sept. 14] ffflly._ \J J\. U J_ JL\J.131 I Worcestersh'e Sauce \ Buyers are cautioned to avoid the numerous! Counterfeits and imitations offered for aale. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, New York, Pot 29 fly Agents for the United States. TO PLANTERS, 500 dix0n st;eel co'tton sweep 100 Twisters and Shovols. 10 Dow-Law Cotton Plantors, juat from fac- | tory. 100 pair Trace ChainB. 40 dozen Plow Harnes. Which we offar at popular prices. Febjg_LOBIOK A LOWBANCE. Wearn & Hix's Hew Art Gallery, Main street, Columbia, 8. C. FINE Card and Cabinet PHOTOS from re- I touched Negatives, Oil, Crayon and Pastel Portraits: fine Miniature Work, all stylos; and Photo Coloring, in Water and Oil, at lowest New York rates for same quality work. Miuute Photographs. $2 50 per dozen; Ferrotypes from 50 cents to $8.00 oaoh. A lady in attendance on the Beception Boom._Feb 26 ?Hay! Hay 11 Hay!!! [? f\ BALES Primo Timothy Hay. Just *y\J received and for aale by Feb 28 JOHN AGNEW A SON. Safes! Safes!! TT7E have received the Agenoy of MIL YV LEU'S CELEBRATED FlRB AND BUR- I OL AR PROOF SAFES, and are prepared to I fill orders at manufacturer's prices. We have now on hand two of tho abovo Safes, subject to theinepeotionof purchasers. Feb 26_JOHN AGNEW A SON. To Bent, A TWO-STORY BRICK BUILOIXG, ! corner of Richardson and Upper streets. ?It is admirably adapted for a boardiog houBO?being only three squares from Unitod States Post Offico. Apply to Fob 11_W. MoALLISTEB. Wanted to Bent. A oommodions HOUSE?the Northern part of tho city preferred. A good te .nant, and money promptly paid. For further particulars, applv at Pwenix Office. FobO_ New Publications. NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. London edi? tions, illustrated. New standard works forlibrarioB. Now Novels, in cheap binding. Also, a frcBh Btock of WRITING DESKS. PortfolioB, Gold Pens, Pen-Knive?, Pocket-1 Rooks, Photograph Albums of all sizes, Fancy brackets and Book Shelves, and a generali variety of Letter, Note and Can Papers, En? velopes and Fancy Stationery, for bale by NnvS _R. Ii. BRYAN. Sanders Hou&je. TniS nOUSE, situated at Ninety-Six, Grc-onviilo and Columbia Railroad, has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished. The traveling public may rest assured that they will bo InrnUhed with accommodations second to none in tho Stato, at reaaonablo rates. SANDERS A RRO., . Jan 9 _Proprietors. New Mackerel. KITS Mess and No. 1 MACKEREL. 0\' 50 Half and Whnlo Barrels, Is, 2s, Is. 50 Boxes Scaled norrlngs. 500 Unorgo's Codfish. Fnr sale low by HOPE h GYLES. Peerless Pink Eyes. KrV BARRELS PEERLESS PINK-EYE OU PLANTING POTATOEB, tho moet pro lifio and be?t early Potato yet dieoovered. For ealo at greatlv rodaoed prices by March 2_* JOHN AQNEW A BON._ BIB B0N8, MILLINER Y AND STRAW GOODS. 1873. aubo, White Goods, Embroideries, &e. ARMSTRONG, CATOB & CO., - Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers Bonnet, Trimming, Nkck and Sash Ribbons, VELVET RIBBONS, NECK-TIES, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Orapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, FrameB, Ao STRAW BONNET8 and LADIES' and CHIL? DREN'S HATS, trimmed and nntrimmed. And in eonneoting warerooms, ? WHITE GOODS, Linena, Embroiderios, Lacea, Nets, Collars, Setts, Handkerchiefs, Veiling, Head Nets, Ao., Ao. Noa. 237 and 230 Balxihobk Stbzst, BaLTISIOBE, BID. These goods are manufactured by ua on bought for cash directly from the European and American manufacturers, embracing all tho latest novelties, unequalled in variety and cheapness in any market. Ordere filled with oare, promptness and de? spatch^_Feb 22 St The Mechanics' and Farmers' Building ] and Loan Association, of kiciujAnd county, a. c. President?R. D. SENN. Vioe-Presideut-E. H. HEINIT8H. Secretary and Treasurer?A. G. BRENIZER. Solicitor?JOHN T. SLOAN, Ja. Directors?H. N. Emlyn, J. H. Sawyer, W. Steiglitz. W. J. Dnfflo, H. M. Qibaon, J. B. Palmer, W. H. Stack, J. E. Black, M. H. Berry. ORGANIZED and conducted in the interest j of tho working man and the borrower, thia Association claims advantages superior to any other plan yet suggested. Offers in? ducement for all of limited meana to aecure a homo. Lends tho full value of each share. Clerks, mechanics, laborers will do well to subscribe at once and commence with the first seri?s. Liste will bo found with R. D. Senn, | E. H. Hoinituh and A. G. Brenizer. March 1_;_C_ Change of Schedule?Camden Train, South Carolina Railboad Company, Columbia, 8. C, February 28,1873. ON and aftor 8ATURDAY, March 1, the Campen Accommodation Train wilt run to Columbia on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, as follows: Leave Camden at.7.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia at.11.55 A. M. Leave Columbia at. 2 00 P. M. Arrive at Camdeu at. 0 55 P. M. A. L. TYLER, Vi